fBlfjeaiwwpiWwtwrKUiwiewatwwMi 1 r PAGE ETGTTT MT5D-F0RD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORlJ OREGON. WEDNESDAY, ,.TTLY It. 1915 F ULRICH WANTS OLD LIBERTY BELL TO STOP IN MEDFORD AT 2 A. M. FRIDAY. TEN TO V .HIST .1 :' OF 10 TALK ACREAGE AT T E MINUTES RANGE HONORS SUGAR FACTORY VIEW ORIC RELICT PROMOTORS COMING COUNTY CASH USED COMPOSER MEDFORD DEPO WARRANTS 1 1 1 I i i I Bastile Day Witnesses Ashes of De Lisle, Author of Revolutionary Hymn of Liberty Placed With Im pressive Ceremony In the Hotel Des Inva'ldis. l'AIHS, July 1 J. With impie bivo corrniiinv the utiles f Ciiittiiu Claude Joseph )ui;rl De IJnlti, i-oni-posiT of the Miin-eillnifo, worn plnccil today in the Hotel J)cm Invitliilc. Thousands stood with linnd" ijih'ov cred an the t'offtu iih)ii ii pin cur ringe of tlie revolutioimrv period nhrd under the Are On Triotuphe down the Avenue Ocm Chump KI.vhck nerosH tlin Alexiiudur hridce to (lie c&puluunde. President I'oincnre, nil (lie rnrin licrs of the eutiitict, the pruMdcntH ot the senate nud ohnuihei' and the liilut offieinlti of the Kovenuuent mnrehed behind the pin enrrine while u detnehiueut of drnooiiM led the wny. Cliot-nt (Irvet MAtelllnlo While tho cortej-o wnn piiHNinj; the lin-pitul in the IioIoIm nlmiK the Avenue I)oh Chumps Klysi', ever Imlcnuy nud window wnn filled with wounded men nnd in the den-e crowd on the pavement ninnv inninied sold ier nud hronrcd reeorviHtH, home on leave, xuluted tho bier nnd the pres ident of the republic in solemn sil ence. There were no rhecrs until the roeexiou pushed the, Grnnd Palais, Avheu the republican gunnl baud Vtruelc up the "Marseillaise." "Viva F. S. lirymui'll, one of the promot orn of the proposed $800,000 beet Niigar factory in tho ItflKUo river val ley wjll be in Medffird within week or U'n days, nud bis comiiiK nill in augurate the fall ttitupaiKii lor the sceurinn of nennj;e. The beet ujenr committee, who entnpaixued for acre age Inst spring will npiin tube clmrjic. Inerensintr nssurnneoH n'e jtivet W. II. (lore bv Mr. Kniimvvll in a let ter received today. The epistle tecum with optimism over the outlook, and stales be will make an iimpor lion of local conditions nud .that if conditions are favorable as report indieato there will be no ptetion about the building of the faetorv. The beet sugar committee will hold n ineetlui; in a few days lo consider future plans. The letter is us fol fel fol eows: Portland, Ore., .lulv 121, lOl.'i. Hon. W. 1 1. n.Tre, Medford. Oregon. My dear Mr. ("lere: , Thanks for your fuvor ut hand just now. I have deoided lo run down your way nt an nnilv dnl and go over the ninler of buildiii'.' of n sugar factory, but more particularly to nxauiiue the growing beets us I want to sire them hip in n general way. The sample received are so much better than I could have anticipated that.il seem hard lo think the beets generally aie anything near as good as the sam ples sent mo nnd yet Mr. Storev says the Maniples he sent me nre not the best but what he calls nu overage. I have no ton son whatever to doubt the word of Mr. Storev for ho is a gen tleman of high character nud his wonl with me is worth 100 cents on the dollar and vet even m I can hard. Iv imagine the stupendous growth !. r'rnnoo!" and "Viva lo nrinee!"i shouted the crowd in n sMnttineoim Ihe Raid heels have made and to he burst of enthusiasm. A llot'lln nnu aicragc. I want lo see what the ncronlaues. fl.xiiiir low. eirelid oer wnrM beets look like. I want to the Are Oe Tiiomphe at the stmt tunl, find Ihe weak ii'nw. Hunt I will bel followed the lino of the procession i in a portion, to vivo inv wonl to Mr.!,, William 1'lriili, the birge-t holder of eounty wurnints in southern Oro- gou has filed n votbal protest