Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 19, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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' ASHLAND. July lO.-Tho twonly
'tlilrcl annual assembly concluded with
n'ulg nnd porfected demonstration In
athletics, participated in lty over 200
Jhn nnd girls, taking nlucu on Friday
.which wftB "ClrriiH Day." This was
given under tho dlrccllnn of Prof.
Irving W. Lnrlmoro, physical director
of tho San Meno Y. M. C. A., who
itiiH been Instructor along those lines
nt tho locnl nssonibly for several
jonrs. Active trnlnlng linn been go
ing on at tho armory throughout the
Chautauqua period nnd tjie manner In
which tho young athletes uct ill tied
thcmsclvos was edifying to spectator
nnd pratlflng to Instructors and jii
pils. Prof. Lnrlmoro will return next
year nnd tinlIlmlo llio Chautauctun
event liy staging n pngennt In connec
tion with nu Ideal Fourth ot July eel-
cliratlou here,
Tho cirrus event was preceded lu
tho afternoon ly an unusually meri
torious cartoon entertainment af
forded hy MIbh Kvolyn Dnrgott, whoso
drawings vied with paintings owing
to'lholr cultlcolored erfcrtH and
iililllfiil trnclugH at tho hands of n
crayon adopt.
AVcdnosdn. which wub Talent nnd
Phoenix Day, van filled with intel
lectual and musical treats In the way
of two lectures hy .Mrs. Delia Crow
dcr .Miller, hor main topic being "Hen
Hur." Tho Oullotn trio appeared In
both vocal and Instrumental melo
dies. Tho orator of tho day was Col.
Cleorgu AV. Haiti, of Kentucky, "tho
old mnn eloquent," who spoke con
cerning "Tho Twontloth Century
Houthlnnd day occurred on Thurs
day, specialties hclng popular con
cert hy tho famous Swiss A'odlers nnd
a lecture on "Tho .Mnn Worth While,"
by ltoland A. Nichols. "
In extent tho pnrk equipment this
season qxcccdcd that of former years.
Over CO touts woro on tho grounds.
Tho federated clubs, AV. 0, T. U
Christian Scientists, Ministerial un
ion and other organizations kept opor
Iiuiiho In tbolr rospcctlvo (tinrterri. A
tolophono booth was nlso available,
and In fnct nvory facility was at hand
for tho comfort nnd eonvonlonco of
Chautauqua visitors.
?( wP JUL
i- )i JLmk
. . - --.
--- ii i
Indicted In iieiilinlKy uriiiuliil: U'ft tn light, ! P. It. Tliiiyer,
pU'Mldclit Niftliei'ii ami .Southern Kteniunhlp Co., nnd It. II, Suiiyne, rus
loius lu-ttki'fi hmor, loft to tight llnriy (1. Ijijihs ronner Oiinndlnn
Mildler, nnd Dr. TIioiiuin A1I1IL1.
News From Our Neighbors
way looking for tho erection of a new
building before the next annual as
sembly. Pledges havo nlroady been
mode, and n bond Iksuo Iihh also been
auggostcd as a best moans of tiding
over tho financial situation. Per
haps both plans will bo Incorporated
In tho onterprlso. affording tho chplco
of either subscribing outright to, or
Investing lu securities of tho under
taking. In the main thin year's attractions
wore affordod by tho Klllsnn-Whlto
Cliuutnuqtiu Hyslom and (lenrgo T.
Meeker, of Phlco, Oil., superintended
tho assignment of Inlunt throughout
the courso. '
At tho oluctlon of nfflcors. held
I'rlcla) afternoon, tho following u'eio
chosen for the tflth annual nimniulily:
U V lllllInnK, pronjilmit; J. H. Hmlth.
li' pnwldcnt; C. . Ktitmuks, troas
urrr, tniHteou. C. W. Ilool, II. h.
