SR- s& V - ff 4 c4 xt-' s Vv',-v SIX MFNiTSONSOF WMftt ErthMM at $5t,OM,IOI Left to Trwt by Witt if LNsitanla Vic- ttm Sm hy First Wife Bequeathed ;i5,Ht,0-WWw Given Legacy WI fcrJJWW"! LSfalOS NKW YOHK, Mnv 29. The bulk of ihc -f.tste ef Alfml 0. Vrtinlerhill. Mkii ertt4i6l on tho Lusitniiin, nntt which linn boon ftttimntctl at inoro th iffiOjWW.WW, is loft in truM to tAGB ' VANDER8ILT GET FORTUNE'S BULK Mh infant nons by his second wife. Wurgflrel timc-rnon VaiulprbilL They r .Alfred Q. ,Tr. ntul leorpp. Mr. VmniwMlt'a tvill wan filed for pro- 1 Willis a' II. VHndcrbiH, bis son by i Jkin first wife, Elmo French Ynnder; r)rtH, rho was divorced from him, ro 'edvee a trust fund 6f $f,000,000 and ., Ihe. Vaileriritt properties, known an ,. Oakland Fans, lie in 13 year old. Tm),wm1ow rrecivcH $3,000,000 and ' Ik wjcome of $6;e0,OOe in trust, to gether with the VanderbiU estate in the Adirotidiiks and Gloucester house ' )H .London, England, Relatives and menus reecne be- C qHct ranginR from 61000 to $1, 506,900. The two infant sons show alike in the rest. Their legai'ied will fee held in trust for them until thc, t are twenty-one. The bulk of the Vandcrbilt millions came into the possession of Alfred G. Vandcrbilt uihmi the death of bis father, Cornelius Vandcrbilt, in ISP'.). At that time young Vandcrbilt, just out of Yale, was in Japan on a tour of the world he had planned to lat two years. He hurried home nnd, reading tho will of kin father, learned thai ho would have to wait until he was 30 kef ore he would come into any ap preciable part of the fortune." Then )m wa to receive half. At 3fi he wns to receive the other helf. Mr. Van derfeik was 37 last October. Cor M4ts. the older brother, cut off in the will with only a million dollars, received $0,000,000 more as a pift from Alfred, Cornelius was not mentioned in the will filed today. w,1efence litigant, dead W.. J. Booncy, Jackson county'H beet known litigant, died at Sacred Heart hospital May 4, age 70 years, and his body thijied to Rosebiir for buriaL Helnthen mado application Friday of the county court for tho t-hipmeal of the body to Canada at tousty expense. Bootscy was born in Kent county, Kngland, and tho new of his death was not given (he usual publicity, at the lcqucM of relatives. lie in survived by two daughters and A son. Dooscy owned n btrip of laud five .wiles norihwcbt of Mcdford. In n pioneer survey a strip of valuclc- land bordered on the section that wa Hsed hh a road. Boosey claimed this strip and moved his fence to embrace it. His action was contested and for five years "tho fight for the land was carried through tho jjustice and civil courts and finally to tho state su preme oourl. Hoowy lost in every court, and he then tried to invoke thu aid of the Uritibli iimhnssador at Washington; without siicces. As sault and contempt proceedings weic eide issues in tho long-drawn-out tJtne fence'' fight, and the county court involved. Uoosey to tho last fiaver gave up hojsj of winning thu disputed Inud whoso value was prac tially nil. Of late tho controversy ebbed, but for months t was n burn utgissiie, and was southern OregonV 'greatest, fen.Qe,, dispute. v i A IfrHaWc, Hair Toalc. It is aa ay matter to prevent dts ..aai of tke scalp by using Merltol Hair Twite. 9 It should be used reg ularly to kep the' seslp free of l, ptNrms, as thw germs are the cause ( ta majority of eases of dsndruff mi UtsraaldaeM. We are author HU te aasraatee Merltol Hair Tonic. Haeklae Dru ' Wore. Exclusive ,(prjoet 6.0 a4 11.00. tt AVYO JMUtVICK. .' TMtUorW4 will leave Eagle Ntet pt alfiee,1 with ike mall every IteadayvjWeaaeefa aad Friday at 7 'aleak aw. and Uve return the same tfaya, leavlag Med'ferd at 8:30 a. m! lift WmU Paint RaUe fer passea ai yjaaaaMv i. M, HAKNIHII ' Male' oW, Oroau v ... . MUSICALEGIVEN MONDAY BY HALLIDAY HAIGHT Tho song recital given by Mrs. Klorchctrllaltldny-llclKht nt tbo First Uniitlst church Monday evening in MS wn tc Mia "MatiTare t'W? ""? V0' ' "7 .VUXV "' Ma' 3lu JThV plr J iy asals IS M ,vilwt Wortmnn "impromptuy V nlB lh'0 ,,,,. onuni or ,h brldA M Jorr!iIlh'll,h0W .? "l M. first In ller luxuVlous homo? which slio prescuto .TnckS of Albany MorcncQ i row'fruiRC. .Mr. i-Trresi t Kilmrnilp nml Mr l.ntils Ilnnncil. ' pupils of Mra. , T. ...... .