Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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DcBplto tlio fact that Dr. K. It.
Scaly of Medford won tho Dunont
trophy tlio first day of tho utato
shoot nt Portland, Ills eubsoquont
showing has not been na good. Ma
ncoro Tuesday was 3 29 In tho ICO
bird event. Will Hates, nlso of Med
ford, scored 125 out of ICO. V. If.
O'Drlon of Portland nnd V. M. Troch
of Vancouver tied for high with 1-18
birds. F. A. Dryilon, professional, lind
14 0 as did P. J. llolohan. F. 0.
Ruhl nnd II. IS, Poston each scored
141. K. I). MorrlB scored 130. P.
P. Is'olnon of Yacalt won tho north
west Individual championship. Den
nis Holohnn won tho Snails cup,
Velvet lco cream nt Do Voo's.
After nn nbsonco of thirty years
Mrs, Charlotto Urown of Vancouver,
H. C, widow of tho lato It. II, Urown,
n pioneer merchant of tho vnlloy, Is
visiting Iloynl nnd Prnnk Urown and
othor relatlvos nt Haglo Point, Mm.
Urown, although past 80, has been
busy knitting Tor noldloni, hnvlng
mndo ? pairs of long wool stockings.
So many of bar young friends that
Alio know from Infancy huvo been
war victims that she decided to visit
her old homo to OHcupo tho ntmos
phcer of sorrow nt Vancouver and Is
busy rnnowlng old friendships.
Got flltorod gnsollno from tho Ilcd
flltor nt Oarnott.Cory's.
Judgo P. M. CnlklnB of tho circuit
court spent Wednesday In (IrnntH
PasA bonrlng a civil suit In tho Joso
pblno county cmirt.
Mies Anna .Inffruy of tills city Ity
spending tho weok In Grants I'umh
visiting friends nnd relntlves.
Homo-mado pastry nt Tho Hhnstn.
V. 8. DUtrlrt Attorney Clnronoo
Ilcnmos, Pmloral .ludgn Wolvorlon
nnd nttaclios of tho federal court
passed through Medford AVednosdny
en route to Klamath Kails whore it
session of tho federal court will bo
hold. Tho principal case to bo heard
Is that of ,11m George, accused of
murder. Tho Jury tlmt honrd the
evldonco In this city at tho Inst term
Scroun doors nt MonTord Lumber
It. W. ItlHtnn of Haliuou liar, Cnl.,
Is spending n few dnys In tho city at
tending to business mutters.
l'rof. Adams of tho Gold Hill
schools spout Wodnosdny In Medford
attending to business matters,
HlsUlyou or Colestln mlnornl waf
er, 10 conts per bottle ftt Do Voo's,
Seoloy Hall nnd pnrty will lenvo
8nturday morning In n Dodge car for
Crntor I.ako. Tho first attempt to
rench tho Inks was iiiuiU last year
May 28. '
Pop corn CrlBpottoa nt Do Voo's.
P. h. Griffin, slnl supervisor of
the work of tho wliool indiislrlnl
work, luft Wednesday for Portland,
after spend lug several days In this
city nnd vnlloy Inspecting conditions.
1th Kchool Hupervlsor Clinse sod
Petersen ho mndo n trip to tho Mar
ble Caves In JosophliiH county.
Merchants' hunch, X5c. Tho SlmstnJ
Circuit Judgo P. M. Calkins will
exchange benches next week with
Judge Hklpworth of Douglas county.
Wm. I'lrleli and wife and daugh
ter Anns, left Wednesday evening
for Portland to attend tint rose show,
Boo Dave Wood snout that tiro In
snrnnra policy. Office Mall Tribune
George J. Frederick ami wife of
Cnrlsbud, Now Mexico, nrt visiting
with the family of J. P. lllttnon this
wiok. Tlitty will visit the rose esrnl
Mil nt Portland on their tour of tho
llavo our lawn mower sharpened
by J. W. Mltrholl, pl.Otio SSO-I. tf
Mrs. l.utretlH Kiustt l.tfl '.
mutiny for Portland to jmihI the
wcfk visiting friends utttl rvlHtlvos
nnd attend th niso show.
Dsii TliumpaoH of (lalio nt tho
first of tlit week In the city attending
to IiiikIiimm matters.
Dr. M. C. Ilarber, Palm bloek.
Hours 9 to I. Phone: Office 110;
Home 110JX.
