v ''a. 6F ft , r-y , "A ? r ASHLAND AND VICINITY Flint Ctiininiiiy, (', A. H, iHtlllhiu twice a Wi't'k milvinliiy inUiiu of weekly. TIiIm Im mil ilm miy wur Ki'iiri', hut nliiiiily In not In rniMlltii'HM lor llio minimi iiiiiiiuiiiiu'iil id Km I HIcvciih JntiM tfi-UH, nt which uutlicr liitr llio local eonlliiueiil will lie well ri'ini'Hitntoil, (I. L rViuiiNiui, h)'ihoiiI1mk Mel t A Mtllt it it It'c iiiNiinniri' inlornMa ut ,MiM,llVn!l,t!:uK,mi AhIiIiuiiI IvWIni Allium :j,"'Mllll ThuH'tliiy, liilt'cVlmvliiK. l.Wit;Miui nH'iVhin('l(i'r,;,! i ' '' TIMi In (l ' wiH1hfjlu'il rtjflmt ))iiviilcnl Jif-iti lit'itt oTW)ilife,,(vfll,lit "10 ill IliWi AmiiiiihI inlnff In, the iiCifr IiiIiih'. NYnhliiuhiii iifirllfo, nun of whom Is .u ufnrmOr ntileiil. Iihvo tiilit'ii uvir Uii' propi-ily mi n llOMll JliVl'll III lOlMll Ull'llltllr, llllll will illicit! with ih'wlrtpun'iit work. ?Hiv, Viinl Mitel If my, fornmr I'ri'xhyli'iiuii piiNlor licit', how of linker, uhxi'rviil lliimiiiiilv Day, .May, 10, in a prai'tii'ul way. IIiiiiicm' Wild Ailliiiitl Nhmv Kuiiilnyeil in hit (own mi lluil pmtiiMilur ln le, utnl llrv. .Mud li'iir.v took in ration to write Uii' miiiinger jiiiiI trainers In liahl Miihlmlh Mjrvinw. Tim invitation vvim ufci'pt 'I, llii' atiirln'H or lat hhow were Mijvi'rall. inroiliii'('i in the iiHilii,ti",i mill Ilia ri'tult wan that I hern 'im a Miy lulereMiiiK ami oiMirtouo wric of aihlri"M on thn humniia ttcntuuMt t of nuliimh hy men who Ihoroiigltly know tlii'ir enlliijr anl"wliou Keiill iih'iiIm williniit exception fnuiiil en prtion in hchnir of IoiiiIiimm to ilatah llllillllllH, .Mr. Newell WrigM, wife of tlm liH'al H. P. tieket uncut, rrturneil WiVmii'tilav from a vintt w!i ii'ln lUi'h at Hosi-hnrt;, , i titl Wiilcojli, liiilMer, nitiL poiilrnr lor lltHofm o .MonlHgW, (!al.,'to rcmnlii iilricfluilcly on a ciirHutcr jolt tlii'rc. Tin loenl Itolii'hali lodge lichl high carnival nt 0hl IYIIhwm hall on Tnivitny eAeiiinjr. The degree tram gn n May nIiowci in behalf of two pniMMitlva Jmm hrhh, hath school tcni'liiTH, anil who, In addition to lia iiiK prd(!iiiii", hold tlin two hiuhi'Ht offu'CH ri"Nctivi'ly In llu Itcbcknh follouiii).', A ri'Mitl'il innovation in WW Side Krhnol ciri'li'M littn licoi n I'onuiidrum hour, Him n'pli1' lp wlili'h,piTially from primary piipiN, litiva hccn in ii'tlain inNtanrt'M rathor more ilixcon rcrliiiK' than Vilifying to hulli Icarlc ipm and wi'Mii-rt , .. s j Altlninch AMilitinl U JiiWAfW'" n jMiUint u' n'mdntiy ooiiMtitutvtl IoWa fooifiy, it ix thought (lint mum hcrx of tlii' lnpiii; orpinixation could ho mohiliKi'il on ohort nolicc. TIiIh in mcntioncil in view of the ni- imir that the Iluwkcyc orKaniMition t, Mcilfonlj i'oiit'iiiplatvA . l-iliii (hj lonlil'iit ho ;iix fnvorabln opportunity, tVi wiilch'avcnltlicy will ha heartily wclcomcil. The local m. ctcly wiN in o.xUtcncu ahoiit throe ycarx, anil iluriii); tliat period piled np a Mirplnx of 7(1 cents which amount in now unfely dcNixilvd ill tin FirM Kalional hank. TIioiikIi defunct, the late axociatiou Iiiim xuiic active workers uotahly ('. It. I.am liiu mid li. J. Orrcx, cither