Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Hatunlny fain. Max. 75.5;
Mln. 58.5, l'rci. .01, Itum. .01
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dully Tenth Yenr.
All German Military Forces In Ger
man Southwest Africa Surrender
Unconditionally to Union Army
British Flag Flics Over All Ger
man Colonics.
LONDON, July 9. Tho surrender
of tho cntlro Gcrinnn forco In Gor
man Southwest Africa closes ono of
tho moat Important cnmpnlgns of tho
grcnt wnr nml releases for service
elsowhero tho South African contin
gent. All tho resources of tho South Af
rican union woro used In tho cam
paign, bul Its successful conclusion
probably means that although Gor
man Kant Africa rcirialnB unconqucr
od, n contingent will bo dispatched to
Franco whllo nddltlonnl forces will
contiuuo tho campaign In East Africa.
Part of (lio Union
It generally Is bollovcd hero that
German Southwest Africa will ho
fomo n part of tho South Africa un
PltKTOMA, South Africa, July !
i Gonoral Ilotha, commander of tho
forces of tho Union of South Africa,
has accepted tho surrender of nil Gor
man military forces In Gorman South
west Africa.
Tho GcrmanB surrendered uncon
dltlonully following tho Issunnco of
General llotlm's ultimatum which ex
pired nt 5 o'clock Thursday even
With tho exception of tho neces
sary nrmy of occupation tho citizen
army will bo brought homo as quick
ly as possible
After suppressing tho robolllon
ngalnst Hrltlsh nuthority In tho Un
ion of South Africa, -General Ilotha
took command of Dritluh operations
ngalnst Gorman Southwest Africa,
nnd headed an Invasion of Hint terri
tory Into In February. His opera
tions woro roportcd to bo uniformly
Tho forces under his commnnd enp
tured Olymhliiuiio on May I. Two
days later It was announced that ho
had occuplod tho Important railway
Junction of Knrblb and other sta
tions uftor n march of 35 mllos over
u waterless wnsto. Windhoek, cap
itol of tho Gorman territory, was tak
en .May 13, without opposition on tho
part of tho Gormnn forces.
Gorman Southwest Africa Itf on tho
west roast of Africa. Tho area Is
331. 450 square mlloe. Tho popula
tion is 7U,r.r, ehlofly llottontots nnd
bushmnn. Tho Kuroponn population
In 1913 wns H.81G, or whom 12,292
were Germnns.
SAN FRANCISCO, July P. - Philip
Thayer, prUident of the Noithem &
Souihern Steamship company, mid
Joseph Hlcy, R. II. Swayno ami J. S.
lloyt, shipping brokers, wore arrest
eil today, oncli on two indictments re
turned by tht federal grand jury yes
tonlay, olinrxiiiK violation of Ameri
uuii neutrality in connection with the
transfer of supplies to Gorman war
uhips by tho stenmor Sacramento, oft
tho Chilean const Inst fall.
Tho finns of C. I), Hunker & Co.,
of which liloy is n momhor; Swayne
& lloyt ami tho Northern & South
ern Stonmship eompany, owners of
tho Saonunmito, also were indicted,
ohnrgod with making a fnlo mniii
foet and obtuining clearance fraud
ulently. Dr. Thomas AddU of Lane hos
liital, alleged cxiiniining physician for
British roortiitinsr ngonts, wan arrot
od today and savo bond on two in
dietnionts in eonnoction with tho al
leged loeruiting for the Dritfatli nnny.
T1 firm of- Hhiir & Mnrdook. nt
the office of which MritUh recruiting
liHln,ttrtr woro nlIod to have
heoA HMintnined, was indiettsl.
Hurry 0. tano, nrrostud yetnlny
1m 04MUrlioti with tkc fM, hhtiuUmi
oomtly wKk lUlpk K. HUiir, alleged to
burr kwu the directing agent here.
1im ben unable to furnish bund.
