Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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' 'OffI Mll Trlbuns Huiiathir, IMMI
WHIi ytr strwt; lelephmn 11,
The Democratic Tliur Medrord
Mall, Th Medfnril Tribune, Tht Bouth
n Orexonlan, The Ashland Tribune.
month, liv tnnll
'tnnnth. delivered bv enrrlM" In
l.... )1.aahIw l.nb.AB(ltA
MimiulUi KWir.., MHMvniiuv
mm uentrai j'omt
MtMrdty only, by mall, Pf year-
irwtijf, per rer..i
OMMal Paasr of tha City of Medrord
'i OffleM Paper or JneJuieaCewtr.
Mntered its WMnramrMlM' at
Meflford, Oregon, under Ike net of Maroto
'Sworn Circulation for X14, J&Ss.
Full'leased wlr Associated Presa dls-
8ubcrlbera fatltag; to rocetva
yapera promptly, phono Ctrcu-
htloa Manager at 2S0R.
II Might to Woixs
Port I fear I haven't written any
thing that will live.
. friend Look on, tho bright si do
et, It. IW thankful that ou arc
alive in spite.' of what you have writ
ten!. Puck.
j. , Homrthtajc Mho H
IWueftled Egyptian You have no
waaaerful hlerolglyphlca la your
,M)jiatry, sir; no mysterious Inscrlp
tbM)s, no undecipherable relics of aa
ancient literature whose secrets tho
wise men of the world nave tried
fo ages to discover.
Tourist Ne, '-we haven't any of
those things; but" brightening up
"we've'got our 'Railway Guides.' "
When a Wire Wakes Up
About two yeara after. marriage
Friend Wife sixes tip friend. Hus
band and wonders what she waa
smelting when sho Imagined that
lie was an ideal man. Cincinnati En
quirer, A rnpouUr Scent
1 1 A Jady has a small daughter. Oae
'ww-aing this lady felt rather chilly
Rafter talcing a cold1 hath, an, fear
iatg a cold, .took 'a tablespooiifu of
whiskey. Small daughter, runntng
la shortly afterward, asked to have
her hair-ribbon tied. Tho lady
. reached over and tlc'd. the .ribbon,
t Saull, daughter turned around
sharply and said:
" "Why. mother, you've bee "using
father's perfume."
i('Aln't we got aa Illustration of LI
HHng Chang?" asked the foreman of
th printing room.
, ''We ain't," replied the editor of
"Deadwood Dally," "but that picture
the man who was cured by Jones'
Paany Life-saving Powders Is enough
llkV him to go. -You'll find it In the
faV'corner of the shelf."
The Idle Hon
She was singing, "I Didn't Raise
JlBoy to be a'goldier."
"That Is quite evjdeat." growled
da, as he eyed his lounging off
ntittfiT ,9Yhe question Is.'What did
5'ttW raise him for?" Kansas City
TlMt'H DlffcrtHt
Jtfrs. Ueat. Tell tho gentleman
J'm'not receiving today. TCora.
r?ew Maid nut ho ain't dellvcr
la'.'muni, he's collectln. Puck.
Mistaku SomcMbero
Servant (answering bell) My
master Isn't in, sir. You may leave
Uio bill If you wish.
'Caller (In surprise) Dill? I havo
no bill. I wish to
$rrant (in urprlv also) No
bll? Then you must have called at
the wrong house.
4 Unique
Taero's one thing rathor marks lilm
- fflroBi ordinary geeks;
lit) hasn't told a Ford yarn
For wt'pkn and weeks and weeks.
A Tiji tor Mama
Little Grace They sal It Is un-
lu,' to hltnHy ,en ,wlth aa oli
sniper. 'i " ..' , ,
;LUle Johnny Geo I muBt run
homend ell my mama that'before
'I forget aboutrlt.
- Jf CoHrltn.
"Dd you ever read about how tho
rawMent Grek harp plajjnn until to
mffi stones to tears?"
,ruHl That ain't nothing'. My
daughter's piano playing caused five
faMlltwi to move."
A Omiprowlne
V&Mh W'v kaewn wicli other
ll a ytM-y sbrt tlww! You should
tMi m to k1w )h Ih kiss
MM IMifklx,
. ., Wi "illlU, WM Ah M v.
u. W,
Thfi follewinj: plan nml ptvKrnm
for the Memnrinl day imraile 1ms lii'cn
is.ttP(l by Uio 0. A. It. :
On Momlnv. the Itlst. tlio t'olumn
will brj?5n furminu pnuntlly ul S::iO
n. m. nt pity TniH for tlio march p
the Vnw theater in tlio luUowmg or
der and four abreast, wcntlier er
miltinst City band.
