Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ifil nnTnuro
i .
The ladles of tho .Methodist church
mot for their monthly Home Coming
laBt .Wednesday nftcrnoon. Tho pres
ident, Mrs. McNary, Is VIsIIIdb her
mother In Michigan, and Mrs. Wiley
nctod as chairman for the business
mccllng. Tho usual reports woro
given and shonvil that good work Is
being dorto by ccry clrclo and de
It wan docldid that the meeting
for the month of July bo held In tho
evening and tl.nt It bo in tho form
of an Ice cream toilal. Tho chair
men of tho various circles wero ap
pointed as a committee to moot with
tho social president to arrango for
thlB affair. Other committees wore
appointed and Itov. Hawkins mado a
'short, encouraging talk.
Th6 East Sldo clrclo had chargo of
tho social hour and served tea and
wafors In tho basomont. They had
nlso arranged tho following program,
every number of which was good and
greatly enjoyed by all:
Piano Duot Mrs. Marsh and May
Heading, Helen Drown.
Piano Solo, Cathorlno Kdmcads.
Heading, Mrs, Hawkins.
Piano solo, May Llndloy.
Tho members of tho Groater Mod
ford club entertained at a o'clock
luncheon In honor of Mrs. John D.
Sherman, chairman of tho conserva
tion committee of tho Federation of
Women's clubs, at tho Mcdford Hotel
Friday afternoon.
After luncheon Mrs. Sherman gave
n short, but Interesting talk explain
ing tho meaning of tho conservation
ns li Is used by tho National Fedora-
tlon and tho purposo for which this
tlopartmont was created.
Mrs. Mundy, president of tho Great
er Med ford club, on behalf of tho
members, thanked Mrs. Sherman for
tho kindness In honoring them with
her presence and for tho very in
teresting and Instructive talk.
Mrs. Sherman Is on hor way to
Crator Lake returning to Mod ford
Monday, whon sho will continue hor
Journey to tho Panama-Pacific expo
Tho Woman's Auxiliary of tho Ilap
tlst church will hold n quarterly mis,
flionary social on tho lawn at tho
homo of Deacon Davis, 402 South
Central Wednesday evening, Juno 30,
at (5:.10 o'clock. All members of tho
church and congregation aro urged to
come and bring their lunch as this
will bo an excellent chance to get
ncqualntod and hear tho following
Vocal Solo Miss Fidcltis Moran
Personal Experiences Miss nacon
Solo, "Homeland for Jems
Mrs. Lewis Dennett
"Tho Highest Form of Sorvlco,"
Mrs. S. L. Honnott
Song", Make Mo u Channel of messing
HoadliiB Miss Olho Johnson
"Creating Missionary Interest,"
Hov. F. W, Carstens
Bong "Ho Lifted Mo"
T special invitation Is extended to
Miss Irina Dyer entortained a num.
lier of hor friends nt her homo on
Vancouver avenuo Friday afternoon,
tho occasion being hor birthday.
Various games wero indulged in,
nfter which refreshments wore served,
Tho invited guests were: Octa
vln Chllila, Zelma Iloborts, Zanta Hob.
crts, Verglo Meadows, Josephine
Llndloy, Druco Putnam, Fay Fryrear,
Jcanetto Hlchardson, Floyd Picket,
WHIard Pholan, Perry Gregg, Lothow
Meadows, Charlio Jackson, Waltor
Whlsonant, Huport Maddox, Ray
Fryrear, Louis Hlchardson and Worth
Mrs. J. H. English and daughter,
Margaret, left Wednosday for tholr
former homo in 'Trinidad, Colorado,
wh,oro they will spend tho summer
visiting friends and relatives. Thoy
will stop at tho exposition and visit
with friends at Denver en route.
Mrs. Edward Souttcr entertained
Lo Sanedl Club at her homo on North
Orange street tills afternoon. Mrs.
liondry'of Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs.
3'atterson of Dodge, Nebraska, who
aro visiting at tho home of Mrs. Sout
tcr were guosts of the club.
