Etv.j"3jtl.flfeW' j-i,roiimiuMi,tSU'.tiLliiitwj.jjg MEDFORD M2GCC TRIBUNE, MEDFORD 0REC10N, MONDAY, .JULY Tfl, ' Ifllfi pr TE&m 1 E ALASKAN HOMESEEKERS KILLING OFF MOOSE FGR STEAKS AND STEWS WANTS..LIST OF VJKX4 ,MHS$?H$4) 4 4"' 5 Afi Expert Corsetiere Here All Week E . f L GEORG JACKSON PIONEER OF FFTIES PAVING DELINQUENTS CROSSES DO P1IE0 N PAPER I George Andrew JnekHon died nt liis homo in Medford, Oregon vJttIy 17, 1015. k was- born'" in SnlUhtiry, Slicridnn county, Mo., oil tlto KltH day of Oetohor, ISM and at the t into o his death was, 81 yonr , l ntontlis mid 4 days oC age. IJoforo lie readied hiw majority lie Iienrd oC this Wonderful western country mid of the gold disuovoricH in California. Ue foro ho wiih 121 yearn of ago ho loft his home mid made his unv ueross the plains, arriving in California in ISM. 1'or n time he engaged in miniii-r on the Frazier river and nftcrwnrtlu in operating n puek train to the vur ioim injneH along tho r'mzior river. At this time there was gieat excite ineut nuinngxt the koIi! minerri in Hint Miction, and thousandth were coin ing and going, small claims were he ing staked out and worked and for a time this was one of the active mining cumps of the west. Ciime to Oregon In ' .! In 18.r)0 ho moved to Oregon and turned his hands to whatever em ployment tho country offered. In 3873 ho wiik married 'to Mins Surah A. Myers at Ueagle, Jiiokson county, Oregon, in which community he 10 bidcd until about 181)1. For many years ho owned and ojieratcd' what is known ns the Dodge ranch on Hoguo river. For some years ho engaged largely in tho rais ing of watermelons. Those ho grew in such perfection and, (uaiititics thnt liorina'lly engaged in thoiv shipment to Portland in carload lots. There he built up quite n "market for Ins product mid guva to'.tlto Uoguc river valley ii wonderful reputation for its melons. Ho is survived by his widow anil W. H. Jackson, son. 11. Jitrkson has for years hee'nig employed as assistant ciihhiur in tha Medford Na tional Hank. Korinor County Cleik Since about 1804 George Jackson hns resided ill Modfnrd, excepting tho two years that ho win county clerk for Juekon county nnU two years that ho was nsseshor for tha county. - t Tho first settlements of Oregon, and partioiilarly of tho Hoguo liver valley, woro miido by MisMiuriatis. They wire largely youngitien ofjuck son's age who were not afraid to como into a now country mid rely upon their own reseuoives. They wero strong adherent of the coindt tution and groat believers in govern ment by tho people. And George Jackson was universally known a one of the strongest advocates of Un peoples' righth. lie believed that tho eo)lo wero able mid competent to govern themselves and ho devoted his energies to Mich reforms in leg islation ns tended, to enlarge the powers of the individual voter. A livable, riiitmrtvi Mr. Jackbon was a very strong and lovouhlo character, lie did not make many enemies, hut he wiih uui vcrsallv known to be a man of htrntiK .convictions, mid people (tonornlly K'd that whether he vvii right or wrong, ho.eortuniy believed that he was right. In laicV voarti ho almost ul wavs attended the annual pioneer re unions at Ashland mid at JneKson ville. In u few ears moie Uiom re unions will be a thing of the past. History will not do justice to these noble men and women who laid the foundation for nil that wo have. Amongst those who know the coun try mid its hintory George Jnokhon will long bo leiiiemhered as one of tho hcht mid most uptight citireus, N Funeral services will he held at tho Christian church nt Medford nt 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Ilov, , Harry K. Tuoker officiating. Ihirinl services will bo at Jacksonville cemetery ui.der tho auspices of tlito