MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE I SECOND WEATHER I'alr tonight nml Sunday. Max. OH..'; 1 In. i0; limit. HO Br EDITION Forty-fifth Ytnr. Dnlly Tenth Yenr. BEDFORD.' OREGON, SATURDAY, .ll'LY :, 191.r NO. 80 WOULD-BE A IN GERMAN I FINANCIAL KING ML TWICE WOUNDED J. P. Mortjan Sliot In His Cotmlry - Home hy Frank Holt, Who Says He Wanted to Stop American Partici pation in European War. f f tiW XIAV YOIIK, July a. A slnteinoul issued by the Mnr " yuu I it in mIiuMIv bofoio I p. in. " lends: "" "An cnininutinn of Mr. Mnr- " JJtlll tliselosl'H t It 11 1 HlOlO IHO tM " bullet wounds ill tin region (if "" Ins light liii. There iiio no un favorable symptoms mid hi is li'stiiu easily. (Snjned) ".I. W. MAKKOK." "II. M. LYLIC." Till IlllOVO fdlltoniOIlt WHS signed liv Mr. Moignn's nt lending physician. -f XT.W YOIMx. July :.--.!. I'. Mor jrnn, bond ill' tin' liitf hniikiii"; Iioiim) oi lim mime, nml liiiunoial agent hi this coiinlrv f tin- gnvoiiimout, wan shot twice at his onunlrv homo near Olcwnva. I.. I., liv r'rnnk Holt, who claimed to lio instructor of Gur man at Cornell university, who en tered the Mnrjntn homo shortly after tl o'clock toilay. II wan said that Mr. Morgan was not HOiinusly woanilcil. One of (lie shot, it wn lupnrlod, took effect in In hip, the other in his lireuM, tear ing tiio flesh ami imKMiiK oat thinujli Ins arm. The Muhuit wax over powered Its- sonnnts, ilaccil in I lit Morgan aiitomohile ami rnslicil to (Ih'iicove. There he lofnscd t wiy wlio he was or wheio he wan fioin, lint iisseitod that he wns "a Chrix tiiin gentleman" ami had fell it hi duly to Minailo Mr. Morgan to end the war. The effect on Hie block maikcl was liui (II iioticeahlo. Ilhcil mi Automobile The man who shot Mr. Morgan cnnie to nicni'oe this iiiorniiiK on the H:'ui I iiiin, hired an iiiiloinoliile ami went to tli' MnrgTin home on Miitini (ock point. lie ran; the hell. When the butler answered he called for Mr. Moivan. He said that lie wa an old filciid of Mr. Moivan, hut wn lofps I'd admission to the IioiihO. The man then a pistol against the Momucli of the liallcr, who screamed and pushed hi way pan I the sonant into the hall. .Mr. Moiyan wad approaching the front door through the hall nt the time. Ho asked what the troahlo whh. The answer wa a shot which took Effect in the hip. Mr. Moignn vtuKgered and Tell into a ehuir. The butler, once the mhiill nnt's hack was tuiiiod, picked up a drain enul hod fiom the fiieplaee and broiiirlit it down on the assail ant's head, hat too lute to prevent a fcccond shot. W'roMoil ViiMiii Away Tlie butler fill on the innn, wroslcd (Contmucd on Pauo C) IN NAVAL BATTLE PI'TIUXiKAI). Jul J. Wlien th. (iisii(ii naal -tiu.idroii in the Ilultic tfsxc battle to 'live German eruier and n flolilU of torpedo boats oft' th et coast of Uuihlaud on July 3, ono (hnnaa eruiwr mas baaehad ad tk other wa put to flight, aooordiiur to an offunai btateaiasH Usual toUajr hv tha Rasbiaa adouraUv Mudtr 4ata of July a. Tha daasafl U tha Huaaiaa cruisers, the staUasaai 4isa, was 1st-fciuiticunt RUSSIANS SSASSIN IS AT CORNEL LT WANTED ! 10 STOP WAR Says Americans Must Stop Furnisli iiill Munitions to Bcllerents In a Statement Says He Wants to Go on With Work Holt Betian. OLHNCOVl!, X. Y.. .Iiilv a.