Wblteil, (. W. Thofrou. U. D. HrlRtts,
and Mr. D Peroiil. TIih ortlrlal
board. Itirludlim thtMie troslwM, will
viet a Hoortlnry and atwUtant I'
lleforo HdJouruuiDiit llio oKlcor
dei-idiMl to outer upon a whlrlwliiit
CiiiupalKn tortliwith In liliult of tUw
ikw hulldluK fund.
TIih rt'd'lptit r the plonMlt kiwiii
bh tIi(iWf( an I n or en over IhoM ot
la t
(Inlil HiII'h public liittliiug pool in
Hoguo river will In' fonmilly opened
riiiiiilny. Through Hie cITorlH of the
(Irenter (lolil Hill 'lul) eoiiHiriernble
work Iiiih been put on a tlmii hetween
the muiuluud nnd tin inland ulioiil 51)
lent out. 'J'lliw Iiuh cuuscd u pool or
fairly still water, in whii'h even chil
dren run disport. A priug board Iiuh
been prepared. Tomorrow, Siiudny,
Mviinininjr nu'OH for nil oIiishok and
ugeH wilt he lit'ld.
iAIoudiiy inoruiiig u new xlyle ol'
excitement wiih muuirwt in (lold Mill.
Word wiim received from Hlmril'l'
flnirlrH llolmeH of KicKivou eouill.v.
Opportunely, measuron aro unilurAc'iil.. by the Infill orrieinln In Id n
wnl eh out Tor 11 ilusuv tiiiin nnd liv
ery rig. In leMM tlinu Iwo hourH the
ItOSKIU llll (ii... ,)d I". Tin 1
Itl'tOlll fOII-lrill'lMII MO'U Mil till' llll
ad which Kendall Itio-., ot' I'm-
mnv. P.. priiim- in build 'ioi.
'' 4UiMUljUIX I' ""' l""' I Hie CtiiMiM
, .KMiiunul loivt rt'Miv., und on tho
r .' THWnn til In I. unit. I .t. Iln .iti. .1'ill
BfiMil on or beir Aonuxt JU, w
iQBMuml I iv m. A- iMiii.vii, 11 iiHOnlKM
I ho KmiiiIhU ltio. urtHMrattMn,
'& Wlw Ut h' lJurliiir Iiii th Kh
Vi Ml JiiKhi.
(Hid ruilruiul will h ii"nt :ts milri
ji jjim; iiiki win m" . wan 1 grans
S uilQilir tot' Uinpoiw nw-r. hi cm-
v. ,XWH and oqiiip tin- lui.- mi1! mi
." jjipjiroxiuillieiv OUi.w" "'i' 11117 in
AUlUll0. Till tlOlttlU"! ,.,!.
V wlV U1,r'y ,m,';iW'JU oj Hi.' 1 1I1 . ' j.i."
V. '' M fnr as HoektfuV, liut the bmi.! jI.imh
in nnd outfit hiik espied npproaeh-
ing oer llio hill fmt ot town. Mar
shall Cook hnileil him uiiil notified
him of tin, iihmcnrp. lit rtipllod he
hud lioiiglit the team nnd produce a
forged bill of mile, however, the
tiium wax' laken in cuMndv nnd he
will held till the niTivul of the hoiiIIi
ern Nlieriff that evening. .Mr. I,. 8.
I'uttuwpn, inuniigur of the Vrnhu
livory hum, from which llio loam
wan tiiluin, iiuivwl nnd look hoiue
his proterly U ml ihiv.
(Inld Hill lUjiin innde merry nt her
eluh rooiiiM ThuriHliix eeniug while
uwuilluu' I he annul ot I hi- l.iliuity
hell Mpeeiiil. The iihhiih wn'e very
prelil.v and BHHiiii!ii'U di'ioniliHl
wild (lower nail flnt:-. A iiiuhI in
tonwlinir pumiwm eoiixintuiir of tin
following wa rendered:
AniiiiiiiiiHiiiieiil, II. I). Iterd.
