Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Probable Showers Wed'd'y;
Mux. Hi!, Mlii. at, Prcc. .01
Medford Mail Tribune
Forty-fifth Yenr.
Dully Tenth Yenr.
i "'
Holt Cuts Vein With MctnT End of
Load Pencil Goes on Hunger
StrikeIs Forcibly Fed Condi
tion Serious Physicians Think He
Is Demented.
JLKN COVK. N. Y.. July fi. Krniifc
Holt, .1. I. Morgan's UHMiiltiut, who
linu iiIho confound! to sottiiiK tlio bninli
thai exploded In t ho cupllol at Wash
iiiKtun last Krlday night, iittoinpted
to kill hltnsolf at midnight by tryhiK
to oiit'ii tlio artory In' Ills loft wrltd
with a k'tul iicnoll.
Holt, bliiK on hid aide In a roll In
tin- Nassau county Jit 1 1 at Mhiunlii,
was seen ly an lUtoinlant to writlio
with pain. The attendant out mod
tlio ct'll, found blood riowliiK from
tlio wound .summoned tlio wanlon'
(iiid bound up tlio wrlal, chockiiiK
tlio flow of blood. Notwlthatundlns;
tin proniptueM with which Holt's at
tempt wan (Uncovered, ho lost n con
siderable quantity of blood.
SjH'iuls Ittllcss N'luht
Holt Spoilt It lostles lilxht, totwIiiK
nbout on big rot, from which ho laid
lion unable to rlao diirliiK tlio day,
mid iiiuttorliiK to himself at Intor
miIm, 1 1 Ih keepers bad tnkun from
lilm IiIh belt, hla Htiaponders and
every other article In bis poswwalon
with which I boy thought hn could
bavo attempted milejdo. Ho hud
neonied to oltedopdoniiNthiuhmhui
seemed to be dOHpoudont during tlio
day ho such that it strict wntcli was
Kept upon him.
After several hours bud paucd
wltliout Hleep, Holt ealbul an ntlond
ant and nuked for n lend puucll. Ho
mild he wanted to wrlto to his wife.
A lead pencil wna brought to him and
n few moments Inter a mt of paper.
The attundnnt remained In tlio cell
n few minutes and Holt, turning; on
hla left aide, apparent!); started to
lcd u luil IVu'cll
The nltondant then left. Within
lt-MM than five mlnutea Iih passed the
door of Holt's colt attain. He then
noticed that Holt ariomed to be In
pain, entered the roll ttnil found blood
flowliiK from a Jag-god cut In hla
After tlio flow of blond bad been
(bilked and Ibo wound bandaged,
the keeper and Warden llulao soareh
cil for the pencil. They round It on
the (ot. Holt had extruded the rub
ber orunor from the end of the pen
cil ami with his teeth had bit tlio
metal which hold tliu rubber ill h
hIUoii until tlio oUges mot. The re
mit wax a fulrly ahnrii Instrument
with a ldude perliHw a quarter of
an Inch long.
Apparently Holt had not reached
the artery. He had cut a vein, how
wr, and from this the blood was
flow Ins;. To the wardmi'a ntieatlon
n to wliv be had nttoniited to kill
bl in self. Holt refused to reply.
Holt wa cheered somewhat today
bv the receipt of i tolograin from
his wlie .it Uiilbis. It rend:
TeloKi-iini from Wife
' Ilft bt I'oiitiMel hero. Advised
(Contltued on pntse six)
M oliK. .loN d. J. I. M.o-
n t-ilcd er the telephone from
),i- i .Mint r. home ut tlleii Coie Willi
j. iiiih i - id bis here today. Mr. Mor
V n he vs feelinc fine. Ai
tin oil ICC of J. 1'. lIlllVMO ft CO. It
v.i. -.iid that Im-cuusc of iJf. Mor
.ii. inpid proyress toward rt'CK
( r the issuance uf bulletin on hi
M-liiioii pndmbly wonltl be tliseoii
tni'ii d.
M ii tin W. Ijttletan. fortberly ol
.:!!.,-. T.-x., weat to siteeol t4s.v
t.. .-Man. , hiirtrt-of Krak Holt's dr
t i .. Mr. l.itUetoa mid he had
l" i. ,.-!,..l b restaWU of ttie suiith
n. . i Im.,I tlutltsisesjtalri
i' .. c. ( . to look ! Iik Irga'
Optimistic Predictions From Petro
yratl Russian Lines Apparently
Holtlinii Austro-Gcrmnns, Except at
One Point Artillery Duel on West
Line British Take Trtnchcs.
