Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 14, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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fftXivir iwwn .yjn.tjyw.i.1;. mi 6,.i npl
awnm nn tidiiKmmmMumat
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To the V.let- f Mwlf.,nl:
It the pnhl.r will linicft I will vs-
pre-- mv m on the propouM Irnnd
lo relieve the iinaYraNM' ml
lovnl riliaens ( Mcillortl vho rniram
tiered' tbeir iruerly to jmjvu llu
-treeUi t miikc Medlord Hn (Jure
I'ifry of .'southern (In'piti.
t ti iiltiiiit year1 hum, JiH'knoii
vilk' end otln-r ooliidrr 'iitcl our
iity "MiiiH'ni.r for the rui-on lliul
our Klrcrtn were nlmnt ii imiI doeo
in 'innil in winter, iiyd -ix niche '
dual in tin- HiiiniiH-r, miikim; n the
dirlicMl I own in Oregon. When the
innru jmri'H-ivc cilircn-. mul the city
eomrtifl determined to nc Main
direct n)ul hard nirfncc the wmu
flltt nwillt WHW ttlltpriHlllK tiwit til
Knlertiriwiiur ami Ij.v,1 Cilii'ca,'
"Lot jwmo nB tin' ntNH'K" arid the
only wny ti iTwlormJtMi wlml vln'oM
dumlrt In imwl flMt whm to pmcM
Mnflor; the Himerolt net which pro
Tiitl'd Jliiil the en nf tin wml:
nIioiiIiI act a- n hcu n the nlnil
tinjt jjwncrty, In In i it il in In .lull
iiibiiIm iiiiiniiif Ihroiiuh ten viii-.
'Dip result iis, iniH-!lc i, tlmt
imf1lio'Kiiril which litfiil Mcd'oid
on (Iiuiiihi, ecr local eilircfi u.intcil
hi HtriMft iuiviiI. unit tin- M-nll oi
this wl tliut inside ( two yi'in-. we
Inl ptvoil Unity two inilitM ..with
liard surface jiiiviimi'iit, ii lanrc pro
portion i)l' vWihoh wn mi ttiu inntarl
nit'lit plnn, n with till nonroihlhrd
niuiit plnn, im with the uooil lime of
that period, every properly owner
Jell he could not pn out with enu
within tile prexetilicd timn, hut Willi
thin tightening up of the Hiiicm mmiii
nftitr, iiitiuy homo hiiildorw found
(Imiiif-ulvi'H In fiiiiin'rliil ninhiirriiN
tnmil mid nttotlv nimble to inn he the
uiimiiil puymculK which encumbered
(.licir liouieH, the rcmilt in t tin t nhnni
twit-third of the piivinjf itelit re
inniiiH unpnid, mid the city hnld n
lien on the iironertv for tlint- ninoimt.
mul the home builder liuing uuiilile to
- pay, it ia up to the city to fnioelouc
mul thcrchy m-l iiimiy Iioui(Iohm mid
out on Urn ntreet, if roller in obtnined
ill nofollirr wny.
Through tln effoili of thenc loyal
cjltKcna MeiUord Iium llie fmne of lie-illr-the
ideiiuenl mid Imt miihI it
' III DriMron. Shall we refiiMe to come
to 'ill relitff of tlioNt ciiterpiiMiug
oiliftuiw who pat Mud ford on the map,
or Hindi we fororloite tht Hunt aireinil
Uiir property nnd thembv wii MihI
fonl off tin tuKpf Th lmttiu
)ittj)rly nu nil the -tnct in the
rilj llU' Hid for Hie newer piei,
ili Vjtw imtiiiN, mid the hind Niir
UVuod wtluwnlii iu friiU HMUie, himI
hlillf (luim tit i t . I contend Hint tin
oily ii lent should pn the i'iieliHi
Of jiaid Itlirflicilli' the ftleet.
'PJnr ii uiiiny heuy -tiitnlit-doiiui
liuninex" in Medfoid who lime
jmlil'aintliiiHf townriU the piiviiift ol
lhm MtrtwtH wIiom iiiipiiiM'iueiit
lirittg trade tn their iIooik, mid it i'
ito'uMtr thuu futr Hint these ho
tl btwr ilt of thit exin'iixe.
The iJtm I ilr. Mtihiwki will
liriwr nhoiit the rennli. nml e,,i:nllre
(tin tHKiten ol hi reel inirovemiit.
