h i: m - I ; . PAGE FOUK MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEWflPAPKH HUDLiHiini nvnitr akteinoon EXCEPT HUNDAT IIY THE MKDFOUD PitlNTINQ CO. Offlco Malt Tribune IJulldfnff, JS-J7-J9 North Fir street; tolophtme 78. The Democrntlo Tlmtn. The Medford Mali, The Med ford Tribune, The South ern OreRonlun, Tho Aahland Tribune. SUBBCBirTIQW BATE Hn venr. tiv mull - .15.00 Olio inunth, by mall. . .60 i mnnth ,1MI vartwl liv enrrlpr In Medford, Phoenix, Jacknonvllle nnd Central Point .60 riatunlay only, by mall, per year J.00 Weekly, pur year. ... . l-0 Offlclnt Paper of the City of Medford Official Paper of Jackson County. Entered aa accond-olaea mntlor at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I, 187. Bworn Circulation for 1014, 2588. Full lenaed wire Annoclatod Prcaa dl patches. fTT.. .;. tiuliBcriburt) (Ailing to rocolvo papora promptly, phono Clrcu- if Intlon Mnnogor at 25011. 4, 4. .j. . .;. .;. : HONG KONG KOLUM WMWfc WLOS WLO IN AMELICA &"" I'lllMMlOfti ltOOMVclt Tk'dly Lousovolt mayheso bllggost Mollnnn (no bllg llkoo MllHtor Tnft). WI1011 Tlcddy 111 hoy hu glln nllco time, mnkeo tlcctlt glow. Mnyboso III m lakea tluspoonftit hlnnily then Klin with tooth nnd say "Mnyboso 1110 rlitoo hoss." Him rldeo much hlorso nllco Binnnioo over Culm. 'Then hlni llilo bouses. 1'lltly oon ninltco prosldont, rldco Musts, rldoo Hobs Manias, '.Mnyboso rldoa evoly thliiR until mayboso Btloam rollorr rldco hlml Mnyboso ho no hollova It linppon tllMio flndoo I.Ivor of Doubt. Tlion ho turnao lilnglcmilvo ninybo so try llhol Hloss Mnrnou. No seo how. iMIhk Mary Hollering In a wing er mid ontortnliior In Ht. Paul, Minn., and Mr. Hollows is a music critic In that city, From Vmidctlllo (Wilson llrothorH) "Ray, 1 ain't h'ot no (lino to ntnnd hero and talk vld you," "Vuro nro you going?" "I vnnt to moot 0110 of my niint ioa., "Vlrh limit lu do yon want to moot?" "AntlsopUc." "Huy, did you ami mv phototuo graph In all dor pnparaY" "I noftir mad tho imtunl medicine ndvortlnonionts." "I vnan't a dlmuiHo 1 va 11 vltuoaa In h dlvorco chko." "Vol Ih dot, a vltnorwt" "A vllnuaa is a follow vot don't roiuoinhur. Jly wlfo'i tilitor aiiod for nu npnrtnoca on Hucouiit of liupowl hlllty of temper nud her husband sued on norount of grimily." "You iiiwiii orMolty." "No, I menu rnolly. All alio vould glf him to out vos gruol." "lu dor iotttura.nt today, flniat itflur you finished outing, dor viator full ovr.M "I don't Know ry uo iliould I didn't tip lilui." Olio ritiinio 1 had "uii offer" onco, my lad SighMl old utald, Auntie Illumnor. A hmulHoiuo hmii 'plionwl It to 1110. Who had gottati tho wrong uuiuber. I'l-Otltlillg Now Mtatroaa -Nuw, l.eua, nro you a guoil oookf heim1 UttNk m, iHn'm If you don't help mm. l'l1H'Ct Vlsltur Catt I nee tbat lUQtnrtat who w bmught h liwft kh hour HgoT Niinm lie ltaau't couto to liU aeitgtM yot. VUltar Oh. tnnt'a nil light. I only want lo Mil UIih MtwOwr oar! Ills Win k IMuMitul Uruwn It wa too bad about Dr. BmlluKH' datitb. Ho wh only SB. J1111M Ym: lot In a way hta work vmi rtutiliod. Hu bad Jtut eotupM ol his bowl, "Uow to Uv to bw a liuniirml." Now YorK 'Homni. SliiiUj "l OBfifigdU tho rooHM for wy holi day." Itftl4. "lioeawao tho UHttiaUy wruto ma that tho vorlokod a an peril nurdon of tiO novoa. rlehly adorugjl with HtHloary. wkoro 1 wa n't llhorty to froti'-naU ' MVm,JH ,'onoH in'iuln d Hli ms a rfHnMor. hi. -Jul Ut terly. New York Sun. L aR'c. f-j-tfm. y k 1 ejr" tJBfto ON HIGHWAY BUILDING TJLI5 county coiui is advortisiii for bids for the con struction of a .section of the Crater Lake highway at the new entrance of Crater Lake national park. The esti mated cost is in the vicinity of $2f)00, and it will bo paid for out of the road levy. This new road is necessitated because of the abandon ment of the present park entrance by the government. The preseni route is abandoned altogether under m the plans being followed in the coiif.truction of the system of park roads as laid out by the army engineers. Under these plans there will be but three entrances, two