Piano nulcctiou, ill Dorothy
Piano weUvtion, Mi-.. Jl.irgiieiite
Vim-mI lo, 3lin rbirv TurLrr.
Ptutio Miiwilitm, kIiM MorrHoe
Vim'1 nuo, .MiM, rin' Tu.'lier.
Uriel' llodoi'v tf Um ll.'H. V. V.
'ml (lii, AliiMt Vhvi'' Mi'i'inan
and .Mrn. AIvh W'itlkor.
Heleetwl lon'riiiifi M't AistM'- ltyt-trieh.
A'in'nI moIh, MtiM Uigu !. ke
1'rti.wr. iv. 0. D. Whurt.Mi.
About 12:H0 K. Jti lHnlii
Compllmeatary to .Mcsdamos II. AV
Cuvelller and (joorgo Gillette, of
Dunsnmlr, wives of Southern Pacific
officials, -a idcnlc party on local au
tomobile camp grounds wns given by
a number of Ashlnud Indies Friday
afternoon. Patronesses wreo Mes
dames Torhet Hanford,, Ccorgo Hoso,
Charles Wlnno, Walter Mnxoy, Waldo
(llll, Walter Kvnrton, F. (I1, Iluah,
Walter llartgcs, Chas. Dunn, and Lu-
tltln Judy. .Mnstor llarton Wlnno ulso
accompanied tho party as guide. The
Indies had an Ideal outing. Sand
wiches wore built und everything la
tho wny of dolectablo refreshment!
was provldod. Ono of tho hostesses
roll Into tho creek at a point where
tho waters, though not deep, aro un
usually swift. While sailing down
stream inomherM of tho Iltu-savlng
crow caught hold of n Hush and ef
fected a rescue. Kmerglug from tho
flood of waters wetter If not wlsor,
tho victim of tho accident oxpor
loncud no further 111 effects from tho
Involuntary hath.
II. W. .McNalr of McNalr Ilros.,
lu't for San Francisco Sunday, bound
for tho exposition. Ho wont on tho
Itoxall Limited, a train gotten up
especially to accommodate parties be
longing to the great drug ayndlcutn.
The oxcurHtonlsts began tho Initial
tour from Soattlo, the Itinerary being
mapped out under uuiplro of north
west diumlls or Ite.Mill iiurHuasiou
Mix. .MVNalr accoiiiiiauled him.
I.ouui cattle men rrom whose range
01110 of th animals orlslnatod, aro
liituioslod in tho deeisiuu lu tho r co
en t citat Just derided nt Cherokee,
KovHdn iHiunU, California, against
plHlntlff who soiiRht to rucover dau
um fioin a uulRhbor on account of
hli cows eating a qiiuiitliy of dMia
mltu v Itli oxplonlvu and fatal rosults,
tho unusual forane having boon de
voured 011 defeiHlant's promises. An
Himl to fmUnvl courts, duo to tho
fuel that tho oattlo wore Interstate
cuw.. having utuu faluppeu into uaii-
fornln from Oregon, was aUo ovor
Utile M1m ICdna Daaford, ton
months old daughter of .Mr. and Mrs.
I Itowhcr iHtnloni, wan the cynosure
.Ot all vym as she oxiorlonced the
lighted on tkt mlUsWu -(tt.iHN ..n.l i or ' bolnii iwiMtl upon tho Lib-
mim iiiouhI ItofO Wtori' a jollv "' IHMl ' """ ","r,""4- u '""
nine whh hud lBMw.lllwi-0!","to,l ot triumphal Journey
iuuihk lliMnwInak 'Clw limn wn lh,ouh ,,Br0, Moroovor. alio onjojwl
bi'tler limn a hirltgP Uhi. the Uo prlvllego of having liuon Kissed
s,h.dle f,r.t iviwil4.M ' crowd !"v u,w furtortlw r tho precious
ir heiwtH'ti tmr himI 4W. !iuiidr-i,r','r-
WMit.'d imtieiilh to to r.i...w ! Jo A- Wwlorluml of .Medford.
