Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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8amplc3 of sugar liccts grown In
tho Rogno river vnlloy wll 1)0 sent
tills week to tho laboratories of tho
Utah Bunar company nt Salt Lake
City for examination. Tho boots nro
from floods planted last spring at tho
termination of tho campaign for a
boot sugar factory, and according to
tho roport of Soil Export Storey, they
show an auovo tho nrorngo amount of
sugar. elJots grown In all pnrts of
tho yatcly liavo boon colclclod. Somo
we'ro' Irrigated and somo wero not.
It is tho Intention of tho beet sugar
factory baokors to launch n now cam
palgn for acreage in tho fall In tho
hopo of securing a boot sugar fac
tory for southern Oregon In 1010.
Jfomo-innrio pastry at tho Hlinstn.
Mrs. D. C. Itopo of 11 !l Cottngo
street left on tho 8:20 trnln for Cor-
vallls on uuslnoss and nlunsuro and
from there to MnMinnvlllo to nttntnl
tho Q, A. It, onnampment.
ou can got ilollclous cottage
chooi and pasteurized hultor milk
nt tho .liuikson County Crnmnry.
Phono 61. '
Fifty inoinlinrs of tho Ornnts Pass
KaRtern Star lodgo will visit tho local
loiiog loniRiit. isiniiorato propara-
tlonrt liavo been mntlo for their on
(lot your butler, eggH, cream, milk
dim butter milk at Do Voo'h.
I.ouls Ulfjcli of .liiclisonvlllo Is
among thnnqgiiii river valley visitors
In Portland this woftlt attending the
rose show. .
The Hague Hlver Valley Minister
ial Association met at Phoenix Titos
day. J. O. Corking, tho bent nil around
photographer In soutlmrn Oregon.
Always reliable. Nogatlvoi rnndo nny
whore, time or ploco Htudlo 22R
Mnln SI Phnne 320-1
Thomas Martin nnd wife of Hoho
hnrg have roturned to tholr homo aft
er visiting with friends nnd rolatlves
In this city for n few days.
I). T. I.awton Ik acting as fire de
partment chief during the abHcnco of
IiIh brother on a vncatlon.
Voti can gel dellulouH cottage
cheese and puslenrlzml buttermilk at
the Jackson County Creamery. Phono
S. C. Fnrwoll of Olendale Is ninong
tho out or town visitors In tho city
this week.
Mrs. J. ,. Thorndlke, Injured In a
motorcycle nceldont on lllverslde ave
nue, Is renting easy today according
to report fnipi tho liospltnl.
J'resh roasted poanuts at Do VoSV
J. II. .Tnokson of Mania Point spent
Mondny In Medford traiiHactlng liusl
noss matters.
1). I'. Ilralnerd of Ited llluff, Cal.,
Is spending a few ilnB In tho city nt
tondltiK to business matlors.
Kodak flulililng nnd supplies nt
Weston's Camera Shop, Opposite
Hook Store.
A mooting of tho water users Is be
ing held this afternoon at the public
library for tho purpose or adopting a
constitution nnd by-lawH nnd secur
ing new membsrH.
Howard Upton of Orants Pass spent
Wednesday In tills city and Jackson
ville attendhiK to business matters.
Chocolates, 80 rents lb. Do Voo's.
U, H. Dim ii of Montague, Cal., Is
among the out of town visitors In the
city this week.
William lJurns of Marshfleld Is
spending a tew days In the city and
vsllfty attending to Imsliios inntters.
Kodak flnlihlng tho bst, nt Wen
ton's Camorti Shop. Opposlto Hook
Attorney H. II. Mi-Cubs spent Tues
day afternoon In Jscksunvllle attend
ing to professional mnttrs.
The board of directors of Ht. Marks'
Guild wilt hold h meeting Teumluy
at the noiuw of Mrs. WIIIIuim liutlgo.
Do Von carries tho best line of
flva onnl t'Jgara In (he city.
A gftftutltin stove In tho home of A.
l Allen oil West Tenth street ex
ploded Tuesday afternoon. The fire
department was called out. No dam
age resulted. The rauso of the ex
plosion Is unknown. Tue family was
abaut at the time.
VwH etti get delicious cottag
chM awl pasteurised butter uillk
at the Ja.'kaoH Coual Creamery.
