Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'WWIIII'llii , iil 111 1
A brush and forest flro In tho
Willow Springs district Sunday, sup
posed lo have boon started liy a fol
lower of tho theory that burning of
wooded sections annually Is neces
sary for a heavy growth bf grass the
following spring, threatened tho homo
of Julius Ilerkholdt and the Willow
Springs school house, and damaged
half a mllo of telephono and tole
Kraph wlrn and poles. After an all
day fight tho flro was brought under
control. A menacing flro swept over
the same district about this tlmo last
year. Practically the entlro neigh
borhood was out fighting tho flames.
CHANTS PASS, Ore., July 20. A
frnst flro which did considerable
lamnge In tho orchard district flvo
miles north of hero yesterday and
last night, wns under control today.
Kour ranch houses and numerous
barns and other outbuildings were de
stroyed. Tho Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company and the Postal
Telegraph company had wires and
poles destroyed for n dlstnneo of ono
and a half miles along tho county
The Recond dny of tho Country
club tennis tourney to decldo the otn
n In honors of southern Oregon
brought out a largo crowd Sunday.
All the matches were fast and Inter
eslng. Tennis players throughout
the valley are highly Interested In
thtj contest. The most Interest was
centered In the 11. Chandler Kgan
Hobert Peloiuo match, Kgan win
ning. Tho scores for tho day were:
llromley beat Pierce, 6-1, C-l.
Connor beat Uromley, fi-.l, 0-2.
Adams beat Clark, 0-1, 0-2.
Carpenter beat Mealoy; 0-0, 0-0.
Heckwlth beat I.C(piard, 0-2, 0-2.
ttihl beat Preston, by defeault.
Huhl beat HecUwIth, 0-2, 0-1.
Kgan beat Pclniir.e, C-2, 0-1.
lllddlo and nardwoll boat Hosen
thal and Pierce, by default.
Connor and Clark beat lllddlo and
Uardwelt, 0-1, 0-1.
T.OXDONT, July 20. Five- tlimiMinil
dollar each lor the lirt ten diri
gible balloons de-trocd i Hie prize
offered to tho Hritih niriiien today
by Huron .Mtchncl limn. The only
provision is that unship uiu-t he de
stroyed while in the air.
( Continued from page ono)
7 aftl) wntts lit $3 21.00
IS 1(10 watts at $1.20 57.(10
(III 3 It 10 wntU nt $1.30 103.(10
31 5 It 10 watth at $,,.."0.. 33.00
r $308.20
.o.s 3 por cent of gnws (ox
idative of oity'.s bill) $137.00
Lass per cent of gros (ex
clusive of city's bill) 220.01
If oily furnishes renewals nnd nl
tond to rcplneinir the lamps, allow
uueo of 15 per eenl ... $S3.2I
If eity accepts 3 por cent proposi
tion mid the furnUliinp: of ieiiewul:
I.o.s 3 por oont ..-.$137.00
Los fi per cent 83.2-1 223.20
If eity noeapU a por cent proposi
tion iiini the furnishing of ioiiowiiIk;
$300.20 3 per cent $220.0 1
Luw Jfi per emit .... 83.21 313.18
A to whethor thU proposed aeree
raoiit for atroet lighting i.- to be for
37 ore, or fur 10 year, i to de
pend upon the deeieiuu of the fd
oial iHHirt in its dcturmiiiatiun us to
tilt) tuna of the eontmct now in lit i -
The cltiiens of Hasoburg at a mau
niootUg adopted rcMlwtluiu oppolnp
any wave that may bo inude In the
llrtUtu of plavlHg the Oroaon and
CalUarHta railroad land In a national
or fclate rerve, aa such a wove
would IW- the lands up an Indefinite of f-4 .ill'l dprtc Hip
ruiiiiiv of i ho . .ind- of duioim of
taxi a,
Franklin Ritchie and Louise Vale
head an unusually strong cnM m the
Itingrnph drama "I'nder Two Flnjr,'
from the celebrated novel by Qiiiita.
This three part production is one of
the strongest Hiograpli features ever
produced. The plaj has successfully
loured the eountrv for scleral sea
sous and more thnn five million cop
ies of the imel hue been in circula
tion. "I'nder Two Flags" will be
one of the features of the program at
the I'a (jo Monday and Tuesday.