on the east or Klamath side, and one on the west or .Jackson boundary, and each will have a gatekeeper or ranger. The road at present being constructed by the govern ment to replace the existing road is a mile or more north of the present' entrance. It iollows easy grades, skirts pic turesque Castle canyon and is a much more scenic drive than the present road. The new entrance is an unfoi-seen contingency, forcing an iinsought-for expense upon the county, but it is man datory if .Jackson county is to enjoy the benefits of Crater Lake tourist travel. It is in the forest reserve and should properly be constructed by the federal government, but the forestry bureau has refused all co-operation and rejected Senator Chamberlain's bill calling for an appropriation for this purpose. Efforts of Superintendent Steel to enlarge the park boundaries so tis to include a portion of the na tional forest, so that park funds would be available for the purpose, also met defeat through the opposition of the for estry bureau, which withholds a large portion of Jackson county from taxation, and blocks development projects. The ('rater Lake highway should be a stale road. It is the gateway to a national park containing a state and na tional asset. And the action of the county court in build ing this road cannot be criticised as neither government nor state will assist. Hut the action of the commissioners in selecting the route for the Pacific, highway from Cen tral Point loTolo is justly subject to severe criticism from all parts of the county. The selected route contains three grade crossings, seven right angles and skirts the open channel of a creek in a space of three and a half miles, and is half a mile longer than the alternative route, and will cost much more to construct. The Siskiyou section ot the highway is a dream of a road. It is ideal. The Central Point-Tolo route is a nightmare and will be a never-ceasing source of regret to tho entire county. Lt should be changed before it is loo late. Tho county court is giving the county a good business administration and living within its income. Warrant in debtedness has been reduced from $57(),97() in .lanuarv, 10K5, when .Judge Ton Velio took office, to $I7(),?)8I on .July L lf)lf), despite the loss of $150,000 taxes on the 0. & C. land grant. Hut we submit that it is not good business to construct a permanent, highway with death traps along it when they can be easily avoided. , THE COMING WAR TIIIEIMG are men, courageous men, in this country who - would never shoulder a gun who earnestly hope for war with some country, because they believe it would help business. Thoy are of thy same class that in England fear con scription, that will take them away from their counters and tills. They are of the clas.s who stay at home and pros per while the soldier bleeds to death on the battlefield. There are in this country many who would like to see this country in a war with Mexico because, after it was over and peace established under military control, they believe they might find opportunity down there to still further loot and rob the oppressed and downtrodden peo ple of that country of the little that has been left to them by the benevolent plutocracy that had been developing the resources of that laud under the reign of Diaz. There are in this country thousands of impetuous youths who would rush to arms at the nation's call and go down to Mexico to kill and be killed because they have been taught to believe it their duty to be killed and kill when the politician wills it. It dues not look as though we would have a war with Mexico or any other country. The rotting corpses of a million of brave ami noble sons of England, Erauce and LJermauy tliTU cover the fields of Helglum and Erance is a tight that makes een "watchful waiting" m'oiii endur able to all except the newspapers of plutocracy. They still persist in their cry for blood-letting by the nation. There it in this country a large and increasing number of people who are determined upon war, but