Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    PAGE SEVJ31f
Im. IV I
i .
ASHLAND, July 15. A ribl call
rtuno near being sent in frdm tlio
city council elmtulior Tuesday' night,
vVhcn tlio municipal dads mot in ad
journed session. Iteports of coin
one from tlftj wnter committee, ' o
which Cbiiueilmnti Ashcrnft is ehnir
innti. Those special findine-H wcro
expWtcd in reply to request of tlio
springs commiBsion for oxtrn water
Hiijily needed for 'park purposed in
general. Either iio report -was'
forthcoming or it was ho ambiguous
that the effect was pnu'tienlly nil.1
Councilman Wnro of tlio finance
committee, took occasion to severely
criticise Ashcrnft" for neglect of duly,
prompting the retort courteous, "you
shut your mouth!" an admonition
from Ashcrnft which Ware failed to
observe, and for n brief period the
jaws and tongues of both worked
overtime, added to which verbal mas
sage there we're gestures which bord
ered on tlio thronlonjng.,1 ,
In the meantime the chief of police
who is e.x-officio sergcant-nt-iinns
t of (ho councihnanic body, left it to
Mayor .Johnson to restore enco,
who not only rapped for order with
, gavel and both fists, but ripped Ash
craft up the lnu& for uiipnrliittnon
tary language in addition to derelic
tion in the discharge of a plain duty.
L'Envei: After patching up a
i truce .for the titno being, negotia
tions were entered into implying n
leport from the proper eommittco at
the next regular session, Julv 20, the
water involved being the plain Ash
land c.1 eek variety instead of lithifl
fizz. ...
Tlio locnl auto tiro tr.uck lnnilo tlio
spin to tho Talent tiro Thursday in
bovoii minutes.
Stato Highway Engineer Cnntlno,
accompanied by inoinbors of the coun
ty court and other officials, was In
town Thursday aftornoon, being tnk
on for a trip ot Inspection over por
tions of tho Pacific highway by an
automobile party headed by Mayor
oJhnosn and "Messrs. Ware, Lamkln
and Fred Wagner.
Notwithstanding Portland pnpors
gnvo no schedules ot tho qppcarnnco
of tho Liberty Hell south of Hosehurg,
Hpguo river vojloy towns saw tho rel
ic Just tho name. Prom Medford tho
bell arrived hero practically on tlmo.
Tho vo was from ten to flftoen min
utes. A big crowd was present,
Chautauqua, tho theatres anil Eovornl
duncus contriliutlug each Its quota to
not only keep the peoplo up but also
to keep them In tho best of humor.
Tho appearance of the bell hero wan
no untoward Incident, and after an
enthusiastically loyal demonstration
It was on Its way rejoicing. Tho ap
pearance of (ho traditional Independ
ence reminder wns heralded by clang
ing all tho bolls In town.
t 8. a, KdwnrdB, who owns an ex
ceedingly fertile ranch on tho Hear
creek bottoms, In the northern Oak
street section, was oxhlbltnK samples
of oats raised by him to Interested
parties near tho postofflce on Wed
nesday. The particular stalks meas
ured eight feet high, and ho hns
twolvo nrres In litis patch which will
average well up to tho growth men
tioned. It. M. Drake, of tho onglnoorlng de
partment Southern Pacific, headquar
ters In San Francisco, was In town
Tuesday, with qther officials north?
ward hound, occupying Uio private
car "Sierra Nevada."
A young man who Is thoroughly
enjoying a vacation porlod hero Is
Joseph Icenhowor, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Icenhowor, of Council
Hluffs, Iowa, In which city ho Is en
gaged In tho automobile business.
I.onal friends of two Southern Pa
cific employes In" othor towns aro
congratulating them on. being retired
on pension. Tho parties aro August
H. Uahlbcrg of Grants Pass, carpen
ter foreman, and George It. Anson of
Dunsmulr, countorman, who have
been years In tho service. Tho S. P.
has now about 700 on Its retired
rolls, to whom over $2,000,000 has
been paid In pensions since tho sys
tem was Inaugurated. ,
'In spite of neutrality restraints,
four pro-Drltlsh sympathies wore
iTnown to haQ gathered on tho prom
ises at 2.S3 Scenic Drive last Monday
evening. These sons of Albion were
George Tavenor, William Tavener, A.