Pastor ItUMMell of llrtmkb n. N. Y
world famous for lilt Htbllra! imlill
rations and sermons, which Uavo wp
Huit'd In small dallies and wekly
papers for ars, passed through
Med ford Wednesday afturiMHtn. A
number of his local followers wore
nt the depot.
Maaasluea aud nospapen. Phono
us vour wants. Wo dellvor by blcyelo
' mosHenger. Med ford Otmr Store.
Phone KS5
TJn HrM game of ball of the local
season will be plated on the local
grouml next Bunds with the Yieka
I vain, Hald to be the fastest la aorta.,
qru Qultriiil The Medfnrd team
wjjl apjx'ui in no aulis and are prac
tising daib Honuy Jo. the Utile
colored bn. ban Itfrn Mined tbe of
ficial iiiasoti ci th locals,
J)o Voe carrl.s tbe best line of
flvo ctjjit rlkHis lu be tlty
illaptlBi cb ', l -, kvIm irom e-
nttlO soutlu ii m aide track to
nKl)t unl oiii. -i - lee will be keU
In our tojiigl'i .i iMock. Bwry
iino Invljod.
Get your buti r. . cream milk
dna butter niHH t ! Yu-
Kffccllvo next Tuesday, Juno 10,
the Southern Pacific will Innugurato
n new train between Portland nnd
San Francisco on account of addition
al traffic to tho San Frani'lsco expo
sition, Train No. C3 will leavo Mod
ford at 2:18 n. m reaching San
Francisco nt 0:30 p. in. Train No.
CI, northbound, will leavo San Fran
cisco nt 11 :4Q p. m., reaching Mcd
ford at 7:08 p. m. This train will
carry tho observation car now hauled
upon train 1 1.
Iloinc-mado pastry nt tho Shasta.
Mrs, Prod Hopkins of Central
Point Is n visitor In the city today
for n fow hours.
C. V. Bonn of Tlllnmook Is among
tho out of (own visitors In tho city
.this week.
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Catnora Shop. Opposlto Hook
Spatters of rain fell over the vnlloy
this morning, tho henvlost fall being
In tho Jacksonville district. Tho
northern sky Is bunked with black
clouds, mid ntmosphorlc conditions
nro right for thunder showers. Hnln
would bo welcomed by tho fanners
nnd fruitgrowers but would not bo no
balm to tho liny minors,
Chocolatos, 30 cents lb. Do Voo's.
Stanley Washburn, who has an ar
ticle In tho last Issue of Collier's on
tho fall of PrzoniByl Into Hussion
hands, Is n nophew of Col, It. C.
Washburn of Tnblo Hock.
Miss Alysso Jones vlBlted with
Monro In Ashland for n fow hours
Wednesday nfternoon.
Kdifak finishing nnd supplies nt
Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlto
flook Store.
Tho nnnunl mid-summer fostlvnl
and picnic of tho Scandinavians of
tho Ubg'iTo rlvur valley will bo held
at Ashland, Thursday, Juno 21.
Games, folk dances, and n big diner
will be the feature of tho day, Tho
committee In chnrgo of the arrango
monts are endeavoring to sccuro spe
cial rates on the railroad for tho day.
Prosh roasted poanuts nt Do Voo's.
tho Flag Day exercises of tho Klks,
scheduled to bo hold In tho Page the
ntre next Monday, June II, will be
held In tho Klks' teinplo nt eight
o'clock Instead.
Seeloy Hall returned Wodnosdny
night from u three days' auto tour of
tho Coos and Douglas counties with
A. It. Owens nnd Gilchrist brothers,
Inspecting tholr timber holdings.
J, O, Gorklug, tho best all around
photogrnphor In southorn Oregon,
Alwnyu roynblo, Ncgatlvos mado any.
where, tlmo or place. Htndlo 228
Unln St. Phono 320-J.
Prosecuting Atlorney K. K. Kelly
wns a professional visitor In tho coun
ty seat this morning,
County Assessor W. T. Grlevo of
Jacksonville sjKtnt Wednesday after
noon In Modrord on business.
Senator II. Von tier Hellen has re
turned from Corvallls and Portland.
Coiupnuy 7 will lenvo W'eiluosday,
June 10th, for the annual encamp
ment nt Pott .Slovens, embarking on
n special ear nttaehwl to train HI.
The Ashland company will lonvo the
sumo date.
Mrs. J. P. Illttsnn aud Mrs. J. W.
