Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
l-'nlr Tonight and Friday.
..Mav. 71.55 Mbi. 30.5.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dolly Tenth Year.
NO. 03
. ". "V
' MC A - BIB
After Siege of Tl'ree Weeks Troops
of Dual Alliance Recapture Aus
trian Stronghold From Russians
Removes Threat of Danger to Cra
vow Terrific Loss of Men.
VIENNA, Juno .1. Tho Austro
Hungarian war offlco tonight' an
nounces that Przomysl lino boon re
taken from the IlUBslaus In tho Ga
llclan drlvo.
LONDON, .Tunc 3. After a slego
of thrco woekB tho fortress of Przom
ysl In Gallcln has fallen to tho Aus
trtans. Tho Russians wcro In pos
session n llttlo over Roronty days.
This news was received In London
with n certain degree of Burprlso.
Whilo It had been well Known that
tho Husslnn position at Przomysl wns
Horlous and that tho artillery flro of
tho Germanic allies was dally becom
ing moro terrific, tho announcement
of an Austrian victory was not expect
ed so quickly, particularly in vlow of
tho official statoment from Pctro
grad of last Monday, saying tho Aus-tro-Gcrman
grip hoforo Przomysl had
boon broken and that tho offensive
In tho groat Gallclan strugglo had
passed to tho Russians.
Twenty Days llummcrlng
Tho Austrlans reached Przomysl
nt half past thrco o'clock this morning
nftor n hammering with heavy guns
that lasted moro than twenty days.
Tho capitulation of Przomysl must lx)
ascribed to tho effectiveness of this
artillery onslaught. Tho occupation
of tho fortress by tho Austrlans will
romovo tho danger of tho Russian
threat against Cracow.
When tho Russians starved out tho
Austrian garrison nt Przomysl, an
oporatlon which brought them into
tho fortress on March 212, they did It
slowly and systematically, conserv
ing tho lives of their mon ns much
tiB possible Tho method which tho
Austro-GormanH linvo been employing
recently to accomplish tho snmo end
has been entirely different. Tholr
expenditure in mon and ammunition
has perhaps outdone anything In this
war, not ovon oxcopting tho Gorman
rushes for Calais and tho torrlblo
etrugglos along tho Yser rlvor.
lllg Guns lo tho Woik
Tho rotnklng of tho Przomysl for
tress nlready has been characterized
by Ilritlsh observers as ono of tho
most romarknbln feats of tho war. Im
mediately after tho surrender of tho
Austrian garrison tho Russians began
n westwnrd rush through Gallcln and
it was predicted that they would soon
overrun both Silesia and tho plains of
Hungary. A terrific Austro-Gorman
offenslvo was Inaugurated, however,
tho result of which was to drlvo tho
Russians back to the San nnd to on
nblo tho Teutonic allies to onclrclo
Przemysl and attack it from tho north
(Continued on Pace 2.)
UKHLIN, June ; News J mm the
Guliomn front concerning the retreat
of tho Kiiahiiuiti indicates they fired
ii ml destroyed twenty or more great
crude oil wells, as well ns u number
of wells from which nnptliu U deriv
ed, in the oil-producing region be
tween Horlaw and Drohobyez, ly
ing to titu woi oi oiry. ji uoi
3iir to tho wot of Stry. It is esti
mated that SO.OOO tuna of oil wns do
strayed. Although the fires have boon
brought under control by tho Aiutiisn
nnd Gcnmtn troops, tho whole terri
tory is covered with a pall of iHole.
The Russians bad been umuk the
wells for the production o fiUumir.
ntmg oil, heasine and green. They
nre said to have pared tha Kiigtik
nnd French wells.
The Autro-Gara forces cap
tured the mineral wax hum at
Itorv.Uw, the only ohm ia Htifwpa.
Their anaual product in valued at
B,"'Ki,OQ0 crowns l$0,W0).
Coalition Government for Britain
Works Smoothly Asquith Absent,
as Is New Chancellor Unionists
Cannot Take Office Until Bill Is
Passed Pcrmittlnp. Them.
