KVGTC FIVE IK AT THEIR GAY PRANKS OSCAR AND ADOLPH MEDFORD WMTj TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, ,TXTNE 0, 1015 ASHLAND M VICINITY V V 'ia If :M it I Hnrolil Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Kunpon, nnd n hiirh school graduate of tin present year, lias entcttMl the employ of the First Na tional nml wilt learn the banking business from the ground floor up. Recently the cashier of the institu tion, .). W. McCoy made a requisi tion upon G. A. Briscoe, Hiipcrinten (leut of1 the eily schools, fotMt .voting iiKiii who, in the mlperihtoitdujfit't opinion, would fill the hill. Mr. Rtis ooe .submitted three names JV 'Uio hank's consideration, the choice full ing upoit llKrnld. George C.vostor, who for sonic time pasl has boon living in the viefnity of Aberdeen, Wash., returned to Ash land with hit fnniily early in the week nnd will remain here indefinitely with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, M. F. Oy estor. At the Closo of business .Tune fi, there reimiiuud in the park nnd im provement fund of the mineral springs development project it bal ance of $41,.ri:i.."i4 opt of an originul nppropriution of .f7.",0nn. Among nv cent heavy expenses have been $.1000 sot aside for pulilicity purposes and $11(100 placed in u trust fund to be used exclusively for erect injf a .suit nhlc nieifioriitl to the donors of it .'on erous Intel toward' the park system. Ashland' I? iletenuliiptl to see the liberty hull, 'even ifjl arrives as earlv as 1 o'clock in the morning. To this end, Homer Jlillings says he will be one of ."ill!) early risers in order to get a gliinpxo.of the nrk of the cov enant. The train will have to stop awhile here, anyway, and further represcntutions will he mride to the bell's custodians in behalf of exhib iting here. It will arrive duly 10. A big booster meeting may be planned to keep the orowd ttwake till 1 a. in. "Wo have with us this evening," was the wording of the preamble in which .Worm J. Duryea, late of Kit gene, was introduced to Ashland Lithiuns as their' newly appointed publicity manager, he having nssuin dc those duties June 1. The occas ion was a regular meeting of the Commercial club Monday night. Tersely and to the point, Mr. Duryea outlined the status of his position here and in n most optimistic vein re viewed the measures which confront ed Ashland in its purpose to be plac ed on the map as it resort center. To this end he was ready to devote all bis energies and simply uskj) the hearty co-operation of one and all in the big undertaking of making. ttbe mineral springs project and its allied fealnU's of parks, camping grounds and scenic drives, an unipuilified suc cess. II. O. Frohbuch, curator of the southern Oregon tri-eonnty exhibit in the state building at the Knu Fran cisco exposition, arrived home Tues day morning for a brief stav on bus iness nint tern connected with Ash laud's display at the big fair. Mi. V, 0. Dicker-on is a prospec tive purchaser of a brand new Ford car, mid consequently is being coach ed in the running of the same by chauffeur from the local Ford agency. J. M. Heaver is a vacation visitor with the family of licit Ilarr, a rancher living in the vicinity of Wal king Mrs. Ilarr being his daughter. He wan taken over into the Little Ap plogato section last Saturday after noon by liis brother, A. M. Heaver, avIioso ear made a record spin both going and returning. Ashland will not formally celebrate the Fourth of July, but at a meeting of the Commercial club Monday eve ning the subject of u good old-fashioned observance of the day for all such ns do not care to go abroad to celebrate, was discussed, the plan being recuived most favorably. L. S. Drown. F. II. Walker and II. 0. Ku dos were appointed a committee to further the movement. Six new member were duly recciv od nnd acknowledged as member of the Commercial eluh at its last meet ing. Among the number was Maine Khun of Medford. The members now number 37fi. Committees were. ap pointed on about every phase of work in which the nrganissutiou is einidoy uil, except applying heroic remedies in the treatment of delinquent-, nit in tricate matter which wits delegated to the trustees. Itev. II. J. Van Fo-en, superin tendent of the Klamath di-triet, MclhodUt church