I' I Medford Mail Tribune Mill SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair and Warmer Sunday. Max. 78, Mln. 50.5. Forty-fifth Tenr. Pnllr Tenth Yeitr. LINER Oil IS BOMBARDED BY SUBMARINE Steamer With 227 Passciincrs, 21 Americans Aboard Attacked With Torpedo and Shells American Sallliifi Vessel Forced to Act as Shield for German Submarine. NKW YOKK, .Inly 17. Tin- Hril ish passenger liner Ortltinii with '227 passengers aboard, '21 of whom wero Americans, wuh attneked without warning by n (k'rmiin Mibtnnrine nt 0:00 o'clock in the morning of July IHb, 10 bourn out of Liverpool, on licr way to New York. Announce went of tbo nllnck wus mndo bv the ship's endtnin, Thomas MoComb Tny lor, mid passengers when tlio Ordtiim reaehed hero today. A torpedo wh fired nt the steamer and missed it by ten yards. Twenty minutes later u sulmiurino nroso tbo Btirfaee, pos hibily a different subnrino from the one that launched the torpedo, and for half an hour thereafter pursued tbo steamer firing shells which whistled over tbo decks above the beads of passengers standing there with their life: belts on. Used American Flags Ten minutes before tbo attack n sailing ship with two American lings painted on her side, was seen ahead. Captain Tnylor became' suspicious of this craft and began maneuvering hi ship. Then came tbo attack, the first warning of which was tbo streak of a torpedo which whiiled through tho water and missed tbo Ordinal's stern by ten yards or thereabouts. Stewards ran bolnw and aroused tbo passengers. With clothes hur riedly fastened haphazard, they made for tho upper deck. There they wore assembled near the bridge. Life belts wero adjusted and lifo boats swung out. Tho crew stood ready to launch the boats. .From n submarine off the starboard qunttor there camo shell which kicked up a minature geyser in tho Orduna's wake. The Mibmnrino had tho range. Captain Taylor turned tho stern of tho ship toward the assailant and, oidoiod full speed nhead. Within from two to fivo minutes another shell, this time passing oxer the beads of tho assembled passengers was fired. As it overshot tbo mark, its landing place was marked by a lisiiig colium of water. I'm. sued llaU Hour A third shell passed overhead and so close that it seemed to clip a life boat. Captain Taylor oiderod the passongors to go to a lower deck. They obeyed and tho lifeboat wore adjusted lower still so that tho pass engora might step into them without . . ...I I il .... ....i! 1 . !...(., delay, iiio sneiiiug conuuuen, siH-i" fulling about the steamer at intervals of from two to five minutes. For about half an hour the subma rine pursued tho liner ih the span of water bctwoon them lengthening each minute. Seven shots wore fired in all. Four of them passed over tho docks. Tho other three fell close to tho ship. Then tho submarine, distanced, gave up tho chase. "1 did not havo even tho slightest warning of tbo attack," Captain Tay lor said. Huron Kosonkrnntz described the attack in dotnil. "Wo loft Livorpool about 2::i0 o'clock on tho nftoruooii of Thurs day, tbo 8th," ho said. "At -" o'clock bv wv watch, tho firt mis sile, a torM?do, was firtVj. (Continued on pago six) MILAN', Julv 17. Commenting UMin the Auotnau note to the United State., protesting against the hi jnent of war munition to the entente allies, tbo Corner Helta Seru pomU out tkftt ABwrie mner n refund to supply una and munition to the ooiitml ompirt. but that Gertnmiy mmI Autri ure unable to obtain thw from that count rv l hu t the sujKinor power t the uUu-s. "Tfc Aini" .in maiUt i m-o t hJI," My the mnT. "H th? if ontweHt wr tu elM it to the alUr. it would commit nUtion of mmi truhtv iu f.r "f '" 't-l 4,,, ure." ANNIHILATION OE RUSSIAN ARMY IS GERMAN AIM New Offensive of Htiflc Proportions' With Rijja as Object Russian lines Holding North of Warsaw Retreat Before Hindenbun A u s t r I a n s Driven Back Across Dniester. LONDON, July 17 A now Gorman offensive of hugo proportions, with Rica, a urcnt Htisslnti scanort nml neat of tho governor general of tho Haltlc provinces, as its objective, Is repented In tho latest official state ments Issued at Pctrograd and IJcr- Ua. , Mllitarv oxnerts hero construo tho offensive to ho n vast envelopment movement In which tho Germans aro