, V $ M 41' 5 PAGE SIX MEDFORD MATH TRTBUNE. MT2DFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, .71TNI3 15, 1915 AMERICAN NAVY GONE TO SMASH mm MEYER Tnft's Former Secretary of Navy Says Warships No Good, Unpre pared, Inferior nnd Crippled Shortage of Men Reported Tar get Practice Same as Years Ago. NKW YOHIC, June 15. Oconto voii L. Meyer, who wns Hccrctnrv of Hit) unvy in I'retdilcnt Tafl'n eitbinet. ml -drPHsing tlio jienco mid preparation oonfercneo of the Nntioniil Security league today, nnld the Amcriunn navy i'k deteriorating and urged that a voiiiprclicnxivn plan fr national tie i'ciiKu Hliotilil Ik) ininlo obligatory 11)1011 the next congress. Lack of hatllo cruisers, nirhliips, nrtned nt'ioplniicM and men' lack of a iiavnl reserve of cxperjenred men, of n romprrliciiHlvu )K)Ii('y ' f national defense, of general public knowledge of thu navy's condition; rcdtiutiou of vompIcini'litH of Home ship to man other nnd newer hhips, and 'curral uiiprcparpdnoHK of many battleships nnd oilier fighting units were enum riiti'd us iiiHtanceH of naval infer iority. Mr. Meyer xnid in part: Hlilpi Arw Unprejwrtil "Of thirty-three. battleships, we liavu only twenty-one tlial are tilted for service without long delay. Fur thermore, we linvo about twenty initwellnneoils fthtin ships not pre pared for Hervieo in wise of cinorg cney. ' "Our mibinnrincs nro In a ciipplcd condition. "The eompleinent of nil torpedo destroyers linn been reduced from 35 to 'J,') per eeut to got men to com mand new bunts. The Atlantic fleet alone iieedN 5000 men. "For aek of men, nIiIiih ate laid tin nl navy yards, where the" rapidly de teriorate, like n vacant house. "Tho Htatenieut of Assistant Secre tary ItooHOvell that we need IH.OOO men in undoubtedly true. Hnoent nt Trti-Ket I'mrllco "The target practice this last year in no better than it was ten yearH ago. "(.'ongrcsH in negligent in not hav ing eutabliHhed a national council of defense, a general staff and an or ganized naval reservu of ,10,001) ox lierieneed men." IteforniH and efficiency must be preceded, he wild, bv an inxestit'iition of actual conditions, which he assert ed hud "been denied the eoole hj thu party in power." Hmnmi1o Tvllit Tnmblo rharlcH J. llouapnrte, former see .retary of the navy, Hpcuking today before the conference, Htiid the diffi culty of diveitiug the attention of congressmen from mutter in their own districts to affairs affecting the entire nation was a real one. "They are too much interested in the important questions imitating I'oduuk," he HfcMirted, "to pav atten tion to the ipiestion of national de fense." Mayor fin lev of Huston said he dialed with President .Wilson the be lief that the I'uitcd State was too proud to fight. "Hut nwnv down deei in our hearts," he added, "we all siucerelx visit that it aught be possible for us to exchange Ibis phrase for another too rtwerful to fight." SOL JOEL'S POMMERN WINS NEW DERBY NKWMAUKKT. June in Hoi Joel's Comment toduy won the "Now Dei by Stakes,"' n race Instituted to TOlaco tho classic event nt Kptotn Downs, cnncollcd thin year on account of tho war. Thu winner was follow ed Ut Fly nnd Ilohoiidalo. Seven teen homes started. Toilay'M race wan a soophtBkos of 500 each with So.OOO ndded by I .old Derby, and wnu for horses entered for tho Kpsoin Derby. Among thu (starters wore AugUBt llelmont's Dan ger Hock, nnd 11. H. Duryea's Chlck .amatiga. Tho bpttlng against Pom morn wns 11 to 100, against Let Fly 10 to 1, and .against ltosondalc, 10 to 1. rommorn was tho wlune thu 2000 guinea stakes run at Now .market April 28. -3S7 Bryan IS for'War! With Demon Rum 'W 4 nf- - iwiiWlisiii m" mnmm LUND GRANT SWINDLE SIONE MASON'S UNION COMPOSER'S DAUGHTER l.OS ANOFXKK, June lri.