wf-p aiftiidiiiiii'ii(i jtjti 'f 'm r.h J V .. ( i IV j r nv I.) ASKA COAL FOR AMERICANS NEXT YEAR, SECRETARY LAI IN IMPORTANT Anil Uncle Sam Will Develoii the Country Just Like a Private Owner ', Would, Even If Ho Hai to Dig Coal I for Himself. (Ily p. M Korhy.) WAHIIINOTON, 1). C, May 2.1 "AI.AHKA COAI. 1011 Tlli:i'KO I'l.U OP Till: U.N'ITKI) BTATK8 I1Y Tin: miMMnii or muir franklin K. I.ano, United Fttnlcn ecr-Mary of tli Interior, hua J tint mailo thfa official atittiiinoiit to tun In nil MuncHtnrM, In nil effort to nor tray with what niwrtl the Rownincut Ib opening t' our northorn klnKitoin, I liuil bhIimI I, nn i' to point out to run JtiMt Mhnt Undo Rntn In rxprctlnu to ilo iii thorn anil how noon, "Our aovernnietil railroad In ro Iiik to rioch dm Malunuaka coal flolil tiy next araion," I .a no rPsponiloJ, "ami tbn miry) unilur thn Alaaka rnnl'leanInK net will ho far mount! niltnnri'il no that ponon dcnlrlnn to ai-rum leiiKo may do io at tli'a begin nliin of the 1010 waion. After that, It dnimndi nlmolutely on tlm loaeeia wiinnier coal can hi Nhlppcd to tlm 1'arlflo foant beforn thn nd of thn 10 A iflon. Itoaily for lllKKlnft Conl, "KurrryluK partli am already on their way to Alaaka and It la our Intention to expedlto thn work In ov rry way. Thn extent of the work In the field and thn ahortneaa of thn Al aska mon will prevent ua from op tinlrtK thn land to leaaliift until thn ImnlnnlMR of thn 1010 caon, but UKI'OIti: TIIKN w expect to havo plana perfected for tho'O Inlnrealeri In fart, wn havn already drawn up a tnntatlvn druft of a leaae on every thine will hn ready early next print." "Prom what Information you hnvn now," I naked, "do )ou antlclpatn that there: will ho larun developments In rnal mining there" "That will depend on anvrral thlnm," hn aniwered. "I am receiv ing a great many Inquiries nlreadr aa to tlm dale when operation can hn commenced under thn coaMeaMnK net nnd then people evidently am not Informed that It la necessary to aiir tey and mako .government reserva llona In hotti thn llehrlitR river and thn Matnnuska fields, and to auhdl vide Ui landa Into aultahln leasing trarta beforo wo can open them for lease. "Thn extent of development, when these things havo been completed, will depend, of course, on how at tractive to coat operator! wo ran innkn thn proposed lenses. That wo w makn them aa attractive aa wo ran and at the name time safeguard the government's Interests, goes with out a)lng, "It will hn quite possible for coal to hn mined and ahlpped to the Unit ed Htatea before thn end of 1 1 1C sea on, miles the difficulties of prelim inary mining work ahould provo greater than tuual." "How about possible government conl nilno operation?" tho secretary was naked. I'nrlc Kam In 1 Owl "Well, under the law, wo may open in I nea for the aupply or the nnvy, nnd also for direct aalo to consumers If monopolistic or other condition ahould nrlso by which tho prion of roa la kept up beyond n reasonabtn point. Hit t that, or courae, would require, an appropriation from con Kress, and wo don't antlclpatn any monopoly condition, Thn atatuta pro) Idea against that, nnd our teunoa will bo ao drawn aa to mnko It possl. bio." "Vint la boIhr to hn tho effect on thn development of Altnka of tho op ening of tho government road and tho diMwlopmcnt of coal mining?" 1 naked. "I won't any tnht tho government road wilt pay from tho beginning," nnawnroit Lane, "but I will any that ao know enough about Alaaka nnd itn roaourcea to mnko It clear that It la u torrltory that de-erven to be proved aid tested. Tho population In going to grow very rapidly too rapidly itt flrat, In fact, Tho o'ponlng up or tho Interior la going to sond n niMli of people Ituo tho torrltory, which baa already begun Indeed. TIiIh nhowa how aggroaalvo our people nro; how willing to onduro, nnd not mere ly for tho aako of gnln, but for tho nake or ndvenluro, Our Amorlcnn H-ople