Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    - WIJVW-
r&i&y 00
TUrand Mrs". W. If- Searlo returned
Sunday evening from Ban Francisco,
whore tr. flearjo has been working
temporarily th pa?t Jnonlh fn'Uio
homo ofIco of tho power !ohipany.
JIo linfiMieori permanently transferred
M will niofn, to OaWamlwl'tli tl0
family tho coming vert. .
"' Velrct !c cream at Do Voo'8.
"WatOT, Supr)ntonflnt 0. ', jVrnn
plgor unB reUirncrf 'irom a' tour of
Inspection of Fish lakn and tho city
hitake: . . M ' '
' TJio Mcdford Vulcanizing works are
now vulcanlztnc punctures at,2fic.
William J. IJrynn, formor secretary
of rtate, and leading ponce cxhorter
of tho world will paM through Mcd
ford nnout tho tntddlo of July nn route
to oSattlo and Portland from San
Francisco where he will visit tho 191T.
fair. Ho will leave hi home nt Lin
coln, Xoiirnska, Wednesday of thin
week for the roast. Theodore lloono
velt and William Howard Taft, ex
presldent will also paM through Med
ford tho coming month.
Ret flltQrdjniio1Jnp from tho Itcd
filter a Garnbtt-CoryV
Prof. N. At Jacolis and wife of Jtlv
orsldo, (Jal.,nro vlsltlnif with tho fam
ily of J.t) Jacobs lu thin city. Mr.
Jacobs If a -foroter rotidont of thin
section. liavltiJ;J(auKli( for a number
of yonr In the Medford school, and
wan county clork about fifteen years
Son Dave Wood about that flro In
surance policy. Office Mall Tribune
The Medford baseball team will
play Orants Pau In thli city Saturday,
and Hub Pornoll will pitch for the
visitors. Pornoll In mill burning from
Uio lambastlns; he received at tho
liandi of tho locals two weeks ago,
when ho was all but hammered out of
tho box In a batting rally. Pornoll
Is looking for revenue. About 200
(frants Pass roolora aro expected to
accompany tho team to this city, un
der tho guidance of MnmiKor K U
Horne-made pastry at Tho Shasta.
' ll(ds hotfo beon called for by tho
fjran,t Pas-Croscont City railroad for
thOBUpPlylng'of 1C.000 ties. Hid will
bo' open until"' Jiily 8. Tho"eall Is
Issued by ChLuf. JJugncor. W. W,
All trimmed hats and shapen half
price. Miss I.oiinbury nt M. and M.
fDopt. Store. SG
Doiit Ittdjir of IhlsoitJr. jvljo' utart
!cd thn'soafon tf1thth Venice loam
of the Coast league. Is now plr.ylng
ishorthiop with Tucson In tho Hlu
(irulule lyncno'. In h game, fit Tucson
last Wednesday ho drovo out four
hits In four times at bat. and accept
ed elKht rhanrpa without an error.
Dr. M. C. narbor, Palm block,
Hours 9 to 4. Phone: Oftlco 110;
fibtno U0J2.
Chief of Police Hlttson and Ser
geant Pat Meno offlctalljr burlrnl the
hatchet and shook hands In tho pollen
station Monday night In tho pretence
of Mayor ICwerleV Tho mectlna; was
arranged so the two men could get
together. The Incident Is now an
cient history.
Pop corn Crlspettes at lie Voe's.
Col. QwirgA P, ,Mlm of Seven Oaks
has coinplfctefiy recovered from hU
attack of heart failure Saturday, and
culled on friends In this city Monday
Do Voe carrlsa tho best' lino of
fire cent eluora lit tho eity.
. Charlt Simpson ef 'V" IUue I.edge
district U spsntllhj; a fsw das In the
city oh Business,, ef report ths blue
Jays to we thicker than usual lu that
Mellon, and that the birds aro rob
blag the itsts of quails and grouse,
causing a heavy da mag. 11 also
says that the ants are thick. Simp
son favors a five cent bounty for
every bluJay kilted, sad forest fires
to xlerraUaU? Ui ants.
Hewe-iHnde. pastry at tho Shasta.
Charles Ityan of 8tesmtMat Is
avtt4Uui a few days In the city at
tending to ImmIhmm matters.
ChBMlltSW. ! frHHts lb. D Voo's.
