PAGE TWO uMIJJi'OKD MAIL 'J'UJJilTNK AIMDJLi'OlU). OKKOON, SATURDAY, Jt'NR 10, 1015 I0CAL AND L PERSONAL Owing to tho chango of manage ment of tho Star theater, tho child ren's Saturday tnntlncca endorsed by tho Women's Cluba nnd Parent Teachers association will bo discon tinued for the present, until arrange ments can bo msdo with tho now management. Vclrct Ice cream at Do Voo's. Miss Mnrgarat Dally loaves today for Portland wlioro bIio will upend tho summon Tho Medford Vulcanizing works nro now rulcanlzlng punctures at 2Cc Arthur Hose and Leon Speck havo returned from a two weeks' survey ing trip to Crater Lake. Crater Lake pictures from now ncgotlvcs by Klsor. Mcdford Hook Store. 77 Joe M. Rador of Phoenix Is spend ing tho day In Medford nttending to business matters. Get filtered gasollno from tho Hed filler at Garnett-Cory's. County Clerk Gardner spent Fri day afternoon In Medford uttondlng to business matters. The Grlzzlloa arc to moot at tho Hotel Medford at 1;30 Sunday after noon from which place tuny will loavo In tho Interurban car for a trip that includes plonty of good sconery. All Grizzlies are requested to bo prompt In assembling at tho hotel. A forco of workmen digging wolls on tho Ooorgo IJ. Carpontor placn struck a heavy flow of wator Krlday afterupon, nocesiltnt'lng the uso of pumps', Tho water' will be used for Irrigating purposes. Two wolli nro under construction on tho place. Home-mado pastry at Tho Shasta. Victor Ilrowno of Ashland spent Krlday oventng In Medford nttending to business matters. "Tho Turmoil." n now novel by llooth Tarklngton. Mcdford Hook Store. 77 Tho Mcdford band gavo Its rogutar concort In tho city park Friday night, tho nttemlnnco being lower tlinn tho two previous concerts owing to a threatening sky. The program show ed an Improvement over past per formances, and na highly enjoyable. Bcrcon doors at Medford Lumber Co. Among tho prominent men of the northwest who will visit Crator Lake this season Is Louis M. Davenport of Spoknno, ownor of tho Davenport Hotel und Cafo, ono of tho bent known establishments of its kind In the west. Mr. Davenport writes to friends of this city that ho will un dertake tho trip by nuto In July. Hand colored In oil prints of Crater Lake anil park by Klsor. Keo win dow. Mcdford Hook Store. 77 Jim George, the Klamath Indian, found guilty of the murder of Potur Drown, a follow tribesman, passed through Medford Friday afternoon for McVoU'h Islaud prison wlioru ho will begin the serving of a life sen tence George was in charge of a force of U. B. deputy marshals, and was brought overland from Klamath Falls by nuto, boarding the train at this city, qcdrgg was tried a year ago In tills city, tlio Jury disagreeing. All of tho evidence nwih circumstan tial. It. Moralos, a Mexican, charged with horso tttfallug was also In the custody ofthc Juiars.hnl. Merchant9' Lujicii. 25r Tho Shasta. H W. Curnuhnui superintendent of tho llluo Lodge mine, will return tho first ff tbe month fro hiu trip to West Point nnd New York. See Dave Wood about that fir In surance poller. Office Mall Tribune nidg. Uetirgt HenniMH of the Uutte FmIU district Mut Thunulio nnd Fridu In this elly RtU'itUlug to IiusIumui minUm. Have )our lawn mower sharpened by J. W. Mlloholl. nUnn 3S0-J. tf ItoBr 8. Ueiipi'tt lfl Frldsj mom Ing oh n short bustnM trip tu Grants I'M. All trimMmJ hnls )! Imimm half pr. mm luuasbur) at H d M Dol. Store. HS A imuh1 of DiMltw numberlUK ow 100. r haml tkU u. k trtHR Hortkerii Oil J wh In louim the Uat tu ttMys Tht wiuitWrr ' Iiwoh gttt marching cirdeis w'n over ttoy haw mhxn1 to u,y i 1 will HtMt a slwllsr reception ' 'r' Dr. M. U. HrtHr. Palm blok Hours 8 t t. Phone: Office 110 Home UOJt Slot tord curbing r'-s drlvlug and spamUhk on tln Iiufe highway will l takM by the suilu.i Itlee, follow log ronitiUints (rum ui j era of tin wko assort that in (lie ovHtilHg tky r forrwl to dne to tho (nue to avert iux-ltltnU i the road hn$. Oa prattle the authur ItftMf have dttormlnad to stop I lm prowptu raelui Mii high powvr car. Nut wik. a (load rWw of all suojaeis Oi iMicnirt- vte count Spoolal rut. Medford Commercial Collage. 