PAGE TWO aiJUDH'OUU MAIL TltJBlTNJ!), MWDPOKIJ. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1915. I i I if I f 10CAL AND L PERSONAL Managor Itopor's Grants Pass cluli was dofcatod C to 2, by Kosoburg at tho latter place Sunday. Cornell and Pourrung woro tho Grants Pass bat tery. Pornoll played second, and drovo out a home run. Tho lilts woro nlno for Orauts Pubs and eight for Hosobure. Crater Lqko travel continues to smash all records. July 18 tho travel for tho season showed 2332 tourists and 443 autos, as against 2C9 autos and 1052 tourists In 1914 on tho samp date, tho gain being C80 tourists and 174 autos. "Taxl-333" lfic anywlioro In city1; Formerly Alco Taxi. Now offlco Nash Hotel, Phono 333. O. W. Mlolko of Portland, vlco president of tho Dlako McFall Co., nc companlod by Mrs. Mlolko, spent Mon day In Medford. Thoy uro onrouto to Crator Lake, via Montngno and Klam ath Falls and will return to Portland via Ilond and tho Dalles. Velvet Ilm cream at Do Voo's. Mr. and .Mrs. K A. Wall of Port Orford, mid Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ln- man, of Han Francisco, nro In Med ford visiting Mr mid Mrs. I. W. Hall oy at their homo on South Central nvnnuo. Mrs. Wall and Mrs, Innian nro ilaughtcrn of Mr. anil Mrs. llnlloy. Sco Davo Wood about that flro In surance policy. Office Mall Trlbuno Dldg. 11. C. Mnckoy, tho piotographcr, Is taking n thrco weeks vacation In tho Klumnth lnko region. Specials Plqua outing hnls at 08c oil this week. Miss Lounsbcrry nt M. ft.M. store. 10C II. i:. Mooro of tho Anttoch 'district was a business visitor In tho city Mon day. hurts ford Illnck, Claim Heoloy and Grovcr Howurd liavo rnturnod from a two weeks trip In a Ford throuKh California. Ford seat covers and Hoods' colIn- loid llRhts. Tout Factory. 10 IJ. It. Thoiiipsoii of (Ireat Falls, Mont., Is among tho out of town vlsl tors In tho city this week. I tako prldo In making your watch Hoop porfect Unto. I havo every fa cility for doing flno watch repairing Johnson tho Jeweler.. ' .Another hot spoil Is upon tho IJoguo river vnlloy, nml tho mercury Monday roglstered 09 dogrccs, thrco degrees below tho hli;h record for tho year. Today tho mercury ut noon tjDglstorod PC degrees, with a tIbo In sight. Tho enatorn oky Is filled with feathers clouds. Thunderstorms nro a possibility. Jtnln would bo wel comed. ' T All millinery ono half prlco and less. Mloi I.nuusbcrry nt M. & M. sforo. , ion ' Wild hucUloborrlos and blackber ries aro reported to bolmoro plenti ful than usual In tho hills UiIh year. TJim blackberries nro Just heglnulng to rlpon. and It will bei tho first of tho month before tho huckleberries nro ready to pick. Do Voo carrlos tho 'best lino pt flvo cent clKnrs In tho city, Many Medford peoplo Journojod to Central Point to pay tho last tribute to tho veuerablo pioneer, tho Into Vinton llenll Mnndny. Johnson, at tho Hook Store, an export watch ropalrer. Charles (Iregory of Montague, Cat. him returned to his homo after spend Jng p few days in Ihls city on business, Chocolatos, 30 coats lb. Do Voo's. Dr. and Mrs J. P. Hcddy Imvo re turf nod from n trip to Crator I.ako Tako our watch lo Johnson, tho Jowolor, ou will refnlvo unusually good sorvlco. Hon Collins of JaijUonllle whoso jyo was Injured by a wk rocket ilur Ing the Fourth of July celebration at Palmer creek, Is Improving rapldlv Homo-mado pastry ut tho Shasta. Gcornc llujiry f Mnrohflold Is spending tho week In Medford attoud Iiik to Imslniw muttra. Sufuty nnd senlco. Wo glo both. Ilolm8. the ltmturnnco Man. An uinliHwry or tho ISngllih govorn ment has ijuaiturod at tho Holms' barns In this olt tt iiiiiIim, born and raised lit Ihtt llonuo rlr alle. that will be shipped to tho western fiont or tht Kurnuwut battle lino this wk They will uoer brny wgnln uu th