-l'nder indietmeiit in Medford, Or., .1. T. IluwiH, a real estate man of that city, wan arrested here today by the Unit ed KtntcH iiiarshal'K of I ice. It in al leged he used the mails' to defraud, obtaining money from .1. II, Wttl and others for filing upplicalioiiK on fruit and timber lauds near Holland and Klrhyville, 'Or., representing hiuiHcIf to ho agent for tho Oregon & Califor nia railioad. It is hclleud Iliiius will fight extradition. Hums was formerly in the ical o.s lntohYp)tneM lit (Iranls Pass, later nt Medford. While (icre he denoted bin wife and went to California and wiih wamriMVfriHfr-nlfFrrt'i'"' Mr. Miti'im Heci)red a divorce. Tho indict menl referred to in the above wan the result of the federal grand jury probe ' into railroad laud grant locatiouu by ' swindler. COITON PAYMENT NKW YOHK, .lime :u H.inkeM and marine insurance nitcri'sts licic were gratified todii" h- iicwh trom London that the llrilili gmcrumcut had paid mi installment of nunc than fllOO.OOO 011 a cargo of Ameiieau cot ton scircd whilacu route to Sweden In March and April, (Irent Itntaiii dc tamed in nil twentv-si ships ealr iug 100,000 bales of cotton, valued at il'J.OOO.OOO. Duifts ihawn aanist these shipments were discounted b bankerH and trust eouipiiuiex in New York. They fall due within 11 le ilays and auxictv had been eiicM'il over the possibilii .if Ihssok from delay 011 the part of (heat Hiitaiu 111 paying for the cotton. Most of the cotton cixcd and taken to Hutish poi(s was consigned to Holland, Sweden or Denmark. The Hiltish older in council dnectcd that it be disponed of in Fuglaud at the contract price. PERJURORS! INGSSNE BR ER FROM PRE OF BERLIN HKKUN, )Iunc If).-The Vossiselie .eitung tioniiiibiilfiitH.fullo.WH onjtjie arrest in Ci.nciiinati of Heinz Hiirtl enberg, Mini 'to hu .ajjiiember ofdbo Utiruiiin uViuthnJ pdrps, itiVonnceliln 'with flje inveslignlioh.Mf the Ltwi- tanja disaster bv thu lederal grand jiiry ii New Yerk: ';"l"t W.ilccidedl.va remarkable nfun iipjj of, eonductin'j an investigation hut pt'rsinlH who ''nlhk'e', HtntementH varying trom tho.se of Ameiican pqrt officials should be intimidated by ar rest on suspicion of perjury." The Tnges Zeitung, speaking of the same ease, remarks: "And what of port officials, who gave false testimony?" The Tnglic.hu Itundesehuu refcrn to the an est of Gustuv Stall) in the same case and declared the Harden berg incident is astonishing. "One is justified in asking if there- is 11 K.vstem in it. ' ThiM aper j"c-marks-, "whether it is it plan' to' shut the inoutliH of or reiiiler afispieions in. advance, thoso witnessew who tes tify to anything against England (and againm. America which permit ted the untied Lusitania to leave Vor't). ' "In any event, this iiitcrceptujii of witnesses demands' our full attention." WASHINGTON, June. 15. PiohI dent Wilson toilnj became a uieniber of tho locnl union of Journeymen Stonemasons. ItepresontatlvoH qf the union who wero present when .Mr. Wilson recently laid the cornorBtono of tho American Ited Cross moniorlnl building ho re, brought hint a card of honorary membership. President .McKluley, Itoosovult and Tnft also accepted honorary member ships In unions during their tenuioor office. nnnilAM. Miihs., Juno K., Jun ius wpencer Morgan, abn of J. P. Mor gan of New York, and Miss Louise Convert"), daughter of Frederick