Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAGE 'J!WO
W. H. Hdfrlch of Hilt. Cal., is
upending n few tlayn in the city at
tending to business matters.
St. Mark's slrnwborry Boclal Friday
Juno 4, at Mrs. I'urdln's. Strawber
ries, Ico cream, cakd,nnfl coffee, 2Cc.
;A1I nro invited. K'' 't
ininino Kltim, of thlsjjcjty attond-
, hi iu DUHiuiiiM uniuiura jii Riiiniiii
;jVodnefday. ft,,,ji,., !... .
. jWnntwl Loan fillt edjjo, first
',ji6rtKf security. Income property.
' llox SO, .Mall Tribune. CI
' JMIIIon Seliiihnrd rottirnod tir
Jfipent vptlrtK
ty hotiso at thn unlvorslty of Orooon
at Kngono.
Got flltorod RftBolIno from tbo Kcd
filter ftt Oarnett-Cory'fl.
Comtablo Al Hammond loft tb
mornlnR for Ntittu 1'nlls on official
Ildttor than ever will be tho olilokon
dinner with nil Clin otlier good things
in the market at tint Nash Cafotorlri
Sunday. Tnko tlio family out for
dinner Sunday.
Lunch Roods at Do Voo's.
H. Jl., Joimon of KoRubunt Ih
nponuinit n few day In tho city at-
twjj'iJlMjics' vacation!
isiiun ai. mo iraiprni'
tnjidln to buslnoss inajtors.
. aro liavovood al)OUt that Jlro ln
iHiranco policy, 'bffloo Mali Trlbu'no
Hid. . .
Connty llrroribr frbiruneoy I'loroy
of .lnckfftjvjlelrjjnl Thursday uf'tor-i
nobn In Medford attending to business
. rnaltora. '' '
. VrySriro-olh. "J.'?rst for thirst"
, pq t rwr fnvbrltn fountain. '
'Mm. W. C. Itlco secured thn r.
Rolil pleco iut In a roll of buttor by
tho While Ice cream comiwiny.
Pan Dandy Ilroad nt Do Voo's.
Hobort II. Krouter, formorly n stii
dont of tho Modrorti blub school, linn
won high honors nt tho Knox, Indiana
IiIkIi school, whom ho Is at prosont a
flludont. Ho was ono of two student
standing; the hlKhest In tholr clnssos,
ehnsnn to nttontl tho two wooks t
military encampment nt Culver Mill-
tary ncadomy, composed of roproaon
Henry Thompson of Canon CltJ TRAWLERS PREY OF
Mont., died at tho Granite ritv hos
pital Thursday of burns received
whllo taking a hot sulphur bath at
tho Helmnrr baths. Ho" was a director
In tho Fcdornl reserve bank of Min
neapolis, and vlco president of tho
Canon City bank., Thompson' was'
stricken whllo In the tub, and was
unablo to turn off the hot wator, until'
badly scalded.
You cannot afford to miss tho stock
reduction nalo'nt Ahrens. 04
TUIsb Maryi Grlgsb'y of San Diego,
Cnl well, known In this city Is vis
LONDON', Juno -J.-r-Two Welsh,
trawlers have bren sunk by German,
submarines the Hlorold of Cardiff
and the Vlotoria of Mllford, The,
Hlorold was sent to the bottom about'
1B0 inSlos southwest of Lundy Island"
and the Victoria miles from St.
Ann's Head. (
Sovoral men, Including the skip
per on tho Victoria wore killed by
shells from tho submarine. Tho re
tnnlnfliir nt Hln htti' pimtinni' nnl
Jtlhg her sister, Mrs. Herman Piinirk- the crow of tins Hlorold have lnhdcd
or of ABliland. I at Mllford. '
' Screen doors nt Mcaford Lumber
ofl nrnis nt tho olbso of the enenmp
intuit, ho proved to bo tho best drilled
man In tho ontlro enmp-und. was
nwnriluri a Kld modal by (ho ncadomy
officials, which was prosontml to him
by (lenernl Leonard Wood, of tho
United Stntos army, who highly' com
pllmuntod him upon his Knowing.
