Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Fair Tonight and SAtHruViy.
Max. 81, MIh. 17, Hum. 27.,
Forty-fifth Triir.
Dally Tenth Tcnr.
NO. 99
Medford Mail Tribune
$35,000 BAIL IN.
Justice Hcmlrick Adopts Jury Ver
dict of Sanity Thaw Cheered By
Crowds Following Release Allen-,
Ists Severely Grilled By Justice
State Gives Notice of an Appeal.
NEW YORK, July 10. Harry K.
Thaw, adjudged sane hint Wednesday
by ii jury, wiih gicn his freedom to
day by Supremo Court Justice J'eter
A. Hendriok, who announced that bo
liad adopted the jury's verdict.
The state immediately Served not
. ice of nppenl and Justieo Hcndriek
fixed Thaw's liail at .f35,Q00 to insure
his presence at future proceedings.
A surety company was prepared to
give tlio liond and Tlmw was taken
from the court houso to tlio judge's
chambers so that details might he
'J haw Wildly Checml
A erowd of several hundred lined
the sidewalks and around the court
house, cheered Thaw and anplauded
wildly when ho appeared on the court
houso stops.
In niinouneiiig his decision, Justice
Hundriek took oOcnsion to comment
unfavorably upon the action of alien
ists who had assisted tlio statu in
preparing the ease and then appeared
as expei t witnesses in coW.
"I hnvo reached a decision in this
ease," Justieo llendriek said, "and it
is based on inv own mind, fortified
by the action of the jury."
Thaw silliiur comfortably in his
chair, his counsel on each side, his
mother and his sister, a low feel be
hind him, showed his pleasure and
anticipated the eouit's decision with
a broad smile.
Talk., AlHMit Alienists
"1 want to sny a word itbout the
ulienUts," Justice lleudiiek contin
ued. ''We have been luld by one
alienist that it is impossible to de
termine tlio snuitv or insanity of a
person without taking tlio word of
alienists. This court and jury can
not depend upon tho word of an
alienist who for yearn has devoted
himself to a ease of this kind and
assisted in its piepanition. That a
doctor can help prepaio a case and
then go on tho stand as an expert wit
ness is wiong.
"I hope the legislature of tho
state will Hud sonic moans to eorieet
this. Some other method should he
adopted. (Icntlcmeu, 1 have adopted
the crdicl of the jury. I declare
now that it is the decision of this
eouit thnt Harry K. Thaw is banc."
Stale to Appeal Cn-o
Kdgar Iiromborgor of tho group of
luwjcrs appearing for tho state, gave
notice of appeal. At a previous con
ference of counsel in the uno, it had
been made clear that should the
court decido in Thaw's favor tho com
mitment of Justice Howling, under
illicit Thaw was sent to Mattcawan
in 1008 after ho had been acquitted;
on the grounds of insanity of the
murder of Stanford White, would not
bo formally vacated, but would sim
ply ooafco to operate.
Justieo Heudriek decided that the
stale's notice of appeal automatical
lv acted as a stay. John H. Stanch
field of Thaw's counsel then moved
that Thaw bo given his liberty under
u bond.
Protest Release
This motion was vigorously opposed
by tho state, Mr. Ihombcrgcr told
tho couit that ho considered Thaw
(Continued on Page 6)
PARIS. July ICC A dispatch to
tho Havaa Agency from AthonB says
that a privnto latter from Constanti
nople states that the Young Turks
commlttoo Is plotting tho assassina
tion of former Premier Vonlezlos of
Greece. The pollco, tho Athens ad
vleoa stato, havo taken the necessary
measures to protect the life of the
former prime minister.
Hindcnuiiry Again in Limelight
Advance Made in Baltic Province
and to North of Warsaw Aus
trians Crossing Dniester French
Retake Hill No. 285.
