Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGT3 H)tm
Offlco Mail Trlbuno UulMlnff, J5-27-29
North Fir strcot; telephone 76.
Tlio Democratic Times, Tho Medford
Mall, Tho Medford Tribune, Tho South
ern Orcgonlan, The Ashland Trlbuno.
um year, tiy mail...
V Fl KST" is flic axiom today of all tho forgo
iiftifturinniul industrial enterprises. Ttis'Hic
motto of all railroads. The old disregard of human life
neiontfsio a past era, when only the dollar entered into
Be an Old-Fashion ed Wife Advice of
Madame Schumann-Heink ta Brides
To secure
Onn month. l,v niAll.
IV r mnnih. cinlleorpri bv carrier In
Medford, I'Jioenlx, Jacksonville
and Central I'olnt - .60
Hatnrday only, by mall, per year 2.00
Weekly, per year. 1-60
Official Taper of the City of Medford
Official Paper of Jackson County.
Entered as second-class matter at
Medford, Oregon, under tho act of March
I, 1879.
Sworn Circulation for 1914, SS88.
Full leased wlro Associated Press dls-patches.
4"r- $
Subscribers falling to rccolvo
papora promptly, phono Clrcu-
lntlon Manager at 2G0H.
ii iin!i
Dofcntoil Candidates Vou encour
aged mo to run for offlco. You know
you did. Vou wild you thought I
wouldn't mnko a had nldormnn.
TrtiHty Henchman Well, tho ro
lurns ueom to allow that I was right.
AIkivo Kucli Thing
"OlrlH oiiKht to ho taught how to
Btnnd nml hold thoniBolveH."
"I Biipiioflo .Mrs. Comoup, you want
your daughter to havo n good enr-
"Indeod, Bho don't nocil nono. Wo
can afford to buy hor an nutomobllo
low." Ilaltlmoro American.
A rlflomnn, In tolling a story, said:
"My nlm Ih to nlwnys toll tho truth."
"Yos," said a hrotlior private, "hut
you'ro tho worst Bhot In tho regl
monl." So Such liiuk
Father xvnB rending a llt of tho
Imports cut off by tho European wnrt
no enmo to "iionna and other mater
ial for hair dyes," whon mother, who
was very much youugor, Hiild:
"Well, It would havo hocii much
worso If It had hnpponod ton ycaru
"How's that7"
"You had moro to dyo, thon."
"Ilah!" Interrupted youiiK Johnny,
"1 don't think much or this war n
ain't nut off tho Htipply of castor oil
any," San Francisco Chronicle
safelv millions of dollars are boino-
spent. Thousands of appliances are being installed. Strict
lcguiauons are being eniorced. Kvvry where protection
for tho public is the conl rolling feature of construction.
Nowhere is the safely first idea being enforced mpre
than in tho cons! ruction of traffic routes whether rail or
highway. And (his is so because it is realized that loss of
lile is easily avoidable if proper construction obtains. Hun
dreds of persons have been killed annually as a result q
trying saving a few dollars in construction.
The most fatalities on liiihwavs are ciiised hv iviilrmwl
grade crossings. As a consequence the rail crossing is
being abandoned on all modern highways. The necessity
for this is recognized in nearly all states by laws forbid
ding the establishment of such a crossing. This is the case
in Oregon, where a new rail crossing cannot be established
without consent of the state railroad commission, which is
not forthcoming for traveled routes. Unfortunately the
law does not regulate crossings already established.
That the railroads recognize the danger of grade cross
ings is shown by their co-operation in establishing over
head or subway crossings, the railroad willingly paying
nun me cose eniaiieu tnercny.
J lie slate highway commission recognized the need of
eliminating the grade crossings at its first organization by
passing a resolution withholding state aid from highways
with them. In pursuance of this nolicv. the viaducts wern
built in the Siskiyou division at a cost of nearly $10,000 to
avoid dangerous rail crossings.
The Siskiyou highway will have comparatively little
travel compared to the highway in the heart of the valley.
