Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
ToulKlit awl Saturday Un
settled Max. 07$ MIji. 40.
Forty-fifth Tenr.
Dally Tenth Year.
NO. 82
Russians Assert Present Lines Arc
Strong as Ever Before the Polish
Capital Desperate Fiflhtln-s Along
Dneistcr River Struggle Renewed
on Western Front.
LONDON, Juno 25. SoniothlnR
of n lull In tho fighting na compared
to (ho foverlBh activity of tho Inst
fortnight, is onnhllng military oh-
Horvors on both Bides to tnko stack
nnd forecast futuro operations.
Potrograd claims that tho Russian
dofonslvo positions aro so sectiro that
tho Anstro-Ocrmans will not bo nblo
to withdraw many troops for ubo
against tho allies ot Russia. Tho
Husslans assort further that their
present lino beforo Warsaw Is as
HtroiiR as It uvcr wns and that their
armies on tho river Dnclstor will fall
back only if tho eastward drlvo of
tho Austro-Gcrmans from Loinbcrg
threatens to cut them off.
Tho authorities of tho central em
pires aro less communlcatlvo con
cerning their futuro Intentions nnd
movements, but It Is believed that
Warsaw again Is their objectlvo.
On ICnMcrn Front
Gorman official accounts of tho
fighting along tho Dnlstcr ngreo with
tho Russian au to tho desporntcness
of tho strugglu which tho two armies
aro still waging In that part of fin
llula. Tho Ton tonic version, how
(iv or, admits retrogression only nt ono
point, stating thnt superior counter
attacks by tho Russians nt Tartlnow
had caused u portion of General Von
l.lnslngcn'n troops to bo withdrawn
towards tho Dniester southern
Klsowhero In tho southeastern
theater of war progress was being
mnnulo, tho official statement said,
whllo further north, although tho
Germans hnd evacuated tho vlllago of
Kopaczyska, which thoy had re
cently captured, they had broklan
through tho Russian lines near Stog
nii and hold tholr footing thoro.
On Western I'rout
Latoet iiowb of tho campaign in
""runco shows tho resumption of ox
tromo activity on tho heights of tho
Mouso, whoro tho French toll of n
violent Gorman attack. The Gor
man claim Is that tho operations
thoro wore bogun by tho Fionch ami
that n trench was retakon from Ihcm.
Tho French admit u Gorman advnnco,
but dcrlnro tho former linos lntur
worn rO'Ostabltshod.
Activity along tho Italian front Is
still chiefly In artillery ongngoumntH
with occasional Intorludos of activity.
Tho Italians claim, however, to bo
gradually advancing along tho Isonzo
and to hava ropulsod Austrian at
tacks at several points.
Munition Campaign
In England tho campaign for mu
nitions Is In full swing with tho pos
biblllty of national registration to
ascertain tho "man power" of tho na
tlon. Thnt Knglnnd appreciates tho
need of -adding to" hor fighting ro
sourcos Is significantly Indicated by
tho publication In tho London Times
of tables showing that tho casualties
of officers during tho last month
conio within a few hundred of tho
total officer casualties during tho
ontlro South African war. The
total In South Africa was 2752, which
tho lists slnco May 20 show thnt
2110 officers havo been killed or
wounded, or reported missing.
Mexico City Isolated by Gonzales
Artillery Duel Reported In Prog
ressFoodstuffs Exported While
People Starve Red Cross Relief
Delayed Until Occupation Capital.
"WASHINGTON, Juno 25 Unltod
Statos govornmont officials today ad
undor consideration In connection
with tho now Amorlcan note to Groat
Ilritaln concerning delays to noutral
commerce the latest IlrlUih memor
andum on the subject.
The British noto, wbleb was pub
Hatted here anil In Lotion today, ox
phtlRtt In detail measures taken by
tbe Ilrltleb government to Minimize
UBveleei to neutral oommeree
under the order In council. The
tali to made, however, that Amer
ican eUteetM bare ho Juti eravnil far
Mmnlatajt an ueut of the treat
ment aceord4 tbeir carfOM.
WASHINGTON, Juno 'J.-). Zapata
forces (lefeniliiifr Mexico City Iiiivr
enpijjed the ntlnckini' Cnrrunzu nrmy
in n series of artillery duels timl de
layed itH advance. No details were
detained in the advices rcachinc;
here today, which were tho first in
dications that the Cnvrnnzn advance
would be resisted.
Tho foreign chancellories interest
ed in the Mexican .situation have
liecii p,iven to understand that the
president will determine on some no
tion in line with his recent .statement
on Mexican nfl'airs after (ho returns
from New llnmpihire in July.
