51EDF0RD MATE TRIUNE, MEDFORD OREO ON, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1015 "i PAGE THREE h'f I UN WHO HAVE MADE WARS-QUEEN HELENE, WHO PLUNGED ITALY INTO OF MANY WHO DISPROVE: "MEN ALONE MAKE WAR" GREAT CONFLCT 1 (Hy Nixola Greelcy-Smilli.) NEW YORK, Juno f,. "Tho (iicen winsl" said the ItnliiujH when Italy declared war against hur former al lies, Germany and Austria. Fur in the ten months which have elapsed sineo the world war hepm diplomatists have known that the Italian royal family was divided agiiinst itself on the matter of Itnl iait participation in the titanic .con flict. From its inception. Kinjr Victor ftmmniiuul 111 declared himself for neutrality and peace. Hut the queen, educated in Russia, passionately at tached t tho royal family of Servia, into which her favorite sister hall inarried,and whose orphan children bIip brought up, daughter of the king of Montenegro, whose army fights for the allies, was passionately, re lentlessly for war. Ostensibly the struggle of opposing factions which preceded Italy's chal lenge to Austria was a conflict be tween rival statesmen Oiolitti, par tisan of pence, ami Salandra, advo cate of war. Hut behind Salandra was the fiuu Italian hand of Ileleue, once of Montenegro, but beloved of her adopted people as the only one other Italian queen has been and that queen is Margherita of Savoy, her mother-in-law. Heeause. tho German kaiser knew the influence of llelenc tho tall, splendid daughter of Jlontcnegro, who never can wear heels on her shoes because her royal husband is six inches shorter than she, he sought to counteract it by appealing to the dowager queen to use her in- .-if - - .' , I'atnoiis women who luivo mado Wars Queen llelenc of Italy; Inset at lop, i:.i:iiipiv.ss lliigoiile; at Isittom, Harriet I livelier Stowe. flueilcij with her son for peace. One of tho last acts by which Ger many hoped to avert the entrance of Italy into tho ranks of her enemies was n telegram which the kaiser sent to Mnrgheritn of Savoy, urging her to plead with her son for the contin uuncc of Italian neutrality. His hope of setting mollicr-in-law against daughter-in-law wa noon dashed, however, by the ter.-e answering tel egram of tho queen mother, which said: "In the liouso of Savoy wc reign one at n time." Queen Helene. is not tho onlv wom an known to model u times who east her vole for war. F.ugcnie, beautiful empress of the third Napoleon, spoke openly of the Franco-Prussian conflict as "Ma petite guerre a moi"--"My own little war." Actually. Eugenie was the tool of tho reactionary party in France, which realized that a war abroad was the only possible, preventative of rev olution nt home. And though France declared war first and for n long time wns thought to have instigated the disastrous struggle, it is known today that tho master hand of His inarek jockeyed her hito that position because ho knew Germany was rcnily and spoiling for a fight. An American woman Harriet Heeeher Stowe, author of "Undo Tom's Cabin, " wns largely respon sible for-our own civil war. "So this is tho little woman who made this great war," said Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Stowo when she was presented toliiiii for tho first time. On the whole, it does not seem that men alone make wnr. If you believe they do, think about these, throe wo men Italian Helene, born in Montenegro; French Eugenic, horn in Spain, and the American Harriet. 500 F WAR STAMPEDE AT ALTON LN COMPROMISE MADE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY SALEM, Ore., June 1 1.- -After rng- , Iiir over Bluer the leglalattvo session tho controversy between Columbia county ami tho Consolidated Con trac ovor a link of tho Columbia highway wub flnnlly termlnntod yos terdny whon tho company agreed to accept $05,000 from tho county In ALTON, III., June 11. Five thous and horsus intended for the Hritixh ami French armies, frightened by an electrical storm, broke from a stock-lsottlomont for nil work performed by ade at East Alton last night nud ran over the surrounding country. The horses had been bought by tho Hritish and French governments and wero held in the stoekado awaiting shipment to Europe. For tho rest of the night tho horses galloped over the country, trampling down gardens and lawns and knock ing down fencos