Independent Order of Red Men. Tho body will lie at the church from 1 to 8 o'clock. Kviuil ntoofro cow (iiIhiiiI slo or truck horse) minppetf by n pbo'tog. rnplicr near Knlk Arm, Alaska. IJv K. 0. Snvvvor StiWAKI), Alaska, July 17. Undo Sam is about to do a wonder ful thing fortho north, by connecting tho interior of Alaska with tho south coast by n railroad. Nothing of greater value could he given the tor irtory, mid yet this gift will take from the north n possession without price, its big ganlo animal, the Kenai Moose. At least that is what (he old timers say, and they present what has hap pened in tho SiiMtnn valley this year as proof of their contention. HuroVi what happened. Knowing the survey vvui being irtndo through this section hundreds of people rushed into the valley last fall to localu homesteads mid per haps ;i(l() located on Knik Aim, near where railroad work has been slatted. Winter shut down mid those people had to hunt to live. The only meal in this section is moose in the low lands mid .wild sheep in the hills. Killing u Kcun moose s about ns dif ficult as bagging a Texas steer, only tho formorture not qrtilo so plenti ful. It means scaling high moun tains to get the sheep. Ho tho people lived on moose, t And they fed moose meal to Ihoir dogs the big Alaskan dogs thnt ,nro half wolf, which are used to liuiil sleds in winter. Complaint was tcceived by tho game warden at Seward duriutr the winter that some men hud filled mid had the froyon ciiicu-m'h of half a doren moose on hand nt one lime. Hut the law allows gamo wardens $100 a month, for expenses mid thnt much wont take a man very far in Alaska in winter. Nothing was done. As late in the year as May tho only fresh meat at Ship Creek, or. iWicooniKo as u is now Kiionu, was moose meat. The road houses mid vestaunints openly advertised it "mooso steaks, moose stew, moose boiled mid mooso frieazoe." The gamo law of the United States pro vides that no mooso bo killed from Jmiunry 1 to September 1 and the Alaskan code says only two mooso u season to the man. Tho men who aro tho most wrought up over this wholesale slaughter are the professional guidos, of Kenai pouni peninsula, and yet their busi ness if to guido big gamo hunters to their victims. ''It's not the big game hunter who cNtorniiuntcs the game,'' said Chas. Kmswoilor, guide, "ilV the oheccha co (now coiarr) who disreseets tho law nun Mils I lie young cow inoosc, and probably her calf. Tho hi gamo hunter is content with a big pair of bonis from some nneienl hull moose, no longer of value." Tho guides have no syinpathv for tho law that protoetH brown hear, Alaska's foiemost came animal, for thoy destroy wild sheep mid young moose. 'I ho average guide ns well ns tho average Alaskan kill a brown bear on sit;ht. The only ehanco for tho ntooio is a national park in some putt of,, Iveniu peninsula where he can breed unmolested. KUMMH m s SWIFT GAME BY SCORE OF 4 100 , UhThSKLS, Julv 1!). -General I Von Kissing, governor-goiiorul ot llclgiuiu, promulgated an order tdv for tho puun.hnu.-nt nt unv HuJgiNti be tween tho ago of 111 mikI ID wb lea v en the state to t.oiv in anv " jmoity for a country at war with Oar muny. The poiialtv provided hi a fine of 10,000 inurka or five your imprisonment or both. XOTK'K All lied Mun aro bereb) requeatd to be (irwonj; at Chrlnttan uhurcti Ml t 2 2p. in. July 20, to attend the fun eral ot Brother George Jac'knon Red Men will offlolnttf at tho Bravo K EH Hl'LL. . . 6acUeu. ... m I i ... l 4 . J. The Medtoid baseball dub is sel dom appreciated till it pluv a ixooil, stioug club, hiicIi ok thov uu t ,( terday in the KlaiiiHth Kidlh t-ivilu Then the fund generally lealixo thnt the old home team duals thorn the brand of baseball whieh (Jie.v eiiive. 