-Tin' police amtcit thai Holt had liccu liv ing in Glcncfnvo about a week, lie had heen seen hv various persons on Hie slicet and his prooiico in the ncighhnihnod of the Morgan lioinc hint Thursday had been eonuiiciilcd on before the shoolin;?. riciiili's Statement In his cell the a"niliinl began the preparation of n wiitteu statement which he informed the police he want ed to give out to the newspapers. The statement was addressed to William I'. I.uvster, the justice of the pace who bad (iictioucd Holt about shootiii1;. Holt signed the eoiimumi ention, "l- lloJU Dallas, Tow, and Million." TIle'Tilmcineiit reads: "My motiw1 in coiuiu; hoic was to try to foico .Mr. Moiaii to n-o his iiillaeiien with the manufactuiors of munitions in the Vuiled Stoles and with the milliomuron who are financ ing the war to lmc an ombai'Ko put on sliipinents of war munitions so if to lolicyo the Amciicnti people from complicity in the dentil of thoitsauds of our Kuropcnii brother-.. Must Slop I'm-tlriiwitloii "If (Ioiiiiiuiv bhoiild be able to buy munitions hero we would, of course, positively lotiise to hell to her. The roiiHoii.tluit the American peonlc lme not ax ct slopped the sliipmenls secuiK lo be thut wo are eltinr lich mil of lliis trnffio, but wo do not net ennutih piosperily out of coutiiihand shipments and would it not hi1 better for use to uiukewhat money wo can (Continued on pngo h) IIKIU.IN', .luly .1 Tho official Ktatnmuiit tihon out today by the kuii ernl army lioadrpinrtorn aniiouncoR thut the Omnia huvo Ktilnod poN biHMlnn of the lowlands of the. La hiinka river In Ituiwlan Poland, prov ince of I.ulilln. The Htitenuuit also admlta tho nermann have lost tho gains made by them ywtorriny analiiHt tho French on llllKenflret In the on KO mouiitaliii. Military wi Iters flKiiro that tho UusalaiiB from May 1' until Juno 27 loft in tho hundti of tho OormniiH lUSO officers and 520,000 men prisoner, nml ,100 fiold Kuns and 77!) inarhluo Kims, hoiidoa lucalculnhlo war material. 520.000 RUSSUNS GERMAN CAPTIVES The "Boys" of 76 and the "Man" INSTRUCTOR UNIVERSITY MORGAN ALLIES' FISCAL AGENT Wounded Financier Purchasing Aflcnt for Britain and Floater of British and Fi ench War Loans Got Com mission of Only One Per Cent. NKW YOIIK, .luly a. When tho Hewn of the tdiootliiR of Mr. Morgan reached flnanclnl circles in Now York (Ik question wan rntnod an to whathor tho flmineler's nctlvltloft In roniiecllon with tho Kuroponn war had nuy thliiK lo do with tho motive of the iittacl; on him. Tho house of .1, 1. Morgan ft Co , woh tho purchaHliiK agent of Ihn IlrltlHh Koverninent for munitions and stippllon bought In this countr. It was only thlu morning that the. announcement had been nindo prom inently In New York newspapers of detail.) if n plan of a group of bank cm, of which Mr. Morgan wan ono of tho leaders, for the flotation In thin country of $100,000,000 of tho now llrltifdi war loan. A Manned I'otelgn fYtslll In March last, Mr. Morgan crowd tho oronn on n uiIhbIoii which ho hluiRt'!f did not disclose, but which was gonrraSly ruppoHPil to bo tho nr ranglng of-rrodltB in this country for the povven at war with Germany.. The Hiranponient under which tho Morgan firm was appointed commer cial agent of tlic IlrltlHh government In the rnlti'd States during tho war was widely eiltlclsed. On tho ono hand, it wdh not mot with Bntlflfact ion among a largo number of Amer ican contractors for supplies. They eomplnlnoit that in poiiio casos they were rhalu of tho Morgan firm In special llnoa of commorco. In Kngland Hin criticism of tho nrrangomont was rnrrlod Into parllanicnt, and only yet- teidai It was dohatod there. Conine Defended Lord Orlnthorpo, a