Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 15, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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J :
. U
WHITE SULPHUR spmxos, w.
Vn July 15. Hankers of the United
Stutos were warned today that they
iniiftt iiroparo to handle the financial
cud of a wide American foreign itrnde.
The warning wan, given by .Dr. E.'E.
Pratt, chief of th bureau of forolgn
and domestic commerce. In a speech
before the West Virginia Hankers' 'as
sociation here. The development bf
aJarge export business Is now under
way, Dr. Pratt said, and manufac
turers and merchants will call upon
tbo banks for extensive services In
handling the cash and credit. export)
.Dr. Pratt said American banks are
now establishing branches In South
America and other partB of the world
to handle American business and that
the war has resulted In the extensive
substitution of American dollar ex
change for JOnglUdi pound sterllngex
change in international transactions,
lie estimated that tho total loans of
American money and credit to Europo
so far during the war totalled $500,
000,000 and suggested that tho pull
ing out of largo sums of American
' money in EuroiKi was an economic
' fallacy.
"In loaning money to .European na
tions," he said, "we aro enabling
them merely, to keep up their waste
ful warfare, and If wo continue to
loan money to Kuropo for reconstruc
tion purposes after tho war is over,
wo will simply ho building up our
most active eomiietltorH. Jf, how
ever, this money Is loaned to other
countries of tho world, countries
which nro nqt our rompotltors, but
which aro customers, und nlso tho
customers of European nations, wo
will be building up our customers, we
will bo strengthening them, .and wo
will be strengthening tho Hob between
them and ourselvos."
PORTLAND, Ore., Julv 13. The
nrrivnl of the Liberty Hell licVc early
'today was rigimlizctl by the blowingi
of factory nun nver erutt whistles,
after which for four Iioiiik mi un
broken stream o people passed the
famops relie. A feature of the cele
liraMon wuh a parade by school chil
dren mid military nml patriotic or-
Ava Holt, Ilyron Works, and Win.
Lncy left for Fort Klamath Wednes
day morning where they expect to
find employment.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlady, their son
nnd daughter, Louis and Mary, and
Mr. and Mrs. Dcpeau who have been
visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Hrown for tho past week, left
for their homo In Jamestdxyn, North
Dakota, Wednesday. Mrs. Dqjieau
and Mrs. Orlady are (Bisters of Mrs.
Louis Hrown.
Mrs. C. W. Walters. Js. having the
old bakery building repaired nftor
)lio fire Which Destroyed more, tha'u
tjialf of it about two weeks ago. The
building when finished will be occu
pied by F. P. Hentley whoso black
smith shop was entirely destroyed by
tho reqent firo. Mr. Hontloy will bo
ready to continue his blacksmith,
trade in a few days.
A. S. Ames left with a load of pas
sengers for Crater Lake Monday
morning. Mr. Ames expects to mako
regular trips to the crater during tho
C. W. McFadden of Puliith, Min
nesota, Is hero looking after his real
ty 'interests near Talent. Ilo says tho
moro he romes here the better he
likes this end or the valley.
lr. and Mrs, C. W. Lebmann are
e.xpectod home the last of tho week.
They have been visiting friends nnd
relatives in and around Portland for
the past month.
A bunch of ten' young peoplo re
turned to Talent Thursday from a
trip Into tho Applegate country. They
all rode hoWback and from all re--
ports they bad the best time of their
lives. Tho first day the party wore
forced to seek shelter In an old cabin
on Olado creek because of tho rain.
Qn the -return trip UaTstonncd over
night at the Trask homo on'the Ap
plegaeo where they Indulged in a
play party until early morning. The
party was composed of the follewing:
Tito Misses Anna .and Alay Smith.
Angle Hell, Peggie Ferns. Myrtle
Walker, Peggie Reynolds, and Messrs.
Hay Reynolds. George and Clarence
Joffory and J. O. Wlthrow.
'The new barn at the county poor
farm is nearlng completion nnd will
be n great Improvement over tho old
v i ii iK Ati x "i tiKS tme i i v i-?rx . i i ViW s mmnm . ' i x .. jjtiiom
WL-Wsd JfL ' ft wL.
ince. in the garpunimi, me
RuuUn and Amtrl&n forces had
reached a temporary atalemate. I had
ridden Bbadrack for many dayi and
though tired, I decided to furnuh aome
Mr. KhntlcH of Talent transuded
liiihiucHs in this district Sunday.
Krlu Grant spent tho weck-ciiil
with Everett MiiK'ee.
