Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iBwK ..,
hmt v
WH. ' :.h
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Jonos or Klam
iith Falls wore gueeta of Hotel Hol
land TluiMday and l'riday ot hint
An a. result of tlio comiiotltlvo ex
aminations hold ly CongrcMinnn C.
N. MoArthur Saturday, Oordon Voor
hlos Jr., oldest on of Captain Gor
don Voorhlos, Unltod Stntofl army, ro
tlroil, formorly of Medford and form
er owner of tlio llurroll orchards, was
appointed to tlio Unltod States Mili
tary academy from the Third Oregon
district for tlio term commencing
Juno 14, 191G.
Velvet Iro croam nt Do Voo's.
Mrs. Frod II. Hopkins and nolco
and Mrs. A. 13. Houmen left WodncH
day ly nuto for Portland to vlHlt n
Mr. nnd Mrs. II, C. Stoddard linvo
returned from a xxook'H vlidt at Son
Francisco. Tlotli nro delighted with
tlio exposition.
Get fllterad KM?o1lno from tlio Hod
flltor nt Garnott-Cory'n.
Mrs. W. A. KolKor, Mrs. M. C. Ilar
lier nnd daughter recently returned
'from a vltdt to tlio San Franclneo ex
Tlio Children's Day oxordUow at the
Oak Grove n(j)iool hoimo wore n groat
huccchh, nnd thoroughly enjoyed liy
nil iiroHout.
Parties going to the fair or Ban
Francisco nnd want lo go by nuto,
write Ira C. Smith, liox 7.1, Talent,
Oregon. 7 1
Tlio LndleV lllhto cIiihk of tlio
Christian ehiirch will entoititln the
mou and lliulr xvlvon, of tlio Mori's
lllhlo clans Friday evening at 8 p. nl.
nt the homo of It. 11. McCurdy nt '.'3
North Orange street. All momhers
of both ulasKQti nro requested to ho
Home-made pastry nt Tlio Shasta.
Forost Huporxluor Martin Krlehsun
has returned from a ten days trip to
San Francisco, whero ho visited the
fnlr. Ho reports that Oregon' ex
hibit Is up to Htnndaril, and that tlio
building Itsolf Is tlio coolest on the
grounds. The .lacltsoii county wild
game exhibit Is an attraction In itself,
hn says, and attracting more than
usual attention from lsllor, though
komowlmt out of tlio lino of regular
traffic. The camping sceno Mr.
"Krlckxou says Is tlio best ho has ever
Screen doors at Monrord Lumber
Company 7 loft Tuesday evening
for tho annual encampment nt Fort
Stevens. A largo crowd of friends
and relatives were nt Iho depot to
hid tho soldiers farewell. The com
pany will he nway two weeks.
A couple of thunder showers fell
over tho vnlloy Tuesday evening do
ing neither damage or benefit to'
Slkl)nu or Cotoutln mineral xvnt-
K. A. llrown and wife of this city
vhillod friends nnd relatives In
0 rants 1'aM Monday and Tuesday.
Ooorflo l.yninn of Gold Hill spent
Tuesday la Mud lord attending to bus
liitWH matters.
(lame Warden Walker or Aaltlaud
van In Mmlford Tuesday on IiumIiumm.
MfiroUmiti' Lunch, a 5c. The Shasta.
Jnekwtn win nly's Apportionment
fur h county fnlr from the state funds
It $ 1606. IS, Josephine' $r7l 37.
Klamath' jvn.on, DouRltu $n::t.
1)0. Seo Dhyo Woil about that tiro In
surance, polloy. Office Mall Tribune
Ifld WKIIaort. txxlow found kuIIIx of
violating the ywni laws by Raff Inn
wtlmuu In (hn lower Home, whs
flnod $75 and posts la th, Jusllno
oHirt at OruMls Pmm TueUs. His
ttun THl u flm-d $.'( slid costs, and
UQlUJr FhiIuw Uh asHtn atnttmit
Pullin ttt pay the ttn will neec
altats laiiKulahinK In Jail Albert
Mi(l. arretl at the sumo Urn for
thy Anna nffntnte will appear before
the Juvenile eoui t. The cane against
ltarl Wallace was dlsiiiUsp!