Some of the diplomats luivo re
ccioil official stnlemonts that while
tho population was starving $100,000
worth of foodstuffs eio exported to
Cuba from tho territory held by Cur
runzii in (lie first I luce mouths of
Communicalion with Mexico City
litis been cut off since June 18, when
(Icneral Gonzales, tho Currnnzu eom
maniler, cut the wires to Vera Cm,
at Otutulm, thirty-six miles east of
tho capital. Consular advices from
Vera Cm, today said tho wireless
wns still down and it wns improbable
that communication would be restor
ed befoie Gonzales enteied the city.
Vera Cruz dispatches to the Cnr
rnnzu mjonev hero hnvo insisted Gon
zales was "tryinjr to snvo the city
from the horrors of attack," ami had
been ordered to exhaust evcrv means
to induce the Villu-Znpntii troops to
withdraw without lesistnnce.
Tho Cnrrnnzn war department
urges that the Red .Cross relict' expe
dition be delayed until nftor the oc
cupation of the eapitol. General Car
rana has promised full co-operation
with it.
Debate in Prussian Chamber of Dep
utiesSocialists Declare Against
Wild Plans of Annexation, While
Minister Declares Government's
Aim Is to Terminate War.
IJIJRLIN, Juno 25. Tho debalo In
tho I'russlnn clinmber of deputies yes
terday on tho attitude of tho Gorman
people toward pcaco attracted consid
erable attention today.
Hcrr Uraun, llerr Wloncr and Dr.
Karl Llebknecht took part In tho
exchanges. Tho morning newspapers
report tho proceedings substantially
as follews:
Herr Welncr, progresslvo, cited
with signs of approval from tho mem
bers an article by Hugo Hclnomann,
socialist, to tho effect that no Gor
man wants pcaco unless Gormnny's
enemies aro willing to conccdo h6r
right to develop' her economic nnd
cultural powers.
Masses Want Pearo
"To this statoiuont, Dr. ICnrl Lleb
knecht, ono of tho socialist leaders
Interjected: 'Wo hnvo tho masses
with us and tho masses want pcaco.'
"After this Interruption, Horr
Wloncr centinued:
" 'Wo aro convinced that tho co
operation of all parties and classes Is
essential and that it moans German
victory. In this co-operation Is
found tho guarantee thnt wo will
hold out, and that wo will bo spared
from such dastardly attacks In tho
"Horr Uraun, socialist, was tho
next speaker. Ha said tho socialists,
did not deny that tho Gorman peo
ple must stand together against their
Innumerable enemies. Ho referred
to tho fact that certain porsons nro
talking about continuing' tho war I
nrdor to realize 'wild plans of an
nexation.' "A great majority of tho Gorman
people wish Imperatively thnt no op
portunity for securing an early penco
bo lost, tho speaker declared, and
thoy oinphatlrally roject annexation
Plans of all kinds, particularly such
as havo boon ndvocated by ono Gor
inan ruler. Democracy is opposed to
thoso objectionable, projects, if only
for tho renson thnt thoy prolong wars.
Government Seeks Annexation
" 'Tho Gorman pooplo wnnt no
conquests,' Horr Uraun declared.
4 ipj
Sho feels tho "thrill of life jilon," her keel"' The I . .S S. Atisoiin,
mighty sister ship of the dicnduniulit IVun lwiuui, sliding into the
water' nt tho Hrookl.wi nfiw-vnid June HI. ''clou, a picture of Miss
Esther ltoss of I'reston, Ariz., us -be Minified the bottle ot wine iiKulnst
the ship and christened her.
(Continued on Page Two)
Hin.MINC.IIAM, Ala, Juno 53--Syd
Jones, hanged In tho county Jail
yard hero today, left a note In his
coll In which ho confessed 13 mur
ders. Two of his victims, a Mohllo
& Ohio brakoman, and a Nebraska
deputy sheriff, wero writes. Tho
others woro negroes.
Jo 11 OS named among his victims
Thomas Thompson, Charles Dennett
nnd Doputy Sheriff W. S. Moscly of
Crawford, Neb.; Shay White, Thomas
Shay and Sam Leo, Monterey, Cal.j
I'attlo Qtilrgo, a Moxlcan nt Fort
Wlngato, N, M and John Llttlo John
an Indian, nt Shorldan, Wyn. Tho
unnamed brakoman, ho said, ho
killed at Iloydwoll, Ky.