jurisdiction, left for the north Monday eveniug. lie will go as far n- Portland and may oxtead the trip to Seattle. The Loyal Mooe of Ilornbrook are preparing for a jollification on June 12, an event which will attract quite iiumbor from the local oigitnun tiou ueioalioaN. , George Gatt is here for a vacation spell, due to ill health. He has been at work in the vicinity of Weed, in the center of the lumber industry. If titer i anv jdatfurm in Uu lown upuu winch the teneU f ')'' tiaji unity are exwnplifiwl, it i in tmiiMW'tuiM with the broad principles enunciated by lit Siio-hiu soci ety. When oOier orgnnimttioiw halt and faltffr tttw Sunshine followiug jpiae forth and aeeompltshet some. lbittc. and nttfw i a deaf ear turned to a e4jr W), '''" wbrip f ounoiHiUtan, beiuy w4 up of Methodtsts, Rpiseopnliaiis, Congrega tionalists, Chrisian Scientists, Hap tists, Seventh Day Adventists, Fres byterians, Hrethren, (Catholics, Sptr itunlistH and others. During the past year it disbursed nearly .flKI.'i, with receipts, including balance, a trifle over thai amount. Mrs. Ida third is president: Mrs. Louise Frecberg, vice-president; Mi's.' Marv Wilshire, secretary; Mrs. Jessie lloudeau, treasurer. In going to Itichmond, Cal Ill the employ of a branch of the Oakland Polytechnic college, Professor J. II. Hardy, who left here recently, again becomes identified with tthe institu tion front which he graduated and in which he was a fonner instructor. Hert Turner, in the employ of Wells-Fargo as extra helper during the wanii season, sees to the icing of perishable stuff out of Ashland southbound. His run is indefinite, sometimes extending as far as Wed ding. A thousand men volunteered Wed nesday morning of this week to work on the scenic drives elevated nliove the Plaza, u spontaneous movement which will be duly featured in picture films being piepared by A. C. Allen. Perhaps the number was not 1000, but it was fonnidahle. ALONG ROGUE RIVER MIhh Mary Hobertson of tho Heeco creek hcIiooI passed tho eighth grade examination held Inst month. Oeorgo Croft went to tho valley TttoHdny. Mrs. George Wccka went to Hnglo Point Friday. Iler Hlstont, Mm, Haz el Scnrfl and Miss Freda Lcuho, have boon hor guests. F. HenHon autoed out Tuotulny ev ening nftor .Mr. Saegcr to help hint on hl ranch, Mrs. DiivIh and daughter of Med ford are tho gucnta of tho SlitHser home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jasper Hnnnah worn Central Point vlsltora tho lust of tho week. John Fry returned from tho valloy Monday. Mum Kiiln Houston closed tho spring term ot school In the Loug nranch district Friday. Stove Smith attended u blrthdny dinner nt his slstor's. Mrs. Abbott's, Sams Valloy Sunday. Mr. Hobertson and son, John, nre In eastern Oregon looking for homo to suit thorn. Clinrloa Pettlgrow started to school In tho Heeco Creek district tho fall of 1010 nnd has boon neither absent nor tardy during tho five yonrs school In tho district. Ho Is 12 years' old and linn just completed tho sixth grado. CharlM Skyminn and wife, wont to tho valloy Monday. Thoy will visit the Pnnainn exposition for tho next two weeks. Hon Pottlgrow was rocontly mar ried at Yrokn. California. Mrs. Pot tlgrow camo hoio from Los Angeles. Wo extend to thoin a welcome nnd wlah thorn a happy Journoy through lire. MIssob Jnnlo. Polly and Hattlo Johnson are siting In Central Point. The farmers sooni to have difficul ty In selling their fat Routs, as pro pie aro prejudiced against thorn. The goat liven tho same as tho door and the deor Is considered a delicacy. Mrs. Theo (llass and her mothor, Mrs. Morris Case, were trading In Central Point Tuesday. Jasper Hodgers, the Heaulo mer chant, made soveral trips to the val ley towns this weuk. Hoy Stacy of Ileaglo Is gone to Texas with tho McCrolght brothers. They started overland this week with their auto. Tlio other member of the faintly started from Medford by train. William Louts, the sheep man. and Krand He Ford wore oallera at the Chapman ranch this week. The Table Rock eorreapflndent wm misinformed In regard to Claude Chapman's rattle that he anld. He bought them from tWIereiit nartica la thia valley. If eattle'are our to ralw as that la tbia mtiUta jovt , . ; , . Informant must havo got the figures minced. Ho ought to havo