Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . 1.
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Offlco Mnll Tribune Ilulldltis. 2B-27-29
North Fir street; telephone 7t.
Tho Dcmocrntlo Times, The Hertford
Mall, The Medford Tribune, Tlio South
rn Oregonlun, Tlio AuMnnil Tribune.
One year, by mall - )
One month, by ninll.. ....- .-
1'cr month, delivered by carrier In
Meiironl, llionlx, JnckgonVllln ,
ninl r-.n.lrnl I'olnt ......, . 60
Haturday only, by mall, pur ycnr
Weokly, jiur year . 1.60
Official l'uer of tlio City of Medford
Official lpr of Jckon County.
Hnlnrnl us hwikI-uIhbji matter at
Medford, Orgon, under the not of March
I, 1879.
Sworn Circulation for 1914. 2588.
I'll 1 1 luaeed wire Ananclated rrciw Oil
patches. $S
Subscribers falling to recolvo
papera promptly, phono Clrcu-
latlon Munngor at 2G6lt.
rillN'i:, Italy, Juno 1(1. ll-iliim
f roups nrc eonlinuiiiK Willi grout
ignr their iitliick.H upon llui Aunt ti'iii
position itt (lorixia. Tlio Austrian
arn ik'lVmliiii; the town from Hi"
height of I'oilotii, to tlio went, iuuI
from invisible tionclioM extondiiu;
from I'odgorn to .Mount Km lino, m
tin' lxoiio valley. It would npponr
tliul the AtiMtriiiiis purpose to jirc
ei.l (ho Itiilinu innirli Inward TiiM
m'Hi tlio tli rent of (lamia on llioir
loll final;. Tlio Austrian tiPiichot on
till front urn protected with nto?I
lirnior anil couiiootoil- with iinl'i.
f;ritiiiil passage, flip "K'U t"'i' 'il''1'
to firo'froin under cover ami at tlio
hiiiuo tiiao llmv tiro 8iipmrtpd liy ur
.H'Jtir.v in tint hilln behind, them.
Italian anav offieurs dcacribp tlio
lAiislrinn notions ovprywlieio u pttiv
Jy dcfpusivp, o.Popt in ' tlio Oivi!u
r.nno, where tliu hM troops have bf'ij
onncontrat.oil nppntPiitlv for nu of
fensive uiovoiuout. It is thought hen
that Austria intends nu iuviiMiun at
this point, with tho Men of compell
ing tlio Ilaliaiirt to eiiiieealrale their
men for iIpI'pjimp.
Fighting in gninj: on fiercely hoth
nilit ami ihvv liotwean tho lufarno
vnllev iiml Mallmretli. Thin hall1,'
field jk ut nu elevation of 7000 feet.
Italian reports ileelaiv that up to the
piecnt tin AiiHtimu rtt.ukx lime
iealtiil in fnilniv
Ni:V YOKK, .lane 111. (nplaiu
Wlllinm M. ()li!e, thiol ut the xoeret
Mimii'P ill the llepillllllOIlt of pintieo,
lioiv, eiinlnaiiil IihIhv the ropott ol
thu tliiMtppoiiriiiieo iifllvimc llatileu'
I'orv, lui vw to Ukvh tiwlifioil he.
foio tho Cedent I kiiiiiiI jurv whieli i
iavontiKiitiajf alt'idavitH uiado In (!u
(mv Htbl and iitoMiiumhlv other-, to
tlio oTfWt that tho l,atitiimii had lour
KtiilM iiiounlod tho dnv hofoiv she
sailed on hor liut (rip.
Mr. Of ties' mml tlmt lUnlotihorK
wnu to ho oonio to hi oftioo lnt
liHnliy, liut failisl to iipiH'iir, iiml
tliMt hlii wheietthiHitH i uiiknuwii.
'ltw uraud jurv omitiinioil it in
vwliirntidu UhImy with Imlf n duii
witnoh whiMO lotiiuoav k in
ttfuilml to pixivo that not tmly Stuhl'
affidavit ua fale, hut that he un
not alumni tlio htiNituuiu prexioah to
her depMiluro, Thio iaoluded Ad
idtdi Miltolufhor, SImIiI'm lomaiiiate;
Daiiwl .iHiiuoy, mi Hi4Uiiit, iwnthi-rw
of ColltH-tor of I 'art MmIomoV neu
tmllly iuad," Hint il r. Josephine
Woif and her ilHituhtor, who iiuulo mi
nffldiivit tliul thev had heard a l.a
ilMlllH htovtaiil miv tho hliii we
ll wmmI.
