Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MIBDtfOlll) AlAIT; TIUBUNR, MEDF01H). OKlWOy, SATtTH1UY. ,)VAr ? 1015
Y. B. Neuman of Redding, Cnl.,
haa returned to JiIb homo nfter spend
ing a few days In tlio city on busi
ness. W. It. Coleman lias roturncd from
a blolnoBB tlio Fdota creek tils
irtr fl. f .Mi . J." ..;
Velvet !ei cream at Do Voo's.
fleorgo I.nnco of Gold Hill 1h Rpond
Inp tlio day In the city attending to
bunlnns mutteru. , ;
I For uprlrottf jibdtm Tfl N. Campbell,
C04-K. 01
f ho dlrcctorn of tho .tricknon Coun
ty Fair nssoclntlon held a meeting
Friday night, nntl decided to hold tlio
annual fair olthor September 8 to
11, or Soptombor 15 to 18. A com
mlttco compoBod of S. 8. Smith, W
II, Canon, John Sheridan, .1.
Dreflslor nnd Hid Urown wont appoint
ed to meet next Tuemlny nlKlit and
fix a definite date, and map out u
The Medford Vulcanizing workH are
now vulcanizing punctures at 2 fie.
Cbnrlim Prim Jr. of Jacksonville
i Mpeul Friday In .Mcilforil attending
to IhihIiichh matters.
Arthur Winter of Itucli H mill I'rl
day In Medfnril iiltt'inliiu; to IiiihI
wkh nml tern.
Cot filtered cnflollno from tho Red
filter at aarnott-Cory'fl.
Frank Knton of Kiddle Ih vIhIHiik
friends nnd relatlvoH In thin city and
-valley tlils week.
See' Dave Vood about that flro In
nnrnticG 'policy.' Offlco Mull Trlbuno
UfilK. '
Hubert AVUhoii of Central Point
npent Friday nftornoon In Medfortl
attending to IiuhIiiphh malterH.
Jim, floorgo P, Jester of Oranla
1'nHH Ih vlHltlng with the family of
Tom Fuboii.
Dr. M. 0. Harbor, Palm block,
Hours 0 to 4. Phone: Offlco 110;
Home 110J2.
8. Maru, wtoward of tho University
club, left Friday night on a Hhort bus
iness trip to Seattle and other Pugct
Hound points.
13. A. lllldrotlt of Iliitte Falls spent
Friday In Mcdford altendlug to busi
ness matters. '
Fifty eight lantern pictures will
Illustrate; lecture- at First M. K
church Sunday night.
' Deputy District Oamo Warden Sam
Sundry of Itoguo IUvor Ih spoudlug
the day In Medford nttendtng to offi
cial business.
"Hd Helms of Jacksonville Is spend
ing tho dny In tho city.
Do Voo carries tho best lino of
flvo cont cigars In tho city.
Attorney A. C. Hough of Orants
Push spent Frlilny In Medford intend
ing to business matters,
A special train bonrlng membors
of tho Chicago and Milwaukee real
ostato oxchnngos will puhh through
the city Sunday. Plans nro ufntt for
taking (he parly on un auto tour
through tho valley It enough nutos
can bo scoured, which Is held doubt
ful by tho Commercial club.
Homemada pastry at tlio Shasta.
S. D. Plsher of Salem Is spending
u few days In the city uttendlng to
business mntterti,
11, h. Hopnr of (IrunU Pass Is
speiTtllng the dny In the city attend
Iiuplo business matters.
Celobruto tho Fourth by hearing
patriotic steiooptlcou lecture, fs pic
tures, M. U. eliurch Sundny night.
A number of Medford people left
this morning to attend the celebra
tion at Palmer creek.
Henry Onlluabnii will return the
first of tho week to bis mining claims
In the lllue l.edge dlstilct.
Chncolatos, 30 cents lb. Do Voo's.
Flowers and f i nit were distributed
by the Commercial dnl. to the llrook
lyn laglw, who passed through the
city on a mieulnl trsln en route fioin
the San FrancUco epnl(lon.
Miss Waive Jacobs or Klamath
Falls, who has been visiting fi lends
nnd leluthe In Ashland, returned
to Medford Friday.
