Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAQE W0
Fir blight bna made Its appoar-
nnce In tho orchards of tho Willam
ette valley. Tho county courts of
iJcntoti, Lhrio and Marlon counties
tiaro inndo appropriations to aid In Kb
The lord h'ulllia,),woHltan(l he can't
Uet tip 'diet F. Wright. 0
William llunloy, tho "Sago of iiitr-
noy County," wealthy ntockinan and
landowner, Monday nt Portland wan
decreed to bo in contempt of court
1 for -violation? ofa Jormor court de
cision which nraiicu his rieniR in
erect dams and iifeo.vrjllcr In the Sll
vlefl' rlvef of northern llarnoy county.
He was ordered to Immediately re
movo dams built in tho river, pay the
Pacific Livestock company $2G0 dniu
aged, pay ita cont of action, and In
onjdlncd from ubo of two dnniB
known as tho Young and I.iiIr damn.
"Taxl-33n" lr.c anywhere- In city.
Formerly Alco Taxi. New offlco Nah
Hotel, Phone 33.1.
Harney and Wallowa counties will
bo vlxltcd this week hy United Htntes
Senator Chamberlain. Tho senator
returned laot week from a trip up
the Deschutes to Ilend, Paisley, Lake?
view and Crater Lake. Later lie will
visit the qoast counties, by which
tlmu he Will linvo made a complete
tour of the stato before returning to
Velvet Ico cream at Do Voe's.
John Oith and family arc vIsltlnK
at Klamath Falls. ' '
Tho Mod ford Vulcanizing wprks are
now vulcanizing punctures nt 2Cc.
A. L. Irwin )ibh returned from Chi
cago to look utter harvesting his pear
Boo Davo Wood about that firo In
in ran co policy, Offlco Mall Trlbuno
Arthur M. deary will shortly lea-
turo In Medford upon selling fruit
by tho auction plan,
Do Voo cnrrlos tho best line of
five cent cigars in tbo city.
A silver tea wljl bn given by tho
ladles of St. Murk's dulld Wednes
day aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs.
I'ttrdln, 2) denova avenuo, from 2 to
5. All ladles of tho parish anil their
frlonds,arn,urgeirto b. present,
Drink Celro Kola "first for thirst"
at your fayorto fountain fie, ,05
The preliminary hearing of Jamos
and Jess Wilson and Alfred Heed,
arrested Saturday as suspect In tho
robbing of the home of Mrs. Lou
Jones on Itooiqyolt avenuo lust Fri
day, was postponed this morning
tint II Wednesday morning. Tho ovl
tioiico nKalimt the three Is far from
conclusive, and tholr Identification
Is only general. Mrs. R. K. Kelly
could not positively Identify the
thrjeo as the men she saw coming
from the home. Tim police arc work
ing an. tlie theory that there uro two
moro In the gung.
Chocolates, 30 cents lb, Do Voo'.
Tho fire department was culled out
Monday evening by n small grass fire
on South flrnpo street. No damage.
11, 13. doldon of Orogon City is
among tho out of town visitors In
tho city this week.
A special meeting or tho city coun
cil will bo held Thursday evening,
July in, to consider tho mutter of
the application of the lloguo Ulvor
Public Sorvlco corporation for an
electric light franchise In this city.
Ilome-mndo pantry at tho Shasta.
Donald Springer and family and
George Kunzelmnn and family liuvo
returned from a week's vncatlnn
sponi on ho upper Apptypato.
Safety and service. Wo glvo both.
Holmes, lliu Inhauranco Man.
' A number ofiMedford people spent
Monday In Ashland attending tho
Chautauqua which was pronounced
tho best of the session.
Have you tried ono of those Be
milk shakes at DeVoo'sT
A. Alexander of Coqulllo Is spend
ing n few days In tho city atendlug
to business mattura.
Tbo Alco cigar store will conduct
tiifclr own taxi service hereafter un
der tho samo name and ut the same
nlaco and will iniarunteo prompt and
first-class service. Owned by '.uiulol
Urotliers. M
Trade to ('ruler l-ake Is near full
awing nt the present time. The Crater
Lake company, Court Hall, manager,
through the Kaymond-Whlfcomb
company took out a party of eighteen
this morning for n four days' tour
of the lake and the Klamath lake
regions. They will return by way of
the Creon Mountain road. AH are
from IJoston. Sunday Court ttiul took
a party of Mazamas from Portland
to tho lake. Suudu Uwro were over
40 cars at the lake
Merchants' Lunch. SSc. Tho Shasta.
