Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Tonight, ntnl Sunday.
Muv. 85 Mln. 18.
Forty-fifth Year.
Dnllv Tenth Year.
Little Known of Result, But Not
Much Damage Done Ten Vessels
Sunk by Submarines in Three Days
Austro-Gcrnian Forces Pushing
Into Galicia.
LONDON, Juno .-..Another Ger
man nlr raid on the coosls of Kng
Inml last night, coupled with tho
usual week-end activity of Gorman
nubmarlncs aro tho war develop
ments of tho last 12 hours which are
today holding public attention. Tho
raid of March .11 resulted In the
death of six, one man, ono woman,
Tour children.
l.lttlo la known an yet of tho px
tont of tho aerial attacks, hut It docs
not scorn to havo douo much damage
or been costly In liven.
SuhninHiics Itimy
(ermnn uulimarlueH have lieen un
usually busy during tho liiHt row days
in tho North Sea and in tho Hrlstol
channel. Ton vessels havo heen at
tacked In tho Inst three daH without
Iohh of lffo except In tho cano of tho
trawler Victoria, four members of tho
crow of this boat and n passenger
having fallen victims to shells fired
by tho attacking submnrlno.
Tho biggest capture of tho Germans
was tho flvo thousand 'ton Liverpool
ntenmor Inkum. Another important
victim was tho Cairn liner Iona, er
roneously reported at first as tho
"Wilson lino steamer of tho same
11 nine. Tho other ships sent to tho
bottom by tho Hermans Includo In
Addition to several trawlers, four neu
tral Bhlps, two Danish, ono Norwe
gian anil ono Swedish.
Along ICu.ntoin Front
Tho Austro-Oerman forces have
pushed tholr salient ns far as Tuk
lila, northeast of Przemysl. Notwlth
Htandlng the evacuation of this for
tress, tho Russians havo maintained
an unbroken fighting front on both
sides of tho railroad to Lomborg.
Thus far tho Austrians and Germans
apparently hnvo made little progress
ulnco tho taking of Przemysl, al
though an Austrian official report
statos that tho Russians have been
driven east to tho vicinity of Medyka.
Rritlsh and French reports Indicate
hard fighting on tho wostern front
without much progress for cither
side TlTb Ilelglan frontier has again
been closed to traffic. This tends to
confirm reports that the Germans aro
moving heavy reinforcements to their
positions along the Yser canal.
WASHINGTON .lune .".
T. Mt'l'lieiMin, Tinted Slut-, ntloincy
for southern Ohio, ieig 1 today nnd
President Wilii selected Shunt It.
Putin of Columbus to Mii'i-i'fil him.
Demand that McPhcison mid hi- n-hi-tnnl,
Hurley I'.. Ruin, return lees
ol' $UO,tll)tl awarded them lor service
in the unit of the government nguinst
tliu old t'wpitul Cilv Uwir.v company
ivii mude in a motion filed in the led
ttnil colli t ut Columbus yotcriluv l
mtuiiscl for tho depuitinent ol' ju
tice. Henriiiif on tho motion was to
lie given in Columbus today.
It wax said t tho doHirlment of
jiutico tlmt Attorney fleneriil CI re-gory
had linked McPheron for his res
ignation after lie learned that while
pro.ecuting tlto dairy company in .1
proceeding Mr. McPheron Imil r.
oeiwd a fee n Htlomev for
the jvciiM-r ol the roliiiii III It civil
RYE. N. Y, June .'.Walter J.
Trail, the vtern golfer, won the
Metropolitan golf championship today
ever tli Apawnmla ooure by defeut
lM Mm u Anderson, tke fernwr
lleeta gelfer. In i fhlafti round by
to up.
TOOK $20,000 FEE
Winston Churchill Defends His
Course as First Lord of Admiralty
Says Fleet's Record Speaks for
Itself Victory Such as War Hs
Not Yet Seen Predicted.