honi range, and tho prospects ra bright that most of lWi he but u slimt time to bry Miyuliortt.' Tho nfuloe will l shipped to Kansas Cy tpbnoe lo N Orleans, and thenee aurnM tho Atlantic slid ltm tbs OrMt Slaugbmr " MorehauU' l.uitek-81 The, SUatrta. jflsklyou or cUutiu wtr. ltt per boUlo at Do Vus's ' Thomas I'ktwiII of TtlUwwW U h liutjitu visitor in tin rtty this wek. ISnns n ,II tulkluit about the gaum pitched Al CMter of tho Med. ford team. ud re Uoplui Ul he wll bo glvfii a cNshco to siw bis pltttlilng ttblHtv wtlh Um Puritan Ijcavora. faster pltobed , hh Hphlll game, and If his tHt M4 Immm aid to hte a Hk wWl Wf wn Locul people rs alM lud In thtr p'raisos of the ytUiNriMM of th Klamnb Falls rootors, Tlie Uctorv niado thorn all kapiw " Froalt rpaeUd peauuts at De Voo's. llnrvoy Fields left Saturday on n two weeks vacation In California, vjsljlne tho San Francisco and San 'DlefcVexpoBllIoiiB boforo returning. Havo you tried ono of thoso Cc milk shakes at DoVoo's? Jon Bceman of Cold Hill spent Monday afternoon In Mcdfonl attend ing to business matters. Alco Taxi, 15c anywhoro In city; prompt calls, careful driver; phono 88211. Loo A. Wardlow of Kl Iteno, Ok. Is spending a few days In tho clty and valley Inspecting local condi tions. J. O. Corking, tho best all around photogrnphor In southern Orogon. Always reliable. Ncgatlvct mado any where, tluio.or pjnep.. .tudio 22K Main ut mono szu-.i. t jr ii.'C.'AiplPtpn tif tloMldllll s(iijnt Monday In tho clt) and JcksonWIlo attending to business mnttcrs. h. Malcolm of Kcho, Oregon, Is among then out of town lsltorB In tho elty this week. Get your buttor, ogga, cream, milk dnn butter milk at Do Voo's. I'Jdltor Hrowcr of tho Koguo Hlver Argus spent Mondny In Medford. Ho reports Hint thoso who planted sugar Loots nro awaiting a visit from Kx pcrt Storey regarding Instructions. Y. It, Coleman loft this morning on u trip to tho Upper Applcgato to Inspect mining property. Mr. nnd Mrs. Itnlph llardwoll havo returned fioni a week's visit at tho fun Francisco exposition. Hob Deuel, cashier of tho First National bank, and I, eon Speck, havo rolurnod from n two week's nuto lour or California points. Don Under or this city, who plaod for a fow weeks In tho Toxns league has been orderod hnck to Hio Vernon toam ot tho Coast leaguo. Tiq regular mid-month mooting of tho f Ky -council will bo hold tonight; tho grnntlngdf a franchlso to tho lloguo Klvnr Public Sorvlco corpora tion and tho Mcdynskl robond Issuo being the principal roatures. Mrs. Gcorgo Zollors and son Snbert of St .Tamos, Minn., aro visiting with hor fnthor, sister and brother, W. 0. Hyatt, Mrs. John Wyley nnd F. (1. Hyatt, nnd other families. (leorgo W. HrlRgs. an attorney with tho Mullock Mercanlllo company, was fined 2f. and costs In tho Jimtlco court this morning upon his plea ot guilty to n vagrancy charge Tho original chargo was folony, was thon rodtlVo'ii (o it inhtor chargoanfl 'tnon lo vagrancy. Tho chargo against tho woman In tho ,o wli dlsmlssc, tho liiisbnnd refusing lo pfbHcbuto, a roc oncllhtlon being nrfectcd. They havo two children. F. H. Hramwoll, Interested Jp Jho establishment of a boot sugar filetory In tho Koguo rlvor valloy, will bo n tho city tho end of tllo week to Tn sped locnl conditions. Rugnr heels planted as a test lasl sprlrig, nro ad vancing rapidly hut tin unfavorable woathor conditions of tho InBt two das haH retarded their growth. Thoy aro now at tho bIbro of their growth when water Is needed to bring about full and romplote mntiirUy. '.1 V. F. Harrison of Urania Pass spout Sunday In Medford attending lo business matters. Walter Wccklcr of (irnnts Pass Is spondlng tho day In Medford visiting friends. Tho Medford baseball team will play Weed at Weed next Sunday. This Is tho first tlnio tho two tennis