Mrs. Seuntlin of Mcilfonl onllcil
on friends in this ilistrii-t Suiuln" af
ternoon. Mrs. W. A. Thompinii visited in
Phoenix the hitter part of the week.'
Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Wdlsnti s,penl
several days in Talent this past week.
Frank Tlioiiipkiiis and wife are
camped in Ashland Park during
Miss Mllicent Kiiu; of lioekfonl,
III., is visitiiirhcr sUter, Mrs. It.
V. Elilun of Qreeu Acres farm.
Miss Mildred Elliott has been quite
ill for several weeks iiwGdhl Hill hut
she is very much improved nt this
IL V, Dean mid family motored
over the Siskiyou .highway into I'nl
ifoniia Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. IL .1. Taylor and
Johnnie Williams mid family left Fri
day inorniiijr for Crater Lake mid it
trip through Klamath county.
A pleasant evening was enjoyed by
.Mrs. JleruiiiiKhouhC, Miss MoXasHC,r
nnd Abert Forgev at the homo of
Paul Olson Sunday cveninjr.
The usual meeting of the Grange
was held Saturday evening at the
school house mid it was decided to
have only one meeting during the har
vest season. August 30, liM.'i, will
ho the next meeting mid only meet
ing (luring the month.
The following persons attended
nhaiitnuqua in Ashland Siiiulav: Mr.
and Mrs. John Sisty, IL W. Elden mid
family, Mcsdaines Davis, MeXasser,
Misses Miliceut King, Ethel Mvers,
Webb, Selma Esping, Webb, Prnn
cine MeXasser mid Messrs. Earl
Taylor and Will Davis.
Mr. ml Mrs. Purcell nml family
and Mr. and Mrs. Tavlor drove to
Ashland Sunday.
Mr. anil Mrs. Peyton spent lnt
Wednesday visiting at Vincent's nml
Harold Lower returned Tuesday
from the exposition at Sim Francis
co where he spent ten days mid had
a wonderfully enjoyuhlo time.
MKs Margery Erskiue cmiio up on
tho stage Tuesday from Medford and
MiiHiud Mrs. Skinner, (heir daugh
ter, Mrs. Adams, mid their eldest son
passed through Wednesday en route
to Pelican Hay.
Wiii. Mooney of Ited Hlaiikct went
to Derby Tuesday mid returned on
Mrs. Vaughn spent from Monday
to Wednesday visiting her mother
mid sisters at the Gordon much.
Messrs. Frank mid Gus DiUwortli
iiiade a business trip to I'ro-X'(tt and
MoLeod Wednesday.
James Peyton has been working at
the Mansfield place tho past week
making a swimming pool. It is now
completed and is of goodly dimen
sions mid depth.
Mr. mid Mrs. IL II. Vincent mid
Fern Gordon, Mr. Jane Vincent anil
two children left Friday for'Moiloc,
Cul. Mr. mid Mrs. R. H. Uuccnt
expect to return in September.
Mrs, Dawson and sister, Miss Peail
Peyton spent the day Satanic- with
MVh. Conger on the Hyun ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlen Gay 'went
up to Union creek Saturday to eamp
a while.
Messrs. George and WW Von dari
Ilollun nnd families spent SuturdMy
night and Sunday on the upper Kokiic
mid nt Crater Lake.
Mrs. Dawkou pcnt Sunday with
her parents.
We omitted to state in our last
that James and Karl Pevton pent
Saturday and Sunday in Medi'ord.
- 1 I : 1 n b r r-i : . L I -
". xMr-5- . jn lil' ... I II
m m g or ,- plt r . i m -- i ivr i i inn mmim BMt. bhhiiiiiiim. sm i i x j nLnitr
-orr.ri,. 7Xcr m s zr iw r . rmm w
ik I mm nr vr m. ri, jj n w m .. w-- "v - f fi nT. n
IT- ' C-T-vr . .-r No. 3 Once on the tonaiMt cliff. I I il' I No XAi w ilrnn rth ihur cliff T .. ?. k fffl'f j
and astounded tho men In the raaka
atep mountain tide with himl
While there James is reuorted to
have renewed his neriiinintiince with
Miss Emma Xciiman.
Miss Margery Efskine visited with
friends at Persist Friday.
.Misses Lillian mid Hope Xyo mid
brother Waldo visited Mr. Vniighan's
family Sunday and uttended Sunday
school in the afternoon. There were
III) present ul Sunday school which is
a good iitteudaiice for such a small
Tli V. CVT. U. met Saturday with.