Hnvo your lawn mower aunrponod
by J. MltokHll. phano l0J. tt
Ttat MtMlfonl baud wlU give auotU
or opeti air ounrort nt the ell) wrk
jiuit Frldtg vxcului. In the future
tlio MUiuorta xxllllw ghon Frlda
(Jura Id KcHivKiultli Is lu I'uitlsml
this week taking part In tb Oregon
golfars tuurntt). ('hattdlitr Mkhii left
Wednesday lo pU) lu tho tourua.
Or. M. U. llarbar, I'alm block
Hours 9 to A. 1'hone: Offlqo 110;
Jlomo 110J2.
AltoincK I'hiiI HUHcliard f ClraHts
jL'aan HiMiit Tueatlay Ir Hertford and
jTajvkkoiMille attundlnv to professional
""!?. A. Htldn-lh of llutte Kalis ajwal
Tuosilnv n Mcdford attwidlag to
business iu.iiUts ilrs. Hlldrotb.
Wli6 lias Ihhu serluuily ill l conval
escing ath-U' I'olnt.
'op corn I'nspottM at l) V'.
S. U. SginorK of rotlag 0v.
Orogon, Is potidtns the wk Ul Ut
city nnd Yu"" atundlng to UusIamw.
iT D fl qarrls h boat Mat at
iTawklTiB, aadohM 1'wrl sMM TttMh
Announccmont has been mnde by
Governor Wlthycombo of the np
pofntment ofE. Al, Wilson of Med
ford, as a member of the state board
of accountancy. Houcceeds W. II,
Wnnn, formerly of Medford, whoso
term oxplrod Juno a. The other
mombers of tho hoard are. Charles
II. Parrlsh, John Y. Hlihardson. Ar
thur Ucrrldgo nnd W. It Mnckonzle,
all of Portland.
Get your butter, eggs, croam, milk
dna butter milk at Do Voo's.
Jack Gill ot DutiHiuuIr, a former
resident of this city, nnd well known
locally us a tinllplncr Is visiting
friends nnd relatives for a few days.
A. C. Allon spout Tuesday after
noon In Ashland attending to busi
ness matters.
HoinoMnodo pastry at the Shasta
F. G. Harrison or Glendale spent
Monday In Medford attending; to
buslnoss matters.
County Clerk Gardner spent this
morning In Medford attending to
county matters.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Cnmora Sbop. Opposite Book
The Andrews Opera company will
present 'The Mikado" at tho Vlnlng
theater In Ashlnnd. Friday night
they will present the same opera at
the Star In this city.
W. II. Gore left Tuesday for Port
land to spend the week on bunlnoHH
and pleasure.
Cliorolales. .10 cents lb. Do Voo's.
J. T. Sullivan, manager of tho
Itoguolauds left Monday on a. ahor
business tiip to Portland.
Governor Wlthycombo will make
his second lnlt to southern Oregon
thin summer Juno 1!P( coming to thin
city from Klamath Falls after a visit
to Crater I.nke. The chief oxeeutlvo
will be taken to the sconlc resort by
Klamath Falls citizens, nnd brought
to this city by the G. O. P. central
committee. At a meeting of tho di
rector of the Commercial club Tues
day night, It was decided to appoint
a (oinmlttco to arrango for enter
tainment. Tho ('rater Lake lodge
will he opened In honor of tlio gov
Kodak finishing nnd nupplloa at
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposl
Uook Store.
The Hagley Canning company i
Talent receed an order this uiori
Ing from II, llnrilol of Unhurt, Okla
- . .... 'i
lor two cases or appio juice to
shipped by press.
A (otuniltteo of tho Commercla
club will Journey to Ashland toda
to make arrangements for tlio Join
enteitiiliimeut of lsltors lu tho val
J. 0. Corking, tho best all aroun
photographer In southern Orogon
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
whoro, time or placo. Studio 22
faln St Phone -120-.T.
Dr llaglej of Talent Is In the city
today attending to business matters
II. K Itiuur of Itlddlo Is spending;
a few das lu tho ill) attending to
business matters.
Itowuiaii Jackson of Kugle Point
spout Tuosda) lu Medford.
Get embroidery woik nt llandloinft
shop to take on )our vacation.