Hobort la n grandson of II. K. K'mn-
' lor of" Medford and well known hero.
(lifts for Juno brides at Handicraft
Mr. and' Mrs. S. IC. Polluni havo
pur.ohnsedtlui MelCnlght rnnoh near
Jlitngio nnd bavo moved tboroto. Thoy
havo been In the valley about a year.
1'rof. 1 L. Orlfflii of Oregon Agri
cultural cojhge and state agent for
the boys' 'nuil girl's Industrial club
work of tho slto arrived In Medrord
this morning for h stay of four or
flvo daya. Today Prof. (Irlffln will
aildraes a school rally orowd nt Nell
oruok. Next .Monday evening Prof.
Orlfflu will deliver the nddrww ul
th eighth grsilo eoiiiHieueemont ex.
nilM at Itiuli. At the latter place
IS eighth grade graduate fiom Ap
plKt, Ituch, Korest Creek ami I'n
loutown will recelvu dlplomiis.
Velvot loo Cream nt De Voo's
IC. U. millinnu proprlotor of the
Husar Howl will oriHintm a wedding
me In tils window Saturday after
noon. He II an expert at ornnmeHt
lug Mud those eentemplstlug nmtrl
inony ahould se his work. 0-t
C. M McAllister. ecisl represen
tative o( tbtt Union atookynrds of
Partlatod. I In tha city for a few days
InsiMetlHR eoHdltlons throughout the
Itogu river valWy. and Intereatlng
farmer ta hog raising. Mr. Me
AlllaUr reports that there is a steady
Increase In hog growing since his
last visit to this section a year ig.
fcUMloua stook rtxtucing sale of
all trlmnml hata. reductions at much
aa Qft v-v 4miis at
A number of Medford people will
nttond "Onmr the Tentmnker." to In
presented at the Vlnlng theater In
Aphland tomorrow night, with Guy
Hates Punt In the leading role. Tho
next attraction al the Vlnlng will be
Thursday, June 21, when Henry V.
Savage's "Snrl" claimed to be the
illusion! successor to "The .Merry
Widow'' for tunefulness.
A new lot of silk petticoats Just In,
Includnlg the new "Wnsli Silk In white
nt Ahrens. Rl
Tho fanners and Fruitgrowers
bank wl'l make a public demonstra
tion of their newly Installed burglar
nttirm system, guaranteed to frustrate
the efforts of any cracksman In the
world. The equipment Is electrically
operated, so that the touch of a hand
on the w!s of the vault after clos
ing bojir Will setitid: an ajnrmj-gd;ig
capable of "being litAird five mires'
The system was Installed by the Am
erican Hank Protpctlonrouipajiy ;pf
Mlnnoaprt! s. . , i J J
Intorurbnn auforar'eavoB for Ash
land at 7 p. in. returning after ppr
'formnnce of "Omar the Trmlniftkcn.f
' ' ' -t,r,
h Theby-lnwB commllteo of the Ir
rigation utiinpalgn held a meeting nt
tlio public library Thursday after
noon, nnd discussed preliminary mat
ters relative to organization, etc. An
other mooting will bo held Saturday
to furthor dlsciiBB tho mnttor.
Havo your lawn mower sharponod
by J. W. Mitchell, phono 3rO-J. tf
Dr. M, 0. Ilnrbor, Palm block,
Hours 9 to -1. Phone: Office 110;
Home 110J2.
The nnnutil tennis tourney of tho
tntlvoa from all Indiana high schools. Country club will begin nt the Co tin-
lU the conipptltlou drill of tho manual try club Saturday, play being In the
singles, doubles, and mixed doubles
All club members Intending to enter
are iirged to send their numes to II.
U. Illnghnin at once. Tho court has
recently been resurfaced and olher
wls Improved "and Is now one of tho
best In the state.
The Independent Mnrket for the
best vnrlety of moats at hnyest prices.