Mrs. Dilsworth. There was a good
attendance and a very iuli't'csting
meeting. Miss Hazel Ditsworth as
sisted by Mis.s, Erskiue served it lap
liny K. Vaughaii and I lobar! Dits
worth left for Fort Klamath Friday
to work in the hay this summer.
'Uriah Ymighmi took them as far as
Annie Springs.
Chauncey ' Flory mid Leslie Ktan
scl of Jacksonville motored to Steam
boat Saturday on n fishing trip re
turning Sunday.
Jim Spencer and wife have Jiceii
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kendall on Tompsou creek.
Quite u number of young people
from here witnessed the hall game
played at Huch lust Sunday. Teams 1
playing wore Missouri Flat vs. Pal
iiut (peek. Score stood 11 -!l in Pal
mer creek's honor.
Thehiia Erersons sinter-iii-Jaw
from .Myrtle Creek is making her a
stay of u week or two.
O'Counell of Steamboat vns out
the last of the week after supplies
for the summer.
Dora Grieve is making her parent
ii short visit on Hum Hug. She ex
pects to do somo 1'iiiit cunning while
CIiiiho Meu is kept busy at present
binding the fanners grain on Tomp
son creek.
Eight of William Heads' hogs nro
missing. It has been decided that a
hear took them for Ii feast.
We expect every one to church
Sunday night promptly at 8 o'clock
'Mrs. Penudl returned to her home
Tuesday. Her sou Henry brought
her out in 'his ear. She stood the
trip well.
Grandma Hinghiim mnl Mabel l(uei
loft Tuesday for Oakland, Oil. Mrs.
Hinghiim is going to remain theio
and .Mabel will he back in Septem
ber. Dr. Sweeney was called to Steam
boat Wednesday morning t" sec Miss
Millie Agce who is unite ill. Mrs.
Dink Itoi'li vJio has been iiling with
Mrs. Houston went with him.
John KniiUou has relumed to
TompMin creek after n year's slay
with his brother at Colusa, Oil.
Mix. Wright has been unite HI fur
tho past few days. Dr. Sweeney
called on her Monday night. She
has not improved very much yet.
Mr. Thurston, Min, Gruhb and
Gladys Ifoc hnc called in to see
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Bts.
Jnnics It. O'lJern et nl if, S. S.
Ilullis et al. Return of nliu kiiiu.
Abijalc Wnos . Ivn E. Winoit.
Ketuni of htiiiimons,
K. II. I'lirler-'ltose K, Lor. Ho.'
turn of summons.
Alice 'EooJoston w. Fred A. Ket'lua.
ton. Jtoturu of summoiid.
John Hillings . Mm. Frank Mo
Keo. Automobile reimir lien.
Ileal Itnl- Tiun.riTs
W. If. Singlcr sherifr to J. W.
Ciisu-K Co., :0ll iicxrcM in
JJ. L. i . Hi, twp. JU h. IL -'
' JSV MSC?j)A K'.z1 J ' I y I JijkJtP WBWmeat of thr vet.
a Cj ' 5f 'P? T ' Villi 11a hfl ' Tr UiegroateitmanonsartBf
irwjsn, rr VJ& . pu r .iibi , j)rzM&
niied budrcK w my wioiuaerB . 0v.j i. .. i....i r. '... i M-,r:v ::.. -"r.. " ".;.: . .. '"7."".. V" v. j:a imi ir
my ahouldera
by climbing the
W., sheriff's deed ....'. .$1,101
Catharine A. Miiincy to "Fred,
crick Joseph Hurnett, E'. f
xw fl.aiM w. sy, ..f se or
SW :i2.:i.')-l W., deed . . . 10
L. I). Dollurhiilc el ux to coun
ty of Jiiokson, strip nf land
known ns Toll Road, Q. C.
D. .... ..... IlllO
Hen J. Trowbridge et ux to T.
K. Flynu, SVj of XE-XW :ifi-
2 , W. I) 10
J. 8- McCraight el nx to S. K.
Pollard, SW',, SE-XW :i5-01-2
W.. XE-NW U-HiVJ Wl,
Wt D. .'(,0110
California-Oregon Power Company
Location of principal place of bus
iness: Hun Francisco, California.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
mooting of tho directors held on the,
!8 lth ilny of June, 1015, an assess
ment (No. 1) of Thirty Cents per
share wns lovlod upon tho capltfll
stock of tho. corporation, payablo im
mediately to tho Bccretary at tbo of
fice of tho corporation, No. i;tl Lcld
esdorff Street, San Francisco, Califor
nia. Any stock upon which this as
sessment shall remain unpaid on Sat
urday, tho 7th day of August, llir,
will bo delinquent nnd ndvortlsod for
salo nt public auction, and, unless
payment Is modo before, will bo sold
on Saturday, tljo'ZStli day of August,
1U1B, at tho hour of la M., to pay
tbo dollnqiioiit ansessinen. together
with costs of advertising and expenses
of sale.