Seventh company, coast artillery.
Grand Armj r the ltepublie, with
other civil war vctcmit and c.-con-fedornte
Spanish-American war veterans.
Women'! Itclief Coits
Sons of Veterans.
ltoy Scout.
Public sebool children.
11. P.O. Elk".
' Mayor and city rouiu'ilmen.
Police and fire departments, with
fire engines.
All eivie noeloUes and lodges.
Any nnorfmnixed citirens on foot.
Friends nnd relatives of 0,'A. K.
and other orders in private vehicle-.
Tlic column will form under dfreo
tion of J. W. Fiwlon as Kcncral mar
slinl of the dny, and Ink tiids, and
will tnrt promptly at ftilO a. m., re
gardless of belated iwrsons or bodies
not arriving on time, ns our program
at the Page begins promptly nt 10
Tho decoration exercises nt ecmc
tcry will bcpii nt 210 p. m.. Tho
OniniT Army Post, thd Helicf Coqs
. o y."'-, !ii t tr.;..
emu outir. i I'lfioiL-i win icavc .iiuni
nndniverside streets nt 2:15 in vc
liieJes'for tlie cemetery. All person
or bodies are requested to join us.
l?Ieaseb5 prom)t and do not, de
lay us.
L,OE'EftAr,QUITTBE, 0- A. R.
ASHLAND. May 28. Resplendent
with J91C class colors, supplemented
by a wealth of Bprlng- foliage and
flowers choice roses predominating
the Vlnlng theatre was a brilliant
scene at the graduation of tho larg
est class la local high school history,
Thursday evening. The clasa num
bered thirty-nine, of which seventeen
were boys and twenty-two" girls. Tho
various courses afforded by tho high
school, curriculum were well repre
sented. Some graduates bave already
chosen a future calling, but tho ma
jority will probably decide this ques
tion during the forthcoming vaca
tion. 'Corvallls and Eugene -will re
ceive a fair quota of the girls, while
others will seek-a normal training
course even If they are compelled to
go beyond the state boundaries to
secure it. Qutsldo of tho ntato a
number of the boys talk of such In
stitutions, iaa L'elamU Stanford, with
here and there on who will go east to
such institutions as the University of
Wisconsin for Instance. Parental
J?rAdIIe?Uon.wIIl.fJgure to a groat cx
tent in these matters. Removed from
tho realm of the rlasslcs, a good
share of the boys will seek a train
ing leading to technical pursuits. Uio
field being world-wldo in this par
ticular. Prof. E, D. nHliT, bead of the de
partment of education at tho Oregon
Agrlclutural collego, delivered tho
commencement address, ono which
'was In keoplng with the traditions
pf liberal education, broad In nen
tlmont and scholarly In Its scope.
Asldo from tho commencement ad
dress there was a varied musical pro
gram. Very appropriately nnd In be
half of the school board, SupL Ilrls
coo presented the diplomas. School
closes today, the finale being an
alumni reception tonight at Moose
Tlic names of graduates at tho
24th high school commencement
event are as follews: John Ander
son, Florence Alien, Lcltoy Ashcroft,
Vena Hulloy. Alene Tloiuar, Hazel
Druncr, 'Edna Dahuff, Hazel Dalzell,
Vernon Dorsn, Howard Frame, Mayo
Glover', Eunice Grubb, Margaret
Ho8Hon, J0HI Holmes, Iletsle Homes,
Winifred Lester, Kenneth Lilly; Hazel
Lowe, Mary Maxsan, Myrtlo McGeo,
Ger?rudifMlkacbr Lois Mortnland,
Maple Payne, Irma Phillips,' Troy
Pbipps, Ruth Porter, Layson Rllcy,
Ralph Salsbury, Fred Schuerman,
Mariam Shaw, Madeline Sllvor, Glenn
HlmpKon, Harold Slmpxon, Robert
Spencer, Granville Van Vector, Rob
ert Wagner, Richard Ware, Elizabeth
wswsBgg;.-!.-!.!!",;. i .;.,.. t.. m ?