LONDON. .Inlv (. Special cone
spondents in I'etiojfiiiil Itlofdlipll op
timistic plcdictiolm collect uiliK "
comic- RushIiiii oiiiiipuinn for llie de
fense of Warsaw, wliieli forms t lit
center of u vusl eirelo ol" WO miles o'
dinner I'nr.lificntiiniH. I'von tlu rail
of tliu fortress of Ivniuroiott. nceonl
iiiir to those coriespimdenls, would
not mean the to of the Polish cup
itnl. l''ifliliiUf. described iih desperate in
llie oflieiiil JYtroKnid reports, in raff
JiiK heiwecn mo Vistula itml the Hiik
rivers tilnuir Hit huso of u t rumble of
which Warsaw forms the npov. The
eoiinlrv there is nuir-liy and it ih pre
dicted in Loudon Hint because of tin
elmrncter of tlio territory thin cuni
luiitiu will be a constant dnn on the
Herman resources until tven victory
will be utmost iih costly a defent.
Itiisslnii ItOslsiuncc Stiffens
Stiller rccihliince In llie 'I'eutoiiie
ndviiuce toward Wuivuw is beiiijj nf
feieit by tlio Russians from dav to
day, Hit In tost official reportH inti
mate. Alnii the ciitue custom but
tle front of upproxinuitoly H.'ill miles
to lteHwa ndui ra, in fuel, the Russian
lines nre iippurciiU holding (he Aus-Iro-flcniuiiis,
oxcolil fit' one point.
Ntur Knisiiik, in i-oiitliern I'oliiud, Hie
Arclidiike Pmdiiiand'H ininv Iiiih tiro
kell llllolittll mill eolitilllied itn lld
vtiuce towmd the I'olixli enpitiil.
Tliu (leriiian official tiiiuouiiceuicnt
today mi.vk two I-'reneh atnekw nt l.e
I-'Ihii-jjoh have been rcptiUcd; Hint
flcriiian a iatoin Imxt been active
anain-t the French near Kpiuul mid
in the YifkoH, and Hint in Wmiuii
I'oIhiuI the I'oivuh of I'liipemr William
look a Huian Nmitioii and i(MI ri
oueiH near Hiiunlki.
Acthe Mxlil In West
The l'rt'iich wr ol'liee roM.ils a
very active iiikIii nlouif iiluallv t lit
entire front. Iti-itt-li troopM hne
Inken Home (leruuiu treuelieH in Del
Ilium; Arm wu boiidturded all uiuht
bum; tliele luis been llieoiint I mbl -iutr
in the Ai'iionue mid l-'ilueh'trooi .
IlilVe lepillsod tlio cucinv on the
heitslilH of llie Meiixe, iih well lis
the t'ort'Ht nt ,e Pel re. j
The Itnliiili depititnionl tesii
their line on the Carnie plat en u and i
the hiieeoss of ni'iinl tit tacks, nn the!
city of Ditbenlo. Seveit liulitiii" i
III progress in the edue of Ditburdn
ami the plnteaii, necordint; to the
latest Austrian xtntciucul.
Nineteen Killed Celchration Fourth
CHICAUO. July fi. Xlnoteon por-
soiih dead and 903 Injured, was tlio I
nation' sncrlflro to the two days
celebration of the Fourth of July, no-
cmdliiK to flKiires comidlod today by i
the Chicago Tribune. I
These flKurcs show nn Increnno
over the totalx of HUI, when there1
were twehe nions killed and x"'J
Injured. i
If Doc Cook "Comes Back," Why
Ml . , J
OUt ioc CooKi ACCORPIM& 10
J.AT6 tttVVS STOFllfci MAS
LTT to climB MWHT
HI Ttll tttMAl..Y-.. rB'
Germany Sends Informal Views on
Submarine Warfare Aim to Pro
tect Americans on Liners and at
Same Time Maintain Effectiveness
of Commerce Destroyers.
WASHINGTON. .Tulv 0 Socio.
Inr.v LmiHinK slnled todny Hint u din
pnleh hud been reeeivtil from AinhitS
Hndor('enird f1 intc inforninlly tin1
viewH of tlio Oermmi uovoniiiiriit on
Hiibuuirino wmTnre, hut this jdmiiiU
meiil Iihk not leplieil.
