Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Iloginning Monday, July 112, tlio
advisory liunnl of tlu state highway
commission, unnsistiug of Ah'sirs. S.
Hoimon, J. II. Albert and Leslie Hut
Jyr, will nuiko nu inspection of the
Pu'oilht hih way 'from Portland to the
Cnlifoinin line, returning through
central Oregon. The members of tho1
I'oiiiilyfooiiitH noeonimuy tliu advis
ory1 honril thnfiwW fliViV npei'livo
counties mill such additional distnnre
in limy ifldi.
It in tin1 purpose on tin trip to din
(us roiul mutter in general mill tn
receive fdiggoMinns or ideua that nitty
nasitft lho advisory honnl mid hlgh
wny ilepnitmcut in planning for lho
fntuic, having mine particularly in
view tit this lime thi' 1010 coniliiin
lion program.
Alomboiw of the Jaolisnn county
court are requested to moot thu paity
at (lnu'il 1'hsm at U o'clock in the.
forenoon of Wednesday, .Illv 12.
A new phono iliroitor, is out aw of
(lute .lime, though it Was not nvuil
iihlc until ahout July 1. Alilnntl is
cicditod with H'M subscribers, hut
few of them being duplicates. The
prefix ".Mi)'' is altaeheil to HI nnuios.
.Among eoipoiationi, tho Southern
Paeifie lenuVbff with four phono,
while one business firm, J. 1'. Dotlgo
& Sons ninl nfliliatioiiK, are repre
sented by fivo phonos the largest
iiiunbei in use by any one finn in
town. Only one store, in the eity uses
two phones, that being Ihe grocery
firm of Nima & Saunders. Tlie fa
miliar snruuinos of Drown mill .Innes
arn eoiuparatively Tew, hut Smith
comes to I he fore, patronizing m
even dozen phones, nlthough one of
thu parties in disguised under the
limiie of Smyth.
F. M. UleviiiH went to Grants Pass
Saturday for a visit with bin sou, .11
'J'. HleviitH.
lid Wlieatlev and John Mnnlv of
GrinncM, In., ohl-liinu friends of Mr.
mid Mrs. W. II. Diiv. were transient
visitors heio Salurdav afiornoon, be
in; shown over Home of Ashland'
scenic atraetious. Moth were on the
way to San Francisco, and from there
to Los Angeles" us delegatus to thu
F.lks' eouveutioii.
A stranger win noticed Saturday
sampling the waters from thu Carter
fountain on thu Plaza, lie went the
mumls of (ho various bubblers de
claring then was nothing in it as to
auv appniciublu diffuVeuee in thu
drinks from the mural taps.
Troop A, Portland cavalrv contin
gent of tin' O. X..C1., passed through
heie Sunday, stiong, bound for
inmiimvers at Moutuiey. Captain
Frunk P. Tehbols Was in eoniinand.
.Mil. It. (lilfillan of Claiiou, Pa.,
accompanied by two (luuglitora and
I'hmiffeiir, msod through here the
lust of thu week, hound for Portland
and Sea tile. The party occupied a
Cadillac Thoy woro twenty-four
days- on the Lincoln highway from
their eastern home to Sail Francisco,
and tin io iind one-half days from
that city to Southern Oregon in this
Miss Francis Huniliii, instructor
thu past ,onr in school under the
auspices of St. Andrew irinry at
Honolulu, loUimed hist Tliursdiiv for
a Huiumer's vucaliou wilh a ho of
friends hero. She ciinic to San Frnti
oerfo on tlie slimmer Manna, Contain
Wooden, the sumo vessel on which she
made the outgoing trip. Verne Who,
from the same school, is hI-o viitiii
heio, cooinHiiiied by his protege,
Wal Chun Shim, mi uuiiMinllv bright
rhiiiesi) lad of lfi urs, sou of a
Cliinoso minister in the Hawaiian island-.
Moth tlie-e toaeliei will re
turn to th island tho last of Aug
list. Mis. Agnus- RiibmiII and ilmightor,
jrnrgnrot, rolntivos of thu J. W, Mc
Coy fainilv, who havo been iiitiinr
hurt), Iiihvii for tliu oonitiou this
week, ruturiiinw to Ashland later on.
Tliev mo from Norfolk. V.