II. DavontilH and 11. G Ollmore, arch
conspirators uho together with Mrs.
Vm Tavenor and Miss Victoria Tav
ener were enlisted In the cause of par
taking of a boutlful lepast provided
by Mrs. Gllmore Gorman dishes
wore dlsnUwHl b those conforming
to English gaatronomlcal law. and
over the hospitable hoard thero wbb a
mutual Interchange ot friendly greet
ing and sntlnient.
Vcrn Hastings and Mlw Carrl$ O.
Hubbard, both of Oil city, were niatvl
yf'C'' Vfeiv) "J"riJlT2i took hlmwithm to th war iotui. He jroveauiefuTI 4 ( Iff) jTV) (jr l BP, "? im k !
No. 1-Onc on my travh In the ?- lWo-s!vir -rff -P'C' No 4Hh remarkable ' A) L,v LaS
wild of Africa, I captured the only llv 'I -55. -:r . J- S kCS-r-X, ! could adapt them If J'V LJ?V firY ,
lng spotted ebr with elMtlclepf He -rf "J ""L-1 vJX ". , 'JF? telres to tho road Ihusl ff N. (-A No O-Aiii-at night, 1. wung
I wm marvelou creature. -ns" - -"" , . .. s s aa'V ut f v wmy h-iraaack under nU ! 'a
" No 3-Once, being chssed by a sooutlcg party, I eluded therri thiul. ' .'.'.is r.aiiMr. I
oniony being performed by Itov. Paul
Handy f tho Prcsbyterlnn church. Mr.
Hastings la a barber In the employ of
S. S. Dnvlcs at tho depot tonsorlal
headquarters, and Is tho son of Mr.
and Mrs.sJtlco Hastings, residents
hero but formerly of Cottage Grove.
Tho brldo Is tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 1). C. Hubbard of 3CC Lattrol
street. Tho newlywcds arc at homo
with ,tho bride's parents for tho pres
llantn & Sons.iavj r'econtly trans-1
inrruu nii'ir oanu1 oi goats, oo in
number, from Josophlnb county to
summor grazing fields on Keeno
creek, In which vicinity they own
.100 acres. Tho original bunch of
1C00 head woro purchased over a
year ago from John Spauldlng of
Modoc county, Cal., a noted stock
raiser of that section, and tho invest
inont, has been a profltablo one.
A pointer to tho Ashland band by
wny of suggestion Is tho fact that
tho recently organized municipal
band ot Kugono will contain two
women cornetlRts In tho persons of
Mrs. Raymond ainrlatt and Miss
Mamlo McCluskoy.
Mrs. (leorgo Anderson of this city
died at Medford 'Tuesday evening,
whither sho hud gono to visit rein
Ives. Ilcahlca her husband sho loaves
an Infant daughter ton months old.
Interment wns at Eugene. Mr. An
derson Is mechanician at Camp's Ford
Local Echodulcn for tho Coloafln
excursion, to occur Sundny, August
1, under auspices of, Medford lodgo
of Elks, set tho hour for leaving
Ashland at 9 a. in., returning at 9:30
p. in. Advertising matter bears tho
significant udmpiiitlon, "Intoxlcauti.
prohibited on trains and grounds."
About a dozen Mazamns from Port
land, who dotoured from tho main
excursion party .to Shasta In order to
visit Crater Lake, arrived hero by
auto on Wednesday, taking No. in
for tho south In order to join tho
hikers up Simula's slopes, Whllo lu
Ashland they mado tho acquaintance
of several old tlmo members of their
organization. George Kramer wns
a charter member of tho original Ma
zamns way back In 1891, and at that
time lived In Monmouth. In that
enr tho club mado tho nscent of Mt.
