PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MATD TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ' OREOON, FRTDAY, ,nTNE 4, 1015 r J MEDFORD MAIL. TRIBUNE AN INDRl'KNDnNT Nnwm'Al'BU lOfUMHtlKI) KVP.KV AKTHHNOON JSXCKIT HUNUAY J1Y TII13 MKUKOItD PiUNTlNO CO. Offlco Mall Tribune nulldlm?, 26-27-29 North Kir Btroet, telephone 75. The Domocrntlo Tlmm. Thj Mcilford Mail, Tho Mcdford Tribune, Tie Houth ern OrcKonlnn, Tho Anhland Tribune. SUBSCRIPTION BATS One year, by mnll .-.5.0 Ono month, by mnll - . .81 Tor month, dollvorrd by c.irrlor. In Medford, Plim-nlx, JackDonvllle nnd.Contrnl Point ..60 Bnturdny only, by mall, per Jriar 2.00 Weekly, por year. - 1.50 Official I'nper of th City of Mcdford UfflclM rnper of Jnelinoti County, Entered n nccond-olain mntter at Mcdford, Oregon, under tho act of March I, lilt. Sworn Circulation for 1014, 2E8S. Full leased wire Aagoclated I'roB dis patched. 4 Subscriber falling to racolre f papers promptly, phone ctrcu- latlon Manager ni 2G0R. ,, LAUGHS Its Chronic Father (rnprovlngly) Do you know what liappbnn to llnra when thoy dlu? Johnny Yob, air; Ihoy lie ntlll. Answer llM'lf Ho I don't think I would llko to tnnrry nnd girl unlon I know alio vnn Riiir-flncririclni;, 8hc--Ifut wouldn't thnl provo It? Tubing Vi (Ininec "TIiIk nnfoty llmt Idea In prolty good Ntuff," tmld Pcnnnylvnnln Hun Rry an ho nat down In n soft rorncr of hid privntu box car. "ThnPo right," agreed Hebo Frank. "Bvory now and then you rond about Home Kuy getting drowned In u bath tub." Cincinnati Knqulrur, AVIt of tho Fnrco Tho pollcuinan had n gambler by tho arm nnd wan uniting for tho pa trol wagon to nrrlve. "What nro you doing?" ashed n friend of tho officer who happened to bo panning, "I nut holding a card pari)'," re plied tho cop. Ponton TraiiHcrlpt. Cm ivor Chosen "What tiro you going lo do when you grow up, If yoti don't know how to road, wrllo, nnd olphur7" nuked a Htliool (anchor of u luxy, stupid boy. "I'm goltiR to Ijo a Bcliooliniutor." Quito h Tonchor In tho Routnncn, "Tho nick boy loves bin medicine," what part of Hpoaoh Is "lovo"? Johnny It's n fib, mum, Pit) if Agony "Ma'am, can you do Homothlng for a nuffciror from tho war?" "In what hiannor illd you nuffcr?" "I waft n proof-rondor on n dally paper." Nothing i" ( "y Tommy I don't think ittiutlo will tUuy, nho didn't bring any luggage. Johnny UubIi! Look how long tho baby has Htayud, and ho didn't bring anything! A llctruetloii Painter How do you llko tho pic turo? Critic (sardonically) IPm, It might bo worse. l'alnter (offended) Sir, I hopo ou will withdraw that Muteinent. Critic All right, thou; It couldn't bo worso. Not a Yloelxillu Hook Agent My dear, sir, can't I noil )on n nlco oiioclnpcdlu thin aft crnoon? Partner .lone No. I gumm not, by berk. I couldn't ride one of them vehicle If 1 had one. Something llehlml It "WIio'h tho (oaitmaster toulisht?" "Wolibloflon." "(Ireat Scott, how did thy oer tome to ohooiio hiicIi an Inmifftiralijo plultond an Wobhlimon for toimttuatd er?" 'WoUHoon I paying for tho bait' quel." - ItotiiniK Conui In Itiuly Hubby h5r my dour, there It su ing to be a very Important oloctton at my ohili tonight and I may Wife' Vnry well, I'll slay up to hoar tho return." llutiby Phi er ah ro yo ulu turestwl In tho rtum? Wlfoy Y, our returns CUM .T ('ONTIIACTOUS. Sealed bids will be relvl up to fi p. in.. JHne 7. tU. at tb ofriM or tho eammy- '' Mil. Aab iiisd. Or, far th Hot Bulpbur Springs iHBtallutUos Plana d HflcallWM) ihh- he - m. 'd ! appli cation at ita mini. iu A.