' E. V. Carter of Aahlaud snnt a few
hours Tuesday afternoon lu MeUford.
II. If. Ogdy la acting as cklaf of po
"lice iodaj". ChUf llUtaon taklug a
day off.
Mngnsinot and uswnpnpwrs. Phone
tM your wants. We deliver by bicyele
igagMngor. Medford Cigar Store.
Phansifia. .
Attorney Paul HUnrhsnl of u rants
Vgw gunjO, Tjday la Med ford at
togging to business matters.
Dr. U. C. Barber. Pals Meek.
Hours I to 4. lhoee: Of flee 110;
How lioji.
II. IX MeHrlde gad too Kov. J, K.
Hawktga epeni Tueeday flaking on
Hog rtw. Tsoy eougbl seven cut
tnroat tront.
Pvanolo Kauvrv and wife oX Qgggt
Pass simat Tuesday ta Medford nt
ittndlng to hiwlgoas nisUrs.
tfgvo your tovg OMr gfcgrttaao4
by J. W. UUUtL fUm HSM. U
Tho graduating oxeclses of tho
nurso department of Sacred Heart
h.oBpltal woro hold at St. Mark's hall
Tuesday night In tho p'resonco of 200
friends and relatives. DiplomaB wero
given tho Misses Adulyn Hamlin of
Medford, Mark Harba of Little Shasta
and Angelina Provost of Ashland. Ad-
dreseB3 woro given by Ors. lSmmons,
Conroy and Plckol, nnd tho III. Hev.
Alexander Christie, nrcbblshop of
Boo Davo .Wood about that flro In
surance policy. Office Mall Trlbund
"W. Dunn of the Wallace Amuse
mont company was lu Medford Tues
day pxplntntng to the police that n
rovolver recently taken hv the com
pany after It was borrowed for stage
uho, was taken by mistake, nnd that
tho company did no' know they had
tho weapon until they read of It In
the newspnpors. Dunn returned to
Heddlng, California, whore the com
pany is holding forth.
Pop corn Crlspettos at Do Voo's,
Tho forestry service has posted tho
usual warnings lu the woods for
campers to exercise care In the hand
ling of fires, and the rangers nnd
lookout men will take their stations
for the season In a short time, Tho
warm woollier of the lost week has
dried tho woods rapidly. There Is
much burning of slashings through
out the valley.
fllsklflju or Colestin minora! wnt
or, 10 cents per hottlo at Do Voo's.
Ohnrrles grown in the Iloguo river
vnlloy are for sale on the local mark
et, tho warm, bright sunshine of tho
last week ripening the fruit fast. The
early crop Is not sufficient to supply
tho local demand, the California pro
duct bolng shipped In In small o.unn
tltloM. Screen doors at Motirord Lumber
A slack wlro wnlker held fortli on
Main street Inst night and will ro-np-pear
tonight If tho pollro will permit.
The porformor nfler a few didoes
from a trapozo told the 200 people
nssomblod Hint there would ho no fur
thor performance owing to tho smnll
tioes of the collection.
Cot flltorod gasollno from tho Kcd
flltor nt Garnott-Cory's.
A party of tourists, traveling In
three nutoH, passed through Mcdiord
this morning en route from Forest
CIrovo. Oregon, to San Francisco,
They reported the roads through tho
Cow Creek canyon In fair shae.
Mrs. K. J. Mears and Misn Mabel
Mears will leavo today to spend
the summer visiting In HohIoii.
J. S. Vincent of Table Hock spent
Tuosdny in Medford attending to bus
iness mntters.
One case oj ohlckim I'ox, In a mild
form Is reported from tho Jackson
ville district.
Velvet Ice erenm at Do Voo's. .
Tho new water regulations for the
summer sonson recently framed by
Water Superintendent O. Arnsplgor
become effective tomorrow, Thursday
Juno 10. The southwest part or tho
city Is the chlof sufferer at present.
Tho ground Is high, tlm pressure as
a tOMttlt being low. Violations of tho
water provisions will lie prosecuted.