Siskiyou pr Colostln water, 10c per
bottle at He Voe's.
O. N. Nelson spent Monday In Ash
land attending the cha'utauiiua and
business matter.
Frqsh roasted peanuts at Da Voe's.
Judge K. M. Calkin of tlili city
spent Monday In drauts Paw attend
ing to court mutters.
J. 0, dorklng, the best all around
photographer iu southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives niude any.
whe,. tlmo or place. Studio ;28
Main St. Phouo 320J.
' 4 rELLLwVLBLLaLSNfeMlBLH WW ttt Wat -t! -j WMmWmr :E2?k& ff?J4&r$4
III j :uiii&!&
9l jft
The 1'iiiteil Stnle Mibmiiriiic "II-II," wliieli rnn iifrrniiNil off l'olnt Sur,
!.')() mill's south of Sun l-'ninciseo, anil her roinmiilnler, j.ieutcnnnl V. Y
Newlon. -J '
The reiiiiiiknhle feulure of the in i-linp wok (hut nKhodgli poitiulei) for
eighteen hours on the ihcI;h by the hen, I lie ve.ssc) remained imielicnllv
uninjured. Jhiriug that time it wax partly out of wilier.
Tile crew of Iwenl.v-six reinaiile d iilitmrd the entire (line and brought
the (liver to Snn I'Viiwim-o nmler her own steam, niter it was pulled into
deep wnler. .
Mrs. K. K. kolly and family spont
Monduy In Ahlanil attending tho
C. F. Huntington of Pomoroy,
Wash., and family passed through
Medford thhr 'morning by nuto, en
route, to the Sun Francisco fair.
Onirics IrnesH of drants Pass Ih
ili tho city attending to liilstiss nlat
tern, Alco Tnxl, lGc anywhere In city;
prompt calls, careful driver; phono
8H2-U. i
(Married tfunduy rit the home of
Hov. II. B. Tucker, Martin L. Porter
to Miss 'Miiry J. ltohlnson, both of
Medford, Oregon. They wll) live on a
ranch two miles southwest of Med
Accompanying tho twelve members
of tho Medford baseball club to
drants Pass Sunday wore tho follow
ing:,,. Mr. and Mrs. Hrtlpli Bwlng, Mr.
and,, Mrs, Mosu Ildrkdtlll, Mr. and
Mrs. italstbn, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
AntW, Cdlonol Minis, ,Vlg Ashpolb,
doorgj Castor, .Inmes Hell, manager
of tho-Naiih libtel: deorgn Mcrrlman.
"Unldy" Worthlngton, and "Siior'ty"
atlas Claullo, Miles. (Irani pass
Mr, uiul Mrs. A. J. tlronn, Hov.
and Mrs. . Vawler of drnhts
Pass, and .Mrs.W'.L'. C. Hrey of 8"t.
Louis, pnsscd through Modforil Mon
day for a week's camping trip, go-
tug (o Crater Luke by way of Ashland,
KhuillUh l''"lln and Anna Creek can
Clarence Loveru, proprietor of tho
CVnBai Point gurugo reports the find
ing -of a fly hooli aloiig ftogue river
containing tin elaborate assortment
ot Imported "dry" files; evidently tho
property of some tourist flshermnu.
Tho owner can huvo same by Identi
fying proporty.
Wilson Wulto and Lloyd Wilson
loft Monday for Crater Luke, whore
they will bo employed on the con
struction of tho road around tho lake.
Walter Howne nud Lincoln McCOr-
mack Jr., liave returned from a fish
ing trip to Crater Lake.
deorgo Older of Montague spent
Monday In Medford attending to bus
iness mutters.