S. Converse, a composer of Hoston, wero mnrried at St. Paul's Episcopal church hero at noon. Tho ceremony was witnessed by about 300 friends and eraltives. Tim lirliln wntt nttnmlnrl liv linr nlo. tern, Augusta and Marfe, arid by MIhs Jano Morgan, n elster-'of thtj iirldo- grootn. L LONDON, Juno 15. Offlclnl de ninl was mndo today of the reitort cir culated In tho United States Hint the, Hrltlsh bnttlcshlp Agamemnon had been sunk' In tho Dnrdnncllcn by a German submarine. It wns further announced that no other unit, not nlrendy officially Toported had been lokt, at tliO'Dardanellcs. E FROM NURSING ALLIES ?JT WILSON READY TO PROMOTE Ptt E WASHINGTON, Juno 15. Reports that the United States had declined to become a party to efforts In var ious noutral countries to mnko peace In Eurono wero said by President wllson today o be tihtrUe. Ho de clared tho Washington- sovernment had douc everything that cduld be legitimately done to cnsoiirage any movement that might lead to pcoco or' an accommodation of interests In EJaropo. The presldont said Colonel Houso who recently Investigated the) tqnc jtrospects In Europe, had ndt been sent for by him, but ho expected to sno the colonel .hero Roon. At iros mt Colonel Houso Is visiting one of his daughters In Massachusetts. VENIZELOS WINS GREAI VICIORY LONDON, dune 15. It is nppnrcnt that the former premier of Qreeee, M. Venizelos, and his followers have won an overwhelming victory in thu Grecian general elections. Tho lat est n6ws claims ft majority of two thirds t for tho war party in parlia iTinnt' Tho Hritisli press is of tho opinion that this means n deliberate choice on tho part oL the urceian muni In cast their lot with tho al lies Great Britain, Hussiu, Franco .....i ii..i,. 'Hfpgrts from Paris make mention ' I . J.'.i . II -I t. I!.... ot Sllgtli progress an iiioiik " " but nothing is said of tho situation north of Arros, where tho Germans liavc rallied and recaptured somo of their lost trenches. A mighty good doctor says to me ence: "When it comes to curin ' folks, Nature is the real M. D. I'm on(y her assistant. ' ' That's the zvay I feel about curin ' j touacco for . YLVBT. (0 -r- WEDDING DELLS A very pretty wedding took place at tho homo of Mr and Mrs. John Hillings, 18 South Myrtle street, at 8 o'olook Monduy evening, when J. II. Tingley and JHsh (Joni I. Henton weie united in holy wedlock. II. M. Hnin ham. pnfctor of ih'o Oakdale Avenue Jfelhodibt ehiiroh,' iH'rfonned the ceremony. NI.W VOUK, June I , Miss Nena MpAiIoo, daughter of Wllllnnt G. Mc Adoo, daughter ot lllluin G. Me- Adoo, stcrtary of the treasury, re i turned today on tho steamer ltoeh-i nmbvnu to New York fiom France,' where she has been nursing wounded ' soldiers for the last four months. Miss McAdpo wns met bv her fath- , er, upon whose reipirnt she returned to America This reipuwt was prompt ed, she said, by her father's belief that she would be unable to stand thu strain of a long period of nurs ing. Miss McAdoo denied reports that situ hud decided to Rive up nurs ing beoause she had buuu ordered to ' scrub floors and do other menial . work at the hospital. I "That Is absurd and false." she suld- "The nurses are Kept btis nursing nnd there Is plenty of help to do the other work. There seemed to be plenty ot nurse and plenty of medical suppjles and equipment." , i i ' -.