LONDON, July HI. Field Mar
shal Von Hiudcnburg has again come
into the limelight which btings (he
OeimaiiH within the r.onc which they
reached last winter when the Polish
capital was saved by a Itussian of
fensive. The Herman campaign in the Rus
sian Ilultio provinces seems to bo
gamg force, Renin today announcing
that tho German troops have crossed
tho Windiiu noi th of Koltiuyani in
their eastward nmrcli.
Further advances by tho Teutonic
forces are repotted in I'olnnd noith
of Warsaw, tho German official
statement recording progress south
east of Kolno and south of 1'rzas
nysz, whero their troops aro re
ported "fighting ictoriously." The
latest Russian statement declares
German attacks in this region were
Russians Not Worried
Pelrogrnd appears not to bo greatly
disturbed over the latest German
drive, claiming that much severe
frontal fighting must bo done before
Warsaw can bo surrounded by the
forces of Meld Marshals Von Ilin
denhurg and Von Mnckcuscn.
In southeastern Gnlieia the Austin
Gcniian armies are making their
way across the Dniester river under
n heavy Russian artillery fire which
has prevented tho troop, crossing in
several places.
Fighting again is becoming lively
in tho most distant portion of tho
Russian front in tho Caucasus
where both the Turks and the Rus
sians claim successes.
Fivnrli Itctaku Hill UH5
Tho battle in tho Argonno which
hnd proceeded for several davs with
violent irregularity, culminated today
in the re-captuie by tho French of
hill- No. 28.pi which' the troops of
Crown Prince Frederick William had
eapturcd hy storm on July 13th, and
the first impetus of tho German at
tack in this region seems to bo lost.
llomb and grenade fighting now is
taking the place of artillery action in
tho fighting n France, iiplicating that
the lines aro closely gripped in tho
form of struggle which so often has
led to a virtual draw along the west
em front.
On' the Austiian-ltalian front
Rome ropoits success in forcing the
Austrinns out of positions in tho
mountain regions where fighting is
in nrogrcss.
Further ndvnnees by the entente
allies on the Gallipoli lM-ninsiila are
reported by way of Athens.
Increase of Cholera In Austria. .
ZURICH, Swifzerlnnd, July Hi.
The Austrian miniister of the interior
announced today that there were 80!)
eases of A-iatio cholera in the em
pire on July 12 as compared with 77
eases on Julv 8, The alarming
spiead of tho disease occurred chief
ly in Galieia where many prisoners
of war nro affected.
We All NeedSpeedometers Nowadays!
Arfe"" JoVRIDtRS KAffc-tfROM HOTOR- COp TO HtAK?fc- CJ lM:
The cast porch at "HarLake nden,"
Cornish, N. H., the summer white
house. It is on this porch that
President Wilson spends much of his
time studying out his problems.
The picture bejow is ofHarlak
enden," the home of Winston Church
ill, now occupied by tlio president.
It is here that the president and Sec
retary of State Lansing will confer
over the latest German note and what
its reply shall be.
- AS
ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 10. -Win.
II. Sprouso of St. Louis, III., was
hanged lit Clayton, Mo., n suburb, to
day, for tho minder of his wife. His
last request was to see his six ehil
drcu who had testified against him.
They refused to come to him.
Tho evidence against Sptouso was
circumstantial. His wife, Annie
Sprouso, disappeared from their
home in East St. Louis, HI., October
31, 11)11. Her body was found near
Hientwood November 14, following.
Foitylio minutes before he was
to be hanged, Sprouso attempted to
commit suicide by slashing his
throat with n sharpened steel spring
taken from his shoe. Ho had also
eaten half n bar of soap during the
night in an attempt to die,
JOLIKT, III., July 10. Frank
Repetto, "tho man who never had a
chance," was hanged hero today for
tho murder of Charles Masters, his
cell mate at the euitentiary a year
Repetto was sent to prison for bur
glary. At his trial he told of his
cailv eil environment and gave him
self the titlo "Tho man who never
had a chance."