Wellboin Cornelian will leave
Thursday on a business trip to Pro
spect. A colored lady from Salem Is In
the city today soliciting funds for
the building of a colored ehureh lu
that city.
Mrs. W. T (liolve and children
have returned fioin a ten da)s visit
In Poitlnnd.
J. P. Hughes. W. S. Kcm. 11. D,
Mills. George W Darker, nnd It Gep.
wrt appeared before the Commer
cial club Tuesday night and asked for
the support of tho club lu securing
a road fiom the Geppert pise north
and wut to connect with the road
In Prospeet. The load would shorten
the distance between llutte Falls
and Pritapctit.
Mrs. KriHlartrk PoluiikP of Kngle
Point snent Tumuta) in Medford Ms
IIIhr friends.
The .tiorcelo Iwaelmll leant of
Hariaiimnto Is trvlng to seetuo u ser
of games with the lonal club
A Port, ar and a lumber wagon
of the g Plat ottttipanv collided at
HWth ami Kir this afternoon The
collision occurred when the drlor at
toiupted to pass uvhiuU the wagon
Tho front aW was bent. Tuesday
night two Jlliie of the Aluo Taxi
ittui'H toileted on Mslti street
IMIll lKI 11 . I a tie li! -A
plea for wuild iMiatw wltg a unltml
church to aid nations in nrxoutlgg
wgra, was voloeti by (ormor 1'rWldout
Taft toda) at tho 4 3rd eowHtomo
uivnt at atarthUMre colltHie.
Mr Tafi said h bollexod that
htu l lie proaont struggW lu Buropo
Is ndod iho trooti of laUraatlonal
public opluiog wilt bo toward a
loot" of oatkiBs whoso iBloroat 1b
tho malntoBBBoo of ualvoraaJ togco
111 bmko thoat rooncalao tho ad
vantBgo of uBtp mbIbm .
CIIHWUO, Juno 13,-Hni: i
tlie diiy which eelehruioH Anieiiean
peace mill unity, wiih elimen iih (lie
npnrnprinto day to liluneli the "nonce
hut" mill Hie wiiiKH of tlio once ilow
llutlcrcd nte the lieiuls of mum
fiiHliionulile wottieu in the Flmr tiny
proooHHiou on Lake Shore l)iip.
Tlie "ponce hut," wliich coiihiMm
cliiefl" of two (oe wini'M I'iihIciiccI 1 1
a ciownloHH Itniid of tulle, in Mi-s
The Sfill,
8aan tWoW
iHaHaaakkk laHaaaaaBHaaW!
lasjtwtTjjk x Jt M' fi
Indiana Miipieme court lodav iiu
peaehed Kli II. Hediimu, toimerly
jiidire ot the Vigo eomilv ciifiiil
oniut at Telle Haute, declaring I here
wua no dispute oxer tlid I'aeU in the
caul. The etuirt, however, denied ibr
reipiest of Attorue (lenernl Mil
hum, wh( filed (lit1 iinpeaclii icul m
eeeding, that "the dctenthnt ! '
fraiielused anil rnlcivtl rieHui' l '
nflVe hereattar."
ItctlniHii, h iltNiioerat. wuh diflare.l
oleetetl (o the iniev in the eletlmn
of liihl Nttxemher hv ten oti. He
win. later foiiHi-tftl with idlieiv in
the election poiit-piun eine in led
eral i on 1 1 and Mnti n id to -ei w Iim
riir ill Ihe li del i iuon
Reported by Jackson County At
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta.
He'll INtato Tiiinfeii
Delro.x Getthel to Win S.
Dwiunell, lund in .:.;. 2W i'iUHi 0U
I.. ICiuma llinuihre nt xir to
11 II Helm land In SS 1W
Charlts II Sehaeh to Chariot
Schaeh at nl, t 1 1, :I5. IW
1 00
l.eluh Ilow era et u to Tliouiaa
J O'llaira, lots la Central
K. T Klmmous el uv to l.wlah
ltoxkors, lot lu Gold Hill
GeoigW DtHlaon et'uv to W
C Swing et u. laud lu sli
10 00
1 on
J It. War wt ux to l.ettii
Traak. laad In Ashland
K H Wbttuad ot u
lllaaeh MiCra, lots
U ort man Add Medford
U II. Voo, adnt of Lustier 1.