LONDON, Juno 3. Tho flrBt ns
Bomhly of tho coalition Ilritlsh par
llament showed no striking features
Premier Asquith was nbsent and Reg
inald McKonnn, chancellor of tho
oxchequor, was nt Nice conferring
with tho Italian financial authorities,
whilo A. Honnr Law, secretary for
the colonies and Arthur J. Ilnlfour,
first lord of the admrnlty, and other
membora of tho now cabinet from tho
unionist sldo could not tnko their
places on tho front until tho passngo
or a nut permitting them to taka
office without ro-election to member
ship In the houso.
Several Junior members of tho now
government on taking tho cnblnct
seats woro cheered, whilo members
of tho privy council and prominent
unionists outsldo tho cnblnct occu
pied tho front opposition scnts. Tho
Irish nationalist contingent took the
usual scats they had held for many
Now Vantage Points
Tho majority ' of tho members
found their wny to customnry placcfl
on tho opposite sldo of tho houso but
sovcrnl groups of unionists nnd liber
als found now vantage points togeth
er. Sir John A. Simon, secretary of
state for home affnlrs, announced
early In tho Bitting that ho would
Introduco n bill which would bo
passed through all its stngca todav
to mnko tompornry provision for ren
dering unnecessary tho re-election of
members on accepting office.
Harmony and cheerfulness op
penrcd to pcrvndo tho house. All
members rising, even for minor bus
iness wcer npplaudcd.
Asquitli N Absent
Tho homo secretary Biild ho re
grettod tho absence of Premier As
quith who wns on urgent "public
business" nnd declared tho premier
hoped to bo In his place on Monday
when ho would mnko n statement re
gnrdlng thojiosltlon of Italy and tho
wnr. A bill for tho establishment
of a ministry of munitions ho ndded,
also would bo Introduced nnd it
would go to tho Inter stages on Mon
day and Tuesday of noxt week. Sir
John Slmnii announced that a tribun
al for dealing with alien enemies
hud heon nppolntod, consisting of Jus
tlces Sunkey and Younger of the
high ceurt: and Amollus R. M. Lock
wood, Donald McLnan, Stnnley Raid
win nnd John J. Moonoy, members
of parliament. '
Sir Albort Splcor, liberal member
for tho contrnl division of Hackney,
nsked whother tho government would
protect banks against risks from air
craft or goods In warehouses pend
ing settlement of somo of tho former
Insurance or indemnity. Ho Bald
that tho banks holding bills against
goods In warehouses wore demanding
Insurnnco policies or rcfunlng
amounts advanred while tho merch
ants wero unnblo to cover full rinks
even nt prohlbltlvo prices.
Tho homo secretary said tho nic'
ter would bo considered as boon ob
LONDON, June :i When the ltu--siwiw
wore forced to abandon home
of tho outer Przomysl loits they hud
no time to destroy the sun, which,
on fulling into Austro-Gumiun hands
were turned by their new owner
nsrin.t tho inner fortiticatioas, ms
a diatch to tho Exchange Telegraph
eouivaiiy from Copenhagen.
It i uwderstood, the diatra aW,
that the Austrian railway ofYwials.
the )M)iee and municipal officer hhi!
others who fled 'roa I'raotnysl wheu
the fortress capitulated to xku Has
iiaaa, have row galas! at Craaow
ready to wdora to the recaptured
Says That Austria Violated Terms of
Triple Alliance After Having Found
That Italy Was Hostile to Aggres
sion Against Serbia, Arranged with
Germany to Surprise Europe.
HOME, June 3. "Wo entered (life,
tho gicntcst wnr in history, to safe
guard the highest and most nncient
aspirations, the most vital intcrcstri
of our etiiiutry," was tho deelnrntion
of Premier Snlnndrn in mi address nt
the meeting held here today to make
plans for the relief of persons in civil
life who may be mude needy us u re
sult of the wnr.
