Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Full Tonight nnd Saturday.
Mar. 78; Mill. 40.5.
Forty-flfth Year.
Dally Tenth Tear.
NO. G4
RFA)YT!t. )....... OIITIlFGAIffl
President Lays New Note to Germany
Before Cabinet Firm In Demand
ing Reply Upon Submarine War
fareMeyer Gerhard Bears Letter
From Bernstorff to Emperor.
WASHINGTON, Juno 4. President
Wilson's Bocond nolo to Germany was
approved In prlnelplo at today's cab
inet meeting nnd will ho forwarded to
Jlorllti as soon as the president has
had opportunity to inako certain
changes In phraseology. Tlio nolo Is
hecanio known after tho meeting, will
lie vigorous in tono and will deny al
legations In the last German commun
ication that tho Lusltnnla was armed
and carrying explosives prohibited by
American law.
Tho nolo, a rough draft of which
had been completed by tho prosldent
before tho meeting was subjected to
careful analyalH by members of tho
cabinet, and afterward agreed on ltn
basic principle. The president wept
nutonioblllng after the couferonrn,
but expected to begin work tonight
in revising the languugo of tho note.
WASHINGTON, Juno I. 1'resi
dent Wilson finii-lioil the new nolo to
Gennnny today and Had it before the
cabinet. It probably will be dis
patched to Hcilin Into tonight or to
morrow. No arrangements have yet
been made an to tho time when it will
be made public.
WJiilo houo officials said today
that while tho president had penned
tho note himself, ho hud consulted
with Secretary Bryan over tiio priii
ciplc.s and tho details, lie also Iiiih
been in constant oonsultntion with
Consulor Lansing mill nUo Attorney
(leneral Gregory, who investigated af
fidavits that tliu Lusituniu carried
. Tho ffovommonl Lktoiiviurcd there
Jfuo grniuiufor thnlicjiiiteiitron, and
.tlunuto will mi liilonn Germany-.
Counselor i.aning, iik the prosi
dent's chief advier on iiicsions of
international law, Hat in today's cab
inet meeting. Previously ho has at
tended only in the absence of Seete
tary llryan.
All the cabinet members uniformly
refused to discus the subject as they
entered the meeting.
While the president nnd cabinet
were discussing the note, it (Ionium
agent wns on his way to Hcilin to
prufont a fht-hand report of the in
terview whirh Count Von Hornstorfi",
tho Qurmnn ambassador, had Wed
nesday with President WiUon.
Officials ut tlie (lennnn eiubn-v
iff used to disouss that development,
hut it became kmivvii nuthoritivoly
that Meyer Gerhard, who muled frnn
New York yesterday for Copenhagen
on the steamer united States with a
(lumiuu guarantee of security signed
by the government, from the allies, is
tlio 'man. He is an attache of the
(Continued on page six)
WASHINGTON, June -1. -Ktupomr
2xieholus of Russia hit- rcsKndcd l'u
vorsbly to 1'iv-ident Wilson's sr
6oual letter conveying a request by
Austria, that provision be inade for in
speeting Siberian eamp where Am
triNH prisoner are held.
Following nuweei.sfuJ uegotia
tiojm through usual diplomat! ehan
nel, Dr. CoastaHtin DuwIm, the Aus
tria aauaador here, asrd Presi
dent Wileoa about two month ago to
smi a jtentoaai letter to Earor
Nicholas. The request was the re
8K of reports that Autriu rivilian
and pnootttTk of ur were not getim,!
proper tralneai. The AutrwB gov
tuwarai asked that the inpeHu lw
oewdueied by AwariiiiB Reel Cros
The answer, delayed bvran of lit.
abaeftee of l&e eineror froai IMro
grvtd, wii- bronvlil brr im1uv lit Rut
Jltiltr. m.ilr -e r-l.i ! AiuIm- i
dor blai.w1.
MSHON, Juno 4. News
papers of tills city Btato that
ttio steamer Domarara, from !