Get your butter, eggs, c renin, milk
dna butter milk at Do Voo's.
Ilalfih jHiuilngs of the ApiilngiU
district Is spending tho dm In Med
fonl attending to bimlnemi matter
Merchnnti' I.uncli, HRe. Tbe Shastn.
Wllllsui Fnixiicr of Gold Hill speut
Frldit) enln In Medford attending
to liusliieM mutters.
Tho Medford Cannery wnuts lagan
berries and pays Ic a pound US
Flunk Jensen of Yiokn. CrI , Is
spending a few Ua In the ell) uud
valley sttenUtng to busluwss mailer
Froeh ronttwl peanut nt Do Voo's.
F. G. Hunter of Grunts Pus spnt
1'rldtty lu JJmirafd attaatllu to ln
luoaft meUdrt.
S. B, Holmes and Bowman Jnckson
of Kaglo Point arc spending the day
In Medford attending to business mnt-
I tors.
Kodak, finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlto
Boole Store." -
A regiment of bpggars swept down
uponrtho city Friday evening, nnd
began a pimhnndllng drive on Main
avenue, Some of the gang were bold
er than usual, and asked alms of
women seated In a it ton.
Bring' your loganberries to Med
ford Cannery nnd receive 4c a pound,
Charles Young made a business
trip to (lod Hill Friday afternoon, It
being reported thnl noma of his jlnfji
ertv In that city was afire.
.George Gates and Tom Hcnntlln
leave this afternoon on an auto trip
to Klamath Falls.
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer In southorn Oregon.
Always reliable, Negotlves mndo any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Mnln St. Phono ,120-J.
Victor lluson of Itoseburg Is spend
ing a fe wifiiH In tbe city and valley
attending to business matters.
Picnic oxcurslon to Iluttn Falls
Sunday, July 4th. Spend a cool dny
In tho woods along the mountain
streams, llrlug your picnic baskots.
Fishing Is fine. Train leaves Pacific
and Moslem depot at 8 a. in. He
turning leave Untie Falls 5 p, m
arrive Medford fi:lfi. Will stop nt
all stations. $1.00 round trip. 89
County Recorder Chauncey Florey
spent Friday lu Medford, litlcndlng to
buslnesi mutter.
Hove you tried oiur of those fie
ill 1 1 If Bhoho at f)(iVoe's?
Miss Ornrd Wilson leiives loduy for
Han Francisco where she will study
musla during the summer months.
The Rev. II.' M. Ilrutilinm. pastor
of the Oukdule Ave. Methodist church
leaves Monday with his family far a
fortnight's vacation at Conulllc.
"Public Welfare" lecture nt M. K.
chinch Sunday night,
Herbert Hnuna who was u Medford
visitor Friday reports tbni a rich
cold MrlKrt'han been mndo at the
Jacksonville Mining and Milling Co.
mine, which recently changed hands
and Is again being operated.
I Tim library lll be closed nil day
plough frontier life, Industrial cen
tus soup box orators, etc., will be
exhibited In observation of "Ameri
canization Dny" at tho M. K. church
Sunday night.
James J. Davles, director general
of tho Loyal Order of Moobo and gov
ernor of Moosohenrt, will bo In Med
ford Tuesday, July fl, nnd there will
be a special meeting of tho order on
Hint night.
Professor nnd Mrs. George Rebec,
who returned tho first of the week
from it visit to tho Sun Frnnclsco
exposition, left Frlilny for Kiigono to
id the summer.
n Ruby lluolc nnd parly of
friends leaves Tuesday morning for
tjjn Frnnclscji and I.os Angeles.
C C Runyard of Wuvorly, Iowa,
has been visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. K. J Runyard of this city
for the past tin en weeks. He left for
Iowa Filday by way or Sun Frnnclsco.
