SIEDFORD ..M2VXD TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OREGON, WEDNESDAY, .IVhY II, 1.01.1 PAGE THREE t' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDnPENDENT, NEWSPAPER FUBLISHKD EVEUV AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY Br THE . MEDrOIlD PRINTING CO. Offieo Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-28 North Fir itrect; telephone 76. Tho Democratic Times, The Medford Mull, TUo Jledfonl Tribune. Th South trn Orcgonlan, The Ashland Tribune. SUBSCBZPTIOS BATS who yurfi. uy iiiuii . Duo month, by mall. -lt.00 . .so Per inontli; delivered by carrier Id Mcclfurd, Phoenix, Jacksonville and Centra) Point .. ... .60 Saturday only, by mall, per yar 2.00 Weakly, pur yer .,, . 1.60 OMolnl Paper Ot tho City or Medford Official Paper of Jackson County. Entered an Bccond-clasu niatltr at Mclfjrd, OreKUti, under tliu act or March I, ml. . 8worn CIreulHMon rr lM. ?GK8. PUII 'loiisod wlro AHtioi-iiilod l'rM din-) patcnea. : - Bnbscribors falling to receive papers promptly, pliono Ctrcu- lotion Manager at 250R. 4 -S HONG KONG K0LUM i cifWA mi WLO'S WLO IN AMELICA I Do'AVolf IfopiKT Muylipso Un Wolf Hopper 'gleatest Mellcan. MmjIiouI I.llllnn l.uusol hy'tine innL llage. When litm two dnyn old, J)o Wolf's mothy.r conio In loom nuri find Do Wolfilylng to goteo wlfci l)e Wolf, him como ncloss regular nftor that. Do Wolf roclto "Clasey Atalmt.'J Mitjbeso, J Do Wolf sing Oint Jnp BonjTr "Mikado,"' much lopgeriio ho como, "yellow peril." '"" V ' ' A IN71o What golB mo going, said Tommy Crock, In tho nlro clean faco of our hall clock. IljHOio poln Ib iliytfiyi old OullK, Just tako n look at Its black, black haudftl Tivpaivd! Isaac Now, non, how much' Is threo dollars and six dollars? Son Twclvo dollars, fador. Isaac Xo, no! Nine dollars Son Vol I. Tknow jou'd hrlnR mo down throo dollars, fadur. Alas for lUselwill! (From tho Sldnoy (Australia) Ilornld.) 'rjiqro was a dramatic conclusion to tho biiBoball match, America vs. Auutralla, plaed at tho agricultural show ground on Saturday nftornoon na an item on tho program of the po llco and firemen's patriotic carnival. In America's second limine a player deflectod a fust ball analgia for tho ilonstwt part of the crowd and' n sornam was heard. Tho ambulance ilien rushed to tho spot, and found that n woman hud boon struck on the head by the ball, but was not ser iously Injured. Without waiting to soo If any dam ago had been dono, tho pla)ers pro cured nuothor ballnd continued tho gamo as If nothing had happened. A few minutes later this ball was also deflected to tho upper story of the pavilion, striking a man on tho shoulder. Mr. Flowr, tho minister for health, who was present, rushed out on the ground and called out, "Stop this silly gamol" The players promptly oboyod his orders, and play ceased. Tho "guide, philosopher and frluml" is often tlmos mainly guyed. Chicago Herald. t Any Heplles ThU want art appoarod in a recent laauo of tho "New Kora," published by the oonvlots of the federal prisen: W'ANTUD Man JUt wooden-log to mush ihiUIoml Apply John Now onliauH, .. . ("oiivclS , TMkiW-oo. tall me how many Joo T-o'mrTitlrtHl ad eight! ' Tsnchtr Wros' Tka huita Iwdy hag gnly'MT Iinn, Je MHt 1 saHflVHM ttoh Jtonu V A Xty Oii Mistreat (to new son-ant i- Vw HrlKt. I muct Insist upon truthful pess aoi olMdiinc WrldBSi- Yl Mum tm hln e 1eU mm to HOI ti la4kM -Xm ro tmt1 whn ou'r in. whltli shall It be. Mum' . i It DEiA JtMfj3T BETTER THE press dispatches' inform lis' that James .7. Hill along with Governor "Withycombe regrets Chinese exclusion, lie wishes there were 250,000 Chinese in the United States for says Mr. Jlill, "We need them to do our work for they have solved the problem of living on ten or twelve cents a day" and therefore would be ideal cheap labor for the nation. Vlong with Hills Chinese trr wisuiiigion uuorms us mat iur. ifocKeienor.naq pam lor LIIV UlODVIIIllUUiV'U Ul till tJ UUV I U r lit? J IV I All 11IU 1 WI'ilMll . . - r .a m -v r . 