Hood on tho Fourth of July, and let
looso much red flro from tho moun
tain Hiimmit. Will O. Steel, now of
Crater Lake National Park, Pros. P.
L. Campbell of tho stato university
at Eugene, and othors wcro of tho
party. Kramer retains several pic
tures takon in connection with tho
Mazama outings of tho earlier per
iod. Twenty throo do bio deckers, load
ed with sheep to tho number ot near
ly 7000 head, wcro unloaded hero
Wednesday night at local yards for
feod, and went wouth on Thursdny.
Hallway rumors In local clrclos ln
dlcato that, with the influx or travel
this summor. a station will bo Install
ed at Stelnman with three operators
and ndequato equipment, also that
tho station force at 1 1 lit will bo In
creased correspondingly.
A writer In tho Craftsman, who Is
paying glowing tributes to railway
stations along the lino of tho South
ern Pacific, evidently overlooked tho
Ashland struaturo when ho waxes
oloqneut over certain depots which
have "called forth the genius of tome
of our best architects."
Under the classification of "arm
and munitions" tho first Increaso to
tho equipment tor commissioned offi
cers of First company was a fine
sabre, presented to Captain C A. Ma
lone, suitably Inscribed by mombors
of the organization on tho occasion
of lha recent encampment at Fort
Steens of the Coast Artlllory Ho-
James Horshurgh Jr.. for over 40
yoars In the employ of tho Southern
Paotflc In various cai cities, notably
as paonr,er traffic manager, and an
official woll known here, has rotdgn
oil and will become the head of a
large .automobile conrom In San
All the way from Sacramento
comds tho news, that Ell Codor and
Mrs. Ponninah Maglll wcro married
at Yrokn, Jitly 10, tho ceremony hav
ing been performed by Judge Jnmcn
F. Lodge. Thoy nro both .Ashlnnd
residents mid their Individual ages
aro each given as being GS years..
Tho brldo was tho widow ot tho late
Joseph Maglll.
.Mesdamoa C. Gibson and J. W.
Myers, both of Central Point, hnvo
been Chautauqua visitors of Mrs. C.
t "Tho McsMnif&rfRce'conch
No. cTi'olonglnK to the American lnap
tlst Publication Kocle'ty. went north
on Wednesday, attached'-ias gospel
equipment to second ifi, Sco Joliti
y:iu. w
Tho fact that six locomotives woro
summoned on Thursday morning
from local yards to Hosoburg gives
color to tho rumor that something is
going on In tho wny of transfer on
a big scnlo from Hint terminal to this
one. Tho motlvo power wns of tho
"consolidation" typo.
Tho mnyor of Iloston, James M.
Curley, accompnnlcd by his wifo nnd
son, wcro passengers Incog, on No.
13, Wednesday noon, southbound to
San Frnnclnco. .
A flro at Talent Thursdny foro
noon, destroyed tho box factory own
ed by H. C. High. Tho loss was
total on building nnd contents which
included somo newly Installed ma
chinery, Thero Is said to bo no In
surnnco. ABhla.nd'H nuto ,flrp truck
mado a run to tlio scone, but was
handicapped In rendering nsslstanco.
Flro caused by exploding gasoline
engtiio. Cnrl Fromnn, employe, was
sorlously Injured.
Itnlph Householder, is helping Mr.
Olson him! huv this week.
(leorgo Jliginbothnnt fomioily n
roMtleiit of this place, but now, of
KoM'bnrg cninc up on Wednesdays
triiiu on business returning the next
Will Lewis is engaged uniting Jtis
second crop of ulfitifn.
Mrs. Hlnckcrt of (lulls otcck nnd
daughter, Mr, (lurrctt of (lold Hill
spent Wedncbdliy, the guests of Mr.
John Marsdou.
Mrs. Hull' of (lold Hill was n to
cent guest of Mr. Olson.
Mrs. Sutton and mother, Mrs,
Brown, spent WciIiiomIiiv tho guest
ofj'imil llenii mid family.