Mitchell have returned from Corval
lls where they attended tho O. A. C.
graduating oxoreUes. Their daugh
ters returned with them.
There has been u noticeable In
erouso In trnfflco both north and
south on Hie Southern Pacific the
Inst week duo to travel to the San
Francisco fair.
Finos of fi and coats Imposed
Wednesday by the police court for
violation of (ho water regulations
were remitted with tho exception of
n. with the proviso that If tho of
fense wuh relented (ho full flno would
bo nasossod with an additional one
All of tho defendants In tho raxe
pleaded that (hey were not at home
when the fr alarm rang, hence
the) could not shut off the water
The court held that this was no v-
cttee. Among those called before the
court was K. J. Kunynrd. public mar
ket master, who telephoned tlmt he
could not be preoMit. The new water
regualtlons go into effect today.
P. IC. Klh or Itneeburg Is a busi
ness visitor in the city (his wedk.
The Kasteru Star lodge held a re
ception at their lodge mmiiiis last
night In honor of Giaud Matron Mrs.
Nellie Moilwan of this oily. Over
330 were preaont, hilcudlng a dele
gation of fifty from Grants Puss. Mo
HtentiM wore presented to Mrs Me
llow hh. Tbe evetilug was speut lu a
social time, lodge work and program
liitludiut music and speeches. A
luHOkeou was served. It w one of
the most MUi'censful lodge events in
the hi(oi of the clly.
The 13rd annual reunion of Ore
gon pioneer will be held at Port
laud beginning Tkurrday, June It.
The annual rocaniptuent of the Indiau
War veterans will he hnki Wednes
day. June 21. Speetal rate for the
occasion will be araatod by the South
ern Pacific and all railroads.
Kred IWKor of Ios Angeles, mi
aviator, is In the clt. in na effort
to arrange for a aeilee of fllgkts la
this city. DKor was granted aa
aviators license In ll l Kenl Drotk
rs nnd tke at e4 ford Cfrnwtyr uf
CoaiKoree are idannlng an attain
the rilshu IVKor exMKU bit inn-
liiinv to sirivo in a tiw da
After liolng closed dpwn for n sor
les of yenrs, duo t'o tho nbninlonment
of whouUfor (tik In'llio'jJodford dig.
trlcl, tlio old Ai A, DayIb mill wildi
formonly suilidied tlio' Valley with Its
(lour, Is.bitng rohubllltntud and will
bo operated throughout tho coming
summer by Its present owner, II. O.
Nordwlck. Not in yenra has thoro
buon suah a largo acreage of wheat
gown In tho vnlloy and the outlook
Is promising, nlthough It Is expected
to import California, Klnmnth nnd
northern wltont also. A flno brand of
flour will bo turned out nnd nnothor
look In the send of money out of tho
vnlloy for food supplies stopped.
P. S. Hrandon, formerly proprietor
of tho "Wnrdrobo," who for 20 years
before his undertaking merchandis
ing, wns n miller, and his brother, a
well known whool right, will have
charge of tho mill nnd are now busy
ltifltnling modern equipment. They
will bo In readlnesH for hnnllng tho
present crop unil wheat growers nro
advised to bring their product to the
home market.
The Chinese Trade Commission
which has been Invited to stop lu
Medford by the commercial club the
latter part of tho mouth consists of
merchants, diplomats and manufac
turers who come to study markets
and learn new methods of business.
The party Is headed by Chang
Chen Hsun, who Is known ns the
"John D. Itockofeller of China." Tho
secretary of the commission Is David
'.. T. Yul, n graduate of Harvard.
Thomas Sro Is n brother of Sir Al
fred Sze, Chinese nnibassador to tho
court of St. Jnmert. Othom In tho
pnrty are: Sheng Chen, Chi-Choh
Nleh, vice president of tho commis
sion, Slug Ming Kuug, l.lm Pnk Chen,
Clint Chang Woo, Yen Pel Huang, I.I
Chi Chu, Huang Y Liang, Kunn Leu
8un, Hatch Yu nnd Chno Hsln Plan.
The report of School Clerk Stlne
soon to be filed will show that dur
ing (he Inst two years $89,000 of
school wnrants have been lliiuldiiled.
and a balance of $300 left lu Hie
(ronsiiry. All of the warrants of the
$29,0U0 Issue have been paid with
tho exception of one for $107, which
has -failed to show up, the owner
having forgotten or misplaced It. The
payment of the warrants Is due to
the efforts of Mrs. IC. K. Gore, who
as ohalrmuu of the finance committee
Instituted upon her ascendancy to of.