of hoth of whom will drum up a coaliup'iit on xhoit nolicu to make the vixit of the Med ford lownim a pleaHant one. Iter! (Irccr divon'cd himself from pipeline proN'c and lilliiu effer vetpcnco IiinI WVdaeMilay evening, loiic enough to K to Kukciic, where, on May L'H, he pnrlicipatcrt in the second annum coineri'iiee of llii l.eapte of Orepm Muuii'jpaliticM. Dr. I). M. IlrowerV family U pack- inj; up, preparatory to moving to Myrtle prvek, where the doctor pre ci'od llii'iu i'iiie time a'o, lilaxiiiK the lor a iniury. Mrtiinnwu Home in Ilitil 'locality. The nppolattueat 'oN (Miefler Ste- 'i;nMii a HprinjiM eamminHlomtr lia heflu ratified iniaiiinioiiHly hy thn cily council. 'I lie naniea of I'. K. Wnlnou ( . I.nmkin uiilld W'. A, Patrick lim! Iiccn mentioned in the hiiiiip eonnce tion. Haturday May '-!, th( date of au aiicliou advertiwed lor closlntr out the equipment of thn ho. called l'oly. techule feliool here, which cloven SU dors Juno 1. The iiaiue "iiolyleeh niii'' U a uiisiioinev mul hitM been i himdicap from the ntart, iiiaHiinieh an the hcIkioI Iiiim lieen a cyniinercinl nun front lis inception, wilsrt li K,i(,d oijev W'ltth llie iiHliillutlou of j'tuvi luarcinr eniir.e, hiiwiivi-r, In the liiuh hcIiooI, tho I'idvteeliiiie'rt days were luTliihered, uotwithMlandinK the inntl- tutioa Imd liemi from tliuo lo time ' ltt'tyity HtiliHtulUpd hy local IntfthieKH "iWC,0,,IV A'C S'lto. nro now i aMy iltqHWr74iVburoftriMVll ntf'J P M. W)eli,,iOrJoiivila, Mlnji.. hiiNlieii liarii (IiIh ' wegk looking llilo'iinliiMit (In; vlilley.iiiul In vest ij;ut iiijt i'h oppoililiilllcH foi' employment ned liivclinenl. .Wit Hi (lie vIvcn of iliieeloih lit the Kjk of JnlecH, (lie ht'hnol hoard enlcrlalul'd tho Icm-heix ul ik Social icuiilon nl Dlreclni1 HIiiiiwoii'm 'I'hi'h. iliiy ()Tiliitf, Kcvoiul of I lie ImifliPi'N ho hciii not pivxciil lo way nil ick'olr utjliit cmJclyHioH pf hq ncliou lend, KWJ( llH'll' KIVcIIhuh l Ilia ((Hint of OSCAR AND Ll"fl'" rViiunriiiiiuj f twift'rii l7i ! M' ri 2AVr - TsvC- - riW - u r 4A jk JKUJinjimji m vcrtY csyi irt'iT 10 v m fil,Wk" I ,,mlZ 3 &&'' hoiiml fn'nii Ht'iillle to Han DIcko in n hraud new (liuNou 0, paHMcd Ihronuh here Tuesday. The drive fitatcd that the trip would he made in npile of olftnelcM, and that there would I"1 no rccourxe to train Helied uliw under penally of heavy forfeit, . Mi KninccM Mulct left Tliiinoluv for an exlendi'd wlav wild rcIalMeN and liieiid'i lu Poillaml. Riortil by JkCltion Couutr AU tract Co.. fllxtu nnit Ftr 8t. rifrult (Jeo, V. Kloidiuimon vii, I-M A. ! leu at nl, reply, Kiniim .MiirKarel Diinlup ct nl v. Hven Inn. Co., onlor; motion, T. K. Holloa et nl vr. Halntlilel (liirwel et nl, nrlittnnl amtwer of Allro nnd John Winder. I'rolmtn Kutnte of John II. Ilycrly, proof of ntihllrnttoii of nntlco to creditor. Ileal IMxilc. Traiikfem Krlo Wnltem to Hauiuol Dyer, lot In ldk 4 I'ark add. Med ford 1.00 Chun, II. Wnodwnnl to II. P. llcnlnKcr, Unit In 3fi. 40, 1V 10.00 J. U. Dyer to Snmmjl Dyer, lot In blk i l'nrk add, Mod ford ..- i 1.00 rliiiiinel Dyer to CtMirKO T. I.yucli dt iu. lot In blk I, Park Add. Miilford .. ...... 