11. p. Mclirlds. hv. W V Shields
of l Prbyirlan rbureh, and Cor-
OMJ J)kH A- I'""- "' wndinK tb
day nshlng on Hogu river
MsrchanU' Lunch, t&c. The Shasta.
The AthWWto Aftrasitod lh lsMn
rtbn.s9 ttsi 3Ullt less ue on th
Holly iri grounds Monday ulnht.
by a seor of 8 to 1.
Jghprty Milt. ho ktistalned an In
jnjHSd knH tap In'tbx baseball game
at HornbrtKik 8unda. Is able to be
about ma pfcfiwV-s.
Krssji yoa'sll VMUts at D Voe's.
Much local Interest was manifested
Monds In ts boat races on the Hud
sou, the snowing of sUuford against
Cornell t lug a surprise.
Kodak flnloblng and supplies at
Wgntog's Camera Wsop. OpposlW
llWk Store.
Ilgd Aaderon former pride of
Mddfard now in Pendleton for a
1'eurtli of Jb '"". will motor to
thlrf oily-!' M "'other asd slater
In August en runtt- 14 Crater Mk I
WMMh or 'ul'l Wnl, lie par
bottlo at D V o.
Col. II. C Washburn of Table Hock
spent Monday afternoon nnd evening
In Medford on business.
J. O. Gerking, tho best all around
photofjrnphGr In Bou'thern Oregon.
Always reliable. N'cgatfvea made ahy
whore, tlmo or place. Studio '228
Main St. Phono "atfo-J.
A horse and htiggy belonging to
tho Nash livery ntable Wat stolen
from Main street by on unknown thief
Monday morning. , The sheriff's of
fico Is looking 'for" tho offe'ndhr.
Parties makfng trip id San Fran
cisco by nuto'wmild llke'iw'o entlo
mon paflBengers. Phone J19-P.
Miss Grace llnnnlngton or ltoeburg
Is visiting friends and relatives In
tilts' city for a fen- days
Deputy pislrlct Game Ward"n Sam
San'dry niid 'dame Warden alker
of Ashland are In tho city tddsy nJU
tonalng, to official business.
The Key C. K Dodge of a local
church mission was alvin notice by
the city through Moar ICmerlck that
no sorvfeii would lie allowed tn the
city park. Iter. Dodge and his fol
lowers held a meeting In the jwrk
Sunday evenlna. The city holds that
the park Is for rest, and snoozing.
On hot summer days and ovenlngs,
and that frequenters of the same do
not care to be disturbed by exhhorta
Henry Callaghan, owner of tho St.
Alban group of claims In tho nine
LedKe district, will arrive In the city
today to spend tho Fourth of July
with friends and relatives. '
Misses Waive Jacobs and Josle!
Lowe of Klamath Falls, who have
been visiting friends nnd relatives In
Ashland, will return to Medford to-
lhyto visit friends.
Lookouts In tho forestry service
will take their stations July 1. In
the applegnlo district lookout duly
will bcfiln nt onco as the timber Is as
dry as powdor. In tho higher Nova
tion tho lookouts will take their
stations between the tenth and fif
teenth of the nlonth
.1 '
Jamneie of the eilv have ub
ijcriliuil 4U1 lor the Fourth of July
eelelinilion in thin city, mill n check
for that amount hits been mnilc out
hy Maru, lender of Ihe Juianee col
ony, lo Mayor V. J. Kmenek. The
check Will lie irlelltl'il to lilt? ItOUiJ
of the city lliirf ufternoon. Kuch Hint
every milijcet of tliu inikmlo within
Ihe liorponilo liinils Atg n-cox-oil to
riiake-iiufrthti total. .Mnrii explained
tiftl nxttire". to tritiirtlielul stringency
nmunK.lii? eottnlnnlfli limy were
ftlile tojvo no mhre.
Th(AMponee ir tin? eity, a fur
ther o'tWiico of llitir loyalty, will
all vcflYnHK firlhelr hutlunliole
iiiMut ihe fiirih of the nation. Thev
will hold a 4innll eelelimtiou of tlit'ir
own, at which fireerneko'r mul Hie
Amerienti lint; with a fcaxt will lie
Uio priiiciatl fVntiiro. The .Ihmii
i e children will take the leading
nut in (hit (K-eaiini.