nptiinst County Trenmirer Knd Colvitf, hold ins' in the neighborhood of $51,0011 county cash on baud. Tieamircr Colvig liolds that by so doing he is eoniplying with the stale lawn, whirh provides that $18,000 must be held in the vaults for payment of the slule's sliaio of the taxi's Tor the second half, and that $0100 is held for payment of warrants, called but not turned in. "Mr. (ilvijr goes upon the theory that no one is going to pay nnv tuxo lor the second period, says .Mr. LI Hell. "Hint is nlwiml. It Is easier for them to pay in the fall 'than in the spring. The statu law provide that whenever there is .tl.lOII in the treasury warrants up lo that amount should bo called. Itv the way Mr. Colvig is aeling he is ifiipniring thu value of oar paper." "Something ought to he done o Mr. Colvig so he would know whole he stands. If I didn't have Ihe lepu tntion of being the nicnne-t man in the county I would find out." .Mr. Ulrich said ho held JLIOO worth of Klamath eounty w'urrunts, which had been held up for three years by u federal injijnctinn and did not know what would become of them or his money. iMtJ,mmmwmwmwXmmmmmmwWr ?.... "C j- - . j. "n HB WW ?niIllmv9M m mm I - ' -VuMtBEmttmbX' - "v- m m , WMt'-' - --- - -r 'waKmimsSKKi. jSS am View of historic rellee now en nwti 'i lb' San I'l-nntlsco cxpiwltlon ritiin riiilatlelplila, which will halt ton minutes. In gle (be js-oplc n eliaiiro to len II, Mnll Tribune, Mctlford, Oro. Loulu liutt, nctliiB chair- itinn, telegraphs from Wo- nntchec. Washlnglon, "com- mlttco will glvo Meilford ten minutes Friday morning, about 2:00 r. m. . GKQ, E. CHAMDKKUMN. Sonntor Clinmberlaln has secured permission for tho famous Liberty Hell to Mop 10 minutes at Medford Friday morning about 2 o'clock, bo that the pcoplo of Medford may see tho, treasured historic relic of Ameri can liberty. Tho railroad platform will be light ed, affording abundant Illumination for seeing tho bell, which is on a largo car called a gondola. Tboro will bo n band concert In tho park, followed by waiting meetings at tho churches wohero patriotic pro grams will bo rendered and tho his tory of tho bell related. Moving plc tttro bouses will glvo continuous per formances and a dance at tho Kntn torlum will help keep tho light footed nwalto. yll details of tho program will bo announced tomorrow. Acting Mnyor Mcdynski has ordered tho flro alarm sounded In tlmo to awaken tho sleepy and ng.tla as tho bell arrives. "K to the Hotel Dos Invulides, "Wherever it resounds," suid Pres ident Poinrare, speaking al' thu lintel Des Invulides, "the Marscillai"(' evokes the idea of 11 sovereign nation thai has a passion for independence anil whoso sons, nil of them, prefer deliberate death to servitude. riK-nks Ifnlvi'i-Mil Tongue "Its striking notes speak the uni versal laugiiHvu understood todny throughout the woild. A livtiin like that was needed to interpret in a war like this Ihe geneious thotigght of I'm 11 en. "Once more Ihe spiiil of domiiia tion menaces the liberty of the peo ple. Our demoemev for inniiv long years contented itself with works of police and it would have considered eriminnl or in-ane nnv man who would have dared to notim-h wnrlik' projects notwithktaiiding repeated provocations, nnd nnrdlc. of sin prises at Tangier and at Agadir, .France remained willingly silent and inipaie.'' Piemdenl Pnlnuure rapidlv skelebed the events in I!uros' lead ing up lo the war, finding everywhere 11 deliberate purpose of (lenosuv Hitd Austria-IIungnrv "to provoke whi for their own objects, n hiilur will hhow." MACON, flu., July 1 1. A posse or eitieiiN nud county officers today shot and killed Peter .lueksou, a lie- ro, nceiced of killing thice white men near l oeliran. (in. Ihe uecio v nun 11 lavnmiiie niero is ai- ,,, i,,,.