-.. ......... --. --, iicnuou, pupiia oi . rs. Ma.gui; " ",?,.cfl rcn plahUts: while Mis Vnro- denovlevo Wortman. piano, and Miss , j kg WM wAl rwclw that Cnrollta .Tacks, render, was a pro- 'm,M wllK ftn Pncor0. ,Mr, nounced success. Tho au.tlcnce was' , Vi, imih.i nsV.,,t . nrrn.,,1 IlnlcJit nlsn Mlssi. . .... i .. ... j . . nntgill, aiso Jiiss,, iMi nlnhlilx wlilln MIrS Vnrt)- . ... large and most apprcclatlw. Mils Jacks has studied under Mrs. Halght seven months. In that com paratively short time she has by her aptitude and atudteusacss accomp lished what the average vocal pupil takes at least two jrnrs to attain. In every number sho rendered, whether oratorio, songs or opera, tho beauti ful quality of her lyric soprano voleo showed to advantage Her last solo, tho difficult polonnltt from "Mlg non." by Thomns, was almost tualt less in execution, tho most difficult passages being sung with the greatest ease and facility. There was somo doubt expressed by ono or two per sons In tho audience as to the high note In the foregoing number K flat in alt. MIfs Jacks sung It with such clearness of attack that It sounded even to some musicians present moro like the average soprano high C. Miss Jacks' excellent training was again shown In tho beautiful duet "Quisles Home," from "The Stabat Mater" by Rossini, sung with Mrs. Halght. Miss Jacks, though the stcllcr at traction, divided the honors wttli those who assisted Mr. Louis Den nett, who possesses a splendid basil volcesnB with fine feeling tho Dudley Iluck number "Judge Me, O God." Mr. Forrest Edmcadcs, a pop ular singer and successful choir di rector, caused considerable comment by his rendering of the exquisite tenor solo, 'Ahl Moon of Mr De light," from "In a Persian Garden," and McDowell's "Thy Ilcamlng Byes." His high tones wcro rich and velvety, another example of well- placed upper tones, while his Inter pretation was excellent. Miss Florcnco Trowbridge, a young girl of thirteen, offered tho real sur prise of the evening's recital. Sho has the necessary requisites, besides, a fine votco, to become a successful i public slngor, namely, modesty and nwtu ranee. Individuality and tracta- blllty, a good physlquo. Her solo, ' m Our Memorial Tribute AC M We join with our fellow-men in tfie solemn observance of this Memor- tiitlf lv al day and in commemcration of those who made possible our freedom l'j I . one nation and one flag. "A government of the people, by the people, ' I for the people, that shall not perish from (lie earth." ( I HEDFOUD MATTi TRIBUNE, "A 01 pay Maiden I," by I'arker, wan ghen In a manner worthy of a ma ture Manor. These pupils havo stud ied only a short ttmo with Mrs, Height but nlrondy show tho stamp of tlm maulers, Mrs .HnkhlV ox- pcrlenco as a successful concert vo calist alnco tho ago of fifteen com bined with her years of study under four of tho greatest Kuroponn and American vocal tencrcra enables her to Impart pot experimentations hut positive. KwlwlR.or ho great art of "jIkIuk. ( " , . " The program- vas nWreeably var- led with h pis no nWo by Mlsa, Oeiv , . Poll.ini. fnrvard as ono of our i ' . . " "" .' -" . ...... ... Fred Alton Halght acted as accom panist In his nsual artistic manner. FIRST WEEK OF BIG SALE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Tho first week of tho going out of hi,0 j,nj mippnsed, however, and she tho Clothing huslnoH sale at Deuel's , finds flight Impossible. Despairing clorcd last nlsht and over half of , of escape from tho well known cruel the big stock ha. been disposed of. f U kl"; "J" m,"f'r" ?X Thoro nro many wonderful