(ice a policy of economy. The other
members of the lommlttcc are in- 15.
It. Seely and II V Mulk.v
(II'.NKVA. June Hi. A uVptilch
from Vicuna ti the Tribune u. m
litnuntiou hex been reeeiwM there
from Tii mow. (!alici;i, tlmt tbe Ku
xihii lorcc in I Ik- region north of
l'rxciu.l tue .rt'iiinng a new at
tack en the unn of (ieucrnl n
Muekcukeii, 'I'hev have abnndencd
their et'l'orth to uike Muithwurd and
line lurtKMl toward the 'ilok fixer.
Hetweeg Nil, ki mile north
weHt of 1'iieiu.Yfl, and I lanow, to the
eusl of Niakti, an engagement ulreudv
Uud oi'tiurreU. The diwtcli -av
20.UGU lUnaiittii'- who were attacked
b Kliong Hukm.ui Ioiycm I'ctiivd,
leuMiig iibxui I eon dead nnd
UlNUOX, June 10. Th. i.uul
nmuber of men fr the amtv aud
maw Kanetumeal hv ixirlianieiti for
service m tar m the ineut war i
.l.'JOU.OMH. Thi- ntiiiilier will not he
I exceeded without aiithonH of pr-
liaatefti' aautl I'nniier At(uith lo
Ictav. hni- ettmg at ret nimoiv that
. ntliei '"iii- Ii ill Utii iiinlitlieil
llll.tHit . ( tV krv'V .1 C
Gets Only Paltry $1000 of $1,000,000 j
Estate lift dy Mot'icr Whose .
... m at. ' I
Death Has Released Famous
''American Beauty" From Exile
Belgian Klng.Once Her Cavalier.
NKW YOHIC, .June 10. DiMinlier
itedlnit no longer an oxilo. lliia ii
(lie Intent chanter in tlie romance
htrown life story of Hie former I'rin
I'csa de Cliiitmy, wIio'whh tlio liunuti
ful Clara Wnnl of Detroit.
Once the tonSt of nil Htirupo, the
"mmlciui jirlnoe-i" litis learned
through the filing of the will of her
lute mother, .Mr. Catherine I,. .Mor
row of London, Hint hIiu Iium boon
cut off with n pnltrv $ 1001) or nn es
tate valued at mote tliun $1, 1)1)0,000.
Hut her mother'" death has freed
the once fumoiiH "Ainerieiiii llenul''"
from exile.
During tlio Intter part of her
iiiotlier'ri'lifc for the hint laj'teen
yenrM, iii fuel nlie had been forbid
den to set font in America.
Now, tukin- udviiiiti"c of her
molher'H death, hr Iiiih slinocd into
the count r.v nnd is Iivin" in seclus
ion in New Yorli.
Ilcstoiiil IVIiiro for I'lddler
"Poor woman, she in nying tho
penalty," flglm .Inncv Kio, the
(l.pv vioHiiiwI for whom tho (inng
lieauly duaerted her firt litiHliand,
the Prince ile Cliinui rinee of one
of the noblest Iioiihcs of Iinlfiinn.
"Hut. ah! while it IiihIciI life with
Iter wiih iiarndise," ndds Higo, who i
fiddling on hm beloved violin in n
Chicago cafe. And the life that (Muni
Wnnl led for no tunny years in Hie
guvent capitals of Kurope wiih in the
I'lilloHt heiiMo one of love light and
(Mum Wnnl, daughter of the lute
Commodore Ward of Detroit, wn
only 1(1 when hIio went to Paris and
became one of the woikIom of that
city of beautiful women.' Willi the
dar.r.ling white -kin, pink cheeks nnd
glorious yellow hair ol' the perfect
hloiule, she combined great, lustrous,
oxprexmvo brown eye ami nn in
come of ,f 111,(1(111 a yonr.
She wiih boHieged with suitorn, hut
u Helgiaii prjine, Joseph of Chiuiay
and Curuumii, won her. After their
marriage in 1800 she wiih received nt
the Belgium conit with marked honor
and for n time wiih u great favorite.