10.00 O. y. Bartln it x to (Juitnv Wcxtoti, 20 nc In 330. JV IU0O.0O NOTICM Notlco In livrcby given ttiat Po on donilKncil will apiily to tho clty.coun rll or tho city of Modfont, OrcKon. at Kb next reKOlar, incctlrtB. Juno J t. ,10 in, for a liconito'toJflU Valrltuoui, vlnott alidina l"P.ni in niantt tlea Jena tfinn a gnllon, nt their plnco of liunliK'Jin on flouth Kir ntrect, lo wfttcd iirrtots in,. 11. nnd 12, block it, of the orlKliifU.towmilto, In atd city, for n period of lx month, iiorrci MOOIIR. Dato or flrnt publlcntlon May 18, 19 1C lott ham: To clno an entntc, t offyr for nalp 40 ncreit or Mpluudld land In tho heart of tho valley, nit under cultiva tion and fence, also containing an eight room honr.o. electric IlKhtcd with wnter In kitchen, good barn ami othur out bulldliiKR, about T acrei yoilnn orchard, bnlauco lu grain nnd nlfuirn, on pacific Illghway nnd clone In, Tho best buy In tho valley at $2fiQ nil nr.ro. Kor paitlcularn cnll nt roomi) 20-20-27 over Jackson County Hank bulldliiK, Medford Ore. for th COURTHOUSENEWS r s& m m rtSL .w y - '75 BBBBBBBsi r9 T4MGrdn Rccip Tea Garden wholesome of for all cooldncr superior to clucose Hiul frOBtlnara. Trv Ten Bflflflflflflflfll V S Bflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfli " AT your redpo for thq dftinty you. Hko the beat wo'll pay $76 for thb beat recipe submitted and jfcjlr $25 for, the second boat 3 TeaGardenSyrup for the Children . Tea Garden "4, foojtl ayrup K for tho can't hut fl MkvsUm try t mMu Ink JF vA ill bv! KJbF KRDfORD MOTU TRTBTTNE, MEDFOKD, OiWION, FRTDAT, MAY 28, 1015 L.'li. '.TH,1..: rwrr: ADOLPH . vr UIfcT CHf!Mv A( . or wrlto Mr. !4wl, ndmlnUtratrlx, Control Point, Ore. MAY LHWIH, .N'i'ii May Dnvldnon, ailmlnUtrntrlx. noticr. f, Notlro Ih hereby nlven Hint tho nrv ilnrHlKiind will apply to tho city coun cil or tho city of Medford, Oregon, at their next regular meeting on Juno 1, 191$, for n license to Belt nplrltuoii, vluotiN nnd mnlt liquors nt retail at liln place of bunlncsB at No. 2, North Kront ntret, In tald day until Dec. 31. J DIG, x DAted May ICth, 1915, J5. CJ. UltOWK. SOME DONITS For Stomarli ami Uver Huffcrcni Don't tnko medicine for your Htoniach nlliaent morning, noon and nicht, an uiually biicIi medlclncB only ?lve temporary relief and aim ply illgo.it tho food than happen to bo In thn Htoinnch. Don't permit n aurglcal operation. There li nlwnya iwrlou lauger In operatlona and In many case or Htoniach, Liver and lutcitlnal All meiB the knlfo can bo avoided it tho rlitfit remudy li taken In time. Don't go around with a foul ttnell lug breath routed by a dUardercd Htomach and Liver, to the discomfort or thoiio you como In contact with. It you nro n Stomach sufferer, don't think you can not bo holped; probably worne cane than yours liavo been Krnmncntly restored by Mayr'a Wonderful Itntnedy. Mont Btomaeh ailments ore mainly cnused hy n ratarrhnl condition. Mnyr'a Wonderful llemody not only removci thu catarrhal mucus, but al lays tho chronic Indamntlon and as sists In rendering tho ontlro alimen tary and