'Tin true they lost by the neoro of 4 to 0, hut it wits bv no iiihhus .t lid feat that would uaiiHii huniiliMtiou. Klamath won hcuuuc tliev had tho hoct of tho hreuks, hunched Ihoir hits mid slightly outhit tho local nu gregation. So far as which is tje lietlor dab is concerned, it would he a very huid matter to decide, IT the locals had hit when a hit would have done some good it would havo hoeii an entirely diffeieiit story to chron iole. niKlco Has the Stuff ty eonccdiiit; that tho Medfoid hoys woio woak with tho th'k one should not get tho bupropion that lligbeo, the covlaox' niassive pitehur, was easy to get to. Higbeo pon. more "stuff than any otlior intehor the JouaU havo faced (hi year. Coupled with this, lit is cool, has control, bus tho head and knows how mid when to use it in hnflliujc tho bailor. Knowing that a I'otthutd snout was in tho stands watching hi every move, it is a foragouo con clusion that Uighco mwd every thing in hip usvrtniynt to win this gauiu, the box snore Niihstmitifitini&lhis. Citfatur for tho louuU pituhod his bent gnnio of theeMon. Had he Wen fu'itt( unv other stdM-r lb AS Mnjlmo, the big tellow wttuld huv won IihimU tlown. lie pi(chft h miwe UihI ni-dmiwily would m- -tiimkl Iimii Uw wjjiinr, Util tttt Jirtuiks -re agniust TW' KleliliiiK I'cuturo Far Mwdlord, the lieldmi.' t Wil- SOU Slid K lii.n w ii .i1 ihIiii"-, th liit.-t .1.1 ! i, -i 'i in will. tho hand came over from the Fulls mid made thumsclvcs heaid during cverv niinuto of play. They went a fine, dean hunch of sports and won the piiiisn id' players and fnns alike for their clean and gentlemanly con duct. The lurKost crowd of tho eiison was out mid every one in attendance opined thnt it wiih ono of the host ftttinew ever phiyod in Medford. Next Sunday Medfoid journeys to Weed, ami it is assured that a Imiko croud will tnku th trip in curs with the learn, Tlio Kcoto KhuiMtlh fttlliv- AII. II. II. l'0. 12. Moiek 8-l( - 4 1 (I 0 0 Howden Jlrd ' . 0 0 0 0 Hiuheo p II 0 0 0 0 Uohk m . r a a ji o NtilMott lit 4 II 1 0 0 lloilthr JtVJ 4 0 I 0 I) Paliiiur of.. !t 0 0 0 (I .MoNuhoiibaukur o ... 11 0 1 l.'i 0 Arnold If :t( 0 II 0 0 Jill 4 II '27 I) Medftird , AH. IMI. I'O. K. Wocklor 2nd .. M 0 0 11 W'lUon 1st J . 3 0 'J 8 1 flroon 3rd , 4 0 0 10 Custer p r. !l 0 10 1 Antic, If .. II 0 1 0 0 Coloiunn rf . ,...,..: JI 0 1 0 0 CawTon! m a 0 0 '2 0 Hill o : . -U 0 0 10 0 Knzmark, jf !l 0 0 fi 0 ar o c a7 3 Summary lint nod rmiK, K(aiiiittli Knjlx, '1. Two lue hiU, Nulbuu, I long, llttrhig, Antle, Cnitor. Irat on halls, off Higboe, a; off k'untor, 3. Strudt nut, by llijhea, Ifi; by Caster, 0. Double jdayn, NeUon to. Metstek to HoRIf to ifotse; lUfbiir to img to Nelson; IUnn to Crawfnnl. Hit by Htdter, Hibjiw, M tit hi-, Arnold. Ifl ou boot, IvltuiiMth Full-. 0, Midti.rd, .'I. l'lHHIT KllthtuU. Tunc f tfHMie, i two hours, five uiinuUm. POINT TO MMM'OKI) ANH HACK Tko undorBlRnsd will leavo Prank LewlfT Oiialttetloiiary avsry day ox- cit guijUay for Mwlford with bis iUt i. kip. I I win. I, ,r. t. .. I aul" l " ' '" rr..iH ot for Mfutiw. IIW Hs .ot wtMi . ' Khi ,,0t8, ". at ....n..... i l... u..i i. . ' p m- rr,vo nl Kae'6 Po,nt at 6 tin- K mi ..ii, u.- not liuruif ( oi TILLER 10 1 KOSnill HO. Oie., Julv 10. The local forostrv ofln-o has coinpleteil .i pioliiniimiv surcv Of the Crater l.aki wagon nmil over tlio 1 inpiua-ltoi'iii rivr divide. It is Mud this roHtl can bo (H)iistnie mi a iiiiiviiuuiii gruth- pf Xivo per ii-nt. Tho total distance k about l'J miles. Thin mud will connect Ihc I mrHiuii mid Kogtte river valley distriel- iind jivc a dirw-t mid V route to I ihIi' lko and Koulh era ami l 'rn unigoa piuni-. it ron vtc 'lit'' ' and Trail. Kr pi." tiooNv tin' "n ' ilalmiufi the hue lo ot an easy l.o... wIUi well-drsiinl