John A. Perl
Lady AmUiobi
lea appointed
game warden
by new Hard
Great illnappolnUueut Is feR locally
among sportsmen and tho general
public over tho fnlluro of the ntato
pnuio nnd fish commission to appoint
R. L. Ewlng of Mcdford atnto game,
warden. Mr. Kwlng had tho endorse
ment of tho Mnto Bportsmon'a league
nnd was In every way qualified for
tho office. A. II. Lea was appointed
hecauso ho was n personal friend of
Governor Wlthycombo. Mr. Loa is
manager of tho Unton Meat company
and formerly connected with tho O.
A. C.
O'.Mnlley Is Rlntctl
In addition n appointing Lea ntato
gnmo warden, W. L. Flnloy, stnto
biologist,' nnd re-nppolntlng Master
Fish Warden Ctanton, the stnto gnmo
nnd fish commission nt Its meeting
here yesterday divided tho, flMi de
partment by creating superintendent
of commercial and gnmo fish hatch
eries. Henry O'Mnlley, federal sup
erintendent of hatcheries In Oregon
and Washington, with hcadqunrtera
at Seattle, Is scheduled for this posi
tion, and Commissioner Warren was
authorized tn confer with him, and
to submit a report; at tho next meet
ing. Lea'a salary will 1h $sr00 n
jcar; Clanton'a tho same, nnd Fln
loy will recelvo $2400.
Separate 1roiMgatlon
Under this arrangement tho mas-
tor fish warden will be charged with
the enforcement of tho fish" laws nnd
the collection of tho licences, whllei
tho superintendent of hatcheries wilt
have cxcluslvo chargo of the hatch
eries. Tho state gamo warden will
be charged with the enforcement of
gamo laws and collection of licenses,
and the biologist will have charge of
tho educational and scientific fea
tures of tho gamo department.
Tho superlntendency of tho gamo
farm will be under tho exclusive con
trol or the biologist. He Is nlfowed
an assistant at a salary of $100 a
month, and a stenographer at $75
a month. F. M. Drown of Drowns
vlllo, was named assistant to tho
gamo warden at a salary of $150 a
month, and Miss Wilson was elected
clerk to tho master fish warden.
George Palmer Putnam, private sec
retary to Governor Wlthycombc, waa
made secretary to tho commission,
and ho will sorvo without extra com
pensation. Account Auditor
It was decided to havo an expert
audit all the books and accounts of
the commission, and Commissioners
FJelschncr and Warren were ap
pointed a committee tQ appraise tho
property of tho commission. A fin
ance committee, consisting of Gov
ernor Wlthycombo and Commissioner
Warren and Flelschner, was also ap
pointed. "We aro going to mako a strenu
ous effort to produco more salmon
and moro trout than ever beforo in
tho history of tho state," said Gov
ernor Wlthycombo, after tho adjourn
ment of tho commission.
Friends of Mr. Ewlng lay his do
ftat to tho refusal of the Jackson
county republican committee to en
dorse his candidacy.
Tho manager of tho It thcator is
offering something new to the pco
plo of Mcdford, commencing tonight.
ffo presents Lcddy Wallace and com
pany, including Jack Wintpr, Dunn
and Dunk, Cliff Watson and Flo
Mayo. The program for this even
ing consists of. 4 top-notch vaudeville
specialties, closing with the roaring
tarec comedy in ono act entitled,
"Who Will It Do."
;-r-r4 (-r
1 1 A Hlfi f I! I
Sow tn Uio Time to Oct R'd f Tiietto
Ugly Kjots
There's no longer the slightest
need of feollng ashamed of your
freckles, as tho prescription otlilne
double strength -Ih guaranteed to re
move these homely spots,
Simply get an ounco of otlilne
doublo strengthfrom any druggist
and apply a llttlo of 'It night and
morning and you should soon kco
that even tho worst freckles have
begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is
seldom that moro than an ounce 1
iKdoed to completely clear the skin
und gain a beautiful clear complex
(on, lie sure U ask for tho double
Atrunislh otblno as this Is sold nnd'tr
KiiMranti") of inoriity back If It nils
In rvmuvu tivkU,
i'U Ally,
CLASS; OF 1915
The uiaduutiiiir elasx of the ldult
school will hold tint filial tweroNes of
tho year at the Pncu theater this eve
ning. The elans numbers forty-seven
voumr mvn and women rvt'imim; their
diplopias. Most nT Jlivo Will ontcr
college tet ear. The elass iiddrcss
will 1(0 givun by Attorney 11. l Mill
Key. James Vaueo will make the bl
coming niUlrv!- and Miles (Inmmill
the eliwinj; address.