Intestinal tract antiseptic, and this Is tho secret of Its marvel nun success. t Don't stirrer constant pain nnd agony nnd allow your stomach cli nical to physically undermine your health. No matter how sevoro your enso may bo or how long you liavo surforod ono doo or Mnyr'a Won derful Itomedy should ronvlnco you Hint you enn be restored to health agnln. Mnyr'a Wonderful Remedy has been taken nnd Is highly recom mended by Members of Congress, Justlco of tho Supremo Court, IMu cators, Lawyers, Merchants, Hankers Doctors, Druggists, Nurses, Manu facturer, Priests, Ministers, Farm ers and peoplo in all walks of lire. Send for ritlCi: valuablo booklet on Stomach Ailments to (leo. II. Mnyr, ir,4-ir,C Whiting St., Chicago, 111. Mnyr' Wondorrul Hemedy.ls rold by lending druggists everywhere with tho positive understanding that your money will ho refunded without ques tion or qulhhlo If ONI? Itottlo rails to give you absolute satisfaction. AdV. ife. Pdican Molaue IsBmC S AboLPH, look iu rfi HIOH CKAZ,Wit,. ) PWto MB A A&AXAiA,l VYTX IT'S A CumLK J FREE m BMt is the most purest Byrup purposes. It is syrups for candy G anion and Bend us arc j Svrun.is a and l ideal children - . tktlr .S It, Vm m. ajBBjp V9 aaBBaj .YLBB BBBBBB PaliCMU Mvfomm I. HA LAJU Ji-J ... rrj.'i.i -..Li.ij.ij wosoir(?s 133 none M. ,ClfATI0 3VIM STUDYING A .VOTICH i)P SIII.'ltlKP'H ham: William H. Crowoll, Plaintiff, vn, Mary II. Daggett. Qeorgc II. Daggett, and K. 0. Matblion, defendont. Hy virtue of an execution and an order or snlo duly Issued out or tho Circuit Court r the Courity or Jack son, and State or Oregon, and to inn directed, dated tho 1 0th day or May, ltir, in a certain foreclosure suit therein, wherein William H. Crowed as plnlntltr, did on tho 19lh day or May, in in, recover judgment and de cree against tho defendants Mary H. Daggett and Oeorgo II, Daggett for tho sum or ffi94 1.3.1 with Interest thereon rrom the rendition or said Judgmont, to-wlt, the said l'Jth day or May, 191S, nt tho rao of 8 per cent per annum and the further sum of fno.f.o costs; and disbursements which said judgment and decreo Is or record In Volume 22 or tho Jour nal ot said court nnd secured de creo ngolnst tho defendant, I-, a. Mathlsen: Notlco Is hereby given that In oho dlenco to said execution and order ot sale, I will, on Saturday, tho 2Cth day or June. 1015, at tbo hour or ten o'clock In the forenoon or said day at thn front door or tho Court llousii In Jacksonville, Jackson Coun ty. Oregon, offer for sale and will se at public auction to tho highest bidder tor cash, subject to redemp tion as provided by law, all ot tho right, title nnd Interest that tbo de fendants herein had on tho dato ot tho mortgage mentioned In said foro closuro suit, or have slnco acquired In and to tho following described real property, situated and being In tho County or Jackson, State or Oregon, to-wlt: Doing lot No. J 1 or O. II. Daggett's Orchards described as follews: , From tho "S. W. corner of D L. C. Uot 07 in Tp. 37 S. or It. 5 W. W. M. run S. 0 deg, 04' Hast on West lino or said claim, 2K8C ft., thence N, 80 