not against any other country or people. The war to come, as they hope and firmly believe, is not to hi a war for plutocracy for trade, or to protect our looters of other lands. The war hoped for, prayed for, is a war agaiiist every form of want, poverty and industrial discontent. It will not bt easily won, for thy reason that a large part of our wealthy classes find that want, poverty and in dustrial discontent are the sources of their wealth and in come. I u the sufferings of others they find gain and profit. The poverty and want that drives the children and wives of the poor to labor in the factory, cannery and Held keepi down wages and fattens the grasping employer. As the undertaker finds death his best business friend, so some employers, under the present economic system, find want and poverty their best employment agents'. The worker of thus country have made up their minds that a system that leaes them no alternative but surrender be cmiimc of the needs of their children for bread is wrong. They realize that democracy must be its own emancipator. Strikes have proven disintegrating; they are no real or jumimuent remedy. The solution will be in some new UutUi Fur industrial rcform that nuns! eouUiiu in itself the gjM'iu of a hotter social urgtuiusalian that will destroy social IbJusIIpp. TJii K thr w.iv we utmultl liope Dor? nvny fora poauo Pul wai u "lis, i vi as-;! protect mTp imn bring Impplntfes nut a war of killing and maiming and uumtv and woe, MEDJrcmiJ MATTJ TRIBUTE, MEDFORD OREGON, TUESDAY, .TULY 13, 1935 iSBBl Jt v K fi fr f 1 fe arfS? gPaaSMSP "" QmSf " l P J I LiA J Sass .Bssssssok, ""'"' joj?1' Tho Oklahoma quadruplets, Rober ta, Mary, I.eota and Mona Koys, ot IIollls, Okla., Horn .luno 1. Tholr mother Is Mrs. Flnko KoyB, wlfo of a IIollls druggist. dr. Joseph a. mm E WASHINGTON, July 13. Dr. Jos eph A. IlolnieB, director of tho fed oral bureau of mines at Washing ton, who died early today lu Don vur, was regarded by his associates In tho government Rorvico ns the fathor or the bureau or mines, which by n campaign or education and ex periment Iiiih largoly reduced tho death toll among tho underground workors. Ho also was accredited with making "saroty first" a nation al movement. Ho took it Tor tho alogan or tho mlnos buroau'H work nnd It spread to all phases or Indus trial activities. "Tho Raddost part or It all," Bald Van II. Manning, acting director of tho mines buronii, today, "Is that Dr. Holmes woh a victim of overwork and his devotion to his duties In bo half of tho safety of tho million miners of tho Unltod States. v GOVERNMENT STOPS WALES COAL SHE LONDON, July III.-Tho Hrltlsh government has doubled to apply tho munltloiiH war net to tho South Wales roal Htrlko on tho ground that tho strlko Is prejudicial to tho transport, production and supply of munitions of wnr. Tho fact that tho govorntnont had reached this dodmion was announced today In tho houso of commons by Wnltor Uiinclmnn, presldotu of tho board of trndc. EIS WASHINGTON, July 13 -Under tho now law admitting foreign built vomwU to American registry , HO shlpH with a grow tonnage of 527, 021 tons wore transferred to tho I'nliud Slutim Hag during tho fiscal your muling .hum .10, FlguroH an iiouui'od today by tho dopiirtmont of eoiuiiieno ho that of this number.' 19 wore formerly In tho lSrltlsh nior ihant marine, thirty In tho German and hI in the llelglau. Ono Itulhin. three Norwegian and four Cuban ahlpa were uU tranaforrod. COMMUNICATION. To tho Kdltor 1 want to call attention to a grave mlatako or to bad tasto on tho part of the liiniiMKe-ment or tho Ashland Chautauqua I .ittendod the Moil ford Day progmiu and kocurod n ory good seat but 1 was horrified whim I wiw thorn clone tho aisles and ovory available space In tho firo trap build ing, ir the least alarm had been glvon hundred or people would have boon killed. 