--'jl1J. H 4ViiLV m mm x mm I !K j m ioc 31 ICZ3I IEZ3CZZ3CZ IT'S hard to show Nature any- thing about curing tobacco. So we have adopted Nature's own way to make VELVET the smoothest smoking tobacco slow, patient ageing. Men may "process," but they can't put into tobacco any finer pipe qualities than those Kentucky's limestone soil so richly gives to the Burlcy de Luxe. But these qualities can be improved. They are "brought out in their fullness in the aged-in-the-wood mellowness of cool, slow-burning VELVET. For two years the finest Burley leaf remains in sealed wooden casks, and then only is it ready to be made into VELVET.' Gel your tin nouton the growing rank of the army who have found VELVET tobacco a delight without a single drawback. Send a 2c tmp for "Pipe Philosophy" a book of Velvet Joe's philosophy and verse. Tins etujtt2tyiCpu,Zfctacco Ox. 5c Metal-lined Bags St. Louis, Mo. One Pound Glass Humidors " Copyright 1915 o irr-aiiiiO 11ULES COVKIUNQ. $50.00 PRIZE SLOGAN GOLD SEAL BUTTER CONTEST ltKor tho best slosan submitted $'20.00 2nd For tho next best slogan submitted f 10.00 3rd For the next best slogan submitted 7.BO 4 th For tho next best slogan submitted f5.00 Rth For tho next bcRt slogan submitted fii.UO gth For tho next best slogan submitted ..f f2.50 7fh For tho next boat slogan submitted ....i!.flo ' Slogan muBt not consist of moro than ton words, .nnd, must bo written plainly with nnmo nnd oddrcsB or c.ontcBtnn.t.tkor.qundor. .Each contestant mny submit not moro than flvo slogann. Kach slognn or group of Blognns unlimited shaHl'iovo' attached thereto n gold seal taken from tho wrapper ot ti pnekago of Gold lcal nutter. ,? .. v Two prizes will not bo nwnrded to tho same contestant. Contest closes G p. in. July 3rd, next. All slogans must bo addessed to Contest Department, Jackson County Creamery, Medford, Oregon. OOLD SBAIj nUTTKIl Is churned In n now, strictly sanltnry plant equipped with tho most modern scientific machinery from tho very best cream to bo obtained In Jackson County. Gold Seal nutter Is thoroughly pasteurized and packed In odor and waterproof cartons. IT COSTS xo moiu:. Toll Your Grocer You Want GOLD SKAL IIUTTKK. JACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY Tho Sanitary Plant. Tho greatest economy of Ford enrs is not in tho low priuc,slu)t in, tl'o low nfter cost of operation .less thou tvp cents n milo in cily nnd country. They ura designed nnd built to bcrvo nnd savo; to briii); tho luxury of plcnsuro nnd the sturdincss in business work this in why thcro nro moro Ihnn 700,000 now in use this is what lias mndo tho Ford tho universal enr these nro tho merits wo present why you fihnuld buy n Ford. Duycrs of this cur will bhnro in profits if wo sell nt retail 300,000 new Ford care between August, 1014, nnd August, 1015. Itnnnbout $1 10; Touring Cnr $400; Town Car $600; Coupelet $750; Sedan $075, fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. On display and sale at C. E. GATES Inauguration of tho Exposition Special A now train between Portland and San Francisco .. - TUESDAY, JUNE 15 On the above date nnaddttlonal train will bo placed on tho run bo tween Portland and San Francisco. 'Leavo . Southbound '2:18 'a. m. MEDFORD i, Arrive - Northbound f:0S p. in. , Train will carry Standard and Tourist Sleeping Car; Free Reclining Chair Cars and Diner. SPECIAL EXPOSITION FARES From Medford Hound Trip to San Francisco and return: Iteturn'llmit 30 da8 ftto.no Iteturn limit 90 days 920.7.5 From Medford to San Diego and return, return limit 40 days.. .$10.00 Further particulars, literature, etc , from noarest agent of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. SCOTT, General l'!.Miigir Agent, POHTLAXI), 01u:OOX SHE1 "" ),!," Ill 'III Will' IBB