ild roli.- of lvoltttMiry OiW-- "' WM ,n AI,UM,,, " lim- urapiurou
th .u.i.r.Uirl. nt Ik ImiM-fti .V..iii wlih lht wtwit of luiprovwnonu now
I tl) .Hint.. ..f 'Jl mM tt-u hml'wl"! 0M Ul lowl "uk ln
to wnlroiuo tticw. Th IHMI llttll.d j' ' ",l OVOr tho '"01'
for fix. i,lmii. ibmtly (it rimi ol 'iHHuaing utoinnblU oamp grounds.
ww dMt. nud loud -ro IJio th.'- '" """ "l
a. the I...II mm int.. kltftit. S.ven.1 Htfor iMVlllftV John doclnrod llll III'
uroaiiiieiit WmI nun lwu.HU.lth. . ., ! t-nUou to bring hU family up hero
ami icet mwm r the uffftfiJlH. K. II. HVW-" w8ttk rr m,,,n lu lhU vlu,n
Moorf hud n holt
wl.ii'h huh wound '
liin.l.'d hack
1 . iii,
u ,, 1 1, II
r? 1him ufc'reod U) oxUml to thvt l - )v
no of the forit rorvo whenever 1 1 lie ..i,ii .l.ijmiti'.l mum ivw Ibe
it U iirei'fcMiry. ' eh. cis ii ii 1 p. it v4l mi
! lty.
r rililiiin re 1
mi. I the hell .l " HUW KUMHill, laiiusisipo on-
.nwuir nni '-' W W'fb' l tho ok for a va-
il-n -enlti 1 !
end hi
i.- li.-'l
in- w.
1 ii,
' Vox every milp uf jrouil ti.iplet-l
Jiflwcen ItoKvliuiv "-"1 "'" ' '"' I ' .i 1
U10 Citv of ltoliurir will p '"' u , . ,
to Kendall JJroB. For ovcrj " ''' - r -
load cuimiluU'il MttitvoiiH Uusfk ' '
nnd Hie fouvt wsurvo llio otty w.leevi t if.i H
lay KviiilnU livogi $H,QDvi Ivlctp toi tr..
il't'll ill.ll ll
I'lnl ,1, !,!,.
vlule tli
I ' I I'll
I , ie
of honor too
rattun stay on hor homeotoad near
! Montague. 01. Wlitlo away sho will
iktuh souib views Qf Mt. Shasta, a
intnoranm of whloli la ,vl8lbio rrom nor
Tho tionrhoa are being built for tho
i.c lino cuadulta on tho llorkoley
xd iithla units of tho mlnorul springs
M m Mitu Miliar, daughter of Mr
sad Mra tt B MlUor. has returned
f loin a trio to Hawaii. Wlitlo lu thol
Islands sho visited' tho volcano Kll
nnca. Miss .Ulllor la a trained nurso
employed In tho snnltnrlum at Placcr
vlllo, Cal.
A phono has been Installed at tho
exhibit building neartlio depot, Tho
city nssumcH tho expenso. Inasmuch
as tho pollco nlso need the ubo of tho
Instrumont. Tho ., number Is 128.
"Hlng'cm up."
Mr. nnd Mrs. wj II. Day visited
Juilgo nnd Mrs. Onfkins over Sunday
and enjoyed an auto trip to Kaglo
Point. v,"
Mrt. J. N. Nlsbet, wire of tho pro
prietor of tho Home Steam laundry,
went to Portland laat week to attend
a laundrymon'fl convention.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Denver, Mrs.
Mary Morndon and, son Ilohort, Mrs.