"Wnr imposes duties not only upon
the combatant., but also upon those
who remain nt home," continued the
premier, "nnd they must see that the
national life is not interrupted. Ital
ians of nil classes must not only hnve
n spontaneous nnd profound feeling,
but a reasoned conviction of the jus
tice of our cause nnd the sanctity of
our war."
Not n IMraynl
Premier Snlnndrn reviewed the dip
lomutio events lending up to the eon
iliet from the time of the assassina
tion of Archduke Francis Fotdinund.
Italy's former allies, ho declared, hud
no right to say Italy betrayed them,
for she never disguised her views on
Austrian aggression nguiust Serbin
nnd its consequences. In support ot
his argument he rend u dispatch lo
the Duke of Avnrna, umhnssndnr to
Austria, sent him on July 'J."i, 1U1 1, by
the Mimpiis Sun Guilinuo, the late
minister of foreign affairs, detailing
an interview ho had with Signor Snl
nndra nnd Hnns von Klotow, then
German umbassudor. During this in
terview tho speaker declared he nnd
.Marquis Hun Guiliuuo pointed out to
llerr von Flotow that Austria by tho
terms of the triple alliance treaty
had no right to take the step she had
tukon nt IK'lgrndu without previously
coming to alt agreement with her al
lies, nnd that Austria's notion clearly
showed she desired to provoke wnr.
The Italian statesman therefore in
formed the lie nn on umbassudor that
under the circumstances Italy wns
not obliged to help Austria if the bit
ter nation found herself nt wnr with
Russia in consequence of nn net of
Demanded CmiHuvntlon
Premier Salandra asserted that on
July '27 and '-'8, lilt I, the Italian gov
eminent recited in clear terms the
question of the cession to Italy of the
so-called Italian provinces held b.
Austria, both at Vienna nnd Ilerliu.
"Wo declared," aniil lie, "Hint if
Italy did not obtain ndcqiiute com
pensation tho triple alliance would In
irreparably broken. Impartial his
tory, will wiy that Austria, having
found in July nnd October, 1 1)1 II, thnt
Italy was hostile to aggressive inten
tions ngnlnst Scibin, nrranged with
flennnnv to take I'urnpe by biirpris
by confronting it with nu accom
plished fact. Tho horrible crime at
Sarajevo was exploited us a pretext
a mouth after it occurred. Foreign
.Minsjtor von Ilerchtold told tho Duke
of Avnrna on July III lust that even
if mediation were employed it would
not stop hostilities with Sorviu.
Tlsu's Claims Hefnted
"It wns not true, as Count Tiszn
had pretended, thnt Austria engaged
herself to respect tho integrity of
Serbian territory. Kajclnn Mere
von (Capos-More, then Austrian am
bassador, told .Marquis Sail Guiliuuo
on July ilO that Austria could not
give such nn engagement because she
could not foresee that during the war
she would not be forced against her
(Continued on Page Two)
CINCINNATI, Juno 3. An order
calliu; upon all Italian in southern
Ohio to report to the consulate here
with a view to doing military duty in
their home country, was iued by
Consul Chart Gwoeehio today. The
ttHul uatuoaUsi that about 10.QQQ
W0H wouM be OKrolIua' as a reult uf
the order.
Pfcat ret vSa.Lxnx3jtQ.
Premier Sulandrn, bend of the Kal
ian cabinet and councilor ol King
Kmanuel m the piesont war.
PAItIS, Juno 3.1. King Victor Km
mnnuol of Italy has offered his ser
vices as an intermediary in tho ad
justment of territorial questions
which have arisen betweou llucsla
and Itumnnln, nccordlng to tho Milan
QI2XKVA, Juno 3. News dispatch
es declare that two Italian torpedo
boats early yestordny morning ontor
cd tho Gulf ot Trlost, Bank two mer
chant vessels and damaged nu Aus
trian niixlllnry cruiser.
VKItON'A. Italy, Juno 3. Tho Aus
trian troops are withdrawing from
their positions nlong tho Fiemmo vnl
loy, (part of tho valley of tho rlvor
Avisto, to tho northeast of Trout).
