U t i I ! ft. IW' t K ' I f s .Ml I I. PAGE TWO M13DKORP MATL TRTRtTNIO. ATBDFOKD. OKKCJON, WEDNESDAY, JULY H, 1915 IOCAL AND - PERSONAL Tho Medford tmnd will run Its an nual excursion to lhitto Fulls Sun day, July 13th, leaving Pacific & Kastern depot 8 a. in., returning loavo Mutto Falls 5 p. in. band concert enu routo nml In Ihilto Falls park, linsa Hall game In nflornoon. Good trout fishing. Fill your picnic Imn lota and enjoy a plonsant. day's out ing. Tlokctu $1 round trip. Special lnterurunn car for Ashland Chautauqua will loavo Hotel Mcdfonl on. Wednesday at 0:IG p. nt and on Friday nt 7 p, in., returning nftor t program. Tho Big Gray Car. Gcorgo Jnckeon of DOC K. Mnln at. has been very 111 for tho past throo weoks. "Taxl.n3.1" ICc nnywlioro In city. Forniarlj Alco Taxi. Now office Nnsli Hotel, I'hono 333. Mr. arid Mrs. J. P. Dnwnoy and son leuvo for Tonapnli, Nevudu, Krldny. Jack F. Merrill of Oold II lit has returned from a two weeks' trip to California point. Saturdny livening Post this wcok will contain an extunslvo article on Crater hake. Medford Hook Store' 07 11 oh Dmiol and l.eon SKck are In San Francisco attending tho exposi tion. They initio tho trip lu n Ford. Many former Iowuiw now IIvIiik In tho Homie river valley remember tho mysterious murder of n stoakmnn. now being tried nt Bedford, nftor hnlf a century. Tho enso at tho tlmo wns compared to tho ncudcr murders of Kansas. Velvet Icu cream nt Do Voo's. Frultmcn of tho vnlley seo now op portunities In tho recent order of tho postal department making It possible to ship standard slza fruit nml berry boxes by parcel post. It will ennblo them to send Horiio river valley fruit by mall, In larger quantities, thus ad vertising tho vnlley. Tho Medford Vulcanizing works are now vulcanising punctures nt 3Gc. Charles Ingalls of Snlem Is among tho out of town visitors lu tho city this week. Conio sco tho Klser enlargements or Crater Lake. Medford Book Store. 98 Miss Nelllo Hnders of Ashland vis ited frlonds In this city for n fow hours Tuesday evening. Boo Dave Wood nbout that flro In suranco policy. Office Mall Tribune Bldg. Ono of tho largest crowds of the local baseball season la expected to sen tho baseball gnmo next Sunday botweon Klamath Falls and tho Med ford tonm. The local aggregation will now n practice tonight. Tho Klam ath Fulls team Is composed of n num ber of former Pnlverslty of Oregon players, and recently defeated Hod- dlng. ono of the fastest teams In northern California. Castor win pitch for Medford. Tho oxponsos for this gamo nro unusually heavy, so Man ager Kwlng asks for a largo turnout. De Voo carries tho best Hne of flvo cent cigars In the city. Game Warden DrUooll of Akkland spent Tuesday In Medford atjondluK to buslnos matters. Five onlnrgeinRta. Mloretl. bv Klser. on display. Medford Book Store. 