The need of avoiding a grade crossing held up the construc
tion of the highway at the Billings hill. So it is with sur-
itiini,. .(, ,... ...... .....i i I . .. 1 J 1 . j t Jt i
im-imi- ujiu iuiuiwiiipiii inui uio aci, oi me county commis
sioners, establishing, over the protest of the coiintv iiuiiro
and state highway engineer, two needless grade crossings
in three miles of highway between Central Point and
Seven Oaks is received.
The establishment of these crossings lengthens tho
highway half a mile. The. route selected includes seven
right angles, besides running alongside the dangerous
open channel oi .Jackson creek. It cannot be called in any
sense a "safety first" route.
The Mail Tribune, in calling attention to this subject,
has no interests to serve but the public's and the public
interest demands the shortest, safest and cheapest route
which is not the route selected.
It is respectfully suggested that (he county commis
sioners rescind their order aiid adopt a safe route.
'-iS'sBVv? viVfaJfTrWri 8sVvb
(Tomorrow .Alndnnio Hclmmmni-llflnk will IkkUi horMTlwon "Ail.
ko to tliino llt-i(lo.s" in tlio .Mall Ti'lbune. Don't ncj;k'it to inui tlioin.)
To ll Sui
"Ulstl" whlnporcd tho vllllan,
crotiplni? stualthlly nway.
"I aMwetad you would bo," ro
Jolnud thu HtaKo managnr, with cur
ling lip.
Ills TaIo of Woo
Hoy Morohunt Yus, kind, lldy,
thorn's sovln ov us at 'omo, orl slar
vln.' Miivvnr Ink oh In washln,' sho do,
but eho's took hill. Karver, ' wo
too kind 'oarlod, wos. U hud 'o
wouldn't mid us Htwrvo, ko o run nwny
and tuft iib. Tit IIUh.
All- Cn.sth
"I say, Claronco has Joined tlio
(l)lni; corps."
"Oh, how nluo; holl bo ntilo to vis.
It his caution." London Mall.
"WI(o, )ou havo oxurspont your al
lowance." "Oh, that was duo to an over.
"Il'iu, It appimix to mu more like
an overdraft.''
"Henry, what kind of a htovu Is a
T Cobb?"
"(lood gracious, Ty Cobb Isn't u
Isn't he? M, I've hoard him re
forrod to as it liaso burner."
Heportod by Jackson County b
tract Co., Hlxtb and Kir Hts
Itt-al ltiito Trait.ftiN
Jstluon Co Imp Co to Uokuii
land, Inc., laud In :tu, IW,
mill 30 IW .
Medford Itealty and Imp.
to Mudford Warahoiuo
loU In blk. 31 Mwlfonl.
Thoono U. Carkln to Cora
Wilson, pt. $, T 1 .. .
0. II. 1'nttumui el mx lo O. A
Oawt 1. t. T. 37, IW...
1 00
Katnto or A. I. Talttai, riHrt of
Mlo of rnl iro)irty.
Htitalti of ISdwiirtl A. KImr. clttlu.
BiHMo f Wrn H. JokHMH. fiuti
aeooHUl and riKrt; o-0r filing Urn
und place of final MMlenient
!MU b( C M. WebiMsr. flail no
count; ortlor flxlai tint and plae of
flUB) rttlim'iit.
nplIM resignation of AVilliam .1. Bryan as secretary of
J- state at a critical moment in the nation's historv is
hailed with regret by supporters of the administration, and
with jubilation by its opponents. It is the result of an
honest difference of opinion, for in his ideals and opinions
Hryan is as inflexible as tho president.
Uryan, as the author of nearly thirty peace treaties
with the principal nations of the world, stands forth as the
world's foremost peace advocate. IAr years he has de
voted himself to forwarding the iuferests'of peace, and his
accomplishments for peace remain his crownimr achieve
ment. It is not surprising that rather than sign his name
to a document that is likely to involve the nation in war,
he resigned office.