Ambassador Gerard Receives Offic
ial Text bf Kaiser's Reply on Lu
sitania Communication Should
Reach Wasliinjiton by Sunday
May Result In Sevcrinn Intercourse
WASHINGTON, July 9 'Delivery
of Germany's reply to tho American
noto on submnrlno warfare to Am
bassador Wcrard in Merlin last night
should bring tho official text to tho
state department hero probably to
morrow nnd undoubtedly by Sunday.
3'rcsldcnt Wilson is oxpoctcd to ro
turn from tho summer Whlto House
at Cornish to lay tho reply boforo tho
cabinet at a mooting Tuesday. All
officials hero realize that thoro prob
ably has been no essential chnngo
from tho form In which tho reply wns
outlined by tho Merlin foreign offlco
to Ambnssador Gerard. On tho basis
of that outllno tho American govern
ment declined to ongngo In any sup
plementary negotiations becnuso tho
German proposals was regarded as
such which tho United Stntcs could
not nccept without sacrificing many
of its rights.
Itciicuul f Tension
Mcanwhllo thoro Is n rcnownl of tho
tension over whnt tho next stop will
bo if tho text of tho German reply
bears out tho unofficial outlines
which indicated that It would bo so
unsatisfactory to tho United States.
Althouh officials would not com
ment, saying that tho phraseology
first must bo studied, tho general
undortono in official quarters was
onu of dlsnppolntmont. Whnt tho
president's courso will be, no official
would predict, but It wns ovldont that
another critical stngo in tho relations
between Germany and tho United
Stntcs was at hand.
Ono courso which somo well In
formed officials considered prnbitblo,
would bo to roject tho Gormnn pro
posals and notify tho Hcrlln govern
ment, In effect, that tho United States
intended to insist op tho principle or
visit nnd soarch for all unarmed ves
sels of any nationality carrying Amor
leans nnd that specific vlolntlons of
theso rights would dotormluo tho noxt
stop In tho American policy.
Ah to Iaislluulu Caso
As for tho Lusllanln case, however,
falluro by Germany to admit liability
for tho loss of moro than 100 Ameri
can Uvea Is a phaso of tho situation
on which thoro woro today too few
suggestions oh to whnt tho United
Slntos should do.
Somo of tho priBldent's advisers
hnvo ropcatcdly counselled that tho
brenrh of International law was so
flagrant that It romnlncd only for
tho United States to havo no diplo
matic Intercourse with tho Gormnn
government unless tho Intent of tho
net was donled and reparation waB
Tho negotiations over tho conduct
of Gormnn submnrlnes havo over
shadowed tho I.usltanla caso itsolf.
but thoro woro Indications todny that
tho now Gormnn noto would cnuso a
return to tho Lusitanln caso as n
foremost issue.
NF.W YORK, July 9. The O. C,
Smith Hoat & Kngiuo company an
nounced today that reprosontiitivcs
of tho llritUh, French and Riissiun
governments have disked that com
pany to submit estimates for tho con
struction of upward of 150 powerful
motor speed boats for war purses.
The craft uro required to ho strong
enough to curry two or more light
guns nnd lire to he used, it i under
stood, in booking out nnd uttueking
German siihtuuriiuw.
LONDON, Jnlv 9.-The Wilson line
steamship (Initio, from Hull for
Archangel, Russia, wh Mink off tho
at of Seottand ytteterduy hy a
nerainn .ulmmrtHB. Tho crow of the
OniUo w saved.
Poison Gases Used to Give Kaiser's
Men Foothold Before Warsaw
Ausirians Around Lublin Defeated
With 15,000 Losses French Gain
700 Yards In the Vosflcs.
LONDON, July 9 (lorman mili
tary activities, while lessening in tho
(Inlicinn and Southern l'olaud war
fields, apparently uro in full swing
ngnm nlong tho front to tho west mid
northwest of Wnrsnw. Tho latest of
ficial statement from Pctrogrud in
dicates this in recording attacks on
the Kiisiimi positions at several
Heavy losses were inflicted upon
tho (lermuus in an assault near Jed
norojotr, in tho Prziisnysr. district,
the Russiuns report, hut near ltoli
inew, utmost directly west of War
saw, an attack in which pises were
employed, resulted in the storming of
first lino trenches. In somo of these
tho Oennans icluiiicd a foothold. The
fighting there was reported us con
tinuing'. l!i, OOO Austrian Capture!