Tho program is as followas
Mnivh - Tiuiiiliauser
Miss luer. Coffin.
Invocation. lto. . V, Shields
WVleomo nddress .Initios Vanee
lliirh M'hool oetolto llaii'iuido
Misses Mnrie K.ifert, Stella Clark,
Dorothy Thorno, Myrl l)ais. Nellie
Coram, Vera Lane, M.vrllo Slaml
ley, Lillian W'eslerfield.
Clns address linn. It. K. Mulkey
Vooal join, "Soinevvliere a Voire Is
Calling" ... ..... Herbert All'ord
Clyiiir nddress . Miles (laiiiuiill
Piano solo, Lieboxtrntime, No. IX Lisrt
MNs Veuita lluiniltoii,
Presentation of Diplomas, .
Siiperiiilemleiit l S. Collin
Benedietlon Rev. .1. K. I law Kill"
The eIaS motto is ".S'line proveeli
libi utieora iaekeniiw," the eln.
flower the Mnrvhn! Neil roie and tin-
colors, puqilo mid gold. The offic
ers of the class are: President,
Vance; viro-prcMileiil, Marie Kifert;
'fceretnrj. Vera Mcrrimnii; trtn.tircr.
(Iriffith Cowgill.
The graduates nn: Hazel Kdnit
Cornell, Olive Lueile Johnson. N'nu
Florenee Clark, tnrunret Lueile
York, Mabel A. Reeve, Mnjbelle A.
Daniels, Kdnn Susan Demmer, (lertha
Clark, Alien Mabel Ilorroft. Kiln It.
Rnwlinjrs, Nellie FrnnecJi Conyii,
Mnrptret A. Soulier. Kvn .Iai)P tn
home, Dolic Mav 1iioiant, Leila
MeDougnl, er, niauelio (1.
Maule, Marion K. llowon, Katbryn
M'arion Sweat, Miiinie Trover, Alma
Ruth Daniels, Mildre.1 Itlnck, Kdith K
Hoofs, Vera V. Merriniaii, Marion
Palmer, Kdnn Haven (lore, Mnbel
Lillian Gould, Kvelyn Lueile MesMier,
Leah Charity Wnlther, Marie M. Kif
ert, Jean Ritdge, Jav 1. (lore, Miles
(liunmill, Walter Daniel Hrown. Denn
Samuel Cnrder, Robert Chester
linker, Karl Fortunate Hubbard,
Harold Davis OreyCbnrletf 1J. Ray.
Clinton Piirkcypile,. Itnbcii Forsvth
Peloitre, Alva James Vance, Jr.. (lien
II. Stall, Clnron Jaqnn, Griffith Cow
gill, polpli B. Pliipps, Glqnn Dew Jit
Tito invocation will be given bv the
Rev. W. F, Shields, the benediction
by the Rev, J. "K. Hawkins nnd the
diplomas pri;.ented bv Stipcrintvudcnt
lT. S. Collins.
zwl'A steel-cut, frh-raat 'Ml
M Coffee no dust no chaff i
fl , air-tight case III
5i BdA fcr ReltaaU Gnsm.
W mr r w
Closset &
V. iJAVAlTft
Mf! Tb. OldMt an4 Imiw-t Ctt
jjj mmmiwt urn tmt mohihi
Formerly owned by Hob (Jrowder
will Klnnil MiinituvM and MnndfiVM at
Orowder'a ranch, Iluneom; Tuosdaya
WoiliioKilttyM ami HaturdayM t Vln
cent's liarn, Medford; TJiurnlaya and
Fridays at KskIu Point,
flnmrt 1 10, foul KMMraU'wJ,
sPPt ' sil'
bbbZMbbbb' Ww
40. I
, NKW YOIUC, May 28. Unsehnll
autltorities here see ih the triul of
William Rapp at Chleumi and Hit! ar
rest of two men at Now Orleans the
beginnim of a mil ion-wide, ouiupalj:ii
iiKiiinst husehull hioN. It was said
the muttur would bo railed to tho at
tention of the disttiet nttoiuoy in this
city today, and the farts will aNo ho
presented to Governor Whitman with
a iripiest that artion ho taken to
tthato the practice.