Lisbon for Liverpool, fired on
tho periscope of n submarine
which was following nor. it is ?
said tho submarine disappeared
and that soon thereafter largo
quantities of oil wero seen
floating on the surface of tho
IIKADfjl'AKTKRS, June l.-I'rze-inysl'K
recapture by Austrian and
Mavuriau troops, according to details
received from the fmnt, reunited from
the cnptuic of five forts in the north
ern sector, and the mmultuncoiiH
threatening of tho forts on the Hoiith
and west fronts.
With the forts on tho north side
in the pofe-sioii of tho bcMogerH,
with a Bavarian corps iiresHiug- im
)ettioiihly thriMigh tho breach apiiust
the city, and with tho Austrian tenth
army corps within fetorming distance
of the southern and western fronts,
which artillery fire alieady had re
duced sufficiently for uu attack, the
Russians decided to eviieuato the
town and all the forts except those on
tho eastern and southeastern sectors.
This movement was executed by the
Russians during1 Wednesday night.
The IbiMinans resumed their at
tack at duun on Thursday ami enter
ed Przem.v-I upon tho heels of the ic
tirinsr Russians.
Tho Austrian tenth army corps feim
ultniicouglv started toward llio wCsti
and soutri"rffiitsrhiiLoiinjl thu forts
there had been evacuated. ATTTittnrk
now is in progress against the forts
still held by the Russians, those por
tions being defended appaicntlv with
the object ot covering the retncinent
of the Russians,
DUTUOIT. Juno 4 The Ford
.Motor campony announced today It
has Incrtmittd Itc authorized capital
Mork from I2.0U0.000 to $100,000,
000 and bttH doclarod a stock dividend
of $4S,000.000 payable July 1st.
A caul! dividend was declardo on
the original authorlzod stock of $:, but tho amount was not
mado public. Tho stock dividend In
crease tho holdings ot Henry Ford,
prokfdent of tho company by $27
M 0,000. Jamoe Cauzans, vlco pres
ident, reaelvee 15,000.000.
Tho stock Increase brings tho cap
ital stock of tho concern to a valua
tion of 160,000,000. Tho romalnlnK
$50,000,000, It was announced will
luumin la I h company's troasury to
"be used as conditions demand In
tho future."
ALBANY. N Y , Jun 1 Deputy
Atlaraey Ueaeral Albert Hoekttr up
ueare4 before the court of appeaU to
any to aek for a writ of prahibiUoa
ta prevent the enipaaaeilag of a. Jury
to teat the aaalty r Harry K. Thaw.
AlUcktag the ar4er of Supreme Court
Juatlee )len4rik, araatlag Thaw a
Jury trial. Mr li-cker 4elared that
itch a ! i- uuia itetwit tUt uiiiiuil
iurn of a hatiea rorpua writ.
luhn H Slant hfMd rtu-l agMln-t
the Uauaocv ot tl.e writ.
F!-2-!itlnn Now in Prorjress Along En
tire Gallclan Front Russian Rear
Guards' Fighting Delaying Actions
North of Przemysl Scries of Des
perate Attacks by New Reserves.
LONDON, Juno 4. According to
Information given out by tho Austro-
llungnrlnu military authorities to
leprerentntives of tho press at field
headquarters, heavy fighting Is now
In progress along virtually the entire
Gallclan front, and tho general sit
uation Is very fnvorable to tho Aim-tro-flermnns.
A decisive conclusion
to the entire Ktisslun campaign In (!a
licla Is In sight.
"Tho Itusslan roarguords." tho
statement says to tho press, "nro
fighting delaying actions south of the
Dnolster river against tho Austro
ficrmun forces advancing from Stry,
'to cover tho passago of tho river.
The Husulans north of Przemysl are
launching a series of tho most des
perate attacks against (leneral von
MaekeiiKcn'H army, I lore they are
making uso of now rosorvos, nnd at
tho same Unto nro exerting heavy
pressure against tho troops command
ed by Arch Duke Joseph Ferdinand
In tho trlanglo between tho Itlvcr
San nnd tho Vistula.
"Tho Itusslan offenslvo In south
eastern Uallcla designed to rellovo
this situation, has boon a comploto
Having captured Przemysl the Aus-tro-nerman
forces nro malntnlng their
offenslvo with unusual speed. The
troops which broke through tho Itus
slan lino at Stry nro pushing north
wnrd rapidly. A statomont front tho
Russian war offlco contains tho ad
mission that In tho region beyond tho
Dnelster rlvor tho Austro-(icnnan
army has advanced along tho Tlsmon
Itza-Stry front.