Sun fo id dohusoii, at one tune man
asor of tho locl Fruit & Projlneo s
soeiatioa, mid who is vUitinu his
brothor, Alhurt Joliinoiu, roiditif on
Walnut stumt, will mako m trip t
Portland iid other noithurn point
hcfoiv lvtiiiiiiiiir home to South I'as
MdiMiu', Cnl.
1). M. ImiWo loft the f1r( of tho
week for Son Fmucinro. Fruit hi
sH'ctor Hopkins wont with hiui and
they tuk lout; nddilionnl exhibits t"
siippttimaMt dUplHj- alioHilv luudc iu
Hi' Uir arii'iiUuml baildiint. Of th
thtrty-eiiikt fold morals nlreadv
nwitrdtsl Orecon ekiliitur, Iowe Iims
cHitturod over it dosi'ii of thcin.
Mid. flNtwii ttrrivod Fr4uy far a
viit with her miu, II. (1. ltiniiu.
Hit dmkif, Gwinule. iHimmL
her. Uotiwr mmI tlnuisliii'i now n
miI ill Htmim Aw. '!
W. V. IlwrtM l Sim t IViiiwiaMa,
ceiwral mhus ..i iln s.'iiiiitiu l'
iiri. was luM tin I I i llu wk.
Martin; hr ,1'J''! f, ' v li',,'"H "f.
It ir. , liu nu -
No. 1 Kvor henr of my old
horse. Stmdrnck? Qrcatcst nnl
nml that ever lived! I trrvlnod
litni. Never was a horse with as
much eciiho us Shadraek. Many
a general tried to buy him from
me In Kurouo. I rcfusud nil
Mnrshfiehl, arrived Satunla" uven
iiiK. driving a Ford clear throiftxh to
San I'Vancicco. His wife, who is n
nioco of tlie Toer, Murphy and NVil
chins, accompanied him, aKo thu
keeper of thu Marshfiehl tiuhtfionso
and his wife. Mrs. Henry Hint of
Hosoburg, witli bur son as chauffeur,
wore of the parly in unothor cur.
Police Chief Porter, while living in
Indiana, had a hand iu reimiiiliiig
what is said to hnyo boon the first
automobile ever constructed iu this
country. It was known ns the
"Haines horseless enrriage," built by
a gemiiH named Haines, who was
prominent in developing oil and gas
territory throughout lloosjcrdoui. O.
II. Renting, u friend of Pinter's, who
bus isilcd here, helped build the ma
chine ut. Kokomo.
Mr. mid Mrs W. Porlorficl.l of
iMurdook, III., visited last week with
tho family of Mrs. William Mathes
accompanied y thu Misses Hnzel
Porlerficld and Maudo Ilorsloy. Tho
Porterfiolds wore foinior iioiKhborn
of the Mutlies family near Phoenix.
.loliuMaxedoii is now delivering the
local' carrier eirculation of the Port
laud Journal, Harry Iluttorfiold hav
ing relinquished that service Jul" I.
Ashland's Fourth of July observ
ance was held iu n iiiot, informal
milliner on the Tdh, with Huongs
gathering in tliu park. All business
houses were closed. The chief onling
event wiik the Kpworlh lengue excurs
ion to the summit of Mt. Wagner.
The organization loll Saturday night
for Long's Lodge at the mountain's
base, where an altar was elected and
Sunday was ulrielly observed iu ae
eorilaueu with orthodox rciuirements.
At midnight of thnt day the pionie
gorin was given full swuv. The moun
tain was climbed mid after several
hours enjoyed in viewing the pano
rama from iU summit, the excursion
ists struck tho (rail for homo, hiking
all the way.
Conductor Louis lljlty left on Fri
day for San Francisco mid oilier
California point, on an extended va
cation. Mr. mid .Mrs Kd Ilutlor wore iu
Hold Hill Sunday attending the fu
neral of their Inother-iu-law, Ken
ben T. Caii)u, lineman of the Itogtio
Kivor Public Service corporation,
who died suddenly Inst Friday after
noon. Mrs. W. 'A. Moss of Lakeviuw, sis
ter of Attorney W. .1. Moore, vis
iting hor brother'), family last uck.
Mr. mid Air. W. A. Tumor, rosid
ing on North Alin'n mtreet, loft onily
this week (o vUit old homo surround
ings in Iowa mid South Dakntu.