Thi? Hertinnir of I'iiihIh waa unilor
the direction of S. Muni, xteward of
the Vnferltv i!ul. aniVxeert'lnrv f
the .niiie-e a-.iieintUii of the
Kou'He Itiver vofltv.
r,)Htinguihcf citizen- and husi
nc" men of China, who are Muilying
hiHinex (iwiilitiiiitrt itt America, hy
virtue of an imi'Hr edict, pnwd
(liroiigh iMedford tni- inorjiinjf in
jieeial timh ami were entertained by
the Ai-liluinl anil .Medford Commeiv
i ,
cial cliiji". Tie part.v yH tikep over
Ihe orclmnl district of the Hogile
River valley and through the re-f-ilence
ilixtriet of .Medford. Thev Were
alio driven -er the scenic iouleTWnl
at Ashland.
Chnnr Clienjr llsiin, the "John D.
Rockefeller oT Cliinn," noted n
chninnnn of the fouty. wjiieji iai n
CliniiK C'lieiiir IItin, chninnnn; ('hi
Cheh Nieh, vlpc-i'liiifrninn; Davit Z.
T. Yni, honorary secretary;" t.'linn
.im I'ak, silk merchant; Chen Slietu.',
Ineijuer ttiitl Cloi-onne; Chii l.eche,
secrctnn' ( lnnee t unmoor t t urn-
rnerce; Hnuiig Ycmpei, vice-jircidenl
of the Kilucational ris(icItition ol
Kiangsu province; Kunir Sing 3Iing,
nmcliiiiery mnnufuctuier; .lomcx II.
Lee. importer nnd e.xjiorter; L. Linng
Yi IIiiiiii, mine owner; Finn Chnsoiu,
cotton merchant Sun Kiinnlnn, ngri-
cultural I'otnniishioner; R. C. Tbomat
Sze, coal merchant; Wong t Kwonj?,
ship builder; Woo Chni Chnng, seCre-
larv ministry of agrieulturo; Z. 1. k.
Woo, Ilnnyaug iron ami steel work;
Yu INieh Soo'Chow, ten merchant.
Resides, in the party nro Chung
.Ming Ying, Sino Jlintt Tunn ami
Kung Antnng, personal Kccretn'ries to
the commissioner; R. Atwood Rohiii
son, American honornry ndviser to
the ministrv of agriculture, apd sev
oral jmerienns of the J-tnte nnd com
merce department mid (he ilntinnrt
clinmher of commerce.
LONDON, June 20, 2..4 p. m.
Walter Hume Lo,ng, pre-ident of Uio
rcfri.stnition hiirau, today inrotuc
c!l in the lioite of comiiinim u hill
for the oom)in don of a national reg
Isjer, the olnec.l of Vrhirh he said was
..l i.. ..'.,.. lil 1....
inn iv envrrr luijur. inn 111 fi-iui-
eoinjiIMe inforiimlinn ri-iurilim; the
rifinjces of'lhe country and Jo eu
nhle thfiii to j e.ilifaclorilv organ
ized. The inensuro ceks (o elnsil'v all
jiorions below (lie age of fl.'i and to
a-cortnin the praaent oeeiipatiou ami
dlrVelfoii wlierein fcen'tr-e enli he ren
dered bv e'ti'ch. ' ' '
In itiire'iluejne: the liil Mr. Long
said in juMifieation for national leg
islation Ihiil if' was the pnnimount
duty df nil trthriiur to the help of
the stale the org;nnic! service of or
erv class nnd Vhirfmuuity.
There Would !$ a comniilsorv re!-
istrntlnn of (ho"ieopit of the coun
try, llolh mule mul female, between
Ihe iigo of J.'j and ti'i nnd cvervoiie
would he nsked to e)l Jiis nge nnd
present employment and to volun
teer for iiny .special form or em
ployment other Omn thai on which
he itetnnlly was" engaged.
More than .J00,0U) has heen spent
for the alleged enlistment of recruits
lor the Britili annv'ln and henr Snn
Frnneisoif, feilc'ml nuthbrltios said
today. Kvidencp gathered recently
during the.hqnrings of tHi' 'tedernl
grand jurj'. at work on1 the case,
showed that ' Iritii nKetitn worked
nt the Aririy ami Ndvy Yotiny Men
Christian nssoelatirtn liendiiuarters
here, socking to enlist recruit , it is size to have been In sm-h a condition
s.iiil. I submerged In either a jsltllng or a
Ilylrtg position In the bath tub that had
been produced in cour.i.