bargains left all over tho storo however and tho sale will continue this week. II. W, Craig who luw charge of tho sale. Is one of tho most successful sales managers on the Pacific coast, and as an evidence- of his ability and square dealing this Is tho fourth sato ho has conducted for Mr. Deuel, who rays It Is the largest and most satis factory ever held. Mr. Craig has a number of customers on tho coast that ho conducts gales for every year. Ho la a great believer In ad vertising and says a sale without tho liberal use or printers Ink is llko a Fourth of July without flro crackers. xotich. Notice Is hereby given that tho nn dcrslgned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, nt their next regular meeting on Juno 1, 19 IS, for a llcenso to sell spirituous, vinous nnd malt liquors at retail at his place of business at No. 2, North Front street. In said day until Dec. 31, 1D1G. Dated May 15th. 1915. -H E. O. BROWN." XOTICK On May tst wo terminated our con tract with tho Willys Overland Co., and aro no longer Klllng tho Over land car. All 'cars sotd and guiranteed by us will, however, rccclvo the usual attention and service provided In our guarantee until tho resular guaran- tec penou uaa cxpircu. 59 C. K. OATES. fttEDFORT), OT7KOON, ' ! ' .nm ST. TOPRESENTBIBUCAL Mary Magdalen, an n,oreMlng and beautiful drama, ,jvlll bo glmn by tho pupils of St. Mnry's Academy lit tho ahdltorluui of tho neadomyi Moil- rn- "lloki homo, on- i ' terlnlnlhtr tho ilUtlnetlUlinl ltdmans i..,. . i ,...,.. .v.(fjA...,i.. ;. ' uviiik n auuon nun ' uiim who ... .... . . ...... .. Mntt ,hi lror ot . P" VcSnrt aclta In L0Hetd"s olie .r,,n 5 ,rVn(,H tAi iiirfiEiirf. mn inrnr nr hinv iinrmi. tho throil ajace: a quarrel takes plaeo; h reproaches Terodlas for bringing ruin and trouble upon him In asking (or tho head of John tho Haptlst. In a tl( of Jealous rage she declares sho will lenvo the pataco, I Herod's dlsntcasum la greater than I "III! 1 (.lion ui mnv, mninn n mmi. ' dies. In tho third act, Magdalen hears of the death or her little friend Ruth, thedaughler of lite rich ruler, Jalrus. Deeply grieved sho reviews her own life nnd finds no contort In It. Ruth restored to life by tho holy prophet finds her in this state and urges her to seo tho holy ono. Martha, Mag dalon'a shter, adds her entreaties to thoso or Ruth. They hear the lloa nnnas or tho crowd that accompanies the opproachlng Master who Is alsjut to pass the garden where Magdalen sits, looking up alio beholds. His sacred fnco and surrendering to tho love In the glance that falls upon ber, kneels nnd yields. The deep and tendor Interest of tho gospel narrativo Is well kept In tho beautiful scenes which aro full of unusual and sustained charm. Tho cast or characters Is as follews: "Fairy Land." volcnl trio, , Class "II Trovatoro," piano duo Helen Reddy. MalKl Scuddcr, Lu- clle Koontz. Vera Samuels. "Dolly. Dolly," ..-y Clasa'Song Junior Olrls. Piano Mary nrown Mary MMjiIcm Mary Magdalen-.-,, Helen Reddy Martha, her sister..... Mlnnlo Owens Ruth, daughter of Jarlus.................... . .... ...., Lucllo Koontx Miriam, Sara. Sapphlra.Jowlh Maids Florcnco Reddy, Anna Holtgang, Neva Samuels ' Anna, Leah, Zolphal Servants Ruth Campbell, Agnes Mahar, Ro- becca Ilacon. King Herod Richard Daloy Herodlas. his wife, . Ruth Schuler MARY'S PUPILS RAMA MONDAY SATURDAY, MAY 20, .15)15 l L' 1. i-m.i.j-i.j.1 .; Salomn, iliuiRhor"o'f fllorodlaR.... ,. ...... ..Mnbol Hcudder Dllvln, Dallln, Flavin, Roman ladles, s Agnes llrler, Klliabolh Nlohols, Ornio llrler, Sephorn, Rhea, nttondantn, . . ., . Mary llrown, Font Wing Chusr., Herod'n steward , Merle Morrlman Onblnus, offlrer of llerod'a court . . Kdwnrd Maher Reuben, page of llorod's court..... . Wllllnm Rice llnxunl, n Tyrlnn merchant . . .. i ..i..