hao met this season. A large number'of local fans will accompany tho (pant County JudRO. Ton Velio and As sessor Orlowi havo returned front a trip over tho proposed llutto Falls- Prospect toad, .that will open up a rich dairying secllnn. WELCOMED BY LOCAL COLONY $10,000.11 FOR F RANK BETTER MAY RECOVER CONSCIENCE FOND WASHINGTON, July '20 Ten lluiif ami doUnr. In rurri' ipv, tlto Mccond Iiut-pM I'ontriljulioii l tli "eoiiMcieiice fund" eoi' neeitoil lij the ' Koeriilieifft nrnveil ut the MIIKDUUVIU.K, (iu, July SO Phjslolans attending l.vo M. Frank, whoM) throat was cut h another ioii- let al tho prlfgti farm here Sat urday night, snld tods (hut Frank had patsd a toHtful night and (lint tbsy oor.".ttircd his condition good uuder thu ulieumstances Ho Is able to take noitiishutent, but attendants ho difficulty In preentliiK him Horn talking. "i. -j ., too (uvris Ut CJMHSIFT. Foil i.U.H 7lKup "of horw." t ISO.' Talent Orchard Co 107 LOBT- -Suisll cliostuut sorrel maro, weight altout Sup pounds, liranded 17 uu left sltuuldor, crippled In right bind font Willlo m Is. Grif fin Cik. Hon U It. 1. M-dfrd. 10 FOlT . U CIimi'ii. 19 it Fitnl Itoad stsr lwd. tup, wtnahlo,lil hood and fHlrK Phomi (St. 101 I - fOlt SAI.lfi HouiMdiold BHj4. rhwp. sae icttiskt atrMt. ist T.VhIHNbTm. O.. SPHOIAUST. V&ms mr, nwi anil throat, ofdgo iit ltast Mta; rMldunoe list Ut Main; off tie knurs 9 a, m. to IJ 111,1 iO to ', p, HI- Tttl9l4tMM u'fUe ts, rwldmw I0K13. i "TT f I 1" - t T'l,.,.....l t... .!. tl.... ...... I.. "- f,t,H,IUIH.III. Ill ! ' ' treniJiirv itciuti tmnul liulnv. iiitldeil colony, Governor Wlnfleld Scott Hum-,,,,. )lt Nol?: yorK( nPP0lnftllCj mond nnd party of fifty onrouto to by nn tin-ijnieil letter, n.vinj,'; tho San Francisco exposition woro J "The sender bus paid double lo crnolnil fit Mnilfnnl Tinmiliiv. I - UllitCll SlllU'M tile nillnltllf lie -loin Asked regarding tho presidential ! and sllll pniiKcicni'o in not satisfied. Hero i iilidther nnvmniit. ' outldoTtACTdvbrnor -ffiifniiioild-) k Tl.tfWlaigo roiiiT.i.lj.d VimV' T "Iritfioro wore no W.m) Wr llioufifii dollnr rf 'pftjrfflp., & r Residential cilmbaign . wA Ifd Jififn ,,IL,tf fi. 1IlllIi,.n,i?a,.r 4aii 'A t l n . a. ' ... 4I-. w t ;v ....."--,'- if--"-j'i" v. ' oiosoj raco Jieiwecit womirow. wnsoii.r, niltliirtv.ono Imiulint iimiiii'!MwY WATER USERS LEAGUE E nnd somo strong republican such as m j.( notes. weeks or Massachusetts. Hut under I The money was plnet.1 with .)l)il.. tho clrcumBtnncos, tho peoplo roallo noo more which has i.eeunmuilut.'d m that Wilson Is handling tho Interna- hic trcnmiry miiiIIs lrom eon-.'iem--tlonal situation admirably ami thoy tRirielon foil; who have sent -uiiw will, In my Judgment, keop him In tho ruiiKing from ono cent lo flS.WH wmio'iiousu wuiio mo war aim tuo subscauent ndjiislments nro on." "Tho jicoplo nro realizing also now" continued tho governor, "that this Is not a llmo for politics hut for pa triotism. "I know Sonntor Weeks well and 1 know President Wilson woll. Moth nro admirable men and roprosent tho best thero Is In American citizenship They would make un Ideal raco. Tho people could make no mll-tnko In choosing cither; Mitt tho war Is it factor and tho wbolotriigturo of In- tcrnatlonnl negotiation ioull bo maintained Just as It ihns begun. Af ter tho war, I would lo willing to sco tho old pnrtlsan mothod or choosing a prosldent go on." tlovernor onRi'csjrman can district and spoko ns a non-par- tlsnn. Tho governor nnd Immcdlnto stnff woro taken to Ashlnnil by nulo ovor tho Pacific hlghwny. flovemor llaimuoiul in un -dd friend of V. 0. Hyatt mid wait his guest on the unto trip to Ashland, The governor said (he I'neifie hmli wny wiih (lie finest road lie hnil over rodo over nml (lint (lie vnllo wi'w ono of the finest lie had ever