DUXDKI, Seotlnnd, June :. Win
slon Sneneer Churchill, I'urmetly first
lord of tho iitliiiinill.v,"u'ho is olutn-
cellor of the duchy of KniietiHtcr Tn
tho coalition cabinet, arrived today al
Dundee, which he represents in the
house- of commons. He wns received
enthusiiislically ut u meeting of bin
coiislitucnK He told them he did not
come to make explanations or indulge
in reproaches or iceriininntions, for
the only thing lie cnied about was the
waging of it successful wnr on the
enemies of Ureal Jiritaiu.
"For four years I havo borne heavy
responsibility, being, neenrding to .'lie
tiiue-houored language of my patent,
icxiHiu-ilile to the crown mid purlin-
ineiit for nil business of the iidinir-
ulty," Mr. Chiiniberlaiii said. "When
I say resooiihihle, 1 was responsible
in the sense that 1 would have to hear
the blame of evervthinir that occurr
ed. These have comprised the
iniimrtunt period of our naval his
tory, u period of picparntioti for war,
n period ol vigilance and mobiliza
tion. Has Done Ills llest
"I havo done mv best. The arch
ives ut the admiralty will show tho
nail I ldaved in nil the great triu'w-
notions that have Inken place. To
them I look for my deteusc.
"I look nlho to the general naval
Mtuatioii. Tho terrible dangers ut
the beginning of tho wnr are over.
The seas haw been swept clear. K'v
orythiug is in perfect order. Ncnrly
everything has been foreseen. Wo
have taken the measure of our foe
and havo onlv to go lorward with
Mr. Churchill tuhlud there were two
statement he wished to make about
the operations at tho Dnidiinollos.
llouvv losos must be expected on
hind and sea. The fleet employed
there was composed ot a suiplus ol
wurnliips after all other needs had
been provided for.
"Those who mipposc Karl Kitch
ener embarked on these operations
without thorium h v and enrotully
considering everv requirement in re
lation to the army m lriuice and
Plunder tire not oulv mistaken, hut
die piesumptiious," he continued. "In
looking at our losses fairly nirl
xqunrcly we must not forget the pne
for which we are contending.
('mil Victory Is Near
"The forcos aro within u few miks
of n ictor" such as this war has not
seen, n victory" which, when it comet.,
will make amends for all."
Mr. Churchill said he did not Ihiuk
the ne wniiti iters should lit tack to-
hponsiblo lenders of the nation .it
home or in the field or publMi any
thing calculated to make bad blood.
If there were unv eriticMii it should
he in parliament. This was u mutter
of self-preservation.
"What does the nation expect oi
the new cabinet f" he linked. "I will
answer that in one word - act inu.
That is the demand, that is the ncu,
action, not hesitation; not discussion
or agitation. The dntv lie- upon h.
goi eminent to declare what should In
done, to propoM' it to parliament and
-land or lalihv the usiilt.' .
PARIS. June .'i The Jluias N'ew-ugeio-i
mciud t"l.i a diptit
troiii ( imisoii, Switzerland, naymg
that the iinuding It.ihuii forces are
muWiiiir steady but lw nrMcrs '.
the soutlicm Tyrol, awl tUnt ll
Au.tnan niibtary mlhomwi hav !--
niwl to rtoov0 Xk civil itoMiUttH
trom tkat ratpuit. Ttw iukabiUoia of
the towu of iiori kwvt Ihwh trans
trrni Ut mmaiwmck.
Tk Mtuuiiaa ia Ik aautkMii Tyrui
isMrioua oo account of tka Uusk' of
The KaiseiBefoie
Tho latest picture of Kmperor William of Germanv showlnt; how too strain of the wnr and his recent Illness has told on his face. At tho
left Is the kiiisor's favorite poso taken bofore tho war. In the center Is fie most recent picture of tho German rulor, caught while he was trav
eling botween battle fronts. At tho right Is an enlargement of the face shown In the center Nolo tho hollow cheeks as compared to his healthy
and stronc apepuranco In the picture ut tho left. Tho ninnv worries of tho war seem to have transferred him Into an old man. That the kaiser
has not broken down from tho Immense strain of his povltlon Is nil tho more wonderful because ho Is not enjoying the best of health.