News From Our Neighbors
Mrs. O. IVndhind nml daughter,! I-oeal police are on tho lookout for
.Miss Flora Adkins of Talent, .spent violators of speed regulations within
Saturday and Suiidav in Tnhle , c,t' llmlls- Saturday night, wntch
ek. ' I"B for such in the vlclnty of tho
Miss Clara Ooli.ns is spemung the 't,t cliurcli comer, their vigils
week visitinjj friends in Medford. wo -warIed by the halting of sev-
Clarenee Middlcbuslicr who iii na , who woro rnllod ,,,on ,0 ,nnko
been e.nploved at the Vincent ranch factory explanations for going nt
for some lime has returned lo his'n Joyrldn nnce. A party from Med
homestead near Trail lo lake .-are of orrt. ",v,n th" nn,no of '''r"k Ot
itis hay crop. Uuv' for '""""'"K the midnight oil at
. it. Ilvnun and familv went lo,,0) rnl,l,, ' "" J'ennllzed In the
Aptilegate Monday to he at the hcd-imim r '" 0,ll0rfl wl r"ow '" his
si.l.. nr Mrs. Snltiimrsh who is re-1 wn, 01ll' "! themselves fined
ported to be in a critical condition.
Miss Heche and Miss Mario
Xealon are spendinj the week at
In addition to Xo. 1.1, tho Laundry
men's special was held up hero for
Crater Lake, the uost of Mr. and "ovonil hours owing to tho wreck
Mrs. ". Sufje.
jeast of town, last Friday. Thoy might
Fd Vincent who is an nil uroiind ,,invo Ktlc 0,,t n '' wn' l tho
athlete is iiistrnctinjr a class of , eantlnio, and were even denied a
voting people in the art of swimminjj. lrl" n,,0"t the city for fear that tholr
The young peach orchard on tho train would depart any minuterAs
Kmijj ranch has a fine crop this year," r,H,lU "collars and cuffs" were a
and through the generosity of Mr. trifle disappointed over the holdup
and Mrs. Frank Myers who hae a here,
lease on Iho ranch s o this delicious ,,0,t lunches nro now sened on
fruit has reached several tables in " 1- Vn M. M. IS, R.1 and SI,
thin vicinitv. over tho fihasta route, hunch cabl-
Itml (luge of Oehcnger (lap was
down this way with his new binder
and pulled into the Carlton ranch
to cut a picco of wheat hut soon
pulled out ngniu admitting that the
grain in this locality was too rank
for him.
Houdinot Conner has been quite
busy lately in the vicinity of Med
io nl defending his title of champion
tenuis player of southern Oregon.
The harvest is on in earnest in this
district and every -able modicd man
and horse is pressed' into service,
nets havo been installed on flvo
coaches of Nob. 15 and 10, n waiter
being In charge who goes through
tho tourist and day coaches, taking
"short ordom" for coffee, sondwlches
nnd other l!ht refreshments.
Tho fUli and gamo commission's
car, "Halnbow," passed through Sat
urday afternoon, southbound for the
hatchery nt Slsson, after 100,000
hrook trout which will be taken to
(Herniate, Oro to be turned loose In
streams tributary to that territory.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dee (they
The luill tiiiini will iouriiev In .Ini-k. i wouldn't dlviilco their nroner nnmes)
oomillo Sunday to play the lntt struck town Saturday evening, bound
game of the series with the team at i for Seattle to San Francisco, tnklng
that place, as eae hteaiii lias a game
to' itn credit this will probably be a
game worth sooin;r.
Probably somo of the rankost
grain in the valley was grown in thU
distiict this season eonseiueiitly the
binders are all about a week behind
their schedules and pnilic waiting
to have their grain cut mo getting
Harry Xealon lias applied for
membership in the Ford club and it'
he has the noceswuv funds about the
first of August will become a full
fledged member,
James Reese has sold his entire
berry crop to the Rogue Rivor Fruit
and Produce association.
Tho news of tho paiiii(ir of two of
of sturdy pioneers, Vinton Ileal nnd
George .Jackson, whs received with
regret in this district whoio both
were well known.