(eniiaus Isolated
A Petrograd dispatch stntos that
the fiormnn forces which captured
Llhuu In Ulissla on tho Ilnltlc some
tli'no ago has boon isolated.
Itusslan force saro said to havo cut
"orntho-OeriUnns from their bnso at
Memel, Kast I'rusftfa", whjln othojjlus-
slnn troops have approached fro in thu
north and south so that tho only ronl
munlcntlon with Llbau Is by the soa.
Fed details aro nvallablo ot tho
development of tho Italian campaign.
A stntoinent from Ocnoral Codnrna,
Italian chief of staff, says tho pro
limlnnryw movements aro continuing
all along tho frontier, developing to
the advantage of tho Italians. Tl
Vienna war offiro statos that tho I'
tans had bombarded Austrian fortifi
cations at several points without suc
cess. Quiet on A't I'ront
Conditions are virtually stntionnr)
along tho wostcrn front, co far ns
known by tho official communica
tions. Slight gains in the district
north of Arras aro reportod by the
The Swedish steamer I.nppland was
sunk yestorday off tho coast of Scot
land Although no submarlno was
sighted tho captain expressed the
opinion that the vessel was torpedoed.
All on board were rescued.
AMSTERDAM. June J. The Te'
gntlf ntales (bat according to !' r
msu casiiiilty lisi, i'russiMii io-e
alone itue reuclted it total of l,:ihH,
Recent casually list contain the
limn' of l) ainaoH, of whotn 1 1 were
killed uiitl ill whuwIhI, the reHitiin
ing In hrmz miinir-
LONDON. June Roth ItouaM ef
parllaweat Ik-Id brief aesstoue today.
The lords paaaed throuah lu remain
tHf alagee the bill wakiag uaeoHati
luality the r-electloa of Mlnlatara
proawted la the aew eabtaet a ad the
luj-J unseat to the aseaaure vaa duly
Tin- ho ime ef ronimoa ma In
iOU IOI Olil; it luiuutet.
VNCOUVHU. Hi C, Juno 4
It is reported lufro on oxcel
lent authority thatgSIr Thomas 4-
Shaughnessy esldent of tho
! Cnndinn Pacific nwlroad, who
arrived In London today, was
summoned by Lont' Kitchener,
who has asked Sir Thomas to
tako charge of the purchaso
nnd transportation of,munltlons
of war for Orcnt Ilrltaln In tho
I'nlted States nnd Ounnda. Ilo
Is to be given lnrgv authority,
lightening the Inhonjof Lloyd
(leorge and Kltchcnert1 llead
Miiartcrs for Sir Thomas will he
opened In New York.
lir.UI.IN, June !. Tim jubilation
tliroughoiit (lennany nnd Austria
HunKiiry over the full of Przemysl is
mingled with surprise at tho speed
with which the campaign ngni'iist this
stronghold was brought to u success
ful end.
Vienna, Prague and Budapest nil
have witnessed scenes of the wildest
rejoicing' over this latest victory in
(lalicia. Like lleiliu, these three cit
ies are bedecked with flags. Thous
ands of persons fill the streets, al
ternately singing1 tho jTrmnn, Jind
Austiian national uiiihcnis.'
Almost all the expert observers in
Hcilin expected a stubborn resistance
on the pnrt of tho Russian forces in
Premysl. Kiirthermoie, conditions
within the stronghold show that the
Russiniis were looking forward to a
lont; H'l'h' find that they had endeav
ored to prepare for it.