said twenty-four hundred Instead of twelve hundred. Mr. Polrce of Kngle Point, deputy assessor, was doing business In An tloch this week. J. O. Martin of Medford was look ing after his business Interests in Antloch this week. Mr. Fraloy was a business visitor In Central Point Saturday. Mr. Welch of Ashland, a veterinary, wns looking after the rnrmors horsos In this section this week, doing den-1 tnl work for tho horses. OoKfir llmltrnra nt oltniiln wna In i Cenlrnl Point Snturdny with n fine load of stove wood. The danco at the homo of Mr. Mooro Saturday night wns a good one. Young people were thore from other sections ot tho valloy and all of them enjoyed themselves. Mr. atl Mrs. Hob Mooro of Med ford were visiting tho home folks Saturday and Sunday. Hube Mooro and Miss Lillian Chap man were visitors nt the homo of John HlKhnin Sundny. Mrs. Theo. Class, Mrs. Jesslo Class and Mrs. Klhort Class were visiting Mrs. W. C. Chapmnn Thursday even ing. Frank Do Ford returned homo Snt urdaw. Frank Is n good sheep slionr er and has been shearing the Louis bunch of sheep near Central Point. Miss Stella Armstrong who hns been Buffering with n brokon arm, had to go to Crants Pass this week nnd have her nrm rebroken nml reset as she could not ubo her hand. If men bad tho malting or tho woatlter what a mix up thero would he! Pearl llean nnd fnniily hnvo moved to the property of Mr. Hlgginbothnm In Klines Creek district. Numerous real estate dealers havo been In this locality showing several traota of land which are on tho mar ket. In those vornnl seasons or the year when the air is calm and ploasnnt It wero nn Injury nml Hiillenness against nature not to go out nnd see her richos, nml pnrtako In hor rejoicing with hoaven and earth. C. W. Clarke nnd family of Talent woro visiting O. W. Kennody of this district Sunday. Mrs. Oeorgo nTylor nnd daughter loft Wednesday for San Francisco nnd Oakland. While In California they will visit Mlas Amy Hlnohart and enjoy tho fair for sovonil months, Uvory lady can glvo somebody n pieco of her mind but she will miss It If alio dooe. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Trader of Med ford wero Sunday dlnnor gnosta or Frank Tompkins. Colonel Mima loft Monday for Portland to attend the rose fostlvnl. On his way ho will remain snvernt days In Albany. No other days nre llko tho days In Juno. They stand on the summit of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Canby or Orantfl Pas onjoyed a visit with It. W. Kl dun nnd family Sundny. Mrs. Canby and Mrs. Klden wero friend In New York. Friday Mr. nnd Mr. John Slaty nnd Frank McKee attended tho wedding or Miss J.'ora Ileobo, now Mrs. Hoy Hullson. The Misses Helen and Lonh Parker and Karl Grant wero luncheon guoats or Miss McNassor Saturday. Mrs. Frost or Phoenix vlsltod Mrs. W. A. Thompson tho latter part or tho weok and Sundny they spent with Mrs. Thompson's mother In Phoenix. Mls Teasll Neal is enjoying hor vacation In Portland. She loft Mon day morning and will visit rolativoa and the roso festival. The grange picnic was an event ot the summer, although many of tho members wefe busy in the huy I labia and other occupations quite Import ant at that time, yet a large number enjoyed the festivities. The well fill ed lunch baskets, tho lemonade, the coffee and outdoor aporta mado the day complete. Tb.- !-iuall game be tween the older and you:.." r Hnyg was thrilling and eauaol much werii.-icnt. TUe aeore was to elusq it really would be a ahamv to glvo ollbar aide Ulll I RIM QDDIM0Q VV II II ill I 1 It) . I more praise than tho other. Mr. Hull and Mr. Kolser of Medford nddrcssod tho plcnlcera on tho subject of "Hoy Scouts," and In tho near future a company will bo organized nnd Prank Thonipklns wns chosen scout master. The day finished with another great success for tho grange. Saturday ev ening tho meeting will be held nt tho school liottiio and wo will bo enter tained 1iy the Agate grange. Pearl and Halph Peyton spent the dav nt the Krskiue home Tuesday Ora Ditsworlh ciune home Tuesday to spend the summer vneation. Mr. Vuughfi purehiised some new farm machinery and wire fencing while in Medford, nnd he and his son Hoy have been hauling the new ma chinery home (luring the past week. Miss Mnrgarel Mansfield is spend ing