"I am sorry I missed getting Rich
ard Mooro, September 12,' 1912,"
Jonos wrote. "Just ono more would
havo, mado nn oven number,"
LOS ANGHLKS, Cnl., Juno 23,
Seven Mexicans chopped tholr way
Into tho homo of Mrs. Loulso Marti
nez, an aged resident ot tho Latin
quarter near tho plaza early today
and applied fire to her foot which
Induced hor to reveal tho hiding place
of $120 In gold. Three or tho men
thon ntacked hor, aftor which thoy
quarrolcd because $120 could not bo
equally divided among suvou. Tho
dispute Have Mrs. Martinez time to
summon tho police, and four officers
who responded captured tlvo of tho
Ono of tho missing men got away
with tho money.
-g rJa-t ; .
I'HOKNIX, Ariz., Juno 53.- Illows
accompanied tho defeat today ot the
"search and solzuro" prohibition bill
which was on the "dead" fllo of the
special hoshIoii of tho loglslaturo.
Itoproaontntlvo W. I'. Mahonoy of
Mohave county, nttackod Representa
tive Jumos Goodwin ot I'hoonlx on
tho floor of tho nwombly ns tho lat
ter was explaining his voto against
tho moasuro, which would have glvon
officers authority to search any homo
for Intoxicants,
Doth Goodwin nnd Mnhonoy votod
against tho hill, ono of n Borloti of
proposed acts to supplomout tho stnto
prohibition constitutional amend
ment. Goodwin was explaining his
voto when ho noticed that the young
woman stenographer omployod by
tho nssombly was taking no notes.
Mahonoy took oxceptlon to Goodwin'
remarks on this clnumatnuco and
struck him In tho faco. Goodwin
did not strlko back.
PAULS, Juno 23. A Ilavaa des
patch from Lisbon says:
"Tho ministerial declaration read
In tho chamber yostorday afternoon
ronowK manifestations of sympathy
for tho allltw, disclose tho govern
mental decision to present to parlia
ment document which throw light on
tho attitude assumed by Portugal li
relation to tho Kuropoan war and In
conclusion affirms tho country's
resolution to soak rovungo for dam
ago Hiifforud In Africa.
"Aftor reading of tho declaration,
Alexandin Ilrawa, loader of tho domo
cratu, prnmliMHl tho government tho
support of his party.
"Antonio Almeida, bond of tho
revolutionists, declared ho would
tight tho now movement and would
attempt to obtain Justice for l'lmonto
Castro, the former promlor. 8unhur
Almeida's assertion aroused a groat
demonstration In tho galleries re
served for tho public.
Reply to Great Britain Delayed to Se
cure Data British Statement of
Detentions Rcnardctl as Evasive
Washington Not Rcatly to Accept
Principles in British Note.
WASHINGTON, Juno 23. Suffi
cient fncts on dotentlon and solzuro of
American ships and cargoes by tho
British fleet hnvo not yet boon gath
ered by tho stnto department to com
ploto tho now noto to Gront Ilritaln
which has been undor preparation
sovoral weeks.
Secretary Lansing disclosed today
that tho portion of tho noto dealing
with tho principles ot tho blockado
hnd long ago been outlined, hut thnt
officials had been absorbed In getting
data on American ships nnd goods
detained or seized. Ho Intlmatod that
tho noto In Its final form would bo
a presentation of tho ncadom'la prin
ciples Involved In tho British prnc
tlco undor tho order In council.
Ilrltlsli Answer Kvn.slvo
Tho British memorandum, review
ing tho efforts to minimize Inconven
iences to neutrals, will bo acknowl
edged in (ho now noto and soma ot
Its principles will ho discussed, al
though It Is recognized horo that tho
memorandum wns not Intended ns a
roply to tho American protest ngalnst
tho order In council. This Groat
Britain has not answered.
Officials hero reganl tho British
statomomut of detentions as ovaslvo.
Tho memorandum puts tho total mint
hor of vessels "still dctnlnod" at 27.
Nowhere in tho British momornndum
In 'a statoiuont of tho total detentions
which tho stnto department eslmaos
n almost 100 slnco March 1.
Rejects 1'rliiclplo
Tho now noto to Great Britain will
doubtless call especial attontlon to
the British statement that of ho 272
ships detained,, sovon "aro frco to do
part as soon ns tho Horns of tholr
cargo placed In tho prlzo court havo
been discharged."