Tho police linve Issue!! warnings lo
n number of auto drivers against the
practice of Ignoring the rules of the
road tit street crossings, several nenr
accidents having occurred the last
week. One arrest was mnde for this
violation, the offender being released
with a warning lecture.
Magattnoa and nowspnpers. Phono
us your wants. We deliver by bicycle
messenger. Medford Cigar Store.
Phono' 88fi.
County Surveyor A. T llrown and
foree of mi n are engaged this weo
In survey work on the Pacific high
way near Gold Hill.
Veul, lamb, poultry, In fact every
thing good at the Independent Mark
et. Phono itT.
The Stanko ltrolhers (!psy Wild
West show have nncbored near -Mo-Andrews
ford on Hoar creek, forsak
ing (he sawdust ring for the gentle
art of horsetradlng for a lime
Kodak finishing the best, at Wes
ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Hook
The Misses Jean Anderson and
Irene Smith who have been atteininK
the O. A. C at Corvallto vP, rPturn
tomorrow for the iyiuaui? vacation
Two dninkfutvora rounded up hv
(he IMltt.n last night, and freed this
"'Hn1ng In time to go fo woik
According to Attorne cus 'e-
mry the first cutting of alfulfa In the
pplegate will be lighter than lat
oar. hut th second cutting In excens
of previous seasons The flint cut
ting of alfalfM on the Frank lUbco
ranch la up to the staudaid. liowever
Haying Is In mil swing throughout
the valley.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
W'Mton's Camera Shop, Opposite
'Book Store.
Oaorge Porter has purchased a
1 8 15 mode) Dodge automobile.
Misa 8adk ljey will open a musical
'tndrgarteu Saturday, June rth
Cbarkta Car let on and ll.nry Marsh
have formed a partner-bip In the
transfer business, bavhm purchiised
tha Adams Traiiafer i-oiiiiiauy. The
new firm mill put a l'mkanl tnui
Into aarvleo. the machine arriving
at Monday.
All are Invited to a social nt the
home of Mrs. Purdiu. Frlda eveulng.
Jan I. Btra berries, ice creuiu, cake
and reffe, 3.r.o. Au two of above,
I St.
191.1 Hulck roatUter, price $.loo. If
sold within i da) a. It. I! MCurd
J. Q. Clerking, tho beat all around
gHttographor In soutoern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
"hare, tlwo or ulsco. Btudto X3R
A member of tho crew of the Vic-1
torla, who was seriously Injured said
tho submarine, the V-H, fired nt the
trawler. The men on bonrd thought,
the shot oaiiio from a patrol boat
which was engaged with a submarine,'!
Then a shot smashed a small boat
and tho crow realized that tho 8ub-t . - -t-
marlne was after the trawler. .filing the xtltlon for a receivership
Tho officer of tbo submarine. nc-Slr Walker scald he talked wlthdl-
cordlng to the sailor, told them thatjrPCtors Moore, Mine, and Schuinnchor
If thoy bad stopped they would not w),o tissutod him of the position of
daHaaK -wt "im iLJP ItJbh I i MPiK. aB
'lgflBBBBBr"Bgejy'y1 i Mtwii m 'wiMy'p-1rsGMWiWK3gM
I l l ,! mmmia iMMllBil
have bren fired on. Tho fishermen
were kept aboard tho mibmarlno nil
night nnd the fallowing morning Aore
put aboard a small boat belonging to
another trawler.
Tho submarine then sank Uio Vic
toria with a bomb.
Tho men were adrift In tho boat
2-1 hours In rough, wet weather. They
were picked up by thn , steamer Ilal
tater and landed. u Mllford!1
ij p
the other dlrt'ctos.
tfConttmucd Trolrf Pngj 1.)
Mr. S'alker denied thnt was the
', "Did you f.ver liea'r of any more
outrageous deal tli'nn ' this?" de
manded Mr. Untormyor.
Sold IIIhOuii Stock
"You have ovorlooked tho fact thnt
four new directors were to bo elected
April 12, and wo thought It but fair
to allow them a voice In meeting tho
situation," resonded Mr. Walker.