The authorities are looking for a
parly of small boys who went hwIiii
iiiIiik In Hear creek Wednesday after
noon, and disported on tho bnuk in
nothing hut their original garb. A
woman made a protest to the boys,
ii ml the slghtH became more unseem
ly, artor the manner of young Amer
ica. Medford studonta nt Ibn University
of Oregon and state college at Kugouo
and Corvallls will return homo Friday
and Saturday for the summer vaca
tion, i
II. J. L'gan of Yrekn, Cal., Is spend
ing the week In Medford nttendln
to busliiomt matters.
Flue of R nnd costs wero Imposed
by Police Judge (lay this afternoon
upon five Medford property owners
for failure to shut off their hose
Tuesday afternoon who nthe flro
alarm sounded for a flro on West
Tenth street. The list represents nil
sections of the city. They wero com
posed of A. .1. Vance, Hiram F. Mead,
or. Ihe Medford (Irocery Co., Mrs
Hamlin, and Mrs. Slnnott. The above
are the first arrests of the season
for violation of the water laws. Fur
ther arrests for the same offense are
WABIIINOTOX. June H -Preeldent
Wilson by his every word Hml uot ,0
day showed )ils deep feeling over Sec
retary llryan's decision to resign
front the labluet lie accepted the
resignation with greatest reluctance
Hud on!) after he had become firmly
convinced thnt he end the secretary
were unalterably apart on the kind
' nf uaIu In Ova ititnl Ia tiaasaaaaau t
wi ggvw w ww iigag w yni ogtntt
Krer since laat Friday, when he
began to fetd thai his views and those
of Mr. llran could not Ue recouclhHl.
tbe prewUient has mado no secret of
his sorrow to bis eioeest sd risers.
Since HuodM) he baa aeon tteerotary
Rrygn aoergJ tlniee and Was done his
utmost Io win htm ovor to his point of
'. imring a colofnee the two
nnd at loo White llonoe yooterdai,
Intworor, U nooanw nUy avteWanl
ttai Mr. lit an would Mi the eab-
LONDON, June !). Surfeited us
the KnglMi public lint been with war
seiihiiliiini, Secretary Hryiin'n with
drawal litis created no unif-uinl
iiiniiiint of interest nnd iliHCiiHtinn he-
cau.Hc il lias given a wholly iipp
dented turn to poliliciil eventi
All the afternoon pnneiK ui
largest headline to Mr. Ilr.van
the hIiicmiiIh mi the streets call
event "the American crisis,"
The Evening St inula rtl wijS:
"Mr. Ilrynn'rt resignation fr
President Wilson' cabinet tippet
to foreshadow a more decided Aim
lean jinhivy--not neeosminly inter
vention or wnr. It wns Mime vision
of lliis, no doubt, which led Germany
to dispatch an unofficial cmi-mnry I"
talk unofficially of peace in the
Tinted State; lie can lie disavowed
more easily than Count von llerns
lorl'f when ihe ncciision require.
Kngland will mil emulate (lenuany in
nttcmptiiifr to bullv or cajole neut
ral as In their policy.
"Political feeling will run high in
America during the next lew day,
hut the iHMttes are clear enough, a),
though (lermany cerluinly will at
tempt to confute tjjc public mind.
"We already expressed the hope
thai the lnitcd State will not lie
drawn into the conflict, but it is be
coming increasingly difficult for her
io rcmum outside."
(IKN'I'VA, .lime I). A Czemowitz
diHpateli to the Ti ilium', dated .Mon
day, Hayn:
"The Htirthiinm north of Stauislaii
have repulsed all Austrian attack
between the Swicu and l.omnit.a riv
er. The AiislritiiiH attempted to do-
hoitcli on the Dniester, hut the Ilus
siiins inflicted cruel losse upon them,
(lenerul Haltin' iliyision, operating
Houthuast of IColomca, Niiffered enor
mous loshe on the l'rulli,, where Ihe
ItusHiaus liavo gained an iuiportanl
siicces since Sunday. Oenernl Hal
tin wiih iinnlile to affect u junction
with Hie troops of (lenerul von Liu
siugen." A Tiirnow dispatch datcl Tuesday
says :
"The HiiKhiiius are gelling nearer
ami nearer the Vixtulii, driving he
fore them the troop of (lenerul
Mackenseu, who prolmbly will lie ob
liged to fall buck alone hi entile
line. Since Sunday the enemy'
Iokso have been over 2(1011 killed ami
wounded, 'fhe KussiuiiH again have
occupied position on the right hank
of the W.vxuiii. The Havariau troop
suffered heailv in Ihe lighting be
tween (It'oilck ami Koiiiuruo. The
Hussiaii have loppei the (Icriimu
udvauce on the Dncisler.