deg. T,y Hast 12C5 It. to tho point or beginning; thenco N. 0 dog. 04' W., 24S.O teat; theneo N 89 deg. C4' K 170.0 ft., thenco N. 0 deg. 04' W. 4C0.0 reel; tbenco N. (.9 deg. r.G' H., 437.0 teet to drsiwj thence S. 20 deg. ST. w 27 reot'ln draw; thenco 8. S2 deg. 15' K., ilSS.O teet lu draw, thonce 8 03 dg. Of,' W., ST. feet In draw: thence N. Si deg. 15' W.. 1 ICO reel In draw; thenco S. 15 deg. 0' W. G4.0 teet In draw; thenco S. 21 dog. 30' K. 123.0 feet In draw; thenco 8. C3 deg. 0' V., 236.0 teet In draw; thenco S. 35 deg; 30' W., 42.0 teet In draw; thenco 8. S deg. 03' E. 2411.0 teet In draw to road; thenco 8. 89 deg. 55' W. 385.0 fret In draw to the point of beginning, contain ing 0,18 acres. . Also lot No. 4 a. II. Daggett's Orchards, described as follews: From a stono monument at tho N. W. corner of D. L,C. No. 07 In Tp. 37 8. or !. 2 W.. W. M. run 8. 89 deg. 47' i:., 1059.0 reel on said claim line to tho point or beginning; Thenco 8. 89 dog, 47' B. 350.0 reot on claim lino; thence 8. 0 deg. 04' K.. 12G0.0 root; thence N. S9 deg. 47' W.. 350.0 teet; thenco N. 0 deg. 04' W., 1200.0 teet to tho point ot beginning, con taining 10.11 acrs. All ot tho anoYe described real property will bo sold at said tlmo and place In tho mannerprovldcd by law tor tho sale or real property under execution to satlsTytho Judgment FOK KKNT HOUHRKHKl'lNCl DOOMS FOR ItKNT Modern furnished house-keeping rooms. Phone 372J. 01 W-.M... FOR RENT Fiiralshed housekeep ing rooms. Clean and comfortable. Reasonable, phono 379-Jj FOU SAtJV MTMIOCK FOR SALE Young horse, holt cash. Phono 148X evenings, FOR 8ALK Several good brood bows to farrow soon;.Duroc grades, Ki tten Brothers, Central Point. 02 FOR SALE Eight good dairy cows, rour Just freslu others duo soon. Geo. Irwin, R. F. D. No. 1. Taleut, Ore,, or Phono 371J4, Ashland. 58 FOR SALE Horses and mutes, snaps tor quick salo, C, E. Gates. FOR SALE Pure bred, Rod Polled hull caU; puro bred Duroo Jersey spring pigs; polo mquntaln buggy. gooiKns now. Palmer Investmqnt (jo., Modoc Orchard. FOR SALE (lilts and weanling pigs trom prlxu wnulni; Duroo Jersey hord at Jackson County Fair. L. 11. HouBtou, 1 tiilla west or Tal ent, Phono 3-F18. 69 U.J . i- -i "T Trades for AU Houses for land and land for houses. If you have property for suit) or trade Hut Is. wtli us, giving us un idea as lo what you would ftinslder in uxchuuKtt, WE WILL nOTIIICHKHT. (IT fllE EXCHANGE" , ii ii i ii ' i I i i I I i I i 1 il li IT in li '1 . , "', n w ZAi. bos mvr . ' v ' i jU-ii: &?' r 'm I A AOADAVIA, J S .. . . "X. A. S ,-s. . . -, .. u ,i'l,a -v. (TITS' aAL i V. I5J Tf si a',i,th..iv ,-r ( '..i i i ; '. .- " A MCC ska. nhovo staled, together with costs and tho accruing Costs ot this sale. W. II. BINOLKIt, Sheriff or Jackson County, Oregon. 11 K. W.JVILSON, Doputyv KOlt nKir-nmmw FOU?BNT :ompietoiy furnished modorn bungalow, clone In, best residence district, to deslrablo ten ant only. Phone" 317. 