PXGE FIVE OLD NICODEMUS NIMBLE AT THE FRONT . SSSBBl BY, V( JELLS fltrcpFOTip wau'j TRmvms, medfoud, oriwox, frtday, .ttly 2, 1015 ASHLAND AND UNITY 'flic attractive movlps In "Grace's Visit to the Hoguo River Vnlley," which was given an initial showing hero on Wednesday nml Thursday evenings of thlw week, were of super lative merit ond ranked with thebest. Thoy wore thrown upon the screen tit the Vlnlng. Thti scenario Is by A. C. Allon and llolbrook Wlthlngton. "(Irace." who figure nn tho Btar In the cast, Ik mine other than .Mrs. A. Conro Flero, residing In tho Medford Central Point orchard district. Hor Jolly companion In Miss Caroline Andrew) or the former city. Tho views ombraco a wealth of scenery nrhan and suburban, fonwt nml stream, mining, agricultural, etc., In profusion. Neither Is Individual por traiture overlooked, many familiar f Inures being teeognlzod through this agency. The humorous situation Hi also, In uvhlrnce, while, tho tab leaux vfvant Interftposod throughout the "plot" are examples of rsnl art. Thn local settings given tho plcturo wll purtlciilurly appeal to residents of various towns throughout tho val ley. In which districts the views will be oxhlbltted previous to dlsplny at the Sun Francisco exposition and other metropolitan centers. As a finale to tho series, the screen convoy ed the admoonltlon In poster lettering "Como to .lackson County." Lootil Odd Follows Installed offi cers Thursday evening, for tho bhuIi orlunto organization, .lolm Cots'. Ih noble grand: W. L. Moore, vlco grand; Hurt Stevens, recording sec retary; Win. Moyer, treasurer. A. 1. (tall of Jacksonville, deputy grand master. Instnlled the newly elect. Contractor Finery of tho Springs project arled Wednosdny from San Francisco wltth his family, the trip bavins; been mndt by automobile. They will reside on (Iraulte streot. Ancient motor car history herea bouts rowmls the fact that Frank C. Clark, now tin architect of Med ford, probably had the first machine In this looallly. Its Identity, however, has passed Into oblivion. Kd HukIics claims to have owned tho first four pasengor car. Judge Calkins Invost ed In an Orient lluckboard at an early dntot. This was a diminutive affair steered with a pump handle. II. I'. Holmes folowcd wltht one of like pntorn, and both of theso cars made tho trip to Crescent City with out nilshnp. The Judge's machine went Into the discard long ago. Hilly llrlggs nniulruil title afterwards, stripped the car of nil superfluous ornnmentallon nml launched It as n ppoeder. Chamelcon-llke. Its color sohome dovloped Into a bright carno- linn In placo of subdueii and somiiro effect.' which prevnllod when tho judge compflted In the Judicial racos over the Jaeksonvllo-C.rnnts Pns circuit. Holmes Orient lluckbonrd la still In commtalon and he says tho only difference he can seo about It la that "It makes more noise than over." Mra. Frank Foil, wife of the S. P. storekeeper hero, accoinpniillod by her two children, left for San Frnn clioo on Tuosday for a visit to tho exposition. Tho Foderal Huronu of Fisheries coach No. 0. ladon wltht thousands of choice specimens of mountain trout, msed throiiftli Tuesdny aftor noon bound for San Pranrlseo. Tho car was slocked from hatcheries In Idoho. Washington and Oregon. Its waler supply was renewed hero with just Ice enough (o preserve norinul temperature. Mrs. K. V Sherwln. who for the paal year ha boon with an nivalin mother at Wst Snlejn, Wisconsin, eanlempluttea a inldaummer visit to her homo hero during July and Au Kiist. Charley lleeker. cigar maker em