Her lleni! Im Tunieil
Hut the sudden elovntion of n mere
American school girl to hucJi heights
A. L. Pnrkhurst of Portland, pres
ident of the Crater Lake company,
owner of the Inn nt Crater I.nke, will
leave In the morning for the weenie
resort with a force of men to mnko
Improvement on tho groundH mid
building, jircpnrntory to the official
opening of tho season July 1st. Har
ry C. Tuller of Portland will net as
manager of tlui hotel during tho Hon
pou. A trurklond of Hiippllon will bo
taken to the lake tomorow. The ho
tel will lie prepared to take rare of
vIMtore to tho lake aa noon an thn
roAdM are open, but (he full foreo
will not be put on until the flrat of
the mouth.
ilr. Parkhurdt l HeooiupauUnl by
Mrs Parkhurat, They made tho trip
by auto from Portland lu (wo dnya
ami report tho rood In firat claaa
condition. ' '
:: ,- -
Notice In Hereby given that the nn
dumlgned will apply to tho city coun
cil o (the city gf Medford, Oregon, at
their next reiyilar meeting on June
15, 191 .1. for n llyonse to sell spirit
oua. vIiioiih aud iunlt llquora nt retail
at hla place of biihluefw nt No. 17
South Front strtot in said city until
January lt. 1916.
Dated .In. S, 1915.
The Mitchell
lt't poor economy to use a 'make
shift'' when ou can bu tbe beat lad
ar on lh coaat, wade at bouta. at
a kwr pme VHa any ether sod
b)i4er. Ibla tasWw la ecurely
urMisl tarouglMMit. a rati under eaak
stalk nail to ww out. authlug
but rivet aut !( use4 It Its a
atrelu OrW by phot ur wall
tilted promptly. For sale jr all
ileaWrH al i.uiorj SI St. Ittrerelde,
pronr vi;-.'i
CH1MAY IN PAR13 IN 1890 &!ftt;
SM if
IN 1995 TLOPCS with mL
i r.
Ml i.'
i .V
r ' jc .
Liat I Trttvi. rx e-M' J
r.'nu uuuruLU ur
Mectk and potc?
i "z.l, i . 'teK.' i in i rii n r r
ak tmzjmifflmm
sawwr i tr i. v i s - v -- ,-x: t - s
Once fntnoiiK American Tleuuty di sinhorited. Clnm Ward, who wns the
PrineesH de Chitnny, nnd aketelica allowing her various lovo epiHoilen
whiuh Hcamlulized tho world.
and the adulation of nil mon turned
her head.
King Leopold of Helgium huo
euuibed to her beauty nnd became her
devoted cavalier. Her girlish wliima
and tho prnnkH hIio played on her
aged admirer, tho king, won her the
nickname throughout Kurope of "the
.Madcap PrinceHs."
Yearn later, in her own defeiif e, he
Kiiid that the reason ()f her downfall
wiih tho ojieu uiliuiratiou of King
Leopold, which angered her liiinlnmd.
Whntuver the reiiHon, she xcundnl
ized tho world in 181)5 when hIic run
away with the gypsy violinist, .Jnuez.v
ltigo. She loved him passionately and
u yonr Inter when the Prince de Chi
may had divorced her i-ho married
Kijjo. She took him to Cairo uud
there build a palace in which tlu
1 wsSl
W-JHISraSSiSrSi? v-tSl&s'VtfLPiZ
fsrtz . JfaL--.-.-. -aaW
Goodyear Passes Goodyear
$500,000 Better
The improvements lately
ndded to Goodyear tires will
cost us $500,000 (his yenr
just this yenr's betterments
Yet this year's reductions
will save our users in 1015
iiuout S5.000.000, wc figure.
And our big price reduc
tion on February 1st was our
third in two years. The throe
total 45 per cent.
Our Extras
This hall-million dollars we
ndd to our tire cost means
better tires than ever. It goes
largely into cjttrn rubber.
Then remember this: Good
year rortilica
Tires contain
five costly fea
tures found in
no other tire.
They contain
Fortified Tires
No-Rim-Cnt Tlr-On-Alt" CurJ
With All V.thr Trd or Smooth
Goodyear Service Stations
Tires in Stock
MEDFORD . . Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
panned vears of fervent IieMineaa. In
all she npenl mime .8,00(),000 on him,
so Iiigo HHVH.
ICIojH's Willi New Iititei'
Hut ono day her puinn for Kigo
cooled hh ipiiekly as it hud kindled.
At a railway xtation in Italy hIic saw
ii ticket seller for n toiir'-l aycne.