Kd Wnlluoo and son ThI, and Ilo
intir I'arlow, unoateU lat otk by
Uumu U'ardwn Kd W'Hlkvr Htid Spoftnl
Wardou Appleitato for lllwal (UnIdk
on Jtoh'iio river near tho Oolduu UrKt
llttn vor fined J 125 and ouata Ih
tho Jiivtlou oourl at DrauU I'aaa yo
tyrduj'. Kd WalUe'. miIU to b tho
rljigl.itdor. wua ftHoU J7i and cota
.and tlio athr two allt(i vlolitora
1q upioco. Neither hb Hble t in)
tlio fluo unit are Ik-Ius held in ih
Joscidilno count) Jatl. Albert ituvk.
nijVnllu. nrruattHl i iho hum (Iim
for iio.aiuo oUvh iii b trM U
tlaj, Tlio !)!) VJ'OTr .nietMl on Juw
1,1 aj oiift O'tUtW '" MMithif-
Awarding, Iq il) m4M tt
whs injcttrsanr i0 ,,lU v W"
nri'flst t vlalatQSj
TIII cxpi'i'it'iH'e of iM'edford with two telephone sys
tems should make the citv o slow in the niatterof
"ranting franchises for public service corporations.
Everyone is desirous of securing the investment of new
capital in development enterprises. lOveryone wants to
encourage industry and new projects, but at the same time
a square deal should be given capital already invested.
13efore a franchise is "ranted auv public service cor
poration the public, should be assured that the applicant
is sound financially and able to carry out its promises. A
franchise should not lie merely an sisset for promoters to
sell stock or securities upon in' distant states.
Moreover, if a franchise is valuable to the comimnv. it
is also valuable to the city
out of prospective earnings
. i ...i .i. . ..t.i ... . i
grained siioum provide not
.but also, at its expiration, provide for purchase or other
..,.....! ........... 1... itw, ..: .. ..oil.. l: i .!.., . ! . i
iu-(iiii.-iiii-iii, i v iiircnv, in
All public utilities should be owned eventually by the
nuuiicipaUtics, when conditions justify their acquisition.
Medford is in no shape finaneiallv to own anv of these
J 1 i i i ill j i t a
iiuiiucs, excepi waicr, ai. tne. jnesent time, nor nave Allien
cans, like the (lennans, developed sufficjient efficitsney in
municipal affairs to justify public ownership, but this is
the uUinmte goal for which avc must work.
Public utilities are natural monopolies, and all such
monopolies should be. under public ownership, its they .al
ready arc under public supervision. As a result, rates'tl'iat
are paid by consumers are fixed by (hastate public utilities
commission and are based upon the, value of the plant and
cost of operation, so as to render a fair return upon tho in
vestment. Bedford's experience with the telephone is the experi
ence of all muuicipalitics with rival public service corpo
rations. To secure a loot hold or a Irancliise, rates are re
duced by one or both of the competing companies. Moth
lose money. lOveutunlly one of the concerns buys out the
other and rates are raised higher than before. TJte public
has to pay interest on both investments and previous
In the next few luonths the state public utilities com
mission will hold public hearings to fix the rates that can
he charged for light and power in southern Oregon. Com
panies will submit schedules, of plant valuations, which
will be checked by ex icrts employed by the commission,
which has already made a physical valuation of the plant.
Tho city and public am the corporal ion will have abundant
opportunity to state their cases. After complete and thor
ough investigation, the coinmissio.n will announce rates
that it deems just and fair to both public and companv
1 mi . . . ,;.i .. ;il
aiai iiiin Hcncdinj! win govern
telephone charges.
In .July the controversy between the city council and
the power company over tlio repudiation by the city of the
franchise granted the company, will be threshed out in tlio
federal court and a decision reached, after which it is sin
cerely to be hoped that a friendly contract, fair to both city
and company, be made.
