Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A pretty home wedding took plncc
Wednesday evening' when Mib-s Al
frettn Gurrcttson became llio bride of
lloibert I.nuiipiieh. The wedding
ceremony was performed at the home
of the bride's irciit, Mr. nnd Mrs.
GnrrcttHon, of 510 South Control, in
the presence ofMhe relatives and in
vited guests, by Kev. I. Livingston
Wolfo of Seattle, a close friend of the
bride's family, the ring sorvice being
iicd. The living room was deeornted
with Shasta dairies and sweet peas
and the ceremony was performed un
der an arch of roses. The bride wore
a giwn of while erc'H' tie chine trim
med with Irish point lace and n oiiit
lace cap. Mrs. Florence MeC'ov, sis
ter of the bride, was matron of honor
and wore- a gown of pink crepe tie
chine. Little Miss Thehna .MeOoy,
niece of the bride, was ring-bearer.
The groom was attended bv William
Hates. Miss K Launspach, sister
of the groom, played Thanhauser's
wedding march.
The Initio is ono of Medford's nop
ular young ladies, coining hero with
her parents from Philadcluhia four
years ago.
The groom is well known here, hav
ing played in the I'ngo orchestra, and
is also a member of the Mcdford
band. Mr. and Mrs. Laiumpnch left
Wednesday evening for California for
a short honeymoon trip and will be
home to their miuiv friends in a cozy
bungalow on Jackson street.
The College Women's club held its
June meeting, the last one of the
j ear, at the home of Mrs. K. II. Por
ter, South Oakdale. The next meet
ing will bo in September. The follow
ing officers and committees will serve
for the ensuing year: President. Mrs
John II. Carkin; vice-president, Mrs.
Hoy H. Peebles' secretary, Miss Julia
Hoppiu; treasurer, Miss Ina Akius.
Social cemmittee: Mrs. If. 11. Ham
mond, chairman; Mrs. K. H. Porter,
lrs. li. K. Williams, Mrs. F. Thayer,
Mrs. Poiter J. Xeff. Mrs. Fraik J.
Js'cwman, Miss Julia Hoppiu.
Program cemniitee: Mrs. Roy H.
Peebles, chairman; Mrs. George
West, Mrs. Milton Janes, Mt. A. K.
l.uthrop, Mrs. 0. L. Davitlsou, Miss
Until Paxhon, Mms Jennie Snedicor.
High school cemmittee: iM.iv. Jas.
Campbell, chairman; Miss Ina Akin,
-Miss Davis.
Membership cemmittee: Mrs. I).
Kdward Phipps, chairman; Mrs. E. E.
Kelly, Mrs. Helen llaskins,
Hecordn cemmittee: Mrs. George
lichee, chainaai" .Mrs. Poiter J.
Ncff, Mrs. II. W. Steams.
At Spokane, Washington, nt high
noon, Snlurdny, Juno 26, 1015, tho
Hcvcrentt Davis of tho Graco Uaptlst
church offlclntlnK, Miss Chlor'a La-
vonla lllppcy was married to Mr,
Wllllnm Ralph Earlo of Spokane. The
brldo Is a Jackson county girl, tho
daughter of Mrs. Addle K. Rlppoy,
with whom sho visited for two
months prior to her departure for
Spokano tho 23rd ultimo. Miss Hip
poy wascducatcd in the public and
high, schools of Oregon and nt Holmes
business college Mr. Harlo Is n son
of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0. Karlo of Dc-
Kalb, Illinois, and was graduated In
1907 from tho DcKatb high school
Slnco that tlmo he has been engaged
In mechanical pursuits, having attain
eminence In that lino and is now In
tho employ of tho Pacific Ilrldpo Co.
iiB a contractor. Tho many friends of
Mrs. Harlo In Jacksori county will bo
pleased to learn of this auspicious
marriage, to all nnd any of whom
Mr. nnd Mrs. Knrlo will bo nt hoitio
In Spokano on and after July 1, 1915.
Miss Tot Coppngo nnd Mr. Henry
Schulz woro married at Yrokn, Cnllf.,
Wctlncsdny morning, returning to
Mcdford In the afternoon when a wed-
ding supper was served by tho brldo'8
pnrcnts to eighteen Invited guests.
Tho brldo Is tho dniiRhtor of Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. S. Coppage, 200 South Holly
street nnd enmo to Mcdford with her
pnrcnts about two yonrB ago. Tho
groom Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
K. Schulz who tlvo about two mllos
south of Mcdford on tho 1'nclflo
highway and Is well known bore. Tio
young couplo will make their homo
In Mcdford.