For twenty years Bryan has been the target for par
tisan ridicule and abuse, such as has not been slmwered
upon any American m this generation. In advance of his
tune, he has lived to see many of the measures he was de
nounced for advocating, the accepted law of the land. Old
enmities followed him into (he cabinet, and there has never
been a moment's let-up in his persecution by the pluto
cratic press, which has never given him a square deal. In
tellectual Lilliputians cannot be expected to jet the meas
ure of a real man.
Bryan's course is logical and consistent. The man who
dared to defy plutocracy thrice in campaigns for the presi
dency and who again threw down the gauntlet in the Bal
timore convention and forced the nomination of YVoodrow
Wilson and thereby reaped plutocracy's bitter resentment,
the man who has alwavs been firm for the right, as it was
given him to see the right, is not the man to sanction acts
he believes wrong.
Bryan's influence has always been for humanity and
for better things. This is a better nation and a better
world for his having lived. Of how many of our states
men can the same be said? The loss of such a man will
weaken the cabinet, I hough it may strengthen the admin
istration in the nation, as much of the unreasoning par
tisiin prejudice aroused by the mere presence of Bryan
will be dissipated.
(By Jiluli iMcClonc (lilmon.)
I'llICAtlO, III., June !). Wo mil
in the twilight of n wonderful Kpriiu:
afternoon in the bountiful drawing
room of the beloved prima donna
.Madame Seliuinnitn-lMiik, on Mich
igan avenue.
The divn, who hud loxt ulmnM nil
her frienilH nml rclutiwn in the war,
wiih pale with emotion. In the half
lilit that played over her wonderful
features Kr'l mutow hlione the
KiitluoHH in her hit; woniitu's heait
over Hie Hiifforiiu,' of the countless
men mid women m the uiihe of the
Brent (loviisUition.
Tin1 next moment her eyes tlnnoed
with B"d tint lire mid pleasure us the
conversation tinned to hrend-umk-iiur.
And her children! Kilit of
"So you are jtoinir to utile what
you have lenrned for otlfW women
young women lo whom the pit full of
matrimony ynwii wide the brides of
I iinUiI this .Miuliinui Scliiiiiimiu
Heinle eliinped her nervous hiiiidn
Hie .Hloiidorniittorcd IihihIm of the ar
tist ami woman of temiermuent
over her heart.
She hoiM'lf is nil heart -tit won-
utono, and yet remains a wonmn who
is still in love with living who has
tasted mid found nil of life good.
It did not take me us long to eomo
to the foregoing conclusion us it has
to write it, mid immediately I found
myself listening to a speaking voice,
vibrant witli sympathy.
"Do you suppose I can help them
really help them the-e dear girls
who are going to titko tin ttlio re
sponsibilities of wedlock this spring?"
Mmlame Schiimmiii-lleiuk is one
of those very rare women who can
and has made goodness inteiesting.
Slieis intensely religious, a splendid
mother mid a wonderful singer.
She has lived the feminine life to
the fullest; she has known joy mid
grief oerwhelniing. She has the
nnivelte of the gieit nttiM and when
I uBked her the nnostion in my open-
derlul heait oi the
lowil and sni t.icd
for hreiul and litis
woman who litis
who Iuih asked
l en niven u
m mtm
Curing Catarrh is
A Simple Method
Go to its Source nnd
Cure Is Then Accomplished.
AVIUj fcledford. Trtgp Ms4Mnl Mj
HXI'OBITIOX CltorxiM, Sun Krnii
claco, Cal., June U Oiegon lias scor
ed a treuimitloiii triumph tit the Pan
aum Pacific Internntlousl exposition
by ltn awarded th gold nitfdal for
bw horticultural exhibit. The Jury
on awards was made up of eminent
horticulturists from tu XthorlamU.
I ha east. Japan, aud California.