1 wiw tho terrible ills astor or tho Iroquois thontor In Chl caso, ami Ilutiw caskets haunt me atlll. Lot the mauagomont uso a Utile common mubo. what Is the uso or MorUtciHK human life for tho take of a tow dollars? The band was fine but I did not onjoy It as 1 would hao undur othor conditions, and 1 hnvo heard many my the name thing UiIh morning. A hint to the wlc ought to bo suffi cient sincerely, H UtUY H Tt'CKKR. Medford Oie lul IS 1913 John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant SS S. UAHTLKTT 1'hnncN M. 4? and 17-J'J Awbulatico Serilce Coroner FOUR YOUNG LADIES, ALL IN A 2Jyi? QuailriipIctM Whon tho stork brings four of a kind And you can't tell one from tho othor, It's only auro that you will find Yourself to each Just ono-fourth mother. E FINE FOR CORONERS fXlolrf Hill Now.) Oriulo oro'winjrs are till to the lino for tho undoi taker. A misbongor train rnnimi'd u inoloreyelu tit tho treiii'licroiiK Tolo tiirnpilo hint Sun ilny. Hoth ririutt, escaped hy n mere mirucli1. Accident at this point tire of tiresomo frequency. Kventually one will lU'iuuiiil u toll that Minll cuiihe n general surfeit of horror. Yet County JihIrc Ton Velio is nlono in his stand for u minimum of ilnucr oits truck crossings on tho I'ncil'ie highway in Jackson county. Com, missioners Aliuldcu nnd Lccm'1 if their stubborn demand for three stieli niorguo fillers is met, will have much lo answer for, anil tho debit will be u i i'iV one. TORPEDO NETS TO. WASHINGTON, July i:i. - For ex perimental puipo-i'i tho iiuw ilepart nieiit lias piirclinscil severul torpeilo nets to hnu; iiiouuil batth'hliips ami protect them from torpedo attack. Secretary Daniels Miid lodav tlie-e were of the sumo type iik those em ployed by the Kuropeiin navios. Kx poriuicnts ure now goin;r on with the nets aboard one of the ships on the Atlantic fleet. Similar experiments made some time ago produced no very definite results, but iiuvy officials hope to he able so to iiupiove the nes lis to reduce the dangers ftoui siibmaiiues. The nets are compoxed of wire links. SIVCKSS Oh' A MKIMCINi: All things Riicceod which fill unreal need; that a doctor Is kept busy day nud night proves his ability nnd skill; that I.ydln K. IMiikham's Vogotablo Compound Is told In enormous quan tities In almost ovory city, town nnd Jinmlat in Amorica and In foreign countries as well proves Its merit, and women are found everywhere who tell of health restored by its uso. Paid Adv. Giin Cluing China Herb Store llerli Cnrvs for Kuiiirhe, lleailnclie, Catarrh, Dlptlithcrlu, Som Tliro.it, I.tiiig Ttxiiible, (Viucer, liiducy Trouble, Stomatli Troiible, llcurt Tiiiutile, Clillls anil h'eicr, Crumps, Coughs, Vow Cltviilallon. Cnr biiucles, Tuniors, CKI llivnst, Ciiivs all kinds of Goitre NO oeiatATiox. To Whom It May Concornt I am freo from rheumatism. You can be tho same by taking treatments from dim Chung, tho herb doctor, My rhoiimatlsm was so bad taht lt niado mo so weak 1 could scarcely get up when I was down nnd tho pain I Buf fered ono could hardly know unless one had tlio Emtio disease 1 was truly dissatisfied and disgusted with lire In my condition and trying to livo. Now to my friends that enro to bo cured and would Uko to bo freo try the herb doctor, Ho can cer tainly rolleve In n vory short time. Very truly yours, MHS. M. I.. KOLB till ritOXT ST., .MIMU-Oltl), OltK. SAFETY FIRST Don't risk injuring yourself and sotting your hoiiho on fire by attempt ing to clean clothes at home. It Is dangerous, and is not ior:h tho risk to whtoli win oxpose ytmrtolf You can liiMir your own i(i and tho proper handing or your ciothes by ending tno.t ror cleaning pcsulng, dvolng to a .ilant which ' uodern, (ire proor and up-to-dato Our chargM iro so low that It will not pay ysa to do your own work For your own protect Ion, call 244 - ROW mm r Tho babies, tho only living Quad ruplets or their own Btato and un doubtedly or many other states, aro perfectly healthy and all seem cer tain to livo. HKItMX, via London, .lulv l. linrvostiiiK bus betin in the western nnil middle sections of Germany. He ports from Cologne indicate Unit the crops' of rye, oats, wheat nnd barley will be especially Inre. Stijrnr beets nro said to be richer in