"Hut you sold your own stock for
3B about this time," suggested Mr.
Mr. Walker testified Hint ho did.
Under cross-examination ns to
those responsible for his position with
tlniJtock island, Mr. Walker vnld ho
regarded W. II. Moore, L. Hlno and
)nnv G, Held, nnd 'others' as in
control. Ho told of being paid $30,
(100 n year as general counsel nnd
chairman of the executive board.
"I was their workhorse and drlvi n
iib the ydeslred," wns the n Walker
described his work,
As to who was responsible for bis
LONDON, June i. The Morning
Post's Pctrograd correspondent com
ients,on the.fac' that-tbo Germans
seem to have an almost luexhuustlblo
supply 'of all the Important nmuiunt-
Itlon., ,,Hy; tJilHnlbne be says, theyj
were cnnblcil. to mako a good stand
against the Husslans, whose tactical
dispositions, ttpparorttly wero made
. ' J .'
(Continucil from I'ntre 1.)
pass time uml time ugiiln l'rom hand
to luinil, uiiiltfit .will hooii again be in
our pimsosnion.
Hlew I'n l'irtnv.s
Just us the Austrian destni.veil
the I'r.ein.vsl furls liel'ore, tliey fell
into liiihsiii'u'luinils, mi the Hussian.s
methoiietilKliliw up everything ms
sihle before tfie occupation of the
It is Iiviii clhiu'eil Hint tlio nbiiu
ilimment of the iiositiou had been re
Kiir(lu'iLllfJrel'or;somijliiup pn-t (is
htrutegieully iuiierutive ami that
prepiirutio.ns to leave it lunl been go
ing on for u month; The releiiMil
giirrisnn Avilliiov be ,uvuihible for
lielil (ipcratiiiii-i, whereos if mi til
lemnt to linli! out had been miiile. be
tween 12(),ilu(l ami 1 10,0011 men would TOR
have been Jojkiil up nt the inercv .of
the hwivv Aiiftti'iiin g
iPARIS, June 4 A spectncular In
cident of the war Is to be found In u
daring early morning raid By French
neroplunes over tho headquarters of
the (rermnn crown prince. Twenty
nine of thoso aircraft, tho French war
office states, dropped 178 shells ami
sovoral thousand darts on this well
guarded and unnnmpd section of
France or Helglum and many of tho
shells are said to have boon effective.
Thut tho Gerninn8 wero on tlio
aleri to preterit irHico.Frcderlck V-,
llanr'ls apparent by the fact that the
aeroplanes wero subjected lo a heavy
gunfire. All of them, however, ro-
turncd safely tq tbelr base. ;
"Twenty-nlno French aeroplanes
between .four and flvo o'clock this
morhliig,' bombarded Die h'eadfi'uri
tors1 of the Imperial crown prince
They dropped 178 Bholls, many p.f
which jeached. the mnrk, and sovoral
thousand darts,
"All tho machines wero subjected
to n severe cannonade but they all
returned unscathed.
"Thero la nothing else to report
except new progress of our troops In
tho 'Labyrinth' to the south of" Nou-
vlllo-St. Vaast."
HKRLIN, June -J. The quick 'all j
of 'Przemysl, to which tho chief con
tributing factors were tho Austrian
12-Inch mortars and the ImpotuoiiB
bravery of the Havarlans, camo as no
surprise to Initiated circles In Herlln.
It was known that In splto of tho des
perate exertions of the Russians, they
were In no shape to offer a successful
resistance. Tho capture of Prpmysl
Is looked upon as a preliminary in
the carnpalgt tor Leniberg. .- It,
Tho Ban lliio Is tegarded its nrJMpn
gcr tenable, tjto DiilestoV lino fa..'al
ready trembling, nnd tholA'ustro0er
man army Is jiushlng forward toward
a point to the rear of Lemberg and is
now barely thlrty-flve miles south
east of Lemberg.