ployed by Harry Hosier, secldentulry uippd off the thumb on his left hand while apllttlng wood. This happened early In the week. lCxpeit fcnrgory la being Invoked In behnlf of aavlna the severed member by tho process of grafting. A Masonic speolal Is duo to come to tho opposition from Cincinnati. Ohio, about tho middle of August, tho excursionists stopping at Yellowstone Park en route. Dorcas Chapter No. 277. of the Kastern Star order. Is In clude! In tho party. If routed this wav, suggestion will lie made to the visitor promoting them to tarry awhile at this terminal, and Ralph Hedge, a former Clnrlnnatlan, la corresponding with them to this ef fect. Scandinavians of the valley will meet here again oh Saturday. August 31 next. Instead or the last Saturday in August of 181 . as heretofore an- n,Lui la these oolumae. mis gathering l supplemental to the re- . ont ntcntr which they held here, ami eoMimlttee of ladlea are already porfeetlng plans for the eutertalu ment of these visitors. Instead of the customar tramp this week members of th ladlea' hiking dub gtared at -tjst Xatatorlum on Wednesday for a pinnae, th after noon of that day being reserved each week "for women onb " Rupt. Bri-cooe of ihe public schools W for Wt4m4a o at tend M mImmMomI fammna liua fW. of Itlasaaih Fglto. fCX ll) v o ... i i f No. 3i opened rny balloon maker and No -I Uorne by the I S"ilgfci3 fr XAtrTnTV-- ' Jnl' . Na 2 Vt onrh exploRlnn. n dofen of quickly created a hundred or so ntultl- Ing power 1 howr'd our the tm:HH, N,0, n. Wa'u10 sc0 'l ?""? C T V-4 l',,,.K.l,n cr,'w w"ro ,lm,w" oft "",lr f"Pt' c,,,l,r,',, ,,a,;s! T,,ou ttonl Uwm M Km, then f tcncd tho wire mil lsH p,,ncm,1 U ,n lho c0'8i .',ftJ!filf i kK a,ss-PrL' ,U'a cnl"0 ,0 nl'! together on a wire! T,. Vp ,"rfu"l nw. y ""u"B,land whoro It serves Jul a Hfellt-H L, m . . i ii . m mm I i ' i i t . . ? ',- - . nephew of ISmll. vlsllod Ills undo horo rocontly. llo Is collected wltht tho reclamation service over In Kla math. A lot of private cars lidded (o conKostlon In the local rnilroad yards on WoilnoHday. J. I). Isaacs, of Now York City, constructing onlneor or tho S. P. system, ocupled tho "San Joso" with a party on a tour or In spection. Supr. Murkhnher, or the iiorlhern division, wfts hero In tho "Portland," nnd Supt. .Metcalf and wife loft for nunsmulr on the Shas ta." .Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf were favored by Agunt Kramer wlthj an ahtomobllo trip to .Medford nnd over the local scenic drives and thioiiKh out the parks. Traveling In cok. on the stinie datet throiiKh this terri tory were Aslstnut Treasurer liiKram nnd Kfflclency Fxpert Ayers, both fit P. offlclnls of San Francisco. HoKlnnliiK July l, ulrs. Kllataboth Norrls, wife or tho secretary or tho Commercial club, displaced .Mrs. Clnrn llomnr. as flower , distributor at the exiunit ItulldiiiK durliiB train hours. Will Hodgson nnd Pert Whltmoro motored over to Gazelle. Cnl., on Tuesday. They left about 7 a. in., arriving thoro bororo noon, and on the. return trip pot homo beforo 7 p. in. the distance being approximately 70 miles. The trip was n business one and durliiB tho Journey thoy "spoiled" ench othor nt the wheel of tho machine, which was a rnltliful Ford. An oxpected sensation has boon foiled. "Iteceutly one ChnrlomnKiio Tower was connoetoil with an abduc tion case at Mnrshflold," nnd dis patches stntod he would try to reach tliq California border Ly automobllo via Ashland. The name suggested that of an nmbaseador once high in tho councils of the diplomatic ser vice, but later