-:,.,,,!,.. i.iliwi.. ; 1.: 1 1 . 1 . , . 1 ' 111111 iiaiiivutini 11 11 1 1 r. vi 1 (ii 1111 1 ii 1 11 1 soltilcly no nueshon but what Hih- ,. . r- , , .,, , ,, ....... ..t.... .... .-.'... ...,wf ... . .,......, to JVjHirtH, I('V U till' llMUM with GEORGIA MOB I m , :Z:-...-- ounmo Hcnrjnx . - Site d F-Vr. . k -rmmijJs.jMhly'd'M ? V tS - I i -.vr J-f glTlffa T Ti 'Tfl" E.lf"JB f- iil "-r- "-Tj ' -'.-' -Jf rjr.HvJr-ryvaa?- rfi $M& N'iblev and if favorable ther" is ab- lactorv will lie nuiil. m mat un less nil signs foil I will be on the ground in u few days. have to go to linker this week to be none a few davs then to vmir splendid country. In the inein t'tue be good. Very truly, V S IlItAMWKI.L. MARRIED IN HASTt MAY NOT REPENT AT ALL CRATER LAKE TRAVEL BEATS ALL RECORDS XotwithtMiulinir 11 lull i-iiiim'I b fiovoral days f rsiny aud ( i weatlier, Crutor l,uku traxcl Mnl keeps h Iwid over last Vem. wlmU tiroko all preWous nsMird- Oit July 11, the number of nuto le-i-tered wii8 .'IU1, nnd the nuinbei ..i touribU 1IHW a agniu-t l'ui ' nud 101)2 touiUta oil the sume d.t n yoMr hmo. li. A. Welch who mtuined Tues,!. from a visit to tbtt lnke with bis lain ily, state that the Ukt nowr looked mure beautiful. Ont drift of mha etill line thu iod and the path ! tho lake wuuU IN why thtouieh deep enow banks. The air is brHcinit nud i'liio iluring the dav bat cold ut night. Jllfl .IL'LV ci.iait.xxcn AT SI. .V SI. 1IKIT. KTOUK Ono of thu ulggeat July donn-un eales thut wilt lie held In Modfonl or Jackion couuty will be that of the SI. & Si. Department store which be gins Saturday of this wsek The store will bo closed Thursday and Friday to rearrange and mark thu goods down for this big sale. - Everything will Ik) Ineludert -and you can find every thing in wearing npparel for the wholo family at that store. No ueed of running around to different stores to buy for differ ent members of thjs family. ',?:niV 1 t K. dyuAiuite. Jackson, it was staled, continued firing after his house was dynamited, he then was shot down. The dead are W. S. Hogg, night marshal; Lynn Sanders, farm sup ervisor, and Oscar Law-son, u farm hand. Ineksnn, according to reports, was criticised bv Sanders for work h. had done, and the iuvorvior is said to hne struck the nrgo. biter, it is ulleged, Jackson, accosted Sand ers, drew 11 pistol and fired, killing him. Hogg nud Iwson wont to Juek son's home today to nrrgot liini when, it H alleged the negn et bun i fired them with a shotgun. upon Mm . MJjorimer Raker Wllllitin Uiriuier, forttu'r l'ultsl Stiitos Senator, and financier shaiisl the spolllghl wtlli his Itl-ycur old ilniigbler. Slarjorle, when she elos-l i-orently with (linrle J. I'arUor, CliU cngti liiislness iiuiii. WAR TO END IN OCTOBER KAISER'S WORD TO BANKERS LONDON, July II The Oeriuan c nj eror, nrcnrdlng to tli Times, In 1 speech lo a deputation of hankers, who bad Insisted on nn Interview In order to point out to the omporor tho financial difficulties or tho situation and Ihe gravo risk attending tho pur suance of tho oamiKilen Uirnuitli an other winter, stated that tho war would end In October- The bankers are allogml to havo dwlared that even If the war was brought to an end Immediately and an Indemnity obtained, Germany's position would be difficult, but that If the war was prolonaed the Herman umpire would bwonio utterly bank rupt. It was In rMd.v to thoso repre sentations Recording to tho Times, that the emperor Is understood to have declared that the war would end In October Alio smivin: ntosi k.w;i.k POINT TO SIKDl'OHD AND HACK Tho undersigned will leave Prank Lewis' ooHfeetioHery every day cat QOtU Sunday for Sledtord with his aHto at 1 o'oleek a. hi., arriving at 2 IL in. Leave Nask