Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 27, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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:.f 4
Tho rofoondlng cominlltco nppolnt
od by tliu city council meets In Attor
ney Nowmnn'B office ovor tho Jack
son County linnk every nftornoon this
wodlc And will bo Rlad to liovo nil In
terested cnll find tnlk tho proposition
ovor with thorn boforfti tlfby make
tholr report. ' '' ''
'"" lf.o nny.whoro In city.
Formerly Alco Tilxl. New offlcb Nash
flolol, Phono S33.
Mr. and Mr. C. 13. Noiit and son
Of CorvrtlllB, T. A. Ilotit of Missouri
nnd Jlr. innil iMrii A. IC. ,nuff aro
Bii6fltfl nt 'tlio homo of Mrs. i). O,
Hoho, 113 CottaRO nvo.
Many out of town pooplo will he
in tho city Thursday to hear Wil
liam .Tonnlngn llrynn, ponce apoHtln
tiiid bOHt bolovod or American politi
cal characters. Tho atroiiKoat fol
lowing of tho Nohrnkan In .larkKon
' county l In tin? ronntry dltilct,
many of whom regard na a pernonal
insult any word analnnt him,
Velvet !c cream nt Do Voo's.
liniohall thin ovonlmc at (1:150 ho
tweun tho nuptial and Christian
eo Ilavo Wood about Hint flro In
Btiraiico policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno
lid lloninlihun roturnod Sunday
ijlfjht from a. visit to Hah FraiiclmTo.
Iffi aleo attended tho ICIkh' conven
tion at I.ob Angcle.
i.dokl A aortal on Mookor' lawn
nor. llartlett mid 4th. "Wednojdny i).
m. M. K. l.atllM begin nerving at
1. Fruit ahorbat anil cake Ific.
On account of Ilryan Hponklng at
tho park at 8 o'olock tho MothodUt
prayor mooting will bo hold from 7
to 8 Thursday evening.
Only tho namo In new, Scholr. ban
mndo "Nono lJotlor nrond" for ton
years In Medford. 108
Ilfcavy traffic Ib now tho rulo on
Boutiibound Southern Pacific patison
Kor train. No. 13 thin morning ran
In two BoctloiiH. Travel to tho uxpo
nltlon In oh a stonily lncroao.
Kurilo ficholz Ih hnkltiK tho Nono
Hatter Ilroad. 108
l'. II. Kerr, president of O. A. IV,
.Iflfforaoii Mydru, u recent of the In-
Btltullon and wife, and Addition Hon
ilott. venornblo Hpoelul correspondent
of tlio 1'orlland OroKonlnn, left Moil
dhy nftornoon for Urania !'. attar
n Iwo dny InjPOpJlau of tho Blato ox
llnilinnntul farm -at Talent. ' '
I take prldo ltitnHlcliiR your watflh
keep perfect tlirtor 'Minvo orery fa
olllty for dolnB fine watch repairing.
JohiiHon tho Jowolor.
Mr. Sarah Thomn of Urantn Paw
visited frlonda and relntlvo In thin
city the flrt of the week.
"When that auto whwl crnck and
pop It iiouda fixing. Wo ninko n
Holld a nw, at a Binnll oxponio. Ill l
llnga Carriage and Auto Work.
Prank (1. Owen and wife left Mon
day ovenlnR for Portland whoio they
wort culled by the luddBn death of
Mm. Owon'a mother, duo to heart
failure. Mr. Hellijr wh a duiiRhtor
of dx-Uovernor ln, and pionilnout
In the ploiieor lire of the Mute.
Do Voo carries tho boat lino of
flvo cont clKum In tho elty.
llNbert AIIoh or thin city returned
Monday frow n ien mouth' vlalt to
Hann, Nevada. He will letuin to No-
vaila In tho toll.
JnhiiMn, at the Hook Store, an
oxjwrt watoh repairer.
' J. 'T. fciilllfan. manager of tho
TUtgna lMv)r 'Canal i'omMnr. Iiuh r
ttmiatl fram an Mto trip to Crater
Moroltnt' Lunoh. ItBe. The ghnBtn
Sliklyou nr'CalMitln water, 10c per
bottle nt De Voe'n.
WnUer Uown hU family have i
turned from an automoblU vUlt to
111 lau Kranrlntn exposition.
GbeMlaUi. SO oeutu lb. De Voo's,
The condition of (letieral William
SlooyAmltli eonflnixt al HaeriHl Heart
boipltal la ImprovtnK aiTonllna to re
porta from th hoepllal thla mernlim.
llowa-tnada paatry at the Sbastu.