IJKIM.IN, .June 5. Kmperor Will
iam arrived ut the headquarters ol
Field Marshal Aruhduke Frederiew,
tho Austrian commander-in-chief,
yesterday to lake part in the cclehr.i-
tiou of the archduke's birthday. The
visit was mude the oeciision of rejoic
ing at the fall of Przemysl. Kiupcror
William was greeted everywhere, by
wildly enthusiastic) crowds.
The emperor is holding audiences
with lenders of the opposition parly
of Hungarian parliament, neeording
to Count Julias Audresv, Count Al
bert Aititouvi nnd Count Aludor
Ziehy. These conferences aro consid
ered of great iuipoitiinee in relation
to political developments in Hungary.
The formation of u coalition uiiuislr
with tho three count named inn
Count Stephen TW.u, (lie piesent
Hungarian nm!mskiidor,at its
has been, considered.
Another proposal is the creation of
u new unbind with Count Tis7.11 iifc
minister of the interior and including
M. Popovitch, former fiuunuo minis
ter. At a luncheon with Archduke Fred
crick ut the Austrian iirmy headquar
ters, Kmperor William raised hi
glims to celebrate the full of I'riu
in.s, of which he spoke igorously.
Pcihii newiiiier sav that wheio
ns the Ittissjiiiis were couqs'llcd to re
duce the forlrc-s b- menus of hun
ger, the Austrians and (It-wwii t"ok
it lii (oi in in a lew
TOKJO June .",, ii::iO p. in.- TIi
Opposition, pishing Its uutl-cublliet
.iinpaigii lodny, introduceil into tin
lutii-e resoliilioiik oxpriMmny Isck of
( iinridciire in Visooiiut Kanetk
Ohm, niinioter of the iuterior.
The ehumo is made that although
YiM-oiiut (Juni was charged witb tk
dntv of ntriug tbut the elwtiows were
i-oMiluctwl in an boHst ami impartial
iiiMHiier, he kinstlf corruttlv rw-i -tl
a prMMWt or ,(MMI yw ($00 ut
tk Marrfc kwtiMi tram a ramlttUU
fur NiMobWfckip in th bou. The
bais of tki .H-ua(fb fou ad ia
a palitiriii auit brouykt acaiast Yi
euit Gum kv tka MMHaar f tka
iint nativ iNtri.v. Tka autlUr is '
uv dicutd Mouday.
j i I I -. ii,in uri ,i -
SALT IKK CITY, June 5 -l.oronz
von Ariilni Auf Konnersdorf, who
claims to bo a rolatlvo of Conoral von
Arnlm of the (lormnn nrmy, Is In Jail
hero and confessed today to tho thoft
of a strong box taken from tho apart
ments of tho Maharajah of Kapur
thnla In a Salt Luke hotel Thursday,
according to tho pollco.
PASADKNA, Cal., Juno H. Minus
about f 1 200, which wns reported to
havo been taken by 11 hotel thief In
Halt I.ako City, Sir JagaJIt KJngh.
Maharjiih of Kapurthala, India, Is
hero today with his Muhrnnoo, who Is
said to have been tho Hcuorltu l)ol
Kitilo, a Cactlllhin dancer, whom ho
met while attandluK tho wedding of
King Alfonso of Spain,
Tho thief in Salt I.ako obtained
not only the currency, hut also tho
Indian prince's passports, It was Mild,
but he missed a It r ass hound chest,
which, according to report, contained
a rut's assortment of the mnhrnnuH
Jewels. Whon asked If tho report via
true, tho niHlirajMli oxproaaed the
opinion that American reporter were
Impertinent, "lint," ho added, "per
haps the impeis have to be Intimate
to bo Interesting.''
The royal partv, iiutnliorliig half a
dorcu reinliitTs with sixteen trunks,
will remain four d.ns.
NORWICH. Kiitflmiil, June 1. Th.
trawler Kittle I toy of Kowctnlt h.i-
arriiisl ut that port with the urw
of the truwlcr- lloraue and Kcoiiomy
011 board, thcne tso iiM liming bcn
xiink bv (leniieits.
A (ieruiun sulmiuriuo altipHd three
trnwlers in the Korih aea TkunMlty
aiul gaie tko crew of th Horace and
th louoiuy fne uiluutes to board
the little Hoy. AHcr Ut (niuafer liad
Ihu made the IihfHwn were suns
by lHmb placed ou hoard ky Ike t'iv
of the kukmarinc.