Perhaps the Iom k more keenly
felt by our older settlers who being
hero when the valley had fewer in-
iinimauis ami ecrv one kiicw iii
neighbor, had a better ehaneo to
know their many sterling pialitie.
(Continued from Page One.)
In that communication the Tinted
States government vigorously n
seited iU position that even if the
American ship carried contrubuud of
war, it was isieulmtly protected from
destruction by the stipiilntinns of
tho PrmMian-AiHorii-aii titwty ot
1S2S. Flax, which v beiiifr cained
by the I.oelanaw, was declared alo
lutu etiiitrabaud by Germany uu April
IS a rvtuliatkiH ajjaiu.l th Itrita-h
eontraband dtfelanUkm. Yhi prt--eMlcnt
of iiitoniHtioiMl law iu re
cent years, Miport0il part ieuUrly b
the DisluratioH of I.omtoii. liar i
eofftiuusl tb" rmlit ot belli-, r.-nl t
sink M Heiltlitl M-f-.-l . aiTili' !!
tnilMllttl 11 tii abi, Hrio tt-rlUiU
eoiiilfHiiiMliou bv a pna cuiiit, I In
IK'liim hits lo-fll llitilllil to extreiiM
Ill'l - 1I 111 I -il i V llt-li 1 III' t.lLlll. "I
.1 I'! 7 ' .miI W.i a, I , ,,. , , ,
air i ILi i-'i. u..iki ti'i i .i't ,r'
In YoKomlte park en routo. Nomi
nally on a hiking trip, they admitted
taking advantago of such proffered
transportation 4y auto or other con
veyance on tho way, such courtesies
being Unlawfully received. They car
ried the minimum of marching equip
ment nnd woro making no records.
Conductor Louis llllty In the pas
senger sorvlce, who has recently un
dergone an operation at the Southern
Pacific hospital at San Francisco,
planned to leavo that city on July
2."i for Sun Diego and othor Southern
California points, thus extending his
vacation boforo returning to duty on
the Ashland-Iled Illuff run.
11. L. Wlncholl, director of traffic
on tho I'nion Pacific, accompanied by
Ciorrlt Fort, passonger traffic nian
aor of tho same system, were In
Ashland Sunday on their way to San
About as dull a hunch of excursion
ists as ever passod through hero wero
the Hoston Klks, totally devoid of en
thusiasm and unresponsive to proffer
ed courtoslos such as won from all
other organizations a spontaneous ac
knowledgment. A baked bean and
brown brnd garage ought to bo In
stalled as an annex to tho exhibit
building, in tho hopes of awakening
a responsive chord among tho New
II P. Holmes, grncoryman and flor
ist, decorated bis store last Saturday
with the finest sweet pen oxhlblt on
record horo. Thero woro 80 varie
ties as to dlstlnet foliage, and over
50 receptacles wore usod in displaying
these in addition to a number of
blended exhibits. The blossoms wore
all from kla homo premises on Man
aaulta street.
John W. Hunt of Portland, son of
A. F Hunt, and member of the live
stock eomuihHdon firm or Hunt &.
tens, is a visitor among familiar
h emes In Aahlaud. the family havliiK
fmuierljr nwltlwt here.
lUiorte Kramer, S P agent left on
Kuitdst for Newport to Juln hl family
i. ii l.rlef outing .it tl.c 'rfKid
u v 1( V i arn alu in ) M-ii.r ot mo
Crescent City this week for the ben
efit of Mrs. Carnahan's health, she,
being an Invalid. Tho Journey will
be a leisurely ono by team.
Frank Foltz, Southern Pacific sloro
keeper, went to Diinsmulr on Friday
to meet his wife and children upon
their return from an exposition visit
lo San Francisco.
Word from Wostwood, Cal an
nounces the serious Illness of John
Mosler, he having experienced a
paral)tlc stroke. Mrs. Moslor nnd her
niece, Miss Until Osinun, havo been
visiting In Iowa and Minnesota, but
now are on their return to Westwood.
I The family recently resided hero,
Miss Osinun having been an operator
In the local telephono exchange.