the Hummer months at home. Miss Aikens' school nt Prospect closed .Vny J8. .Miss Aikens expects to travel for sonic time nml will visit relatives in the east, Lucius Kineaid and Winer Dawson came homo Wednesday front Klamnth county. Lucius has now gone to his station at Hcssiu Hock. Mr. and Mr.s. Irwin nml Mrs. Lowe motored to Medford Wednesday nnd returned Thursday, Mr. and-Mrs. Kelso nnd (Iriiudma McKee spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Higiubotbam. M'nrkery Krskiue spent Tuesday night with Ilu Lytic. T. H. Higinhnthuni transacted bus iness at the power plant Sunday. Tuesday was the twenty-eighth wedding unuiveivary of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Peelor, so Mr-. Hlanchard in vited the Sunday school to come in the evening to the Pcclor home and surprise Mr. nnd Mr. Peelor nnd learn songs in the new song book-. Twenty of the neighbors arrived about together, but their coming was not mi entire surprise. The evening was spent in singing, games and var ious mirth-provoking stunts. Liuht refreshments were served and the guests remained till after midnight, which was dissapating considerably for some of the older people. Mr. nml Mrs. Pcclor received several gilts and ninny good wishes. Hert Higiubothuui nml family spent tlhe week end visiting ul John Alien'-. Frank Ditsworlh. returned from the valley Wednesday. The Mansfield hoys ami llnrr." Welsh took Sundny supper with the Peyton boys. The Sunday aehool picnic waa very well attended and was quite enjoy able. Strawberry time is a good time to huvo picnic dinner. Mr. ami Mrs. Kineaid spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Moouey Saturduy. I. F. Ditsworlh, Sr., has gone to the valley for sevenil day-. The inn ilea rrier says we have not told that he lias (he now comfortable rig on tho route again, so we ben' make mention of that fact and will refrain from further eomment on the subject. Oscar Higiiibotbani and llidicil Coffinan, who hpent several days at Mr. Higinbotham's left Thursday for their respective homo. Mi- llu L.i Ilu is spending several days visiting friends at the (lordon ranch. Mr. and Mrs, Glass mid babv and Mis Gordon, all of Sums Valley, oiiiiie up in u car Sumhn and brought Violet Vuughaii home. fl. W. Kineaid went to the valley the first of this week on business. The W. ('. T. V. met Snturdi. with Mm. W. V.. Peyton. The ri.mii de cided to M-lpone the medal content hecuu-c of many difficulties which arise at the present time. It will probably be held this fall, intead of July L After the meeting Mrs. Pey ton tyiid duughtor sVvoil snndwii'bee strawberries and cake. NOTK'K. . Notice Is heroby given thut the un derHlmiod will apply to the city coun cil at Its meeting to Ik held June IS, 1015. for n license to sell malt, spir ituous and vinous liquors In quanti ties lota than a gallon at Ha place of bualneaa on lot 10, block U. city or Medford until January I, 1310. HOLLAND HOTrJL CO. Dated June Uh, HUB. A'OTICK. Owing to our extensive country business, we havo discontinued our city sorvlco except In a case of a call for sickness. Our offlco Is moved to tho Crater Lake Motor Car compnny'a enrage where all country culls will bo attended to promptly. Our chntif feurs aro competent nnd prices mod ernte. An Informntlon burenu will bo kept nt our offlco during tho Crater Lake season for tho boneflt of tho travel ing public. HALL TAXI CO. C8 ACTO SltltVICK Tho undersigned will leave Kaglo Point post office, with tho mall every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock a. m. and the return tho snmo daya leaving Medford at fi: 30 a. in. for Kaglo Point. Hates tor passen gers reasonable. S. II. IIAHNISII I'igle Point, Oregon l-'OH HUNT FUlCMSiirct) UOO.M.H FOirilKNT HoomiTforrent'm' M rs. W. T. York's, 120 Laurel St. US FOK lUSTi rtmtticp FOlVpENT -To desirable party.rully fuiiilrihed modern home, close In, for summer or longer. Phono 317. FOR HUNT Close In house, six rooms and bath, on S. Central; plenty shade nml lawn, Ono 2 roomed house, fine for bachelora' quartern. FOR RENT Modern soven-rooni dwelling, all conveniences, lawn, shade trees. On street car line, East Medford. See G. It. Llndley at Jackson County Hank. GN FOR RENT Furnished house strict ly modem 4 nice rooms, closo to