LONDON, Juak ft. TIm ataaw
drifter Km Hay of I'trfeead, the
trawlr Ktrstkbraa awl tk aailinjr
skip Qftorga aad Wary, all kava hmn
mi to tke bottom ky CUrMM sokwa
riavM. The crew of tke lb rat akis
wr saied.
the War
SAN' FltANCISCO, Juno 5. nevo
id! Ions of an aliened protection for
opium traffic Involving nttornnys,
employes of tho state hoard ot phar
macy, members of tho 81111 Francisco
pollco forro and a vnrlety of under
world characters are nuido In n Bor
lea of affidavits primeutod to John
Francis Xoyhin, president of tho slate
hoard of control at 1111 official hear
ing made public today.
Tho affidavits wore obtained by
Chief Inspector Fredorlck A. Suther
land of tho board of pharmacy. Tho
hearing on them will ho resinned
Monday. Sutherland charges that
tho four members of tho state board
wore remiss In not pressing accusa
tions which ho made to thorn.
Kvery person named In tho charge
flatly denied any wrong doing,
Sutherland a coses Inspectors Wil
liam Whlto, brothor of Chief of Po
llco White of San Franolvco, Samuel
Scott nud llsrry CuruiHck of accept
ing bribes from drug traffickers for
protection. Ills churxea against tho
four pharmacy board members Kd
ward .1. Molony, (leorgn M. Suther
land, J. H. O'C'ullRKhun and Louis
.eh, secretary--were that thoy fulled
to conduct vlHorou Investigations of
his ulleKiitlons,
Inspector Whlto Mild today ho
would prefer ehumo of Kraft against
Sutherland. Whlto said Sutherland
had accumulated much property,
Sutherland emplojed attorneys to
In v lo defend him against any
ilurgi-s which iuIkIiI be filed against
NF.W YORK, Juno Z A state
ment explaining the fault ou the part
of the National Railways of Mexico
lo pay principal an Interest amount
lug to $2H,:m,&00 on obligations
which matured June 1, waa reoolved
here today from tho dimeters of the
system In Mexico City. The state -lueut
lit part aays:
"The operation of tba properties
la sill) out of Ita knuila. The com
pany therefore baa no alternative but
It) aak holders of tba obligations to
await tke return to It of tho prop
er Ilea normally balouglug to Ita sys
tem and the r eat oration of aJW'e to
U MMlcan nation awl the govern
ment any be ptaaad In a uealtlau le
fully deal with tbia subject."
and Now
IIKRKIN, June .".. Reports from
the (laliciau trout indicate (hut the
Aiistni-Oerinan troops are now 111
complete posxcNsiou of nil parts of
l'rcni,vl. The Russinus contested
stiihliornly ouch advance, lint ut
length moid driven I'toui the eastern
and southousleru forts, which wore
the lust to full, It is generally ad
mitted Hint tho linger putt of the
Russian I'm ces in Prxoinyl were able
to effect 11 ret rent eustwnrd by do
fendiiig the positions Inward tho
south. This chocJicd I ho attacking
iirmy of (lenernl Von Uoclnn-Kniiolli
und teuipomrily prevented (he com
plete encircling of the city. Although
tho railroad line along which tho re
treat was nuido was under the lire of
field guns, they wore too fur away to
ho offcetivo. .
Appuicntly the city suffered little
during the Russian occupation. Huge
stores of provisions were recovered
nud considerable amounts of war mil
teriul were captured.
Immediately after the occmiatinn ol
Premysl, (leiieral von Maekenseir.i
tinny pressed eastward. It encoun
tered tho Russian rear guards 011 tho
heights near Medyku, where fighting
still is in progress. Tho 'leuloulo 'li
lies hiiio succeeded, however, in join
ing their forces along 11 continuous
front moling eustwnrd, which litis re
lieved the difficult poxitiou of the
north position. Tho only serious op-
(position expected will ho encountered
aliniir tho (Irodok hikes, south 01'
l.emlierg, where tho Russians may lo
able (o throw in reserves. It ia o.-s-ccd
tlmt tho nrmy of (icuerul Kin--ingcu
iiioiing uoithenslward from
Nlr.v, will he able to threaten tho Rus--i.nis
from the rear if they offer sinh
AMHTKIIUVM, Juno f. -A telo
grum from Uerliu atatoe that ('lemons
Delbrueck, German minister of tho In
terlor, has Informed tho Prussian diet
that the food problem may ho re
garded as solved, and that thero may
even be carried over considerable re
serves into the coming harvest year.