sugar titan usual, nnil it is expected that the fruit harvest will bo satisfactory. BOOK OF INFORMATION ON CRATER LAKE PARK UIMSIIINGTON, I). C, July HI. An elubornto book gtvinjr general in formution regarding Crater Lake pnrk for tho season of li)L"i bns just been issued by tho interior depart ment. Deafness Cannot Be Cured hr Itwal ppllmlloDii. n lliry cannot reach tb illtrairil iwrllon of Hip r Thrro U onlr nn uar ta mrr Oralntt, and lliat l hr rooitltulton al rrmrdlra. DiJfiicn la ciufit br an Indamnt Dimlltlun "f thmur.nn llnlnc of tb I.'uitarhlan Tut. When this tube la Inflnmrit 7011 barn a rumtillDE aound or Imprrtrct hrarlne. and when It l tullrrlr rlord lifjtnrn la Hi mull, and nnlraa Ilia inBaiumatlon can h taken .out and Dili till rraiorrtl M lla normal coudltlou, hear Iliac lll Ui dtrojcd fOfCTcri nlna caaca out ot leu arc cautcd tr Catarrh, whlrh la nnthlnic hut an Inflamed rondlllon ot tuc mucoua aurfacra. Wc will lire One Iliimlrrd Pollara for any caa of PrnfncM (ratiwd It catarrh) that cannot t ciirnt It llall'a Catarrh Cure. Hend for clrcu lara. free. p rIIENrv a c0., Tole-lo. O. Sold r Pruesl'ta, 7.V. Take llall'a Iaullr 1111 for conatlnatloo. TtIP P A C 17 Medford's 1 JU!y r rSAjLi Leading Theater Cool, Comrortnble, Well Ventilated WEI NE. I) VY and THI'ltSDAY THE WOULD FAMOUS BETTY NANSEN (Tho Itoyal ActresB) In The (flipping .Modern Drama or Intense ami Absorbing Interest The Celebrated Scandal lly Joso Echogaray, tho Spanlah Shnkespoaro All star supporting company, Including Edward Jose, Walter Hitchcock, Stuart Holmes, Wilmuth Mcrkyl. A Drnnuitle Mastorploco That Deals With tho Evils of Cosslp Tho Nansen Eyo SEE Tho Xnn80n Tear IN Tho Nnnson Smllo The Omnia That Stirred Two Continents HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY Regular Prices: 5-10-rc In uity or itoiinlry, for buu'moos or plenMire, under nil uonditions, tho moelianical iierfimtiou, trongth, light weight ami Minpliuity of tho Ford enr inako it tho people':, utility. And they uvunttru only about two cents u mile to operate and maintain. Rarrinj; the unforosoon, overy retail buyer of a new Ford onr botweon August liKH uiul August lfll."i will reeoive from $40 to $00 an a aJuuc of the Fun Motor CompauyV profit. Touring Onr $400, KiinahoMt $110, Town Car $090, CoupoM $7fl0, Sedan .075; f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. On tlispluy and kale at C. E. GATES Anticipating';' The Ksw BaSsy Rrerr expectant mother iIkkiM bate at hand a bottle of "Mot hcr'i Friend." It M iwHW iimx Ihe musclM. mikr tbem (.Irony. Iher expand without undue train. pln s "elided, name I' overcome and the kln U thm prcscned ngalnut tcan nnil iitlirr de ferti m icramon ! "Mother1 Friend" lm lieen neitlceted. Write for n viliia''e bojiW. ent free by nrndfield Itcpilator Co.. 101 Ijimar nidr.. Atlcntn. On It l filled with timely Information nnd wonderful letter from srnteful inothers who went tlirniiKh the ordenl and own their cem forl to Mother1 Friend." Sold by all dm. flU. AUTO SKUVICK Kl tOM KAflLU 1'OINT TO MKOrOIll) AND 1JAC1C Tho undersigned will leavo Prank Lowls confectionery every day ex copt Sunday for Medford with his auto at 1 o'clock p. m arriving at 2 p. in. Leavo Nash hotel, ModiorU, at 5 p. m., arrive at Eaglo Point at G p. m. A part or tho trarflc Is solicit ed. S. II. HARNISII. Eaglo Point. Ora We Must Have More Butter Fat Highest Market Price Paid AT The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. 32 S. Central Ma. 1. lUaaii, Mutineer nnil rrcaldcnt 250 KEARNY ST. Del. Sutter ndBu.h SAN FRANCISCO A modern, fiie-proof, up.lo.Jate Motel, located in the center of emthing and on a direct line lo the Ejpoiition Grounds. RATES Detached Bath Private Bath 1.00,S1.50 single 1.50. 92.00 single M.50, 2.00 double 2.00, 12.50 double I SO I'oomi tX Solid Comfort Eroy Convenience "rem Thirl awl Towiiwnd St. Drpot, t.le cl No. I Joe 16. '"rom I'my ute Sullfr is. cat, art r4 at Kearny St., walk hall a Hock Notlh. Or Take n "Universal" But direct to Hotel icnaawo I a uaaaikb iligfe