I'nder the ilH,M'd plnn the city
pnv for nil nl the ft reel piixinu
wliile the tiliiittii proeitv not oiilv
pnvh it -luire ol' rtti nvin hut
rtl.ii pnv- nil of the epMtrt of Hftr
nnd VNtrr iiiuiiiM iumI til umIcwuIU,
trimt ill I will Me Hie jtMltiM f Hit
Milnki plnn ami hnt it ft IimH.v
.1 K. lloWAItn.
LONDON. Julv X.'HIne of mu
principal niMti iu lite mi' h our
)Mer le led tht exact until tieai
day to iln iiliunt the nulimrv opun
t imis. Tliu tiHuet )uim been loM."
S,, Miy the lAk4r ftoiiiliiui
todin under tb ImmmImic "f "'"''
war hi blunders, hv a .luileut of tin'
war" The writ"r iwIUh:
The tinmuy rt'MirtM, iiien a I
lo Winer in made (or occuMounl e
HK't rations o lctolicH and for nn
ililellijiiul nntuipaliou of neuU,
am ipnie .1- reliable an our own. It
i the nftu-e lie cary to make t'li
eliHi' ui- ha.e siVitral Utom made
iniu'li of m hm-iii.ii ie- in tht (Jiiiiiiu
lVMrt ol ii, 1 1 (i ii 1 ",' iiitii'i'-.
"luipnilml Alrtell" ill o, .'n
lankn I he 1 1 ll Ii full i - I tl .1
0rM oi I. iinl upvrniioit-i .i .
OWtl. To niaiiN Kni'li .hmen I lie I.,"1
of frmimu in the miiu, ! (i i
iu tilt 1110-t iIimiiiii n . Ilmr ii tin-
'& iw'. .'"" ' '"'
dalpll Saeli a ll nn . .uurmdf '
MQIl, j don't im. nl leluiK on hli
(hHt'1 Kl WOU" 'J el' me "
V , ' t
I WAIIXOTOX. July H.-Onorall
j Ctfr ordsre.t tht rMtton of,
j lrlmi ataUwi at ('hapnltiar to
P"" oowtftAt eommunlcaUon with;
t -k . . . m ,
moxico i;uy ana vera unit. Amen ,
Cn Cntixnl Sttlt'nan at Vera Crttx ao
refMrled teday after having been In
dtreet roiiiiniiiitcai'tiii wltii the tra
lilait ininloter In the rnpttoL
Fowl Miiiipllea, chiefly corn, aro nr
rMnK In thu city, .Mr. Sllllmua aildud.
ami (ifitioral (onxalta liaa nnnounooil
tlmt lie wl)I give irrerenm to aflpply
Lrftlim oTr (rnop train oiitHrln; tlio
At ft conforonro yoatorday lietwiwn
thu Kmatllmi inlnlitur, tlio Hrltlah
I'htttve ttiiil repreentatlviw nf tlio Car
in nun forcoH, full KUuranttma of lro
tMtlDii were siren with tho notlco
that hero would liu lovero paulah
intfn for any Jnfrnctlnn or tho order.
CoMhtl SIMtninii nlao confirmed dl
patohea from Mexico rity tliut (len
nral OonralcH hail raptured tho watnr
wnrkn whli'lv had hen cut off liy the
Zmmta force uracil nt In a the Oil'.
Aunthcr inenamgtt lo tho ntH'n do-liai-lnient
liald Uonoral Villa orldunlly
liail eviuMiiilcil Axuna ('nllentea, tho
force whirl; had hrne la conflllt with
tteiiernl Olinmon'H troopa near, that
point proluoilluR uurlliwnrd. Coui
fitunlefltlon holweon Mealoo City and
AtrmiB Cnllontea, tho dltiiatoh ttddad.
wcia oxtiofltiid to he natahllahiHl noon.
'Ihpre were no aiUleMe m the rflport
0(1 cajitnre or Queretaro liy Vlllu
(Jon oral Carrauta will leano an ant
ncaty deurtm to Mexlcam who return
"to .tho trtto path."