9S Visitors from the oast registering at tne Commercial club, while admir ing the fruit and other products of the soil, find rhnriu In the ltt ,i vertlsod but the bast of local nttrac- lions mo Climate. W. J. Melt of San KranflMo Mid that after upend lug two days here be tboHght It cow wrol with the fur famed California ollmale. it lacked the dtMtlvantMM of the California article, being free from the ld and f of tb late aftoriteeH of tee California cMt paints. ChoeohUe. SO mlt lb. I)e Voo's. Attery aw Keubury returned Tuesday row a baalncM trip t Port lannd where be attend! to matters before tbe federal court. Home-wade (welry at tbe Shasta. County Iterorder Cbauaeey Ktorev 8ent Tuesday afteraoM In Milord altoadlHg t huelneee natters. Safety and rvte We five both HbIokw, tbe iKanuraoe ilea. Carl 8loa will lav m K ( daj far Saa FnmeteM to tbe ax peUleft. m4 im Aaseiw to attaad tbe snnaal meetta of tbe Trpograph laal note. Have yon triad eee of thooe Sc milk sbajtee at DVoe'a? Mr KMd atra Wm O'Hara will leave Sa(arda on au auto trip t CaUfowla. Tbn !! travot to fr,, cent City a4 tur. tbwa down t , eoaot to abm rruciii ad the v A spcclnl election Is being held nt Grants Pass to ratify tho contract of tho city with Twphy Brothers for tho conotrttctlon of thb first unit In tho drhnts Pass-Crescent City railroad. Attorney G. M, Itoberts attended to legal business In tli6 county soul Tuesday. Fresh roasted peanuts nt Do Voo's. Buyers of cattlo throughout tho Roguo river vnlley nro keen for yfflftig cattle, holding tho hhiiio for fall de livery, under tho 'Impression thorp will bo n demand from this and Ktt ropean countries! ' J. O. Gerklng, tho best nil nroifnd photogrnplipr In "noijtlidrn Oregon. Always reliable. Negative's nlado any where, tlmo or pincb. Studl6 228 Main St. Phono 320-J. ana Poppfta rcolvod n loiter from his aisior HvHig In Constantinople saying Hint two of his cousins h'nd been killed In the fighting on Gnlll poll. Poppas haB two brothors In tho regular Greek nrmy. Got your butter, eggs, crontn. milk dun butter milk nt Da Voo's. F. D. Gregory of Montague, Cal., It spending a fow days In tho city at tending to huslnottH mnttors. Mrs. C. J. Wlshy loft on tho 8:20 Tuesday for Htigcno to visit for a week. 8ho Is then going to Portland and SOnsulo nnd oxpocls to bo gono a month or two. Frank X. Short of Fresno, Cal., one or the 'stockholders of tho 401 orchard, and attorney for largo Irri gation Interests In tho rnlslu belt Is In the city ror a fow days attending to business matters. Though not ac quainted with local conditions as to Irrigation, Mr. Short said It was the lest known Insurance milnst crop loss. nnd that Its worth was shown In tho fact that alt Irrigated sections of tho west nro prosperous. Charles Prim, Jr. Af Jacksonville Is spending the dny In tho city nt tondlng t6 business matters. Tho nuills Interests have begun tho work of cutting poles for tholr Main avenue extension. Andrew Joldness of tho BIuo Ledge district Is In the city for n fow tlnys attendnlg to business matters. Hen Collins of Jacksonville who was Injured nt tho Palmer crook Fourth of July celebration by being hit In tho eye ulth a skyrocket, Is re covering rapidly, and will not loso tho sight ol his eye, according to Dr. J. J. Kmntons. A spirited argument wns held on Main street Tuesday aftornoon on tho nintter or rebondlng tho city, Coun cilman Sargent upholding tho rlty's side ngnlust all comers. A mnss meeting nf cltlaens to discuss tho nintter will be held Frldny night nt the Xntntorluui. Tho