business center. Owner cures for lawn. Phono 031-1,. FOR RENT fi-room bungalow ami a 1-room rurnlshod flnt. Phono D21-H, 730 West lltli St. FOR RENT Six room houso, strictly modern, closo In, cast front nlco Inwn; garden nnd flowers, Rcnsouablo to deslrablo tenant. Phono 372R or 325M. FOK RENT MISUrXliANlSOUS F"6?Mli$NT- ply E. II. French, 22 I lose avenue. Phono 730-K. 00 FOR RENT Store room In Garnott Corey Hldg., fronting on Grnpu St. Also most desirable otflcos, reasonable. Host of sorvlco. L. L. Cnthcnrt, Room 310, Phono 1C7. FOR RENT 30 room furnished ho tel, Address It, care Mali Trlbimo. FOK HALIC KKAIi KSTATH FORALEfU'Juior aiiiall ranch godd soil, a bargain If tnkon nt once. Addross 0, Mull Tribune. FOR SALE MIKCRMjANISOUS FOK SALE -Grain hay In the field, $8 and 1 0 per ton. C. W. Isaacs. Phono riOl-J-2. FOR SALKAlfaira hay $12.00 per ton, delivered. Phone, Jackson ville. UI-F-ll. 70 FOR SALE--One llorrlek rofrlgorat or and 1 loonier kitchen cabinet. A28 East Main St. 72 FOR SALE Contract on Mendol slion player piano, nt great dis count. Phone 380-M. 08 FOR SALE Cnntrlfiignl pump, 8 Inch stream, with all collections and some extra pipe; will Irrlgato 100 acres. This pump will draw sand, gravel or water. Phone 0S1-L or cull at 200 W, Main. city. FOR SALE Alfalfa and wild oats hay, baled or loose, Phono 201 JO. 70 NEW TODAY I have ID acres of flue young (oni ons partly Interact with poachos, abundance or water in cement plpca to each tree row, close to Riverside, -15 miles from Los Angeles, in tho center of the greatest citrus belt of tho world. Party means business and offers to trade It for a general farm or stock ranch hero. Wha- havo you worth SIS.OOO to orfer? A dam!) close In corner 100x100, with pavement op tro sides, fullv paid up; 1 1 room house, furnished, wbleh pays lood returns on tho prlre aakod. It la very low, only $1000, furnished. C. D. HOON irOK HAliK MtSCi:t,LAM;oU3 HUS1KK8S DIUKOTOItT FOR 8ALK Plo cherries In public market Saturday. Phono No. 21-l-'-in, Jacksonville, Ore. "3 FOK SALIC Ono electric fan, ono oak dining room table, $12.50; china cloBet. 23 N. Orange, phono 123-.T-2. roil HAM liirESTtiOK FOR SALK Jorsy cow, gives about II quarts a day; tests Glii. 838 West Second. 00 FOR SALE Threo months heifer calf; one dozen Wyandotte hens. 13(1 Portland nvo. 70 FOR SALE A row Jumbo Helglnn hares ami Flemish giant rabbits at n bargain. C, E. Graham, H. F. I). 3, llox 10, Spring St. 00 FOR SALE Good horse, 10 years old. Wrlto E. I mil, R. F. 1). 2. Contra! Point, Ore. 70 FOR SALE Young horse, hnlt cash. Phono 1I8X evenings, FOR SALE Horses nnd mules, snaps for quick sitlo. C. E. dates. FOR SALE Pure bred, Red Pollod bull calf; pure bred Duroc Jersey spring pigs; polo mountnln buggy, good ns new. Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchard. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housekeeper, middle aged lady preferred. tOSfi West Tenth street. 70 HELP WANTICll MALE JuiTTiT ELJWaTED El rst'ci ns s miners at Hrndon mine, Gold Hill, Oregon. WANTED First clnss minora for contract work nt Hrndon mine, Gold Hill, OroRon. WANTE1 SITUATIONS WANTED Vncnuin clenning, city or country. Hnvo high power gns machine. Work guaranteed. A. C. Huson, Phono 02BYJ C8 WANTED MlfiUtlMjArrHOUH WA NT E I nCliiid'nin jo board?" 1m tween it nnd 10 years old; nlco home In the country. Inqulro llltt uer Employment office or phono ,sr,S- 0!' FOK ICACIlA.Mlh mAiri8TATlFOR EXCHANGE -Will trade 100-ucre stock ranch In northern California, with good bulldlnga and partly cultivated to wheat and alfalfa, valued at $0, KOI), clear or eucumhrniico, for 20 or mure acres of alfalfa laud with or without buildings, near Med ford, and pay small cash differ ence ir necessary. E. S. Tinny, 210 Gnrnett-Corey Hldg. mJSINESH DIRECTORY Chiropractor DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K, Hodges Mechnno-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, SpondylothoraplBts. Tlieat systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gynitiaBtlcB, hydro-thoraphy, etc., produce rosultu In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douel & Co., cor nor Main and Bartlc'.t. Hours V a. m. to G p. m. Other hours b appolntmont. Phono 170. DR. R. J. LOCICWOOD,, Chiropractor nerve