have not lout nt nil In virility! Ill wllllngnoan to tnko poraounl ilttlts; to go into nn unknown country and hnrard thulr Uvea, and to llvo a life tho very oppoalte of tho life they hnvo lived In our deimo civlllxutlon, That kind of Bluff la tho very cnuto of our country's great clylllxiitloii today. Vhat II, H. Will l4i In Abtakn "Aluakn'a future will not depond ao much upon what tho Kovcrnniont dooHj It will depend f0 per rent upon tho kind of people who go there; their attitude tovynrri each other, their entlitiainam for their now; coun try. And all that wo run do la to GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS A . , WHO IS BUILDINL C' - a i""r -w.i... " aj-yr '- ly H!:i taaaaaaaaaaaaaaV I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW-t .m. m-'mL 10' LEADER OF BBBBBBBBbV . V'J"b BkBBBl LWH GOTHAM DEAD r m T mammm make thing n eay for them na wn can under thn law. Thn Alnaknn I In mnko Alukn I wnnt to c Atnaka'a renourccn developed under the control of men who llvo there. Hut luaatiiuch aa tlion retourcea nro federal retoiirrea the federal govern ment miiNt aelect agenta through whom II pollclea will bn carried out, but thoae agenta ahould llvo on thn ground nnd be In touch with actual condition. "The work that t ho government la doing In Alnaka la tho aort of work that a private Individual would do If ho owned thn territory. It wo had touted thl territory over to an Knut Indln company, for lntonm, they would have run u railroad Into thn heart of It, becniiMi they would know that only with trauaportallon can tho country develop. "With transportation, anything l poiitlbln In AUftkn." SPOKANE HILUCLIMB In cninH-tilinu with nn imposing in ray of m mid eiht-e.vliuder ears, a Dodge Urns' motor cur entered in the niiiiual hill climb at Spokane. Wnh,, Muv l., won firet place in il eliifs and fiilihlied scomid ill the fn-e-for-ull eeiit. XeWH of lilt' Detrojl ear', splendid hhowing hiii ri'celvcd in n wire fiom Ihn Seven-Seven eonipimy, Dodge Hro".' dealer in Hpokiuie, who weie renponcihle for llie ear'n entiy. The Spokane hill climb tnken plneo on a hill 207-1 feet long with an aver ii;rgmilc of 8Vj per cent. At mie point thera U a rio of 10K feet in two-firths of a mile mid the grade at this ht'climi approximately l"',i jut cent. Suppohedly a walkaway for the eight ami four-n.vliiulcr eura enteivil in the event, the utunly Doilpn Hro.' (tir Hiirpiixetl tho thonsiviidH ofKpee latorH by finishing sccoiul in the fm for nil event with tlio excellent lime of It) 2-5 seeoiuN. An eiijht -cylinder ear fininlivil ahead of the fuiir-e. Un der I)ode Hum.' ear, which in turn deflated pito ci($ht ami llvo hix-o.l-inilcf iimeliinei. The Dnilga easily won in Hie 1000 elnsH in which il waft entered. LESTER WILL PAY ALL- PROHI BILLS Si:ATT.K, Wusli.. May 2(l.0nv 011101" I.Mjr, nililtVhMiig a elUireh club liiht nielli, deeliuoil that, althougli the leglhltiiiuo refikcil to upmiiiutc j.i0,000 for enforeeiiioiit of tlio pro. hibiliau law, whjeli hccoiucti uffeetivn Jiiiiuary 1f ho would pernonally nea (hut tlio law was Htiietly enforecil. Aellng oa tlio governor' suggehtiou, tlio eluli iippoinU'il a eommitteo to roiisiiler tho Hilunliiui that will niibo on (ho closing of the hiIoous iiutl i leeoinineiiil a HiiltituW tor the Kociul fuaturcrt of tlio Hiiloop, Many milnmix in tlm linger oilier of Washington Imvo aliendy eloeil their iIiiom, and otliofH Hay Ihey vill ipilt hiuineiiw when their liQcijSu oxpiro. DODGE AR WNS WEDFOTtTJ MaTD TRIBUNE, MISDFORP . OftTCflON, WTCPyKSDAY, MAY 20, D ECLARES PUBLIC STATEMENT ND THE MAN dl,000,000 RAILROAD IN ALASKA. W-..A , t ? Woik on the I'nltnl NtAtea govern nifiil ,mllrmd In AU-Jji, vtlilrli In to tMt .:,(H)0,00) aim! tUI Up thn roal fleliU of the Interior, t !clng nuhed nnd M-wiiil mile nf link. liMt iil iead I wen laid. I'nltrd HtnteM engi neers nt Kewnril nnd Ih-Iou- Mrut. I'mleriik lOlnm, in rliarge