banker mem ber ol tho Iioiiho of lords, urged that ( aninla sVould have tho proforenco In tho ordorfl for sliolls and added (lint "ono roasion why more orders are not going to Canada Is that tho big shadow of an intorloper standR botwoen bor and teb goviirnmont. Krrl urlson, lord of thojprlvy seal, roplvliiR to this spoerh, informed tho boiiBo that the Morgan company wns ictlng mb Urlllsli agont on a commis sion o' only ono per cent. "Within jlio nasi -18 hours," ho said, "I havo rcon testimony from tho highest au thority Hint tho Morgan nrrangomont bus KHHiirod us tho highest efficiency ami iconomy and boon most benefi cial tc loth tho govornmont and tho round)." UIHHM OM ' NO PAPER MONDAY 4 " Tbeie will be no isue of Hie Mini Tribune Monday, July '.. H - - 4 I tkyfjiK.'ss?w v, ff If "vasarl " -vm (I'VniiL'o has just borrowed fJOO.OOO.OOO throimh ,1. P. Morgan & Co. t in llio lulled States. 1 . TTeR.T'"Ev MORGAN TO FLOAT JsT.W YOIMC, July 3. Xi-khIhi-(ions were repotted today ' la1 in progTcs between oll'ieials of the ltrilisb lieaniiv and a group of New York bankers headed by ,1. 1. Mor gan & Co,, and others, for the Dota tion in this country of n $100,001), 000 Hritish war loan, ltepoiis dis agreed, iih a part of the great Hnlili war loan of .$.'1,0(10,0(10,00(1 loeeutl.N aiitlioried, while in other (piarlers it was said that the loan to bo t lout -id Iidio would be a sine one, bcaiiug an interest ralo of fi IHToejit. Jt was nnderxtnod Hint tha'nffor inj would be inoreiiBPiPiniRsihly tp $.100,000,000 if tho bonds Weie well received by Ainericiin ines(ors. Hankei'M behee thut tho loan will miitiire in leu enrs. I'roeeeds of tho loan, it i sniil, will bo left in Anieiiea to bo drawn iiiunst by the Hiilixh Kovoiiiment in the purchase of war miitiitiniiH, food stuffs and other supplies in the United Slates. I'DINK, July 3. Largo numbors of rofugoos from tho Isonzo districts havo flocked to Trlost and ClorUla, arcordlnB to ruports rocolvod hero. Trains bearing Austrian woundod aro said to havo passed through those phi cos sovoral times a day. of '15! ND Ml W LOAN "THE GLUTTON" I ry.ur 11 I X l-NCi .X I W-.V.1 I - . T .., I -V C7 'gg SeATUii; S E WASIIIMITON, .luU .1 The pub lie recepliou loom in the senate wing of the capilol of Hie lulled States was wiccked just befoie last nnii night by an explosion euused by a bomb or an iiifornal muuhiiio, Xo one was iiijuicd and today there was only one (duo, a loiter nicoivod by tho Washington Time, an ovoniug uew paper, aiiiiimuciiiK that il would lake place. The Jellor wax mailed neailv two liojirs before tho oxplosiou. It whh pifcmid, "If. I'eiuco," and indicated tlm'f 'ha wrflcr had been wnilimr for nn npjftfrtltnjy to cairy out his phiii, which, ho wJhli would bo "tho excla mation point f hJfiMiaieer." Only one mnii-nt that name is in Iho Wa-huiglim t'ry iHrectory, A Meuich was bettun fof him. Officials at first hflid the ex plosion wtiH cHiised by iiunttuicoiis combustion or escaping fnU. The abamloued Hint hue of inTosliytifioii ami proceeded on the theor tliat' tjm explosive wan planted by a (trunk, seek i uk lo oruale n sensation, or-by some foifiun sympathised, seekiuK (p leirisler his disapproval of the )ol ieicM of Iho L'nited States govetn-mcnl. BOMB WRECK 1 ROOM 1 meet her debU for 'war munitions ONE IS KILLED, E TAt'OMA, Wnsli, July .1. -One was killed and a seme lupiied when a Hoiithbouml Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ho in fell foity tect through