nud young trees. They overran the towns of East Al ton, Henbow City and Wood River. Thoy delayed n passenger train on tho Chicago & Alton railroad. When the headlight on the locomotive show ed a bunch of horses blocking the right of way, the train crew opened lire with rcolvor, killing two and frightening the others nwav. At dawn French and HrilMi army officers began scouring the country to round up the hor-es. BERNSTORrTTOTPEND NEW YORK, June 11. -Summit quarters of the Gorman embassy at Cedarhurst, L. I., were in rendiuow today for tho arrival of Count Ileni stdrff, tho nmbnskador, who was ex pected there the latter part of this week. A temporary telegraph booth has been erected for tho use of tho dip lomats, Direct communication by wire is thus obtained with tho wireless- plant of tho Atlantic Communi cation company at Snvullc, thirty miles distant, li which messages are sent to and received tram Ilerlm through Nam n, Germany. EL PASO. Texas. Juno 11 II. O. Mlloe. Ilrltlsh vice consul, today tel ograpliM General Villa demanding punishment of Villa soldiers respon sible for tho recent killing of four and tho wounding of ono British sub ject at Tuxpan. The message was sent on instructions from Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, Ilrltlsh ambassador at Washington and contained a demand for reparation. Villa representatives here and In Juarez still were without definite word as to tfce status of the VHJa re ply to President Wilson's note. tho contractors on tho highway. Ad vlcos to this offect woro received yo torday afternoon by tho commission from the Columbia county court. Former Highway Commissioner Ilowlby figured prominently In tho controversy during its early stagos. Ho found that $fll,G00 was duo tho company, but tho company would not agree to accopt this, contending that the sum named was Incorrect. Re cently tho company's contract wns de clared forfoltod, and bids opened for tho completion of the unfinished work. Tho settlemont with tho old contractors will onablo tho county to do this unmolested, 10 COURTS TO SETTLE IS WH ENGINEER ML APE L CAR VIS TS CITY ON ATIANTA, Oa., June 11. Gov ernor Stanton nnnounrcd today ho would hoglu hearing next Saturday on Leo M. Frank's petition for com mutation of his death sentence Ho indicated tho hearings might last un til Monday night. Frank's oxcou Hon Is set for Juno 22. W. M SALEM, Ore., Juno II. Whether State Engineer Lewis or his chief deputy, E. I, Cantlno, Is to havo charge of the highway work In tho Btnte, Is now a question for tho courts to sottlo, since tho stnto engineer sug gested such n course In n communica tion to the highway commission, nnd tho lntter has doclnred that It was agreeable to a friendly suit. A controversy ovor this quostlon was precipitated sovoral weoks ago when Attomoy Gonoral Drown In con struing a Inw passod by tho last leg islature morxiiiK the office office of highway onglneor with that of tho stato onglneor, held that It mado Stato Engineer I. owls the state's highway onglneor. Evidently with tho vlow of presenting tho question In tho proposed suit Iowis yesterday aftoruoon wroto tho commission in quiring If It nssiimcd tho attitude that his signature alone to vouchers would not ho sufficient. Governor Wlthycomho had declined to approve scleral vouchers until Cantlno had approved them, and Lewis declared that, tjiough he had no objection to the governor' position, ho doelrod to know If tho attitude of tho commis sion would be in the future that, un less Cantlne approved a voucher, It would bo hold up. MISSIONARY W M. Frank's case, wild Frank's at torneys would have no evidence to present, oxcopt that submitted at the rocent hearing before tho prison commission, which rocommondod Howard, In chargo of Loo against commutation. "JOHN D." OF CHINA LOOKS JUST LIKE OUR OWN-DOESNT HE? S. . . .. i (JiMitlwirtp .vrtecwoep C)VM1 0(8r The acompanj tug Ill'"tratIon shows thosp of John I). Rockefeller, who Jsjchargo of Rev the John D. of thr I nltrcl States and the 'John I)." of China. The "John D." of China is Chang Chen Hsun. a member of the com mercial commission of the republic of China that Is now touring this country. He is 71 years old d worth ?60, 000.000, A is the rickott private oIUmr In the oriMiit. Ir many ways his facial characteristics