The Klumuth liaselmtl team wilt
(day tho Medford (earn In this City
noxt Sunday. They will make the
trip In IS auto's and will bo ncrdm
pnnled by u brass bund. It will be
tho first appearance of the eastern
Oregon team In this city. Thu line
up Includes a number of former I'nl
voraljy of Oregon players. Custer,
the local soiithphw, will be In shape
to pilch by next Sunday large
delegation will uiniiiipnny the visit
lug team. , t
J. P. llrdwn nhd family of I'agle
Point spent a few hours Mondav
evening In Medford visiting friends
Superintendent or Screens Sam
Sundry of Hogue Itlvor mid name
The annual quting of the Hlks
lodgo of this city will ho held at
Colestln, August 1, A speclul train
vll bo run from drantB Pass, stop
ping nt all Intermediate points. The
Medford band and llnzelrlgg orches
trn will accompany the train. There
will bo n special sport and musical
program. The picnic Is heralded as
"the big lengiio picnic of tho senson."
Bvory 121k In thojKoguu river vnlley
Is expected to attend,
Jon Wilson of Talent spent Mon
day In Medford nttendln to business
P. W. Mnrtln of Bugene Is spend
ing n few days In tho cltytrunsuctlng
business mutters.
Jlubu Jnnsen of Bnglo Point dis
trict spent Monday afternoon In Med
ford attending to business matters,
Miss Lorulne Lawton of this city
Is In San Francisco attending tho
An auto driven by 7. .Cameron
crashed Into tho Hubbard Urotliers
store Monduy night nt Main and Riv
erside avenues. Tho accident was
caused In an effort to avert a col
lision with uii Unknown mnchlno. Sev
eral iiear accidents occurred Monday
on 'tho business streets, principally
at Intersections, where niitnlsts io
fusod to yield the right of way to
tho other.
Thcro has ben u steady IncronBO
In pnssenger truffle over tho South
ern Pacific the last week, nil trains
north and south being loaded with
visitors 16 the fnlr. Hetween now
and the first of September the high
tide of custom travel Is expected,
both by rail and by auto.
Kranklo Bdwnrds, known In this
city as a fight promoter when Iliul
Anderson was In tho height of his
glory, Is now running a restaurant
In Juarez, Mexico. Kdwnrd sin n
letter to friends In this city says that
he Is doing well, and expects to ro
Itirn to the Hogue river vnlley.
The Huruiim rind llulley circus will
appear in this city August 22.
Dan Fraser of the Steamboat dis
trict Is spending n few days In tho
city and valley attending to business
dot your buttor, eggs, cream, milk
dha butter ml(k nt Do Voo'a,
Mrs. Stewart Patterson returned
from Chicago Tuesday.
deorge Porter una family return
ed Monday from nn nuto trip to
Crater Luke, leaving Sunday. They
report the roadH to bo tu excellent
condition. Mr. Porter reports that
MUy" itro In the best slinne he has
ever seen them.
County Clerk denrgc dsrdner spent
Monduy afternoon In Medford attend
ing to business mutters
Wurilon Walker of Ashland, are In
the ulty
inker of A
day atteiu'
ill nt? fo official
A special election will be held In
drants Png Wednesday to vote upon
the ratification of the contract of
the clt with Twohy Urotliers for
the building of the flrunts PaRs-Cres
cent City mllrdud. ,
Kay Muurer. a former resident of
this city, who has been living In Oil
Morula tho last three yoars bus re
turned from a short visit with frlendu
and relative.
W. J. MeNttlll and wifo or Sn
PrHjiQUro usut1 tbrmigh Medford
this morning on au until tour of the
Pacific nortkwont.
M. C. StHltliHtn of MoMtuuvllle Is
amowf the nut of town visitors In
tho city till week.
dears T. Coehran f UiOrunrto Is
visiting and attending to bualnoM
mutters In this eitr (r a Irfw days.
it. C. Qraoabiwk e( KhHtii rlla
kpent thw flimt of the wuK In Mini
fa rd uttitudlng to fcuslmwt n'mtlera-
S II IllMtou of Iteuecla, Oul., is
attending a few day In the city ami
vallf) on tiuatiio.
TEKBil,'.' JH
rnrmers thrbughoul the vnlley
have begun the second cutting ot al
falfa, mid arc' rushing the harvest
ing for fenr of, ruin. Tho ski' Is
overcast with clouds, and tho temper
ature Is low, wllh Just u trace of chill
In the air. ltdintwouId be welcomed
by all except tlie hiiymcu.