59 FOIl ItBNT Modern srrcn room dwelling, nl conveniences, lawn, shade trees, on street car line Hast Medford. Seo (). K. Llndlcy at Jackson County Hank. 03 Fort HUNT Pleasant thrco room furnished bungalow, good location, rent reasonable. Phono 779J, or Inquire nt 527 So. Holly St. FOR HKNT Six room house, strictly modern, close In, east front nice lawn, garden and flowers. Reasonable, to desirable tenant Phone 372K or 32DM. FOU ItKNT Ono 8-room residence; also furnished housekeeping rooms. 310 K. ilartlett. FOIt ItKNT Furnished house. 4 rootas. strictly modern. ao tlock trom now federal building. Phono 931Lor call at 243 N. Holly St. FOR SALE KEAIi E8TATB FO?t "s,U.K6r trade," small' ranch good soil, a bargain if taken at once. Address 9, Mall Tribune. FOR 8ALB Or rent, tho Robert' home, 1009 S. Oakdale has been newly tinted and painted and is ready tor occupancy. Mr. Roberts would Uko to dispose or this prop erty and will sell on easy terms, or will rent the olace. Sco Geo, L. Trelchler. 33C S. Holly, Phone 721J. 09 FOR SALE Newport, eleven lots and two good houses In tho best part of tho city, ono block rrom pri mary school buildings, and two blocks from tho postotflce, three blocks from high school building. Will exchange for pear .orchard near Medford. What have you? W. J. Smith, P. O. Dox 484, New port, Ore. 59' FOR SALE lluy my .Improved SO acre farm and fruit ranch 3 1-2 miles from Eaglo Point. Rogue riv er valley; look no farther; this is It- Barly bargala gets growing crops and farm Implements; pos session at any old time by owner. 345 N. Ilartlett, City. 62 FOR SALE Nice bungalow, alt fur nished complete. Including a good uprleht piano; modern, except bath all for J1000, or less. 1129 W. 9th street. SO FOR SALE Flvo acres well Improv ed. 110 E. 14th. FOR SALE XISCKXiliAXKOTJB FOR SALE 1913 Uulck roadster, new tires, perfect running order, 1325. R. II. McCurdy. FOR SALE 1 30-H. P. Chalmers, tore door, 5 passenger; recently overhauled, good as new", very cheap. Hox K, this offlco. G9 FOR SALE Alfalfa cut slnco the rain, fU.OO per ton. Phouo 593J4. Gl FOR SALE Or trade, an upright piano In good condition. Welt known make; What have you? Would consider equity In small acrcago not too far out. Address H. O. F euro Mall Tribune. 02 FOR SALE brio 'sprny rip, f 150.00. Phono 403R. 01 FPU SALE Davenport dining tabto nnd chairs; china closet, bed springs, dresser and other house hold goods. 23 N. Orange. 123J2, FOR SALE, 4-cjllndor, 32-horso, 5 pnssongcr touring car; electric lighted, and fully equipped: very reasonable. Inquire at 527 Bo. Holly St., or Rooms 25-0-7, over Jackson County Dank. . WHY? IT IS YOUR IHMINBSS TO HEF. ME Oecauso my stock Iu trade Is to have optionod at the lowest easu prlco tho best, buy In this county, I have been on tno ground look ing out tor you for tho pat five yoars. Nearly everyday I have In vestigated tome "good thlug." I have eliminated everything except those deals which I urn convinced will se cure mo satisfied customers, Jn u few hours time I ran give you the benefit of this rwwuoh. It Is my buvlueis to kow you ovvr the eounty ana Introduce you lo tko jiesslbllltl hb4 oupertuulllvs litre, ate Md ford Nri d J. C, BARNES Umm aMM, I'M SiHUu lUuk 4W, AT THEIR FOR UKVt