John 1). Martin returned the Inst of
tho wook from a business and plon
uio trip to Portland.
Fnnoral sorvicoK of thu Into A. W.
SiMiy, who died suddenly at the
Coo ranoh last 'I'luiiMlay, wore held
iu thu MctlioiliM ohundi fjiiiidnv af
ternoon, eoudiietod bv Kov. W. J.
Douglass. The deceased was nearly
(10 yours of ago. His jouiaftis woo
takeif to Los Oatos ful., fui' iter
inont. llesidon the widow, uiombors
of the family pnwont ut tlie funeral
were two dtiujflijeis, Aim. Iniia Hrng
dou of Los (lutox, and .Mrs. Ilairiot
Kellogg of Alnrshfiolil, also other
near lelativen.
Agreeable to wouthor foiwials
niiido a week ago, thoiH wvrv whi'ip
slrnvscrs hmit on (la. Fourth, which
laid the dust and cooled tho ulnio
liherw, ewm if tho"'iliifn't drojicli ihe
lawns and iranlons.
II. L. White will reiiiovilthis week
to hi ifsjdeuee property, cortier .ol
II stroet HHd liitit Mvwirtc. ' Air.
White i in a Sao Francisco Uo'pitnl
with her lauhlr, Ur Letha' 'I'yter.j
uavinjr uiulergMiH' a surpiciil opera -titMi.
Her conditiou is prugrosin
W. F. raJdwil, WiMtun Vulm op
HMtWt wfc twmUx Wuk a Wn al
who kas Imwii.hi Ui" Oritait Cilv ks
Htul iiwlwr earn of he Klks la uiit
on ewtoWs.
AUcb IfcvW I ham Inm Mm Waa
tmm Star Hiiua, lita4 mmt 0iaatl
w! iwn tv nm K -tnn! -ciMrrntr
Hi- return here n- due t tin- s,-ri
mis dim "I Mr- M- tin, tit
No. 2 Thoy were Bonding artillery
to a hilltop In Flanders! It was nec
essary to got a dispatch to tho first
line (rench ahead.
returns ho will tuku along several ex
jiort iniiiors for fiuthor devoloinuouf
Drs. Frank and Kvn Mains Curlow
of Medford spent Snttirday ovciiIiik
and Sunday with Mrs. Carlow's slstor,
Mis. Collins, at tholr rnnelt oast of
this city.
Tho oponlng roropllon given by tho
Clreulor Cold Hill club nt tholr looms
TuoHilay ovonliiB, was In ovory way a
success. Tho rooms, which had Just
boon ruflnlshod, woro vory prettily
dcutorutod with rosos, swoot pons mid
nnsturtluins. A vory pleasing musi
cal program was rendered. Miss Dor
othy Smith gave numerous piano so
los, as did also Miss Iluttlo Hodges.
AUsbob Florence and Alnrgnorlto
Wharton rendered several duets, ns
woll ns solos. Miss Clnlro Tucker de
lighted tho listeners with a couple
vocal solus, ovory ono prosont being
moro than pleased with her beautiful
niezzo-soprnno voice, Vrofossor and
Mrs. Thorn favored tho people with
tholr vaudeville musical act of play
ing on bottles mid bowls, to the nc
companlmont of tho piano. Fruit
punch was sorvod, Similar Informal
ovouliiKH hnvo been suggested for tho
rost of tho wnrm weather.
Allssos Aiigos and N'elHo Dlotrich
worn tho guests of Itov. A. Coslut and
family at Jacksonville this wook,
while Miss AgnoH wns taking tho
toucher's examination,
Mrs. .Maudo Laudls was a bustnosB
visitor nt Medford Monday.
Airs. K. M. Hulott and hor niothor,
Airs. Frank (Iruon of Minneapolis,
woro tho guoaU of Airs. Alno Avery
tho first of tho wouk, Thoy had boon
visiting In California since tho first
part of May, but stopped off hero
Sunday morning, remaining until
Mr. and Airs. Win. Aloyor and
daughter Ilornlrn, Judgo O, C. (lull,
and AIlss Kdlth .Moody of Ashland,
vlsltod with tho Hodgos family Sun
day. Prof. Hurt A. Adams and family
loft early Sunday morning for Lako
vlow in tholr auto. Thoy expected to
rwicli Klamath Falls that oonlug,
whoro thoy would visit Itov. and Airs.