T'ctrngrntl declares that the blow
dealt the Austrian south of Lublin
is being followed up, tho Teutonic
forces there being in rotrcnt, with the
Russians in pursuit.
A Petrogmd correspondent de
scribes the check to tho Austriuus us
resulting from u tactical blunder hy
Archduke Joseph Ferdinand, who in
too swift nn uilvnneo left his nnny's
left wing uncovered, enabling tho
Russians to deliver nn attack which
cost the Austriuus 15,000 men.
Along Western Front
I Icn vy fighting is reported ulong
the western front. Violent bomhurd
ments continue about Arras. At
Croix ties Cannes Oennans delivered
nn attack yesterday evening ulong u
front of Hoi) yards, after hurling
hurtling liquids nml bombarding with
ncroplanes. After having gained n
footing in tho first lino of defenses
the Germans wero driven out by an
iminodiuFo countcr-nttuck. Thoy were
ublo to hold only n few of the most
advanced trenches.
In the Vosges, in the region of
Han do Sapt, ut Foutiinelle, tho
French gained u notable success. Af
ter having driven the Gonnnny from
that portion of tho positions which
they captured on the U'Jd of June, the
French took possession of nil the
Herman defensive positions from the
hill to the southciisl of Foiitcncllc, nn
advance of 700 yards along u front
of (100 ynrds.
HVINGSTO.V, Mont., July 9.
Moro than 100 tourists woro hold up
by a slnglo highwayman In tho Yel
lowstone National Park at 10 o'clock
this morning. Tho robbery took p)aco
15 miles from Yellowstone tho west
ern entrance to tho park. So far as
the authorities at Mammoth Hot
Springs know, only ono man was In
volved In tho holdup. Ha mado his
escape. Troops from nil parts of tho
pnrk aro searching for him, but nt u
Into hour this afternoon no traco of
him had been found. ,
Tho holdup took plnro shortly after
tho roaches-of tho Hayncs Transpor
tation company loft Yellowstone tho
terminal station of tho Oregon Short
Line. A lino of coaches of moro than
a mIo loft tho station. Fifteen miles
east of Yellowstone a coach somo dis
tance from tho head of tho lino was
halted by a man armed with a rlflo.
Several coaches had already passed
that point and neither tho drivers
or tourists of thoso coaches saw tho
Leveling his rlflo at the driver of
the first coach tho desperado ordered
him to stop. Several of tho tourists
thought It was a Joko but without loss
of tlmo tho man took from the party
all their tnonoy and valuables and
then ordered tho driver to go ahead.
Ono after aonthor of the caches were
held up. Among the passengers who
suffered looses were many women.
Mrs. J. I'ierpont Morgan, who threw herself upon Holt just us he wns
about to aim his pistol nt her hushn nil's heart.
NKW YORK, July I). Hurry K.
Thaw, during his second day on the
witness stand ut tho trial to deter
mine whether ho hus recovered his
snnity, retold the story of how he
killed Stanford Whito nnd tlenicj that
ho had over paid Susan A. Merrill
largo sums of money to "keep secret
tho niinies of certain Hrsons." Ho
Kiiitl ho shot Whito after ho saw him
niovo his hand toward his pocket.
Thaw spoko in u low voice nnd up
penrcd to ho composed. Onco or
twico ho answered his crosa-uNiim-iner
Ho referred to the alienists who
Ustifieil for-tho stiitc at habeas cor
pus proceedings us "hug doctors."
Many questions were nsked Thaw
about liis relatioiiH with Clifford V.
Hurtridge, then his lawyer,. nnd Mrs.