Replying to counsel for the pris
oner, Dr. Spllzbttry declared that with
the amount of water that was in the
tub It would not have been difficult
to drown a peraon forcibly.
. LONDON, June 29. In the trial
of Qeorge Joseph Smith, charged with
the murder of three wives who died
In their baths, D'r, Spllzligry.'n noted
pathologist, today gave expert testi
mony of the varying effects of a sud,
den fit or fainting spell upon'n jmjthoii
In a liatli. In t'ho case o'r Alice lllirii
ham one of Smith's three .brlllea,
Dr. SpllzburB declared, l .woulil'haVe
been imposslbhr for a person of her
.v -Z
'. f- "n
.WASHINGTON, Juno 29.Justlce
McCoj In the district supremo court
tou'o) postponed until October his de
cision In the suit of the Rlggs Na
tional bank to enjoin Secretary Mc
Adob and Comptroller Williams from
retaining IfiJOO Jro mtho bank's In
terest on goffr.nijient 'bonds as a fine
LARKIK). Texas. June 20 An un
official iuvMtlgatloii of reports that
foodstuffs have been luiKrted from
Mexico City, sold to the American
Red Cross and nt back to Mexico
for free distribution, brought to light
today oal) oho case of that kind,
t uas kMiratal that about a month ago
a car of beans was Imported from
Mvxicv via Itagle Pass. Txas, shipped
hsr uml latar lurchsl by tho It ml
Croon aad distributed frn In Mxl-
she closes zinc
Mines at joplin
JOPLLN, Mo.. Jaae li -Virtually
all the IrfiKd sine mlueii of th Webb
CltyCartcrvtlle district rwwaliuNl
closed todav whilr 3.000 nitaors r
fused to tfork us less given sh la
cras In waves. The Mn HialRtaia
tkat because of the high prise which
the operators are gstitag for tb
metal, the worker should bsve mort
Farmer nnd orchnrdists of the
valley, have culitcil thu aid of tho
game whViJclTrniirhiltg,lntlo,epri'
diilioim of",'ilnjj'vMml other wild lint
nmls. Last nfShlTiv 1rces in one
orolmrd, Vgnj stijppel of Imih uuti
Dtljuil' -Diitlrielanie Warden Jam
Siiiulry 'iiiiiT piii'uO Npinteii Wnlkqr
are trying to discover the nature of
the animal. Their clue is ti hunch of
huir.gitci to the end of a (wig, fn-m
which pitch had flowed. Opinion is
lividci whether it wa a mreupine
or it deer. Thev are inclined (n be
lieve 11 was a porcupine," as no
(racks were left.
People living in the foothill di
tricis report that (heir crops have
received visitation from wilt beast -i
ami lia( lieir com am wheat has
has siiffertMl lis a result. Tlmv claim
(he deer are hungry uou Tor jtrcen
growths, lit other sections no deer
have at lacked the orchards, hut it i
fearcil they will. Jack rohhits are
ulo blamed lor cnuwint: the bark of
yunc (ret.
Deer aiul hear are m i-oi t.-.l more
plentiful th.iii u-ii il tb- "--.i-"!!
Jjr not making certain peclal reports,
Tho bank's iiit j w'hjcli 'ajj jged that
the Hecretary.Fahil comiAtoiler had
conspired to wreck tho bank because
of personal anlmiiB attracted wldo attention
WASHINGTON, June 29 Sending
pars of tho cargoes of tho American
kteamers Zaconna nnd Portland to
the prUe court by the HrltlMi author
ities Is n surprise today to state de
partment officials, who understood
the ships lia'd been released. ' The art
(Ion adds to the complicated waio of
canes of selsure In which the dart
meat U endeavoring to uld Aiuerban
biiplBg Intciests.
Complalnta from Imiwirterx con
limit to reach the department In
Israe numbers.
POMTI.AXD, Jui.e '.HI. All vrode.
of flour tlrupi-sd JU cents ier bpriv)
hen? IihU. Patents was minted at
i.$iti. Thi- i Ihe thud rtsliu turn in
e lt ihrt-c eck, a lolal timii of
GO fciit h in; recorded.