resemble ,t; tars old and worth inoro than f loo.uuo.ouo. liotu have the same drawn appear ance about the oye and the pro nounced pouchos beneath them, the same kquiuted eye and the same line around a firm st mouth. One is the rieboai man of the oast ern world, the other the rjchest of the weatera world some say of the world. Tho Ilaptlat Missionary Chapol car Graco Is sidetracked at Main street. This car Is In charge of Rev. Geo. L, White, superintendent for Califor nia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah Nevada and Arizona, of thu American llaptlst Publication society. Ho gavo nn Interesting address upon tho chapol car and other evangelistic and homo mission work of that organiza tion, Including their mission boat, tho Robert G. Seymour on I'uget Sound, This boat, 111(0 the chnpel cars, car ries the church and Sunday school to thousands of people who cannot otherwise ho reached, In tho numer ous villages and towns along tho shores of tho Sound. There aio ton chnpel cars in tho United States. Seven of theso nro In chargo of tho llaptlst denomination and tho other threo nro Catholic, The "draco" Is tho "last word" In chapel car construction, Including serviceability, comfort and conven ience. Its cost, including the fur nishings, was aliout 122,000, tho funds being supplied by Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Conaway and Mr. and Mrs, A. Otis Kirch of Los Angeles. It Is a momorlal of Mr. and Mrs, Connwaj's deceased ndughter, who was a sister of Mrs. IHrch. The- car Is 87 rout long, ovor all, and is of solid steel construction, with quartered oak In terior flnlsn and furnishings, tho up holstery being In substantial leather. It Includes every convcnlonco of mod orn car construction and tho chapol has a seating capacity of 100 persons, Tho pulpit boars tho names of tho donors and of her In whoso memory this car was built. Among tho fea tures are the commodious observa tion and entrance platform, tho libra ry of hooks, the flno organ, a roal bod-room, dining room nnd study, guost room, bath room, kitchenette, fully oqulppod with stovo, len box, etc., hostdos tho heating and lighting system for the car while on sidings or enrnuto. Numerous closets nnd othor conveniences nro provided for the occupants and thoflo who attend tho church sorvlcos and Sunday school classes. iRtops will also bo mado nt Ashland nnd Sncramonto. Tho car may bo tdarod on exhibition for a few wooks at tho exposition In Sun Francisco. Upon ontoring the rogulur ovnngolls tic work the car will be placed In and Mrs. E. R. Her mlston. I Jarffl i wUJr : f T Corsets That Are Made I flo Fit As They Should Be Worn We've mado this department a study and a profes sion. Roalizing tho growing demand for better corsets wo employ a corsctiore to fit you as you should bo fitted and assume tho responsibility and guarantee tho satisfaction of a comfortable fitting corset and ono that will give you servico. We per sonally stand bohind every corset we fit and have selected such well-known makes as the Gossard, Nemo, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester, made to re tail at $1.00 to $16.00. Lot your next corset bo ono of these makes and a guarantee of satisfaction with overy corset. t t ? ? ? t t f t ? t t ? t r V t f ? ? ? ? ? ? f t T I SILK GLOVES Dozens nnd dozens of pairs of Silk Gloves, in tho short two-elasp length, black, white and colors, in most all sizes, guaranteed double fin ger tips, sold regular OQf, to 8i3c, special Wwl WASH GOODS AND SILKS At way less than regular prices soveral lots of summer mate rials, cotton and silk mixed cloths, poplins and tho like all reduced. PONGEE SILK Just received, several pieces of Imported All Silk Pon gee, U2 inches wide, in a me dium weitrht, and one that would ordinarilv sell at 85c to$1.00i)Oi' vard, JQ special at "ww GINGHAMS About 25 pieces of good quality Dress Ginghams taken from the regular slock of 121oc and J5o materials, mostly plaids, special 7c BED SPREADS A Crochet Spread of good quality, hemmed, sold in the regular way at $2 and $2.50, a lot we want to Hose out rind nave inereiore mime me price, special P)) IB Y BSHH T4 $1.29 CREPES A genuine Serpentine Crepe, in tho usual width, used mostly for kimonos and house wear and always sold at 20c, both light and dark col ors, special o Just Received a Big Shipment of Crepe De Chine and Voile Waists Direct From New York VVVvvVVV CREPE DE CHINE ' In white and flesh color, of the much in vogue plain styles, high or turndown col lar and long sleeves, miy size you want; this special pur chase enables us to sell this waist at the J j QO low price of. $! 