Susan A. Merrill. Tho witness de
nied' that ho had paid Susan A. Mer
rill largo Hums of money, lie ulso
denied that ho had paid money to
keep "ooitnin pcoplo quiet." Ho
mldcd: "Mrs. Merrill committed per
jury in 3008 nnd 11)00, just as she
tlid hero three dnys ngo."
"Did you," usked Deputy Attorney
General Cook, "pay or cause to be
paid to Mrs. Merrill .'J5 u wcuk over
a long period of timet"
"I don't believe I did."
"How much did you pay her alto
gether!" "Helwecn $300 nnd $fiO0."
Eh PASO, Texas, July 0. Joso
Aloslo Itoblcs, a former Mexican gen
eral, was nrrested by federal author
ities, charged with conspiracy to vlo
lato tho United States neutrality laws.
In default of $500 bond ho was taken
to Jail.
Hobles was named In tho charges
filed by federal authorities at San
Antonio including thoso against Gen
eral Vlctorlano Uucrta und flvo
others arrested with him and now
hold In tho county Jail.
Hobles was a brigadier general un
der tho lato 1'orflrlo Diaz, and for u
tlmo was In command of tho Tain
plco garrison under tho Huorta rog
LOS AN'GKLKS, CuL, July 0.
Hundreds of members of tho II. I'. O.
K. arrived toduy as u vanguard ot
delegations coming to attend tho an
nual session of the grand UW,
which will omiii bore noxt Tuedny.
Tho Atlanta dulogtition, which is
seeking tho lUlfl oonventiou 'for tho
soilthern city, was Jirtit on the
gniuiid with a number of thu gnuid
offieura and J. R. Nieholhim of Hoa
ton, who, it i proilictfd, will be the
next grand exalted ruvra
9, 1915
" -1
PHTHOGHAD, July 9. In splto of
tho military distractions along tho
northern and western fronts, which
Include fitful activity between 8u
walkl and tho Kolynrl rlvor nnd tho
folnt nt Warsaw from tho west, tho
main efforts of tho forces arrayed
against KiiBsIn aro still concontrntod
between tho river Vistula and tho
rlvor Hug nnd aro aimed at Liibllu,
In this region, however, tho Hub
hIiiiis, according to latest reports,
havo temporarily stopped tho Austra
Gormnn advance and thoy aro ovon
beginning anew offensive iriovciuont
of their own between tho Vistula and
tho Vloprz rlvor, atrlkfng south from
I.ublln, against tho German positions
near Ourr.cndorff, Huchava and Krnfl
nlk. Tho front marked by thoso po
sitions, Is, broadly speaking, about 20
miles to tho south of I.ublln, nnd
Kliolm, nnd about .10 miles to tho
northeast of Handomlr.
Gorman forces hnvo been resting
now for sovcrnl days at thoso points
and tho movement on their part,
which for nonrly two months has boon
steady. Iiiih coiiio to a standstill.
This condition, tnkon in conjunc
tion with tho now Hustilnn offonslvo
activity, oxplalim tho confident bollof
among Husslaii observers that n
turning point nt last has boon ronch
ed and that tho psychological moment
to prevent a further German invasion
has now presented Jtsolf.
LONDON, July 0. -Great crowds
assembled in und around Guild Hall
and tho mutes leading to it this af
ternoon to hear Field Marshal Karl
Kitchener address u meeting to in
iiugiinito a special recruiting cam
paign. Karl Kitchener's subject was on the
need of further loeruiting for tho
army, hut tho enthusiasm of tho
meeting und tho crowds which ap
pealed was attributed to the public's
spontaneous doniro to duinoinstrato
its confidence in (lie field marshal in
the face of tho ijtlacks upon which
a curtain section of tho press has
been making.
"Wo require moro mon and Htill
more intui," said Kail Kitchener,
sounding tho koypoto of his address-,
"but tho situation in this respect is
iniiiicuaiiicably butter now than it
wa ten months ago. Tho military
position today, however, is us bori
mis a it was then."