Aldrcd Denver andSMorcdlth Denver,
constituted an nuto party which left
on Saturday mornTng for Sprlngflelu,
whlchl h tho home of Mrs. Horndon
nnd Mrs. Alfdrod Denver. Tho Ash
land contingent wlli'vlnlt In the north
ern town for a wook or two. In tho
jncnntlmo, "tjnhon,"' tho Shetland
pony pet of tho Denver nnd allied
fa in I Hor. will bonhlpped by express
to Springfield to'go Into training nt
tho hands of Master Dobblo Horn
don. C. W. Nlms ofANlms & Sounders,
who has recently boon on tho sick list,
Is roportcd improving.
Miss Barah Kox leaves this week for
n month's visit with relatlvca at New
port. 1 -
Nurses and assistants employed nt
Sncvrcd Heart hospital, Mndford, en
joyed their uuniial picnic outing thin
year In tho Ashlnnd parks on Satur
day last. Thoy numbered over n doz
en nnd tho party was chaperoned by
two ot tho sisters from tho Institu
tion. Iocaf residents by their pres
ence nnd nsslstnnco ndded to tho
plcnnuro of tho visitors.
A niimbor from hero nttended tho
formnl dedication of tho municipal
bath bench nt Gold Hill, on Sunday,
whom Hioro weor various swimming
nnd diving contests.
Mrs. V. D. Mix and daughtor Dcr-
nltn loft Tor tholr homo at Sacrn
monto last Saturday. '
Mrs. AV, M. Darbcr, accompanied
by her daughters Josophlno nnd
Mildred, loft last Friday to Join tho
LAshlnnd colony nt Newport for n vn-
cntlon outing by tho seaside.
( Mrs. Minnie Sargent of AVIIllslms
crook, Josephine counly, accompanied
by her son Melvln, nro horo for a
visit 'With hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Win. A'eo and other relatives.
An aflcrmnth echo of tho Chau
tauqua period relates to Dr. Hlllls.
Ilnrdly hnd tho distinguished speaker
loft horo than ho wns norved, through
Portlnnd attorneys with a lawsuit In
n sum Involving over $12,000. Tho
history of tho caso rolatos to tho
doctor having stood sponsor for two
of his nophows wh made an unfor
tunnto Investment In British Colum
bia timber deals to tho extent of
J 100,000, or which amount Dr. Hlllls
has nlrcndy paid over fiio.noo.
Tho Installation of a public tele
phone booth at tho entrance to tho
park nysteni, near thorPlnzn, Is a per
manent accommodation In Una with
other notable Improvements being In
stalled throughout the pnrk domain.
Thero has ben a surfeit of special
trains through hero tho last few days.
Fourteen Biich arrived on Friday,
both Mtng to and coming from tho
oxposltlon, and noarly a llko numbor
on Saturday Thcso extras havo somo
whnt demoralized t;io regular trnln
service, nnd have nlso taxed tho ca
pabilities of local organizations, cs
1 eclally tho Commercial club, In tho
way of ontertalnlng tho host of visi
tors. Most of tho oxcurslonlsts wero
Shrlii'-m, nnd committees from 1 1 1 1 lit It
Temple of this city hnvo nlso boon
kept busy in mcutlng tho visitors.
Flornl fnvors distributed havo most
ly been Shnstn dalslco.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Lnno nnd Miss
Kvolyn Danford loft on Sundny for a
weeks' outing In Klamnlh county, n
portion of which tlmo will bo passed
at Crater Lake.
With Medford trade Is Medford tnado.l
John Chnstaln or Medford was In
tills district Tuesday looking for a
ranch to rent
tho Dryan nnd Senbrook families
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Fltzpntrick spent
Wednesday fishing on tho river nt
tho Frnlcy ranch.
Col. Washburn nnd wife were busi
ness visitors In Medford last Tues
day. Mrs. J. Davis loft Sunday for her
homo nt. Mnraliflold after spending
several weeks visiting hor parents,
.Mr. "and Mrs. A. L. A'Incont.
AV. E. Alexander of Central Point
mado a flying trip to Table Hock
Wednesday evening to doctor a sick
grain binder.
D. W. Dcbco and family or Agato
wero calling on frlamla In thjs vicin
ity Wednesday ovenlng.