Bryan True but Wilson's Right Says Quick
(lly llorhort (jaiek, xpoeial wntor for
tho Mail Trihiiuo.)
Mr. ltiaii never had un.Wliiutf to
Kitiu hy aooeptiiiK a plneu in tho imh-
It wa u wtop dowuwHtil. lie vn
uroatot' iim tho nieal eouuuouoi' than
iik Hoorotitrv f ntnto.
Kiuaueially, tho tukiiiK of a plaoa
in tho eahiuot iuvolvod u uieat ni'-
Williin n dnv or mo after the news
Inul hoou niailo pulilio that ho hud no-
plod tho purl folio, Iho writer had u
talk with him. "Yon," -aid ho, "I'm
MohiK into tho enhiiiot. Mr. Wil-on
Iiiim iiMkud iihi to do mo, ninl I can
find no valid reaxon fur iel'u.iiiu."
It ua plain, howovoi', that ho win
ipillo eoiixeiou- of tlio prohleuiM In
luight ho liioinir. It won plain that h
hud Mitht for wood kmimoiin lur u.k
iuif to Ih omumimI, and hud found
I In had made W'iUon pioMiilent. lie
wanted W'iUou'i admiuidt ration to U
it uoooi. llu loft Unit if ho ootid
do HiiythiiiK in the enhlit to n-wi-t
in luukmit uoeet.fid thU fiixl doino
eiatU' aduiinioti'utiou in tuniiv your,
ho oaulll to do it. I am nvrinell, i"
(orlain that ho went into the ciintiet
i ,
from a xea-e ut dtit to the man hoi
had done o intioli to make proideat, ,
duty ' hi party and dalv to In-.1
ootint ry. i
NW that ru lui Htlpivl out '
l!.iiUll not down, hv uy.y mean- let
:l bv iveoriliNl that lie Iiiim holind WW
miii nii.ollii.ilv mid Huorfiill. 1W
ai.yoiii' sunMiho (hut tlio arl ineii--iimm
wlneh oiutUiil the iveoid on
hIiU-Ii the dtHUooiittx will mi Ih-Ioiv
the pound ut 1 U lit oould hao Uepu
PiimmhI without lli pivxwire in 'uli-
uigtoii ol the until to wtiiHH " luauv
ileuioiral- lit(d UiuLpiI fur ueailv
IwiMity m-iii iim loudel Hnau hn
ttivou the iivideut faithful, lnl,
MjwfrftU hprio.
TihI he hhaulti td UikUm- in
the riM'ei df hin tHtuuirymeu t..u
or bfti'. Tkue raWeuroim ihus
lueb are inlui "(luwl riddumv io
"n,i raMMMu: n wuMaea b men
fui) Io rvalite tluat Iho net ut'
ivinu ui a itivt office fur iho Make
ol u boliei i mi iidaurable thing. It
ii. not mi eitunuuN a thiuy in ikt
ooualrv thai we caa afford in den
nurMtltpM the pHvileiro of aiijuvtiat
mil il.
llrMa u Im oU a imUlieiua not t j
have kiwtVii ftl M aeia trouid
amke hiiu tka temM fur everr en- reMrd in tne 4mmh4m at wwrk viH
tliiuking uud rnucuiVUM tougue audlnil' betu uecouidihcd.
and vorth paying for, either
or otherwise. Anv franchises
i . .....
omv a net revenue to the citv.
iiii - oiH'ifiiiiig aim (tisi rioutiug
il J. .. ,
uiereaiier as u governs ine
pen in Iho nation. Ho knew it would
divide IiIk liiciuU. ninl that for oii"e
Iiim oueiuioN would Mpoak with om
"iw ho liKht in IiIm iliffoieueo of
onioii with WiUou I do not thiiiK
no. It ii u diffoiouoo of judyiiiout ih
to what polioy it. fnont likolv to liriiitf
iim into the war. Itotli men nUli to
avoid war; hut they dilfor iim to '.he
iiu'iium of doinir o.