developments Indicate the party Implicated is but a modest nnd rVMIrliiK roaldont of Junction City. St. Marks Oulld of Medford In vaded Ashland park Wednesday after noon. In addition to the picnic fea ture they viewed with Interest tho notable Improvements now being made within Hie extended park do main. ' Members or Trinity Oulld, tho local organisation, aslstcd In the en tertainment or tho visitors, who broiiKht along provender enough for h regiment's subsistence. Father Hamilton chaperoned tho party, as sisted by Hogor Hennoti, member of St. Marks veatry. fiforge leenhowor and Miss Sylvia Drown wore marled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. It ay Davlr. In Medford. Wednesday afternoon. The bride is tho daughter of Mr. and Mra. F. A. Ilrown, residing on Pine street in this city, anil has been a teacher for some time past In the local West Side school, Mr. leenhowor la a civil engineer employed on public works In Siskiyou county. This cere mony is the third marlago whloh has occurred among the Ashland teach ers since the close of the last school term, and other Instructor are on the walling Hat. Following the example and Hhr towns of the valley, Hold Hill baa in stalled a tourist camp In the. midst of a shady environment. Over 100 Knights of Columbus, belonging to La Sells Assembly of Chicago, were duo to pass through here as a second aeotlon of No. l.'i Friday forenoon. John c. McXabb of Turlock, Cal , a former resident uear Ashlaud. and Miss Pearl Shepherd of Itogue It Ivor were marled here on Wednesday by Justice of the Peace lao Trefren. Their home will be at Turlock. Ii might be well to member that, beginning with July 1, the official Vody known as the Oregon Kallroad cooimlston will hereafter be distin guished as the Public Service com mission. The Heeord was a trifle lata this wk owing to a special bonatar edi tion out of the ordinary. It appsrd Friday morning containing 34 pagos brimful at good roads, springs, cbau laua.na. and otmwr Imprwrnaat fan- mmjwBsnsa nmmtsj Pw-ss smjsmjsjsmjnj gs vertlslng patronage, nil of which wcro Intersporsod with numerous pictorial effects. In addition to Its regular circulation, IKIOO extra copied were gotcn out. TALENT TALK Talent' quiet wus disturbed on NViIm'mIu.v night at 1 1 :.'lll o'clock by n tire which did in the neighbor hood of ,-.llltl world ol" dnninge. The F. P. Heiitley dlnekpiiiitd dinp Mild the old hull which nt one time wnx occupied by Clinrles limn nV drujr dorc, Imu-iiciI to the ground nml Hie lit It bakery building owned d .Mr. ('. Y. W-ulleis wiih liaillv tlniniiged. The lire s(urle( at Ide rear end of Hie liliii'kmith ht where .Mr. Heiit ley had been burning some nilibMi iluiiiig the lny. He had evidently failed to extinguish the lire before leaving the xliop in the evening. The lown s lire ilcMirlinent did .plendid work nfter it nriivod on the cceiie, but the lire hail gotten n ooil Html before (he doo enrtH nrriteil, whied was pot the limit of the boys but rather duo to o poor uliirm i-yteiii. An Indian war whoop i good iim I'iii' ok it goe-, lint in tlii en-e it didn't go far enough until too lute. The Woltorx building eiuiied some iusiir nnce; concerning the oilier two it it. not known. The hoi building wn owned v Wlllinm II. Ilreeno nml the dull belonged to A. Y. LiiuUcy of Los Augole. ('. It. (Irnves and wife nml .1. X. .MelMinil of North Talent left for Lewistou, lilnlio, Wetluesduy, where they Imve luirelmseil n jewelry hn inet. .Alii. (ireve. intencl.N to go enst lietore wellin ut I.ewiHlou. (IruvcH and .Mcl'liuil duve