Mr. I'urkeypilq, the station ngent
of Medford, who hua been poiiding
n few days of his vacation tit tho
mine of Norris and Higinhnthitui to
turned to hih homo in Mcdtord on
John Itolls has returned to bin mine
on Oalls orcttk whete he intends to
do quite nit amount of development
work this Mimiuor.
Mr. Jtobertson's friends ctinjfriitu
late him on his foitiimito oeupe
from the nuto ueoidenl hint Sntutdiiy
Weather Prophet forectistu cooler
weather for some dnyt.
Kauen ctcek hiihinoss vihitors to
Gold Hill this week uoio Mr. mid
Mr. OIkcii, Mrs. Miudon, Mr. Hi
tnhotham, James Luwretice. Wm,
Lewi and Mike Foloj.
Mr. Uleeson who him been nittm
wood for Mr. Heun. this wpnng and
unimur Iiuh left here tor a hlunt
Mr. Mud Mr. II. I). MilU and
dMHbtor KlizMliottt and Mi. Jnwm
aro in AiUu( alandiug the vku-
Tbc'MUisM rcitii ttnd IWHh CmA
ond thir tMotktr Unve beii r.xndiug
th wook ui Hutte i ,
Mjth. (-imih! and S!i w-
liiniml U Uir hmw Ihr ItM t t ..
vmdw. .. ,4.
A ilam-f wa held ut the hum ui
Mrs. Cross .Snlutduv niglit. A large
crowd was present nud u fine time
had. i , , v
The Mother' , dub ifiitjt -at the
chiipcl Weducsdnv ami decided not
to have tiny nloiu muutiugs until
Sept ember. I
Mrs. Parker ttnd her son liny re
turned fiom tho uxpdHittim .llhtli-si-dny.
Will Itugliibi who ItttH bel-ii ill Kln
mnth Pulls for sexenil mouths came
home last week.
Mrs. tooiiblcduv emtio Saturday for
a visit on her husband's ranch.
Mr. Simmcrville staved Thiiisdtty
night in IJulto Pulls
, '
Roportod by Jacksou County Ab
tract Co., 8lxth and Fir SU.
Circuit ('out t
J. W. Horrou vs. W. T. Wind ct nl.
Suit in equity.
Jackson County Hank vs. A. W.
Walker. SiiU to fiireeb) chnllof
mortgage. b j ju
Almn V. WjorttSi vhJ Lindsliy &
Ncntliuiner. Action at htV.
i II, Milxon -h. Ashlnnd Iron
Works. Affidavit. .'
Heal Kstato Tnuixfers
l)orn 10. Hill to J. P. O'lliicu
land in Ashlnnd, deed.
Scaled proposal' addressed to tho
County Court of Jackson county, Ore
gon, and endorsed thereon 'Propos
als for constructing pm Mop of Crater
Lake Highway," will lio received by
tho County Court of Jackson county,
at Its offlco In tho Court Monso at
Jacksonville, Oregoh, until 11 o'clock
a. in. on tho 27th day of July, 191&,
and at that tlmo and plnco, will bo
publicly opened and rend.
All proposals must bo mado upon
blank form, to be obtained from tho
Qouuty Survejor, at hlu offlco In tho
Medford National Hank llulldlng,
.Medford, Oregon, must glvo tho
prices pioposcd, both In writing and
In figures, and must ho signed by the
bidder, with his address. Eacb bid
Is to be presonted under sealed cover,
nnd Shall bo accompanied by cnn)i, A
bidder's bond, mado pnablo to Jack
son County, or n tcrtlflcd check, mado
payable to tlio County Judgo, of Jack
sou County, Oregon, for nit amount
equal to at 5 per cent of tho
amount of said bid, and no hid shall
lib considered unless such cash, bond,
or check Is enrlosed therewith. Hucb
bidder's bond shall bo conditioned
that if said hid bo arcoptod, tho party
bidding will duly enter Into nnd oxo
cuto tho contract Should tho suc
cessful bidder to whom tho contract
Is awarded fall to oxocttto tho name
within ten tlnvs (not Including .Sun
day) from tho date of tho notification
of such award, such cash, bond, or
chock, shall bo forfeited to Jackson
County, and the samo shall bo tho
proporty of the County.