After the death feculence was im
poccd, Repetto made a statement
ndwsing hoys to profit by his fate
and to refrain from wrongdoing.
j-vn- trr .wfiVTws
k ''jam t.
,7!IUf1lT!. aT-'OhB
LONDON, July 16. Tlio Gorman
Biibmarlno U-51 has been sunk In tho
Dlack sea by Russian warships, ac
cording to advices recolvod from
Vnrna, a Iiulgnrlnn port on tho Dlack
sea, by tho Athens correspondent of
tho Cxchango Tolograph company.
Tho Ruhinnrlno U-Cl gained famo
by eluding tho Drtltsh blockado and
passing through tho strait of Gibral
tar to operato ugalust tho allied fleet
In tho Dardanelles,
Tho U-51 has lion credited with
sinking soveral vessels bolnnglng to
tho nlllns, Including tho Drltlsli bat
tleship Majestic,
Tho Drltlsli blockading fleot oft
Gibraltar was reported to havo been
warned of tho approach of tho U-51
hut failed to catch tho underwater
craft, which wont from Gibraltar to
tho Dardanelles whoro sho did much
to prevent tho allies warships from
co-operating with tho land forces on
tho Gallipoli peninsula.
Later tho U-51 passed through tho
Sea of Marmora and reported to tho
Gorman commander at Constantino
ple. If tho report of her destruction
In tho lllnck sea Is true, alio evident
ly wont from tho Turkish capital
through tho Ilosphnrus, probably to
operate against tho Russian llluck
sou floet.
m "Pf
$ "
WnffmltfMiTnTWWimWll M n mill Will 11
10 GO 10 WORK
LONDON, July 1C South Wales
minors aro showing today an unbrok
en front In conformity with a reso
lution passed at a meeting of dolo
galos ut Cardiff yesterday when It
was decided to rojoct tho recommen
dation of tho exocutlvo committee
that tho men return to work. Kvon
tho men In ono district who last night
docldod to return to work, reversed
their decision, and not a pick Is mov
ing. An Improvement In tho situation,
however, Is expected ns a result of
mass meetings In tho various districts
today and conforoncos of Waltor Run
lean, president of tho board of trado,
with representatives of tho minors
and tho pit owners.
Tlio men's leaders, who through
out the strike, nro Inclined to tho
view that n resumption of work may
ho expected Monday and tho govern
ment's prompt action In sotting up a
gonernl munitions tribunal for Walea
and Monmouthshire Is thought likely
to help lulu:; about a settlement,
Should tho Rtinlcau conferences to
day not turn out favorably, David
Lloyd-Geortce, tho minister of muni
tions, possibly will visit tho perturbed
district. His Influence with tho men
In previous disputes has bcon very ef
fective In tho mount lino perfect
peace reigns In tho coal fields.
.n. -ir- j --'' ; a v - v
Jury In Mormon Plural Marriage
Case Finds Youth Son of Million
aire and Entitled to a Onc-thlrty-third
Interest In Millions of Estato
Six Mormons, two Gentiles Jury.
OGDUN, Utah, Jul 1C Tho Jury
In tho Goddcs-Kcclos case roturnod n
verdict today declaring Albert Goddcs
to ho (ho son of David L'cklos, tho de
ceased mllllonnlro whom Mnrgarot
Goddes, mother of Albert, alloges wan
united to her In plunal marriage In
August, 18D8, by M. "W. Merrill, nn
npoNtlo of tho Mormon church. Tho
Jury, composed of eight mon, had
boon out slnco last night. A poll
disclosed thnt tho Jury stood 7 to 1
In favor of tho boy, who claimed a
ono-thlrty-thlrd Interest In tho mil
lions of tho Kcclca estato,
Tho caso ban boon on trial slnco
Juno 21, holding widespread atten
tion, receiving editorial commont by
many leading papers of tho coun
try owing to tho relation of tho
church to tho Senator Heed flmoot
Investigation In IDOL Mrs. Goddes
at that time having testified before
tho sonato commlttoo that sho was not
a purual wifo of David Kcclos and
furthermore, bocauso It Involved tho
quostlon ns to whether plural mar
riages had ben performed within tho
Mormon church slnco tho Woodruff,
manifesto In 1890, declaring against
tho practice of polygamy. Six Mor
mons and two non-Mormons madoup
tho Jury.