7i W. II. Oars, Mrs. dor, sod daugh ter Mary, Uave rturH4 from a u1m tire anil (tustuess trip Ut l'rtlajid. Da Voe card the hmt llao of flvo ceut cigars In tlie cit. (I i Tho robbery of tho Kogue Hlvcr, bank, phen Cashier Itosscr w:is drug ged, promises to go down In tho rec ords of Jackson county as a mystery. Tho Plnkcrton'a who nro working on tho caso havo so far been unable to locato tho daring criminal. Pop corn Crlspettcs at Do Voo's. Harold Cochran and Marvin Mitch ell spent Friday evening In Ashland visiting friends. Gel your buttor.'oggs, croam, milk dna. butter milk at Do Voe's. Constable Hammond made an offi cial trip to Iteaglu Frlda afternoon. Dr. II. D. Hullonger of I)o Molnea, low a, secretary of the examining sur geons of the V. 3. pension board for Iowa, and wiro are In the clt) visiting the family of It. A, Holmct Home-mado pastrr at tlir'Sliaeta. Miss Hdim White'' of Grnat . visited friends and relatives In this city Thursday. Kodak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Opposlto Hook Storo. W. W. ITssher of Ashland spont Friday In this city attending to bus Iness matters. Chocolates. 20 cents lb. Do Voe's. Try Celro-Cola "First for Thirst" Sc at your favorite fountain. 70 Judgo F. M Calkins of the circuit court spent Friday In Grants Pass hearing testlmon in the divorce suit of Lindsay vs. Lindsay. Kodak finishing nnd supplies at Weston's Camera 8bop. Opposite Book Slore George Ashton of Jacksonville spont Friday In Medford attending to business matters. J. O. Gerklng. tho bost all around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any where, tlmo or place. Studio S2S Main St. Phone H30.J. T. G. Hunch of Grants Pass spent Friday In this city attending to busi ness mntters. Frosh roasted peanuts at Do Voo's. See Do Kor loop the loop and then see Sllllmnn loop tho hook with Taffy at Ific a Hi all day Saturday at tho Sugar Howl. 70 llert Mason of Prospect sent Fri day In Medford attending to huslnoes matters. , Mrs. XellloiMcGpwnn of this city, past'grnnd innlrun -of tho Knstorn Star, was presonted with a diamond ring at tho grand lodgu soelun bc(ng held In Portland this week. Mrs. McGownn has tho distinction of hav ing visited every Kastern Star !oigo In thu state during her tenure of office. Mm. I). V M)or nnd daughter of Portland are stalling friends and ro!atlvon in this city, Siskiyou or Colostln minora! wat- Wljllaiu Camoro.n )f the Applogatoj la n the oily today, Mr. Cameron claims tho unl(uii distinction of hav ing lived on the same strip of ground for over H'i onrs; and In tho same hoiiKO for 49 years. Mrs. Frod Lewis of Wellen Is In .the clt- today visiting friends. ' DaVItl Dorn of the L'ppor A)iple- gate. Is In the city to IiuhIiuhw matters. today attending Tlie Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Presbyterian church moots at the home of Mrs. K. A. Wolch, K, Main street next Tuesday at S2:ao The subject Is " Freedom." Mrs. Sherman has charge of tho pro gram. All thu Indies of tho congre gation are Invited. DoKor. the aviator, Is making flight this afternoon at the fair grounds, and a large crowd Is In at- tendauce from out of town points, Including a largo delegation or lecul people. IUmiIiIum the aerial flights, there will be auto races. DuKar usee a biplane of the same type as emulated by the allies lit their scout ing in Frump and Flanders. Mister Jiihuson loft Friday fur lto littler, N, Y., where he was call ed by the UlHMta of Ills father Hid lTK I OlhSII-'T I'OU 8ALK Auto bargain. Stude buker 3 gi,d condition. JI5U Oakland roadster with 3 extra tires In flmt olaaa eonilltlon, M5U. Pr rv Anluraft, at MiHlfunl Uarago. 