-.laEd ant nftprtinAn Rmltti. Kuwr nnd coin i nut i. i'.i-t lluln ain't hlniK' WHY RUSSIANS RETREAT TWO failure of tho Russians to hold Pra-inysl against. Iho Ausiro-Gernian a Hack is the sanic old ronsou re sponsible for all of the Russian reverses lack of equip ment and munitions of war. It is the same cause that has delayed the allies' advance on the west front, aiul that has eatbcd the upheaval in "he JJritish cabinet. The war found (lermany alone anion; the nations pre pared for an extensive strn'Ie. Uritain, except for her fleet, was totally unprepared in men or munitions. Franco was only half prepared. Rudn was ready only for u brief eampain. The kaiser chose the time and the occasion and struck when conditions were right, after twenty years of preparation, with full war chest, complete equipment of arms and munition factories running night and day, with months of supplies on hand, and a carefully constructed itetwork of strategic railroads designed for the occasion. Russia has plenty of men, but the entire nation has not been a war camp such as (lermany, and the citizenry are untrained. She is shy of equipment, shy of artillery, shy of powder and almost completely isolated from the world, with few facilities for supplying armament. Her soldiers fight bravely and Well, hi hand-to-hand conflicts tlicy have given many proofs of their valor, but valor is wasted against, 12-centimeler guns and unlimited supplies of pow der and shells. Thus far, especially since the battle of Ypres, early in December, Russia has borne the brunt of tile struggle, and considering conditions, given a good ac counting. Russia's resources are so vast and her population so immense that as yet a decisive victory over her has not Leon recorded. She has been driven back from conquered territory, forced to retreat time and again, but always canie back. Meanwhile, she is wearing (lermany out and exhausting her. (lerluany's victories, like those of Lee in the civil war, are in the long run disastrous, for her losses have been unetiualled ia .. ,.,,., (lerman victorv means the . 1 it t Oermany will aim at world struck at the Americas. ENLARGE THE I N planning the enlargement is fulfillinir a long-felt want. Public is luilillinga Jong-ien warn, j-udiic necessity (lenmims better facilities for conducting the public business and the imperative need of additional office room is apparent to everyone familiar with the situation. AVhcit the present city liall was built .Medford had 2.100 population, no paved streets, no adequate water sys tem, few municipal improvements and no paid fire depart ment. Facilities ample for the time were provided by the new building. The cit 's business has increased niani fold, not only by the growth of population, but by the ex tensive public improvements. The improvements planned are not costly or elaborate, but suclras lh( occasion demands. A creditable business structure will result. This modest expenditure lor a nec essity cannot be called an extravagance, but along progres sive 'lines. If the present city administration is wasting anv money no one has heard of it. Indeed, the complaint has been that it leaned toward parsimony. When times are dull and work is scarce is the proper time for public improvements. The work can be done for less and the city should do its share in providing employ ment for the idle. . . GERHARD SBff 10 TELL .KAISER E Ni:V IM, .June I Mtur (li r hard, who in understood lo be the OKcnt of AuiliuxMiilor o HcriiMoit'f, im hciuluiK to Merlin, willed etculu. iiIiohuI the steamship I'nitcil State for I'lipenlinifeii, it lieenme Known lo- iln.v. .Mr. (lei lm id's lU'eiiiniiiiiiliitiiiiio iiIiohkI the enel wete engaged liv toloKntpli let than two Inter lief ere wiilitiK time. M' (leihurd loueheil the pier about l'ie minute' belore the M'NNol ch( off. orfiewl iliH'iuni'iiU lieurint: the om buHuy or i'uwlur eaU ! theitt lliilnin, ItuKkia and I'ranee, uixiiiK him KUHt'HUtee attHiunl tnoletatuui bv ofTicet or the allU' wnrwlup" while mi th way, v'io in hi