county court today ordered tho discontinuance of nil road work ow ing to lack of funds, there, bolng but about $.1000 In the county treasury applicable for this work. This does not apply to work coming undor tho bond lasue. The order Is offoctlvo for ftO days and will not affect tho Pnnlflc highway or Crater Lake work. Work will bo roimwl as soon ns pay. meat or the fecond half of taxes Is made. Chang In chnutauqun pregram: Col. 0o. W. Bain of Kentucky will lecture this. Wednesday, night and ItoUnd A. Nichols will lecturo Thurs day nlcjht. Coign te llnyt prominent In the pub lic life nt Xaw York city. Is register ed at the Medford hotel. He is ae- eompanltnl by his nlfe. nnd chauffeur nnd will motor to Crater Lake. The special motorcycle speed cop on duty for tbe city reported last Hlght an nutn speeding on Wott Main at tt wile ait hour and another attto spvedUtg on North Riverside at 3SK tnllos an hour. Tbe number of the auto were taken and Investigation bowed that tbe West Main auto be longed to County Juda Ton Velle. and tbe Xorth Ktvondd auto to Count) roMMlrtlonor Frank Madden Wm. M. UtM tho Portland capital ist arrived Is bis automobile from the twtropolt Wodnda and spent the aftornoo tteblng or Hogua rher PARASOL-VEIL FOR SUMMER GIRL WHO FEARS SUN AND DOESN'T MIND LOOKING SAUCY. Peek-n-lHM! Wo nil mm? )ou tlieiv, .mi.n ..... ...v .. ut-uiua your new jiraM) veil. Tliey nro fetching and very Incoming thaso new curtaliict) or elled Mirn.ilK worn Midi tho mnall Miiunior lmt, and mi oHclnlly of feet ho ornuigeineiit of the "udl" l.s that delgiiel by Miss Sophie Hciauls, the girl whom ni-tLst nnd fashion designer have ealletl Hi" "hleal American girl." Miss Si-hauls' iwrnsol Is n floworeil hllk ixigxHln xliaH-d affair, and the black ell l.s a fine uie.li which Mr- herM'lf dniH-l nltoiit the imniMi! liriui. m SUSPECTS RELEASED LACK OF E FROM VIDENCE fob fiATii to drassiFT. WANTKI -8wnd baud tMrtter. Kamlugton or Itoyal, In od eon ditto, and Hfhoap. Addr Box 27. JactsoaKvUlo. T WANTIV IJght hoa keeplaR roonu for lad- and little girl, price reason.tHt IVx t. Mall Tribune Alfred Heed and Jess and Jamei Wilson, tho Inst two brothers, charg ed with burglarizing the home of Mrs. l.o a D. Jones on Boosovelt avenue of $500 worth of Jwlry hut Friday afternoon wore dltwlssod by Juatlco or tho Ponco Olenn O. Taylor this morning, ror lack or sufficient evi dence to convlet. The boys wero giv en a lecture by the court, who told thorn to bo out ot Jnoksan county by oundowif, and Prosecutor Kally urg- ad them to mend tholr ways, and rind honest employment Instead of "hobo ing." Mm. Fred Powell, Mrs. ICd G. Ilrown. Mrs. K. K. Kelly. Mr. Claude Miles. Mm. C. DoVore. aud Mrs. Clyde llatelrlgg teetlfliMl of sveiag tbo thrw lu tho nlghborhood of tbe Joaes bm from hnlf to an hour boforo too bur glary. Mrs. Kelly, who sow the bur glars Itinv the homo could not posi tively Identity the threo dofoudauts as the wen. None of tbe loot wm found oa th trio. They laind tholr iHovewenis, so-rvwhai ---.plc-Icuc, by aaytng tt.i-y r- loc-:r . for fowl. J sntes WHn the Mmnsci'l nf th hree, is only II eurs old, n bright little chap, whp mado a good Impres sion by his