Tho Loyal Ordor of Moose gavo
another of their popular dances Tues
day evening in tho Moose hall. A
ery enjoyable time was had. Dane
ing was enjoyed until a lato hour
when refreshments wore served by
the ladlos.
lira. J. Pew of Hebron, Xol., i
vihiting Iter ilHuvktur, .Mn. T. C.
Wioks. Sing, l'uw ooU to visit the
exposition and Southern CHhfumia
tni route home.
Mrs. Godlove, 345 North Dartlett
entertained the W. C. T. U. Thursday
afternoon. Tho following program
wos enjeyed:
Song, Stand Up For Jesus.
Prayer, by Mrs. Hosa Flummlng.
Scrlpturo Lesson, .Mrs. 8. T, Leon
Paper, by Mrs. Hllcy D. Henson.
Vocal Solo, Miss Vol ma Woods.
Address, by Mrs. 8. L. Leonard.
Vocal solo, James Henson.
Paper, by Mrs. Woods.
Hecitation by Master Stanley Hicc
Special selection, read by Mrs,
Paper, selected, Mrs. Hosa Pouting.
Song, God Sayo tho State.
Instrumental solo, Miss Woods.
Drlcf talk on tho work, Mrs. C. P.
Mrs. Godloyo served dainty re
freshments assisted by Mrs. C. P.
One of the most enjoyalila mecl
inps this your of the Women's College
club w'ns held on Friday evening nl
tho home of Mrs. K. II. 1'nrlcr, mi
Soulli Onkilalc nvcuiie, when n re
ception whh tended Mrs. John I).
Shannon, clininnnn of the cont-erviip
Hon conmiitteo of tho Federation of
Women's Clubs. The roopis ,weic
transformed into n most licmttiful
bower, roses, daisies nml honey
suckle bcin;,' uf(l in deeoratiiiiiH.
Mrs. Khennnu gave n very intoresj
itifj nml instructive talk on the work
tho conservation committed is doinj;,
urging that tho places of natural
licnuty be preserved. Dainty re
freshments, consisting of iced cocoa
nml cakes, wero served. Mnnv
choice selections played on the
irrnphopliona added to the pleasure's
of the evening1.
The comrfillteo in "elm rue nouMsti'iI
of Mrs. J. 'ATorncv, chainimn: Mi.
K. II. Porter nml Mrs. Geo. lichee.
The Philuthen class of the M. E.
Sunday school was cntertnineil at tlio
Ijiiiiio of Mra. A. S. Hliton, WVdnes
day evening nt her home on West
Main street. Mrs. Hliton was assist
oil by 'Jfis's Jessie MonlolT. Aftijr
tho business meeting gntuus were
played on the lawn, which was nret
lily lighted with Jnnnncse lnnterns.
Punch whh bcrveil from a table on
the porch. '
Later in the evening nil gntlieicd
on a large rug nml told slories, af
ter which wienies, buns, coffee anil
pickles were served. About twenty
were present and n very plcaant
time was had by all.
General and Mrs. William Sooy
Smith entertained nt dinner at the
Country club Wednesday night in
honor of their sou Gerald's birthday.
following tho iliniier, bridge was
played. Those present included: Mr,
nml Mrs. S. Vilas, Mr. and Mrs. Lin
coin McCormnek, Mr. and Mrs. A.
I'onro Kiero, Mr. ami Mrs. Kobeit
Hnlil, Mrs. W. I,. Hollowny Miss
Louise Huike, Miss Miiivaicl Hub
bnrtl, K. F. Guthrie, Dr. Deane nml
C. S. Newhnll.
The Golden Link Iliblo class of the
Uaptist church held their annua)
mectin nml election of officers at
tho church Wednestlnv afternoon.
(The following officers were elected:
'Mrs. F. Iv. lmleh, resident; Mrs. A.'
T. Lntlimp, viee-orcsident; Mrs. K.i
G. Hench, secretary-treasurer; Mrs.
Frank Ijodcr. recorder. After the
.meeting a picnic lunch win sericd oh
the church Inwn.