Mrs. George Pnrucker of Medford
Is visiting her son, II O. Pnrucker,
local representative of the Metropoli
tan Life.
Mrs. C. A. Kllason left early In tho
week for n week's outing nt Newport
with her daughters, Mrs. tleo. Kramer
and Miss Uerthn Kllason, who pro
ceded her there.
Last Tuesday morning early, about
a dozen boy scouts In full marching
order left Ashlnnil for a week's outing
nt Lake of tho Woods. Among tho
number wero Lloyd Crowson, Clnrk
Payne, Dwlght Gregg, Harry Sllvor,
John Stout, George Gray and Hon
ald Dickerson. They hiked all tho
way, reaching tho lake Wednesdny
evening, the dlstanco being nearly -10
miles. Jny Crowson, fotlier of Lloyd
went along, also Ira Johnson as team
ster who hauled tho supplies, llov.
A. H. lilackstone, pastor of tho llap
tlst church, commanded tho brlgnde.
They bad hardly struck camp when
young Crowson, 12 years old, cut his
knee with nn nx while foraging for
wood. Living up to the traditions of
tho organization, the hospital corps
dressed tho wound, doing a skillful
Job In surgery na devolpnients show
ed upon the lad's arrival bore. He Is
not seriously Injured, but the meas
ure of disappointment Is great awing
to his being compelled to forego tho
pleasures of tho outing.
Tho Methodists hold an nl fresco
prayer meeting on the parsnoage lawn
last Thursday evening ,wlth reserv
ed sent and electric fight accompan
iments. The hour of prayer wns fol
lowed by a plunge, led by tho perspir
ing pastor, at tho Hclmnn baths.
Charloy Llndsoy, on his broad acres
In tho Dead Indian rectlon, which
tract embraces about 2000 acres, Is
pasturing a lot or stock on the prem
ises, Including over SO mules and a
number of horses which nro taking
a summer vacation from strenuous'
labors on the Pacific highway, espec
lolly the Siskiyou mountnlu section.
They aro tho property of contractors
on that Job.
Jim Vhyto of Medford. nn official
of the Oregon Ons and Kloctrlc Co.,
was lu town several days Inst week
on business matters connected with
tho corporation.
Local stockholders of tho Univer
sal Metallic Tie Co., a corporation
with headquarters nt Salt Lake, form
ed for the purpose of exploiting a
novelty In the-way of Improved rnll
road tie, are receiving notices of as
sessment on teh common stock of tho
concern. Thero wos about $30,000
worth of shares disposed of In terri
tory extending from tills city to
Grants Pnss. and originally the shares
wero listed on tho Ashland stock ex
change at $5 pur value This assess
ment Is pnyable on or boforo Aug
20, 1915. MM Hughes promotod tho
-X "" JJ"J-Jt-5-"5' v"5' 5 " X"55""5mX5'45,5 J 5-j-s5J
A Weak, Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Ilasota, Minn. " I am Rind to snjr
ihat Lydin E. Pinkhum's VcRotablo
compound nan uono
more for me than
anything else, and I
had the best physi
cian here. 1 was so
weak and nervous
thut I could not do
my work and suf
fered with pains low
down in my right
side for a year or
more, I took Lydiu
E, Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, nnd now I feel like u
different person. I believe there in
nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for weaK women ami
young girls, und I would bo glad If 1
could influence anyone to try the medi
cine, for I know it will do all and much
more than It is claimed to do." - Mrs.
C'LAUA FitANKS, It. F. D. No. 1, Maple
crest Farm, Kusota, Minn.
Women who suffer from thoso dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydiu E.
Pinkham's Vegetable ( omptiund to re
store their health by the many genuino
and truthful testimonials we aro con
stantly publishing in th newspajxTH.
If you Imvo tho slightest doubt
that Lydia U.riiikhHiii'H Vuta-
hlo Compound will help you, write I
tu J.ydiu r;.j'iiii;imui.ii:uifiiico.