Aariaraon Itooth of Kugene i
afaa4lBR a few day III lb city and
valley atu-udln to tmalnoaa mat i em
Ta your wateh to Johuaoa, the
Jeweler, yon wilt melre uumually
iood aervto.
Heory Callavhan and K W. Curnu
han a4 tto have left fof the Hlue
14b4 4lat)ifi.
Uod Mapk of California. MedforU
Book Mora. !'
.. ikM Klower of Balwoa Har. Pal
LfjrpUat U un4l a few da In the
ojtf m bUHiftaaa.
iafely and aenrlee. We give both.
Holme, the laaatiranc Man
J A. MVaterluud ami Tarl Teng
wald and party left tbit morning on
an auto ttln to Prater hake.
Drink iviro Kola "tint for tatrat"
fie at your favorite fountain. 17
Krank Itnmir of Rlddlo la apedl
& fw daK In the Hty attending to
UUafliaM mall, r
u'Froah roatited iMumla U Da Voi,
Qeorge i'i nit mi at tan Kranctaeo
ia halting I'l""'" 'd mlatlvaa ta
lliia clt '' " " ' '
Alaii Taxi. !' uu !. In eHf;
Itroglpi oolla. eareful drtrr. nhon(
Sfcl-lt. I
I D. Oregory of A)bany spent
Monday In Medford nttenillnR to bus
Inepfl matters.
F. II. Johnson of Marsllfleld Bpent
tho first of tho week In this city on
Our knowledge of exposures, dovel
opIiiB and prlntlnB will help you K't
better Kodak results. Medford Hook
Store. 1"8
John Ortli and family returned
Monilny front a two week 'a vnrhtloil
trip to tho Klnmath ronntry and
northern California points.
J. O. Ocrkinp, tho best all around
photographer In Bblitliorn Oregon.
Always rellablo. NoKallvos made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main 8t. Phono 320-.I.
M. K. Mncnln of Oleiiila, Waah.,
a dalrynlan of the Cowlltx valley, Is
Bpoiiillng n few days In tho city In
sM.'CtliiK local conditions.
Gut your butter, eggs, cream, milk
dna butter milk at De Voo'n.
Deor aro reported plentiful In the
mountain and foothills districts and
aro leportod to bo feodliiK lower than
usual, raiding i;inln fields for food.
Frank Henry of tho Steamboat dis
trict reports that ho believes the quail
and grouse are being grndually oxter
mlnnteil by bluejays, and thnt they
have been redticcd two thirds this
year from this cause. Tho bluejays
attack the nost of the niinll and
grouse during the hutching season,
destroy the oggH and kill the young
out of pure bird cusscdncss. Henry
favors placing a bounty on blucjnys
as a menus of curbliiB their activity.
Scores of Medford people will goj
on the Klk'a excursion to Colestin
next Sunday. Maborato arrange
ment have bono made for tho occas
ion, and n Hjieclnl train will he run
from." nil points In tho Itoguo river
valley. Tho fare from Medford Is
Hnvo you tried ono of thoso Ho
milk Bhnkos at DoVoo's?
1). C. Franklin of Sim Jose. Cal.,
Is Hpondlng tho week In the city nnd
valley on business.
Hugh Poston, ono of the crack
marksmen of the coast, Is visiting In
S. A. Kuton'of Salem returned to
his homo Monday after spending a
week In thlH city.
In tho mordlug rosMoii of tho
Country club tennis toumoy Conger
bent IC ii 111 . (M, C-2, thus gaining a
pliu'o In the seml-riunls, which be
gin Thumday morning. Tho contest
ants In this event are expected to be
Conger, Adams, the tltlo holder,
Kgnh, and Connor. The tennis tour
iiuy Is aroiiMlng great luterest.
Win ton Cninoru Shop for first class
Kodak finishing nnd Kodak supplies.
Itegluald Parsons nnd fuiillly leave
Wodnosday for the 8an Francisco ex
position. (oorge l. Reed of I.n firnmle,
proprietor of the Foley hotel, for
merly proprietor of tho Josephine ho
le) nt (Irauts Pass, and before that
publisher or newspiiHrs In various
parts of Oregon, Is visiting A. K.
Itnmnw nud renowlng aciilialntanoH
In the valley.
IC. S. Pn.on of Mlsnouln, Mont.,
a pioneer of that state, spent today
lBltlng with bis boyhood friend, S.
S. HullU of this elty. They grew up
together, and had not seen each other
for yearn. Mr. Paxson Is a brother
or It. II. Paou of Central Point,
and an iirlUl of note, painting a num
ber of painting of the west and Us
event. Mr. llullls Inn en this after
noon on a mouth's business trip to
Sun Francisco, I.oh Angeles and New
Quick service for your Kodak fin
ishing. Ko Weston' Camera Shop.