Thoy havo virtually destroyed tho
health resort of San Mnrtlno do Cns
trozza. This vlllago contained olght
largo hotels, six belonging to (J or
mans and Italians.
POIlTliANI), Ore, Juno 3.- MrH.
John Dickinson Sherman of Chicago
created n stir among tho delegaton
nsHomhlcd for the third and closing
session of tho inld-blennlul council
of tho General Federation of Wom
en's clubs hero today when who de
clared thnt "Just as long as women
of tho federation wear fenthora on
their huts, will they bo npon to tho
chargo of inconsistency."
MrB. Shormau spwko on tho work
of tho conservation department. Tho
forenoon bohbIoii was taken up with
tho discussion ot various subjects,
among which conservation nnd homo
economics worn given n prominent
plnce. Teaching of conservation of
natural rocnurcoH In tho public
bcIiooIs wiih urged. "Wo can doal
n master stroke for bird preserva
tion," said Mrs. Sherman, "by retus
Ing to wear feathors wear an ob-
trlch father if yo ullko but lot this
bo the only posslblo exception."
"Thing of tho Inspiring effect on
the women of Amorlcn, If tho two mil
lion women of tho gonoral federation
refused to woar feathers!
"Thoro b no creator educational
fnrre in tho Cnitod Statos than those
connocted with tho department of
agriculture," said Mrs, KlUaheth
Claypool Karl, of Indiana, who Bpoko
on "homo economics nnd tho United
Statos department of agriculture,"
LONDON. June :t -The Norweg
ian Htoaraship t'ubano was torpedoed
and sunk yostorday off the Klannan
Islands. The crew whs landed in
tho Hohridas. a group ot Islands off
the eoaat of Scotland. i
Flank Movement Captures Silao and
Surrounds Obrcgon at Trinidad
Carranza Declared Victim of False
Reports Mexican Capital to Be
Entered Within a Week.
WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Consular
Agent Cnrothora nt Chihuahua report
ed today that Villa troops In a flank
movement captured Sllao and put
Cnrranzn cavalry forces to rout. Oho
gon, tho Carranza commander, he
said, Is surrounded nt Trlnldnd byl
Villa infantry mnl has lost two trains
nnd large quantities of supplies,
KIIbco Arrcdondo, head of tho Car
ranza ngency hero, today Issued tho
following comment on President Wil
son's Mexican stntement:
Carnina Statement.
"I bellovo PrcBldent Wllson'B note
Is lnrgely duo to the lack of relations
bctweon the govornomnnt of tho Unit
ed Stntefl and the const Itulonnllst gov
ernment of Mexico, and thnt this hns
given room to tho ninny falso reports
which havo victimized Ocnornl Cnr
rnnzn, attributing to him acta and
omissions of which he Is Incapable.
"Mr. Carrauzn latedly has ordered
tho advance of his troops toward tho
city of Mexico, which he will un
doubtedly tnko before one week Is
over, nnd I understand ho will imiuo
dlntcly establish theer n provisional
civil administration, until ho can wlpo
out the remnants of tho reactionar
ies and convene tho pcoplo to elec
tions for officers of n constitutional
Americans reaving
"Thoro is no danger therefore thnt
strife may orplong Itself in Mexico
nnd cause greater calamities for the
people, which I am Inclined to ho
lleve Is tho only thing thnt worries
the govorniiieiit of tho United Stntefl."
Tho nntzlllnn minister In Moxlco
City today telegraphed Secretnry Ilry
an that ho had arranged for upcclal
train to remove 150 Americans nnd
many other fnrelgnorn who nro leav
lng the capital becauso of thp- fam
Flvo pernons, nationality unreport
ed, woro killed In n raid by Mexl
cant) on Quorobnhl Tuesday night
Stato department dispatches from Ko
gnlcs today Bny nftor looting tho town
tho rnlders burnod flvo rallwaj
I'OHTLAND, Or., June n. O. M.