I haliovo that tho jiuliMiiout of Wil
moii and tho iet of the eahiuet I
haul. I lioliovo that llrauV pun
olplis rotrardiuif peueo throuuh mlei
national foilietiraiice, luliilrntion, hi
ventilation, doluv lor a vein and tin
like, are iiiei a to until Inm tin
diplomacy in hoo duvx when treat
ion uu only MorapM of paper and tin
right of neutral are a ehalt in the
Hut llryiiu wits true to hi prim i
diM, a ho Iiiim hIwu.vm Iiinmi.
He U niiaiii tho (treat eommonor.
Whether liiM ki'OmIupim xlinll jnv or
decline dopeuiU on how ho ue Iiim
newly ro(tHiuwl frepdom. Tho people
aio with Wilhou; hut tho eluiiu of
aitiitration and tlio Mioifit position
ueiieiiillv khould have a .pokoKiuuii.
will have one ut Mr. Mryan.
(lod eiiiul
hal -.iv.
Ii i in wi-dom in what In
I'OUTI.AM) dune in. Poitlnnil
took on u warlike u-H'et todav, the
entire eoHt atitlleiy of the Diokwu
iiudomil guard mUieiing here tht at
teruoon, ei route to the nuuual eti
oaMiMiMut wlu4h oiioah at Fmt Siev
oa, Or., latarr. Tke fiivt ih
taouiueiit of troop arrived from
Medford eariv tudav, foiluwe,! ul in
terwiU t ivoiupttMiei. t'runi l':iipuv.
t'otlaae drove nnd other (own-. The
trumr Utter bourded m ril lnu
fur Kurt Sii'von.
W.VSIIlN'dTON. June HI tly
Ihirtv oil-.!-- rem. i in in Lr dei idinl lv
llu HUireiuo iiuni ,( tin- irvi'nt
lenu, and -hoiiUl hII ! tlie.e he di
uiitrd ut' next Moiidax. the dual de
riaMW dai otihe eintrt veer, u
I'lieda I ta la, lofl, ('lata Kliuluill Voiiiik, i-IkIU, Mlliait
(lly I-tlicr Hoffmann)
"What gota balilliend row In mtisl
rnl coineily, Irnviw n motion plcturo
theater front row cold," Hiiy tho ninn
neur-llieMoii In tali fdmi when itBkod
how hIiIh Hiirceoil In the moving.
It taken moro than uiero purHonnl
beauty to win niU'ceon In tho movies,
while a beautiful Klrls on tho ftpcnl;
Iiik Htano can "get away" with most
anythliiK. MIha .Movie iiuiBt liavw tho
genius to express ooiuopnrtlculnr omo-
tlon coiiiody, putlios, etc., If bIio
wnntH to liuconip it lending lady.
Aliovo nro tho faee of thu wlckod
est, lovijllest, and most captivating
Klrla In inovlelanil!
Tho wIckodoRt fact In tho iiiovIoh
helotiRH to Thodn llara. Known as
tho "vnmplro rIiI" hn la conslilorod
n licwitclilni; hontity who hnn enro
fully cultivated an nponnrnnco of
fiiHclnnttnK honrtlosHiioRR and lias uc-
Madame Schumann-Heink's
Advice to the June Brides
"Mnrrinno 1$ Not a Miracle That Will Chaniic Selfishness to Swect
.. iiess," Says Bclovetl Opera Sinccr.
(lly .Madam Srhuinann-Ilolnk)
(Tho laiiioiin Diva) '
Strange iim It may seem I no mo
dules think thnt a selfish mother un
consciously paves tho way to tho suc
cessful married life of hor daugh
ter Tlio daughter of
a McliUh mother 1m
ulwnv tinrndflsh
and I soiuoduiPH
think that uunol
fMitKKK Ih the
me. iti st nawt td a
huppv wedded life.
The daughter who
lias waited on the
wblnpi of a boUIhIi
mother unit blotted
out self to make
Iter happy will bo
apt to more eually
wait upon and o.
cuho the lilloKMicntileB of nor hi
band. Don't allng io that mUtaken fdon
that marriage U a iplracl by which
a thoughtloiw. Moldsli girl pan bo Im
mediately clump il into nn element of
mw pot now and Unlit.