7T I.OtfT Fiiim muio'oii trvts"T"rKfif Hlght. a tsHt Ui a saek. Finder piae return to Tougeiy Hill or le'e t ,n ' I' Ti lvn t !!! t, t f r ni i ii or . nut cerr lUskv nl III DR. RICKERT 1 ' "iKAl I j) SHIP REMAINS OF STEWARTPATTERSON 10 FORMER HOME Stewart PhIIoi-hoii, rto'zilr Iliver hIIcv itrrhanli'tl hiiij mcmlicr of n noted nnd weiiltjiy Cliicigo fnniiljf of Ihe Hrtme name, llml PHdHV aflrr noon, aged 58, at Smn-.M Ihmrt hoc i!hI, fr m inj prion received in an nuto ttreiilent at the P, & K. t'nww im earlv Fridiiv murii);. The body wbk nhijijied ti Cliiejigo tliin nfter ikmiii for burial. I'xtterKoii did not regain pnn(innatipm nfer file nrri ilent. The ileHth oftino a n tdiock to Hie community, for lr. 'iitter(iii wnn popular kiiioiik a large circle of friende. The other injured ineinlmrM of tlie party nro iirnetieallv out of danger. J. C. Hiiillnrgeiui of Kan Fruuoineo, tlie worst injured, Mti-ttined u oom poiitnl fracture of the thigh. A Seat tle speeiulint nrrived today to oK-r-nle, to prevent Intnenetm when the liroak licaN. It in not thought that Ltiejo .Minter Hiiffered iuteriiul in juricH, UK firxt feared. ScoreH of people viniteil llie Crater Luke gnrngo Fridav to vjew Die wrecked Simplex ear, nnd many jour neyed to the crowing and viewed Ihe scene of the tragedy. Six wrekn ago A. Starr of Tiilenl,driiiig n Ford ear ut a high rale of speed, dashed off (lie pavement ut the Mime place nnd receive?! severe inuiric-. E Unrglnrs entered the Kndtw second hand More on South Fir street Fridnv, night und by oluver manipulation of the combination of the safe opened the siime und hcmirod ?!. Ittizor. kiiiven und u (milium were tukim li.v the Inirglar. The los was discutcrod (his morning wlieu tlie store whh op ened. The fuel Hint the prowler oi iMii'il Die safe ejiUNes lijm to lie eliiHsed by the police an n clerr etoiik, . SWEDES ARE ROILED BY SHIP'S DESTRUCTION LONDON, Juno 13. "Tho nngor of thu public nnd thu presH Is rising dally over German attacks tin neutral ship ping" sajs neuter's Stockholm corre spondent. "Nuwspnpera of all shades of opinion are protesting energetically nunlnyt the capture of tho Swedish steamer Tomten and the sinking of the, SwodUh steamer Verdand), both of which carried ceitlflcates that they had nothing aboard which tho Ger mans could consider contraband Some of tho newspapers are discuss ing tho question whether. In addition to protests tho Swedish government should not consider adopting some form of reprisal." A STHO.Vr; HMX)lti:.Mi:T W. II. Holmes of tho Decorah. la., Journal, says, "I have been a suffer er from plies and hemmorholds for years. 1 got no relief until my drug gist recommended Merltol Pile Hemo- dy. Hefore I had taken lalf tho package the iHstrees was gone and 1 kavo had no trouble since 1 would not tako a thousand dollars aud be back to my former condition." Has kins Drug Store, exclusive agency. Adv WTO SltltVH'K I'ltO.M lUliLK POI.NT Til MlilH'OUll M HACK The undersigned will leao Frank lwl' conitH'ttenery eer day x- cept 8unda for Medford with his auto at 1 o'clock i m . arriving at 3 p m Leave Nash hotel. Medford. at : p in , arrite at Ksgle Point nt 6 i tu A part of tu. truffle Is solicit ed. S II HAHNISII, WitW Point Ort i S l'..'r ?! iltm lil:.:5: HOTEL MANX Poiiill St. at OTarrvIt SAN FRANCISCO Hcud'tuaitfit for Cahfof. ntiiwl il i t-ehxi t tion. Our c-tnini vl qui lobby, t;t e itnuc. nj ir C' le rfjtiuiaut .!!, xil to cu. No Ralie in Kates Ut SI.50PcrDaylp Minx, r t I Ohc'tcr SEGOND u WfiHji mfiij J W TTfl $i lr At the CKurches fc a. in. Holy Communion 10 a. in. Sunday school. 11a. in. Holy Communion. 