AHIILVND, July 1 -"Crowded"
didn't oxpiOMM thu eouditioii of the
ehautauipin talieiiliiele on liuth Man
day allciaonii nnd ceniiu, Wlltell
lilillUi'd the iiipciirnliee ol fSn'ttlM'x
Itfllinn liniiil. The dnte wh nlxo
Medfonl day on the ciiliitriar. 'Hie
nfterunou'" projiraiii i a 'Mipular"
one, in hieh many fiiinDieM nir
1'iy.urcd. The eenwi' round of
Hfiiiirc ernhnti'iHl mure of the rlai
ie prodiielioHM, includiiu' the munic
frtuu I'linim, Vllluuu Tell, the Ihi
liomimi Girl, ute., WMtelMrt' with lour
etn fiimi "11 TiUMilore." hi rninl
dnom ttfal. There r m 'en
Mlandiiur room in the liuililiiu to niicIi
Hli oxleni wan tile euierittuiuiem pn-
trouiMil. All of which ixoom to allow
the need of n new and hrn'r bhiW
inir. alPiM for the inimifurutinii of
which ai hfiilK taken nt I hi aw
lh iMWMiou. Ahiwt Hill autw wew
in evlilenee fim MwlforU. AIUmIhk
five piigr ler 'nr, oue ena fig
utv lite ultendanee from the neipti
liorlu city, a iHttronage wtik-h
the cattM of unbounded natiHfi'eUoii
lo the chiiulHiiotm iiiuiiiik'euieiU. All
unite in suyiin that I he hand euter
luiument mm Hie ImmI hi it line of
aav rlinntimo.Mii m te oiu.nuii.iliouV
Tuesday wat. JaeksoiiMlIc ln uiili
a woming leetair rmlal. "I.ucmuie
ami the Hible," h Mr. lUlla Cro.l
er Miller. Iu the afternoon nt J:'
n luusieal prelude liy Ituttnui Mm -Itonnlil,
the Canadiaa hantone n
si ten. At :i o'eloek, "The l.iei.
NundHM-," bv V. Umre linker, wan
en intellectual iitiisterpiree. Miisi-al
aconiiMMiiiueMto duriac the cciunu
muludcd a pttimlur voueert hv Mae
Inmald. Ili voice would lilt am
cHmitiiuona audttoriuMi nnd it is m
hemitiful a it powerful. M M
..MM'k. Father Mael'orrv told "Tb
Sto'v Tka ul i fill," and hi- laiuat'r
tleaiinif with wiriptuiv hiotorv v i
I'ccompttnfaNtltV n itanwoiiK munher oi
llirutee eff '" Ul the ivaditiou
of "Tin- Ktay lWauUful" the efcrray
mau w uailed b' lfrt Olid ars
MaelKaiald. The preewiee of Kulher
MiM-rmrv viitN the fllM Uit-ltre of .
Vthotte ,nct nppnilr "' the
local plationn iud he Wok gixen a
loval ovation.
. Toilnv is Tali in and IMum-iiix l
'.lie uiii-ieal ei i.iltics lieiuu illoi'
j id hv the Cidlol.t I'no, the III'" i
jl.i-s hi'iii . .illiiinlitl l Mi Ii'
i id .iii.i i; i i ..-!-
.. 2W.e.l,
Ow4f. rlVour - ., le. Arrvw rUtet
waif 1-- --- "-T-riii
n'i r" '" -
W$!& JfA Am&
X litwti4i., D..ti IVIiilcU
aa4 tM kw,! Jfwa J !! X
Cf -tffe cv f !
I'ollco rinivlnit nut loly or one
ilehrU fei' I". Iimii-i.
(Iwirgo K. Hooa. Doereiary of (he '
Trt-Htnt llood Itoads MBsocintl.on will
arrlvo In Mmlford Friday-from Snn '
FranelH), where he lian heed arrang-
InK rorho piretlug In that city of tho '
Pan AHtoslsmi Itoad eongreM In -Sep-
touiBor, ' -
The eotiYntl0n 4u Baa Frauclwo
wlll Im held In couuetllon with tin
Trl-jitate Cloud tuatda aaaoelatlou and
promlew lo be on of the niont Im
a new idea of bow good
V via "
iT K
1 p& ZZ2L.
W 'TNi o''iiK.'A.acrittf
fei jfWHit 4 'a ,CJ 'JCi-
M ffiSiBWa j, 1 ruafvrtdbtnn.5.;
r SStiKM W3 I ''t (Mf (ftl. 10 ;
. - -I 1 1'
nf tlio Vlnrtniiutf'ryi Iniie'.s victims.
poitaul wnl: of the aeoaon. Includ
ing uh it will nimbnra of tho Cood
Koit'dn itMociatlrm. Amor lean Itoad
l'.ulldem annorlRtlo'n, the American
ltlKhwa amoelatlon, Intaruntlonal
Knjdnri ring oounre:H, and the Amer-
Icu aocletx, (ft 0;y Hipjlnoora.