(lenerul Haltin' left wing is pros
ecuting a violent offensive move
ment. The advance of the aranc of
(leueral Liniugcu, S.uiiiia and
Hoffman i procccdinu by toiccd
FOH SAI.K A good cow
son, Griffin Creek.
J. H.
Some .Mcdfonl l'cipli Have Icaruisl
How to (id I tellcf.
How many people suffer from an
aching back?
How few know the cause?
If It hurts to stoop or lift
If you suffer sudden, darting pains
If Mm are weak, lame and tired
Suspect your kidneys.
Watch for nature's signal.
The first sign msy be headache or
Scanty, painful, or too frequent
.Norvousnoes or n constant, dead
tired feeling.
Avert the serious kidney diseases,
Treat the weakened kidneys with
Uoau'e Kidney Hills.
A remedy especially for sink kid
ueys. fJratefull.v endorsed by residents of
this locality.
Andrew Cant rait. California St..
Jacksonville, Ore., says: "When I
was suffering from haekaeuo and oth
er kidney alltuoou. IXwm's Kidney
Pills came to my aid and stopped the
Hrk' r0r. at all dsnlers. Don't
ettnuty nag for ktdnoy remedy get
Dong's Ktdnoy mils -Ike aaute thai
Ur. Outwit nnd. rot-iJHbHrn
vm-, rmsi mihw, . wv.
i r
At tho eighth grade graduating ex
ercises held at Much on Mondny even
ing June 7, soventenn graduates from
tho eighth grade received tholr ill
program was as follews:
lnvqcatlori, Hev. Mr. Hryan; song,
(nnnrtettoj .Misses Collins, Wendt,
Couch, Williams: class prophecy,
Kdlth Kiiblljiclass hlslory, Ora Golds
by; class will, Lois HIc.e; address,
Prof. F. L Orlffln; reading,- .Miss
Williams: jlrcHontatlon of diplomas,
Iturnl Supervisor Chase; response by
teachers, Air. Wheeler, .Miss Colvln;
benediction, Hev. Hryan.
A good sized crowd llstoned to the
program aipl the event presnges a
rapidly growing Interest In education
In tho Applcgate section. Many of
You'll start an old-pal-party via a pipe or
a makin's cigarette quick as a flash, as soon
as you realize it's a live bet to let your good
money rub up against some Prince Albert
tobacco. Why, it's like beating back to the
bushes for old-home week, P. A.'s so friendly,
so chummy-ViVce.
You see, Prince Albert can't bite your
tongue, or any other man's; nor parch throats.
Because it's made by a patented process that
cuts out the bite and parch and lets you hear
the song of the joy'us jimmy pipe and the
makin's cigarette all the day long I
ihe national joy smoke
just hands you home-made questions like these:
were you ever pipe
happy? Did you ever
hit a brand that just
pushed pleasure against
your palate? The kind
that sort of teased your
smokeappetito for some
more fire -up, then an
other and so on, right
to the pillow-period I
Well, that's P. A.,
no matter how you hook
it up pipe or cigarette. Itjust-jams-joylnto
your system! You nail that fact hot off the
bat, because it's case-cards information! And
handed out to youfor personaand -mmedate
attention as being about as real and true as
you've heard since Hector was a pup !
P. A. is sold in the toppy red bag for the
price of a jitney ride, 5c; tidy red tin, 10c;
pound and half-pound tin humidors and the classy pound
crystal-glass humidor with tho sponge-moistener top that's not
only a joy'us thing to have at homo and at the office, but it keeps
P. A. in the highest state of perfection.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem. N. C.
-v: saw
in ,-- "--- -
Wo arc lvadv for
tho Hntlal Season
with a siiiuM'b
StOt'k (!
and titlu-r (lifts,
tolocl early.
Gorhum Go. Silver
.Is the Urido's Silvoi- J'nr
Quality. Sco
The Jeulwr UI'J li. .Main St.