Haiilun of Syhuii, n hiiburb of Port
laud, begun hm prosaic duties today
by opening u brnn box to feed bin
eow'H. The lifted lid dinolosed the
uiicoiibeioiiH figure of u man, bound,
gagged ami stark naked.
Tho police weie called, mid after
he had been revived tho btniiiKergave
his name as Jack Kliug, ngod li'J, un
til recently 1'in.t mate of Uiu Ilntwli
ship Invei-garry. Klinir told n story
of nu encounter with u pliuikant
stninger and u beautiful young wo
man, not one note of which would
have jarred the ear of Itobeit Louis
Kling, who is nu Austrian, rjuil the
Invergarry nt Sun Fmncisoo, he said,
because the vessel was going to 1'iir
ope, and ho was afraid he would be
interned tlioif. Coming heie by
htenmer from SiiiiFranoiseo, ho spent
his money like u sailor. On the street
here jenterday he was bailed by u
goutleman in itu auto, whom he had
met on the steainor and who ?ae the
namo of McAijIiur, MeArtluir intro
duced a gill In (lie rear simU of his
auto a hi daughter and iinited him
to take a ride.
As they drove along a wooded road,
Kliuit said, the girl suddenly put
something hitter into bis mouth. Wn
he resented this, .MeArthur held him
up at the point of a rovolvur, whiUi
the girl hound and gasjgsd him. Then
be said, they ebbiroformsd kiw. Its
sides his elolasc, 1m Um Ktt. Ttw
Mlie say taey hara evidence thnt
Kliaf s story is true.
President Spends Day Working on
Reply to Kaiser United States
Unmoved in Its Intention to Force
Submarines to Obey Rules of In
tcrnational Law.
WASHINGTON, Juno II. President
Wilson worked most of today on the
new note" to flerinimy.
Tho situation hud developed (o a
point where, ulthoiigli the visit of
Count Uernstorff, tho (Icrinnn nin-
hnsHiidor, to the president yesterday
wiih believed likely to enlighten, the
Berlin foreign office on the attitude
of tho United States, tho Americnn
government is unmoved in its uitcii
tion to determine promptly whether
Gunnnn mibinnnno oominundcrn will
herenfter respect the principle of in
tcriiationul law.
WIIsoii'm Attitude Firm
Tho facts upon which the (formnn
government usked ugrcemeiit, it is
now pructieullv certain, will be treat
ed by the note nn not irrelevant with
one exception. It is understood Unit
the nolo will restate thnt the Lnsi
tutiin wuh on u peaceful cruise, did
not resist capture and was unuiitied.
All the other points rinsed by Ger
inuiiv ure deemed irrclevnut under the
Iiuvk of nations.
Tho purpose of the United States
in the new note will be to discover
whethor Germany will in the future.
on encountering voshoIk of any nn
tionality thnt nro unarmed, transfer
piiNHcngerH and crew to places of
Hufetv; hIiouM u vchkc! carrying con
traband bu eertuin of condemnation
in ii prize court, and therefore sub
jeel to destruction.
LtisKanbi Ciiarmed
It wuh icitcratcd at tho Ktato de
partment (oduy thnt while tiffidiivitH
filed there by tho Germany embassy,
contending thnt the Lusitnniii was
annoil, h.iil been carefully itoumdercd,
the ) no of of tho United Stntes thnt
tlie Lusitnniii wiih Hummed wns be
yiuid question.
None of' the signers, in the opinion
of officials, could liuve made ns
Count llerustorff conferred brief
ly wi(h Secretary lliyiiu loijay ami
would not discuss tho Hiibject of his
to be appealed
WAHHINCiTON, Juno 3. Nowb
that tho government had lost its dis
solution suit against tho U, S. Steel
corporation for the moment almost
matched the International situation
In Interest. Tho milt Ih regarded as
probably tho most Importnnt nnl
trust suit over brought by tho depart
ment nt Justice
Undoubtedly It will bo nppaelod to
tho supreom court ot tho United
States becauso tho government would
bo unwilling to Innvo such questions
us wero raised unsettled except by
th highest court In tho laud,
PKTIIOGKAI), June n. Tho conn
oil of minister hns sanctioned tho
const rue tion f n rail toad to cost
17,000,000 rubje (8,."5OO,00O) from
KandHlaaka, in tho province of Arch
angel, aeros the Kola peniusulii, to
the port of Kola, on the Areiio ocean.