gmvelly unll, whieli lurillslien .111 IV ccllcnt ri.nli l i'min iiuikinjr tin '-) ol I'lHistrm 1 1 ' I"14 CHICHESTER S PILLS It'll I I ' v m e.l Abu at. 100 twiu-. u- i.uiinuui'-d b A part of the traffic Ii solicit A If HMIM3H, i.alt l'ulut, Orw 1 'Kn . T71 Tl k;Ur !... ..Til,.. jA fllU IU4 .i U.14 mm 1 V 1 . ., 'ta utt iiIm k . y TsLs s lkr llnr rjrr v llrarcUL Aik l-Mt ill. I ift k'rl'll II 'f ? f r t t f X f t t ? f t T- To the Hdiler: Will yon please givo mo a little space in UtuJd'uH Tiiliiumnns I' wish to ny 11 few w;ords in regit id U ic funding or rcliomljiig tho city for tho stieet paving. In the first phiro I do not live w or own any property 011 the paved sireels; in tho next place I do not expect to ho bote 30 years front now, when tho t bonds would como due, therefore it nptkes but little difference to mo individual ly how it is bottled. Hut huforo there I is unv notion taken. I think tliel'V council should prepare a list o( all the property owners who own prop erly on paved .streets and who,nrO deliuiuenl or have not paid their as sessments or interest mid let the public know who they are. Let us kco whether it, it JLlto poor man who is deliniitieiil or the well to do. I am in no position to know, hut I venture the asset lieu that it is tho well to do class of citizens who own automobiles that are hack of tho movu to rebond. 1 will admit that it is working u hardship on some to pay their assessments. Hill it is equallv ns hard on some that do not live on paved streets to mod their obligations mid some oftheiu have lost their homos mid other aro ip danger of doinu so, and they ate just ns good citizens ns if they lived on paved streets and rond in nutomo. biles. I have talked to several of the com mon or poorer (or so considered) class of people that live on paved streets, nmongst them sovornl widows who tell mo thoy keep Ihoir ussess incuts paid tip. Therefore it would he well to publish a list of delin quents. Tho ninioril.v conlraclcd the debt without protest, llnd I Jived on u street thnt wiih id ho paved, I would havo objected to. jt at the price charged. Wo could have raised the money mid done our own paving ul one-third or ono-hulf of what it cost, given our people employment. Many could liuvo worked their iissesMiients out, instead of watching imported laborers do the work. 1 don't think there should ho mo thing to iiiciease the city's indojitodiiosg and I inn sitr prised to see Mr. Medynskt at the head of such u movement when he was elected on a letreiichmenl plat form. Jf those who mortgaged I heir prop orty to havo the street paved and wish (o got mi extension of time on the mortgage, I don't think then' would bo any objection from out side purtios. TIiobii living off of paved hIicoIh had no voleh in contracting the debt, when a mini contracts a debt ho should pav it, mid not tr to shift il on to innocent parties, When tho paving was dona wc had what is called prosperity, them was not u hiiiio iiiiin that hud n thinker hut what knew there would bo a re action, for it wii a wild liiilation itniLnot prosperity. Wo never will have prospurilv tor the uiiishom under our pioflout robber system. Hondiuir or moilgiiguig property will not brine it uxcopt for the lew. I think a hctcr plmi would ho foi all that aro able to pay, to pay up mid wait till Mr. Mudyimkys proui- ;ii(id prospoiity atiivos which is about illio, us ho said it was heudeit 1 1 1 .