The Iowa aoonty la plunntus for a
lar,ge atteudanop-.of formor Iowana
and their mrnfJloa at. their annual
picnic whleh lav Jo bo held this year
In Ai.hland'a honutlful park, July 30.
ThU will lie tho Tiilmlnutlon of iov-
ernl HucrpH-rul jjiirlal eventa which
ihc liuti In Id ibwilim the pant ear.
1. Ll.ltll lli Mil 1
Ht-Ollt ItCllll.l,,
I Stcifinn
im Hi ni II U iW vi m
ranee jm&rc will g
a v
anij Moif-pvi.ii i,i
Auv do I 3 -"iu
l.nt nn'!, i unj
rtyttU- gi A inn
d rwkfAfax.'vuiv .
IllilUlt'iW t , I
.. I' ' -f
frerf pnmt rroi i
ttil time i j I t
' hd .. f lf
It 1. id life. i Imrle.l uudi'i toils- of
HKItLlX. Julv II. hv uirelcs
Sayvillo, N'. Y. -A denniti'li from
Stoffkhnlin to the Overmans Xow.
Agniicy mio that the KwudMi min
ister iur Loudon' hu- deliveivd to 'the
llritixh liOM'itimeut a fherv protexl
"mrnint the iwipotuid moU4ntiou ol
Swedish ( oiiiiuelcc " Nui,n '"' l
ll ..I. .1 1.1 ..I
jllcnmark, the im--.i::i' adds, siippoil
the plotcst.
ive you '
tobacco can be!
If you are one of thousands
of men who have put your
pipe under cover so you can
forget your sore tongue and
parched throat, get it out
quick! For here's smoke
freedom for every man
who's fond of a pipe, and
cigarette-makin's freedom
for every man who likes to
roll his own if you'll be
sporty enough to follow
suit and lay a short bet on
i he national joy smoke
Men all over the nation all over the
world, in fact have taken the friendly
say-so and to-day P. A. is their standard
before, between and after meals !
You pipe and cigarette-makin's-shy men
should realize how different Prince Albert must be to hit the
taste of men everywhere. The patented process fixes
that and cuts out the bite and parch.
Get a slant at how cheerful it is to smoke all the tobacco you
want and smoke as long as you want without your tongue
evn grumbling. Men, 'hat pipe and cigarette joy's yours
sure as you're alive if you'll get your tidy red tin or toppy
red bag of P. A. right away and go to it like little folks
beat it to a circus parade can't-help-it-like !
R. 3. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C
What railroad officials declare to
be the largoet eperlnl train movement
tor one group of people In the history
of the w6t ill he handled ovor the
SnaBta rolla of tlio ftoiitlinrn Pa
, .
idfl between .Inly 16 to SI
two Bpectals will lirlng anjtroxltnntoly
jflve tli oiMn ml SHrJucrs, linlllng from
levhr IRSr of lite eontlnont to tho
j Patmuta-Paelfio flximaltlon nt San
Franciafo. Tin) flrat of the Shrlno
trulHa to leavo Portland, Oro.i will
(depart for Pullfoinlo on July IB, lioar
I Ing Ialnm Tompln or San FrnnclBco.
I Thin apeclal will arrlvo at San Frnn-
clico, 17. Tho other Temploa
will com ft In Irnlns In the fnllowlnft
i erder: Simlltmh. fJlilcnRo; Columlnia
Shrlno, Celiiinliim: Al Malnknih. I.oi
AtHtelea: hh l.u Temple, I'hltndcl
uhln Kancaa City Shrine, Kangan
t'lty, Mo.; Ynnrnh, Atlanta; Alnnd,
8t. I.enla: Ft. Worth, Ft." Worth,
Ton.: AliruiB lloniiil. IClRiuct and Mec
no. New Yoik; Aleppo, Ponton; Ko-
jaalr l.onlnvlllo; Acoa Ulohmond, Vn.;
'Syria. Plttahnrgh; Wichita, Wichita,
I ICanaaa; India, nklahoma; Orak,
llammonft, Intl.; iHtuallln, Huffulo;
Alhnmhrn, Naahvlllo; Dainanciia,
Iloohonte'r; SSI Joliel, Donvor; and
Also, Savannuli.