Washington Is not rondy to accept
the principles embodied In that stnto
meat and officials contend that It Is
small consolation for nn Amorlcan
owner of n valuablo cargo, Tho noto
will Insist that n non-contraband car
go, consigned to a noutrnl port, r
gardless of Its eventual destination,
shall not bo molested,
l'KTKOGUAD, Juno 25.-AiiBtro-Gorman
forcos wero ropulsod with
heavy lossos at throo points on tho
Dnclstor rlvor by tho Russians, ac
cording to an official statomont hero
under date of Juno 5:t, given out to
day nt tho headquarters of tho gen
oral staff. In tho KosmlorJIno dis
trict thu Russians carried by assault
a strongly fortified height. Hnor
moiiH losses nro said to have been In
flicted 11 pob tho Germans in tho Ko
zany region.
Roforrlng to operations noar Lorn
berg, tho statoiuont assorta that Rus
sian counter atacKs wero successful.
PRICE $60,000
1 1 ii.M. i
Actual Transfer of Property to Take
Place Before July I Bullls Trol
ley to Extend Out Main to City
Limits to Connect With Barnum
Road, Which Will Be Electrified.
Deeds cnlling llor the transfer of.
tho Ihiguc River Valley railroad
(Illinium lino) to the Southern O10
011 Tract inn ciAnpnny (Hullis line)
wero drawn Tliuithday.nntl tho notunl
transfer of the, property will lul;o
plnco between npw null July 1. Tho
deul, which hn been hanging firo for
tho Inst nix wco'tH, ia practically clos
ed, nwniting only tho final xignn
tures, Tho puix-hano price, nn mimed
in the deed, is $00,000.
The Hitlo mutiiiH tho cleetrificutbn
of the Itanium lino ita entire length,
eight miles, which includes ono mile
in Medford, fivo miles between this
city nnd Jacksonville, nnd tho two
miles to the brickyard, nnd the ex
tension on Wht Main street of tho
present slreokm" line. It also means
tho probable extension of tho line into
tho Applcgatu mid on to tho Blue
Ledge Inter.
II11U1I Out AVert. H'jln
It is the. intention of 'Jio Hullis in
terests to build out Mir'iti street, tup
ping tho business nuil Tosidcncn dis
tricts, nnd coiincctiiig-willi tho main
Itanium liu in the sulniros. The city
council at its Inst ivulur meeting
grunted a six months' extension 011
tho Hullis frau chihu' for (ho comple
tion of tin's work. Arrangements for
tho crossing oL'ltho Srfuthcrn Pncifio
trnokH nt Main strcct'linvo been com
pleted between the Hullis interests,
tho stnto rnllroud ovoniinlssloirmiil the
Southern I'.ncific.
Work 11HUi tlwi oloctrificntion of
the lUirniipi lino nnd the Muin sheet
externum will begin within the next
two weeks, ueoordinjr to present
A conference was held this morn
ing between Mr. Haruuni, Mr. Hullis
nnd Attorney W. I. Vnwter nnd the
donl pnioticnlly Hoxetl. Immediately
nftwward Mr. Hullis left for the
Sterling mine.
The llurnum road has been in op
eration for over twenty yenrs nnd
wns bnilt by municipal co-operation
from Medfoid. Several deals for its
transfer hnvo nil fallen through. At
various limes it bus been reported
sold, once for !rr..,r,000 and once for
$80,000. Tho latter figure is the ono
generally nttiibiitcd as tho figure nt
which tho Hurniim's held their hold
ings. The right of way is tho most
valuable part of the line, tho ctip
mciit being out of date.
The deal has long been hoped for
nnd is regarded by Medford and the
(Continued on Page 6)
HKDDIXd, Cnl. June 2.i. Lassen
peak emitted Loda 1111 liiercasinglv
heavy column ot smoke thnt roc
skyward oveial thousand t'ect in it
JlCId eruption. Thu activity appar
ently was at the northern point of
tho crater.
Yes, All the Crops Look Healthy for 1915
(News Item The I niteil State dep ailment of ugiii-Mltiiiv pn-dnl- the bi.-.i -I crop ia the h (ny of the ountr thi car )
By Satterfield
L y .7 -szS 'mm W vA. TB-suttfKi;V S TTZTZZ I 1 in I ilUNMMW
. is x - mi mumiv i "i jwi m i 1 -rf-. j n v m i i r m. 1 :r - i ma ih
"zAft mm dMKMm vlVcV?kV. --" iwui'imne-i-i.;
"wap. 5ABits You kkow C&wSb $r 'mV'rJZ) TT W9kwKmWp!SS
MKmmmm Jrm ' .. . -t- u chop.
r- ' ' - " " ' ' - - - ----- X . . . . . I '
YVi f Vl'Ml
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