K. C. Ulcharils. formerly or (Jold Hill.
Tho AduniM family will return In u
short tlmo and will spend a good
purl of tho summer hoio ioforo leav
ing for Lakovluw pormanontly, whoro
Mr. Adnins wIlL havo charge of tho
sohools (ho oomlng term.
It. II. Atooro, who has linen nt Jack
sonville tho past wook ns a moinbor of
tho Brand Jury, roturnod homo Friday
evening- Ho wns accompanied by
George Lymnn who wns also at Jnck
sonvlllo. ,
Mis. K. H. Ilullnrd of Chleo, Calif.,
nnd AIlss Mnrgnret Hoffiunn of tho
Applegnta district vlsltod with tho
graudnlothor, Air. Holt, tn south (Add
Hill Monday.
Air. and Mrs. It. II. Mooro and Air.
nnd Aire. I). II. Millar woro an auto
party whloh spent tho day Sunday at
Jtyhoe Springs.
Tho spoolal recall election hold
hare Tuesday resulted In tho recalling
ot Cgiinajtumn Patrick and Itodflold,
and tlie nloctiiiR or Silas Floming and
W. It. "VValkr to fill tho roapoctlva
offices. The oto whs as follews:
For the recalling of Councilan-at-
largo Pntrlek SO; against sanio SS.
For roMlUK Couiicllman of the First
ward. Itedilald 10; against same SO.
Kor the elactliig of uoiiHcllHion the
vta stoed: Flaming 10, Patrick Is;
tluuM to were for oounellinan-at-larg,
snd for rouucitaian or the Flrtt
Want. Itedilald 17, Walker tS. Tk
vote was Mnrasaml tha fojlowlng
venlna and tk naw ooaaellaian.
FtamiUKatid M'ulker swura In.
Mr and Mm Lotah Hunt and cfclltl
r n Mt Monil.1 'iiorntim toi Ban
Fraii'thio. whciv tn. ') visit (r
toi n I i.ic T1m IM ii.i.- TtMHT
homo In California for the suwwtii.
uiut or lie liiiif at S.m Ihjii sIkt.-
No. 3. Leaping on Rhadrnck, I
galloped off, tho Bhclls bursting
'round me! Suddenly a bin shell
whizzed past!
Air. Hunt is erecting n eomont plant.
This fall they will romovo to tholr
formor homo In ICnnsas. whoro thoy
will spend tho winton. However re
ports hnvo It that they will make
tholr futuro homo tn Gold Hill.
L. lloyd, formerly S. P. ngont at
Hnlscy, Orogoa, nrrlved hiBt Satur
day to asRiimo chnrgn ot tho local
depot, dut to tho departure of Airs.
At. It. Ittco to Portland. Mrs. Iloyd
nnd hor sou nrrlved on Friday of
this week.
Dr. Kolsoy nnd n crew of nsslstants
are nt work oneli evening making a
small dam In itoguo river, so ns to
oronto n swimming pool. Ily putting
In rock between the shoo mid an
Island It will uiuko u still water pool,
which will bo almost Ideal .for swim
ming. It Is Intended thnt lit time
to arrange for moro extensive bathing
nnd swimming places.
Horace Polton recently shipped
twonty-slx hoad of alfalfa rationed
two nnd throo-year-old cattle rutin
his Sam's alloy ranch to Portland
Supposedly canned by defective wir
ing, riro broke out In tho Kellogg
undertaking parlors in east Gold
lllll, Friday afternoon, about I: in.
The firemen woro soon In action with
bono cart, but owing to a lack of
blaze and a very ilouio smoke tho
source could nor be located road lb',
lly steady work tho flro was practi
cally confined to tho ono building.
One fatality occurred whllo ondonv
orlug to prevent tho flro spreading
to the tolephonu exchange, ltoiibou
T. Cnliio, local ninnagor, and In which
building ho had his residence, un
doubtedly ovor-oxertod himself, caus
ing hoart rulluro. He had boon rro
ipionlly troinded with his heart bo
roro mid It Is thought this was tho
cause or his donth. Ho Is survived
by a wlfo and two small children, n
sister, Airs. Floyd lOddliigs; n brother
Wllllnni ('sine, nil or Gold lllll. Airs.