hotel, Mwlford, at 5 p m . arrive at Basle Point at C tu A part of the traffic Is solicit- Qreen trading stanips wilt isj given ed f li II VANISH, DON'T EXPERIMENT You Will Make No Mistake If You I id low Tills Ail Wee. Never negleet your kidney s. If you have pain In the hark, urin ary disorders. dlsiluoM and nonous nejm, it's time to act and no tlmo to einorintont. Thttse are frequently symptoms of kidney trouble, and a rontedy which U roeommoudotl for the kidneys should Ik) taken In time. Doan's Khtiwy I'ills are a geod remedy to use. It bus acted effect ively in many rasos In this vieinlty. Can .Medford metdoHts demand fur ther proof ef merit thait the follpwing testlwoHial? UuhIbI Ktot u. C St . Jack0H1lle. Ore . says: "I can't forjist how much ool Doan's Kidney Pills dirt me. I suffered from weakness of the kidneys and all Ike disorder that go with kidney comutalHt. I aihetl all ever. Donii's Kidney Hits soon tUed wo up in uood shaso," Prlee Mc, at all doalers. Don't sioiiUy ask lor a khltiW remody get Doan's KI4J104' I'Ula the tame that hji). . WoMer-Mtlliiirn Co., SUNK 1 V V V V V r t f r t ? ? T t V t ? V v t ? V t y Y ? y V f y y y y V f y y y y y y y V t y y y y ? t y y t y y h&rrVgf iy wSr '"' ju "' imi'dsMime', - - - 1 MANN 9Q (MSXTHAL AVIO. MANN'S NKAK lOSTOFFJCK AI,L PREVIOUS RECORDS BROKEN BY THIS GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Storecrow(led with satisfied customers. Many New Bargains for Thursday. All I Jf Summer Goods must go. Everything for less. NO APPROVALS, REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON SALE GOODS '. $C.OO DRESSES NOW 98c. 'Jo beautiful Wash Dresses well iiiticlc, nii-flv trimmed e values up to J?(i.()0 go in this sale while QQr they last at, each J O-' $10.00 SKI UTS NOW !M.-. About 'A") Women's Tailoretl Skirts, mad wool materials, values up to $10.00.... while thev last u- 11 1 ii ;ut 98c $10.00-DKKSS13S NOW $1.98 '27 Linen, Voile and (lingham wash dresses well made oi spieiKim maieriais, values up to iu.uu while thOy last at, eaeli ." $1.98 $t.(K) SILK PIOTTICOATS 9Se Jo all silk niessaline petticoats, Kod colors up to$l values, while they last at, each 98c FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL SUITS Clark's O. X. T. tSinil C'oUoh . 7 for 25c LITTLE THINGS AT LOWER PRICES (i loves, Id button lisle, Toe values, now, pair 44c SiuiituI Tallinn 1'owilcr, J'yf au a- h 9c Luster Cotton and Sans Silk, now ball 4c Neckwear, up toflou values, this sale each 19c UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY FOR LESS Women's and chil dren's fast black hose, pair 9c WolnciiV sleeveless vests, now, eaeh 7c Women's Vnion Suits, .MOV values now, each 23c Yonien's Comfy cut Vests, 20c val ues, now 14c Women's Porous Knit Union Suits 0-")c values now, a suit A 0 48c DOMESTICS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES I Jest Die now, a ard 4c priuts IJii inch fine I'aiu brire, now a vard 9c Uest Colored oil ebtli, a 2")c value now, a yard 17c 7J.90 Bleached sheets, tiOc value, now 39c 42 and lo inch v Pillow slips, eaeh lie GREATEST WASH GOODS SALE IN TOWN 1000 iK new fan cy YVi.vcn Lawn and l'n'i, lie value, thu Mtlr, a vmm 8c 2(HM) ds fine Dim iti and l-'laxoiis in dainty pattms, 2b values, tlii& sale, a vard 14 20(MI wis. genuine imported .lap Crepe up to 23c . values, this sale, a yard 15c 2000 ds fine Scotch (ihitfham, :V2 inches me, iloW, L'OC value a vard 18c s. 1000 yds. o(i inch colored linens in all shades, up to 75e values, this sale, a vard 39c 20 OFF ON ALL PARASOLS 20 OFF y y y y y y y y y y ,y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y V y Y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y .Tss ffalo N Y- Adv w .i l'0 ilurliiB the sale. ,. I K.s' V mt Oro