ICat'h temple, or Hhrluo, iib the puxo
nmy ho. will have Its own Individual
train, except tho three Xew York
i teinplm, which will travel toKCther.
Tho tralua carry from B0 to sno
Shrluorx, uach.
Another heavy t'raln movoniont will
innterlnllxe tho week of July 20, when
j the Southorn Pacific will bring 15
! npeclal train pnrtloH of KIUh to tho
California expositions.
Iniiiw from rnrtlmul to RoM'Inirv
i ...Ml I S.1...I ..J.l. .1
ii i mil ue iroviiiuii mm isieejiei"s so
trnmiiK'ii emi soetiro the reipurcil rot
on the return to I'oitlmul ami he
ready for until liur run.
I.ocnl Shriuoix will nieel aome of
the truiiM (arryititr friemlH hut no or-
Uauteil effort will he miiiln to nil
t rt juii partiea anil i too grent nn
uitdt'l tnkiltj.
I With Medford traitn t .Medtord mndo.
. . . i .
Climate Failed;
ftiedidnc Effective
hufreiT fi-um AulicruuluilH often
tin iK thst mDlolu w III not Jilu
tlium. h rtjili .Ct, rcKUlm 'lucita mill
(i nl food aid in H-ytm ngr liffHltll.
I.ui uwr N orimi n. e It (I Jinny
tin o licen ruaioi-pil to hrRlth li
l.i ui-iiii .lti.rtf tlilrt
, liloii, 111.1
".I'litlt-mriii 'I jour In I lim. Imii wurt
Iriim n in m(iirr urnxc. On Urn tn.
Iicr I), i--4. t win luUru ullli '! '
lilioid I'iMiiiikiiiIt. ulihili iIr.oi'il -lulu
Tnlti .-, u.imIk I Infill) wf
Iuiiiii!). n ! rliru.117', lliu.T, 1 rn(
lo Kott Unrtli, 'I -v:in, mul Intrr lit
t'nmm rd. i filoimln. VftM- hfimr
lht ltn t4.f. in. i.h tiliilnti ffftl
j formni m- tkit m, ic hoi.r-
'"' .''' '' iitin.i. ti- iim-
(or lill -tIK Clxll til- In, II.H.TIMI I'
' '''"."" "" 'i .'' "I.
iyiiiijiH r.,r i.uus. nuiiir.
Vtiiv -in cut mi.l !! nint Oiili
! ''" 'M ,"l f Hurl iluiit in) urn In
ririrmr. I j pir j "nini I. a
(AWUnli) riil II WUIIII.
MPhnmnV MtK'i.i,- lit . itioul
cllrii'iiiii In I i ( lul r:t.irr!i n.ol
ltr" r!ii.n iin-l liln.t nlfi".tiim
nml tii-tiu Itlhif: llu- ( 011
falin nu liMirifil i In' ' -r.irmlMK
tlril.M A'(H ll mi fill., I .iiImk. Sill ill
Rice ?l ri'ttiiliu !." : N1I1I l)
lrlklln.' innri'.iit Write fl' honk
lt of I ' hr
"VUwiii l."l,iir. PMIn.lclolilil.
Price ?! mid S? n hottln.
Coolest Store in.Town
You'll fnjoj Shopping at T'lili Stoio
nons vol it iimoi
show to the bent advantage?
If not, have m roiot it In Platinum,
nnd by nil mean, If Holcotlng n rlnf,',
ho Hiiro that Platinum U uhikI to In
rreaao the atone'a brilliancy.
. Till: .inWKMCIl
'.'12 IOiiHt Main Street,
Mod ford.
"Do you know the
They tiro nil in tlio now
You should have one.
80S Knst Main Rtrecc
Tho Only talusivo
Commercial Photographern
in youfhorn Oreim
Negatives Madu any time or
plaee by appointment
Phono 147-J '
VWU do the rest
o,ll St. at OTarrcll
Hwdauariere for Cahfor-
nlau3hile iiitiuy the Lxp- it
tition. t
ii Our commodiou lobbv, jjittJ
ti fine service, and hon.chke Silli
f rdfitaurant uill nrriKii tn n.i 1fM4
rr " '
No Ralso in Rates
SI. 50 Per Day Up
(hiter V.
Ntel tne at
the Manx '
aie4BejBBB oVHaV
LiMinwiiaaa wa a
i J?tiiS?Iir5H3
r.u rn.'i t i t-'i i-ii i
3 "Nearest to Cf j
nejpxxr fcijf j