A Corporate Surety Hond will bo
roqulrdd for the faithful performance
of tho contract, In tho sum equal to
ono-hnlf ot the total amount of tho
All bids are to bo compared on tho
basis of tho County Survocr8 oatl
utato of the quantities of tho work to
bo done, as follews:
Harh oxcautlou, 0433 cubic yards.
Hock excautiou, 1 cubic yard
I.ooho ro'k exiavatlon, 1 cubic
Clearing and grubbing 0.1 ncres.
Hurrah for Irrigation. Lot's hope
that all who vant It will got It and
that niaio will want It. Hut In the
meantime let not lotto sight of tho
fart that this U a flno valloy. Wo
neod not sit back and lot tho Idle
knock It. Speaking of Initiation. I
can sell 16 acres for f20Q an ano;
1QU acroa for $165 an aero, S00 seres
for I1SI an ro, and 176 acres for
$88 an acre, and all have an abund
ane ef gravity Irrigation water
right fully paid U and seourud with
aojl it gwd and level at can '- found
iiywhwe. ami all right here In tho
Rogue Rlvr Valley. If Interested
look thorn ever.
' C. D. HOON
Jackwii Co. UunK Uutldlng
Log ctilvertn, H.
Tho foidgolrig ((tmntltles nro ap
proximate only, being given as n basis
for tho cOmbarlson ot bids, and tho
County Couit of Jtickson county does
rtot ctprcsnly or by Implication, agreo
that tho actual nmotttil of work will
tiom'npond thcronllh, hilt reserves
lis rights to Increase- or decrease tho
amount of tin Muss! or portion ot
tho wtirk that may ho due-mud neces
sary or expedient by tho county sur
veyor of Jackson county.
Tho plans, etc., mny bo scon nnd
forms of specifications and contract
may bo obtained at tho county sur
veyor's otflce as heretofore mention
ed. The right Is reserved to reject any
and nil proposals and to nccopt the
proposal deemed best for Jackson
Clerk of County Cojirt for Jncknon
County, Oregon.
FO It HENTfodcin hotiBdkcopIng
Itultcs, closo In, 5, $8 mo.; now
prdp." 231 E 9th. 121
IfOK niVtwtioulsP
TO HKXT-ao room mod, turn, hotiso
sco Pttrucker,-St, Markn Hldg.
. J.mi.l
FOR RKNT5-room modorn notifo,
hnrd-wood floors, full cement baaC-
iiiorit Phonu 270W.
Coroy Hldg., fronting on Grnpo
St. Also most desirable offices,
icasnnnble. Rest of oorvlco. L.
L. Cathcart, Room 319, Phono
1C7. '
FOR SALi:--At bootlri I piibliTmar
ket, Saturday, July 17, meat, hakud
beans, potato salad, Hlaglu ttL and
vogetablo Boup lu iiuart Jars. 99
FOR SALB lloushold furnltitro. ln
MUlro 10 Ross Court. 103
FOR SALK Chenp, soorul dozen
fruit Jars, good as now. Call iSfl
South Fir Street.
FOR SALB Hack with two tjeats.
W. J. Hart7oll, phono I08.J-1. 99
FOR SALB Apricots 2c, orchard
run. llato Orchard. II. B. Kt ou
ter. t yy
FOR SALK- Contrirugat pump, 8
Inch stream, with all collections
nnd some oxtrn plpo; will irrlgato
100 acros. This pump will draw
tmnd, gtavol or wutor. Phono
931-L or call at 200 W. Main,
FOR SALB Team of brood miiruM,
prlco $150. Phonu 011-1(3. 101
FOR SALB- Good gontlo Jersoy cow,
two and mio-balf miles northwost
of Central Point. Iiniulro Mrs. Mu
Nussor, R. F. I). No. 1. Contra!
Point, Ore, Phono H3-x2. 102
FOR BALL -Hrood sows and young
pig. Phone 403-113, II. F, 'un
FOR 3 VLB -Horaos of all kinds;
1iouh wngogs, camping wagong,
hnukH, harness. Vliuou'a Hani, N.