wNOi.hiuii. OtlierwJKo, it wua wiid, he would not have Ihioii imriiiitted to take MtfcUi(o wi. the line Iihh Ikh'U at Kiat (miiu to eetiul from ita euiier U an) one wlitifco iiHiue or eutuieetioii iuiHtt onumo delay or iletenlum of the nii li war MttU oh unite to lier ilot mutton. .Mr. Oerhartl igiterwl umler bl own ntiuw, fixintr hU home a New Yoik Otj. Whethfr U U hu Auieri omh filiMW wb tiukuuwu. lie ear lied, iu Mlilitioii to the ottieial diM'ii umwU Minnrd b rpivientative ut thti nUid ifoxemini'iiti, nffifial ia ira HlgHfd bv AweneuM, Uenuau uml .u-4riaa aiubai.ilr.. It Man a--iitiifd that tliexe wrrv n- eivdriiluiU to ikr (lennau itoveruuiMil. ItiHl awl Oh ii Club Th annual uiewtlua of lb M4- ford Hod uiid liun club will be told at Kwlni'a lua tor thU vieiiina at k i iii to rlM't offteero and ionil-l ., i r.iti i mh iii ' t? i In itii i ii1 til.? WILSONS MESSAG in the annals of warfare. -- , (lermaniation of l'jiirope, tj i i it .. I dominion, and the next blow CITY HALL of the city hall, the council ii i I OF FEDERAL COURT COItTLWI). Ore, June I After tho t'nlted StateH dUtrlet court, act ItiK uion a rokolutlon from the city council of Klamath PalU had called a HHHlal term of court to bo held In that place June 10, the elt council lodii) notified the court that tho qHk- IuhI imreeuienl of the council uud tho court would not be kept and that the council objected to the uxo of the hall for federal court pitrpoo. Unit ed Stati Dlatiict Attorney llonmc notlf) tho clt) that the Koornment wai, couKiderliiK the aiHImiblllt) of teqiietitliiK the court to runcel tho term on the Kiouud that uultablo ac rouimodatloim for court could not be bad Iu Klamath count). .1 amen dcorKo, defendant Iu a first degree minder cue, U eharKod with the murder of I'eter llrown In Kla math county on r-Vhruury . 19H A uiollon wan filed In tho I'iiIuh! State diHtrlel court of Poitlaud auk Iiik that bis trial Im held In Klamath 1'alU. The motion was bamnl on atatute uuated lu KiW, waloh pro ride that lu all re pHiiUhablo b doaih the trial nball be held In tho eouut lu whlih the crime U allege. to & Uea eouimltteU lit the eent th ordr of the court liould b taucelled. the cate will b) trld eithr at Cortland or Medford, dutlua t tie October teim Jolin A. Perl UNDERTAKER LIKELY 10 CANGEL I HFALLSTERM Lad AwUiant 'iH S. nUTl.l.vIT I'limies M 17 ami 17-J'J Aui'Miliime hnrilio (.riu-r NIECE OF A PRESIDENT LEARNING Senorltn SAN FIIANCISCO, Juno 3. In order to remodel tho entire school Hyatem of Ouateiuala along tho llncH of tho cducatlonnl nystom of tho United States, Senorlta Lupu Clm veit tho nlcco of KHtrada Cabrera, president of Otiateuiala, arrived hero jecontly on tho liner Peru ft) look over our nrhool Hyittdni. Slio wnn accompanied by ber moth er, Senora hupo Chavez, with whom tho you in; woman will vlalt tho World'a Fair for dome wooliH before KoIiir eimt to taho up hor odiicatlonal iiiIshIoii, Senorlta Cbavnr. ban been demount ed to this work by her uncle, tho proHldcut. In order to ireparo herself hIic IntcndH to do morn than merely Htuily the morlcan school Pjstom, iik nn obicrvcr from the outHlde. ON SPY CHARGES PAHIS, June . Charges ol es pionage preferred bv the mililai au thorities again) Hn.Miiond Swnhoila appear to be unfounded, sns the Join mil. The iiwptirv eoudueted b Mtijor Julieii ot the Paris peimuiient com t umrtial has failed to bring out pi oof that ShoImhIii nerved h ii Her man tip.v. It Hlmndy lm been etab lihud that he hud nothing to do with starting (lie fire alumni the team-hip Lu Tuiintiiie, a chioyo which led to his iiricst. Wliile theie i- no f.troiijr etdeuce tigaiust Swoboda, Major Julieii has decided to eonlinue his uupiH'V ut till places iu I'lauie wheie Swoboda i kiiown to hiM' -tavid before ordering Ins rch.isc. BY