A. H. Southwlok and wife or I.os
Angeles bine been visiting In Med
ford with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Uitn
ynnl. Mr. and Mrs John Collrell of Long
Ilenoh, California, motored to Med
rord nnd spent n short time with Mr.
and Mrs. I J Runyard
Sseley Hall returned this afternoon
from Crater Lake making the trip
by auto to tho top of the rim. This
Is 'i days oailler than n car has
reached the summit In the history of
the scenic wonder. A half doren
auto parties aie at the lake. The
roads nro In excellent shape. Hall
lft the Inko at 0 o'clock till morning
uu drcHched Medford at S o'clock
The Page theater lust nlnht pre
sented Miss lone Caught run, a tele
phono opeiator of the Home Tele
phone uiinpuiiv, with a Ford auto
-'f ts.;- i -"
I.ON'DO.V, Jul 'i The Urltlsh ,
Stcnmnlilp Richmond of .'! 2 1 4 tons
gross, bound from Queenstown for '
lloulogno and laden flth railway tics, '
wus sunk toduy by a Gornian1 sub-.
marine off the Scllly Islands Thi
Crew wns landed at Prj-moulh, Fpg-1
London, July 3. The lititish
steamship Ghdsby of :tl!t" tons gross,
was slink today by a German snbtiin
rlne. Tho crew wns lamleil at Mo
ville, Ireland.
The Gudsby sailed from Sidney, C.
II , June Ih, for a ICtiropuan port.
LONDON, July 8. An empty lire
boat and iiiidlhnr bout marked
"Cralgard, Lelfh." were towed Into
penonce, Kngland, todoy. It Is sug
gested that the steamship Cralgurd
or 2RfG tons, which sailed tiom Gnl
voston June I!, ntul Newport News
June 11 Tor Havre, may have been
the victim of a German submarine,
though there Is no prooT or this and
nothing bus been heard reguidlng her
.i r i i t . ; '',,'!
t fc.W. A
vWiyauhAi), jni
i i
"iilmuii i
' tn.
'ti tlio
(1 h 'VllCJfiiltiii ill i.
( or Ferilinniiil of Ilulaiirla
to the European melee on II
Rttiii. Kin-jr Ferilinaml i- of the house llnlieiuollern, the Oerintiii toyitl fnmih
Cotinlniiliiie of
From, loft to right King lYnliuniitl of Ifniiiiiiiui.i, ( nr Ferilinniiil of Iliilgiirin nnd King
flrceec, wife are iiiomeiitiiiilv expected to ilungv into the European melee on Ihe iile of Kiiglniitl, Pmn-e nml
itv ' n "11
Hlaek ien i'
HtntoffiPiif iwue
dny. The under-icn Imrtl !s i t Ul
Turkish steiiiiiei-s and mi ,m
diift mthwir)W uC- r'mil ,ih,i ,.
iiiiu ftgit tln' ri'hiiiicl .ii
t Hlf rtbnw armorftl homt-r' i,n t,
moiilli nt -llt nJpliiiriH. i
tlrt'ni nslioro.
, The test of'ti utotenieni i
"A Kslii Him:wmi in tb
sef Irtdrf tfTiKied nml
stortinir ol iMOfl toim. h h,
fire lortnd sang a sniliii',' ln. ni
Um. Hiibsetfuciitlv a r-niall i.
i woh sent to the bottom, tin
t'Sb were in tlte t!eililitl,,
KnMk?iiind woi-e kiileii illi ,
! iiiwwihii".
"Iti (HthmArinn Imo !i(Ii .1
otlrcr steusiu'r anehore! m ih,
n iM WVOfftJ i4iiU-jHden liaiuis
Injur weio elm-en n-linie.
"Near the illi f flu- lb, ,,l .iiis
(lie Huliuminie I'linie inli mli v it ti.
tin iiimoid mi liiiniier ifn in i .
eliiiliue "l -lint-. I - t . I ill, l(U,
itlif" - "I ii un1 r t win i m
I llslK.ll
1 1 t
-I I
II lie
'l of
! -ni
i m f
' l a
LAItnno, Tex., July It. In the
State of Coiiliuiln the largeM wheat
crop thai it him produced for ten
years is joing fo waste lieenuse of
inability to get farm hands. Wheat
fields, said a paeiiger artting here
loilnv from Monlctey, jrev., lire lie
ing used foi pmhirnge for hordes nml
en Hie.
ItqmilH from Monlerev indientc
eoiilJiluottn AkinnMiing nnd IiiihIi
wlnieltinglictwceii Villa and fnrronh
I roups near ParCdoii nnd ViJIn (lur
rin. Tlieie wns u light ten miles from
Lumpurns with u Villa delaehtneut
from lonelovu. Its icmiU i not
known, d'eiternl repot Is miv Hie Villa
bunds tire hIiImI ol uuuuiinitiou.
imtTSSHLS, la London, July a.