A correspondent of tho Vomusoho
Zeilung says the Russians had
brought reinforcements into Przemysl
from Lembeigund heay artillery and
ammunition from Lublin over the new
strutcgie railroad, haugorod and
Rrust-Litovsk also were called on to
supply needed materials and every
thing wan rushed in and set up with
fevurilhjiasto. .The middle foits wore
used to tltls.tiiid Ml thcJjiwish pop
iilntiou was oolnpejlud to ovaouate
the city. Siege oporntionS on tho
part of the Austrian nVcl OuPH'tn
forces were necessary because' tho
Russians during- tluir two months'
occupation had in n uu.isiire restoicd
the lortilication-.
l'OTTSVILLi:, P.., .limn .. -Tun
Utirst, the former mMr league base
ball umpire, died in In- home in Mui-
crsullo today lrom imhgoetinii. J,.
was ,11 ears old.
Ilurst whm one of tho best-knonii
sportiiiK chHnicters in tho country.
He entered baseball in one of the cit
ies of the southern league thirty-three
enr ntfo, jt WIim said, when lie Hits
a spectator at a K""e whiuli was to
decide the pennant. Thu reulur um
pire ipiit uiidwr fire and Ilurst volun
teered to tuke bis pluce. In the tinul
inning lie called a home-player out ut
the plate with what would have been
thu tyinif mil, al the same time draw -ing
stol. Net a move was made
toward him. )ater lie wua upHiiiited
MiHjiire in the National Itwitfuo. Ilurst
was known h a ait and for an over
readincii to protect liuaculf agaiiHl
attaidt. In bin voiingt-r dnya he ws
an all round athlete ami aiar sprin
ter. Recently he wh i aaitMl in the
real estate builic, in RiM-kuan),
X. V.
M8BON, June (. PraUutiiiKT vr
hemeHtly afaiaat the KiakJmr t two
Portuirarae in. b (-njta uimiiM
riues. the pre- of I'nriuiral ih-tumid-
that llie goxeriitueiit mt diiliinHti'
Itiuliuu vwtb (jiiuiuiiy.
r v v -r v v v - -r v t v - ii n riiiiiiii n i
- --
Russians Explain Evacuation of Fort
ress Holtlinn Involved Use of
Great Army Needed Elsewhere and
Was of No Value Fortifications
Ruined by Austrlans.
PKTROnRAl), .lime I.- -News of
the rail of Przemysl has uwukeucd no
apprehension here. It is conceded the
(Ioniums hnve won, a "moral iclor,"
but tho stnitcgiu importance of the
fortress, according to the opinion c
pressed here, had been nullified he
loie the Russians reliiupiished it. A
leading Russian military evpeit, an
al. rim; the situation, says;
"Having crossed Ihe river San with
two nrmies which were to begin op
erations against the fortress, the
flenimtis found themselves in uu ex
tremely duugeious ami unstable posi
tion, being attacked on their left
flank they were compelled to shorten
the strip of ground (hey occupied on
Ihe right of the Sail. Any icM'ixe of
llie-e nrmic- would huc liirued the
(leiiuuii movement into a catastrophe,
since retreat to the rear would have
been cut off by the river Sun uud the
pressure of the Russian forces nl
Sietiuwa on the Clerimui left. Accord
ingly the (lermnus were forced to hurl
their attack against . the fortress,
throwing forward enormous forces.
"The indefensibility of tho foi tress
was due to the fuel that the Auslrians
hud blown up the most important
forts on their evacuation of Pr.emysl,
coupled with the configuration of the
laud. This was unsuitable to a stub
born defense, for the reason that its
undulations made it possible for the
enemy to hide his approaches.
"The primary idea in the conslrue
itinu of the Przemysl i'oitress hud
been to meet attack from the east
ward. There hud not been sufficient
time to reconstruct, tho damaged
fotlresH on the west and on the north
and to adapt the position to defense
aiiiiict attacks from these directions,
"Russian lniiir runuo khi'"." the ex
port says," shooting to the last shell
into the thick masses of advancing
Aiistro-derinana caused them severe
losses, Eventually, however, the
Russian military authorities reached
the decision to remove the urmy from
the fortifications,
"Strutcgie conditions," the expert
concludes, "led to this name decision
since the Russian Premysl army con
stituted u sharp wedge cutting into
the (icruinu lines and subject to being
attacked from every side. To defend
thTi croVeiit-hlinpcd front required
'tn-moiifwij forceK, and it was clear
ly the' diydro !? till' Ctyrinmm that
numerous forcifcRverloil.. this
Iront for dcfenstv'e purpo?e&" ' r-
,i.i mm M..H v.usi.ui ..