1 ncieiicc Aituinuy ior iway ny one ri;oi. jojui u. dicvcusou of the UnivcM'sitv of T"?ov York. fv. Ktevonsoii i one of those gentlemen who holieves that al pnmjierity for the country must always and ever eOme through capital that is through those who have made their big pile and want to make more. -.v Mr. Stevenson unlike most of his elass is truthful and frank. He sneaks "riuht out in meetinir." v - ----- - ---.--.. ... .. . . - Mr. Stevenson hard I v regards la boi'crs as living' ani als. lie savsi '' Unskilled labor ili nierelv animated ma m chinery for rough work. Jt is utilized because abundant and low in price; as soon as it demands an excessive wage, it is displaced by machinery." Again he says:: "If must be Cvnlenl to any thought ful man that wife and "children cannot be considered in connection with the relations of wage, earner and Wage payer. If a mrpi's services' are not worth enough to secure wages' which would support a family, he should not marry." be death annually of 700,000 children Irom starvation, and Inn linger, is by Mr. Stevenson said to be: "a blessing to themselves-and the community.," ' "" ' ,,' No the article was not printed in the year 1515 it was published in the month of Mav, H)J5 in the land of the Dec laration of Independence, alter half a century of almost unbroken rue of the grand old republican party. IT you want to know the views of capital towards labor get the magazine and read the article. Jf the views of the writer are correct, if the laborpr has no hope through the capitalist system that looks upon the laborer as a cheap machine to be discarded whenever a cheaper can be had, thleu of course he seven hundred thousands starvelings each each year of American children are better dead than alive. Hut there is another voice heard in the land. 3 1 is not the voice of man it is the voice of millions of men the voice of omnipotence. SUBMIT IT TO THE I T is earnestly hoped that before it is too late, Uic county court will reconsider its selection of the route of the Pacific highway from Central Point to Tolo, for we hon estly' "believe a mistake has been majle, a mistake that should be rectified. This highway is lo be built for all time ail enduring monument of the progressive spirit of the county. Such a permanent highway should follow lines gf modern road building and eliminate angles, dangerous curves and death traps in the guise of rail crossings the more so as the rail road company will co-operate by paying half the cost of, sunway or overneau crossings. The route selected contains three grade crossings, sevon right angles, and for half a mile skirts the edge of 'the open cjiannol of Jackson creek, necessitating a retaining wall to prevent floods from destroying the roadway. In addi tion it is half a mile longer than the alternative route. Tho selected route was rejected by former State High way Engineer If. L. Bowlby, and by Assistant Engineer J'rank Kittredge, ability as road designers is shown by tho Siskiyou section, which was constructed under their supervision. The selected route was reported adversely upon by .Engineer Jl. (I. Stoeckman, avIio Avas employed, by the county court to make an independent survey. The selected route is strenuously objected lo by State Engineer Lewis and by State Highway Engineer. E. I. Cantine and the selection made over their urgent protest. What is perhaps more to the point, the selected route meets tho disapproval of the vast majority of taxpayers who foot tho bills. romorrow the advisory 'board of the stale highway imission, Avhose recommendations will govern the fu- comnnssion, ture highway policy of Oregon, Avill visit the vallcv and inspect tho work in progress. We suggest that the mat ter be submitted to them as disinterested parties, and that their decision govern the selection of the highway, AUSTRO FLIGHT UNLESS SLAVS HAVE HALTED ORNWVA, July H A dispatch to tho Tribune from Innsbruck says; "Archduke Joseph Ferdinand is expected today at Craoow to prosldo over a an or council. "If within tho no.t few days tlo Austrlans cannot slop tho victorious ItUBslan advance tho whole fiont will rotroat. Since the loss of the posi tions south ot Lublin the rovlctual ling of tho arnilo has become Impos sible. Large Austrian reinforcements ha been .carried to the province of Lublin, but tho Hussfans though fighting against superior forces, con tlufln advancing. "The Austrian have boon return ing to Ralloia si mo the tenth of July anrf are now at AVrsany The Rus sians defeated the AuUrltms at 7m most bh4 surrounded and eapturod two Hungarian battiUloaa. "It l reported Irom LMWbarK that aa ImperUiai eunetl of war ww hoUl thar Jul 1 and that a a result f It a nuwbsy ef suftrter offtaM uro 4tsgrae4. in in valleys at the Skroda, lf aa ami kUr riven Jhete has l n only, rifle firing. HflUllo Idfantry la small tort or the night of July 1-' ihjI, in t liv riislmi i( Hit- ll DED.' approbation tlie news from ... - . r.