Portland Livestock Market
l'OIITUN'l); June aS. CattV
higher. ' Keeelpts 112ff. " Ste.r
chtdee $7.00(i 7.2ft: $6.'.ti
0.7.; utedutra, .$U.2i(8.aD; t.w
choice. Kl.enPU.Sfl: gixwl, $:. 7"
R.IM); uiedimu, Jfi.'iVtl VV.V) ; hciter,
choice, ih.USl75; Jtopd, $-V7n c
0.'-; bulls; choice. f1.7-lfcm
tatfs, ekolee, $"0.oO((i lt..V ; '"
Ilocw Steady. HeceipU 'Iti
Prime Ufkl. $7.05(i 7.SD: choi.v, ., .
diitHi. $7.1W?7..V1; tuf. 7.MH' 7 .
runcH, ?.0(r.7S.
3ho- Steady. Bcceints lss"
Chote sprinir btntb-.. $0.VIi7M
comma sftHst lawns. S-YMfti ti '2'
entde veHins. $.V2Vi'Y.V; guui
yearlisfo. $4.7.Vu.V'M: .0.1 wethers.
.V2.Vi?Vd; eh.ii.e 14' hi ..-. 1 V
ivi.TS; d ew.-. t iWHrt-1 ?-. ,
Cuiuuiuu licaw rf., f J J!m .1 7
NEW YORK. JUnoCanadlan
Pacific was '(hoMeaWc of today's
dealings oii the jriloqk 'exchange, de
clining o- tp rjrdn ivernlgnt Jois
of three jiolntn.isml fhe'Mbvfesl price
since 1908 or a( any time since Its
return of ten per cent dividend. Bell
ing of Canadian Pacific haa'been more
or loss persistant since the outbreak
of the war, the stock having been a
prime factor In the Berlin market.
Doubt retarding thu maintenance
of the present rate of dividend has
boen one of the chief factors In the
stock's weakness. Poor statements of
tho road for months havo been an
equnlly depressing Influence. The
statement for MdV'shows a net loss of
Ili'io.OOO and the net 'decline at the
eleventh, month of the ffucaj jtar now
excee'tls $S.O0d.uti0.
a sTitovc i:nik)1kii;nt
W. II. Holmeof tho'JJecorah. la.,
Journal, says, "1 have been a suffer
er from piles and hemmorholds for
years. I got no rejfef until my drug
gist recommenitea .Mernoi rue ueine
dy. llefore I had taken half the
package the distress w'as gono and I
havo had uo trouble since. I would
not tako a thousand 'dollars and bo
back Jo my former condition." Has
kins pniR Store,' exclusive agency.
Denton county co-operative asso
ciation paid ' per cent dividends
since .nunr 1
bbbbwVWsM: nssRirsnl
bbsbW fT,l nrntsssi
sssaf' limsimill
(fr'V''.Viv ' V) ' M
bbbL iMtr--iBj"k sf'sssl
P. !i jiitlt tj against my
x,.f n u i-PTOMlTIZIST'
1U . l'.'lt.SRh
Mtbluuii, - . . OUBOON
WKLLINGTON. N. 7... June 29, via
London. Premier W. F. Massey an
nounced In parliament today that the
Now Zealand government was prepar
ed to form a national military min
istry until tho close of the war with
a view to concentrating the whole
energies of tho country In the pros
ecution of hostilities, Sir Joseph Ward
leader of tho opposition, asked time
In consider the proposal.
BERLIN', Juno 20.- Dr. Von Belli.
mnnn-Hollwcg, tho German imperial
chancellor, ami Gottlieb Von Jngow,
the German foreign minister, return
ed to Berlin today from Vienna,
where they had been in conference
with (ho' lending statesmen of Aus.
trin-llungnry. Both think that iiu-1
irifthia will remain neutral.
HOCHKSTKR, X. Y., June ').
Archbishop James E. Quigley of (In
i ago was reported todav to he nip
idlv sinking. The, prelate has been
unconscious since, early (his morning,
nnd lillle hope is enteriitined for In
recovery. it i understood he is suffering
from nn njioplcptio stroke.
Other coffe( roi irrs cannot
hlldeMtibiHibw Gerr.tait mer
Knti,an,ut ,,! d tui .,' t'1
biggest saving l- In getlin.' cof
filufc ti rtuVodnstiirtflf-sJIOXo CI
per cent under tho. exiljflw
coffcA- ?out?. Tfvacuil'oro-A
1-lb. tin,. ,....., - "'
.".-Hi. tin ' "!
We Must Have
Butter Fat
Highest Market
Price Paid
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Milk
Upbuilds svery psrt of the body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over for
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dlssol vein water.