Prof. U. S. Collins of MeiUord, nnd
Mr. Stlne, tho Insurance man, woro
through this district Wednesday look
ing for business In the Insurance line.
Owing to tlfo oxlromely dry season
and the high price or grain many
farmers nro taking tho precautlon'to
Insuro tholr crops In tho Hold.
A. I. Vincent nnd son tried out
their threshing outfit tho first of tho
week nnd found everything in flno
running order,- so will begin Friday
morning Tor tho scas'on's run.
O. Ockormnn ot Central Point is
erecting a water tower for S. M.
Nealon. .Mr. Ockormnn Is nn ox
port nt this lino of work, imlng n
system of bracing all his own, and
ono from nil appearances that will
stand tho rnvnges or tlmo.
Our ball team went to Gold Hill
Sundny hut on their returno thoy
didn't havo much to say, howover.
Wo learned they wero losers In n
vory ono sided nnd uninteresting
gnmc. . ' .
With five grain binders nnd ono
thrcslug outfit running full blast,
besides' tho other regular work this
community, had lhcn
busy place.
Charles Shore was killed Inst week
In nn nutomobllo wreck in Santa Cruz
California. Ho married Miss Laura
Collins who formerly resided for
many years at this place.
Miss Hoso Nealon nnd Mr. AVcldon
Sage stole a mnrch on their friends
and wero (lit lolly mnrrlod last Sun
dny ovenlng nt 8 o'clock at tho homo
of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Nealon, Hev. L. L. Simmons ot
Eagle Point performing tho coro
niony. )
Later In tho evening friends wero
Invited In undor tho pretext of n sur
prise on Miss Mao Nealon, who was
supposed to bo about to leavo on an
extended trip through tho cast. On
arriving thoy woro met by tho brldo
and groom In tholr wedding attlro,
Tholr surprise wus boyond expression.
After tho excitement had died down
somowhat refreshments of various
kinds were served.
Miss Hoso has resided among us all
her llfo and la ono of our" most effi
cient workers In tho Sundny school
nnd literary society and from n child
hns always been vciy popular with
our people.
Mr. Sago Is a sou of Mr. nnd Mrs.
D. D. Sage, formerly or this place, but
now of Dllty, Ore., nnd Is well known
throughout tho vnlloy, being connect
ed with tho Dodge AVcll Drilling Co.,
for tho past sovoral years.
Mr. and Mrs. Sago will spend tholr
honeymoon nt Crater Lnko nnd on
their return wilt visit friends nnd
rolntlves nt Portlnnd nnd vicinity Ikj
foro going to their future homo lu
.Montana, where tho groom Is Interest
ed with -his father In a largo wheat
. Ills Ileason
"I think," said tho dlfor, In n wor
ried tono, "that I will drop Journalism
and take to astronomy." ,
"Docnuso astronomers hnvo moro
spaco thtn 1 thoy know what to do
I with." Herald and Presbyter.
"A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire
M Pfe 'mfe , ZZZ1ZZI HZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ y?Q w0$i M
Mileage Tires"
Those Big-
that's what automobile owners who use them now call
our popular-priced "Chain Tread" Tires j
You don't need to take our word at all for the "big-mileage" records of these
sensational, wear-resisting "Chain Tread" Anti-skid Tires.
Simply keep one of our Tire Record Blanks, and let this Tire Record prove our claims
for you in black and white.
al HP Iff HP
Cham Iread lires
Safety experts acknowledge our rubber chain tread, built on this powerful modern tire
to be an absolutely marvelous anti-skid device, '
"Chain Treads" are not simply a fancy design stamped on a tire they are real anti-skid
tires. Send your name and address, for a set of Free Tire Record Blanks, to United States
Tire Company, New York City.
"Chain Tread " Tires are sold by Leading Reliable Dealers, Do not accept substitutes
United StatesTires
Mado by the Largest RubberjCompany in the World
(Operating 4b factories) A
t- ;
1 !