Th competition aa extremely
ken, inU Oregon ou over magnifi
cent uhlUlu from all over lb world.
aian of On siats, and all tba I'acifie
col states Oregon's exhibit post I
the stale li'Ou. Aablagtou's ?:oo
4 California a much largur sum. c
K. Harlln of Hood Hlver, chief of
kpnkuiiure for Oregon. Ias his sue-
to the faet that be invpared an
U Uri tfOIWt, vveu tb frame
work of tho OroRon section was of
Oregon Iob. the floors of OroKon tim
bers, tho hedges of Oregon shrubs,
and plants, tho fruit and flower e
hlblt was varied, fully reiiresentlng
the state. This is the flrbt time Call
fomla has been beaten horticultur
A tlikmtch troin S.ilcui .NCctcnlax
auuoiiiieeti the appointment hv (iov,
Withyeomhe oi (1. I Hilling of tin
city, nt a mcuiher of the coiixonntiou
eoiiiuiisKiiin, to succeed t' .11. Wittsou,
nUo of Ashland. Mr. Hillings tlw
UMiw's iins knowledge of (lie appoint
ment, Tlie recent legislnttiie i educed the
appropriation of the commiMJnn to
f 200 for general ami contingent ex
penses, Othci members of the com
mission uie .1. X. Teal, Kied F. tliti-
hhaw and Mi Josephine Uir-li of
I'oiIIiiikI, Willi mi I'ollnuiii of linker,
F. (!. Voting i Kiigeiie.
Most Popular
The authorities hae the iinnios of
several autulsts who persist In engag
ing In racoa ou Mniu street for short
distances, and warnings will be Issued
to them loutiuiution of the of
fense will mcin arrest and prosecu-
JoKn A. Perl
Lady Assistant
I'lumort M. IT and I7-.I3
Atubulnucr riurtlco IJonmer
"The Diamond
From the Sky"
Onlj thono who liie used S 8. B.
rnr tlio lloml loiow that catarrh Is slm
I1 a Iiliiml trouble
Mimt ppoplo iiiiliiMtructcil In this mom
luanemiH iIIhoiisc, treat their iioho nntl
throat tin It witarrti was u local trouble.
It Is not ho. To tr.Ht tutarrli It Is ni'c
epxary to ko Into the Ktomach. tho llvor,
the Iuiiks, tho klilnays und all tho vital
irKuus of thu ttuil) Ami It Is H. H. 8.
thst nt unre enters the entire blood clr-
uUtlon, hII the erKstis of the body, all
the mucous Hurfuces and beromes n
clomlimnt factor for renewed health. It
Is a simple method when ou Hcuro it
out. Catarrh U plainly an lallamma
tlun ef the mucous membrane.
And there Is in HSR eertaln Incro
illent which CHiise IIicno miicoun sur
faces ta chanK' or convert their secre
tions Into a tulstanc for easy elim
ination. A speilal book on this subject
will be mailed t all who write to Tho
Kwlft Speeltlc Co, 110 Swift Itldu, At
lanta, Os
Catarrh Is very often the result of
come other blood trouble, some (term
that Kets Into the blood and multiplies
beyond thu control of nature.
8 8. S Is tho remdy. Do not accept
n substitute for this matchless remedy
Head the circular wrapped uround the
bottle. It is Important.
Tin itMin m riuow
Dustin Farnum
"Cameo Kirby"
; 1
"Neatest to
E cry thing'1
Kh Parts
Pathe Weekly News
Powell St. at OTarrell
IleaJ.nurtcrs for Califor-
dtion. Our commodlouj lobby.
ti i8 seruoe, sod honu-J.le.
tvstauiantwill appeal to you.
No Raise In Rates
51.50 Per Day Up
(.'better W.
Bra I
k.V?t me at
the .lAiw-f"
lnp; parar.ipli she iuinieilialely grasp
ed its wide binifiennee.
"Will the oiiiif; women of today
j?o hack to first principles f " hIio ask
ed. "Will they listen to the old-fnsh-ioncil
homilies thnt wero tnujtlit mo
by my mother and which I have prov
ed true?
"Will they understand thnt, while
marriage with chihlien innv prove n
tragedy, without chihlren mnrriaj,'e is
always a t wiped v to women.