C. 1). Hullrimri, of Tlllaiiiook Is
spending n few days In tho city and
valley attending to business matters.
I). C. Franklin of San Francisco
is nniong tho oulof town visitors iu
the city.
Willlum Altkhn las received n let
ter from his old home In England, In
which tho write states that Soucher.
Is tho key to the allies dffcnslvo In
the west, and thaconco, this strategic
point Is secured the great drive ot
the foes ot the Kaiser will bo put In
motion. Sdiichcz overlooks the
plains of Flanders, and dominates
the battle line. 'The writer also gives
nn Insight into the terrific slaughter,
telling ot a little fishing village in
tho north of Scotland of C00 men
and women and children. Oul of
this number 170 hnvb fallen. The
letter states thut tho death rate Is
so appalling that tho people do not
grip Its lmmeils(ty.
Bverett M'cArthur, living on North
drupe street, was taken to task this
aftornoon by tho police upon tho al
location tii'iit 'lib was allowing his
chickens to ,rilnlit large, causing dam
ugo to lawns', ffoWer pidts, und Kltcls
on gurdims, ".Vfri McArthur denied tho
SBATTLK, Jtity !3CoTonel Allien
J. lllethen, for nearly twenty years
editor and publisher ot tho Scattlo
Times died iit his homo hero late
yesterday of a complication of ills
eases, following nn Illness of many
months. Ilo'wart'CS years of ago.
Colonel lilMherl is survived by two
sons, Joseph, business manager of
tho' Times, and Clarence, managing
Vdllor.'-two ilaiightdrs, Mrs. Thomas
Mesilny and" Mrs. dllhert L. Duffy,
and u widow, all residents of Scuttle.
For Stomal h anil Liver Suffeifi.
Don't take medicine for your Stom
ach ailments morning, noon and
night, as usually such medicines only
give temporary relief and simply di
gest tho food that happens to be In
tho Stomach.
Don't permit a surgical operation.
There Is always serious danger In
operations nud In many cases of
Stomach, Liver and lutestlnnl Ail
ments the Knife can be avoided If
tho right remedy Is tnkep In time.
Don't go around with a foul smell
ing breath ranted by a disordered
Stomuch and Liver, to the discomfort
of those 'oii come Iu contact with.
If yon are a Stomach sufferer don't
think you can not bo helped; prob-
nbiy worse cases than yours huvo
been permanently restored by Mayr's
Wonderful Heniedy.
Most Stomuch ntlments are mainly
caused by a catarrhal condition.
Mnyr's Wonderful :Kemedy not only
removes the catarrhal mucus, but al-
lays the ctirdnic Inflnintitlan and as
sists In rendering tfie entire nllment
nry und Intestinal tract antiseptic,
and this is the secret bt lis marvel
Don't suffer cuhstu'nt pain nud ago
ny and allow your stomach ailments
to physically undermine, your health
No matter how sovere your case may
(bo or bow long you hnvt suffered -
one nose or siayr a wonuernu uem
edy should convince you that you
van be restored to health again
Muua Wonderful itemedy has been
taken and is highly recommended by
.Mcmecrs oi v ougress, justice oi tue
lWtl n'.,t, tl, f.i'i, i 'ronl Supraine Court, Kdu'catprs, Uiwyers.
jii'Iiv--, ' ' Ut ',-i ,, j.-.v.v. ..,...- i.ui, ..w., ...b-
Wediii'-di v .i d T'mr-i.i m tin pow
erful .lllll ,MilllllK plxklli. tlntl, "The
I'cU'ltriitril Sr.mdal.'" t'.Miinlil tm the
wnild I'miik'ii- tmvel 1 Jo-'f Kck-
t H I'll , Mil lllllllol Ul druUlM of KtMMtp
and inx'"' tontrui'-. Tii.' in i irt
f ut a tv e- it work HorM .ip
pil, ainl Mi .ni.'ii i- iii.ri'
by liotilblr, llli'liulin. Kllllil
ltf. Wiili.. 1 1 ,i,.. i. L VV'iliiK.i li
Mrilimd ..iIiit- Tin II. .u i s,l j "'" w
V...U. -Ii.tuui, iii.ii.v iiit.Ti-iiii- ,nttn ar nu
mk ia rtwr ftur of tkipri.- rtll Bv OM aWuluto satlsfaotlon
gists, Nurstw, Manufacturers. I'rlusts.