Swoiulmaii" may bo tltnoniym
of good tltite. ami fragrant flower,
the lov; lot tern tho llumtorf, die aup
pors, tho dance, ami all tho tuouanud
and ouo thlnit ttut go to iniiko up
tho rouruhlp irlod, but 'vvi,
uieaue tenderae and wi orifice and
over-roady )tuiuthy; It luoan com
railoulilp; the imibitng of a home;
the taking of vour place an one of the
HiiltM that g to mtvgc, up tho stuldllt)
of dte .nutloa.
How I wUh l euuld Iwpreee ujkih
vM) jlrj who ioimU thee l(ttea (ui
ou over) moiliet .iUm thai laaa tw
Mbould be laid on the eniullotial il
turhuww we call lve and more uaiun
the chamrter ih.n ot brlug tu the
yim aad woinea have Tey differ-
at ideal or ami expeet verv different
thing fraw merriage. The girl
moat tlMroutth the ttikuakqn deoe
of Ur auakMr, u very aut jio tutuk
thai ' life after uiarrlage will be a
hind at itertrind omiruhiii uader the
auattUaa aud higaltir ! the rhugrh
M aM ihe ii-VtoM lklkM or he
fMXrutMIHy he la Ithtng upon hr
I' mother bail ual taught theii
XWi '
Walker, lielotv.
cevdud In lookliiK moro wicked In
oacli iilioto-iilay.
Clara Klmlinll Yotini? Is host de
Mcrllu'il an "lovely." Shu him lioon
hailed nu "the most beautiful rIiI on
tho Horeon" and I'onrhyn StanlavvH,
tho artlnt, declares that sho has won
derful yc. To oyp Ih tho window of
tho roiiI, enperlully In tho movies
whoro It revtinlfl tho Hlory of your
thoughts and moods moro surely than
nny othor feature. DccntiKo of tho
niaRiilttulo and color of her eyes
.Miss Young Ih being paid $500 n
Perhaps Lillian Walker hasn't Rot
tho wll moilelod features of Miss
Young, nor tho bovvitchliiK Btnllo of
Thoda llara, but sho'a got two won
donful dimples that nro tho envy of
ovoryono thnt boob her on tho screen.
MIbb Walker Is a ronl Amorlcan bonu
tv. too, with hluo oyc, light golden
hair and u dazzling cbmplixlon.
daughters from the book of tho great
.Vmoilcan poel:
Your fRto Ik tho common fato of nil,
Into each life lomo rain must fall."
The chaucee iro that luntoad of
grieving for lout llluilons thVy would
be mnkliig tho beet of roalltloB.
(Another Schumunu-llriiuk Arti
cle Tomorrow.!
K.Mtl.SKI'HK. liaden, June 10.
.N'luetMa uerMitti wore killed and
fourtooM aerlougly lnjttrwl while many
Others were slightly wounded dur
ing the attack made upon thle city
early yeetorduy morning hy a fleet
of French aeroplanes. The ppoplu
remained calm, but are Incensed be
cauee of the attack on an open town.
A French maiement yeaterdav said
the attack on Karlaruue was mado
by 33 aeroplane, which dropped 1"0
projecillea, cauetug a large number
of fire. It was it at oil a serious pan
ic was olwoiveil ut die railroad sta
tion. 1915 ARE CALLED
LONDON. June t A Control
New a ilUuetch froiu Awaterdnm soje
roporta received front Cologne state
that Ihe recrtilu of the ltlC draft
w ho were ordered last week to pro
imre for eervbe will be miMHioned to
tho colors loda lnteil of In Octo
ber. li.ik lieeu proiioeed.