Iichii in the in lining imliitrv logellier liere Tor tint wt four ,M'iir, (lining which time they lme made many ti iimiiIh, who legiet lo Iimxo tliem lenve. They are both jewclerx nml good oiicm, Iihv. ing eftnldishetl n ivputation here in Ihul line, which iiiMiiieH their CiieinU of their Hiiceexit in the enleririo wliieli they nie now iinilerlukiiig. Mr. and .Mrs Kev. Weed euleitiiiu ed the Talent .MethiHlit eliureh offic ials ut their Inuiie in Alilaiicl Mon day evening. Alter ji .ioi1 hut in- leivsting huiii'rt meeting of the eliureh hoard ivfre.lmicul weic serx'd, after wliieli it wax neeowiiry for the guest to depail in order to cnted the unto stage dome. The oe euMiioi wiu a very deiiMuul one nnd enjo.vcd by nil. .The Fpwiirih league will iiiMtull their officer- tor the com ing ear. The iiiMullntioii will lake place immediately nfter the regular leiigue xervipoa. Mr. nml Mix. Demer nml Mr. nml Mrs Ciuirath of Mur.vville, Cal., ar rived the firxl nf the week tor a lmrt it.it with Mr. and Mis .lohu Hear ing, who are the parent of tin two Indies ()iii ami Dexfie. Dutllev KIck underwent u -light oeruliin on di cripiled leg Sntiir day iiflenioon. The itMmtiou wax jierfonned at the I'Me home den- h.V Dr. I hi i her of Medtunl. mU vexterdav etening Mr. Fraiue nMirted llowiird to n getting nluiig very nieelv at tho liosl'ilal in Afli luml, where he wax taken after the unto accident Saturday evening. Fill- .Med lug P'liibiy All who hold slock In the .Jackson County Fair association are request- ed to attend the meeting at th Uoguelauds office Friday ovenlng. July 2 to decide about the fair this fall and transact other business. The members of the MerchsnU associa tion committee appointed recently are urged to attend. XOTICI5 TO Tlllt PIHI.IC Plaase or4er sufflcleat supplies I Haturda.v for over Sunday aad -Ion-day, as all stores will be closed Mon day. Jul) &. iACWmS COFNTY UVt, HW MKN'i A-UKMJUTION I XOTICH OF ASKHSSMKNT WANTKI MiMmiiliAAROUH HCSINKSS DIICKCrOltl nrtlirtT nniinr nrmn Callfornla-Oreaon Power Conmanv ' - . -.. ..-... . lllMUl LI! II IV L nlLlAlV Location of principal nliico of bus-' WANTKI) Wntor tank for waKou Ciilropraclom i.inin i nu r urvu Iteportod by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth nnd Fir 8ts. Circuit I'm nk W. Sexton s Mnruriirct Sexton, uflidiitit of M-rviee of Sim mons II. M. McFarhiml vx. F. W. Shnp leigh, iiilminiHlnitor, et nl t bill. State of Oregon vs fltm. Iliiinlin, affi.hnit. Charlex Dodge vs ('. W. Ifool, no lii f utloruey'x lieu. The I'acilie Miitiiul Life liixuriiiico Co. vs W. I), lugiillx el nl.. anxwer of (lordon Cox. Kogite Ifiver Fniil & I' sieintioii vx. Charlex ('. certificate of uttnidimenl. roduee iix Txi'dirgi, Probnto Heinle or Clmrlix F. I'pdike. in ventory nnd iippruixemeiit. I'Xule oT llcnrv Melx, order np pointiug iidiniiiixtriilor unci nppriiiser, iiiliiiiuixlrntor'x bond. Ileal Kstnto Tiiiusferx FninU l Travw p u. to .1. II. .Miller, lot HI. hlk. 17, Unite Full ..? 1 (lertrude L. Miller to Fmuk I). Tmvis lot (i, bloek 17. Untie Fall 1 Met tie .lav llnwk el vir to ,1. II. Ware, land on (Irnnite s'reet, Axliininl 'J.-'ilHI CITY TltKASl'llim'S XOTICK Ofrieo or the City Treasurer, Moil fonl, Oregon, July 1. 