Miss Olga Anderson entertnincd
Sntiirilny moiling nt tho home of her
sister, Mrs. Jidnes Twitch, near
Phoenix. Tho house wns prettily
ileeorntcd with 1 lowers nml gieencry
nml the guests were entertained with
fortune telling, iriimes and dancing,
niter wiucli n delicious itinch was
Miss Hess Kent nor left Friday for
Los Angeles, where she will fait
friends and attend the nntionnl con
vention of the Alpha Chi Omega Sor
ority nt Long Bench, of which she is
n member.
Mrs. T. Ttirpln ontortalnod tho
For-Gel-Mo-Not club at her homo on
North Contral Thursday afternoon.
Tho afternoon was spent with whist
and music, after which a two courso
luncheon was sorved.
. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. K. Merrick an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Itiith, to Raymond P. Cait
fiehl of Oiegoti City. The wediting
will be n' quiet nffair of the early fall.
thd Ladies' Altar society of the
Catholic church entertained thejr
members and friends nt the parish
hall Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A.
S. King wns hostess.
JtV. and Mrs. Robert Cochran iiijiI
two daughters of- Geary, N. I).: Mrs.
W. C. Young nml iluuglitor of Salem,
nml Mrs. Nathan Morris of Aurora,
III., arc guests of Mr. mid Mrs. 11. J.
Palmer and fnunly.vof South Central.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Drown of this
city wero pleasantly entertained
Wednesday "by their niece, Mrs. J. H.
Jones at the' Hampton orchard.
Vilas Dockwlth, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Vilas S. Deckwlth, returned Sun
day from California wlicro ho has
been attending school.
At the Churches
" t T ---- - - T t -i.Ii I
Free MclhoOUt
Corner Tenth and Ivy.
Sunday school 10 n. in.
Preaching" 11a, in. .
.Prayer and Rong sorvlco 7:30 p. m.
' Preaching 8 p.' m. ,
Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs
day 8 p. in.
These service's aro free to all. Conio
nnd wolcopic. J. E. Hradley, pastor.
, McditMllxti
Corner of 'Fotlrth nml Dartlett
streets, J. K, Hnwklns, pnstor.
Preaching services 11 a. in, and 8
p. m. Subjects. 1'God With Us,"
"Whero Art Thou?"
Special music at both services by
tho Junior choir.
Hotismg, happy- goipel services.
hearty wolcomo nnd rotirtcous greet
ing to all. '
Onkilnle Avenue Methodist
Sunday school at 10 n. in,
Preaching; at 11 a. in. by Hov. E.
T. Conner.
Epworth Lenguo at 7 p. m.
Preaching at 8 p. nt, by Hov. M.
Hodgors, pastor of tho Presbyterian
church nt New Qastle, Pa.
Tho public Is cordially Invited to
ationd these Bcrylccs, n. M, .Drnn-
ham, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 n. m.
Kindergarten at 11 n. m.
Y. P. S. C. B. at 7 p. in. Subject,
"Song nnd Its Meaning," lcador Lu
cllo York.
'Prayer meeting on Thursdny at
7:30 p. m.
All aro cordially Invited to theso
Cht-lstlnti '
Tho services will "begin at 10:45.
Special music nnd gospel sermon.
Evening service nt 8 o'clock. Sub
ject. "Uadlng of tho Spirit."
Dlblo school will meet at 0: 15. Wo
solicit tho parents nld In making this
department strong and helpful to tho
young people. We will bo glad- to
help you solve your problems. Conio
anil seo If wo can help you.
Y. P. S. C. E. meets at 7 p. in. In
tho lecturo room, You will enjoy
tho musical subject. Come to tho
Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs
day 8 p. in. Wo will bo glad to wel
come you to bis service.
A cordial Invitation to all strangers
In the city, llnrry E. Tucker, tnln
Here's Where You Get
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Sunday servlco at 1 1 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Christian Science."
Wednesday evening testimonial
meetings nt 8 o'clock.
Alt aro cordially Invited.
'' Sunday school at 10, o'clock. All
under tho age of 20 aro welcome.