-..., Paul Lansing Flower Olrls lloleu Herbert, Wlnnl- rred Clayey, Fay larnql, Mydrud Servants, Pages, People. Act I -Residence or Mary ot Mag dalk lnaallre. "Talt Tpp Hat,' class song. Juniors Piano, Wlnnlfrcd C.lnncoy "Tho Swallows, piano solo Jean Rteolo "l es Itefmlnn des Ornnd Meres" Wlnnlfrrd Claue)', Helen Herbert Piano, Neva Samuels Act It Throuo room In Herod's palaro lii Onlltw. "Military Polonaise," piano solo, Catherine Done! Vocal solo, (a) "Tho Klcgy" (hi "Mighty Lick a Roso" C. Andrews Violin obligate. Irene Sullivan. Piano, Catherine Deuel Act III Mary's garden at Magdala Death Trance Medium Palmist-Clairvoyan AIUMVF.U IN MKDFOItll AND Hi: C'tlltKH PARLORS AT TIIK PALM i:m wkst .main ht. jivi PIUK)F OK II Kit (IRIIAT 1H)W KILHt MVHTIFIKS IIKK UALIJrULS. How can I havq good luckT How can I succeed In business? How can I mako my homo happy How can I conquer my enomlcsT How can I marry tho ono I choose? How can I marry well? How caq I marry at all? How can I conquer my rival? How can I mako anyone love me? How foon will my lover- propose? How can I get a letter? How can I get n good position?' How can I rcmovo bad Influence? How can I control any ono? How make distant ones think of mo? How can I settle my quarrel? How cin 1 hold my huiband'a love? How can I bold my wife's love? They enter hor parlors with skep ticism' and prejudice. They depart filled with admiration or tho words or truth and wiidom which fell from hor lips. Ily consulting Mmo. Kloemoro you will Itsirn how to lestorn health, retain your youth nnd vitality. Without any previous knowledge and having no natural mentis of knowing whom you nro nnd whence or for what you camo, sho tells your namo, occupation, what you camo for, tolls of your enemies and friends or husband, wife or lover; lulls whom and whore you will marry, how to win tho ono you love; who Is true nnd who Ik falso; tolls bow to at tack, control and change tho thoughts and Intcntlpns, nct.lons or habits of anyone secretly, tho control of pow er luplantcd In your nature Hor powers nro wonderful and Indisputa ble; ber ndvlco Is reliable, her Infor mation clear, concise, and to tho point In love, murrlago, divorce, In vestment, business, old and mining claims, etc.; taking no fee In advance and accepting nono unless you obtain tho Information for which you con sult her. Tells how to Improve your character and educate yourself so that you will reach tho highest pops. Iblo development of montal vigor, health nnd happiness und capacity to earn wealth,, bow to accumulate wealth, how to locate burled trnas urea, Insuro success or chargo you nothing fqnjuur oorvlces. - Office, hours 10 a. in. tq 8 p, in. Paid Adv War Declared On nil miorobcH, gowns, dirt rind spots. Our plant is modern, sanitary and wo know how. Try us and be convinced. Special attention to all classes of work. (ggg? i $'" M w Kswfeur .. :zZ'j m$im .Mi:i)FMtI Medford Vulcanizing Works Mi:iit)iti, PAGE WIRE FENCE Is IIm choice of every careful fence buyer. You can see It along nearly every road nnd (arm In Southern Oregon and Northern Call fornla. WE HAVE THE RIGHT STYLE FOR YOU. .. .., wp . -rtft-a i Our 12-bar 4-lnch General Purpose Fence Is a winner. It repre sents mast value fer the money. Will turn pip, hogs, sheep and cattle. Every line wire Is mafc double strength, stretches tight over rough and hilly ground. Gives you just what you need In fence sw- vice WE SELL SUPERIOR FENCE SERVICE AT THE RIGHT PRICE GADDIS & DIXON "THE PAGE MEDFORD, Jackson Creamery AT Weinhard Will Be Ready to Receive Cream Juiie 1,1915 4 ' Your Patronage Solicited AGENTS DE LAVAL JiSr WITH FISK SERVICE IF YOU PAY MORIJ THAN FISK PRICES You Pay for Something 'flint Docs Not Exist KIm I'lnl" Trrwl noxll !. ttoxiiU - ittivtMi - UI, M....MU...M...M HMK1 II It I HMO Hill H - J7.t.1 t!7il ...... ...... .......... tU.lil Hire. NnHkM Triwl itoxii - V IWi!i .. .,..m...... M.lMI :uti ao.ixi Jlli t . 'tnsss""" aMlII tl?Jafl a n ..., IUI,1MI AC.KNCV oiinoov wmi ttvrift SUtCf1Mi H law. Mr- FENCE MEN" OREGON County THE Ice Depot i FOR THE SEPARATOR A A A II Phone 244" J-Wr i ,