Walhor to L. D Good ot u
toia In AahUad
W. A. Mobmot to W. W. Ulaa-
iow ot at, oort of cuaaoni.
toad It-is. 9k iw .
Myrtio N at at la L. D
Qcfjl ja la Agkkusi
t iH
irgnim Itminr' conttihution to llie"t .iniild exnn our tieace en(i
Anictican enie tnowimnt. Mi .inuiU m our clothes. If we believe in
Itnppe, wlioxp p.ttnotism won for her
the niiuie "American Htiiuit- flnl,"
when hIio wiih in I'lirm uml 1.oimoii in
the eurlv dnyw of the world war, is
orguiuxiiii- u mow'tticut to MiiltHtitute
the pence note lor the military nolo
in women's elothet.
"The women of America want
w o lil tieace," aid Mimh ! todas
Small Voice
a" i
PARIS, June 1C Tho Fronch
war office this afternoon issued a
statement on tho progrosa of hostlll
tltMi leadliiK:
"llrltlsb troops yosteiday enptuied
a line of German trenches to the west
of MtlKiaw.
"There la nothing of Importance
to import from the remainder of the
front. A German airship was com
pelled to come lo laud within our
linen nt a point near Norto-Sur-Ouroii,
to tlie northeast of I. a I'eite
Mllon. The aviators were mado
11111 MUM. PHI June 10
Plan foi tin foiniatloii of a League
of Peate wild h would hind the II. i
tivus of tie world In a I'.ut of ainit,
will be dU. ussin! b distinguished
men of thin countr at a hamiuet
here toniKbi Othwr session or tin
iHtnterenpe w1 be held tomorrow in
ludepvmu.nce Hall. Former Prei
dent Taft In to bo oue of tho speakers
AMtfTKKDUd. June 16. Kxtrv
euttmce of degth by a court Miartlal
In Helgluin iiiuat hsrtNifter be eu
dorsett l KniBoror William before
tho prisuuris aro uNwuteil. acord
Iiik to a i I'srsiu rectlwtl todax ix
the Tl i iii its torr k) tuidt in r
nvoNop. i"
l'll, NX
a hdo
gtjggffcj "IQHB
icnce whv wenr mililury jackets nnd
Hiiltlier enp Clothes influenccH our
ininils. I believe Hint if we wear the
dove of pence uml (he beautiful
Amoiienn colors lme u place in our
Hclicme of diesH we will mou ereale u
Htroni; eiitinienl for pence. We be
lieve in peaei oiy clothea uliould
ptoclaim our fnith in peace."
KKDDINd, Cnl Ju;ic 1(1. l.ns-en
oeak crui'lcil lor tlu one humlrcd ami
I'iikI tune nt 1 o'clock oda, bcleh'
ug fiom iU main ruler o li pil
hi of Kiiuike, cMiuiutiil to Much a
nile hk.vwiiid.
'I'oduy's lU'lion wii the lust hince
lav :il.
Clears Skin Stops
All Blood Troubles
Gocs Right Down to Where
the Germs Start
Tho action tf RRB th- famous Jdooil
purlllpr, Is li' I it l in III : kin It Is tint
ll.ltlir.ll 111 it PI' 1 l-i MICH HllMll'l
stMk sn tmilrt Water k'is, oil and
nurl nil Hi. .K l r dais of n.iliiro
Hnk lliu sin f ii i Itii ins to tin u ton
mlo liw Kmti eur thoiiKhla vlll tin
(trUk lo rtml exrtssoii Anil sn w tin t -evvr
i Uko Into our sjntolil will tvun
tuslly fume out tbniiKfd In form, run
vrll oftnii Into soma utlier sulistnnto,
but eohstttuttnK HlwHys elllitr xvusto
or thut xnIiIcIi has sorml Its useful pur
nta snd must le flliiiltmltxl And the
kin Is ths nrlnt'lpsl svfiiu for esespa
of i.rlnln srltts or poisons. If tho skin
ml llenl It lisHlthy. ttico wastes imss
uff as vnpor or pnrHpiratliia. Hut Im
pure I'luuil losds tlit skin with iJom.i.
pimples, seiie. rliviiuiattHin, ntnli. fpver
lUlnlum, Meoil rUliigs and other erup
tions. And X. S H. tuts been found thn
ery best, safest nnd most effective
otMi dim iiiuh r-
r and attractive
Jtlasr of sn drus:-
I sist. but te vmphdtlo. ! not allow any-
i ons to band you a substitute Wrapped
Isround the bottle is sn interesting: oir
I culwr that tells ihi how to obtain Hklll
' fwl. dx we free on any subject toiuorn
i ins: tin Mood
I p K H. is prepared onh- by TbeBwIft
net i tt. t ' ttt Bwift HM- il.uits,
. Uu. Lyuli f.r this cuino eu the puiUag.