Tho ladies of the Country club
gave a children's party at the iihtb
house Thursday afternoon. Tho
children wcio entertained with games
and luncheon, nftcr which they were
taken to the Ilehuan baths at Ash
land for a swim. A children's party
will be held every Thursday afternoon
during thu summer months.
A very pleasant tlmo was had Wed
nesday ovcnlng when tho girl's class
of tho Haptlst Sunday school was en
tertained with n Inwn party nt tho
homo of Miss Ethel Gnrrcson on West
Jackxon street. Games woro played
on the lawn which wcro prettily light
ed, nftcr which refreshments woro
Mrs. lliley 1). Hcnson, 101 Cottage
street, entertained her Sundiiy school
class Wednesday nfternoon. Games
nnd music wcro enjoyed. Refresh
ments were served during the after
noon. Thoso present weie: Fay
Lenin, Thclma Dyer, Gladys Lewis,
Margaretc McLean, Marilla Dyer,
ft inline Fnstor, Ruth McLean, Jessie
Stringer, lla Pierce, Mnr.jorie Lind
loy, May Oman, Carna Stupleton,
Minnie Whipple, Ruth Whipple, Stan
ley Rice HciiMin, Mrs. Hcnson was
assisted in entertaining by Mrs. F.u-
geniu Whipple and Miss Miirjbelle
The Christian Endeavor society of
tho Christian church enjoyed an out
ing Tuesday evening. They wcro
conveyed in automobiles to the grovo
near Phocmx, where they enjoyed a
wienie ronfct. About fifty young peo
ple wcro in nttendance. Mrs. Riley
I). Ilcnsoii, Mrs. Vera Hamlind ami
Miss Vera Hammond acted as chap
erones. Mrs. A. F. Stonnett entortnlnod nt
dinner Tuesday evening. Tho guests
woro Mr. and Mrs. Al llatos, Mr.1 and
.Mrs. H. 1C. Tomllnson nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. P. Olson.
-Mrs. II. L. Irwin entertained a
number of fiieiuls at luncheon Tues
day at her ranch home.
The Misses Rnxannn and Annabel
Fos of Mismark, N, D are visiting
their brother, F.lmer Foss.
.Mine. Torrnllvis, wife of new Cuban
legation NiTirlniy In Waslilngton.
Activities In Industrial Centers," etc.
This lecture will Insplro moro than
entertain, and will croato an Inter
est In church work that will lend to
nctton on tho part of tho hearers.
Nothing moro npproprtnto In tho
keeping of "Americanization Day"
could bo devised.
Special music nnd happy congre
gational singing nt nil services.
Strangers nro especially welcome.
I-'rw McthoilUt
Corner 10th nnd Ivy 8trccls
Sunday school 10 n. in.
Preaching tin. m.
Preaching 8 p. in.
Wntch tho paper next week for
notice, of district quarterly meeting
which Is to begin Thursday, tho 8th
Wo expect n gospel feast. Como
nnd enjoy It with us.
J. K. I1HADLKY, Pastor.
At the Churches
8 a. m. Holy Communion.
11 n. m. Holy Communion.
Tho Pan-Hellenic association held
their regular monthly meeting at the
homo of Mrs. Clinton McCun' last
Saturday. Tho members present
Mere: McsdaiucH F.lden, Scrcombc,
Arnspigcr, Hammond Vuwlcr, MisM
Aiken, Alice Streets, Ruth Merrick,
Julia Hoppiu, Susan Deuel and Lu
cille .Marshall. The next meeting will
take the form of an all-day picnic at
the home of Mrs. R. W. F.lden of the
iWilluw Springs district.
About forty members weio present
nl ti mass meeting and dinner hold
nt tho Country club Wednesday eve
ning. S; Vilas Hockuith, piesident of
the club, gave a losuuie of tho activ
ities of the club during the past year
ninl plans weio perfected for the
work of the club for the coining year.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Iliiiuill enter
tained at dinner Tuesday night in
honor of Mr. iiutl Mrs. Arnold Scud
ler of Chicago, with, with their son
Tommy, have been spending several
days nt the Hotel Medfonl. .Mr. and
Mrs. Seudtler left Wednesday for the
Mrs. Fred Hopkins, her sister, Mrs,
Pratt, mid Mrs. Pratt returned from
an automobile tri'i throudi tho north
em part of tho Btate. Mrs. Kvn
ltcamos, who accompanied them to
Portland, romained to visit friends
mid relatives.
Miss Ruth Warner has leturucd
from Stockton, Cnl., where sho bus
attended high heboid, and uxpeU to
enter college noxt onr. She visited
San Francisco and the exposition on
her return home.