Ocneral Vim llisMiig, (leniinn gover
nor general of Hclgiuiu, has mmicd an
otder foilndiliiig, under penult v ol
fine or imprixonmcut, (he wen ring of
exhibit iug of rielginu insignia in a
provoealive muiiiier nnd foibiddiug
iilisoluleh the wearing or exhibiting
of Hie iiinjkiiiii of tuition unriint:
ugiiiu-t (leriuiiux and her uilien.
The dire, tor of the Jackson
Count r'nlr wuoclstlou decided at
their meetttng Krldny e suing to hold
s fslr in September, the euet date of
uhlcli will not be set unlit uot week,
but It wilt either bo t) Sth to 1 1 Hi
or tho II Hi to lSth.
A coiiimltteo consisting of V II.
Cmiioii. S. & Smith. John Slier Itltm.
J W. Hreialur slid SM 'Irown wns
sppolirtsdto miH't next Tuosday em
lug and lAleet (Isle nnd map out a
nrogrwn of atlrwcllons. Aiooue Uav
lg Hggi'i'tlonx tell some uieiubtir of
ib ttunuMtlme prior to that dattf. It
iflft' Intention t have h big iclaj
LONDON, .lul :t - John i: lied
iiioud, leudi-r of the li'Mi Nntioniillst
purly, sponklng nt HuMln Thurxday
nlglit. sold that up to June hltli. 120,
741 lilshmeu from Ireland hud joined
the nrm, according to the Kreemun's
Journal. Mr Itedmoiid stilted '-uit of
these TiOOU are Catholics, .ad 21.000
aiiv enrolled lUMmllrs ot the Irixlt
Nutlounl Volunteers Mr. Redmond
U quoted us su)lug Hist be still did
not believe in oulitlon goierniiieut,
but (hut Innsuiucli a it existed onl
from day tn dny, as It were, It could
not lu any event prevent home rule
from coming Into opeiatlou automat
Icully at the end ot the war.
LOMiOV lulv .1 action
o it lined this morning off the east
cohhI ut the Inland or Gothlutid." sins
the Stockholm correspondent ot Ren
ter . IVlegruni iHiiupaio. "The Her
muii mine lser Albatioss Wus chased
b tour ltinilan cruisers and tun
aground to ece enpturo. Twent)
oue of the minelayer's crew weie kill
ed and 27 were wound! "
liiiMiuitr uml UM4iiiaiir Kiixlce
by auto Mmlfdni to KngU Point and
uud olhi- tie ttUrutitlans this1 return. Wmxlng Nnuli hotel n ,ie s m (
rir. ' (sua I' :ie P hi itfiurn irom cuice
(tooil premiums will be offered on Polut at convenience wt iiusneugers (
grulttssitil grNMiet, suit those who are! Trip via Central Point It rMiueled i
hirvMtlNK now nhould ve their din Chariien reasons ble I Mupe. '
Bisktywi w OiMUQi tr, IN ns?J
fllol FL. 1mtm t
YUoport Hrevawt eftt frMtr tift
noon uhi tiBi In Atl !(
0fh '' " mttf.
plays ami take tutu to the Rogue
lada fflce ker tko will be prttp
ry tawisd uud tskeu care of.
Tk ntrckut have tmiioraad the
filr ant) will do all tby eaa t pusai
K tMtB- HelP "ttla ImmmIhi
ami pr9re t wake eialatu. I'rew-
tM UM VIII n tlMttd
registered cbaufteur
CALK - Iver-Johnsoa ttorle
Telephone Hal Conrad
FOR ALR - ItouaalioM . '
two tna riflM si Kalaht it
PAULS. Julj J Memberfl of tho
family of General Porflrlo Diaz huvo
not yet determined what arrange
ments will be made for tho funeral
or the late president of Mexico, ex
cept Hint the) will bo of slmplo char
acter lu keeping with his quit, life
in Paris. The ex-president died yes
terday as a result of a complication
of diseases due to advanced nge.