115. Notice Is hereby given that thore are funds on hand In the city treas ury for the iiidomptlon of tho follow ing bends: Improvement Henda: No. OIIS, dated February 1, 1910. No. 0201 nnd 020i, duted August 1, lfilO. No. y IS to 0 HI Inclusive, dated August I, 1011. No. 1117, dated February I, 1911. No. 1030 to max, Inclusive, dated August 1, 19 is. Wntor-malu lloiuls No. Oiioa of Series "C", dated Au gust 1, 1910, Nns. 1 to 13, Inclusive, of Series "II". dated February I, I9I. ' Interest on tho above mimed bonds will reaso at tho next soinl-anuiial In t oi est paying porlod, August 1, 19 15. CITS II. 8AMUKL8, City Treasurer. Humorist Have you heard my new Ford cur wlieexo Friend That's funny, so does mine. AITO SICIIVK'IC PHOM KAfiliH POINT TO .MKIHOim AXI HACK The miiiersliined will leave Frank Lewis' confectionery every day ex cept Sunday for Medrnrd with his auto at 1 o'olwk p. m., arriving at 2 p. in. I.eavM Nash hotel, Medford, at r. p. in., arrtvo at ICagle Point at 0 li. in. A part of the traffic Is solicit ed. X. II. IIMl.NISII. ICagle Point, Ore. Cim Cluing China Herb Storo lleili Ciiie for l.'ai'iiclie, Headache. Calanli, lllpllilbeibi, Sou Tlncml, I liling iKiiilile, I inner, Kidney Trouble, Stoinacli Tiouble, limn t ! Tniiible, Ciillls nml I'eter, (Vamps, Coughs I'ihip CiiTiilalloii. Cur. IiiiimIi, Tiiiiioi-s, CiiLihI llreasl, Cim nil Kinds of (ioltro XO OPKItATION. To Whom It Msy Cenpern: I am free from rhepmatlsm. You can be the same taking treat meals from dim Chung, the hero doctor. My l riKHim-lism was so bad taht It made me so weak I could scarcely get op when I was down and the pain I suf fered one could hardly know unless u the same disease I was truly dUtfuilailad and dissected with ! Ufa In my condition and trying to live. ,No to any friends that rare to ba cured and would like to be free try toe herb doctor, lie can our tataly relleva la a very short time. Vary trulv years. MUS. M L KOLK. ttiLI I'MOXT Sin -lUHFUIIH, OltK. Location of principal placo of bus-' Iness: San Francisco, California. I Notice Is hereby given that at n1 iiieotliiB of the directors held on tho 29th dny of June, 1910, an assess ment (.No. 1) ot Thirty Cents per shuro was levied upon tho capital stock or the coriioratlon, payable 1m- mediately to the Secretary at tho or - ueeoi ino corporaiion. .o. i;u Lent - estlorff Street, San Francisco, Califor nia. Any stock upon which this as sessment shall remain unpaid on Sat urday, the 7th day of August, 1915. ulll be delinquent and ndvertlsed for sale ut public auction, and, unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturda.t, the 2lli day of August, 111 I."., at the hour of 12 M., to pay tho tellniient assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sole. Dated, June 29th, 19in. AI.KX J. IIOSHOKOUHH, Secretary or California-Oregon Power Company. Office: t:tl l.eldosdorrr Street, Snu Fijpnclseo, California. 97 von uk.vi Mi.sum.iaxi'.ou.s FOIl HUNT Storo room In anmott Coroy Illdg., fronting on Orapo St., Also most doslrublo otflcus, reasonable. Host of aervlco. L. L. Oathcart, Itoom U19, Phono 107. FOK ltKN3 nnuait? KOIt HUNT Furnished bungalow; close In. SOI South Central. FOU UKNT 5-rooni niodurn houso, hard-wood floors, full commit basu ineiit. Phono 270W. FOK NAMV- MVinmjCK FOU SALIC Jersey cow, Just fresh, and calf. Holmont Orchards, C. Fitch, Prop. 8. FOU SALIC Fresh cow, calf one week old. Phone It-UX. J. W. llounr. 88 FOU SALIC Iteil Polled hull calf; pure bred Durou Jorsuy spring pigs; polo mountain buggy, good as now. Palmer Iuvoatinent Co., Modoc Orchard, FOIt SAU'.-.-Mlftc'ICM.A.MtOU.S FOIl SALIC -One electric" fair$S.r.O; one oak dining table $12.50; com bination book case and desk $0.0u. Phone I23-.I2, 2Jt X. Orange. 