7.30 livening Praer. AV.M. 11. HAMILTON', Vlcnr. Cnlliolk- Chin rli South Dakdalc Ave First Maes Hunua at 7 a. in. Second Mass at ft .10 a. m. Kvonlng services at 7:30 p. m. HKV. J POWEIIS. Hoctor Catholic Church. I'lrvt niuirh'or (liHst, Sciontlt Sunday sorvlccs at 11 o'clock. Sub ject "Is the Universe Including Man, Rvolved by Atomic Force?" Wodneeday evening testimonial meeting at S o'clock. All are cordially Invited. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All under the age of 20 arc welcome. Heading room in church edifice, 212 No. Oakdale, open from 1:30 to 4:30 dally except Sundas and holidays. Oakdnli' Ave McthgodNt Sunda) school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and S p. in. Kpworth League at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday ovcnlng. Morning subject "Invitation nnd Promise," evening subjoct, "Tho Great Judgment Day." Official board mooting Tuesday evening. The public Is invltod to those ser vices, H. M. HHANHAM, Pastor. IYf McthnilUt A short review of tho Sunday school lesson at 10 a. m. followed by Children's Day exercises. An nddress to Hie children at 11 a. m. by tho pastor to tako tho place of the rogular preaching service Praur and song sorvlco 7:30 p. m. Pronohlng at 8 p. in. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday S p. m. You will bo wolcomo to theso ser vices. J K. HHADIiEY, Tastor. .MclliodKt Kplrotnl Church Sunday services at 'tho First Moth odlrt chmoh, corner of Fourth nfid Hnrtlett streets, J. K. Hawkins, pas tor, - Sermons lln m and S p. m.8nb Jeets, "Sin and Its Forgiveness,", and Tim Gospel Verified." The question bqx. wlUtbo .opened nt tho evening H5rvlce, wltlf ljiocon- slderatlon of such nuestloiiH as ."The llattlo of Armngeddon," "Spcaknj In I . L2 !f f TOBACCO1 BLUFF an boastare props for a weak case. VELVET is its own argument in the court of last resort yo pipe. D ? 3C 1UL Maxwell With tu Tju-liahlo turtle lia'k, iK tin mIi -starter anil clf tu. lights, ai' iihal rar for the owner who lnwkes irequeut trips to umrket with jirmjuee, for litfetisionaJ men or nnjono who wants a two-lessen-K't'r or lijfht ilelivery. POWELL AUTO CO. Tongues,'- Prophecies," "Pla lug Jar Dances," etc. Special music, attractive and rous ing cervices. All are welcome. I'tvjdijtorlan Church Denominational Day. Subjects: "Our Church. Us History," "Our FaKh," "The Church and Kducatlon" "Thp Church and Missions." TldR service will be very Interesting to all. It"infifpr'rn'',Mtal faith In a living church of unfailing loyally. Violin,, Splo by Carlton Janes Duet "I Love lllm" ,by Foster, Florence Jlarplrlgg, Mrs, Jonas Wold Preaching nt b p. m subject, "John Hues," . . Solo, "A Gospol Hymn" vt Florenpe Hnzclrlgg Sunday school at 10 a. m. Kindergarten at a. m, Y. P. S. C. 13. 7 p. m. Subject, "Christ's Call to tho Young Women of Today." Icador. Esther Warner. Prayer mooting Thursday at 7:30 P'. in. Haptlst Morning Forvlco 11 o'olook Sub- Ject "Nlppod In the Hud." Kvonlng sorvlce R d'clock. Sub ject, "The Duty and Privilege of Con fessing Christ," by Hev. F. W. Cars tens, pastor. Tho ordinance of baptism will bo observed nt tho morning service Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. D. Y. P. U. 7 p. in. "The church with a cordial wel come." Como and bring a friend. Tho pulpit commlttco of tho Amo ma class wishes to announce that Mrs, K. J." Stewart has been elected tencher for tho summer and will havo chnrgo of the Hlblo study program for the evening meeting. Tlmo and place to bo given out later. All old and now members arc urgontly re quested to bo present at tho devo tlonnl lesson study hour Sunday morning 9:4C. First Cliristinn Cliurrh ion havo n cordial invitation to nttend our scrvlcos Sunday. Especial ly strangors or sojourners In our city. Morning If: IS sermon, "In nil things I gavo you an example." Kvonlng, S o'clock, "Koturn good for evil." Illulo school meets nt 9: l. n, m. If you are not enrolled elsewhere, como nnd bo with us. . P. S. C. E. at C:45 p. m. In tho lecture room. Subject, "Christ's call to tho young women of today." Luke I0.3S-.40. Midweek praor meeting Thursday evening at i o'clock. Subject, "What Is ni) nrcatost temptation." James HJ2-IS. Come to the home-like church. IIAIUIY L TITKEH. .Minister, $$$ rU 1QL Ro "yyn- x adster HULKS COVKKLVO $5D.ob prize; slogan GOLD SEAL, BUTTER CONTEST 1st For tho best Blogan submitted....