W'lillo deeliniiitr to diHouss (he eou
IciiIh of the dispatch, .Mr. I.tinmiiic let
it be known Unit (he pinpuwili eon
tnincd in it were Himilur (o I hone
which liuve nlrendy been iliscitHi'cd in
Berlin pro- dispatches, indicutiiiK u
desire to clarify the situation befoiii
milking fen null miHwer.
Wlinl 1 1 err Von .Iiiftow, llie Cierninn
forc'iKii ininislcr, siiitesled in bis con
ference with Anibiissinlor Oerard, n
u memiH of mectim; the Ainericmi
point of view on Hiibmurine wnrfnre,
wuh not revealed ut the ntule depnrl
ineiil. It is known, liowevcr. Hint (he
aim of Hie Oeimtin uovcrnmeul is to
iiiHiire the nufelv of Aiiierienn lrncl-
injr on piiHs(uuer ships, mid il the
siime lime miiiutuiii the elfeetivencsH
of the siibmnriiie as n deslroer of
ships iiriiunrily eucuued in eoiitro
bmid lniflie. 'The Hniled Sladw has
claimed tho-right for its eitir.eiw to
trnvel on holh iiiiHHcuiter mid curun
sbiw, heldini: (hut American who
uio members of Hie crews of (he hit
ter (ype of voshiiI should bo reuioved
to a place oftsiifctv beforo ilestrno
lion. Oermniiy, i( in underHlood, linn
liroH)ed a ioiii Hyslem of iiiHpeetinn,
(hrnuiih whiclml sluill he OHtublished
In the Hiiliwfuclioii of (iMiiiiiin coiihiiIh
in Hie 1'nilcil Slnlen Hint liclliu'etcnt
ships Hiiiliuir fnnn Attn iiean porln ntv
piillllllilv OUKIitfCil in mss(iiuer I I'M I'
ll e. Dnlniln are laekiiiir 'ih to
whether (lermnuv will eonsoiil to the
onmiuif of Hiiy eoiitrHbnud on hiicIi
oshp1s or where irtiiirnulv shall be
'.'iven that Hie miiounl of coMtrubaud
trinisporlcd is ol a in yli'iMc cliur
ucter. NICW YORK. .Inlv H. The l.uiiios
of tho AiHoriesn ToMiporauee lite lu
xiirnnco HsHoeiutiou of New Yoik, or
uuiiued in 1SUI) to piovide life itiHiir
hiico for total nliHtaiiiers, Iuih been
iiiado inttolvent bv the HiliniHsion iih
policy IioMcix of "iiiodernto drink
eix," it officers nssert. Tho Htnte
dcMirtniCHt of iuHurnnee lias taken
ehaiite of its affairs.
A ropresenlMlivo of the insurance
ilepni tiiu'Mt said the concern owed
iibniit .i-Sn.liilll in death elninis und
tliele wele no t'liuds to pav J (10(1 or
more luinir pohcv-hoblci's.
EVERtbT ""
-s 1 . j--,--!-! . 1
0; f ' csu ou "Do0Qlri HH V0) s
Tvl zifw v) .yrA )Usr iw&u YAi.THi man at HELilKf
Nv7 miCS. US, IVVsf sk sbbbSvi? r n uV cuoinmo riHTHIp
J I WW -Mil vH-l- isssf issst saHSH-M 1 I... nl Urtilf- k sssssssssssssC t K IJLTw
Jf 'W 11 M M OH ACUMl BACK. JACKET f UFM Cj 0, I . I
ArW w j&r m 'A v i-ss-m slM-xa jv
'U(t JJC u y 77 cau ut nu r"Trr ! mw TT V f y Ml
rJ-aSsi-- yr COHB- r ITTTH f tfi ffl. S&& ' J4J 7l tCi l
IS cam ,, ij f . vv . ML7cy c'MP
, - , - - -" . I l.l ssf. - mm tf, i , JL ii W
"Wnr wnr is nil bud,"
declnrcd (Uucrn'
Ilueila, former j
iwldouL of
Mexico, upon hiit urrtmt by 17
solilicrs nl the horilar. "II v
the civil war Hint initde of'
Mexico, upon hirt urrtist by 17. S.
Tinted Slnles n x'ffilt'i' nnlioii
IIiiiii it could otliffi?ls'c huvc
been. IVihnps the rfy wnrs of
Mevico mny likewisiljicuefil my
The plintogniph of Ocuenil lluorlu
nliove was inade while he wiih mow
iiiK' hit liiwu ut bin l'. S. A. home on
Lonj IhIiiiuI. The uitisl hii chunked
the "runs to pcoiiH.