President John K. Tnirr of tlio
National triigur was outspoken in
roiulemniiijr pool hetliii(j. "It should'
nlTWwipet! out," lie Mtid, "for it Is
fast growing to ho a nieiiaeo to the
community, as well as to barlmll
PITTSIU'RG, May i!S. -The entire
poliro forro of Pittsburg- was Udti
on the lookout for dealers in baxrliall
pools, under an onler issued lant niu'lit
ly Miprriiitriiilent . N. Mathews,
who deelaird sueh pools to he lottery
and therefore illecnl. I'mlcr tlio btw
the rrima is piitiishahlo hy it fiito of
$1000 and iiiiprisoninritt for our year
A campaign against tho pools has
broiiuht nut tlm iiiiuiitiil Nliili-inMit
that fitllv 100.0011 is'lnvoNtrd in tho
entcrjinsc weekly by PittMiiirg poi.
Soiiiq tlmn ago 1 had nu attack of
grippe which finally settled In my
kidneys nnd bladder. I doctored with
tho doctors nnd they claimed I had
dropiy. I tried other remedies nnd
got no relief from any of them. My
condition was such that I was una
bio to work for about two mouths
nnd tho annoying symptoms caused
mo n great deal of troubln and pain.
I was hardly nbto to turn over In bed.
Seeing one of your ntmnnacs, I de
cided to give Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root n trial and after Inking several
bottles was nblo to resume my work
again. I cannot say too much In
prnlso of your Swamp-Root n tho
results In my caso wero truly won
derful. Yours very truly,
Mansfield, Pa.
Sworn and subscribed beforo mo,
this 7th day of May, 1012.
Notary Public.
Utter to Dr. Kilmer ft Co..
Hlnghnmptnn, X. V.
Prove Wluit Hwuiitiwltoot Will Do for
Send ten cents to Dr. Kllmor ft Co.
Ulnghnmpton, N. Y., for n sample slzo
bottle. It will convince anyone You
will also receive a booklet of val
uable Information, telling thorn about
tho kidneys and bladder. When writ
ing, bo sure nnd mention the Mod ford
Evening Mnll Tribune. Regular COc
and ono dollar size bottles for salo
at all drug stores,
TT Theatre
Crazy Wallace
and bis fuiwunkorH In good singing,
good dancing and good music, Also
picture progrum as follews:
PAULINK Illltlflll IN
"Unlike Other Girls"
"The Ricc'Industry
4Fatherfs Money"
Featuring Rosemary Thuby In it
Comedy Drama
"Children of Fate'
"A Hace for JLife"
Featuring Llttlo Hilly Jacobs
10-lCo DON'T MI88 IT 10-lCc
' Turkish TRdFHitf I
ChjtanttM itttm jreara H
ara saaeksrs at H
iH OiatiUM tmJLuf I BBBBl
pppa flsV iiajppsSWl (inFVVV WeaawW spsH
Harriet lloyre, wife of John J, lloyrr,
a foituor st,ato senator mid Inwyof of
Ciililonila, nml bet1 daiinhtei', Miss
Marguoillt' lloyrr, have hern uirrstrd
in llavaiia mi a riling' of liiNiilthnr
(Ionium officers who examined (heir
baggage, areoulitiK to rablegiinns le
eched by midlives here.
The messages said tho women worn
sentenced to tlin'iv woks1 Imprison-
unit at Limlaii, hut were given their
liberty under a bond of .folllll) furii
nIici'I by tho United States consul at
.Munich, until a derision in mado in
answer to a iiirinoraiidiim sent to tho
(torman foreign of lire in rrllu hy
AinhasHudor (tomtit,
Mrs. Iloyi-o is resiled to havo ex
plaiitrd that no instill was intruded
and that if sho was misunderstood it
was heraitso she was not familial'
with the (Ionium Innpiagt'.
F, Harmon MrComirll, a sou lit in
here, has asked. United States Sean,
tor James D, Plielau of California to
appeal to Srrretary of State Mrynti to
ninko it prolrsl agaiasi the arrrsC
While Mrs. Royre and hor daiigh.
TitANCK Medium
tnttds Alone In Her .MiiKulflrrut INnv.
er of Rending Hie Future of
Mma, Elsemore, tho eminent
thought reader ond clairvoyant, is
no'w located at the Palms rooms, 130
West Main Ht. Hlio Is thu snmo wom
an of mystery na of old, nnd If press
notices nro to bo relied upon, her In
explicable powers are growing strong
er year after j oar. Madame Klaiiioro
has read for such noted persons as
Raron Carl Du Prell of Munich, Ila-
varin; lonodles, tho great Urcok; ex
(lovernor tlrcer of Oregon; Honator
C. K. DavlH, IJonntor Teller, Rev,
Hamuel Jones, Admiral Bchloy, Snrah
Iiernhardt, Emma Calve, Mine. Nor
dlca, and, In brlof, n list without end':
Sho is looked upon In eastern cit
ies as n prophet, by others as n wom
an of superhuman powers, and as n
noteworthy scholar of thn grcntrst
old scientists such ns Deslmrrolles,
llalzac, Dumas, Germain, Craig, Al
len, Codes, llnrtheb, Arlstotlo and
many others.