Dated, June SUth, 1915.
alkx j. ltosnoiiounii,
Socrotory of California-Oregon Power
Office: lai Loldosdorft Stroot, San
Francisco, California. 87
Sealed proposals addressed to tbo
County Court of Jackson count)-, Ore
gon, and endorsed thereon "Propos
als for constructing portion of Crater
Lake Highway," will bo rocolved by
tho County Court of Jackson county,
at Its office In tho Court Houso at
Jacksonville, Oregon, until 11 o'clock
a. m. on tho 27th day of July, tUir.,
nnd at that time mid place, will bo
publicly opened and road.
All proposals must bo mado upon
blank form, to ho obtained from the
County Surveyor, nt his office In tho
Medford National Hank Itullding,
Medford, Oregon; must give tho
prices proposod, both In writing and
In figures; mid must bo Hlgned by tbo
Wilder, with his address. Kacb bid
Is to be presented under sealed rover,
and shall bo accompanied by cusb, u
bidder's bond, made payable to Jiiok
son County, or n certified check, mado
payablo to the County Judge, of Jack
son County, Oregon, for an amount
equal to at least 5 per cent of tho
amount of said bid, and no bid ahull
be considered unless such cash, bond,
or check Is enclosed therewith. Such
bidder's bond shall be conditioned
that If Hald bid bo accopted, tho party
bidding will duly enter Into nnd exe
cute the contract. Should the suc
cessful bidder to whom tho contract
Is awarded fall to execute tho sumo
within ten das (not Including Sun
day) from the dato of tho notification
of such award, such cash, bond, or
chock, shall he forfeited to Jackson
County, and the same shall be the
properly of the County.
A Corporatn Surety Honil will bo
required for the faithful performance
of tho contrail, in tho sum oqual to
one-half of the total amount of tho
All bids are to bo compaied on the
basis of the County Survoyor's esti
mate of the quantities of the work to
be done, as follews:
Earth en.caatlon, 5153 cubic yards.
Rock excavation, 1 ruble Mini.
Looio toik excuvatlon, 1 cubic
Hurrah for Irrigation. Lot.' hope
that all who want It will get it and
that many will want It. Rut in tho
meantime lot's not loso sight of tho
fact that this Is ;a flue valley. Wo
need not sit back and let the Idle
knook It. Speaking of Irrigation, I
can soil 120 acres for $200 an aeie;
100 acros for $105, an acre, 200 acios
for $125 ah acre, and 175 acres for
$8E an acre, and all have an abund
ance of gravity irrigation water
rights fully paid up and secured. wUh
aoll mi good and level as oan be found
anywhere, und all right here in the
Roguo Rlvor Valloy. If Interested
look them over.
JaU. .on Co. Jialil. lluildliu;
ywned the rvinel 111 Diunountlng I itood In the Mrl -J ' if '
t LlJJ I V N J
Vif jtfHBKnc-3sJ AKwrj W5" H I iiV'V Ne- -8ersl moment '
Cloaring.and grubbing 0.4 acres.
Log-culverts, !.
Tho foregoing qiinntlthM aro ap
proximate only, bolng given ns n basis
for tbo comparison of bids, and tho
County Court of Jackson county does
not expressly or by implication, agreo
that the actual amount of work will
correspond therewith, hut rosorvon
Its rights to Increase or deereiiBo tho
amount of any clasi or portion of
the work that mny be deomed neces
sary or expedient by tho county sur
veyor of Jackson county.
Thn plans, etc.. may ho scon and
forms of specifications and contract
may be obtained at tho county sur
veyor's office as herotofyro mention
ed. The right Is reserved to reject any
and all proposals and to accept the
proposal deemed best for Jnoksou
Clerk of County Court for Jackson
County, Oregon. .
TO RENT--5 room mod, furn. Iioubo.
see Purucker, St, Marks lililg.
FOR RENT r.-rooin modem houso,
hnrd-wood floors, full coment baso
inont. Phono 270W.