U. 1
! oil linht.
tl It HI MOl) RIM. SMR'lMi:T
; w.Mihi ui out choice - -diamonds '
iiuir ot t-olui .ted gittat orllllanc) ar
1 i'n
oiir Inspection of tboao boautlful
. is soltrltod
Hie Joxxolor Slii li. .Main .St.
LONDON, Juno 10. Sir John
Ilrltlsh'forcos lu France, reports that f
tho Rrillsh troops captured and then!
l.'ttnli nnm tflflMilnt I ft Pllim fll II1I1
lost n llbo tr German trenches at1
Fostubert. hut tba't tho Urlllsh hnvo
ocedprod the Gentian' positions to tho'
.,!. nt llntittn fnr n fltnlmlrtt of
loUo j nrds.
SAX FWANCISt O. .June 10.
TlioiismiuN of eioii weie pelted to
ilny with rones in the downtown
street by Orcjjon jirls ax turt of th
Unroll MONDAY, nnd learn IlookkcopltiR, Shorthand nnd Tpoxvrltlng.
Classes for Public School Pupils. 3 Months for Silo.
Mr. Georso A,
Unroll MONDAY.
llrlscoe, Supt. ot
Thoro Is still time
Medford Commercial CoHege T
Any hat in the shop . . $2.95
Panama shapes . . . $1.65
Nice trimmed hats 95c to $2.95
About 50 hals to select from
Come early nnd get first choice
Open Evenings 1101 West 9th St.
"Tl Put flit- lonso in
iiiNlr," sas
the fountain favorite
Therefore, drink rcfrcshinc,
First for Thirht"
5' at
l-st ll TIIK CASH AT
Ex-Governor Hanly
TJiqii tj.iirt'ii yoai'h tll, wnlkt'tl t liii-t in milt's tt)
lu-ar a li mail Utv tlir i'ii-st time, lit- now at tributes
bis surcpss in life to bearing that lei'ture. 'riious
a uds of otber live luvu been chanjjetl in a giniilar
Don't you want to give youi-rkiltl the Im-kI olain
ablff' You ran find it at
Chautauqua, July 6-16
For a trifling expense.
Send i-nrd to Ashland
at the Piinnma-l'iicirie epoilion.
Optui-hoifte -iitiilMit-niiitMl nt the
Oregon hmhlinjr nt the piomIioii,
wlieie Jtr. Cjiiitles A. Oral, tlie ol
final hosti -, prc-Mik-d
a t
Tho most economical, ctennilng anil
BormlddJ of all antlsoptlca Is
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
bo dissolved m water as needed.
i As t- medicinal antiseptic for douchca
In treating catarrh, lnflnrnmntlon or
t ulceration ol hobo, throat, Rnd thnt
caused by rcmlnlno Ills it has no equal.
For t&u yearn tho Lydla B. pinunnm
Modlclno Co. hna recommended Paxtlno
In tholr prlvato corrcBpondenco wltli
women, which proves 11b superiority,
Women who havo been cured Bay
It Is "worth Its wolght In Bold." At
tlriiBfilstB. 00c. InrBti box, or by mail.
The Paxton Toilet Co.. l!oton, Mass
Ashland Schools, lu Charge.
for u pood rex lew. Special Rates.
Co'lleKo Hide.
iipo St.
A P'ttLt
your favorite fountain
for full imiiimlnns.
ci cln.ition of "Poilliind Koo-e da
1 1 L'" W,P$
r. i ..iiiraaiWi '-T--' u
vu-rnaax y ri j, w
r: i "W ir 'i s-f- 'fV-
r& rs4h
IWUk AHiUrl Tlb VMtilfinl M
K I.
A & ftfc
Ckbllula. j