-.r-.., ...v.. ADVISORY BOARD. STANDARD FRUIT CRATES BY PARCEL POST. POSTAL ORDER AVASHIXCTON. July H Post master General llurleson today ordor d that tho slzo limit of packages for parcel post shlpmont bo Increased to aroinblnod longth and girth of Si inches, which will permit tho mailing of standard sized truit und berry crates. The old limit was 72 Inchoa length and girth and thero has boon a widespread demand for Its Increase. The postmaster general also au thorized the establishment of a to celpt system for parcel post package similar to that employed by ox prow companies. "Tho new regulations" says a de partment statement, "provide that on Hiymant of one ent, the postwaator at the mailing office may glvo the ttudar of an ordinal) aarcol of fourth class ttinll n rasoipt therefor. A pos taga sUmn to oover the charge for (he relll will ho affixed to th par i el ami the nani8n1 the addroat of tho addraawe sliall bit written In the rKlH by th wilder." logos or Tartak. Olohlno and Oreu doiuk. whlrli were Biircaurull) r- D SASTROUS STRIKE MENACES NEW YORK THREATEN WALKOUT, FOLLOWING "DOPEY BENNEY'S'GHARGE OE MURDER NEW YOUK, July 13 Is New A'ork going to suffer tho moRt disas trous strike In Its history this sum mer, a strike Imolvlng perhaps 100,. 000 persons? ' Labor leaders hror foar that tfio I most serious Industrial trouble In many yearn la inevitable, nB it result i of the abrogation by tho cloak nnd suit manufacturers of tho world fam ous "protocol of penro" which for tho last flvo years has preserved per fect amity In n trade torn during tho preceding 2fi years by continual look outs nnd strike of tho most violent character. If the old tliiie bloody warfare bp tween tho Ladles' Garment, AVorkera' union and tho "Manufacturers' asso ciation bleaks out again In the streets of New A'ork, "Dopey Hoimy" Fein, notorious gangster and gunman, wilt be largely to blame, according to labor representatives, who rhnrgo that "Dopey llennv" Is nn employers P)'. Arrested Inst fall, charged with "extortion," this gangster chieftain bogan to "peach" at once, nnd as it result of his assertions, a number of officers in the Garment Makers' un ion were nrrostcd, charged with tho murder of Herman Llobowltz, a strikebreaker, killed In tliP'Mntthnt, tan labor troubles of August, 1910, When th use men come to trial, In n week or two now, after bI suc cessive postponements over a period during which they nnd their attor neys wero kept in tho dark as to tho details of tho charges against them, It Is oxprclcd thnl tho whole country will sit up nnd tako notice. Kor not only will tho revelations connect ed with "Dopey Denny" probably bo sensatlonnl, but tho touchy industrial drama now approaching n cllninx will detormlna tho fnto of what waB ex pected to ho one of tho greatest nnd most hopeful 'documents in all nlbor hlBtory. Tho famous "protocol" whoso ab rogation has just caused a sensation In tho Industrial world, was suppos edly n perpetual treaty of peace, signed by tho employers nnd workers in the New A'ork garment trades ns settlement ot tho bitter 'strlko of 1010. It provided, In ijrlef, that nil1 dis putes between tho employers nnd tho Workers should bo settled ly a mil lunl board of grievances, or, that' falling-, by n hoard' Jif1 arbitration of which Louis I). llranilola Is chair man. SWIFT "SEA SLEDS" TO SINK WASHINGTON, July 13. Sen cleds" to chaso submarines! This Is what the United StateH nayy depart pient Is planninkg to adopt since Qnrmnny has pioved tho torrlhlo offl oienoy of the under Bea terrors. The "sea