LARKDO, Tex., ,lul b.- Six hun
dred Ciirrmixn hoops, it is icportcd,
were killed in mi all-day buttle yes
terday in a fruitless attempt to cap
ture Purcdoii, u Villa Htmuuhnhl, :il
miles northwest of Monterey, hixlit
ccii thoiiHiiud men tire nuid to huve
been eii)f)iKed in the buttle, with total
eiisunltioH on both sides oC'JOOO. Ciii
rmiu reinforcement leiuiwcd the nt
tack lodny.
About 8(10(1 Currnnii (roopn under
(leneriil Juciiiloii It, Troviuo advanc
ed vesteidny uiorniiiK alonjf Hie niil
roiul I'rom Villa Unrein, u illttuc
about half wav between Mouleiey
mid I'aredou, The udwinoo followed
u Suiidny truce, dining which both
sides buried dead, who, duriiiK tliu
two week' incessant ficJitiiiK about
Villa Oureia, bad Inllen o thickly as
to menace health.
The ('Hrrniirn officers, esliiiinlcd
Hint Villa had nearly 10,000 men con
cent ruled neur I'uredott under (len
ornls Uihuiiu and ('ho, two of his
bent known fiifhters. Thuir iurpoe
whs to linlil it Carninzu udvuiico on
TorriHiu, about -00 iniloc wot of
CIIICAOO, July (1. -Four robbei-s
overpowered (wo watchmen ut tho
.Midway (luidciiH, an uiiiuHcinoiit
park, early today, blew open the sufe
ami escaped with $'J0,000, accordinic
to n rcHiit iiiado to I lie police..
fiJiX. iH "JasssBalfli i A M iTrNrSVL
CGVPVa IM J" J i -
.JULY 0, 191")
,. Sfc- - -
I'.L PASO, Tc., .Inlv (i. Whether
bund would be tarnished tor (leneriil
Yictoiimio lliicrtn mul the live Mexi
eniiH iiiiprisoucd with him oii chiiiife"
of eoiiMpiraey to violnle the United
Slittes ueiitrulilv biws, won uur
coimidenitioii lodny. CoiiiihoI frfr
lliieiln expressed u reiidinosM to pro
cure bond in reasonable amount it i
hoiiio HHsiiniiice wiih kivcii bv federitl
mithoiilics Hint their clients would
not be placed under gunnl or renr
lostod. "Il would be useles to a r inline
bond," aid It. I'. TIioiiihiii of counsel
for Unci (u, "if Hie kmitwI in to be
hiiniHseil by rearrest or close surveil
liiuce. If we emiiiot be nssitrcd of
t'roediMii from hiicIi conditions wo will
await preliminary hcitriuit next Mou
lav and deiuund trial on that dale."
I'Vilciul iiuthoritics said thc,
nwailcd notion u lliicitu's altriics
ill lllllil-lilln; surely, penilllitf which
tlioy contemplated no notion.
HUItl. IX. July fi. A grest Urll'sh
aeroplane attack wus directed ana lust
tho (ioriiiMU positions Hi a Herman
bay of the North Hen on Hie morn
IiiK of July I, aecordliiK to a (ier
iiihii official atotoniont Issued tiudor
dale of July 6. The attack, the an
nouncement adds, fulled.
hiifrta in mil iFnnn sitiiatirn
WASHINGTON. .1 ul v 0. Tho find
roHirl to the Red Cross on tho relief
situation in Mexico City enmo
thrnuitli today fiom Clutrles . I. O'Con
nor, the A morion u auenl who sue
UHidud in Kottiuir HiroiiKh the Car
rpjMUt lines and entered Hie enpitol
will Aiiiei'ieiin Consul (lenenil
Slmiiklin lust Wl'ilnimdav.
O'Connor des4ribed the food xilun-
lioil iih "exoeciliiiKly pitiful." Ill eou
I'ercnceH with vurious relief ooniinil
Icoh, he siiiil, he hud been told that
(he plittht of Hie iioii-combutnuts in
small cities in tho vicinity of the enp
ilnl wns even worse than in Mexico
Cily itself, On July I, the dny his
uioHKHgo was sent bv n courier on the
stuff of tho Itraxiliuu minister to
I'liehuoa, ho wits emleuvoriui; to nr
I'iiiikii traimpoitalion of relief sup
plien from Vera Crux, hut hud not
then completed his iietroliiitioiis.