making a groat effort to destroy tho Itusslnu army. Doth the German and tlusslnn com munications agree that tho German forces nro at tho Wlndnu river nenr Goldingon, only SO miles from Hlgn, tho great strategic commercial me tropolis of tho Gulf of Illga and on tho upper Haltlc. Sanguinary Fighting An official statement received this morning from Potrograd adds details of sanguinary fighting nil along tho now lino In efforts to hold back tho Gorman advance which now Is holng concentrated on Illga and on Warsaw. whllo tho Austria-Hungarians nro moving northward from tho Dnclstcr river. Advices reaching London today say that tho Germans left a trail of de struction along tho Haltlc sea from Memel to Llbau, whero tho villas, hotels and casinos are snld to havo been destroyed, about tho "only ex ception being, it Is said, tho palaco of a Polish nobleman whoso cousin married nn American woman. Tho palaco now Is being used as a mili tary headquarters In which Prlneo Henry of Prussia nnd Field Marshal von Hlndonburg recently conferred on tho now offonslvo townrds Itlgn. Husslnn Lines Holding Husslan linos nro holding woll im mediately north of Warsaw, whoro tho groatost forco of tho Teutonic move- against tho Polish capital Is being exerted, according to tho lat- i.t ufntnmnnt from Potrogrnd. At tacks by "Important forces" west of tho river Arzyc havo boon repulsed with heavy Iossoh, tho Russians clnlm, and In sections whoro gnlnB woro mado by tho Germans tholr further mlvanco was nrrcstcd. A withdrawal of the Russian forcoH between tho Plssa nnd Orzyc rivers to now linos nlong tho Narow In tho fnm of General von Hlndonburg s at tacks Is admitted In Potrograd, Con- tluatlon of tho Gorman ndvnnco in r.inrlnnd. also Is conceded. Increas ing Importance Is attached by mili tary observers to this movement in tho Haltlc provinces. Ausiilaiis Driven Hack Field Marshal von Mackonscn's nrniv that swopt through Gallcla Is givlog signs of ronowed activity In pursuance of tho assumed plan of tho Teutonic forces to attack slmul tanenously all along tho sweeping 800 ,iin frnnt fioni Haltlc to Ilcssarabla. Unofficial reports through Geneva declaro that at tho lower oad of this lino tho Austrian troops crossed tho Dnolster but havo been drlvon back to tho othor bank whero retreat Is being turned Into a rout. Fighting on tho Austro-Itallan front has rosultod in fow recent changes of positions, according to lat est reports from Rome. Numorous attacks by tho Austrians on tho Italian advancod positions are recorded, all of which aro declared to havo beon repulsed. COLIMHUS. f. Julv 17. The passago ot lat night without n coiiniderablo rmntall reullcl m im jiroved eoniliUoiw today throughout the Ohio flood dwtriet. While inu tbowMiuI Horea of land rMiftiud un der witter pruotiealK all nvers wei cither aUttoHiirv or tnllu.g Tha Scioto and ()l.nl.ul. ior Wgan rweding liere cutlv toil.ix Ivaaa aUxwr tka Scuto rivet ui thu eitv which Uecaii leakmc H.icrU afteruHii, wr riHHrrd during th- night. D DANGER PASSES 010 MEDFORD. TOM EDISON, NEW 0. m. " v "I AaaMmB. l , UBfcmmV ? , i.iijk lil1 ! - HKHHHHKmJI iBvmammmml swJjr jrmw,av.M s t v. HmbSASKS W 73c ?BaBW .e'Uaw -MBBmnUiaaaaaaK, f & A. 1MIm.ii, newly appointed Lend of the naval bureau of o ..iNmnl io V. S. H. New York. Kn.in left to right rs Tliomas ivlioli, mils mad Secivtaty of the Navy Daniels and HRinnKPOItT, Conn., Julv 1". Simon Lake, inventor nnd builder of submarines for tho U. S. govern ment, was gratified today by tho hiiii cchh of tho experiiiu'iits touting tho new Mibumrino (l-II, which donioii htraled that tho new boat can cross the Atlnntio ocean and return- with out stopping, having a cniiiing rud iiirt of 0000 wiloB. If in perfectly practicable for tho (l-:i, with itn new engines to crosn tho ocean, do what Bltd went to do, hud come hack with out depcudeneo On nliv IiUbo of v-up plies, bnid Jir. Lake. Jt in merely a question ot the economy of fuel." The (!-: was built by the Lake Tor pedo Itont company of this city. Hnr extensivo eruising radiiiH is duo to the efficiency of a new SwUs engine which driCH the boat both on the 'hurfneo and under water, replacing both tho giiholino oiusiiior heietoforo lined to drive biibinniino cralt on tho hiirfuco and tho oleetiio motor Used for undersea troel. In a HorioK of IohIs consihting of triph up and down tho loncth of Long Iblutiil sipilid tho now boat hliowcd a hpecd of 1 1.7 knot on tho Mirfuoo and 10.7 knotu mtbmuud. She coht .f l.'