MEXBAN BANDITS ASIILVMi I line I - Heporta come from Ngrla, htato of Sonora, .Mexico, under dato of June 'J, that Ira Powers biother ot Ileiitou Powers of this clt), hud been attacked b) some ono ot the predatoiy bands of Mexicans In that lorallh The vtor) goe that How or ami bis wife had barricaded their ranch homo ngalimt luwidcr. Power' wife wii a former t'orvalll girl. He Is a heavy land owner and stock raiser m that roctlon and has resided lu Mi Mean territory for vear. ItolulUu here statu that he was a firm f i lend of tho Yaqul Itidlitiu. and thcx are com dent these Indian will Ih first amoiii. Hioho to protect him THE PAGE Mcilfonl's Lending Theater ritnm m s'i'i iti Tlirt. Act Kioture Sally Castleton Southerner With Mate McDermott ami .Miriam NVkhll Kaieiu Drama A Sister's Burden Te Aria. Kraturln , Alk llolllir. Vlt i-iaph Coined) The Jarrs Visit Arcadia SWOBODA CLEARED TO BECOME "SCHOOL MA'RM" l,iiu Cliavc. She planti to enter VnsHar, or aomo oilier Rrcat Institution of learning, nnd take a complcto courso In tho InHtlllitlon, Kiiondlng tho necessary number of years lu her preparation. Having won her degrees In ono or titoro American schools of higher educntlon, Senorlta Chavez, will re turn to her native land for her really big work. She plana to begin with tho low est grndos of tho Guatemala schools and establish them along tho lines of American public schools, and then to work up to tho high school system and tho colleges, establishing semi naries for tho Guatemala girls and perhaps ovon a university for tho training of the men. Tho entire oxpenso for this work Is being defrayed by her undo from the treasury of tho government of Ouateiuala LONDON, June I. Pus-inn forces operating south of Lilian hue cut that eitv olf from Mumcl, deprivinu the (lerumiis of their base of siippl.N, ways ii Heuter dispati-h from Petio tnid. At the same time the Itu-simis took I'liliiugeii (ou the Paltie in t'ouillaiid) uud the village of ItiiUun, south of Lilmit. Another Huiau force i- approaching Lilian trom the north. With Ibis cit enxcloped, tin (lermaiis hae an outlet only to the sen. How French People Cure Stomach Trouble A household remedy of the French peasautr), consisting of pure cge table oil, and said to possess wonder ful merit In the treatment of stoi.. neb, liver and Intestinal troubles has heon lutrodiuod In this country li George H. .V,i)r, who for twenty )iirs ha been one of the leading down town driiKKlMtH of Chicago, and who himself was cured by It use. So quick and ofloctlvu Is Its action that a single dote U usually enough to tiling prononncod relief lu the most stubborn case, and iniL't (Kioplo who have tried It declare the) never huird of anything to produce mich temnrk able results In so shmt a time. It U known as Mayr's Wonderful Poiue d) and can now be ha 1 at all lending drug Ntoiea It Is sold with the pok te understanding that )ur money will be refunded without n,uostlon or iubbe U OSli bottle falls to give ou absolute satisfaction Adv. JT Theatre FRIDAY ANDISATURDAY The King and the Man I'umtsal Featuring J , Iurrl-.m Two c(s From Italy's Shore A ItoiiiMimc Drama In Two ts. Framed Montana Rum.ince with Sldne Ares A Race For a Bride RUSSIANS CUT OFF GERMANS AT LIBAU ieruug loiueuy. i PIVIC AM) T t'KVTS. i Hvrw Moada) and Tuesday Till: III. lK IIOX l'i I . i r. -ali-st IMiol.i I'le V, I . Illi, 1'hi l4li I lv i VALUE0FFR1ENDSHIP IS RATHER IMAGINARY HKHMN, June 1. The Kieuz Zci tun;r in its inuc today puliliihe tho Hiilmtniiuu o the interview given to the Associated Pre Mn M) by Geo. Clotliob von Jngow, imperial foreijju hccretury, on Germany's anwer lo the Wnwhinfjton nolo eoncerninj,' the Lusitaiiin cao, in which tho icerc tiiry said he believed il eentinl to CHtitbli-li n coinmon ba-is of fact be- .fore