- 9U(i.on 2nd For the next best slogan submitted 910.00 3rd For the next best slogan submitted .-.i?"..'!) 4th For tho next best slogan submitted .-iS- $".oo Cth For tho next bct slogan Btibmltted . . - JFli.oO Cth For tho next bost slogan submitted ..'...., - ?-."0 7th For tho next best slognn submitted..,..., T $2..1o Slogan must not consist of moro (hap tqn words, and must bo written plainly with namo and address" of contestant thereunder Each contestant may submit not moro than five slbgans. i Each slogan or group of slogans submitted shnlUhavc attached thereto a gold soal taken from tho wrappor of a packago of Gold Seal Huttor. Two prizes will not bo awarded to the same contestant. Contest closos C p. m. July 3rd, noxt. All slogans must be nddessedto Contest Department, Jackson .County Creamery, Medford, Oregon. We want you to know that It would be Imposslblo lo churn but ter Just as good as Gold Seal In your own home. Call at our plant somo morning and Bee how scrupulously clean, how sanitary and how thoroughly equipped this modern creamerv is and you will agree with us. Boildes we use only the very best cream obtainable In Jnckson countv In the making of GOLD SKAL HUTTEH. JACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY The Sinltary Plant. Irw !! i nam ii ti ii--iii iiMMirwiii iiwiiwiwiiwm TMr"r-TTTfrinrT nw I I! III f 1' Barring thf unforseen, each retail bujer of a now slj Ford car, bvtweon August 1014 and August 191S III will rccolvo from $ 40 to $80 cr a :Uare of the Ford Motor Company's profits. K III Anyono can drive n Ford It's so simple In con- I structlon. No complex mechanism to learn. In III ttVL't nw rnfmlrv. fni- litlalnuA nr lllanatlHi. lfnril bI I cars serve ovorybody, for about two cents a mile il j ms w operate aim maintain. i IHl Hunabout JII0: Touring Car, $100: Town Car f U I $r'in; roupetet $750: SIan $076, f. o. b. Detroit g with all equlpniuiit. I 1 Bin uu uispiay unu saio at c i H vi .- "XJ U. Jk jl, j s i n III 1 n if l 111-- "'"WIW '"imamnumm !! MuwwrmrurtycitinrwuHrjt ijipyl f g PiMIWiMllllWWH ' Mlll IIIMIIIWimii WH I W , II IM laKll WJHHW1 i irtTf I'll ', ' ' ' ' n ,' I s s- v-.- J "Some men hop? and some men fret, Some have pride and some regrot, But the Reed or ill depends, After all, on what you get." Mister Squeegee There are people who can be satisfied with little if they know their neighbors have less. This is a poor kind of philosophy. It is not necessary to recommend any such doctrine to those who buy Diamond Squeejiee Tread Tires. They have a right to demand mucn, no matter how little their neighbors get out of other tires. Unbeatable mileage economy, unusual freedom from trouble on the road, and un excelled service under all conditions are some of the things the man who uses Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires has the right to expect. And he gets them. Diamond Squeegee Tread Tiies are sold at these " FAIR-LISTED" PRICES: siib Diamond . Diamond " Squeccco se Squeeceo 30x3 $9 45 34x4 $20.35 30x3 ,' 12.20 30x4'j 28.70 32x3 j 14.00 37x5 33 90 33x4 20.00 38x5' 4P 00 PAY NO MORE llHilHIlllFiii1'P9C'FflHPBH'B'Hl hs B S EflBf ffi B HfJi "B f 'LB9twU3TT QtT Jf THE GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE CO. Are Sole Agents for tho DIAMOND TIRES Wo handle only the Diamond became it'j far the bet ter for the price buy them and cut out tire trouble. t. H, I - 8 H..'S B s Mm? 'MmIV Ilk 1 v $ 'mm! I -my; ;mj KYKRIOHTSPFCI.VI.IST Mlli(Hl, - . OlUMON'i K