Mr. W. A. Flanigon of Wuodlniry,
X. V., is in' her hUtor-in-luw,
Mr. K. M. Hoibort, of South Oakdale
Mr. Chart. Knjgliek entwtiuud
the XhIIo Rridge club at bur homo on
South Oftkilalo Tlunt4Y ttriioin.
Tho lttdie-i of tke Countrv rlidi on
tertHiiied their uieuibvr al frwrnU
3Wtii a tea Ydne?dto atteruoon.
The Ladies' aid of the Presbyt.'r
inn church met at the home of Mih.
W. F. Shields Tuesday. The after
noon was spent with social conversa
tion, after which refreshments wir"
served. This was the last meeting
for tho summer nnd the ladies ad
journed to meet again in September.
The finals of tho Kpworth leagut
tennis tournament were played at tho
leaguo tennis court Friday evening
croquet and other games were enjoy
ed, nftcr which ico orciim and cake
were served fiom small tables, which
were prettily decorated with sweet
peas and roses.
Mrs. Florence Halllday llnlght will
King at tho Chautauqua nt Ashlnnd
Wednesday, July 7th, at both tho
afternoon and evening entertain
ments. Her accompnnlst will ho Mr.
Fred Alton Halght.
.Mrs. D. 0. Collie-Mac Keill, wife of
the Iiritis!) consul at Colima, Met.,
is sending a few weeks with Mrs. S.
M. Herbert of South Oakdale. Sle
is accompanied by her little tlatudi
ter, Dorothy.
The Altar society of the Catholic
church entertained with their regular
weekly tea at tho parish hall Wed
nesday nfternoon. Mrs. H, Williams
and Mia. O. J, Pattou were hostesses.
Tho nioiiilHTH and friends of tho St,
Mark's Guild hold n picnic In Ashland
park Wednesday afternoon, About
fifty wcro present and a very plens-
ant time was hud by all,
Mr. and Mrs. Haruest McKco and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richardson left
Friday for Crescent City and Kureka.
where they will remain over tho 1th.
The Girls Thursday Bridge club
was entertained at tho homo of Mrr.
Ralph Hardwell on South Oakdale
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Nellie Win-r mnl daiit'litei,
Miss Fern, loft Friday for San Fran
cisco, whore they will visit the expo
Mr. W. F. Shield uutortmucd the
yoiing Indie, of her Sunday seined
das at her home tin South Ilo)l
Tuosday evening.
The nimnburti of tho CuHiitrv ohih
will give h dlHHor and Informal dunn
ing wrty at the elub houfce Uu cte-mus.
Medrln Alliums of Central Point
cnrollod this week for tho stono
grrtphlc courso. Ho Is making rapid
progress In both shorthand and type
writing. An examination In business Kngllsh
wn8 given Tuesday, with tho result
that Frelda Illnns, Gertrude Trnut
fcther nnd Annie llntomnn now hnvo
finals In that subject.
Snrah Honry hns a final grndo In
offlco practlro, ns sho pnssod tho cx-
nmlnntlon which wns given Tuesday.
A now Gregg primary cortlflcato
class has heon organized with Annlo
Hatcman, Grnco Taylor and Gortrudo
Trnutfolher as mombcrs.
Tho Hnmlngtou gold modal for pro-
flclency In rnpld, accurnto typo writ
ing, which wob won by Walter Hess
n Bhort tlmo ago, was rccelvod from
the Remington company, anil duly
presented. Tho medal Is n boauty,
and woll worth working for. Wo pre
dict that another will bo won at tho
noxt contest.
Jonn Whlpplo, ono of our recent
graduates writes us from Montana
that sho has secured an excellent po
sition In a law offlco. Sho says that
hor M. C. C. training has proved to ho
thoroughly practical.
As Monday Is to bo obsorved as a
holiday, school will not bo In session
that day.
Flossie Williams was selected to
edit our notoB this week,
Oakdale Me. Methodist
Sunday srhool at 10 a, m.
Preaching nt ll n. m. subject,
"Hn v. John IIiihs tho Christian Hero."
Reception of members.
Kpworth League at 7 p. m.
n't 8 p. m. .,
Devotional nnd testimony meeting
All nro welcome to attend our ser
vices. II. M. DHANIIAM, Pastor.
First Church of Chrlr.1 .Scientist
Sunday service nt 11 o'clock, sub
ject. "God."
Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting nt 8 o'clock.
All nrq cordially Invited.
Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. All
under tho ago of- 20 are welcome.
Heading room In church edifice, 212
N. Oakdale, open from 1:30 to 4:30
dally except Sundays and holidays.
First Methodist Kplvoixil
At tho First Methodist Kpls.copal
church, corner of Fourth and 'Hart-
led streets, J, K. Hawkins, Pastor.