FOR RENT Storo room In Garnott
Coroy Hldg., fronting on Urapo
St. Also most desirable offices,
reasonable. Rest of sorvlco. L.
L. Cathcart, Room 319, Phono
I'Olt HAMI-Sin;i.i,liANi:OUH
FOR sTLiyI'Mrllnlng'taldirmHl six
high hack dining chairs. ?0. Tel
ephone Hal Conrad. !I8
FO RSA L I'fTl oiisTml il'furnTt are. In
quire 10 Rush Court. 1(13
FOR SALE iChonp, sovuriil dozen
fruit Jars, good us new. -Call 4a I
South Fir Street.
FOR SALE Hank with two seats,
W. J. Hartxull, phono I0K-J-1. oil
FOR SALE Apricots 2c, orohnrd
run. Rose Orchard. II. E. ,Kreu
tor. !
FOR SALE AprlcotH 4 cents n lb.
for 50 pounds or larger lots. Phono
Foothills Orchard. 1I3-.L
FOR SALE AprlcotH nt market
price. Order of Mrs. J. A. Ilratnoy
Phono 925-11.
FOR SALE Centrifugal pump, 8
innh stream, with all collections
nnd so in ii extra plpo; wlU Irrlgato
1G0 acres. This pump will draw
uand, gravol or wnter. Phono
9.1 1-L or call nt 200 W. Main,
FOR SALE Good gentle Jersey eow,
two and one-liiilf miles uorthwtMt
of Central Point. Inquire Mrs. Mu
Xawior. R. F. D. No. I. Central
Point, Ore., Phono 1 13-2. 102
FOR SALE Fresh cow. E. Aiidntn,
P. O. Hox 87li. Medford. 98
FOR SALE Hrooil sown nnd young
Pig. Phono 40.1-Hlt, II. F. Van
FOR SALE Hnrsus of all kinds;
houso wagons, camping wagons,
backs, harness, Vinson's Ham, N.
Hlvomldo Ave. 11 U
FOR SALE Red Polled bull calf;
pure bred Duroo Jersey spring
pigs; polo mountain buggy, good
as new. Palmer Investment Co.,
Modoc Orchard.
Hccnuso my stock in trade is to
have optioned nt tho lowest cash
prlco tho best buy In this county.
I have boon on tno ground look
ing out for you for tho past flvo
years. Nearly everyday I havo In
vestigated some "good thlug," I havo
eliminated everything except tboso
deals which I am convinced will so
!uro mo satisfied customers.
In a fow hours tlmo I can glvo you
tho benefit of this research. It Is my
business to show you over tho county
and Introduco you to the poislbllltlos
and opportunities here. See Mod
ford first and
IUkjiu 201, Fli-kt Natlouul lluuk Hid
i!i- ,. , ! ,,
A II II I l-,li I II '
rote iu:nt not;.MF.Ki:i:piNo
FOR RENT Modern lioiiKekeepliig
suites, close in, $fi, $X mo.; new
prop. a:ii e nth. .in
FOlTs A l.E lly 0 w nor," 2C UrrTga ted
aUalfa laud, paid tip water right,
one half mile west of Talent: near
ly new Improvements; cost $1!(I00,
puyn 7 to 10 por rent on valuation
asked. Prlco $250 per aero. Wol
liorn Rceson, Talent, Oregon. 104
FOR SALE Or trnde, at a bargain,
rooming house with 1C furnished
rooms, located nt a in Fourth St.,
Ashland, Oregon. Call or write J.
M. Slack, Proprietor. lit!
- IhLTI ST; IT i'll 'Wl",i Tl
WANTED FIhT-ckibb blacksmllh.
Apply llmdeu Mine, Gold Hill, Ore
gon. WANTED Solicitors, cither sex;
good proposition for right party.
Addross Rex -I, Mull Tribune, DS
WANTED TO IR! Y Oood " cmvs';
statu production, age and price.
Hox ID Mall Tribune. 103
WANTED Second hand sowing ma
chine in good condition. Address
C. D. Wolverton, Gold Hill, Oro.
WANTED RellnqiilsbTd homesteads
.Moore, care .Mull Tribune,
WANTED Hoes, either swarms or In
any stylo of hives, W. J. Smith. R.
R. No, 1, Hox It. 100
WANTED A loan of $3000 for term
3 years. A-l security. .Address
M, care Mall Tribune. 09
WANTED Slock to pasture, ono
mile south Medford on Hear creek.
Fred Dniighorty. 98
jrai fc-jfit.