.O.dOO; Tho O.JI in only 100 feet long, hut Kcvcn new Luko submiiiinot which nro being eoilstriietod for thuU. S. navy will be :ir0 feet long and posses a much greater radius of activity than the (J-3. They- yull iw the new en gine and Mr. Lake said loduv that thev would be the ciual ot unv i the (Ii nn. in uiiw. E GKNKVAt Switzerland, July 17. Tbo Tribune prints tho following des patch loin iU correspondent at the front : "Tho Austro-Hungnrian foreon which attemptod to d'ulodgo tbo Hui siaim fnun position along the Vis tula nvor liHe boon repuUed with heavy lo;. Tho Ituasiuiip attacking in turn, occupied ft milo uf Utjo Aus trian tionelies. "Fresh ltuUn liHtterioa whieli have anived have been ported on the Serein river have Ixwun to bow bard the jmaKO scroa Ui Dnies ter houth of Um Zaliwyky, olilig inr the Antriuns to recroc the river. Their retreat i beiuc oouverUd into a rout b. Konii ha.vouet attacks. "Et or Il..r.driistt the AustriaHs itreiipving the hit IihiiW of the Dine tor have lieen dilMisl utter a fiiwve baitd tu hand 1 niggle "Oa tl SnH jiver lk Iuian havo ac'fdfd ih trtiiHirnJv ar resting the Autuan vtteiotvc" NEW SUBMARINE TOCROSSATLANTIC AND BACK GAIN AUSTRIAN REULS ALONG DNEISTER ANDVISTULARIVERS OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1915 S. NM EXPERT, ON Thomas A. Hdlwm. NOTIFY BRITAIN TO PROTECT RIGHTS OF WASHINGTON', July 17. Secre tary Lansing mado public today a par aphrasing of tho noto by Ambassador Page on July 14th to tho Hrltlsh gov arnmont to conserve tho rights of American cttlzonu In cases being tried by British prlzo courts. It hns no re lation, ho said, to tho general noto on contraband still In courso of prepa ration. Tho pnrnilhrnso lssuod by tho atato department follews: "In view of tho differences which aro understood to exist hotweon tho two governments as to tho prlnclpIcB of law applicable- In prlzo court pro ceedings In cases Involving American Interest, and in order to avoid any mUundorstandlng as to tho attitude of tho United Statos In regard to any mi eh proceedings, tho government or tho United States Informs tho Hrltlsh government that Insofar bh tho Inter ests of American citzons aro concern oil, It will Insist upon their rlghta undor the principles and rules of In ternational law as hitherto establish ed, governing neutral trade In tlnio of war without limitation or Impair ment by ordors In council or othor municipal legislation by tho Hrltlsh government and will not rccognlzo tho validity of prlzo court proceed ings taken undor restraints Imposed by Hrltlsh municipal law In deroga tion or tho rights of American citi zens under International law." AT That William Jennings Ilrynn on his forthcomiiiK trip, will mako a public addroBu In Medford Is among tho powilbilltloa. A lettor received by tho Commorclal club, accepting Uiqlr Invitation to visit Orutor Lake, gonvoys tho promUe. Hetnlls or datos are not arrangod. It Is planned to nuot Mr. Hryaii with autov at Montaguo and take him thonoo to Klamath Kails, whoro tho night will he pnt. Prom thuru ho will bo taken to tho lako oarly next morning and from thonoo to Medford, where 1m will nddrww tho peoHlo In the cti park In tho oven ing. Thlfl tOHtatlve program has been submitted to Mr. Ilryan upon his ox rd wish to view tho Klamath ralla country and his limited time not permitting a more extended visit. AMERICANS BRYAN MAY SPEAK MEDFORD CRATER LAKE BOM BAmESHIPlUBERTY BELL ,M-wA UMBU.MtXX f VNCTtMMCCV Invcnlloim and development. TUN Admiral l'letchcr, M.