Rlveisldo Ave. 110
FOR SALB Rod Pollod bull calf;
puro brod Duroc Jorsey Bprlng
pUs; polo mountain buggy, good
as new. Palmer Invoetmont Co ,
Modoc Orchard.
Because my stock in trado Is to
havo optioned at tho lowest cash
price tho host buy In this county.
I have buen on tno ground look
ing out for you for tho past flvo
years. Noarly everyday I have In
vestigated somo "good thing." I havo
eliminated everything oxeopt thoso
deals whloh I am convluaed will ee
ouro me satisfied customers.
In a fow hours time I can give you
tho benefit ot this roiearch. It fa my
buslnoaa to show you over tho county
and Introdtteo you to tho possibilities
and opportunities here. Bee Med
ford first and
Room -01, KlrH National lUnk Uldg.
FOR SALE Completely furnlshcU
modern flvo room house, garden,
berries, chickens; lot 50x215, good
locution, biggest snap lu city at
$1300. Part cash, balance terms.
Address Hox 720, Medford. 100
FOR SALE H' owner, 2fia Irrigated
aUalfn hind, paid up water right,
ono half mllo west of Talent; near
ly now Improvements; cost $2000,
pnya 7 to 10 per cent on vnluntlnn
niked. Prlco $250 por aero. Wol
born Heoson, Talent, Oregon. 10 1
FOR BALKS Or trndo, at n bnrgaln.
rooming hotiso with 1C furnished
rooms, located at 215 Fourth St.,
Ashland, Oregon. Call or wtlto J.
M. Slack, Proprietor. 11C
fruit and ornamontnl nursory ntock,
roses, flhrubbery, btc, excluslvo
territory; liberal cash advance
weokly on orders; froo outfit. Yak
ima & Columbia River Nursory Co.
North Yakima, Wash. 102
wXNfl3T)FIrsl-class blacksmith.
Apply Ilradon Mine, Gold Hill, Oro-
Bon. t
WANTISU To borrow $150, At so
ft ciuttiv Address A. M. Mall Tri-
K liiine, 4
WAKTBD-'Tt)' fItlYi-Good cowb;I
Htnto VnMljntlolitngCTVtiil lrlco.
Hox IV MlU!WrHhlfiWv-,. 10:,
WANTUD RelThqu7iitliu''iMond8,,fll ""C l" niumiinUioh-iibouid
II. h. Mooto. euro w.t'liirim lie -
V - 100
WANTBD Hccb, either aw arms or In
any stylo of hives. W. J. Smith, R.
R. No. 1, Hox 11. 100
WANTBD A loan ot $3000 for term
3 years. A-1 Hceurlty. AitttresH
M, caro Mull frlbtino.
FOR TRADB S-imBSOiigor Ford
body In good condition for 1st class
roadster body. Apply Blectrlo Shop
South Central. 0'J
TO LOAN $2000 to Iotui.
tlio liirtiirnneo vniiij
LOST Mooko and Baglo lodge ro
onlpt hooks. . Flndor plouso, rotnni
to Tilbtilio gftlco. J00
LOSTSotnowhoro between Moiirbrd
and IColly'B Island on Rnguo River
road Sunday, presumably uuiir 1101180
Rlvoraldo ranch, grip contntnliig
my fishing outfit, olothon, wndlng
bIiooh, reels, fly hooks, londor box,
flloi, etc. 'Reward for lotiirn to
G. Ptttnum, Mall Trlbuno offlco,
i mm
Attoruoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford Nrtlonal Hank bldg.
A. B. RBAMBS, I,AVYKR Oarnott.
Corey bldg.
Win. M. Colt Ik. (leorgo M. Roliorti
Medford Nutlounl Hank HulldliiK
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Hank HulldltiK.