"Will they know Hint I am telliti,'
the truth when I wtv thnt the present
unrest in mnrnnge is ns much Hie
fnult of the woman as of the man?"
Medford's Leading Theater
Albert Chevalier
Supported by
Jane Gail
America's Most Uelovcd Drama
A Metro Production In Flvo Acts.
Hearst-Selig Weekly
Special Musical Program.
r, to, irte
Lime Treatment
in Tuberculosis
In the .1 1 n j- 2T: lUi'i, iRftile of the
Joiirnnl of the iiirrjenn .lleillenl A
noelntlon npirfir-il this nlntentent
Co n cr nil rnr cnlcliim (lime) meillcn
tlon In the treatment of pulmonary
tulirri'iiloxlH (eiiiiNiimptloii)i
"Liulrr the wyntcinallc, continued
nml penitateiit reulme of cnlelum
nioilnillnlloii. nn t.leMon linn nren n
inimlier of liln imtlrnlx liuiirote, tin
ilrrKo mi extnlntloii or purtliil con
nolliliitlon In the Iiiiik. hl'li then rr
KiiltliiK itoiiIiI nppenr to eonfrllitile
to the mhIIIiik oir nml closing of the
leiloiiM. Ilmul In tin lid itlth till
eonrne of etentH, the Mpiltmn eleurn
ii i of tuliercle linellll. filled llmillr
lll.lliirnr, nnd the pntlrutia nre illx-ehnrKi-d
nlth hrnleil piilnionnry tu
lirrciilmU." Cthlcal medical Journals seldom
speak so posltlvoly nbout n remedial
namt et this testimony coincides
with tliat from many consumptlvei
who havo nccured like results
through tho uso of Ilckmnii's Altera-
fUtK-o calcium Ih n ootiRtltucnt of
this remedv for pulmonary tubercu
losis and allied throat nnd bronchial
nrfectlons. Its henllnK power may In
some measttrn be ntmhuted to tho
manner In which this clement Is so
comblnod with other Ingredients as
to bo-easily anilmllatecl by tho over
age person nnd It does not Irritate
tlm stomach
Kckmon's Alterative contains no
opiates, narcotics or hablt-formlnK
limns, so It Is safo to try. If your
druggist is out of It, ask him to
order, or sand direct to
Ik'Umiiii Laboratory, I'hllndelplila.
COLLAR 2for25f
Cluelt Pikxly r Co,lnc fVlsWrs
Egyptian Water Bags
are washable inside and
out, yet costs no more
than ordinary bags.
This ad if cut out and presented at the
Star Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday,
June 15 or 16 will entitle you to a free
ticket. T
Unroll MONDAY, and learn Hookkeonlni;. Shorthnnd and Typewriting".
Classos for Public School Pupils, a Months for $25,
Mr. Oeorge A, Ilrlscoe, Supt, of
Unroll MONDAY,
shl.ind .School t, In Chargo.
Medford Commercial College J? xfj,
iiipe St.
nri,i:s covKiuxtt
$50oo prize slogan
Gold Seal Butter Contest
1st l-'or tho best slogan submitted $uo.oo
2nd For tho next best slogan submitted .'."!"....?7o.'uo
3rd For tho noM best slogan submitted ""i!".'.!..?!.
4th For tho next host slogan submitted !!.!!!!!.'."."!":;;u()
Dth For the next beet slogan submitted !""!!.!."."$2ao
fith For tho next best slogan submitted '. ".".""ijs'rjo
7th For tho ne.xt boat slogan submitted Z.i.'l'Z''l""".$2.n
Slogan must not consist of more than tan word, and must bo
written plainly with name and address of ronteataat tharounder.
Each contostant may submit not more than flvo slogans.
Each slogan or group of slogans submittal shall havo attached
thereto a gold &oal taken from the wrapper of a package of Gold
Seal Uutter.
Two prUes will not bo awarded to the same contestant.
Contest closes C p m July 3rd next
All slogans must ! addessed to
County Creamery, Medford, Oregon.
Content Department, Jackson
Tho Snnitnrv Plant.
rW a