0 ICmbroiderv Voiles and Jan Silk in this lot, any size you want, nothing nicer to wear with white wash skirts, waists you havo paid twice as much for, and well worth it, special jj (J FREE TRIP TO PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. Contest Closes July I. No easier way to earn a vacation and with very little effort. Save your purchase slips. With overy 10c purchase entitles you to one count In this contest. The lady turnlnu in the prcatest number of counts by July I wins this trip, all expenses paid. You must file your name at this office hy June 15. Save your sale slips or ask your friends to save them for you. THE MAY CO SUCCESSORS TO F. K. DEUEL & CO. IANS F; ASK TREATY AMENDMENTS TO NEW SEAMAN'S LAW WASHINGTON'. Juno 11. -Tho I'nitfd Ktuti'N liHt- itiiitructtfil it dip loiUHtiU abroad to Hk for thu an nuliiiiiit of thu iwrngiHiilm of com mercial Irentio which conflict with llio net beuiniui'. law, n)!Ni:, Italy. Jiuu II. The Aus trian hy opening diki'M hnvo ntti'iniit- od to Intiist'niiu the low region of the Ihoii.o river into n flooded country, I lnpliciitinj; thu feat of the ulhes in Belgium for the purpoHe of Imltiiu; thu Italian inhnuec. The ickiiIIh were iusiguihenut, however, lis inowt of the water was either ahsorhed hv the earth or earned off hv ditches. Oil Treatment for Stomach Troubles i A hIiii)Io proscription made, up of a coinlilnntlon of puro vuKetunlo oIIh Is producing wondurful rcnultB for sufforerti from utomacli, llvor and In toHtlnnl troulilus. Tlio roniody, which in ald to havo originated In Franco, whoro It haH licon utod for yoaru hy tho poaiautry, wa Introdiicod Into tills country hy CuorKo II. Mayr, a InadliiK ChloaKo driiKKlst, who curod hluisulf of novum stomach, llvor and IntoHtinal troubles hy Its uso. TIioho who havo uho1 It nay tho first dose U sufflclont to convince any ono of ItH rumarkablo merit, nnd that with In twonty-four lioura tho mifforor foelH like a now parson. TIiIh modl clno, which hag hocomo known an Mayr's Wonderful Hoinody, Ik sold hy loadliiK driiKKUts o very whoro with tho poultlvo undcirttandlnt; that your monoy will ho refunded without ouob Hon or quibble If OKIS bottlo falla to Klvo you ahnoluto satisfaction. Adv. Gini Chun"; China Herb Store Herb Ciiivs for I'aniclK', HeailncJie, Catjinli, IHpllitherln, Som Tlutmt, ! I, line Trouble, Cnncer, Klduey 'I'roublo, Ktouiach Trouble, lleaiitl Tmulile, CIiIIIh mid I'evcr, fVamps, ' CoiikIin, I'imic Cliriilatlon, Car. laiurles, TuiuorN, C'akel llivuht,! Ciut all kind) of (Joltro- Nt)' OI'KltATION. I To Whom It May Concern: I am! free from rlioumatlHin. You can bo the same by taking truatmontn from) CS I in Chung, tho borb doctor. My rheuiiuitlHiu waH ho had tnht It madu mo o weak I could Hcarcely got up when I wnu down and tho pain I mif ferod ono could hardly know uhIohh oim hail tho sniuo dlHoano. I wum truly dlBsatlaflod and dlsgubtcd with I llfo In my condition and trying to live. Now to my frlonds that care to lie curod nnd would llko to bo frea try tho herb doctor. Ho can cor-, talnly relieve In a vory short time ' Very truly yours, .MRS M U. KOl.H ' 211 ritONT KT .M1.IMOHI). OKK. UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Riverside Phono 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP E08 East Main Street Medford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer? in Southern OreRon Negatives Madu any time 01 place by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest I. D. WESTON. Prop. PCliiii ttrlliiilinrd "Nearest to 1 1 : I HOTEL MANX f: Pond! St. at O'Farrcll. If: SAN FRANCISCO M Hcadiiuarleri for Call for- I t nlaiuwIulovliltlnffthcLxpo- ft t iition, t X Our commoilloui lobbv, t : il fine service, and homelike 1 : 15 Mi rejtaui ant will apcal to you, ' ' i 1 1 No Raise In Rates j j (I 51.50 Per Day Up ! t i "Meet me at fc Byvl T t t f V f f T T y X f V Y ? ? f ? Y Y Y ? f Y Y f f Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 :Ci 4 I K . Qoc gmgmm