AlltO UppIlOrt
aro operating tho largest, oldeti
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our uprlngi
when others fall. Sold under guar
anteo. 20 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
Collections nnd Reports
collected somo account 14 yejirs
old. Wo know how to get tbe
money. The Hultock Mercantile
Agency, Ins, Rooms 1, 2, S, llua
klna' Hldg., 210 B. Muju SU
Garnett-Corey Hldf., suite lit
Medford. Oro. Phone 806.
Notary 1'ubue
nTlVJKN'NYOCKHYotiry pub
lie HrliiK otir work to mo at th
alU ot tho Mull Trlbuoe,
f in -. . i i ii i i it I. rii ir
DR. A. R. IH2DG153, Dr. LrfiuUo M.
Hedges Mccbano-Tboraplsls, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These
systems, Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., prodtiro results tu both acuta
and chronic dlsonscs. Consulta
tion froo. Over Dotiol & Co., cor
ner Main and Bnrtlett. Hours V
a. in. to 6 p. m. Other hours by
appolntmont. Phujie 170.
PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
norvo spoclnllst Rooms 203-20 1
206. Oarnott-Corcy bldg. Vaior
hatha nnd scientific massage given;
noodle spray, head nnd shoulder
ahowor lu connection; ndvlcs la
dlototlcs, medical gyninnstles,
hydropthorapy Lady uttondauL
Plfono, offlco 543. rouldnnco 511-lt.
Knglnorr ant Contractor
PR 13 D n7 O UM M IN G S-Englneer and
contractor, 404 M. P. & H. Hldg.
Surveys, estimates. Irrigation,
drainage, orchard nnd land lta
GARHAGK Got your promlsa
clonncd up tor tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage waijons for
good Bcrvlce. Phone 274-L. T,
T AllAn.
ncil llie MemiiKti irit.ta...hv.n ctiiuC
'look, was prniscwortlty.
The court also found that the ship
unarmed that her cargo was n
musiii k my
of 5000 cases of
nuigiii, voilo. rnona
1'byonliinan ana. mtrxvoaa
physIclaiiB, 41C-47 Garuott-Uoray
bldg., phono 103 C-L. Kldeii
20 South Lautrol at.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
EhyslcIanB, 303 Garnott-Coray
ulldlng. Phono U04-M.
DR. J. J. BMMBNS Phyelclaa aafl
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, hobo nnd throat. Byes scien
tifically tested and glasses up
piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F & II. Co,
Hldg, opposlto P. O. Phono DC7.
13. U. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack
son County Dank bldg. OfttM
phono 43-R; residence phone Cb-K.
DR." lt7V. OLANOV Physician and
jiiirgooii. l'hones, office 30, rest
douco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 t
12, 2 to 6.
Physicians and surgeons. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & II. Hldg.
1'houua rosldonco, 814-J3; office,
l)lC MARTIN liTllAiriu-JR -Phyfll-olap
and surKWui. Offlco Palm
bliielt, opposlto Naab Hotel llotlra
10 to 12, I to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers miO Putdlslicrs
best oaulpped printing offlco la
southern .Oregon; bonk btndlug,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portland price. JH7 Norta
Fir Kt
Sowing Machines,
SISWING MACH1NKS rented, sold or
ropatrod. AKoiuy Singer Sewing
machine., f'" Houthern.. OrogOn.
lJoAilqttrtera with Medford Furl
tutu and Hardware Co. C. A.
Shoo Repairing
igllOUS RJIPAIRmn-FlrBt ciasH no
. repairing, on modorn electrta
machlnea whllo you wait. K."N
Hldon, located In Kldd's Shoe Store,
Phono 313J.
Oftlco 43 North Front St. PhoM
315. Prices right. Service guar
tutood TyiwwrlteM und Mnpplloa,
New RomliiKton, Smith Promter
and Monarch typowrltlng, addiRg
nud mibirnotlng muclnes, uhulH
machiuos for oas'.i or easy payt
tuents MaolilnoH for rontrlbbo
and aupplles ot all kinds, simple re
pairs freo ot shartftt, Rmjer .
Hrnnett, 10 Quince H., uIwmm
rkd at Jacksonville Tuesday, tho cer