CbnrliMi Hunter or Aahlnud spent
Monday afternoon In Medford at
tending to bualnew matters.
There wa a further moderation In
ihe weather today tho mercury r
lug SB degree at noon, with a brisk
wind blowing. The weather forecast
I for fair and cloud), though there
1 not a qloud hi sight. A rain would
be welcomed.
W. It. Coleman is spending the
wi'fk on the upper Applegate looking
over milling property.
Dr. J. F. Iteddy. .1. I). Hell. George
Mini. Mima Uarkdull and George Car-
ten motored to the little l.edgo dis
trict Sunday.
John M. ItiMit had taken a hand In
the mining properties of Andrew Jelil-
iiea. It la reported on behalf of
Arliouii mining men.
A. ). Mill of the Wood Lumber
fa., leave WtHlnlwdii) H a ten d
I rip with hi family to Crater Lake.
(Cautluuad front 110 One.)
and art up lr. Kou!v.
I'ii to the retil Ihe tight in he-
lieeu laiyelv M" Uorthern muM
of Ihe Uliutd.
Hear Anjniral CniwHon, 1'nitsl
Klnte iun, hu been in eutuuiMn'i
i'f the Anu-nean eruieer Wuhi.ijil'n
hi lUilbu walern iee earl in J'i.
Th Freaeh uUu have had cruiser
ihi the Uaitein eoaai.
The Bubo revttlt w- eVrkM a
I. w Anv nfw-r (lew-hl nMiilnuiu'
w.i- priM'laiiin il oi"idiiil of Iliuii
' . I Mar. b
WaKIIIN'OTON, July 27. -Kir Ki.
Word flrey ealiled Keeretnrv l.nninx
today thrtl tlie HHthli government
has III preptmilioil iihoihei' note to
the niiteil Sliiti'M on the order in
council, nmt iihkcii unit Hie note de
livered .venlehlii he wllllllcld fHiltl
pulilienlioii, penilliig rcc0lil or (lit1
new eonilniiiiiealloii, Thi'i-i'Tort;
terilny's note -ill mil he pitMUii'it
lomorrovv moiiiliig, lis ' Inlil Id'oii
The meMHnKi' said lite Hew nolo
would he Iiun in a whel:.
In ol'fielnl ilinrtcit the develop
mcnl wns rejtiirdctl as liigllly illlll
emit. The heller prevailed ttint the
last Atneiienn note to (leiinnuV with"
its lelerenees to tile ficciln'm nl' the
M'us may have inrilleneiM flFcitl liilt
niti to plnee IicmMI' on vccohl ns nd
vnntiiKe to tithe under cliiifcltfernticfn
any new Miiggeotions by 1 lie Tniled
Stntes to the be!licrcnt.
Sir lMwnnl Ore.vV rcn,iict that
the note received yeslerilnv In wltli
lield, wns tnkcu to menu itt nil event1!
Hint n new Niliuilldil hod iiiIhi'ii, or
t In 1 1 some new proposal were tilnnlt
to be mnitc hv flrent Britain to al
leviate the efiVels of the nnler in
II'iiIh Tor the hulldinc of Ihe new
road entrance into t'rnfer Lake Park
were opened liv Ihe enmity court till
morning, hut no award wns hmile.
loliu (Irieve wiih tho lowest bidder.
The new road will Hhorten the dis
tance, mid he n mile mid three
(tmrlers In length. It will lend
through the 1'inniiclc, eompnied
with the Palisades of the lltulooii in
beauty, nud up t'nstle Creek Wiliyon,
also noted for its M-eiicrv. The road
will follow a water "inde.
nurmi Uses modern
methods in baking
Tho N'nrinl linking company has
recently Installed three now ma
chines and now have one or tho most
up to date sanitary plants on the
const. This company commonced
business In Meiirord ton months ago
nnd by giving tho people the best
thnt cnu be made by modern methods
from best materials and by ndvertls
lug freely have bitllt up a wonderful
business for "llutter-Ntit" niid "Pan
Dandy" bieiul all ovor the county nud
city nnd hnvo a big nut of town busi
ness. They are now baking ItilOO
loavoH of bread dally, have baked as
high as n.OilO and hope to reach their
capacity soon of SHOO loves daily and
will then Install another oven nud
Increase the capacity to 12,000
Their object or advertising llbernl-
Iv Is not to tPke business from other
bakeries but to Increase the ilemnud
for bakery bread and pastries nnd
dlsiournge home baking.