Tho text of tho verdict Is as fol
"Wo, tho Jury, empaneled In tho
nbovo entitled notion, find tlio Issues
Jollied In favor of tho plaintiff, thai
tho said David Kcclcs, docoasod, In
his llfo tlmo, acknowledged hlmsolQ
to be tho father of tho potltlonor.
and that said potltlonor Is an heir of
tho deceased.''
LONDON, July 1(1. Tho corres
pondent at Copenhagen of the Kx
chungo Telegraph company quotes
tho Vorwuortrt an anneuncing:
"Rumania has emphatically refused
to comply with Germany's demand
to allow weapons and ammunition to
traverse Rumania for Turkey.
PARIS, July 10 A Havaa dis
patch from Geneva says Information
lias bcon received there from Hudu
pest to tho effect that 513 cases of
cholera developed In' Hungary dur
ing tho week from Juno 21 to 28,
with 281 deaths. Twenty four cases
out of a total of 81 In tho army are
said to havo resulted fatally.
opens war to
Bcrnstorff Tells lansfna That Ger
man Reply Pi-csents Opportunity
for Settlement of Submarine Con
troversy By Further Diplomatic
WASHINGTON, July lfl.-Cohnt
Von Hornstlorff, tho Gcminii ambus,
sudor, told Secretary Lansing todny
ho believed tho Gerninn reply to the
last American noto on submarine war
fare prcticntcd opportunity for set
llemcnl of the controversy by furth
er diplornulio negotiation. Tho am
bassador conferred with Mr. Lan
sing nn hour nnd talked later with
Assistant Seorctnry Phillips. In the
absence ot! President Wilson, Secre
tary Lansing wa unable to inform
Urn ambassndor what eoursn tn
United Stntcs would pursue in Itn
next note, but ho heard with much
interest Count Von Hcmstorffn ex
planation of tho purposes of the Gcr
ninn government to satisfy public
opinion ut homo on tho maintenance
of submarine wnrfaro and nt ti'e
same Lime to maintain friendly rela
tions with tho United States. '
(Ji-eat Caution Kxerclsed
Tlio nmbassador ja personally con.
vinced there will bo no repetition
of the Lusitanin disaster and that
Gorman submnrincK now tiro exercis
ing great precaution to avoid inci
dents which might inflame pub!i
opinion in the United Slates. With
that Idea in mind, ho urged that tho
United States tuko advantage of th'"
intimation in Oeminny'R reply tht t
Gcnnnnv would bo willing to have
tho entire question of freedom of the
sons mediated with Great Hrituin
through tho Amoricnn inivenimciit.
Such n courso American official
have indicated might be moro wel
come if accompanied by some ns
suranco that during the pendancy of
tho negotiations American lives and
vessels would bo safo from attack ami
is Most Optimistic
Count Ilernstorff 'refused to re
veal what had taken place at today's
confeicnce beyond saying it was a
very satisfactory interview and that
ho felt eneouraged to believe the
dangor of n rupture in relations hail
been reduced. He based his opt hi -ism
on the view that thu German urn
eminent did not want a break an 1
would do all in its power to prevent
one. He is continent that the Lnil-d
States holds n similar view. The
ambassador is strongly of the opiu
(Continued on Last I'age.l
WASHINGTON, July 10. Prcsl-
dent Wilson today commuted to ex
pire at once tho jail term of Robert
K. Hicks, tho New York man who
after twolvo years successful elusion
of Imprisonment for a violation of thu
postal code, gdvo up a prosperous bus
iness and surrendered himself.
By Satterfield
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