-h. Daniels, NEW CORPORATION FORMED TO MAKE FUSES FOR ALLIES N'i'iW YOHK, duly 17. Most of tho leading typewriter and adding maebiiio companies in tho east and middle west, it wis staled today, have formed a new corporation un der the titlo of tho American Ammu nition company, to take up contractu J'or the manufacturo of fuscrf for liigb explosive nnd hhrapnel shells for tho Kuglish, French and Kuhhiiui governments. Tho hhell eominihsioii of tho mi litia depaitment of the Canadian gov ernment, neiing for tho Hiittnh war office, is hiiid to have awarded to tho American Ammunition company within a week a contract for tho nuinufactiiro of fiibcs amounting, to .f 10,000,000. Aii additional contract also amounting to $1 0,000,000, it is stated, bus been given by thu Canadian shell commission to tho same group of mnnufnt'turing concerns. Tho Canadian militia department is reported to havo civen in addition a $70,000,000 contract for shrapnel and high explosive shells to a finan cial group which will uiidcrtiuko to sub-let the business among a num ber of industrial concerns. AT KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 17.--Ihg packing concerns and other biisi. ucss intoiesU in tbo west bottom here wero warned today by tbo gov ernment w outlier bureau to prepare for a '28-foot stage in tho KiuiHnu liver nt Kanaitu City by Sunday night. Uchiilonts of tbo lowlandi cast of Kansas City also wero warned to expect a 30-foot mark in thu Miss ouri mer. Should tho livers go us high as piedietvd, sciious damage is teared. The Kansas liver stood today at j:i.r feet, a full of two tenths of a foot over night. The Missouu was at J7.o feet. DEI LONDON, Julv 17, .1 10 p. m. Knurmoiis crowds ot vvomow thronged Victoria embankment hi da, despite a diizzliug rain, to par. ticitato in the w omen's proeeasiou volemg the dumaiid that the Hriti'; KoveniiHont utilize vvomsu in the work t making Hinmuntion ami n repine- lli; xlv ,,. DANGER MARK WOMEN VIAND MUNITION WORK REACHES GOAL DUE 0 HD AI Great Demonstration Greets Historic Relic Champ Clark Orator of the Day, Advocates Greater Military Preparedness to Preserve tho Lib erty for Which the Bell Stands. SAN FHANCISCO, Cal., July 17. Idberty Hell, America's chief relic oC Hie war for independence, was greeted today bv a demonstrative crowd tluit increased from tbo arrival of tho lioll after midnight last night until noon . I.,. .!..i.i i... i ..:..!. ....i:i ........1 today when within tho grounds of tho Punnmit-l'ueifio exposition thous ands broke into cheers as the lull, in a mass of red rambler roses wJiH brought befoie a pin! form in n great open spaco whero ChAmp Clark, (im-cmor Johnson and (ithur speakers wero gathered. Children gathered along Van Ness avenue danced with delight, cheered with delight, cheered in treble videos and tossed sprigs of greenery, flow ers and flags on the path of the Lib erty bell. At tbo exposition -18 lit-1 tic school gills, representing the states of tha union, placed wreaths of flowers on tbo hell. Champ Clark Orator Champ Clark, speaker of the house of representatives, w;is inspired by the reception of tbo Liberty bell hero today to discuss the need of groater military preparedness to preserve to citizens of the United States that liberty of which tho bell is an historic, symbol. ln tho course of bis remarks, ho said : "I differ tolo eoolo with tbo pro ponents of 'pence nt any prico.' That is an amazing, a demoralizing, a do grading doctrine. "On the other hand I am uttcily op posed to thosa who advocato a large standing army, and to those who ad vocato it navy equal to tbo two big gest navies in the world. I am not a jingo, (lod forbid I I bopa most profoundly thero will never bo anoth er win' particularly another to which wo aro a party, but knowing that human nature has not changed n jot or llttlo since Adam nnd Kvo wero driven with flaming swords from PuradNo. I nm in favor of putting the country in such posture that if war should for any reason, become necessary wo may cmorgo from it conquerors, as we have been in all our wins. Advocates Kvvlss System "W'c should nlso have a well drilled, nnd well equipped national guard to bo used for strictly national purposes on tho priuciplo enunciated bv Thomas Jefferson ' a woll disci pline militia our best rcliani v in ponco and for the first moments of war,' till regulars inuv relieve them.' "It seems Hint if litllo Switzerland ca mobilize in a fow (lavs an aiinv of half n million well drilled men by means of hor system of militarv edu cation nnd disoipbno tbo cheapest system known among men and "iif ficicntly effective. wo could bv such application of her system as fits our easo, in a year or two, bo able to mobilize nn army of two millions of well disciplined men nt a cost which to us would bo a mero bagatelle -which would ho n most effective in surance for this country and all her citizens and their Interest." frenchTosses at HKIILIN July 17, by wireless to Snyvlllo The Overseas News Agency announced todu ythat the Gorman au thorities have succeeded by various means, especially by questioning tho numerous prUonora taken, In secur ing aceurato flguros of tho French losses In the great Arras battle. "Those," tho agency announcement says, "roached tho grand total ot 71,800 In killed, wounded aad cap tured, ilUtrlu'i'tit as follews: "Third army corps, 15,000; ninth army corps, G,000; tenth army corps, 10,000; seventeenth army corps. 