.ty-.w -i rww&mwimmmmm
the boys nnd girls wll have no oppor
tunity for a high school education and
there must soon come a strong de
mand for a union high school for the
many boys and girls who arc anxious
to go further.
The annual Flag Day exercises of
Slks' lodge will be held nt tho
theater Monday evening, Juno
S o'clock. At this tlmo Klks
orld over, will pay tribute to the
and stripes. The beautiful and
wslve flag ritual of tho order
to given.
ii addroM of tho ovenlng will be
by the Hev. Win. H. Hamilton
I Kplscopnl church, and tho story
oi ..e flag will be told by Attorney
(His Newbury. Bongs appropriate for
the occasion will be given by William
Vawter and Herbert Alford. Miss Hnz.
olrigg. Mrs. Oeorge T. Wilson will
glvo n patriotic reading. The music
will bo furnished by the llnzelrlgg or
chestra. The theater will be decorated with
the national colors.
Farmers In the Applegnte district
report squirrels to be numerous, al
though not ns much so ns last year,
owing to the extensive use of poison.
for a spell
swing on this:
liv have
Ignition trouMes
When ou can have a genuine
J on your I'ortl
Officlnl HaMh ysgneto ltsgnlr and
Supply ftfttiau
fflEioe ca3
v&il!assiigf i i
&!. -J
i&tit&iiwan,' . e uuin
rwnp)T&s&izrje '.um
IJIi. .!!
SSf . .1wUjw R5iiSal
wiiw "i.; j " 'VjrAssJLTri
Albert Chevnlier, the well known
Kngllsh charactor actor and who Is
noted for his fine impersonations,
will bo seen in tho leading role In
Henry Arthur Jones' play, "Tho Mid
dleman." This Is a screen drama
with a series of tremendous dramatic;
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil o ftho city of .Medford, Oregon, at
their next regular meeting on Juno
13, 191.1, for a license to sell splrlt-
tf&ix&P ( - - ::v V$
jrJrt'Sip y. jiMKTtrMX"j1; ''' !v"l iitt. . &?. ' $SisS l&ayV
a TnwifsiwiKiJ.'j'.rMnv'wnrsrk , -. r-MSffirir yz
Iftr it Cilir!ro
JrMdo.104 vvsriald.
&fflsmm.&.'' fl
rta !ur tin WtttonWHo.
CmI. Uhanratluib'.9
mtmorv ai d tUetlv to-
the war in Sniln in
m jffl&mgm ' wn j?mmim s .
1333, when h tri a l.Jcf
23 Himrnvr. rMcfoiairc.i
a uvuKcrtl! hit 1,1. t l I
tUy ho trrka o dor-r i
truer frionJ thn It i t J
Jimmy pipo. If do i J f
fron lrtmd m mimperoftho
Prince Albert olJ-tnuo
jimwy-ftifttre stub,"
y-Lis. f-'.'tit
. ?T. i ffo'nS '-. 4ii
Have them made at the
Pacific Furniture 6
Fixture Factory
Home of the Pacific OtcUr
wrffffffr""tlfT iitff 'y-v TiTr.i ," .a.;.--,r. ;..',, , Y;.;vr;;T-a.aa.'iaiasiKBKgpr2B
.Chart. 113S. Holly
-T i
niomcnr", nrlupli;; situations and
mighty climaxes released on llie Me
tro program. Albrt Chevalier rt
supported by nstrong oompnny. in
cluding the Kngllnh actress, 'a:ie
(tail. "The Middleman" will uo
shown nt the 1'age theater Wodnes-
day and Thursday.
oiis, vinous nnd malt liquors nt retail
at his place of business at No. 17
South Front strw-t In nnid city until
January l"t, I!) 10.
Dated Jiine S, l.tir..
. O. M. SF.LHY.
208 East Main Street
JThe Qp? Inclusive
Coumiorela! Pliotographora
i Soutberu Oregon
Negotivo Made any time or
place by appointment
Phone H7-J
WoU do the pat
' s.-i
. e- . ' .B-u
bkL- Mi, X28 Jm
VHM , . " ! ! fiaRS
tiv r!I S"" v, $$wwyQ&
w-vBBBBBsnBwnisrsr -sbmh - ii i.ii wa,t
&$&?&'& . ,. fS6k,AV.U?&,iJ&v&2!ajv
& 9. WMf 01, Ihrep.