Tho falloff Pruomyj) vns One' to
the breach drlvon'dnto;'thi'.glrdlo .or
forts from tho north by' the Hsvarlan
Irooiis. Tie gap opqnj'dhy tho irap-.l
turo of five works w.Hs' almost five
tulles wide and big enough to drive a
whole army. The Inner lines were
unable to roslst tho pressure. The
garrison by nightfall Wednesdny, had
been driven bnck to tho outskirts of
tho city. The other forts of the for
tress wero exposed to attack from the
rear, ns well as tho front, nnd by
dawn Thursday both fortress nnd
town were restored to Austrian rule.
Medford Camp No 90. Wjpodnion
of tne World will flora meniorlnl ser
vices nt the cemetery Sunday nfter
nopn, June Ctb, In honor of Its de
censed members and to decornte their
graves In accordnnco with Its annual
custom. Members are requested to
meet at the hall promptly nt 2 o'clock
ajid arrangements will be niado to
lonvo-linmisiiintely for the cemetery.
All members of the order, theiy fnm
lllen n'riiL frljiids are Invited to rtUend
thesig)ces NelghbofH will
kliiijlj' brlnh as manv flowrW for
deJnillonflrjJiriio-M'M i pnssirilt;
W Tl. JACKSON. tflciU.'
- -rit
SHWARD, Alaska, Juno .1. lllnm-
po volcano, on tlio west .snore oj
. . . . i . i . i ... i-
piion. lis
Ible fnat
Cobk rt)Iet,'joiilnue
"were1 plainly
Inly' yH.
Tuesdn: to tlio passengers on
f e4 " li " '" "
Sui'ifiiniljWInir HiIiiK Out Ugly S'io(s.
Mow to Keiiuie ICfttl '
Here's a dinner. Mlh" Frcl,ie-face,
lo try A fertieify'fort, hvi lies with
tho Kiiarnntea or a reliable dealer
that It will not cost mi a pennv
unless It removes freckles: while If
it does give ye'u aelenr. complexion
tl.e expense is trifling."
St.nply get an ounce of -iblne
tloulrle'streirfcth rum any druggist
and n few applications ahould "how
n i. ho v c.i'i.v It Is to rid yoi- elf
or the homely rreckles nnd grf n
be(jut5ful cpiuploxlon..' Rarely N more
tbnn ono o'iu6e needed for the woi-1
ml htt
r oinnu
- .. .
3JW a
thfc Hoi
task iflta ijr'UPlH for
rength jolluno, for this
Is the .prescription sold under guni
steamer, Mor))iopaf flytullOB-dlimit(a.neo of mon.jacl. If falls to "-
llllll illU ...VUML ,i.wmm,... ,
Fo1TAi7icl PiTta "lluTck roailster
new tires, perfect running ordor.
$.100. It. H. McCurdy.
FOR HKNT Ono 11-robm furnlsbed
house, closo In, nnd one 0 room
furnished house, close' In. Call 2 IKY
SALK 191.1 Hulck Roadster,
price f :i00 If sold within two days
It. II. McCurdy.
I Stupendous Stock Reducing Sale f
Every garment in tins immense stock is reduced and the price is cut deep on
sensonnblo merchandise, goods that you want at this time, not ast of the sea
f son, wlien you get no opportunity tcwonr same.
Tlit'so arc lvduclions when
you coiisidt'i' the rcnsdiiablc piMcc of
(lie merchandise all season.
$1.").0() and Newest Spring
('outs SKUU)
t4 $L").00 and .?27.j")0 Newest Sfiujr.
i 'h1k r. 1S.05
X $m), .:!, $;& raWmvil Suits .
fe nt -s . . S22.fiH
1 V ll
." ' ari r-
IkLt o'nLy
I wlUl.ll)
s .. i?;; ,.4o .'$- I
SSfesiofigo JUNE
t. - 7th to
- Itll
For one week to
convince Tea
drinkers that the
tea is '"worth the
(Dr. U. Hteele)' eat! William
IuMm )eavsjjfjfciii where they will
Ufke part IH 'the annual northwest
aajtateur gun shoot. Juue C-s.
ftupeadoua stock reducing aale on
all Tailored Bulla, Coats, Dreaaea
aod Skirts: reductions 33 1-3 to 50
per east. Ahrena. CC
W. C. Daley of Lake ereek auent
Tbaraday la Medford aileedlnc to
bitetoeea maitere.