O'Connor uud Sbiinklin took into the
city witli Iheiu it portion of tho Red
Cross medical relief supplies vunt to
Yoru CniA
A iiiCHsaue from the llnuilinu min
ister, neiit at the snuiu time, smd
there wss no iimspuel of it "iweifie
HcltleineMt'' Imtweeii fJenontl flonin
les, eouiuiMiulintc (he Curraiin ul
tuckers, uud tho ZnMtta trooMt do
fendiiiK tliu city, Ynm other sources
il bus been reported aiiiee the dU
Mttei was senl that fightinif has been
NO. 90
Excursion Train Rcturninu From
Montaiiue Smashes Into Two Loco
motives Early This Morninu Many
Arc Injured, Most of Them Silent
ly Three Locomotives Disahled.
ASHLAND, Or., duly (!. Twenty
one peisoiiH were injured, one jiroh
ubly fatally, when tlio Hccoud .section
of I min No. 12, n baseball p.xi'itrxiou
tniiu from Mouiuitile, nri (ho South
urn I'anil'ie nillrond, nut into Iwo
helper locomotives nt Ashlnnd early
lodny. Loynl Tnvlor, n fircmmi, wn
ho Heriously lmr( Hint it is believed
he ennnot rci'over.
I. M of the Injured
The injured mid their ihic of resi
denoe nre lis follews:
Medford John (Shine) I'd wards,
cut in lip uud broken rib; Mrs. ,1. Hu
liich, V. K. Jerome,;hl; Chnrles
Leroy. K. C. Marl, Arthur Rnwloy
mill JIith. Rnwley, hruiHDs; Mr. (!u
SnuiiieU, l-'runk I). Kmericlc, bruised
leu mid arm ; Kurl Hyde, out in fore
hoiul; Mrs. Mnry Mloeh, le injured;
Claude Miles, twisted knee; Mrs. Lot
tie SiitniiolH, hrniset.
flrnnlH Piihh Mr. mul Mr. M"eAil
nuiH, Hie former u wrcnuhod thigh, tho
hitter bruised.
Ccntrul I'olut Kurt Ohenohnin,
Hpruincd Ii-k; A. W. Lewis, stnimcil
neck j K. W. Mollride, bruises.
Tulile Rock ( M. Collins.
Jnelcsonvillo-Mrs. 0. R. Harper,
cut forehead.
Injured ritilroinj oy Ijloys Wnllpr
Loin;, eiijjiuoor, wculrrnnittnd'.Loynl
Taylor, fireinnn, lnjr broken mul In
ternal injuries; A. Livhipdon, bmko
maii, back wrenched, nil of tho Ash
land illusion; K. M. Rowers, division
eiiKinccr of I'ortlnnd; A. S. Rosen-
bitiuu, Southern Pacifier ayniil at
Medford, dislocntml shoulder.
Cause of Oilllslon
The colliHiou wus canned bv the
Imsohall special ictimihu; from Mon
Iiikuo (o (Inints Phhs craHliin into
two locoinotivoH htandlnif on the
truck ready In lake out the Shasta
limited, southbound, Tho Slinst.i
ciiKiuoH were No, 2.117, which hiis
i i'ii r of tender badly smushed, uud
No. 2(122, iniuiiH pilot, with tender
slid forward. No. ,T2:il, hauliii" in
the liHsehall ocuisionitH, hud plltit
carried away, lieudliKht aiiumbed uud
fiont of boiler en veil in. One of the
couches (both of aleol) hud vestibule
splice ileiiinlished.
The injured wore enred for bv Dr.
IlosliMinb, eompiiny mi if; eon, nt the
smiitnriiiiu, with o.xeepliou of Kugiii
eer l.iviiiirston, who wns removed to
his home.
No cause is assiaTiod for the aei
dent. Il hapM'iied in the wist portion
of the urtls, where locotnotisus usu
ally line up to take out outbound
(ruins. Some of tho rolling stock, iw
peciallv cniiiue .'I2KI, lookfe us t hooch
it had been in collision with n 1'onl
tied red hitfh.
l-'nifincer Loim wus briiiIuir in the
excursion special mid I'litfineor I,i
iiistou wiih on first hoi per outbound
with the Shasta.
PeriioU's Somersault
Wht'ii the crush cniiie. .lud IVrno"
U'ouliniied on Puro ti)
By Satterfield
. w