Heading room In church edifice,
212 North Oakdaie, open from 1:30
(o 4:30 dally except Sundays and hoi
fdays. '
Misses Maryholle Henson nnd Grace
Perry have returned from n pleas
ant visit with Miss Margaret Mans
field nt Prospect.
Miss Dora Sullivan left Friday
morning for" Snn Fninclbco, where
sho will visit with relatives for sev
eral weeks.,
Mrs, Homer Rotliennel was hostess
to the Girls'' Thursday Bridge club at
her home on Geneva avenue Thursdnv
-Miss Allccn Perl loft Wednesday
for Decatur, Illinois, whero she will
spend tho summer visiting relatives.
Miss Susie Cook, who has been
touching tho past year nt Albany, is
visiting her aunt, Mr. Win. Brown.
Mrs. W. V. B. Campbell entertain
ed the Nulla Bridge club at her home
near Taleut Thursday iifteruuon.
a .
Chas. Stcnnctt returned to his
homo in Ashland today after a week's
visit wttn relatives in Mcdford.
'-"Cornor Main' and Holly.
' Proachlng at Ml n. in. Subject,
"God's Throne mill Tho Scepter of
Uprightness." '
'rviolln solo, selected, Mrs. Zola
Whlto Pnloy. -'
; Solo, selected, FJorcnco Hazolrlgg.
Prcnchlng nt i p. m. Subject,
"Hymns Wo Love, Tholr History."
Solo, selected, Florence Hazolrlgg.
Morning service 11 o'clock.
Subject, "Obedience to Christ."
Hymns, church hymnal, 448, 371,
424, 377.
Evening sorvlce, 7:30 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Whipping the Dovli Around
tho Slump."
'Hymns, church hymnal, 245, 383,
101, 309.
Hov. F. W. Carstens, pnstor, will
preach at both services.
Sunday school, 9:45 a, m.
11. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m. Topic,
Tho Song nnd Its Meaning.
Prayer service, Thursday evening
nt 8 o'clock.
"Thn church with n cordial- welcome"
Tho undersigned druggist Is Au
thorized by tho American Drug &
Pross association, of which ho Is n
member, to guarnnteo Merltol Hair
Tonic to glvo satisfaction or the pur
chase price will bo refunded. This
Indicates tho colifldcnco thoy havo in
his preparation. Hasklns Drug Store
local agency. Prices 50c, 11.00.
r iVi
- I I
Tires, Tubes and Accessories
And that means that here you get
tne most ior your money.
Most miles per 'dollar, and most
comfort per mile.
Firestone quality has 'led the
world for fourteen years. There is
no argument about it. v
But because they have the largest and
best equipped tire factory, and only the top
notch men, the prices are right.
Call and Se
Nm-Sldi Smooth Tread All Types All Size
hulks covrciuxq
1st Kor tho host slogan submitted $20.00
2nd Kor tho next best slogan submitted $10.00
3rd Kor tho next best slogan submitted 97.150
th For tho next host slogan submitted 9.1.00
Cth Kor tho next best slogan submitted . 92.00
Oih For tho next best slogan submitted
7th For tho noxt best slogan submitted 92.B0
Slogan must not consist of ,moro than ten words, and must bo
written plainly with namo and address of contestant thereunder.
Knch contestant may submit not moro than five slogans.
Each slogan or group of slogans submitted shnll havo attached
thereto a gold seal taken from tho wrapper of n package of Gold
Seal Hutter.
Two prizes will not bd awnrded to tho sanio contestant. ..
Contest closes G p. in. July 3rd, next.
All slogans must bo addessod to Contest Department, Jackson
County Creamery, Mcdford, Orogon.
Following are the Judges who will pass upon the slegans:
.MK. V. K. (lATKH
Tho Sanitary riant. .
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If you don't believe that
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DtU R1U4 UUft
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Paone 413 209 E. Main St., MEDFORD, ORE.
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What Is the Most Economical Thing About Summer?
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You can obtain tlio oonifoft of a cooling bVygz'c byi '.
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Is that Electric Fan of your in good working oi'dyr?
If not, wo will furnish labor Free for cleaning,
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California -Oregon Power Company