seen. ALJ0LS0N AT PAGE fi THEATER AUGUST 0 Al Julsoii, who Is called "Tho Mail glcr of .Molaiichofy" and "Mounccr of tho Illuos," will bo seen In tho Win ter Garden's J'twolvp .hour shore squeozed Into threo'," "Dancing Around," nt tho Pago1 theatre, Friday, August 0th. Al Jolnon has boon, seen In five Winter Garden shows, but lit only ono of (heie, "Tho 'Honey moon Hx prois" has ho boon seen In tho west. Mr Jolsdif Islihlquo ns a comedian. He is, beyond doubt, tho greatest sin ger of r-omlc songs known to tho stngo of our time. Of the tunny songs ho has popularized may bo mention ed! "Get Out and Get Under," "I'm Glad My Wife's In Nuropo," "When Grown Up Ladles Act Llko Mablos," "Vott Mado Mu I.ovo You" and "Ten nessee, 1 Hear You Calling." Jolson harf a way of blending Impromptu with Uu lines which tho author has gltcn him. with tho result that It Is Impnsslh'c to toll whero ho begins and tl.o author leuon off. Ills ability '.o tako advantnRO of, and produce laughter lioi trifling Incidents hap pening on the i Iiiro or In the audience Is inprecedi'iited. wiictner no wnnts water or i ..0n' . Hi' ., fi'inro prosperity of tho v from h ,hJH rejmblU iloJflntJg upon tUo flucc( Jvralf P. A. Kraket 'will ilmlli.ile n IsrKO iiit,l; n uniiKlv i ilrilrt liurnitii Kmivlnii Island with a houiewarnilux, dsuco fn luncheon altonijed by ryp) gyctn.' Tho Water Usors' association opon ed orriccfl'ln tho Gnmott-Coroy build ing this morning. In their campaign ror irrigation In tho Koguo river yal loj, Tho heat nnd unfavorable con ditions havo brought forcibly homo tho need or wator. Tho association linns on n systematic campaign, In whlnh overy land owner will bo asked to decldo ono wny or tho other whether ho wants water or not. ,Tho ..i t auojv tifjl InBt two success ot tho campaign, LARGEST SHIP IN YAUKEE NAVY WAS AFIRE PIlILAUnU'HIA, July 20 Flro of a ipystcrlous origin wns dlscovorod last ulght on hoard tho United States battleship Oklahoma nt tho yard of tho Now York Shipbuilding company In Camden. Smoko wnB seop Issuing from tho compartment under turret No. 1 shortly nrter tho workmen had ,lor,t tho yard ror tho day. Tho compnrj inont wns flooded nnd It was bollcved tHo-'ifiYo has boon put out. At 0 o'clock, howovor, mnro smoko was ob served and tho compartment '('was again floodod, the flro bolng finally extinguished in hour later. DRIVE RUSSIANS BACK. ( Continued front pngo ono) nri northwest of Slcnno, attempted to rest our pursuit In his prevlousl) pro pnr,od positions behind tho llHanka sector. Yesterday afternoon tho Sllos lan Inndwehr stormod enemy advanc ed positions nenrClopllow, Thosamo troops during tho night entered thu line near Krasauow nnd llaranow, which nlso Is wavering with it decis ion Immldont. Ilutwoon tho Upper Vistula nnd tho Mug, tbo bnttlo ot tho allied troops I While CoWiiiroy, Suits,t Cpts and iSkirts Worn Every where i Afe v V ? T y ?. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A THE MOST POULAR GARMENT OF THE DAY FOR THE BEACH, FOR OUTING, OR STREET WEAR Just rcH-civi'd this lot of Conlu- . ' , n , . t... C 4lw. l'oy JUKI U01LH1C JariUUiilti inn" mi- New Yprk uiaUcrs, the fad of the season in tlie cities or at tho beach. j jAVftTftfiNftrfylJc fonjltj, button WW A; iny Jdlwii ijollnr. -'Kkirts witloi.' ,; iKvithoilt the 'belt and patch pockets. Separate Coats prices at $7.50 Cordelino Qolfinoi and Corduroy Skirts nt $1.50 to $6.95 y ' .sfii mmsmi t :C-"7AW mW 4 W W k Mm MLOUSES AT $1.25 AND $1.98 AVaists that you would ordinarily expect to pay twice as much for. Some are silks, others embroidcried voiles and the like. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR And lawn dresses sold iu the regular wny to $1.00. Some Ladies' Muslin Drawers, lace 1 rimmed in the lot, special clean-up 9fp price, each 4. .,., .... le' MESH BAGS WORTH TO $6.50 Only about 10 or 12 of these Bags including several gun metal and a few leather in tho pin seal marked at the prieo for (M QC a quick riddance, special.... ,..v-i-vO ' ? ,j'''BUNALOW APRONS 39 'Nothing liifer for' round the house Wear,. botlilight and (Jaijk percale, good and full f tSnd btva'ltjilf, ksunllyTdHt at 50c Oft to 75e, special.. DRUG SUNDRIES Tho Little Every Day Neces ( sities Palm Olive Soap 8c Small Bottle Peroxide -. .7c B'-2 Bar Imported Castile 19c 25c Size Peroxide Cream 21c Superior Grade Bay Riirm - . ISc Holmes Rrarjrant Frostilla 19c 4711 Transparent Soap , 13c Daggett & Rimsdclls Cold Cream 29c 12c 19c Pompcian Massage Cream 39c And othert at like prices. Small Size Llstcrlne . j Dr. Lyons' Tooth Rowder v? V ' ' '' ' W 7 I I x AIT 1' t? rt.Vetor-. : r it - BON TON AND ROYAL WORCESTER DEMON STRATION Mrs. Morris, an expert Cor30tiere, rq resenting the above popular Corsets will be with us all week and would be, glad to give you her personal attention in, fittings or any advise regarding, the proper Wearing of coi'sets. TheMayGo. NEW ARRIVALS One Case Bungalow Aprons. "Kovcrnlls" in tan and blue. Girls' Overalls red trim. , . Kanton Crepe for Un derwear. Italian Sjlk, Combina tion Suits, Wash flats for boys. Pique and Cordeline Skirts. t f ? T y y x y y y T T y y y y y T T y y t y y y t t y y y y t y y f y y y y y y y t y x t t y y ZZ&11ZZ11hZ undor Field Starshnl von Ma'ckonsen! Farther' cast fVtho Grabovetz dls-iwhoro ho attompted fcomo reslslanco, She U iv WIm Woiimit Who recognizes In tho tell tnlo symptoms such as backache, head aches, dragKlug sensations, nervous uoss and IrHtablllty tho true causo and relies on L)dln K riuhham's Vegetable Compound to resloro her to a healthy normal condition. For forty onrs this toot and herb font nd has been pre-eminently successful In rnntrclllng tbo diseases of women; Merit alone ould hao stood such a lost of time. " M' 't I ti)- t Everybody Is Doing It rl , Hunting Theij. HayXoupot Yours? , If not get it '"..''. tomorrow at ml " 7 t I,' i' t ' ' A i ! - M. M. Dept. Store Store Opens 9 a. m. ' ' is proceeding with unnbatod violence. At n point nr-uniMlunltdUco and Krau nost;tv, tho ltussini)s mado scparato efforts to avert dofeat. Fresh troops sent nualnst ours woro defeated, howovor. trlct allied troops advanced across tbo Hug to n point north of Sokol, Under prsesuro of our pursuit tho oneuiy retreated during tho night on tho ontlro front, stopping only nt tho but suffered a sovoro defeat, German troops and tho corps un der tho command of Field Marshal vott Ars, captured from tho lfith to tho IKth, lC'jr.O prisoners and twenty Irruption point near Kiasnostav, throe machlno gnns Dodge K t l'f i' h V MOTHERS MOTOR. CAR '.I'bero is no shortage iu the general motor can' market, . . . Hilt there is a shortage of Dodge Brothers niotdri gars. . , (;. " not due to a snjall production, lmcauso the production has been large. Twenty thousand of these ears havo been distrib- v uttid since ilanuarv 1st. . . . ) i ' This means a production in. six months as large ;u$ is usually attained in as many years. , , , And yot there is a waiting list of thoso whp yjjiit , to no ownei-s in your eitv. And there is a similar waiting listvin almost evurv fnwvTttt cia uiit.yfWiibuJinost ovory town. ' '" ,. You will bear witness that wo have made no'ox-''T travaguut elaini.s lor the ear. Wo havo merelv insisted on its L'oodnnss. l T.P !.'- " -"" -J And still the .ear continues to be singlud out as 'une worth waiting for. ,lllt i DODGE BROTHERS, DETROIT i - Tke price, of thu wtr u - . ofliuplctc Is JTSi T3TnrXT A "Dr 1Trvrn-VT nri atvti.i i ijiiiiviNmvi myjLKjix u.,iivieaiora f. o. b. Dot roll, t TV .' ' - -- -VWw K aV ifiii . 5 "5K "'' ' '