JHSC'KLLANF.OUa FoinVlwf " StoVo room In "fiafnett Corey Illdg., fronting on Grape St. Also most desirable offices, reasonable. Rest of service. L. L. Cathcart. Room 319, Phono 107. FOR RENT 30 room furnished ho tel. Address It, care Malt Tribune. HELP WANTED MAMS MALBrKlW'TErV-FirstVaii miners at uraden mine. Gold Hill. Oregon. WANTED First clas miners , fer .contract work at Uraden mine, Gold .HID, Oregon. WANTKt niTOATIOKH WANTED Vacuum cleaning, city or' country. Have high power gas machine. Work guaranteed. A.' C. Huson. Phone C2Sx. 68 WA.XTK1 TO BUY WANTKD-Tp buy any kind of standing hay. Phone C84R3. 59 WANTED By lady, targe furnished room, private family. Addre L. W. S., caro Tribune. 58 WANTED TO HUY 75 milk cows ob time; deferred payments well se cured. Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold Hill, Ore., II. A. Ensign. Manager. WANTEO HtnCKLtiArfKOCS mmtH WANTED Stock to pasture. Joe Cralne ranch. Route ,4, Medford. 07 WANTED Four er flv(e room fur- , niched house for 3 meaths. Box A A Mall Tribune. " 58 WANTED To hire kers end buggy orVar;. for light, country drlvlBg-' AddreiM 11. rar Mali Trlbnnc-. ' WANTED To buy old coins. Ad dress Postotflce Hex 306. Give full description. ,SL WANTED Stock to pasture, three miles above Bybee bridge ob Rogae river. J. C Moere, R. F. D. N'e. 2. Central Polat. 09. MOXKT TO lAiXS TO LOAN $3000.00 to loan en flrnt; mortgage security. Jap D. AnJ drews, 2 lb Qarnett-Corey Dldg. 58 IX)6 LOST Will the gentleman who ex changed hats by mistake at stastera Star lodge return tq HutefeUn & l.umsden'a store and excHange with C. I. Hutchison. HUSIN'KSS DIRECTORY Attenssysi PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MSALKt - Attorney s-at-Law, Rooms 8 slb4 i, Medford National Bask bide A. K. R:AMEd, LAWYER Ueraett Corey bldg. Wat. M. Celvlg. George M. Roberts COLVIO ft ROBERTS. LAWYKKaV Medrerd National Bank Building; v B. F. MULKEY QKO. W. CHERKT, Attorney s at Lsvr. jbcksob cenav. ty Bank Bulldlag. Ctttrefj'eef DR. A. R. HEDOHe. Dr. Loutee K Hedge Mecbaao-TherspUts, Chlre praetors, Spondylotberalsts. Theas yetems. Including dietetics, eartv tlve gysaBastlca. hydro-theraphy, etc., produce result In both aeute and, chronic diseases. Consults, ties free, Over Deuel Co., eor ner Mala aad Bartlett. Hours sv, as. te S b. as. Otber Bours j BBpolataeBt. Phone 1,70. DR,,R. J.LOCKWOOD,, Chlropraeter. serve speetaJlst Rooem 38S-I04-5. Garaett-Corey.bldg. Vapoi betas and scientific taaauce given i Beedle spray, bead mad abeuldei shower la connection; advice Ml dietetics. Ejdll...gyBastls. hydroptherspy.1 Lady .attendant Phone, office 543. residence 511-R, Nouwy l-ebew HELEN N. Y0CK8Y Notary pub lic Bring your work to ase at ta slta of the Mall Tribune, NEW TODAY Does your visitor from the east say our country Is fine, but tho prices uro high? If he does don't let It go nt that. I will lie pleased to show ranches as uood as any one owns anywhfro, uud ut prlett chwipar that similar, laud can be bought for In Ike Middle West. ThU tM. and it U a fsH, with our raveruble eilmate a4d ei) skouM swwri safe wuny kuy r (his summr IM us kw yeur frlMHds Mil illy uuij rnlry hH C. D, HOON writu mammiammmtSbk GAY BUSiffMMg Dikncrti Awto fhifeewee LAHBR ATTTO IfXTNO CO. i are operatise; the huaeet, eMeel' and best equipped plant Id tae Pa elfte aorthweet. Us eur strraaei when others fell.vBotd.aader gnat aatee. 