They Invite Visitors nuy duy from
fi to S p. in., except Saturdays, when
their baking Is In progress. Their
pro rows I as follews: Flour l first
put In a power bitter and from that
It Is dumped Into n power mixer,
then Into troughs where after being
properly rnlsod it is put Into the new
divider where It Is scnled Into loaves,
cnrrled on belt Into the rounding up
machine and then Into tho automatic
proofer whoro It remains from four
to 10 minute and Is then dihchaiged
Into a molding machine nnd from
there It Is ready for tho oven. All
this work Is done niitnuintlcally by
mucblner and the only ttmo- the
dough Is touched by hand Is when It
Is taken from the trough nnd put
Into the divider and when It Is put III
pan for baking.
( Continued from pago ono)
ha mowetl them down In mnwio. The
auMtrlHii losses would niepnr to be
the heavier, arcordlng to tho news
paper. The Italian army ha lost a
general officer on the Austrian Iron
tier. General Antonio Cantore wa
Killed In Umlo white at the head or
hi men.
A correspondent on the Italian
front of a Gorman uaoaper ha de
aertbed the fighting along the lsonto
rher tta the mightiest and most
fright fttl or the ar. For aeven d
It has been going on and no reault
have et been attataed. Captive i..i
Iom are botng need to direct the fir.-
of teh art IHr and Italian aeroplane
are betttf brought forward in at
leihuU to doatroy the railroads In the
rear ot I Wo Auatrlan line.
Thee have boon no development.
of any wowent on the weetern trout
The Ftvnr ofrtrtal report of todut
imII.h a fe minor cagBenHnu '"" n iIimiii' i'f i.n'i tjl" '
I. I), nrnhl ol S.m I'l.inei-iii, lor
iiicrls o' the linn ol Murph, tlrniit
& Co., diieetor in noun Sun I'Ynii
elco brink, vice-president ol tin' I'a
iiiiiini exposition and one ol' the lead
ing cnpljnlisfK ot Cnlifornin, arrived
with his fmdllv Monday evening
from Creseenl Cilv ami Wcildcrliiirn.
lie h JutcioHtcd in the Cnlifornin-
tJI-egHii 1'ilwTft Co., ilinl llnH13IWl
inlisl fuvOnlllly with Medford find the
llofflie river- foillev. '
"I think .Medford one or tho most
ntlrnetlii) suthll i-ititS Hi the cbiliilry"
shhl .Mr. (Mint. "While tiims rth
hard nl prercht, the future fs litidit.
The war h'Hl changi'd lini'ineinl eon
dition4 null Uie I'nited Stntes will
lU'ieattcr lie the great itnestiilj; no
tion. Tlie flow or KnglWi gold for
tler(lonettt jllirpoes nnd for farm
liillns hn censed nnd lierettHer wf
must look tn iiurnwn liistltiiliohs for
"The I'niled Slates in secniinj; nn
iiiinieile iiinittint of Inonev for war
miltiilioils niid InincliiN, stick ns cop
jler mill' leiHl nml klne, n well its
j'o'oilst tiffs. Outside (If the-e Jndus
tn'cs, )usiue.s in the uiilioh is dull,
but there- i4 "h f;riidiinl reviVnl.
"I Ihfillc nortliein Culifoniin and
southern Oregon nre briphl with
iromlo for'developmenl. I lime al
ways thoiight so, henl-e mv invest
ments, ami llio-e ol' mv friends."
.Mr. Grant will leme tonight for
San Franeitieo.
LONDON', July 'J7. Appnrenlly
deteniiiiied to demoralize tu. Hritisli
lish supply us much ns possible two
(lermuit hiibmnrmes have iuHared
siiihlenly among the fishing fleet off
the north const of Scotland, nnd hy
shell fire sunk nine trawlers.
In each che, in spite of a vigorous
shell fire from the Uennnn boats,
the crews escaped without injury, al
though some drifted In open bouts for
4(1 hour- before being picked up. All
of the men were hunted mfelv today.
.Many other fishing ve-sels have
been foreedflo take refuge in iiorlhein
harbors. (
(lennniK on the Milium Hues shouted
in good Kuglihh to the Hri(ili sail sail
ors: "Wo hnvo nico little lorpeilnr-
here for Winston Churchill nml Sir
Kdwnnl Orty."
Soaled prolosnls will be received at
the resideucb of the iinderslgned, nt
Derby, Oregon, until six o'clock p, nt
TIU'IISDAV, AUdt'ST 5, 1!K.,
for the erection of a two roomed
school building for District No. :il,
Jackson County,. Oregon, on the pres
ent site, at Derby, Oregon Plans
may ho examined at the residence or
F. It. Nell, Derby. Cash or certified
check for 10 percent of amount or
proposal, payable to L. II. Caster,
School Clerk, must nrcompany each
proposal. Shuld successful bidder
fall to enter Into contract within five
days after award, deposit to be for
felted. Hoard of Director reserve the
right to reject any and nil proposals.