Tho Sacrament of tho Lord's Sup
per will hn administered nt tho 1 1 n.
in. service.
Tho pnstor wlU'dollver a patriotic
locturo nt tho evening scrvlco, 8 p.
in. Subject, "Tho Public Wojfnro."
This address will ho Illustrated with
fifty eight lantern slides, nnd cover
ing suqh practical phasos of work,
ns, "Tho Now Rural Life," "Social
Service and tho Foreigner," "Church
Morning scrvlco 11 o'clock.
Subject "Tho Chrlsttnn ns A Light
In tho World."
Kvonlng sorvlco 8 o'clock. Subject
"Forsnklng God nnd Forsaken- of
Hov. F. W. Carslens, pastor, will
preach at both sorvlces.
Sundny school 9:30 n. m.
H. Y. P. U. 7 p. in.
"A Llvo Church With n Cordlnl
l'rosbytcrlnii Church
Cor. Main and Holy Sts.
Communion Sorvlco at It n. m.
Kvcry member should bo prcsont. Ho
coptlon of moinbors.
Preaching nt 8 p. m. Subject, "Tho
Llfo or Christ" In which 30 slides
will bo used. Tho pictures nro by
Hoffman. A high grndo stercoptlcon
wilt ho used In showing tho vlows.
Tho servlco Is frco to nil,
Sunday bcIiooI nt 10 a. in.
Kindergarten nt 11 n. m. All
children enn bo In tho kindergarten
whlto parents nro nt tho sorvlco.
Y. I S. C. R. nt 7 p. in. Subject,
"National Ideals nnd Home Missions"
leader, Mary K. Goro.
Prayer mooting Thursday, nt 7:30
p. m.
First Christian Church
9th and OAkdnlo
Tho funeral services of A. H. Cof
fin will bo hold nt tho Christian
church Sundny morning nt 10:4G.
Tho evening sorvlco nt 8 o'clock.
On account of sickness wo did not
hnvo our special music Inst Sunday.
Wo will hare n solo Sundny evening
by Dr. Howard. A gospel sermon by
tho pnstor.
Hlblo schoot nt 9HB. Tho now
superintendent, Prof. Ilnnby, desires
tho nttendnnco of nil and any strang
ers In tho city.
Y. P. S. C. K. solicits your prosonco
nnd co-operation.
It Is our dcslro to mnko nil tho
mooting! helpful and to bear ono
another's burden.
Como to tho homo llko church,
HAHY K. TUCKHR, Minister.
Vu iflMcTnTiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinTiniii
Take Care of Your Fourth of
July Needs Tonight
Store Closed All Day
Monday, Legal Holiday
Something Important Before Starting
Homcmber to procuro sonio of our Trnvolcra Checks.
You'll find thorn tho Safe, Convenient wny of carrying
funds nud getting tho ensh whorovor you stop.
For Country Service
And' long, hard trips. Odiiiuelont chauffeurs, easy
riding oars.
Wc also operate the Crater Lake auto line from
July 1 to October 1. Auto stage leaves Medfonl for
Crater Lake on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Special trips can bo arranged to leave on any day.
I?oad information bureau in connection. Office
and stand at the Crater Lake Motor Car Co. Oarage.
Phono 100.
May Find Help in Thi.
Swan Creek, Mich. "I cnnnotupvak
too highly of your medicine. When
through neglect or
overwork I get run
down nnd my appe
tite is poor and I
hnvo thntweak, lan
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a hot
tloof Ly.JlaE.Pink.
ham's Vegotablo
Compound, and it
builds mo up, gives
mo strength, and re
stores me to nerfeet
health again. It Is truly a great bless
Ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of It I tako pleasure In rocom
mending it to others." Mrs. Annib
Camero.v, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Hebron, Me. "Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, diicour
aged and had female weakness. I took
Lydla E. I'inkham's Vecetable Com-
pound and used the Sanativo Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon tho minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefit they can
derive from your medicine." Mrs.
Chakles Howe, Kennebago, Maine.
If you trnnt Kp octal advlco
rrlt to LyiHu K. I'inkhum Med
Icliiu Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter nil lo opened,
read nud answered Iiy a woman
and held hi strict confidence.
ip -
-. i
. , '. . . i
stiPK-. :
The Glorious Fourth of July
This is tho slogan of tho housowifo who proparos tho
Fourth of July dinner on an olectric rango.
It offers coolness, cloanlinoss and convonionco of
cooking and baking.
Women aro now suffering in hot kitchens. Coolness
thero right now will moan everything to thorn.
Now is tho time to install an Electric Range in your
California -Oregon Power Company
k ii