enteriiijf upon a ilicunfioii of the isHiiert invohed. Tliii in done, tin? paper explain, on the strength of the leport reiieliinu Purlin from the Hunter Telegram com pany of London, that tlic "forthcom ing American note to Germany fore vhiidows u fcvernuce of diplomatic relations with Geimnny." "It nppearn, if one mav trust tlic reports iibout tho new note, that they don't wih to finil this way, hut rather do they desire to lend their moral wippoit to (Ireat Hritain, in whose inteiext thev long ugo gnu1 up real neutrality. Let them do it. The value of diplomatic iclatious with tlic t 'luted Stales has to us become rather liunuuiar.v. if RADNOR. Plain Whlto KXTON, Whlto Madras NKW AFLR.OW COLLARS 8for3ccnbi rT-lltOT. I'l'AimilV ft TO, liir. MAKFIN PowerA'Fords Why havo , Ignition troubles M"hen you can havo a gonuiuo BOSCH HIGH TENSION MAGNETO Installed on your Pord Por S48.00 CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR1C0. Official Uosch Magneto Itopalr and Suppl) Station WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 Enst Main Street Medford Tho Only "Exclusive Commercial Photographer? in Southern Oregon Negatives Mndti any time 01 placo by appointment Phono 147-J Wo'U do tho rest T.. D WE8TON. Pron. WITH AMERKA Mir ing The SUMMER SCHOOL and The TEACHER'S REVIEW COURSE UKCI.NS MONDAY, MAY ill. Commercial, Shorthand and Common School Subjects, Throe Months for J Teachers' Itcwcw Courge Rate I ,'on Aipllcatlon, Medford Commercial College !",3" m DO ' ,re t ' r -i a- n l'i T PI n' r i i n n n ' tl II . . I i ir j HI !t i i .) i an l V-' ' .- . . . 4pi ii. i. ,ii.I n I OVER 2CVEARS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Of HBttMHABi . When Glands Swell Blood Needs Attention Even a Sweat Gland May Result in Severe Consequence.. In our lntrlcuto body the uso of 8. S. 8. for tho blood has a moat remnrkoblo Influence Wo little realize our Klnnd ulnr sjiitoin. It may bo a tiny bulb no blRircr thnn a pin point, and yet If a. tllarnao germ get" ln " there Is a tremendous swelling. It becomes a boll, a carbuncle. It may bo a "blood. rUlnp," and It Is often a pourco of con tinuous misery If not checked. Many of tho most excruciating forms of tor turo bcKln with tho swelling of a tiny clnnd, caused by a dlsonso germ. Anil It Is 8. 8. H. that spreads throuchout the blood circulation to prevent Just uch conditions. Or If they havo al ready started, H. 8. 8. will soon put thft blood In such n stnto of health as to overcome tho tendency to RlnndulBr swellings. It Is a natural medlclno for the blood, just as cusontlnl to health IC tho blood bo Impure, as uro tho ments, fats, grains and sugars of our dally, It contains ono Ingredient the actlvo purposo of which Is to stlmulato tho oxchango of now lleslt for dead or winto matter. act a bottlo of S. 8. 8. today of any drucKlst, nnd If your case Is stubborn, write to tho Medical Adviser. Tho Swift Specific Co., 10S Swift Mil.. Atlanta, On. This department In )u cUarBO of a noted physician. ATH Formerly owned by Uob Crowdcr will stand Sundii)H and Mondays nt Crowder's ranch, Iluncom; Tuesdays Wednesday and Saturdays nt Vin cent's Ham, Mcdford; Thursdays nnd Prldti) at Kaglo Point. Servlco ?10, foal guaranteed. I HA NIC ItANHLHV. .Meilfortl UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Riverside Phone 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor. SUMMER REQUISITES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS PORCH SWINGS LAWN SEATS CEDAR CHESTS Havo them made at tho Pacific Furniture 6 Fixture Factory Home of tho Pacific Cedar Chest. 113 S. Holly AltltANCK NOW TO Til UN. c- . i . r 'trt r a a - i t'.i ? I , it .ad , nt- s ii i r in ,l.t. I. i . n .-) .. . , .v -4 Su!i.,:i Aceountt. I M 1 Ore, V M1 I. i I n i ill. 1 hi isu n tlMh J"