Agrees when other foods often fail, i
Sample free, HORUCK'S, Raein; Wu.
9"No Substitute la"JustasGood"
- a rioni.icfy'5, tno original
Tlie White Velvet
'Ice Cream Co.
T ,. .l
H2 S. rcntral
Transferred to Frisco.
nnd on ncccount of freight, drange undtoiivjj1, Mill u
good fichnnf piano. Iiuest tone .10l); fil.'i.Oll duyu, lmiui):e
your way. ItlJ-l 1-Vinl, A-l conilitioit. WO.HO e.tlni,8ri.
AJso dinting -ct, iteheiieahinet ilri'ssrrn, lijimry, tnlile,
roekeni, nigs. ' Niivi.-rOOm cottage with sleeping porch
fo? 'relit cheap, thJ-c'lVikj Ironi flarnet-t'oroy'liuililinf
wireir elect neitv thffitigliodt,' with elisMrie inngej water
houtern, .tirhrater'foinle'half price or will M)icierntui.v
Sljri.dll ditiioustratiir motor whoel biku booster timl hrand
iVew".'JtlJ).ilrt liiku for 'jjef Hltl, including iip-nev entire-'
.liieksou eiiuutv. (looil pro-ieets. Above for snld twtrtbiv
only. ' . .n i "i
Have You
Your Grocer
- " --T11
M S r i
For Country Seryice
And long-, hard trips. Competent elimiffeiirs, easy
riding cars.
We also operate the Crater Lake auto line from
JTiily 1 to October 1. Auto stage leaves Medford for
Crater Lake on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Special trips can he arranged to leave on any day.
TJoad information bureau in connection. Office
and stand at the Crater Lake Motor Car Co. Oarage.
Phone KK). .
' 0
s an ass n asc am ) Sacs i
Ms I. Ilium, Mnnae rnmir il 'tit
Bet. Sudor anil Uutli
IIillillVfiTff- I
1 1 1 iilNlniJUdatt0vPR,'I
A moJnn, fiie-proof, up-to.Jle Holi-I,
5 locilrd in the cenlt r ol rvrrlhuig and on
adirrct line lothe Exjwulion Gtoundi.
DttachcaDath private Bath
M.QO, 11.50 ilngle J150.W00 ilagle
I J0 Koa, U &JU CrJort-l.ny Conw,,, J
Front TtuiJ J Tnnd ft. D.!. t,V, tr I
c.o. I5ei lb. t-inml-.tirlileSollfiN ru b-i
b 41 Krtrny S , WtNhilt U.k Noril, Or
Take a "l,nlverl, Uu direct to Hotel I
Suggestions for Summer
Where To Go
Tillamook Seashore Resorts
Wonderful scenery, dense
forests, entlcintr trout
stream?, mll- and miles
of glorious tand) beach.
Special Low Round Trip Fares
from all points with long
limit Dally and week
end trains.
Ak fur further particulars anil ropy of Noket
'SvaMmix? Tllliuiuxtk Oiuiit)'."
i i
Summer Excursions Eat
Hound trlpvllerets to Kant-
ern destinations via Cali
fornia ultli stop-overs in
either direction to visit the
Expositions on sale dally
from all point..
1'till Information from ncait's.t nKctit.
You can stop-over at Shasta Springs
A Delluhtftil Seaside, llctieat
Rvory chnrm for an out
door vacation. Surf bath
ing, lulling, boating and
pleasant social recreations.
Special Low Round Trip Fares
SeaMiii Wcok Ku'il Siuiilay
Dally Train aervlco and
special Sunday Kxnirslons.
Ask neaiv.-l agent, for py of lxxiUlct on NYuport
California's Expositions
A world V Marvel Kverv.
1 thing cohii'lete The great
est event of the IVutury,
Special Low Round Trip Fares Daily
Splendid train service, at
tentive naiploje. tj'lvlU
ltl scenery AsV for book- '
let "Caltrbrnla and its Two
World ttxpfttUtous" a4
"WajaWe Nots $ksu Rot."
Oar Agents will bejglad ta furnish full particulars la regard to any of th above outings ias maktt
ruserratlans. ovtRne our trip or Rive jou Interesting literature or the various piaros yomttm VMt
Ask for our folder "Oregon Outdoors."
Joliu M. Scott, Ccu. rs. gent, t'orUjuiil, Orvfcoi)
i (T- I