sled" that probably will form a valuable unit of tho American navy In the future Is a modlfiod form ot tho h)droplane, nnd will bo used goloiy for defense against submn rines and scouting. ' , Tho "soa sled' has a peculiar hull taht enable It to skip over tho water Instead of cutting through It. A 21 foot boat of this typo recently tested by tho navy made 36 1-2 mile nn hour. Tho boats tnat it is now planned to usu as guaidaiifl of tho big ilrwnd naugltts will bo ImllU with n guar antees! speed or sixty ono mllus. Thay can ai ry 30 men and aro sor. viewable In rough weather. It Is plan ned to irold a vnasol laige enough to osrrj a numbor pf "sea bKmIb." This snip will ertihy. with the snips of the first line tho big dread naugHt. When aroutlag Wt -neseasary or whan the periscope (if a wibmariae is algbUKl tbft "sea sleds' cur h OHlskb suag ever thy side. The wemant on hits toh wnlitr taa en glnog Urt at hlgli ywafld d tha "sled" shoots over tho aurfaaa of tho waves. Taay aie Bpeet6 to ho abk to run down a iHibmartuo that Is dlseov ereil uwaii und neforo the latter on subtm rge ridillt It With mzfiXi' i m , C hi 1 1 it ft .i - lP ' - v -100, 000 GARMENT "Dopey llenii)" I'eln, gangiler; nt right (ubmo) lleiijiiiuiii Srlileslngcr, picMdciit liiteriintlnnal l.ndlcV (aiini'itt Worker' union; mul (liolmv) ti'eiienil SccretJiry-Tivnstirer. Tho protocol wuh hailed nsn mag- nn chnrla for tho wnrklngmnu. It has been praised In pamphlets ot the United States department of labor, and has been copied to soltlo many recent strikes, such as tho Chicago clothing strlko ot 1012, tho Now A'ork white goods strike nnd tho' Uns tnn cloak strlko of 101.1, 'nnd the Philadelphia cloak strlko of 101 i. ImiI(K'oI Abrogated And oen tho Now A'ork manufac turers, in their official organ, tho Clonk nnd Suit illoview," said In Soptomber, 1011, "nnono who In any capacity Is working for tho permn nonc) ot tho protocol, is serving his country." i "j" ' Then why did tho manufacture abrogate the protocol Miss Gortrudo ;Darnutn, , famous labor leader, who 'has Just Como to tako charge of tho employes enso hero, after u oar of vroik with tho industrial relations commission, ans wers as follews: ' Thoy tako as pretext sooral pott shop strikes which wero called with SU BMARINES! NEW FREAK BOATS i With tho Bubmarlnn driven off tho shells from quick flrers placed lu thu bow of tho slod.", 'sleds" speed back to their station ship and are swung aboard again. It Is oitlmntod thnt 800 of those undine boats en be built for the cost of a single in out cruiser A maws meeting has boon callod by the elty council for next Friday eve ning, July 10, at tho N'atatorlum to discuss tho MedyiiHUI proposition to rabond the elty. Tho proposal la to relioinl thw city to tho original amount or $760,250, reimburse those who have paid their installments, u sum awuuntlng to $190,000, nnd start ovar again. Tho rnto of Inter oat under tha new plan would bo lower than nt presont. Tho proposi tion boa mot with the nproval ot a Hunibei of Medford proporty owners, and It Is urged that all taxpuer and buatuess men attain!. Jotxirji A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant a h. initTi-UTT I'lioufrt .M 17 unit 47 -J Aiuliulnuie rkiruwt Oorourr MASS MEETING TO DSCUSS REBONDING out tho consent nnd In spile of tho bust efforts of tho union. Their real renson is thnt they foar tho result ot an unfavorable decision In sovorat disputes taken to tho hoard of nrblr (ration by the manufacturers them selves. Tho Garment AVorkers' union, in an opon letter to tho manufacturers lias Just offered to submit this whole mlsundurstntidin to an arbitration committee under tho'chnlrmanshlp of Major Mitchell or any othor person of reconlzed stnndln. It Is the first Instnnco of a strong union fully ready to strlko actually offering nrbltrn Ion to tho employers!" Tho 'throat of tho garmont workers Is that unless their union officers now charged with murder nro given a fair trial, the entire 00,000 ot them will walk out, and with Samuel GompoiB and all the American Feder ation or Labor solidly behind them, Uih trouble may grow until It In volves nt least 100,000 workers, In onslb the most desperate strikes of recent years PLANNED FOR U. S. NAVY. T HI? P A 'C 1? Medf ordTs lOEy rVjJ!; Leading Theater li Cool, Comfortable, AVoll A'entllatetl WKIAI.SiiAY and Tlll'ltSDAY TJIK WOULD FAMOUS BETTY NANSEN (Tho Itoyal Actress) In JOrli; :CUBaAiAY'3 OUAMATIO M 8THIMECK The Celebrated Scandal Cleat Modem liny of Intent!!) und ksoi blng lntcrttst V All-ritar Supporting I'ompany Including HOWARD JOSH, stsr of A Peel Thore Was." STUAUT l(.. IIOLMKB, WI1.MITH MKIIKYL, and others. HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY fipoelul Mtlslcsil.rrograul with thlatFeatufo' , I.Yl,l 0. 