Mlnlstwrs, Farmers and people In all
walks of life.
Send for FRBK valuable booklet
on Stewarh Ailments to deo. II.
Mayr, lil-i:. Wliltlng St., Chicago.
Muyr's Woadorful Itemedy Is sold
l' IimhIIm drMtf)jUu evurywhere with
Ik imHiv uHilemtandlng taht your
0 refunded without
Ibkle If ONB bottle
r l r
J&kn Philip Soua
The March King, saysf
"Tuxedo gives an absolutely satis
fying amoke, fragrant, mild, and
pleasant." '-, ,
Ttixedo in The
Day5s March
All the vim, energy and en
thusiasm you get out of a Sousa
march you get out of the steady
use of Tuxedo. Tuxedo is as
cheering and inspiring as the
iiO. 1c.' r it i
otars ana otnpes rorever, be
cause Tuxedo is always refresh
ing, beneficial and wholesome. To be pipe-happy is on a par
with being mind-happy. Then you can get the punch into life!"
And it's certainly worth while. The short-line to pipe peace is via
Tht Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette
Made by the famous "Tuxedo
Process," Tuxedo is the one tobacco
in the -world that will not bite your
tongue, no matter how much you
smoke of it.
The extra-choice Kentucky Burky leaf
from which Tuxedo ia made is acknowledged
by experts to be the world'3 premier smoking
tobacco leaf. This is why Tuxedo is so mild
and mellow, so pleasantly aromatic, so deli
cious in fir.vcr.
Cpnvenlent, glaitlne r
wrapped, tnaibturc- Srf
proof pouch 'U . . tJ"4
In 7bi llumldoit 40c and 80c
Fnmoui Green Tin -
with Rold lettering, I bf
curved to fit pocket
In Glass Humidors 50c anJ fSi
"You can't get away from tho law
of averages, any moro than you can
escape tho first of tho month."
Mister Squeegee
Now and then even atail-end base
ball team will play a wonderful game.
The pitcher will have everything on the
ball, everybody will bat well and field fault
lessly, and luck will break right all tho way.
But the good games that come once or
twice a month are not tho ones on which the
standing of tho cellar champions is figured.
The team that stays up in the first di
vision must play well day after day.
So It is with tires. Their excellence is
not based on the extraordinary mileage that
the occasional ono gives.
It is the general average of service that
must bo considered in estimating tire values.
Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires are in
favor, not because of the performance of an
occasional one, but because of tho superior
merits of more than 99' of them.
Duy Diamond Squeegee Tread Tiret at thete
. Diamond . Diamond
sue Squeegee 5lz" Squeeeeo
30x3 $9.45 34x4 $20.35
'30x3U 12.20 36x4 28.70
32x3)2 14.00 37x5 33.00
33x4 20.00 38xSH 46.00
V' 'U
'I AbM.OU.lA'4,1 1
. mm?s
K9nU AM Ml I
r viunwc i.7. ff
y swmw i j
'S'XSm. l'
Medford Creamery
in T 'Vi.lml Ac.
208 East Main Strefit
Tlio Only Exclusive
Coumioroinl Photographera
in Soutliorn Oregon
Negatives jradu anv time oe
U, place by appomtmout
' I "Plinn TJ71
, u",u
I .
Wo'll do the rest
, K. D WESTON. ProD.
iiSipjliiiicfe "Neatest u ' Bffi
Are Sole Agents for the
We handle only the Diamond because it's far the bet
ter for the price buy them and cut out tire trouble.
Powell St. at OTnrrell
llcajquartcn for Califor.
nantnbilex't.ngtheLM'o- i
uur commo(jiom loW v, feiir
fine temce. ard hnme'ikc Su'
rtauraiumllai.ticai m ni
No Raise in Rales
II Maitafiiieit ilSl
I t;t-ff.erW y?l
Vee:,H-at fe( M1
I lie Manx ' Jm9'jp?