This new line will oonnset the Arctic
with the railroad aystsm of Kussia
and give another outlet to a Russian
soHpurt on Wis north.
Tb port of Archangel is more than
300 wUm fartasr south than Kola.
Government Loses Case to Dissolve
Billion Dollar Corporation, New
Jersey Court Holding It Not a Mon
opoly and Not a Violation of Sher
man Anti-Trust Law.
'rilKNTON, Juno :i. The decision
in tho United States Steel corporation
uit wns filed in tho United Stntcs dia
trict court this afternoon. It held
thnt tho corporation should not be
dissolved. Tho principal points in
tho decision nre:
It refuses to issue any injunction.
It holds tho foreign Undo of tho
Steel corporation is not a violation of
tho Sherman law.
It holds certain price fixing agree
ments which followed tho Gary din
ner, but which stopped before tho
hill wns filed to hove been unlawful.
It nllow-K the government to move to
retain jurisdiction of the bill if such
price-fixing practices nro renewed.
but HtiggcHts mutters inny now bo
controlled by the now trado commiH-
Tho Opinions Itviidcml
The opinions, two in number, are
largely u discussion of whether tho
btccl corporation monopolized the
ntccl trndo or dealt unfairly with
competitors or purchasers.
Tho opinion snys:
"Tli'm ciirc, a proceeding under the
Sherman unli-trust law, is one large
ly of business facts."
It says all tho trust cases Hum far
determined settlo down to this, that
only such combinations nro within the
Sherman net or by renHnu of tho in
tent of those forming them, or the
inherent nature of their contemplated
net, wrong tho pilblio by unduly rc
Btricting competition or unduly on
htructing competition in the cnurrio
of trade. It further holds the ques
tions of tho fact o the court to deter
mine whother, when tho bill wns filed,
tho Steel, company was unduly re
stricting competition or unduly ob
structing trado in tho homo market.
Whether it was restricting compcti
tion or unduly obstructing trade m
the foreign market, had the steel cor
poration had these objects in view
when it wiih formed in 1001, tho opin
ion holds the proofs show, wlu-n tbu
bill wns filed, tho competitors of the
Steel company woro doing 00 per cent
of the country's steel mid iron bus
iness. Test of .M;noMily
The test of monopoly, the oninion
says, is not the size of that which is
acquired by the trade powers of thnt
which isii ot acquired. In the ten
(Con'iniied on 1'nge U.)
LOS AXUKLKS, Juno :. N. S.
Zogg, self-styled Mexican revolution
try general, deelured on the wiliu-s
stand in tiio superior eotut today that
he had been engaged by General llur
rikou Gray Otis, owner of the Los
Angeles Tunes, nnd General H. J. Vil
joen, a former lioer leader, to orj,an
izo u revolt in Lower California, uu
alleged project which recently result
ed in tho indictment of General Otis'
son-in-law, Harry Chandler, on a
charge of having conspired to iolaU
American neutnility.
General Otis said today bo had
never heard of Xogg. General Otis i
nt Tehon Kiincho, near nakersfli'Id,
ami was reported by telephone.
"I don't know any ons by the namo
of Zogg," Guuorul Otis said, 'and I
never authorized him or anyone ol
to orguuixo un expedition to Lower
California. The uiuii is nut tailing ths
Harry Chaudlor, ww-in-law of
Gonsrul Otis, also statad ho had never
heard of Zogy-
(,I hoard several day n that this
man was tailing snail a story," said
Mr. Chandler. "The sotry, I think, is
a fnliHeaUan for the purpose of bis
offense of passiag valueless chocks."