I'rof. U. K. Moore will leave this
if i. iicwu for a rUlt lo his old home
it i;i -non, III., relurnlng in the
f-ii i ' the prlitclaUhlp of
tt I... ,i i.ikii Hoot.
rWiitiiuuii a )mt al V Voe's.
W'X'Xiu'nvil Su
One lull rack of Tailored Suits and
Coats, in staple stylos and cloths,
strictly tailored garments, not this
season's goods, actual values to !I0,
many small sizes on the rack for the
small woman or young girl very
special at .' .... .$5.05
At Tremendous Reductions
Our stock of Trimmed Hats is entire
ly too lavge. About L'OO to choose
from, many have only been in stock
a few days, bringing out the newest
trims of the season at tremendous re
ductions. One full table o
J hits, values to ifciJ.riO, now.
Jnny of the other hats are reduced to
about Price
Actual values to .f 10.00, now. .!$-1.95
Actual values to $l(i.r0, now $8.95
Actual values to $ 7.50, now $3.05
PANAMAS, $1.98
About six dozen Panamas, all are this
season's best shapes, also three st Icm
in Children's Panamas, special $1.98
Others at .$2.49, $IU)S and $5.45
Children's Kali Kah Hats, 129 19f
For the (Kris -I to 10
years. See those prettv
lack Tar Middies, in
plain white, white and
plaid skirt or white and
cadet blue skirt ou white
and navv skirt, $1.9S
and ...'...' $2.50
Other Children's
Dresses at 59tf, G9
75, $1.89, $1.4S.
$2.39, $2.98
Two very special num
bers in Linen Dusters, a
garment you cannot do
without for autoing, all
sizes, verv special at
$2.39, $2.9S
Others in purc linen,
rep and khaki, at $5.95
up to $8.50
A new lor of Silk Petticoats, just in by express, in .Ierse tops with taf
feta flounce or tlersex top .uid nit ssaline flounce, or all taffeta or
al) mescaline: also the new Watdiable Silk Pet tieoat in white," at
$2.98, $5 and S5.9S.
This only tells of a very
few of the many special
values you will find
...00 Shirt Waists on
sale at
Marsha Bennett
Second door east of First Xat. Think.
VJlone U52
Introductory Price $35.00
After July 1st, $40.00
Here Is an opportunity In fine watch buing that wl probably
never occur again. This watch Is the new nailounlly ailvortlsvd
Iiuls XIV Oltl'KX VKIUTHIX MOUKI. )fVh offer. ii boauty of
appearance ami time-keeplna: quallUt'autaemnrkMibiJVntcli valuo
that we who know have oxelulmtti 'How ran such a watch be pro
iluwil lit this lew prtoe?''
The movement U the stamlanl QKl'KX VWItJTHIN. 17 Jewel,
adjusted to five poiitlous, teuywrtfure aaiLUochronUwi. The casys
is Cltra aold Pllleil. of a new and elegant design: double Jolntod
bark lid anil inside protection c4v. Ah satiiHr Hew etyle patent
dial VUnlseil silver Qray lor flit.) wiu ralawl flKures In solid
ao'd ltfc flew style hands. - ,
Our imrnm,H There U not made another watch so thla. at so
low a price, with uch cotnbluei qwUty, acuraey, atyU and dura
blllt aa In this genulue Gltl'BN VBRITHIN.
We bare been autuoriiod t sell thla watch until July 1. 1915. at
the Special Introductory price or js. After that fete the pricu will
be J 10. Better see It toda '
Till? .iicwici.iat
M:tHUII, okk
Malg St. Phone 3!0-J.