It Is'sald she tells )ou what alls
)ou nnd whether or not you can bo
cured; If you will soon mako changes
In your business conditions; if your
homo Ufa Is or will bn happy; If
you will bo happy In your lovo af
fairs; ir absent friends will return;
If you will travel; what you aro best
fitted for In llfo, If ym will win your
Mmo, ElHomoro enmo from Oniahn
iiii1 during her brlof stay thoro ful
ly threo thousand persons consulted
her. It Is wild tlint her clairvoyant
readings actually tells you your
name, ago, nnd tho (Into of your birth,
Offlco hours! 10 a. in, to 8:30 p. in.
Squabs! Squabs!
Thoy aro Tender and, Dcjlclouu
Considering nutritlvo value they
Ato tho cheppost meat on tho mark
et. Phono (tor apodal spring prices,
Phone 201-R4
DO you desire to become an Indopondoiit man a
man of woultkr The young muii who Is honest,
1 Industrious, economical nnd puts hit money In
I our Rank whom it earns Intercut- will bocoiuu an In
dependent iiiaii,
i pr cent Intercut, pHid on KuvIiik Accouiils,
lof mvt been tnn'lliif n Kurom fot'
Hovuiid. voont, Mr. .Ilij.Vctj lirni .been,
living; al 'Almond Arms1, Yolo comity.'
Flush Your Bkwd
fiet it Cleansed
Remarkablo Remedy Tlit
Works All Through
Vour Body.
Wllrn you put n tnlilrnpniiuflll of .
II. II. Into your II hkIs MlrnlKhl
Into your Mood In Irns limn flv mini
Vitus It tins Imriimo n wnvn of rritliirn
live Inniitiht-t. whornvor Dim blond Ims
rlrrulttted. Duos IhU rn1 Ilka miiuloT
Hut It In nliiiiliitcly true, TIioha inwr
ful dlmntlvd Jultv In tlio uliiinucli ran
not Wmium the mudlrlnnl ofrort of H. II.
H. Tin llvr ctvn not Inirit II. Thn limits,
skin ninl kldnnys mcretn It only nflrr
If a H, liltx net In Imilliui millions of
roll sad nerve to throw err thn rotint
ltn uerniM Hint Imvo llifmli-d viry imrt
of tlm body And n H, H, K. routlnura to
t)tllft llin.e troubliiioui(i jichIn lime
gnlloir In tho fnrm of iliniden, hollv, pc
mmin, nfim, ritlnrrh, rhoiiiinttlNm nnd
ollior so-rullvil blond dlanrdor, It rnuim
Into artlnn a myriad nf urnriiia tint well
undertmid iiiriurlna rnllrd luveucylvs
Hint ttclunlly dovoiir or clmnun or rnn
vert illirain ueriim so limy nro rvsdlly
and quickly cut out or Dm body. It
lirulmbly thn bt npiirvrlstnt Idomt
mrdrlno known! You will nnd R H. H, on
n la nearly every drug stern In thn
U. H. tlt a boltln todsy, And If your
en no Is peculiar, wrllo to Ihn MrdlrHl
Iiimrtmnt, Thn Kwlft Hpecino Co., 108
Hwirt Atlsntn, (In. It Is con
ducted by a noted ibyilcUu,
Mcilfwd's Lcnillno Theater
Anita Stewart and
Earlc Willians
lit VltKrnph Druma
The Awakening
2 Parts
Threo Part Fcatnro
Out of the Ruins
Yltanraph Comedy
Dimples and the
Auto Salesman
With Lillian Walker
War Declared
On all niit'rnhpK, torms, dirt
mid spots. Our plant in
modern, (military and wo
know how. Try hjj and ho
convint!(!(l. Special attention
to all ela.sHi'H nf work.
'IMiouo IM-
Why havo
Ignition troubles
When you can havo n gonulno
Installed uu your Ford
$48.oq . .
Of fTdul lloBch" Mngnoto Repair and
Rupply Htatlon
f V .
.ASBBaUnftJaBlfciaM ffU4 M sfltis1kUUU