I (coiilldentlal)Ly".,ssMf"rad-
t Ice. Your letter v 111 l opened,
i .... I t.i.,1 i.iiuii'j.ri.fl liv lk it'ittiiiitt. .
p .- naa ih-.rtb, iLns a trp toj Hlul jlcm ju gtjhji touUdcnc. I
98C Trimmed Hats 98c
Entire Stock of
Worth to $15.00 Each
Eighty-five Hats to Choose From All
at the One Price
l98r, The May Co. 98cl
onlcrprlso throughout the valley,
most of tho slock hnvlng been dis
posed or nt J2.50 por shnro.
Sim Morris ot tho Ashlnnd garage,
Is receiving a visit from his inothor,
Mrs. Alice Morris and sister, Mrs.
Ituth Oowen, both of Klnmath Falls,
who formerly resldod hero.
Jake Casebeer, accompanied by
Ralph Hedges, and Lynn Purdln of
tho Record office, stnrted Thursday
last for a week's fishing In llulto
creek waters. The party went lu
Jake's big Michigan car, equipped
for a protracted slego In tho wilds
of that section. George Watson, who
was to havo gone nlong, was ilotalned
on account of work on tho Job ot
painting tho West Side schoolhouso
red. .
The llthln water appartaus, In
stalled nt the exhibit building, Is tho
leading attraction among tourists
these hot summer daya.
John Curry, representing the
bureau census, deparatment of com
merce, with headiiuarterrt at Washing
ton, Is In Ashland on federal official
business.' Ho formerly resided In
Sam llownrd comedian, who crent
cd "a big laugh" at tho Vlnlng last
Thursday night, took occasion while
here to renew tho acquaintance of
Lynn PiinUn, nit old tlmo nssoclato
of Sam on the Oregon-California rep
ertoire circuits lu the early days,
when the duo pulled off some extra
comic and melodramatic Htunts before
the era of moving picture films.
The local school district Is In tho
mnrket for sixty cords of fir wood,
delvery to bo made on tho West Sldo
grounds on or boforo Oct, 1, 111 15.
H. Cleary, a civil engineer of llos
ton, where he Is engaged In olovnted
railway and subway construction con
tracts, was In tho city tho last ot tho
wool; for a brief visit on business
matters. Ho was on his return from
the Mazama excursion to Mt. Shasta
which peak he climbed last Thursday
lu company with three Indies ami two
men. Mr. Clear) was one of the parly
which visited Crater Lake and stop
ped over here previous to Joining the i
main body of moifntaln climbers In
the Shasta region. On his way to
Portland ho wns to have decided tho
matter of climbing Mt. Ranter.
LAREDO, Texas. .lulv 'ill. -Sunday
was devoted to cremating ami bury
ing the bodies of the dead on the bat
tlefields about Icnmole mid Villa Unr
ein, near Monterey. It was esti
mated that about 1000 men were
killed in the lighting around tlucc,
places last week.
Damage estimated at .'J.'O.OOO'wns
cniiK'd today by u fire which des
troyed the Wilbur Lumber company,
the plants if Aimour ami company,
N'cNon, Morris and cuiiipiiiiy. For
lho und Diui- paper wiirehoue,
.Jiinse-i, Kobeits t'heiuicul company
and M'crnl dwellings.
The Smoke of the Smart Set
is not the ready-made or even ready-made-to-order cigarette. Smart
men of fashion everywhere club-men, connoisseurs, bon-vivants,
millionaire sportsmen have discovered the keener enjoyment and
greater satisfaction in the fresh cigarettes of unique flavor and deli
cious mildness they roll for themselves, to suit their individual taste,
from mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco. Today it is the very last
word in correct form lo "Roll Your Own."
A.k far FREE
with jci 5c tack
Bull Durham
No other tobacco in the world has the wonderful sweet fragrance
and ripe natural mildness of "Bull" Durham. No other cigarettes
have the exquisite smoothness and delightful
freshness of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes.
"Bull" Durham is a distinctive form of to
bacco enjoyment, thoroughly appreciated by
smokers of experience and discrimination for the
supreme, lasting, wholesome pleasure it affords.
TT'S T"1 A" Illustrated Booklet, showing cor
jh IxJCjtl! Mt way to "Roll Your Own" Gga
iette.8, mid a Puckaga of cigarette
papers, will both be mailed, free, lo any uddross in
U. S. on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham,
Durham, N C.
if ' ...JUH-. 1
vh " IIPnQIHfflBI I