' V
It is estimated that the prober ilod
fense of the Premvs J'oilresH would
have icipiiieil the concent ruling there
of forces is us I to those of the for
mer Austrian gariison, namely, -15,000
men, It would have been neasary
uUo to develop to their fulloal capac
ity no Icsm tlmu ITiOO guns and to re
establish all thedeatroyed forts which
in the short time available was im
possible. The iihnudoiiiiig of Hue
blood coiupiercd fortress certainly ia
it sad blow, hut it is uecesMiry tit re
member that Przemysl twice annihil
ated, once by the Austriana and once
by us, today has no morn impoitiiuce
than any other oily in (lalicia. The
Oeriaiiii occupation hud little inllu
cnee on our maneuvering; in the In
line it will play no role at all. Like
luroslaw and Tnrnnv, Pr.em-l will
(Continued on Pace 2 )
KJtANfH, Juno 4. Promler Aauuflh
baa Juat brought to a eaneluajon u
iwrMiaal visit to tho Hritiali front,
most of whleh-kti vlalted In a motor
Uurlag the tour of four daya the
uretaier investigated all phaaea of thu
amy lu the field, hoapltabt. hatha,
ft; lag eerpa, ete. On a certain htll
be vtewnd the trearhes aad aaw iholla
liursting l!er slitf" the HritUh
rtc-ivid bun with fciithuiUMii.
9K pllp
DANISH STEAMER; rnnnnniiciAiiri
crew is rescued FOR ROCKISLAND
4 STAVANClKIt. Norwny. June 4
Tho DanUli Htentiior Cyrua,
with n cargo of coal, from Hum-
4 (Island, Scotland, for Coponhng-
en, wnH torpedoed yestorday nf-
tcrnoon. Tho crow, none of
whoao nieinbera woro Injured,
wero landed today by a Norwo- 4
glnn steamer at Stnvangor. Tho
men atnto that tho Cyrus was
.!. Inriwiilonil wlllinnt wnrnlnir. !'
NEW YORK', .lime !. The victory
nf the United Stules HI eel corporis
lion in Ihe iroveinuiciit's dissolution
suit caused nu outburst of bullish
cut husuism ut I he onemiiL' til loi av s
stock inurkct.
Steel was the outstanding feature,
although its initial iuotutinn was
somewhat belated. The first trans
action consisted of one lot of 28,000
shares at (II to (I'J, compared with
yesterday's close of 00.
United States Steel nreferred rose
U'Vi points uud throughout thu list
there wero gains rnnging from 2 to !
Trading slackened toward tho end
of the first hour, hut tho turnover in
Hint time exceeded 100,000 share.
Profit-taking continued, with the re
stilt that some early gjilns wero ulto
gethcr lost, while others wero reduo
ed to minor fractious. Steel held
belter than other leaders, yielding lose
tlmu half its gain. Harvester. Amer
lean Can uud Distillers fell 11, f and
.l'a points, respectively, from their
high price-..
WASHINGTON, June -I. -Aiuhns-sudor
(leriird cabled the state depart,
incut today n nolo from the (Jermiiii
government agreeing to pay uu in
demnity for the ilamago done hv a
Herman submarine (o the America.)
steamer flul flight, torpedoed otf tli.-
jiHv islands.
'iifl lujpt.w luief and staled that
ilia sliipjjil h(n tiirM(locd hv nn-.
Inkn, hi hutid tlmt being ne.-om-pnnied
hy UriUsin."'! "0"' ;"
was a belligiueni vcel, ituH 'iJ'hiur
thai the commuiidHr did not sou '.'k'
American flag until nftur thu tor-'
pedo wiu fired. The eonimiiniuitlfon
agreed to the principle of inilmujh'f
asking tho AinerieHii government' to
present on behalf of the owuera tjio
usual chum. In the note was alao an
expression of regret of (ha oeeur
reuce. That is in conformity with the
procedure which (Icrninuy uiiuoiititttxl
ut a circular on May 1 1, would ha fol
lowed in tho cum' of neutral vessels
attacked bv mi-iuke.