straightforward nnswors. lie gave ninny humorous sidelights on the woes or tramping. Tho two Wilson boy live In Portland, nnd Heed is from Ohio. SCANDAL E OF IOWA CRIMES SHR INE RSWELCOM E OLD LIBERTY BELL SKATTI.K, Wn.. July 1 1 When the Liberty Bell arrived from Kver- eU this morning comianlca of ma rine from tho Puget Sound navy yard and soldiers from Fort l.awton, each with a band, were at the railroad station to guard the, bell, which was awltebod to a spur track. Mayor Ulll welcomed tbo Phlla delphlans and Maor Ulankenburg of Philadelphia reapondad. The Phila delphia ns were tnfton for an autonfo blio ride while patriotic exerctcos were, held lxld the bell, tbo multi tude mtajitlme filing npU the ancbMt rollc. The chantor of Malalkab Tem ple, Myatic 8hrlne of I.os Angeles. saag, aud bamta ptoyod. Tbo Phll adaipbiH visitor wero entnortalned at luMheon i th Soattle Couinior- elal club. At 3:30 p i tbo boll deiiarted for Tacowa. Wltb Medford fnido U Medtcrd Made Iti:DFORI), Iowa. Jul H. Sam ucl Anderson, An nted pioneer, who was tho cnuio of four of his neigh bors being brought into court on charges of murder In connection with tho so-called Slnfn murder nnd treas ure chest cKse, was on tho stand to day at tho hearing of Dates Hunts man boforo Jifatlre M. A. Sawyor. Andaman followed John A. Mc Kentlo of Omaha on tho wltnoss stand ahd his ovldenco was oxpectod to take up tho greater part ot tho afternoon. The wltnoss' story on the stand did not vary grealy from that which be told In public statements recently. He detailed his almost con tinuous efforts during the last twenty years to die up a treasure chest on his farm which was the sceno or tho alleed graurder nnd robbery ot Na thaniel Smith, a Missouri oattleman, and bia son. In 1ST". An Important development ot tho day was when Mrs. Elliaboth Benson ot Dover, Oklabonfa. widow ot Jon athan Dark, who is alleged to have figured In tbe farm murdor and rob bery case, told Attorn General Cam eron that bar slater. Mattie Collins McAllister. as acquitted ol the mur der of Jonathan Dark at Independ ence. Mo , en the plea or tnstanlty Mrs Itenson is to t.ike tho stand rorthe defense and will, it Is said,! ,ei)t of the I'nluce Hotel company of this city, died today ol u complica tion of iHkciibi'. He wns fill yciim ol.l aud u gnnluntd of Ilnrvnnl Uni veiifv in 1881. Ki'iwilor Frnucfs 0. Newlnnils of Noviuln, n l)iiitlier-iii-lnw, wns nt llio liedsido with Mr. Sharon's wire nnd other relatives. deny the statements of her other Bis ter, Mrs. Mnrla Collins Porter, tho state's chief witness, nirtdo In the hearing last night and today. FREDERICK SHARON OF PALACE HOTEL DEAD SAN FKANCWrO, .July M- Frcderick Sharon, inillionniru prcx! lloniity More Than SklnDccii A beautiful woman1 nlwhyn ban good digestion, If your digestion 13 fntilty, Chninherlaln'n Tablets will do you cood. Obtainable everywhere. "It Put (ho icnac in (uh( (UHtc, says i BETllE BUBBLES the fountain faVoritc J (JijJY Therefore, drink rcfrcshine, delicious ' """" f, JSMj j '4' iSS4ieBii., 4 -T ff y -O -. A K ZO "FlrNi for Thirst " Sji at your favorite fountairr ALSO BY THE CASE AT MEDFORD SODA WORKS 'IPC IF YOU WANT A BUSINKSS TIIAININO