1800; twentieth army corps, lO.fiOO; twonty first army corps, 8000; twenty tlilrarni) corps, 11.000; forty eighth division, G000; fifty fifth division, SOOO." EXPOSITION HAN MAKE ARRAS TOTAL 75000 NO. 100 1LUSITANIA LOSS Court of Inquiry Probing Disaster Exonerates Liners Officers and Owners Act Done With Intention of Not Only Sinking Ship But of Destroying Lives on Board. LONDON, July 17. "TorpcuW Jircd by n submarine of German tui lionnlity, caused tbo loss of the Htenniship Lusitnniafiinil ita puscn iajfiinil 4'fi. Igers, according to the! findings of tbo . ... ....... !... i ... ; .' court of inquiry ,a)moiiitd to investi gate the disasUor. Tbo court held that no blnlnc for the tiagedy attached either to Cap tain Turner, commander of the cs sel, or tho Ciinard Line, the owner, "After having carefully inquiicd into the circumstances of tbo disas ter," says tho formal report of tb" court, "tbo court finds tho lots of said hhip nnd lives was due to dam age caused tbo ship by lorpedoei fired by a submarine of Gcimnn nn- Uiounlity. Hone to Destroy People "In the opinion of tbo court, the net wns dono not morelv with tbo in tention of sinking tbo ship, but nlso with the intention of destroying the lives of the people on board." Other salient features of tho re port aro that tho life boat and lifo hell 'facilities wero adequate; that tbo demeanor of tbo crow was nbovn all blame, and that tbo conduct of the passengers, barring n slight panic when the- steerago passengers cnnic. on dock, wns praiseworthy. The court also found that the ship was unarmed that her cargo was general one, tho animniiilioh-iiboaid consisting only of fiOOO cases of cnilridgcs, from which thorn was no explosion. A small gathering composed nlmo entirely of survivors of the Lusitar and their relatives, listened to tho reading of tbo findings by Huron Me--soy. Americans Hlsnpimlnted Tho icsirt was a distinct disap pointment to tbo Amoricnn survive-, who expressed indignant surprise t tbo portion which exonerated Captain Turner and the Cunnrd Lino from e'l blame and commended the discipline of tho crow. Several attorneys representing Amoricnn clients listened close! v -i the rending of tho judgment wlib't mnv have a groat effect on action brought against the stciuiibhip com pany. Among tho spectators were Wnl-" Webb-Wlire, representing tbo Vain hilt family; Major l- Warren IV'' and Mrs. l'cail of Now Yolk and ' 11. Jenkins of Chicago, survivers: i"'l William Criehton of Nuw York, who o vviTe was lost, Hcfore tbo reading began, MiiO'i' Pearl expressed tbo opinion that l'' decision would sharply condemn ll" officers of the ship and of the Cunntd Lino for negligence. No Neglect Shown "No doubt there were uihdiups. in handling the ropes of Urn .boats," said Lord Mersey, "but in my opinion thcro was no incompetence or ne glect." Huron Mersey found that Captc i Turner was fully advised bv ll. Hritisliadmiialty as to tl be-1 (Continued on Page Two) FINAL HONORS PAID I WASHINGTON, Julv 17- Dr. J. A. Holmes, late director of the biuoin of mines, was buried hero today. AU over the country the mining industry, by suspending operations and clo- -ing nulls, joined in a final tribute to the lather of the miiie bafctv inuvu mont. Societal ies Daniels, Luuo and Wil son, Surgeon General William . Georges of tho urmv, It. S. Wood ward, president of tbo Carncgiu In stitute. Samuel L. Itogurs, director of tho census, Clius. M. Galloway, civil service commissioner, una 1'eter M. Wilson, chief clcik of tho senate, noted as honorary pall hear. T'n chiefs of the divisions of the buie.iu of mines who worked under 1L. Holme, were the flvtive pall tourer, fp 4 ;i