General Dlas during his four yours
residence tn Paris made few ucualn
tnnroB nmoiig the Crouch people. He
received a good ninny Mexlcnns, es- (.,.inelcr.
peclally when he first caino to Kranco.
lie wus ulsMijH ubsorbed lu the
news from Mexico, but becamo moro
and more distressed by tho disorders
there ns his friends by letter and In
person gnvo him pessimistic accounts
of tho conditions and the destruction
of his Institutions.
It does not appear that General
Diaz ever regretted his loslguatlon
from the presidency of Mexico nfter
:!0 yenrs of rule, nor Hint ho folt In
clined to roturn nor missed his loss
of power. Nothing that ho told his
friends would Indicate It.
o I m
Funeral Service of A. R. Coffin
The funeral cervices of the lute
Albert R. Coffin will ho held from
the Christina church at l(l:4."i a. m.
Sundny, taking Hie place of tho reg
ular church sen ices. The funeral
will he conducted lv Harry K.
Tucker, the pastor and a cry close
friend of (lie departed elder. Tio in
terment will he in (he I. O. O. V.
PARIS. JK i. j !-, ,,
French war dcimilmeut'-
slnlemenl today n:
'Stubborn fiuhtintr coutiuurd n
Inst night in the Argonne. We hum
Iniiicd our iKisiliims nnd inlloit.l
very Heavy losoes mi me eiicnn.
'It, tli, r.Hriiiu ,it ll I uu I
flesh attacks nti.i.n-t mir iioitHn-
ii t Crcfe hae been n-pnlseil.
"Along tjie leniaiiider of the Iron)
there has hern a vei'y nelive on mi on
tide. SlivM- Hiiv'n into Arras stnrt
cd liri'fi which vci;t controlled.
''Kieiieh iniay succes.tully
liomharded Hie ruiTiuiiul Hlations ut
CluiUornoKc Z.inun and liugeinnnk
his well n- licrman luiltcnes nt im
and nt lleuuriiiim."
,.! SMi' ii
ii v i; voir (;lssin mw,
anil t it I i'il b) me.
It will mean S X'l'lHl' ( TION to
j on.
Sound the cymbals for two
kinds of independence joy !
Rip things right up the back on the Fourth ! Be
cause it's the nation's birthday, and because Prince
Albert tobacco has set free men who yearned for
the joys of jimmy pipe "packing" and real cigarette
makin's and who shied at tortured tongues and
throats ! Bang-away like it's freedom's frolic 1
Kick-off the covers early. Let the orators pump
patriotism into your spirit -while you puff P. A.
into your smokeappetite ! And keep on puffing
"P. A. forever" because-it's the happiest; the truest
tobacco you could wish to jam in a jimmy pipe or
roll into -a cigarette I The patented process fixes
that! And removes the bite and fiqrch ! It'll
be a regular celebration, via
the national joy smoke
Open up n toppy red bag of P. A. (migluv handy fonrollers)
or a tidy red tin, like it was a package from home, then you'll
know why men smoke Prince Albert and boom Prince Albert
from one land's end to the other! Get that independence spirit
on the tobacco question I
So, unlimber your jimmy pipes or makin's papers and fire
away! Because, men, Prince Albert will put new ideas of
tobacco goodness into your system. Just write it down in
your little ditiry, "Today I started
smoking Prince Albert. This is the
joy'us time to become pals with P. A.
and declare yourself for
smoke happiness!
A nickel hu) Prince Albert in the
loppy red bag, IOc for the tidy red
tin P. A. 11 alio told in hand
tome pound and half-pound ttn
humidor and in that clatty (
fiuunu cr,p(Mf-jffu nmmwor uHin
the jfMififfe-WHtfcttMtjr top thjt
keep tho fehae at the high
xmf ufterfwttittHaluHiyt!
i J mM'Xi'r ' iwomvp
Wluslou.Salcm, K. C.
Tnesar ' W f vBJQNsS ' v ."ww ft'i
'-, ft, s JySnLri .
s - - vx,s? M'MaE:; f . zSKrm, .. ) ,
" v v TABfaff i 7' A - -"-' W W'r'
s-- t4
I S t I
VM ' ' ' a
Hrf.wi ihMji
in - m trtnJ