ii 1 1 est hi one mile oust of Haulier lit 1(1 o'clock Huh ninuiing. A coaeh, a haxKiiKo ear ami the engine lit on a Xoithoiu I'aoiliu l'leiKht train on the truck below. The dead and injured follow : I lend Louis liradeen, Seattle. Jnjuied Mm, Louis llradocu, Se attle; ('. M. Converse, Seattle; Mrs. Harry Mown, Seattle; Kianein Wal ker, Seutllo; Ilnico Walker, Seattle; II. J. Ilohleu, McKeiimi; Waller Ilol dcii, MeKeiiiiu; John Alhcslos, South Abeidoeii; L. A. DaliUtroin, Taeonia; Mr. and Mr. W. H. Dahlstrom, Tu coma; Mi. Angeles, Seutllo; Mm. W. ,r. Rial fold, Halt's Lake; Y, S. l'cnne((oie, liiemaii, Scuttle; A. L. Triihcr, coiiducloi. READING COMPANY WILL NOT DISSOLVE I'lllLAnKLIMIIA. July :i. The United States distnel coin t toditx rujiduied a decision in favor of the defendant nt tho overniaent suit to (liHOlVO tb.e Itcadiuir eonipauy ami lo hunatniio (lie N'ew Jersey Central rail- ruml ftwni tj)a Ueudintf. SCR IE IE 0ROZC0 FLEES 1 CUSTODY OF UNCLE SAM Mexican General Arrested Willi Hucrta Makes Good His Escape, Despite Guard of Six Carranza Asks Huerta's Extradition More Mexican Leaders Under Arrest. --f-f'f VA. PASO, Tow, July a. General Viclmiano llueita was rearrested hole today on a fed eiul wurrutit issued at Sail An tonio clinrgiiiK conspiracy to violate the neutialitv laws of the l'nited Stales by uttoiuptiiii; to laiuieli u leviilntionary movo mcnl in Mexico. A message to the Cnrrnnzn iikoiicv heio received late today l'l'Oin HlO border Slli.l Onnnrnl Orozeo was nt Valentino, To.w, not far from Miirl'a, Mow Ho infeiulcd to itosh into Mexico " tomorrow, the message said. 4 4 4 4 HAN ANTONIO, Toxns, July a. Application to tho United StntPB for foriunl oxtrmlltlon of -VictoTliino lliiortu, KolK Olaz, Muiiuol Mondra gon and Aurolliino Itlamiuet, wan ril ed with Secretary or State Lansing )(iHlerdny afternoon by-Klbioo Arro dondo, couflilontlnl agent for Carran za. KL PASO,,..luly :i.lViscuul Orozeo, serond only to Huertnln Im portnuio has disappeared. Tho au thorities, however, havo not yet aban doned hope of recapturing him it he attempts to escape across tho horde tu .Mexico. I 'led (o .luaiv. No trace of tho Mexican leader has boon discovered up to noon and it is assumed Hint bo inudo'good his es cape enr Is expressed In Mexican circles that boforo many hours the Villa garrison at Juarez may place itsoir under tho command or Orozeo It was ropoitoil last night Hint an armed force was marching toward .luiiie. from (ho west and among the rumors in circulation Is ono thut Orozeo lias planned to movo'toward Juarez with this organization. For some t lino past thorn has been reason to believe that disaffection In Hie Juaio. garrison has gained such headway Hint it would not bo dlffl oult for any of Mexico's recognized factional loaders to take It over. Tho osoapo of Orozeo was accom plished In splto or tho Met or n guard or six moil throe soldiers and three agent nt Iho United States depart ment or Justlco. MMKl Nut Vet Forfeited Orosco's boudsmou havo not been nailed nn to forfotl tho money depos ited, nml It is Improbable that tho will bo. Tho local IohuI department of tho Hovoriiiuout may not regard thorn In any way responsible until after July IX, the day sot tor Oroz- eo's trial. Legally, It Is contended, Orozeo lias tho right to go and come us bo planned up to thut time; that tho restrain of his movements b uuy guard aftor tho court had accept ed bond for his appearance wait hard ly romilsr. By Satterfield