LONDON', July I). -Tho Russian
steamer Anna from Archangel, Itus
ia, for Hull, was shelled by u Gor
man auhuiMriiib in tho North sou, Tho
erew uhandoued tho ship mid landed
Nt I'ctiuliead, Scotland, today. The
Auuh U reported to ho till utloiiv.
- .....
$43,000 BURIED
Lcncnds of Jesse James' Guerrlln
Band Revived hy Arrest of Four
town Men for Murder of Cattlo
Buyer 47 Years Arjo Girl Who
Witnessed Murder to Bo Witness.
' HKDFORI), la., July 0. Legends
of tho JiuncH hoys, Frank nnd Jesse,
nnd other, famous guerilla bands
which has followed in tho wnko of tho
civil wur, wero revived hero today in
connection with tho unrest of four
hitherto prominent and respecietl cit
izens of this section on tho chnrgo
of having participated in tho murder
mill robbery ot n wealthy cattleman
and his sou near biam, In., forty
seven years ngo.
Tho four men, Rates Huntsman,
Samuel Serivner und Henry and Joint
Dumcwood under nrrest hero und nt
(Muriiida, la., will ho arraigned in the
district court hero next Tucmlny, It
wns definitely stnted by tho nl'ior-
nuy genernl's official reprcscntntiivi',
(. A. Robbius, hero today that tho
treasure chest, supposed to hnvo con
tiiiucd $90,000 belonging to the oat
tlcniaii and his sou, was never locnt
ed, unless by souiu members of tho
James gang.
(Sang of Counterfeiters
The fatuous Missouri hnntlits nit'
brought into the caso in connection
with Jonathan Dark, ono-timo mem
ber of tho gang of counterfeiters, tl
was ho who followed Murin Collins,
his young sister-in-Inw, to her new
homo near Qultmiin, Mo., sovural
'years after the tragedy, in nn offtAt
to keop her from disclosing tho so
ciet. lie wns shot by Muttio Collins
nt tho Collins homo, according to in
formation hero. Murin Collins is hup
posed to have told tho James buys
about tho treasure.
Nathaniel Smith is believed to ho
the Inline of tho murdered cattlo
huyvr, according to Attorney W. .
Iliilinan. "Smith came to Slam from
St. Jon'iih, Mo., wo leitrn," said Mr.
ltulmail, "at the time ho wns engaged
to a girl, who Inter married. This
eh Is son is now in Redionl, Wo
have found fKl.OOO of tho treasure."
Itcleascd $.1000 Itouds
John and Henry Damowood were
arraigned hero and uftor pleading
not guilty wero released on bonds of
.f.r)0()0 each.
Serivner, the most prominent of the
(piurtet, is. 75 years old, mid reputed
to ho wealthy. Ho is u leading mem
ber of tho Miisnuio order in this sec
tion. Huntsman is ii while-bearded
mint of 77 years of age, who is said
to havo lost most of a fortune ho
onco had in attempts to find tho hid
den treasure. Tho four vigorously
denied tho charges against them.
Among their friends nnd uenuuiut
iiiiccs thoro nppoarod today to bo a
tendency to treat tho whole affair as
a joko.
Assistant Attorney General Rob
bius, however, insists that his inves
tigation shows that tho caso will
prove ii strong one.
Witnessed tho 31 tinier
QUITMAN, Mo., July 0. Mrs.
Murin I'orter, wifo of Henry Porter,
u eoul minor here, admitted today she
witnessed tho killing of the wealthy
cattleman near Siam, In., nnd declar
ed sho would go to Redford, la., to
testify against tho men under urret.
Mrs. I'orter would not discuss the
details of the murder, saying she had
been advised by tho prosecuting uu
thorities in lowu not to talk of it.
Sho paid she had bcun threatened
with death if sho cave information
against the mon guilty of tho killing.
(Continued on Page 2.)
WASHINGTON, Julv 9. General
Villa lias been defeated by Carrnuzii
troopx ten miltw soiUh of Agnus Oil
iontoa and is retreating north, no
cording to consular udvico dated
last night from Agnus Cnhcntos. The
muMiigo was brief and indiuntod that
telegraph eommiiiiiuiitlon very prob
ably would ho Interrupted north of
Agnus ("nlionto! within a fow duv?.