3 NerU ritteeaU ft. PortlaB d. Ore. tnVfwfMf'tr aW rjj3 FRED N. CUMMIN08 KaaitMer i eeatraetor. 494 M.F. ft H. BlVjrBej ttBaawWei,, 3 iMTTIVeKMSf t dra4ae,:s)rard and 'a4, aa Bfevesseat. . . v iV S JsjslseBesi SsssajsnakM B4L W. Ms VAN aWOTM DsV a 4WAMlfcasOOM araaVi7 njttiiiri- il n Medftfd. Ore. W. If. SPIlINaKR. DK&WfOB ftee Hours 9 to Gf. '-TeataM (sj4 Sunday by appointment, dfflee . ' F k. It. Wg. ReeMeaee Faea 153 J; Of Dee 31 9J. v VlnBBSBndatfiahasieSBy at nefsBB1 'T'TWjfTsBBrslBj eljjnsrvy EMPLOYMENT AGENCY We wlad everybody teAcaor that the Old Ba ilable Bktaer Real Relate aad Was pteysaeat aaeaer, wlUsfet yeas hela, flad yoa enplearaseat read your hBuae.er seU.yonr lead. Mr. J. 8. Clark, manager aneeeaser. Rooms 6 aad 7, Paint Ibis.. Med ford, Ore. -si i l & H II I f J ASBAOeT Oet ,. . year trUe vajaesicrS' ielWli. BeX - aaW B .aad, eerrtee. 'Phea lf4-ft.v F, Y. Alleau - ' eassjeessisessseNBaaeaassSasajsn' BBjsBiaBsa; MAI4HIT MMHC 491. OMaett-OaHrarSSddsf Bde "et aw alMHr r '. 4asjspa Halllday Halgat, yelea. 73. ' . t HI SING LAUNDRY 123, Sa erside, has ehaaged wasa.,1 S' are prepared to ae alt washing and eepeeUIly Dae work. Phene 189 J. l - . ' em.1. ,-u. , . , i ri-CTl aPlsie.saJAa-aajexsa .e at ny BisEBraeajsja oaaiareja i dr. r. a, MAINS CARrOV-CR. WtA carlow oniiilMiii phyelelaaa, 41-41f.. Oarastt ftataf IliX, ko lBle-l. 30 aWh Laurel kH. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oslsijasssst BayateMM, 3x bnlldlaa-. Pheaw 4-M. DR. J. J. KMMNt Physsetsm i eargeea. -PraUee.HaaUl i ear. noee. aad threat, jsra tllleslly tested and claaeea atafi plied. Oeultet aad AurUt tor B. P., R. R. Co. Of flees M, F. H. C. Bldg., oppoetie.P. O. IHmsm 7. b. b. TicKiu;.-M.-x):otn-ji sen' Ceaaty Beak tHej.' OOM paeae 43-R; reeidsase psWwailtB. DR R. WCaiAliCY PhyaMaal U$ aurgeea. Pkeaee. efriee 3at deaee 724-J. Ofliea. heasa It e 12, Z to 6.( "" , ,'. f DR. 8. A. LtiCKWOfciT' -:. DR. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD PhysiQlaBa aad surgeeas.- Ofttaa 309-?l-3U. M. JP. 4k. H. .Rjif; 1'honei reeweaee, 814-J3; .atladv 814. . ''. ' ,''" MBDFORD PRJJ4TINQ CO, MM, mvimmm . ,Kiaaf aoutaara. Oregea: hook toeee leaf ledaert. hllHa ale. Port lead rrteea, St. fir f - -i vi T xc .J eWiPeP 4PaPJHBBWBjBBssnBK giwiiiBw wxsee 8110K REPAIRING r rirM ati raTSSW aadam aUsAafi renalr na. ob nMdem sBsehlBea -while jre(wat, , at. 4WHMPW 4"fllVaB'a leas) jRh9vea ip RaWV 4aWsrsBV aiwws'assr'isvesasstajaei KAD8 TRANHrKk ik HTORA4MI A sates. 'i f . 7 taewr4r aseC Maaaafiaa. " -i -"t " tTpI 9 svaBSjaH ' Maaw aajseajassaa ' is ii i an si - V RfBJMaaenBeaear sfiftWKU; AJ(b OpfQHZ ssssasdal HMssaBaBssBaBBassaBM fjaAaJff BBasaBaBaBaBBVa "K ItABBsf f bbbbbbI assaf a)SLyfax &aC L xR . 4 t. I 1 o i A r- li W, MmIm Hi, Ib-HHI'ft I HI, i'U, '' t, Of HU4H4W 1 T " I'viU-iKPiwu,