School Clerk Dial. No. 31. Jackson
County, Oregon.
Dated July St, 1015. 110
Stockmen aro beginning to feel the
need of Iritaatlon, for their are few
pasture In thb valley with water.
Several owners of lareg bands or
stock, Including Nichols and .Uhpolo
are looking lor pasture with water
FOR S.M.K -Four passenger Flan
ders, good running order, new
tires, $:.'.. 00. Phone mii-X or
call Medford Hotel Hal tier Shop.
FOR SALK -Household good Phone
Slill-I.. 100
POOR SAl.K Large team, Spaiilding
hark two wagons, two -wood raiks,
.sprtng I'Hitli harrow, band pump
"l'1 Hi' Axe Phone t:-M
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Milk
Upbuilds evw part of the body tfTi.icntlr.
l'.iul.nscd by of Phvauuns,
Mothers and Nuuci the woild or for
more I run a vjuaitrr of a cntsr.,
Cotivtiuf m no cooUnjj nor addoiorut
milVir)uoisi. Simply dlHoIvt In watr.
Aetm when other fmsii olien lIL
Simp!, fi,r, HORUCK'S, foclnt, i:
r at HORUCK'S, tho OH.,,.
At the special meeting of tho city
council Mondny the application or tho
Hogue itlver Public Service corpora
tion for an electric franchise wnB
postponed until after n decision from
tfio federal court on tho Cnllfornla
Orogon suit, and Colonel Sargent,
BUix-Fuxr. br tho council, nude his
usual spinner, aitacKing tlio press
in genernj and the Mall Tribune In
particular, under the apprehension
tliat he wns "being oucbered."
Petitions ptotes'llug ngnliiHt-the
grnhtlng or tho frnnchlse, until de
cisions on vital points had been re
ceived from higher authorities than
tho city council, were rend from the
Merchants nssoclatlon and a number
Of women, some or whom belong to
tho Greater Medford club. The mat
ter of filing a petition under tho
namo of the Greater Medford club
was discussed nt n recent meeting,
and tho organization decided to re
main noutrnl. Practically nil tho bus
inessmen of tho city signed the Mer
chants nssOclntlon petition which was
presented by Secretary John II. Car
It Ins.
Tho announcement of tho new pro
posals or tho Callrornla-Oregon com
pany has created a favorable public
sentiment for n compromise.
How French People
Cure Stomach Trouble
A household remedy of tho French
peasantry, consisting or pure vege
table oil, and snld to possess won
dcrrul merit In the trentment or
stomach, liver nnd Intestinal troubles,
hns been Introduced inthln country
by (leoigo II. Mnyr, who ror twenty
years, hns been ono of Iho leading
down-town druggists or Chicago nnd
who himself was cured by Its Iiso.
So quick and effective Is Kb action
that a single dosn is usually enough
to bring pronounced relief in the
most stubborn cases, and many jieopln
who have tried It declare they never
hoard or anything to produce such
remarkablo results In so short a time.
Il is known as Miiyr's Wonderful!
Uolncdy and can now be had lit all j
leading drugstores, It Is sold with
tlie positive understanding that your
innnoy will be refunded without ques
Hon or quibble If ONH bottle falls to
give ou absoluto ratlfifactlon dv
l a hnndliap In llfr I can examine
your eyes nnd make r buses to give
you normal Ion,
aaafdl Ul aiaaH
Ten Per Cent Reduction
On Lee Non Skid Tires
HI i--''r ,
1 Don 'I forget among all the otha ,
good things to
m Of course, "yours" way or may )
ajj not ha fatima. -" r
To Crater Lake
Tlie Travel Is Now On.
Bonk your scats ahead with tho Hall Taxi Co.
Govpi'tinuMit carriol'. lOvoiy attention is shown our
customers to make this one of the most enjoyable
trips in the west. '
Pop information phone 100. Office Crater Lake
M I ,
Qiinlit is a eoinmon word, often mis-used.
is.mude from liiyli pnteut t'lotir, and be. of other ninleriiils
Wi do not ask you to take our word for it, curiie nnd see
Nui miV wnv of milking lireud. It's interesting. Whether
you tie our bread or not you aie welcome. Kverv night,
except Sal in da v, from (I to S.
Out II read .it
Makers of "Butter-Nut ami "Pan-Dnntly" Bread.
all the firoi