IV1 1 madly in hm- wi,li him, and tic
ue.t the goHHJit-ioxiiiK world knev
iiho wn divon-eil from ltigo and mar
ried lo her new love, Peppiuo Hicci
nnli. From the time he won her iik Ins
wife, Kieeiurdi, lifted from his hum
hie position, lived the life of a mil
lionaire. Their hnppine-s lusted four eiu-,
end then the lickle princess fill a
Mictint to the fatal fascinations oi -i
fi)V tfitSfifh
,9' -
&? . .-rffi
'T'' S- -f !?.
other features found in but
few tires.
If we omitted those extras,
our probable output this year
would cost us S 1,635,000 leas.
We could make that much
c.trn profit.
What of You?
Goodyear rules Tiredom
because of those extras. It
outsells nny other lire. It is
today outselling our output.
These features are hidden.
Tires that lncl them look about
like Goodycars. But they don't
wear like Goodyoars. If they
did, we would omit them too,
nnd save that $1,035,000.
uon t you
think such ex
tras are worth
asking for?
Any dealer
will supply you.
vAsjz-n cw-' cr &t s GJHmt taLTC"
J AKe r) l&m vd&w ? am rawv
xz&rm - mvmiJsrdi
k-T 5afl .Ti?111ci'AteiU& V
rr--JW v r - aiLmsHy
Hw ViSvty
ft v
Ashcrnft Bros.
F. L. Camp
man nmueil Canlnto, her IfniiljnuiVs
ehnuffmir. ' ' ,
DinUoverinjr thin. KU'eiiirh m a
decree of vewirntinn. Thla tlecrea
did imt permit either (o ranairy.
Tlyi former Prineeas Chiuut ifl
now -11 yenre oM. She in tho mother
of eight chihlren.
The only emluiing Imp of tier llfo
enme from her lnarringe t Hie Prineo
.. a ..f I tt. .Jail taeliit
de C himny-tiie nuir unnj wm, ""
wns' rained ulimmt nn a reelu-c in th
ancient nnd number cm-tie ol Clumny,
near (be French Imrrn'r. in Helgium.
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollnr He
ward for any case of Calarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh
K. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, O.
We. the underalgned, have known
V. J Cheney for the last IC years,
and believe him perfectly honqrnblo
In nil bunlnesB transactions """'
nnnclally able to carry out any obli
gation made by his f"m.
Toledo, O.
Hall' Catarrh Cure la taken lnter
nnllv, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous mirfacog of the ay atom.
Testimonial cent free. Price 7r
cents pir bottle. Sold bv nil Drug-
Take Hall's I'umlly Pllla for con
stipation. tsaonroafr.wsjo2
8 Mr. I. IlAaii,&lniK'riimir.-i wiii-iii g
r.i,CllV PT a
.... c .. i n, ..I.
UCI JUIII w w--..
A modnn, fin1 proof, up lo-dMe I totel,
ioratnl in the ccrilef ol crrrytlnng and on
a direct line to the Lxpomion CiounJi.
Dctacheil Dath
$1.00, 11.50 single
Mr: "COdcablc
J 1.50,12 00 single
12.00, 2 50 ifouble
j 1 50 Iw'!iio(SoIk1 Comfort Er Ccwi
0 Nll' Fmmli-viiVf NiilnM
a m H Kmik? Si , v.lkUl ii Or
H Takt: ft "i.'nlvri-' Out direct to Hotel !j
Xf, . jiii:iKauiin-uiium. x
lrunl.(. A I -ft lll III h.Ti:it
IIIAMII.NI IIIIAMI l'll.l.n.f.rsa
t.r i
vtitk ti n-L t 3ti t Airihii"
M Lnl for ) ir vr r irr'
!-.iort IXamlti .Hon- q'i.iit eo
glascs, iu'ritftl filled.
.MUDI'OKD, - - - OltKGON'
We Must Have
utter va
Highest Market
Price Paid
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
3U . (Vhti-aJ
2()S East Main Street
The Only Kxlvmiv
Coraiuawinl Photogmpbora
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or,
place bj appointment
Phone 147-J
Well do tbe raft
M rtttm
B I II I I ft
t hlchrltrlllimopa HronJ
I'llUn HkI "l l.l r"-uillrV
I . . -r I ,U I o Ii. i-oa. y
jiiitiSv?!Baj y2J't j'iiLj'lJ
' K. D. WESTON, Prop.