OK A 1IKTTKK POS1TIOX, ATTKXD TIIK M. C. C. SUMMER SCHOOL STOP AND THINK! If you wore really worth moro money, you would bo getting It. Your only salvation Is to mnko yourself worth moro. Tho M. C. C. can train you to bo more ef.'Iclont. Kfflctoncy means Increas ed pay. Enroll Mondn at the M. C. C, 31 N. tirnpo Ht , and mnko yourself worth more. Poster Stamps THE LATEST FAD Depicting Scenes of The Rogue River Valley Eight in seriescotnprising three views of Crater Lake, a Forest Highway, Paved Pacific Highway, Orchard Scene, Mill Creek Falls and Rogue River, in any color, now on sale at the Commercial Club Exhibit Room Medford Book Store West Side Pharmacy PRICE: 48 for 10 cents 120 for 25 cents. 500 for $1.00 Stick one on every envelope sent out of Med ford and help advertise the country. The stamps are exquisite examples of the printers' art. They were made in JViedford by the MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY. m. V r v r r v V r r v K WHAT 1 Oc WILL BUY Greatest Sale Ever Held in Southern Oregon. Biggest Sale Ever Held in Southern Oregon. XIeeekU' I nnch ::.-. The Shasta Bteklyeu or iiiou ur. tec i-r bottle at De Ye-. Mee HarWdull la at Ureter IjiW drirla Ma er tir ittr eir kv Txst ejMBtwn). nJ haadUnc lae R Hjen4-Wlm put) frost atealoo that left TUt oe a fo.n 4ajre' Mar Qt'ib t'Wt.r lk, n,t KaMtMttk county mmb( Slco Tat .n an. re la eitr: ' ZTT i Greatest fl X n Cigarette fi if At- itird l?utt(iw, X r;mls 10 Tif fiutl Divss Sua js, 'A nxnin for H)c 5f cubes Toilet Pirns, 3 t-artlK I'ov 1Q ISr i'il Hair Phis 10c ISr Lndirs1 Utlkf. 10c 2Sr Ixiichiiig 1 0 'J.V Diiss6 Diiiids 10c :.V Udit' llelts 10c fU)-JalHte 10(t ::V lWf CoHant 10c IV UoW Wnts 10c IV rtilgnte's Takrian . ... 10c '-).. infill 10c V Children "s rnilirw'r V Komiwnts 10c 10c Pt'iuns Kmli. Flow.:) fr 10c 'A Pillow Tons 10c :.V StaiiiHul Linens ...10 J.V Wash BmiiW, 5 vds 10c IV Towels .'. 10c l.V LiiiiMt Teweling: '.10c 1.V fuvtain Serira 10 7V- Coiset Covei-s 10c 1 IVuuse l)ntsts lQc L'.V Hoys' RIoiiM-s, sjkv'I. 10c i2i.jr Sliirtius 10c 1t) yds. l.V t & Printed fjiwias. VMttl . 10c 10 10c 10 10c 10J 10c IV Perenle l.V Hatiste lU'oe Otitini; Flannel 12' oe Lonsdale Sheetinjj 3.V"Harrettps 25e Strintr Bends 2V Men's Onuntlet Glomes fiir 10 $1 Mini's Press Shirts :iai Boys' ("ajis ... 2-V Boys' Straw Hats 2nc Buys' Blouses . . nllt- Boys' Pants . 5 pairs SIhm String's .. 2V Men's Ties .. 10 1 10c io 10c 10c 10 L'.V Men's Hats, special. .10 l.V Men's Handkerchiefs .10c l.V Arrow Hraud Collars. 10c l.V Men's Hose 10 Sjieeinl lot of Parasols, values to $:U0 10( l.V Einhroideries IQc 25c Wiling 10f 85c Linen Finish Cloth... 10c ioc isiacK and W lute Checks, for Bath Towels l.V Men's Socks . V Btautv Phus .... 20,. U,-e Clt.th, fmirv in. 10 10 10b io? A Thousand Other Wonderful Bargains. Entire Stock Going. A Full Line of Women's and Men's Wearing Apparel Dress Goods, Shoes, Hosiery, etc. No Man, Rich or Poor can Afford to Miss I his Great Sale. Everything On Sale. Read Pages 4 and 5 and Then Come. STORE IS CLOSED M M. DEPARTMENT STORE Salespeople Wanted Apply to Sales Manager No Goods Sold Be fore Saturday trap! 'r t. r; iu rtit .-.-.. . m &Hv&&.M ..