Celtic's slstor, Airs. K. N. Ilutlor, or
Ashland, was summoned at ouco, as
was also another slstor troiii Aled
rord. Roiiorted by Jackson County Ab
trsct Co., Blxth and Fir Bu.
Ileal KMnto Tnuisfera
W. I). Hodgson id al. to II.
ISrouatd, lot 1, Itnerdale
Tiiict-, 1LLI neie 10
United Slates to Clayton It.
Simmons, laud In see, UO-III-4V
Clayton II, Simmon to Kffie
I). Simmons, laud in sec 'JO-3I-2W.
. ..- 1
Pied (1. Ilonnor uf ux to Ox
ford Invustmuut Co., laud iu
sec. .Vll.VIIrJ. 10
Callfnrnln-Orogqn I'owor Coinpnny
Location of inlnclpnl place or bus
iness gan I'rauolsco, California.
NotUo Is huroby given that nt n
mooting or tho directors hold on tho
J'Jth dny ot Juno, tats, an assess
ment (No. 1) or Thirty Cents per
share was levied upon the capital
stock of the corporation, paulde Im
lUodUttdy to the ..Secretary at the of
fice of the corporation, No. l.'tl l.eld
esitoift Street, Ban Francisco, Califor
nia Any stock upon whlili this as
sessment shall loinalu unpaid on Hat
urdav, the 7iu day of August, IU 1 3.
will ba dollmiuout nnd advertlstsl for
wile at public auction, and, unless
pajmant l niaily before, will be sold
on Saturila). tha J 8th dav or August,
lvir. at the hour or 12 M., tn iay
'the dollniu.iit aasessuieiit, touether
At TO SKKMOlt 1'ltO.M !i.(
Tha unaVraJKnod will leava Frank
heals' confectionary every dar ex
aeit guNdit) for Aledfonl with Ida
auto at 1 o'clock n. hi., arriving at X
l. in. Iare NgaJi hotel. Mtnlford. at
I a. W., arrlTg ai Uagla Paiat at C
i. w. A paj ' of lf tralfto Is sulUlt
ltaglc point, lira.
Nv 4- nhnctrnrlr.
plnntoil his hoofs on
aionR lowaru tno position boing as
on u It oil 1
with costs of advertising nnd uxponsoB
of snlo.
Dated, Juno 2!)th, 1 0 1 R .
Secrotnry or Cnliromla-Oregon Power
orrice: Kit Lolilosdorrr Street, Snn
Francisco, California. D7
roit snst;ni.i,.Ni:oUH
Corey Hldri., fronting on Grnpo
St. Also most doslrahlo offices,
ronEonablo. Host of servico. L.
L. Calhcnrt, Itooui 310, Phono
IfOu'uisNT ?rnishod buglHowT
close In. Ill) I youth Centml.
FOIt HUNT n-rooin inodorn house,
hard-wood floors, roll eomont bnso
inent. Phono 270W.
FOR HKNT .Modern' honsokeeplng
rooms, close la. Pliono 372-J.
FOIt SALU Horse, buggy, nnd hnr
nosn. Will trade ror wood. Hox
B4B, Aloiirord, Ore. 01
FOIt BALK Stock hogp. nil sizes. T.
IC. Scantlln. Phono ItlO.
FOUSaTTk Hod I'olleniull caH;
puro bred Duroo Jersey spring
pigs; polo mountain buggy, good
as now. Palmer investment Co.,
Alodoc Orchard,
FOIt slCldl Ivor-Johnson blcyclo
$10. Tclophoiio Hal Conrad. &&
FOR SALK Lake Duko plo eherrlos
Iu any quantity. II. F. Ilempstreet,
Central Point road. Phono 8GK.01
FOIt SALU HoiiKohold goods, also
two good rifles. S19 King St. 0.1
FOR SALH Contrirugal pump, 8
luch strenin, with all collections
and some extra plpo; will Irrlgnto
Hill acres. This pump will draw
sand, gravel or water. Phono
OUl-L or cull nt I20U W. Alain,
rooming house with it! Mrnlshod
looms, located at 215 Fourth St.,
shlnnd, Orogou. Call or write .1.