- way mid not tar off, then wo will nil havo plenty. Suppose the city rulionds mid mixes tlio uiiioiiiil bv taxation. Then u poor devils that live off of paved street, will all want tho alrect- w live on paved slid to do julii e to all it should he done. Is the ntv prepared to Kraut our petitions Hint will be presented Aro mmi' W J. DRl'MIIILL. Medford. Julv in y.psi f .r&'l'a T Yl '$? A i J Vj .ffi k il ? hi Hi I u ( A Representing Bon -Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets To bo properly fitted is the foundation to being properly gowned and the seeret is easily solved in having that particular stylo of corset that best suits your figure. A perfect fit is assured ovcry wearer, provided you let the corsetiere take this responsibility in tho fittings. Royal Worcester and Bon-Ton Corsets aro shown in a lot of charming new models and await your most w'itical Inspection The more closely you follow fashion's caprices the more fully you appreciate the stylo supremacy of tho present new types; Wiih absolute assurance thoy strike the new nol'o in corsotry and lend an'irrcsistable charm to tlio wearer. Drop in and see thesb'iiew models wlmther you care to buy or nut. DEMONSTRATION ALL WEEK L THE MAY CO. Drug Sundries at Department Storo Prices. . Bofrlbn i VsgQRSCTS ;j BARM WE S3EASTERNMARKET SACIiAMIiNTO, Julv m- Thirt,v five earn of fruit, coimiHtini; largely of Harllell pears and the balance of pliiniH, nuido up the recciptH off the Sacramento river Sutiirduv, arriving at the local wharf for ictdiipmoiit, Xow York About Hix oat-H woro received locally from thu American river, Miiyhcwrt mid other dintrietrt, about ono-hulf being jwarM and tho hulmico plitniM, Total bliipincntK to ditto of all fruit, ! o.'innu.. Total fdiipmcuhi samo date ItU ) '-',885. PrleoH ou Hales mlule today lire re ported by tho California Fruit Pis triluitorrt iih follews: Ktmton ltart lett jienrfl, .:!; TritgedyH, ij.1,10; Cli- mux, 7Uc; iiiirliniikH, 7Uc; vvickson, .tlJO; IlnleK, Hh; TritnttpliH, '10. Trngedva, $1: HitrbiinkH, (ific; Climax, 80c; Santa Hoha, Bao; llnrtlctt pears, $'2M; TriumpliH, 50u; Union, nric. Philadelphia liurhanks 7io; Climax, 8flu', TritgedyH, $l.:i0; figH, (tfio. Chieugo CotK, .$ill0; Climax, 8()o; Uurhitnktt, 80e; Santa Kosn, l).re; Tragedy?, ifl.lfi; Uart lelt pcat-H, !-2.15; Trittinphs, 45oj Hales, dOo; St. Johns, OOo; Thomp HOli Suedlcfrt gnipcs, $1.00. Portland Iron manufacturers won may ho engaged lu tho task ot mak ing Bhriiiuiel for tho European arm-icn. M wwrwiriraajBacwaBwi i .waivw.!vw'H.ii t v, .kx --" -'.'V 4T,i 'W-W: iti & l flWWMWWHWWHi I i im r hv-ji , v? mm: ir py r i v Iwfimmmmw bmyy)n 1 iBF . . tptMt .1 ,t IP I .I.L HIASI IIHAhB VlllM,li ICji i vaMVnUStlnt AIiiKel i I SOLD BV ORt'GOlSTS HIRVrYHtRt l "When Good Fellows Get Together" You will find fresh-rolled cigarettes of dcliciously mellow "Bull" Durham in evidence at banquets, club smokers and other social fjatherings of men of wealth, prominence and experienced tastes, n the fragrant smoke of this mild, -delightful tobacco formality gives way to congenial good-fellowship. It you would be fashionable, expert in the company of connoisseurs, you "roll your own" and your tobacco is "Bull" Durham. H GENUINE Mh. 9t V Bu ll Durham N SMOKING TOBACCO To millions of experienced smokers there is no other tobacco fragrance comparable to the wonderful, unique, mellow-sweet flavor of "Bull" Durham no other cigarettes so fresh, tasty and satisfying fa .1 .1 11 t .1 T ..1 .1 as mose mey roil ror themselves wmi tms golden-brown, bright Virginia-North Carolina tobacco, N. Roll a "Bull" Durham cigarette today 4 you will experience a distinctive form of to bacco enjoyment AiV for FREE ihcA f .C-mT, FREE An IllustrntocI Booklet, ahovvu ing correct way to "Roll Your Own " Cigarettes, nnd n nack- ngc of cinarctte papers, will both bo nutikjcl, free, to any nuurcss in u. o. on request. MUdrtjw "UuU. Uurliam, Durham, N. C. " THli AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY mmmmmmmmummmmumSmSSmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m j? K,.iii ?xkskm