An Inventory ot the supplies of flour
showed a surplus of fl.y6,0SU doublo
hundredweights. Patato itatlitlo as
l Mar IB wr similarly favorable,
the supply being on a level with that
ot normal ttiuea.
NO. (55
President's Note Favorably Received
hy Carranza and Angles and It Is
Rumored That Villa nnd Carranza
May Bury Differences and Unite to
Secure Peace.
K!j PASO, Texas, Juno 5. Tho
possibility that President Wilson's
recont nolo to Mexican loaders might
result In a rapproachinent between
General Carranza and aonorai Villa,
was being discussed In Mexican cir
cles hero todny. It was stated au
thoritatively that at tho suggestion
of n high Vital official on the border
a roqucs t had gono to Kllslo Arron
doudo, tho Carrnnio representative In
Washington to outline some basis
for an understanding.
It wns ndmlttod that leaders of
both actions horo and In Juarez havo
discussed tho subject Informally but
nono would vonturo n prediction at
to what basis for an understanding
eventually might bo reached.
Angeles I'nvoialilc
flenernl Follpo Angeles at Leon
has wired Villa headquarters at Juar
ez ho approves tho Wilson moflsago
nnd personally would bo willing to
censo fighting If a basis for on under
standing could bo reached, desplto
his contention that Villa farces hnvo
(ho advantago In tho recent fighting
nt Sllao,
WASIIINCITON, Juno fi. Unoffi
cial advices received hero from Vera
Cruz saying that OenernP Carranza
would reply favorably to President
Wilson's stntomont calling on tho
heads of tho warring factious In Mex
ico to rostoro peace, gave renewed
hopo to administration officials today
of ultimate solution of tho problem.
General Carranza Is tho first to bo
hoard from dlroctly concerning tho
president's warning. Officials havo
heard Indirectly from General villa
through his representatives that ho
was favorable to tho president's pro
posal. Cinnino's Reply
General Curranza's roply, It was
said, was being prepared by Jesus
Urtitla, constitutionalist forego min
ister and would ho dellvored to John
P. Sllllmnn, President Wilson's per
sonal representative In Moxleo, prob
ably by Monday. Tho reply, tho ad
vices said, would be appreciative,
friendly nud sorouo In tone. Carranza
It was said, Intended to Interpret tho
president's wnrnlng as a tacit hint
that ho was tho man best fitted to
nssumo ascendancy In Mexico and
most likely to receive recognition hy
Washington onco tho constltiitlonal
its return to Mexico City.
KANSAS CITY, Juno C Loaders
of 11 syndicate of swindlers who havo
been opurutlng a fraudulent ruco and
wlro tapping scheme In various cities
of thu country havo been discovered
und so von porsons havo been arrest
ed, according to announcement to
day by the Ivunsas City pollco.
Three men, arrested hero, gave tho
nnmos of Walter Harrison, Omaha;
Harry Stnnhopo, Philadelphia, ami K.
V. O'Hrlon, Morldlun, Miss. Tho local
police assort thet two men and a
woman aro being hold In Denver In
coonnectlon with tho syndicate and
one man In Philadelphia.
In tho pockets of the men arrest
ed bore, tho pollco say, thoy found
racing forms and tickets, rolls ot
Imitation monoy and newspaper clip- ,
pings telling of enormous winnings
on raeo tracks. It is asserted the
band has maintained headquarters lu
lCxoeUtor Springs, Mo., with connect
ions In the larger aides.
The arrests mado on rout
Hloliit ot J. W. Kllnbarman ot I-us
Animus. Oulerudo, who asserts ho
lost 18,000.