LONIiOV, June 1 Official an
nouncement wan mado hero tonight
that a German spy named Muller
hail been stentenetsl to death.
The statement follews:
"Thtt trial ot two alleged titles.
Muller and IUhn, held In Cam or a at
Old Ilalley before Ihe I.erd Chief Jue
tlc and Justices A very it nil Lttah, was
oourluded title afternoon. To jury
found both prlMuets guilty. Muller
was aeutenced to death by shooting
and Is to be banded over to a eoui
aeteat military authority for exeoN
(loa, subjeet to his right ot appeal
to tin- court of criminal appeal.
I'rUon.-r llulm was nenteiireil to sev
en jturs of pfeuul tervltudo.''
Intiulry hy Interstate Commerce
Commission Forces Road's Attor
ney to Admit Deal Manipulated to
Forco Stock Price From 29 to 39 In
Ten Days and Back to 21.
WASHIS'OTON', Juno 4 Appoint
incut of n receiver last April for tho'
Chlrago, Hock Island and Pnclfln
Railroad company, wan taken up to
day before tho Iutomtnlo Commerce
commission mid tho Invoidlgatlon Into
tho rond'a financial nffalrn.
Robort P. I.umont, jirenldpnt 6f tho
Nnierlcnn Steel Koundrles company
of Phlcngo, testified hl company pe
tltlouod for tho Hock Islnnd receiver
not for fenr It could not collect $!,
000 duo It, but bcrnimo Hllas II.
Strawn ,a Chicago nttoruey, whom
Mr. I.amont presumed was acting for
Hock Island nttornejH, reipicHted him
to do so,
rotiiimny Hark of Ileal
Hobort Walltor of New York, con
nected with tho Hock Island In car
ious legal capacities, testified ho ask
ed Strewn to got some creditors to
sign tho petition which ho himself
had drafted at tho direction of V.
II. Moore, T. M. .Schumacher and K.
h, lllne, other directors of tho com
pany. Counsel Polk for tho commission,
asked if tho board had authorized
Walker, as counsel, to file tho peti
tion. Mr. Wnlkor responded that ho
did not consider that necessary bo
cause a majority of tho directors In
dividually approved tho action. Mr.
Walker denied that ho had consult
ed Oanlot M. Hold.
Questionable Stock Deal
Samuel llnterniyor, representing N.
M. Amster of lloston, n director, led
Walker to toll how tho Hock Island
on Mnrch 31 borrowed Sl.uOO.OOO of
tho Hankers' Trtut company on col
lateral, plus tho personal guaranty of
Daniel (1. Held, Ogdon Mills, William
II. Monro, Jnmos McLean nnd Arthur
C. James, Walker said tho uionoy
wan borrowed In hope of carrying tho
road along until nftor (ho directors
meeting. Ho prepared a petition for
receivership on March 20, so ns to
havo It ready, if tho loan did not go
"Why did you tako that collateral
nway from tho rccoivor If It wns not
to 'rig' up tho stock niarkot and tako
up tho stock from S9 to .19 In ten
days, and then let it drop to St in u
slnglo da?" nskod Mr. I'ntermyer.
(Continued on page two.)
WASHINGTON, June I. Uritisli
aiiihoillios in Me.xieo City uro urning-
rfir transiaiaaiou to 'OoiiUl3Il5 (InrzA Zajatta. Dcpartuiuiil nfftirtula be
lieve it has hy this, timo been deliv
ered to General Villa mid theruforo
is in the hands of all tlio .Mexican
Dispatches to tho Cnrranwi agency
here from Vera Cms imlleate tlmt
Carranaa Itaa hefuu taking steps Ut
distribuU food.
(leuernl Angeles, telegraphing from
field headquarter near l.eou, repott
ed to the Villit agem-v here toduv Unit
Obregon'a annv after dyftsit now n
in its last entreuehuumta ut Trinidad
aitd that Villa, in oowmuiid of tho
left wing, is leading nu enveloping
Hioveuieut, which haa thrown tlio
t'urrsntH forces out of Silao mid to-
J ward lrupuuto mid Lu Pit-dud.