M. Slack, Pioprlotor. 1 10
FOR SALKFIvo room furnished
bungalow, east side. .Must be sold
at ouco. Willing to uiuko big sac
rifice. Phono 1IJ-X. '
lSXCHAN'uic ' -ftV,aH,oyH)', nwoai
fifty culllvatod, three wells, build
inga, roiola, fenced, orrharil, fanoo
eipilty, $2000 mortgage, what have
you? Itov 10 Mall Tilbuuo. 00
FOR I5XCHANGU Will oxohango
property corner South Oakdulo quil
Tenth ror Portland property. O.
Townsend, 65 Union Ave., Port-laud-
Oiogou. 01
TO LOAN IB0U0 to loan on Improv
ed property, city and orchard piop
orty not desired. Addreas Hox bO,
Meiirord .Mall Trlbuiio.
TO LOAN- Have $2500 to loan upon
ranch property K. 8. Tumy, 210
(laiuelt-Coic) Illdg.
rr is voru urtiMiss to sric mii
Hecauso my rtock in trudo Is to
hao optioned at tliu lowest cniib
price tho boat buy In this county.
I have buen on tno ground look
ing out for you for tho payt fo
years. Nearly ovoryday I Imvo In
vestigated aoiue "good thing." I have
olliulnated everything axcopt thoso
deals which 1 am convinced v,Kl ba
"iiri ma aatlafluil uuatumorsr
In n few hours time I can give you
the benefit at this reaearoh. It la my
bualneas to show ou over tho county
and Introduce you to the pesslblllUai
land opportunltlas here. Jtoe filed-
rrd first and
Room '-'Ot, PI i-st .Nkllona lUuk Illdg.
nrfifiilli frnlnnff
' No. G BallliiR over tliu enemy's
battory. BluidrncV landed mo before
It and It boro un
tho commander's tent! 1 delivered).
wiu inessaKOi
WANTKD Packers nt Hampton or
chards. Phono 4C8-R1.
WANTKD Wntor tank for wagon
uso. J. II, Carkln, or Phono 1 18X
WANTKD At once, second hnnd gnl
vanl70d Iron water tnnk, B00 to 700
gnl. capacity. Must be In good con
dition and cheap. It. M. Hedges,
enro Comiuorolnl Club, Ashland.
WANTKD Milk cow for hor koop ;
hnvo god alfalfa pasturo. Phone
r,30-JI. 115
STRAYKI)"0R SToVdCNFoic-iuitinii
dog, color spotted black and white,
lemon spots over eyes, build Is
rather rnngy, about IS months old.
RonBoifablo reward offered. Dr. S,
A. Alulkoy, Central Point, Orogon.
LOST Kllher In AshlMiC or between
Ashland mid .Medford, Panama hat.
Finder ploaso roturn to AInll Trl
Imiio and recelvo reward. 01
LOST Soinowhoro botween Aledfonl
nnd Kelly's Islnnd on Rokuo River
road Bur.dny, presumnhly nonr Dodge
Riverside ranch, grip containing
my risking outfit, clothes, wading
shoes, reels, fly hooks, lender box,
fllus, etc. Rewnrd ror roturn to
G. Putnnin, Mnlt Tribune oftlco,
AttorntTTS .
Attorneys-nt-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Hank bldg.
A. 13. RUAAIKS, LAWYKK Gsrnett
Corey bldg.
Win. M. Colrlg, George l. Robert
Meiirord Nntlunal Hank Uulldlng
Attorneys at Law. Juckoou C'oun
tyjlnnk Uulldlng.
Auto supplies
aro oporntlng tho Inrguit, olden
and host oqulppod plant In tho Pa
cific uorthwust. Ubo our spring
when others full. Sold uudor guar,
antoe. 20 North Fifteenth BL
Portland, Oro.
CollcUloim and Reports
(tollectod somo uccotintH 14 yours
old. Wo know liow to got tho
money. The ltullock Aluronutllo
Agency, Inc , Itooinu 1, 2, U, Has-
; kins' Uldg., 210 H. Alain St.
hu. w.aI. van Vco rod
DR. o. a. VAN bcoyou
Osmott-Corey Illdg., suite 310
Medford. Pro. Phono 864.
Lniployinciir Agency
evurj bo uy to Know Hint tho Old Re
liable Illttiier Real Kstato and Em
ployment agency, will got youi
help, find ou employniunt, rent
your house or sell your land. Airs
J. S. Clark, manager successor.
Rooms C and 7, Palm Uldg., .Mud
ford. Ore
Would ou Use to own n huudrod
acres of Hist class alfalfa In Central
CulirorniH? If so gut right after this
offer Will exohuugo It ror a bearing
orchard, prefer pears, up to $15,000.
and let tho balance run us a olan on
the alfalfa, which la el ear now. Thu
price la $160 par acre.