specialist Rooms 20R-204 200. Ournott-Coroy bldg. Vnpoi baths ami scientific massage glvon, needle spray, head and ahouldot shower in connection; advlco to dletotlcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptharnpy. Lady attendant Phone, ofHco 643, realdotico 611-H Notary Public HeTNnTyoC IC EY- Not a ry p u l Ho. Bring your work to mo at tm srn of tho Mall Tribune WHY? IT IS YOl'K mIMS TO SEE Mli Uecauso my stock in trado Is to havo optioned at tho lowest cash prlco tho host buy In this county. I have been on tnu ground look ing out for you for tho past flvo years. Neurly ovoryday I hnvo In vostlgntod somo "good thing." I have eliminated everything except thoso deals which 1 am convinced will se cure me satisfied oiiHtouiors. In & fow hours time I can glvo you tho benefit or this research. It is my business to show you over tho county ami Introdueo you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Seo Med ford first and J. C. BARNES HiHHii t-'Ol, Plot National 'lliwiU Hldg, Attormrx FOOTER J. NEFF, WM. r. MHALBT Attorneya-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Uauk bldg. A. H. REAME8, LAWYER Oarnott Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg, Oeorgo M. Roberta COLVIQ & ROBERTS. LAWYER!! Medford National Uank Dulldlng. n. F. MULKBY & OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys ut Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Utilldlng, Auto nuppiiM LAJIER AUTO BPRINQ CO. Wa aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa clflo northwe-t. Use our sprlnga when others tall. Sold under guar antee. 2G North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Engineer nn Contractor FRED NroUMMrNaEnlncTand contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Hldg. Survoys, estimates, Irrigation, drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN 8COTOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOQ Dentists Gsrnott-Coroy Dldg., auUe 111 Uedford, Oro. Phono SCO. .Employment Agency EMPLOYMENT AQENCY Wo Wish everybody to know that tho Old Ro llablo Hlttnor Real Estnto and Em ployment agency, will got your help, find you employment, ront your houso or sol! your land. Mrs, J. S, Clark, mnnngor successor. RooniB 0 nml 7, Pnlm Bldg., Med ford, Oro. GarttK OARHAOB Oct your uromlsea clonnod up for tho summer. Call on tho city gnrhago wagons for good servico, Phone 274-L. T, T. Allon. Instruction In Siufllc --w-- HAIOHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401. Garnott-Corey Uldg. Frod Al ton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Hnllldny llalght, voice. Phono 72. Pliyeslcians ana. ourgooas DR. F. O. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Gnrnett-Corsy bldg., phono 1030-L. IUsldenea 20 tiouth Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 004-M. DR. J. J. EMMKNB Physlclaa aad surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, novo and throat. Eyes scien tifically testod nnd glasses sup plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S. F. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. Uldg., opposite P. O. Phono CC7. E. D. PICICBL, M. D. Office Jack, aon County Uauk bldg. Office phono 43-R; restJonco phone 6H-K, DR.R. wToLANOy I'hyslclan and surgeon. Phones, ottlce 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 ta 12, 2 to D. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 309-310-311, M. F. & II. Uldg. tlt.n.. . -... I am As Dt I ! ntAn I I -J1UUUO UaiUUULU, 011J1, Uil.LO f 814. Prlntern nun ruliUbhera UEDFORD PRLNTINO CO. has the best oqttlpped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgera, billing systems, etc. Portland urlcea. a 7 North Vtr Ht Kboo Repairing SHOE REPAIRING First class shor repairing, on tnodorn electrta machines whllo you wait. E. N. Blden, located In Kldd'a Bhoa Store, Phono 313J. Trmisror EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offloo 43 North Front St. Phoaa 316, Prices right. Sonrice guar ntoeit ' Typewriter una Supplier. TYPBWtn'BirsANiTsUFFLIES--Now HemliiKton, Smith Premier and Monarch typewriting, adding and subtracting machines, rebuilt machines for cash or oasy pay ments. Machine for rent, ribbons nnd Bupplloa of all kinds, slmplo re pairs treo of charge. Roger S, Dennett, 10 Quince St., poos " ""WHS ? ' y Ti