TO LOAN .$2000 to loan. HoIiuoh
tho Insurance Man.
LOST Mooso und Eagle lodge re
ceipt books. Finder please return
to Tribune office. 100
LOST Somowbero botwoon Medford
nnd Kelly's Island on Roguo River
roud Sunday, prosiimnbly nenr Dodge
Rlvursldo ranch, grip containing
my flailing outfit, clothes, wailing
sIioom, reolB, fly books, loader box,
file, etc. Howard for return to
(I. Putnam, Mall Tribune office,
Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Hank bldg.
A. E. REAMEB, LAWYER (larnett
Coroy bldg.
Win. M. Oolvig, Course M. Rutioru
Medford National Hank Ilulldlng
Attoruoys at Law. Jucksou Coun
ty Hank Hulldlng.
Auto nuppiit
aro operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant in tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our sprlngt
whon othors fall. Bold under guar
auteo. 2C North' Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore,
Collections nml Reports
collected soma accoilnta 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Mullock Moroantllo
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lias
kins' llldg., 210 E. Main St.
Oarnett-Core; Hide., suite 111
Medford. Ore. Pboue 86fi.
Notnry 1'ublie
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
He Hrlng your work to mo at tui
lU ut the Mall Tribune.
DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Louise .
Hodges Mccbano-Tboraplsts, Chiro
practors, Spondyluthcraplsts. Ttieia
systems, Including dietetics, cur.
Uto gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., produce results in both acuta
and cbratilo dlsoascs. Consulta
tion frco. Over Deuol & Co., cor
ner. Main ami Dartle'.t. Hours U
a. m. to G p. ci. Other hours by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. K. J. LOCKWOOD,. Chiropractor,
nervo spocUlhtt Rooms 20?-201-205.
aarnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapor
baths nnd scientific massage given;
noodle spray, bead nnd suouldoi
shower in connection; advice ia
dletotlcn, medical gyunastlsi,
bydroptbornpy. Lady attendant
Phone, office MS, roaldeueo Gll-R,
Engineer an Contractor
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. UlUg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. tiartiH(
UARHAOE (let your premise
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbugu wagona tot
good service. Phone U74-L. T,
T. Allen.
Instruction In Muste
401, C-arnutt-Coroy Hldg, Fred Al.
ton Hnlght Piano, Mrs. Floroncs
Halllday Hnlght, voice. Phone
I'byeslfiuiu aa. tnirgeona
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41(1-417 Qaruett-Coray
bldg,, phono lO.'IO-L. HeslUeuM
2C South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopatnH
physicians, 303 Garnett-Oorey
building. Phono U04-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Pbysttlau amd
surgoon. Practice llmltod to eye,
ear, noiio and throat. Eyes scten.
tlflcully tested and classes sup-,
piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & IL Co.
Hldg-, opposite P, O. Phono 607,
E, H. PICKED, M, D. Offlee Jack
sou County Hank bldg. Offlet
phono 43-R; resldeuco ptioue C8-1L
DR. It. W. CLArTcn PhyBlclanand
uurgoon. Phonos, offlco 36, rbl
denco 724-J. Olfko hours 10 to
12, 2 (o 6.
Physicians and surgeons. Offlc
309310-311, M. F. & II. llldg.
Phuuea resldeuco, 814-J2; office,
DlTrivlA RTMN "c. HAR IU-3R Pbysl"
olau and Hiirgnon. Offlco Palm
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to l. Phono 110-J.
Print cm nun rulillsliem
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book blading,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portluud prices. 27 North
Fir Ht
Kim lug Much Inert.
SEWING MACHINES rented, sold or
repaired, Agouny Singer Sewlug
niucblno.. for . Southern.. Oregon.
Headquarters with Medford Furl
tuio and Hardwnto Co. C. A.
HIiim lteuilrli)K
SHOE REPAIRING First class suo
repairing, on niouorn eieciris
machluea while you wait, E. N.
Hldeii, located In lCldd's Shoe Stora,
Phone 313J.
Offlco 4 J North Front St. Phoa
315. Prices right. Service guar
'Typewriters imff Snpptk,
'rpmip "supplies
.Vow Rouilngton, ifmltli Pronitef
and Monarch typewriting, addlnx
und subtrnctltig mftuulnes, rebuilt
machluea for cash or easy py
meats. Machines for rout. rlliWua
and auppllos of.ull kinds, simple -pairs
freo of charge, Hoger .
Dennett, 10 QuIum m., phM
i .