89 FOU SALIC Cheap, a two py 1 1 ml or runabout In good repair. Just overhauled. luiiilre at Medford Oarage. sp FOIl SALIC- Sandwich hay baler with horse power, excellent condi tion, cheap. Phone it. A. Pierce, Central Point. H9 FOU SALIC Centrifugal pump, 8 Inch stream, with all eoaeutlons and some oxtru pipe; will Irrigate 100 acres. Tills pump will 'draw sand, gravel or water. Phone 98 1 -L or call al 200 W. Main, olty. FOU SALIC KKAIj F-STATH FOIt SALIC -Five room furnished bungalow, east side. Must be sold ruTsli at once. Willing to make big sac rifice. Phono 13-X. HICLP WAXTKIl MALIC WAVI'LI) cliunN I'.iik. v at Hampton or Plume ION III. WHY? IT IS YOFIt lU'KIXICSS TO SliWC .MIC necauso my slock m trade Is to dave optioned at tho lowest cash price tho best buy in this oounty. 1 haw been ou tuu ground look ing out for )ou for the past five years. Nearly ovoryday i have In vestigated some "good thing." I have olimliiated everything oxuept those deals which I am convinced will se luro me satisfied eustoinore. in a few hours time 1 can give you the ueueflt of this research, it la my business to show you ovar tua county and Introduce you Is the possibllitlae and opportunities here, tkie Med furd first and J. G. BARNES Itooiii -Ol, Firt National Hunk Illdg, a. rn.u nter tank ror wagon o. J. II. Carkln, or Phono 14SX evenings. FOK lCA.UMA.'xmi , FOR KXCIIAN'flK Will nxnlmneo proporty corner South Onkdalo and ' 1 Tenth for Portland proporty. Cl.i ! Townsnnd. fifi Fnlon Ave. Porl- land- Oregon. 91 MOXHY TO LOAN TO LOAN $."000 to loan on linnrov oil property, city and orchard prop-i erty not doslred. Address Dux so, Medford Mull Tribune, ' i TO LOAN- Have $2.'i0(i to loan upon ' ruiicii property. l. S. Tinny, 2 Hi (lariiett-Ctiroy Illdg. I.OS'l LOST Hither In Ashlnnil or between Ashland nnd MedTord, Pauaum hat. Flndor plonso return to Mall Tri bune and receive reward. 91 LOST Short khaki coat. Finder notify Jack's Oarage. S7 LOST Soiuiiwhcro between Medford and Kolly'a Island on lloguo lllver road Sunday, promutlably near Dodgu Hlvorsldo ranch,' grip containing my fishing outfit, clothes, wading 'shoos, reels, fly books, loader box, files, otc. Howard for return to 0. Putnam, Mall Tribune office, Medford. IIUHINICKK IllUt-.CTOUX Attorney POUTICU J. N1CFF, WM. : MKALrJl AttornoyH-at-Luw, lloonis 8 una 9, Medford Natlonul Hnuk hldg. A. H. UICAMHS, LMVYHUUarnott Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg. Ceoigo M. Itoborti COLVIU & ItOillCIlTH. LAWyiCllS- Medford National llnnlt ilulldlug II. F. MULKUY & OICO. W. 011KHU1 Attorneys at Law. Jackson Conn tyjlank lliilldlng. A n to r,ii,piic ' LAIIKH AUTO SPItlNQ CO. W aro oporutlug tho Inrgoat, oldoit and host equipped plant la tho Pa cific iiorthwost. Uflo our wprlngi whon others fall. Sold under giinr. atitoo. 20 North Fiyeoutb Ut. Portland, Oro. Collectioiw mill Itepoits COLLICCTIONS AND It IC POUTS - Wo pollupteil some aeoouiita 14 yeara old. We know how to got the money. The Mullock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Itooms 1, 2, 3, Has-! nins' mug. -'Hi ic. .Main St. Dciuista UK. W. M. VAN BUOTOO Dlt. O. C. VAN HCOYOO Illdg., sulto III Uedford, Oro. Phono 860. Kinployiiioiir Aguncy icMPI.OYMICNT AUrCXcV Wo'wish everybody to know that tho Old Ho liable Ulttuor Ileal ICstate mid (Cm ploiiii'iil ageuoy, will got yotit help, find you employment, rent your house or sell your hind. Mrs. J. S. Clark, manager successor Itooms 0 and 7, Palm Rldg., Med ford, Ore. NEW TODAY Would you like to own a hundred acrei of flrnt class ulf.iUa la Central Calitoriila" If so get right after this offer. Will exchange II for a bearing on-hard, pi eft r nvars, up to $15,0UO. uud let tho balance run as a olau ou