8eleUon, IVilaa ot Hoffman -.- .. ., Lyric Suite . . ..... .,...... float Tli on Know tho Land (Mlgnoni Haloatluu, dCtsa AValte .. Pagfar untl B'lnalo Qvorturo Zampa Tha Mrl King -- Ul tho Heart of a City a'hat Has No Heart . LHMPt Girl (tfow ) -......... -.....- . . ., AVhitMey TM Prgtl. AJy MpJiUpr AVoro (New) w ,...'J4jirs'M Regular Prices: C-10-Kio rtBSE TAKES DOCTORS ADVICE And i Rstored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vpg - . etaUb pompound. I I Eupncmla, Ohio.' " Because of total Ignorance of how to eare for myself when verging into womanhood, and f rent taking cold when going to school, I suf fered from a displacement, and eaeH month I Iwid sovcre pains and nausea which always pioanl a lay-off from work for two 'to four days from tho time X was 1G years old. "I wont to Kansas to Hvo with mysda ter and whilo thero a doctor told mo of thu I'inkham remedies but I did not ust them then as my faith in patent medi cincs was limited. After my sister died I camo homo to Ohio to live and that has been my homo for tho last IS years. ' ' Tho Change of Li f a came when I was 47 years old and about this tlmd I hw my physical condition plainly described in ono of your advertisements. Then I began using Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg otnblo Compound nnd I cannot tell you or any ono the relief It gave mo in tha first threo months. It put ma right where I need not lay pit every month and during the, last IS years I have not paid out two dollars toadoctor.and havo been blefttwiUM-'Xcellenthealth forawo woman of my age and I can thank Lydia E.Pinkham'aVegotabloCompoundforlt. "Since tho Change of Life la over I liavo been n maternity nurse and being wholly solf-Bupporting I cannot over estimate the valuo of good health. I have now earned a comfortable littla homo just by sowing nnd nursing. I liavo recommended tho Compound to many with good results, as it is excel lent to tako before and after child-bIrth."-Mis3 Evelyn Adeua Stbw AliT, Euphcmia, Ohio. If yon vrant special advice write ta Lydia K. Pinkhniii Medicine (!o.(confl dciitlnl) Ljrnn, Maws. Your letter will bo opened, rend and answered by a weaua and held iu strict ceaMdeaae spgiAltow6men Tlio moot economical, cleansing ana germicidal of all antlaop'tlca la t i A soluble Antkepllc PowaUr U be dissolved in water a needed, As a medicinal nntlsoptio for doueheg In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration ot noso, throat, and that caused by fomtulno ills It has'no equal. For ten years tho Lydia E. Flnkhaa Modlclno Co. has recommended Faxtlne In their prlvato correspondence wiUl womon, which proves Its superiority. Women who liavo been cured say it is "worth Ita weight la gold." At druggists. COc. largo box, or by mall, Tho Pitxton Tollot Co., Uoaton. Maw DELICIOUS ICE CREAM TRUE TO ITS NAME GET OUR, PRICES Medford Creamery in N. Central Avo. KT7 TT: N beimont 5C11001 (For Boya) 21 mites south uf Sn FrtneM W think tliw rl' la oar hajt olut tltOUtfbtrul MirMllt wuh. Our CrlUAlvvaWf. on rmiiitiiluuu. Imtltutiooi IUI lutmlt on rrlln(t umI on , ttp u' ourruluyur) lu llrnl. th Hjumluum!! Inntlluti of TtN'tinoluffir. ond Yt wnoiii d i.ilMloarutrmnUarmot mtt. HntiSfur Uaulirullr lllmiriitAl csulairu, which di not only rrrr tvt litfn o( lli uplrl I ! pr Ihim or lh s.'houl. tut or It titnlpinrnt nnd lt llrnllrfrhcKiioin, Nolhlnr howrTtr.coB iull Uk tho iUc vl tltll lo tb tcuooL . W T ltKII),udUuUr,tli)X K..Dln't.Cl-, TltflS, Qfsanlst. Offenbach ............ BohM Tl ...... .......... Ilurod .. ahubert m T, w 1 t 't