No detoiU wero jjivon.
NO. 93
S'cnmcr Minnehaha With 15,000 Ton
of War Munitions, Docks at Hall
fax, Hot From Stem to Stern From
Fire Damn;3 Extensive Fire Is
Supposed to Bo Duo to Bom!).
HALIFAX, N. S., July 0. Tho
steamer Minnehaha of tho Atlantic
TrniiHport Lino nrrived in tho hnrhor
this uftcnioon with n'if firu still burn
ing in her curgo' the flumes having
spread from No. 3 hold into No. l.
The ship is hoi from stem to stern
und tho damage is believed to be ex
tensive. Captain Claret reported that at
1:15 o'clock on tho afternoon of July
7 there was u heavy explosion on
board und u violent shock which
caused tho ship to tremble. Tho firo
Tho ship anchored in tho outer
linibor in tho face of a heavy blow.
Laic this afternoon it wns beliqved
that tho firo had heen extinguished.
Ionh Cannot ho Figured
Tho loss cannot bo estimated, its it
is impossible for anyone to cipher the
holds, from which deadly gasqs uro
risjng. Tho ship, which had heen .'di
verted from her courso from Now
York to London, when firo vulised.liy
nn explosion wns discovered in No.
3 hold, was sighted off tho.(arhor
entrance, puling in for assistance- nt
Sho nnehored nt n snfo distuticC'
from tho piers nml wns surrounded
by tugs. Ono of the officors of liib
vessel stated that tho fire had not
been finally checked and thai il had
made its way into No. 1 hold.
In tho opinion of tbe-oflicefs of
tho A(iniieliaha, il bomb cuilsed tho
explosion nnd firo on board the
stenmor, which canjo in here for us
sistaiteo today.
WlrelesH Wanting HccolvI
The wireless warning sent over tho
Atlantic telling of Frank Holt's
threat that u vessel would sink July
7 wns received hy Captain Cln'rct of
the Minnehaha early on the inorninc
of the 7th.
Tho lifehonts wero swung out, tho
fire hose uiiido ready and tho search
begun. It lasted all forenoon mid un
til tho explosion occurred in No. (I
hold in tho afternoon. Two sailors,
F. Leonard and F. Wright, who were
standing on u hatch above tho spot
where tho explosion occurred, woio
hurled into the air, but escaped with
bruises. Tho deck cargo over tho
burning hold was wrenched nwnv
nnd it steam pipe inserted. For
twenty-four hours the tlanies' prog
ress was arrested. They then Touch
ed No. I hohL
1.1,000 Tons or Munition
HALIFAX, N. K. July II. Tho
Atlantic Transport liner Minnehaha,
which caught tiro Wednesday on lin
wuy from New York to London with
15,000 tons of wnr munitions on
hoard, alter an expiation wliich mav
hnvo been mused by an infernal inn -chino
scut aboard by Frank Holt, J.
P. Morgan's assailant, steamed slow
ly through mist mid drizzling raui
into Halifax huibor today.
Karly wireless advices from Cup
tuiu Claret indicated that the flamo.
had heen masteicd during tho night,
that tho blaze had been nil hut extin
guished mid that there apparently
wns no further danger.
WASHINGTON, July 9. Offieinls
of the Tinted Sttttos wero ilisoussim;
informally today the possibility of ,
President Wiliou taking fiirllnr
steps to bring about a restoration of
peace in Mexico. This discussion
was based upon reports from United
Slates consuls in the northern putt
of .Mexico pleading that decisive ac
tion to bring peace mid truiupiilitv (
the southern republic bo taken within
it mouth.
Tho consuls rofor to tho threatened
famine in Mexico, inability of tip)
heads of tho warring factions to bring
ponco nnd predict that if prompt no
tion is not taken by the United State
conditions far worse than, ever will
irovuit, . ...
- '--as'