the alfalfa, which Is clear now. Tho price la $300 per acre. Or perhaps ou would want a flue dairy ranch In the edge of ltuswell. N. M. I have. a very full description f one of 1 acres there, and tho party will tuke a Medford reeldewee m an exchange. The five and a halt acres of paars. with good bouse and barn, la still for trade for a bouse in Medford. C. D. T-IOON Jscksou Count Bank Huluiiag DK. A. H. HKDQKS, Dr. LouIbo 13. Hodges Mochano-Thoraplats, Chiro practors, Spondylothors.ilsts. Those systotns, Including dietetics, curs tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy, etc., produco results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion freo. Ovor Douol & Co., cor ner Main and HartloU. Hours U a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by, appointment. Phono 170. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norvo spoclallst Rooms 203-204-20S, Onrnett-Uorey btdir. Vapor baths and Hcloutlflc massngo glvon; naodlo uprny, head and ohotildur shownr.lu connection; ndvlco In dtotctlc.s, mudlcal gynmastlci, hydropthnrnpy. Lady attendant. Phono, offlco ri43, losldnuco nil -It, .I-- - - -3 Knglncer niut Contractor Fulcr)N."cUMMl contractor, 404 M. F. & II Uldg. Surveys, cattmntos, irrigation, drainage orchard nnd land im proomont Qarimg aAUHAOB Got your promises cleaned up for tho summer. Call ou tho city garbage wantons for good service Phone 274-L. r, Y. Allon. Instruction In Musto HAiailT MUSIC STUDIO Itoom 401, fiarnotl-Coroy Illdg. Fred Al. ton llnlght Piano, Mrs. Florencs litilllday Halght, voice Phono 72. I'hyeslciuns ana rrurgeous DIt. F. O. OAIILOW, Dlt. KVA MAIN8 OAIILOW Ostoopathls phyolclans, 41C-417 aurnott-Corsy bldg., phono 103G-L. lletldoncs 20 South Laurel BL DK. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physlolaiis, 303 Uarnett-Uorer, building. Phono 904-M. DIt. J. J. ICMMKNS Physician sad surgoon. Practico Umltod to eyo, ear, noso and throat. yea scion tlflnally tested and glasses sup-, piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S, P. It. It. Co. Offlcoa M. F. & II. Co. Illdg., opposite P. O. Phono GC7. B. U. 1MCKI2L, M. D. Offlco Jack sou County Hunk bldg. Offles phono 43-U; rosldonco phono C8-K. DU. It. W. CLiXNOY Physician and surgoon. Phones, offlco 30. reil donco "724-J. Offlco hours 10 U 12, 2 to 6. DU. S. A. LOCKWOOD DU. MYUTLIS S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 309-310-311, M. F. & II. Uldg. Phouoa residence, S14-J2. office. ?!!-- Notary Public ilKLWN "n." YOCiiuC Y Mtary""put) lie. Ilrlug your work to mo at th slyn or the Mull Tribune. Printer nnO. Ptilillstiers IllCDFOltD PUINTINO CO has th bout uciulpped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose loaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North -,r nt. Sou lug .Machines SICWINC. MACHINES routed, sold or repaired. Agency Singer Sewing machine . for.. Southern Oregon. Headquarters with MetUord Furl, ture and Hardware Co. C. A. Chapman. Shoo Hcpiitiing SHOB UBPAIUINO First class suo repairing, on modern electrls miichlnes whllo you wait. R. N, Iilden, looated in Kldd's Sho Store. Phono 313J. 'J'rmi n rem HADM TUAN8FBU STQUAtlK VO. Office 4 2 North Front St. Phons 316, Prices right. Service guar iff teed TyiMmritors una Nuppllcvi, fYPiwiiiTKlrtV"ANo"sin' Xaw Keailuglon, Smith Premier and Monarch typewriting, adding and siibiracligg ntaehlnes, rebuilt; uiscl.iinii for cash or oasy pay. spent. Mucin ni- for rent, ribbons and siiiMilx oi U I fuels, sluiplo re Mlrs fr ut . ii.trKe. Iliiger Usnnftt, lu Quince St.. phoacj 838-11. ... , &