John A. Peri
ldy AMlstant
US S. lUUTI.irrT
I'luinu M. t" aud 17-J'J
Vinbiitanre rvervK'e Uurouer
"Quality Street" will ho presented
bv MnUdp AdaniB at the Page theater
this evening and an extremely Inrgo
ntullencp will view the nctross in "one
of the most chnrmlug rolos thnt have
been given her bv .1. M. ltnrrle. Tho
success of the revival has exceeded
nil expectations. Miss Adams thought
flint sho might glvo an occnslonnl per
formance of the piny to plense those
who recalled It and might take pleas
ure In witnessing It ngnln. In this
she was right, but nlto did not count
rtn the fact thnt there nny number
of hor ndmlrers who never saw tho
piny nnd would want to do so. It Is
these people who hnvo so much help
ed In making the revival tho success
thnt It Is. "Quality Street" Is In four
nets and taken Its unmn from a little
thoroughfare In n narrow llttlo vll
lngo In IC n gin nil In the long ngo. The
characters nil live on this llttlo street
Including Susan nnd I'lioobn Thros
sell. Tito story deals with tho love
nffnlr between Hioebo nnd Dr. Val
onttno Drown, n fine manly chap. The
lnttor goes away to the Nnpoleonlc
wars and It, looks ns If I'hocbo's rom
ance In at nn end. Sentimental llnr
rlo likens the lovo nffnlr to n gnrden
for ho describes his first net ns tho
first gllmpso of tho gnrden, th oiee
ond ns to how the garden grow, tho
third ho wn weed nttneks tho garden
and so forth ns to picturing how tho
flowers drove tho wood from tho gar
den. The humor of tho comedy Is In
Unrrlo's hnpplest vein. Miss Adams
will, of course, ngnln bo seen ns
I'uopbe. In hor compnny will bo seen
Charles Hammond. Norton Soltou,
Fred Tylor, Kntherlno Dodgers. Wll
lard Hnrtou, Angola Ogdeu, Sarah
Converse, Kllso Clnreus, Leonora
Chippondalo nnd It, P. Carter.
CIlKHllOlMtO, Juno If.. Tho
French torpedo boat No. :t:tl sank
today after a collision with tho Urit
Ish steamer Atloya. Six of tho war
ship's crow wore drowned. Tho others
woro rescued by torpedo bont No, 337
Tho torpodo bont No. 331 wns
launched In l'J07. It had n displace
meat of !70 tons nnd could inr.ko
2G knots nn hour. Available shipping
records contain no mention of n llrlt
IhIi steniner Arloyn.
.Aliilfoitl Iteailers .ro Learning tlio
It's the llttlo kldnoy Ills
The Inmo, weak or aching back
The unnoticed urlnnry disorders
That may lead to dropsy nnd
Urlght's disease.
When tho kidneys nro weak,
Help them with Donn'a Kidney
A remedy ospeclnlly for wenk kid-
Doan's havo boon used In kidney
troubles for 50 years.
Kndorspd by 80.000 people en
dorsed by cltlnens of this locality.
Frank Kasshnfer, bailiff county
court, ApplogMto road. Jacksonville,
Oro., geye: "For years I worked ns
n minor and It cnused kidney and
bladdor trouble. Tho pain first at
tacked me lit the small of my back,
especially when 1 got up In tho mom
lug. 1 alfo had trouble with tho kid
noy secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills
soon removed the complaint."
Prlco nor, nt nil dealers. Don't
stmplv ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidnev' Pills- tho snino thnt
Mr KasHhafer had Foster-Mllburn
Co Prois , Iluffnlo X, Y - Adv.
Metlford's Leading Theater '
T 0 II I G H T
In u Comedy of Four Aots
Quality Street
Author of 'The Little Minister."
"What Kery Woman Kaowi," "Peter
Pan." eic.
Vrlcea: Ur FImm-. !.; Hal
eon), (irat 4 rawia, l.; uejet 4 raws
0; 1 rawa f&e; laat I row.
&t anla opm Moadar, ! a. w.,
theaur box tJftaa. Mall ardera aa-
eonipaniad hy elwak racoUed aw ad
raaarvnthMMi niade I araar they are
received T lephone Ilk.
Kxhibition Begins at 1 30 P. M. '
See DoKor, VmorUa's droatost A v.
Itar. loop the loop, f tipaldo down,
take daredevil dip and spiral gjidu,
fly the tango, ate.
Before the night. Utauttful silver
cup goea to the winner.
ItotliieeU linUtM on llalluiiiils.
UKm- wilt itm o-H. V, Trailer
HlpMae. I at eat type naod In Kurope.
peed 5 uiilee per hour.
Tell oiir friend.
tSxhlMdou under the auapleoA of
the Meitfonl i'1. amber of Com were Q.
Qet tu kits iN
.' v