Or iwrnajw yon would want a fine
duiry ransh In tka edga of Itoawell,
N. M. I hava a vary full UMortuttnu
r oaa of 12 aeros tttare. and the parly
will take a Medford residence on an
The five aud a half acres or uaara,
with gooil kuum and baru, la atill
tor trade fr a housu In Medford.
Jin kMin Ciuuil) Hank ilulldlllg
DR. A. It. IIKDQKS. Dr. Loulso H.
Hodges Mcclinno-Thoraplsts, Utilro
practors, Spondylothcraplsts. Toons
systoms, Including dietetics, cura
tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thcraphr,
etc., produco rositlts in both acuta
and chronic dlsoaocs. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuol ft Co., cor
ner Main nnd UnrtloU. Hours V
a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours by
sppolntmont. Phone 170,
DR. It. J. LOCICWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nervo specialist Rooms 203-20-20D.
Garuett-Corey bldg. Vapor
b&tbs nnd ecicutirio massage given;
neodlo spray, head nnd shoulder
showor tn connection; advice In
diototlcs, medical gymnastics,
hydroptbornpy. Lady attendant.
Ptione, offlco 543, roaiiliuico Dll-lt.
Kngliicrr nntf Contractor
contractor, 401 AI. V. & II. Dldg.
Surveys, ostlniatos, Irrigation,
drnlnngo.torchnrd and land Ira
provomont. GartK
OARHAOK Got your nremlsea
clennod up tor tho summer. Call
on tho city gnrbago wagons tor
good service. Phone 274-L. T,
T. Allen.
Instruction in Musis
401. Gnmett'-Coroy Uldg. Fred AL
ton Halght Piano, Airs. Florcuca
Halllday Hulght, voice. Phona
Piiyeslcliiiis mis. orgeoBo
physicians, 41G-417 Qarnott-Corsy
bldg,, phono 103G-L. Jlasldensa
20 Houth Laurel St.
DH. W. W. IIOWAUD Ostaopsthl
phyolcluns, 303 Garjiutt-Corey
building. Phono U04-M.
DR. J. J. IOAlMKNBr-Phystclan aad
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nouo and throat. Kyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. R. Co. Offlcoa Al. F. & II. Co.
Illdg., opposite P. O. Phono 067.
K. U. PIC1CKL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Hanlc bldg. Offtca
phono 43-R; resldonco phone 68-11.
DR. R. v7 CLANCY Physician and
aurgoon. Phones, offlco 30, resl
donco 724-J. Ottlco hours 10 to
12, '2 to 6.
Physicians and surgeons. Offlcs
300-310-211, AI. F. &. II. Uldg.
Phouos resldonco, 814-J2; office,
Notary l'ublio
1IICLHN N. YOOKKY Notary pub
lic. Hrlng your work to mo at tut
situ ot the Mall Tribune.
Printers nnQ I'uliltslicra
best eimlpped printing office la
southern Orogou; book blndtug,
loose loaf ledgurH, billing systoms,
etc Portland prices. 37 North
rtr t-
Hewing Machine,
SHWINa MACHLNHS rentod, sold or
repaired. Agency Singer Bowing
machine., for Southern . Oregon.
Hoiidquurtors with Aledfonl Furl
turu and Hardware Co. G. A.
Slim) Itepiiiilog
bllOK RrtPAIRlNU First class shoi
repairing, on modorn eloctrls
machines- wblle you wait. K. N.
Ulden, located lu KIdd'a 8hoa Btore,
Phoue 313J.
i...wi-ii . m 'in
Office 42 North Front St. Phoat
316. Prices right. Service guar
Tysurlicr a.ift Hopplku.
Naw Itowlngtou, Smith Premier
nnd Monarch typewriting, adding
utld awktrncUng mushlnea, rebuilt
maqliluea for oash or easy pay.
inouts. Mnohlnea for rent, rlbboui
and Diippllea ef all Muds, simple ra
ps Irs tree uf ahurge Roger i,
Hqpnett. 10 Quince St., 1aom
'-n- i,