of tlio nuiktruetloH. nAIIKIKOK, X. V., Mn.v 2'. Mr. Sliiyvcrinni li-1i, Imider of New YoikV foein hcl, died nt nilit of eerehnil lieinorrluiKn nt (lleneliff, ur Hiumiier liojnn here. She liihl been ill iinly n few Im'iirs, tier IiiikIiiiihI whs with her ulitn she died. .Mrx. Pi-li was iilimit (!0 yenrs old. .She nn biitii In N'ew York. Hei iniiiileii nnine wni itMrinn Orniei Aiithnn. On June wnn .Murioit (Irnve Atitlion. On June nut Pili, rnilrond mun nnd fiiinneier, on of l(iimiltoii Pili, wereliirj1 of htnte In the enlilnet of I'rohident flrnnl. Bids for Alaska Ralls I SF.ATTI.i:,, Mny "JO. The' Aliinkn eiiineeriii); I'nmmihmion hns eiilled on it. piirehnHin nsent here to buy mil mid other iron sufficient fori ten miles of truck. Hidn will be opi eneil June 10. A liu-pe iiinntily of eonimixMirv Mippliei in nNo nked, for. I f just rings in your ears when you fire up load after load of Prince Albert tobacco without a bite, without a. parch. You can smoke it sun up to sun down with out a comeback, because it is made by a patented pro cess that removes the bite and the parch. So, first thing after breakfast, you make fire with a match and open the day as do the little birds with song and sunshine 1 Then y you'll be nght jimmypipejoy'us, which isAjMw good for what ails your smokeappetite!ffi )RINCE Albert the national joy smoke has jimmved' open pipes for thousands of men who were once scorched and, nat urally, pipe-shy. The most sensitive tongue won't even tingle when you smoke P. A.l So, you take a chance, and tret some smokefunsunshino intoyoursystem. For there's nothing friendlier nor truer to a'y man than his old jimmy pipe. And you 11 know that's a fact quick as you hit the Prince Albert makes a corking cigarette. You never put a cleverer smoke between your teeth. And P, A. rolls up mighty easy and without waste because its crimp ' cut and stays put I You take a tip ncf play bull! &ty Princ AHri tmy rum tir.i, suet mm Ih StuuUoma MMMri)wMiir n t m firing tine cm Wincton-Salem, N. C. WILSON REELS CHINESE PARTY E WASHINGTON, 'ur 2C Deep In ternal In tho futtiro of China wna x prexted by Prealdont WHaon today In widcoiiilng tho coimUidon of Chln ee burlnoH men touring tho United Htatea to ttudy, couinicrclnl method. Headed by Kal Pu Shah, tho Chin eao minister, tho doll-nation waa ro celvtdjn the bluo room of tho whlt.j hotiKO, Spokeaman for the rommlxxton told thn preldent thn member brought greetlnga from tlm Chlneae republic to the prcalilent and ioplo of thn United Hinted and that they would en deavor to make their republic a real IMnr. Iteplxlng I'realdent Wllion aald: "It I not a mere form that I go through In expreaalng to you our cor dial welcome to the United State. I think that I can ay to you with tho ncQiilexcenen of all my fellow country men, that our Intercut In China I not merely a commercial Interest and In not merely a professional Interest. Tho people of the United States nro deeply nnd nytnpathntlcally Interest ed In China and In the unlimited fu ture that Ilea boforu your great re public, "Wn have, of eoume, naturally re joiced to see ypu adopt a form of government which norms to ua tho best vehicle of progress tho repub lican form of government. "My welcome la hearty and I am aurn that every truo American would wish to co-operato with mo and Join mo In thin welcome." NO LIGHTS NIGHTS IN GAY VENICE Vl'SirB, .Mny 20, lin Pnri-, y2( a. m. The inititnrj' nutlinntus Jmve given orOcTH that no lights beJiliV I lny oil in; Venice between Minfcct nnd dinri-e Hint cnn be een from nlioe tlie city. ThW is a incnt-ure of pro teetion nnuiht ntlack by neroplnnc. The jM'ople nf Venice me normally miieh nbrond ut ujht, Jmt now they ore htnying up cenlnterthnn uxunl. They enjoy the,nvJJr.t'of 'the city without light nndi'aro.,ngerly look inc for nn Am-tTinn nem4nne. , BL ROOM The song of the old jimmy pipe frywhtr In tvppy raV if. Set peuna ana hairpauna hn Auntitfert, peumi cryttl-$tat humidor with th too that Au f. A. perfect mnti Tilht c home tmJ of the of fie mM the time. R. J.. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. "MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABIAGE PATCH' PAGE, MAY 26 AND 27 SELF ANO CHILO Ni:V YOHIC, Jfnv 2fi. Xfn. Cimr-lott-l O'Xeill, wife i)f Frnncii O'N'clll. nn nn.liilOftnnil engineer, cmptojeil by the IJrooklyn IIiipul Trnnxit roni puny, war found denil todny with a liiillet in her licit rt in n bedroom )f lier home in nn exeluwivc rexidenlial heetiou of Hrooklyn. In an adjoining room lay two of her three clulilren. JoNephiiie, 1 yenr old, nnd Krnnci. ngol 4, with ennli drawn tightly their neekx. Tho boy w;e Inter revided, hut the biihy died. T)e twlives Hiiid thut it wnt Iheir theory that .Mis. O'Xeill became (lomcnt.'d, tied the cnrdi nround the children's neel.s ami then nhot lierelf. WASHINGTON, Mar 2C Coming cIoro on tho Lunltanla disaster, tho news that another American aklp had ben endangered aroused moro than ordinary attention, but all officials were disponed to hear details beforo making comment. Some officials could not understand why a ship bound for tho United, States In ballast and therefore car rying no contraband should have been endangered by a torpedo, and they considered It among the oiuulbllltles that tho Nobraskan struck a drift ing mine. tf'llaBBBBBBBBVP LbAissssf '" "tBH mm WbB H yf-irfmM LLLH XJ' d bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH BBassssi LbLbY bHbbbMbbbbI MD M KILL IPZLJsmEmmmm "ammm&jmmmmm l'v MKJIIIIBIIBe.CIB.L.' aE.r viaHf. in : trui wvslPJIIIIIIIIH ii --r-" J - tj, rMrssrirfiw; Mn u- n-t. tmsv ta T-rt iwMMm rm Vaaaaaaaaaaaaap TSLr- 4aBHi k.JlC1BBBBBBBBVaBBPFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBV AtH V A,mST SMWBBUSJr' O'VWBBBBBBBBHBbBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBaVBBH JiaHaM9al9ai I III II JBMBtfSStBBakKS. "" .P-u till III KUBmMOmF9KtK"viiMfMmguayStmK'i ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'BDBBPKKllf0 W'v! -riM Jf 1 JHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBiHBBEvHifinliflK H -m" e ,.,- . jEm m LLaLHBiiMnnii fca B'av ' Mmm.S-:-SrrM rsrrwjew yiTH I i 'i BTIbBBBBW m ill I o J JBHBBBiar BTV Ml BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 W 'tt'r r M r T. t "VI BU I M!) ' I BBBBBBBBBBBT MW M' i IU.I IIBBBI vSSBsUmmBiw n ff fi fJHFf .. ,cptiiM nit it m SA f , -jS , iiiin.. Jw 1015 FRENCH RETAIN ALL GAINS ALONG WESTERN FRONT PA ft IS, May 2fi-Tho French war office, this afternoon gave out a re port on the progress of hostilities reading: "The checks inflicted upon the enemy yesterday In tho rleglon of Angro and at a point to the north of the height Of Loretto determined (he Germans to come back with an attack of extreme violence, There wan furious fighting last oven Ins and during tho night. We were success ful In retaining all our gains. Our troop nve evidence of magnificent courage and showed splendid tenacity of purpose- "The Germans In tho beginning dollvercd a counter attack against the works captured by us to tho northwest of Angres. furious at tempts to take thin ignition were made by tlicm time and again. In spllo of the exceptionally intense bombardment to which our troops were subjected, wo retained possess ion of all our now positions. "Furthermore, at the- end of the day wo occupied almost entirely tho position near Iiuval, where wo gained a footing In the afternoon. Hero we are maintaining ourselves under a violent fire. At tho same time we have gained ground on tho heights to tho northeast of Lorette and we have captured a trench of the enemy In the environs of Souehcz. "An artillery engagement of con siderable severity developed yester day In thn region of Sols-sons; there was another such encounter near niiclms." Thermopolls, Wyo., Flsoded TUKI'MOI'OLIS, Wyo., Mny 20. Pnnuiire estimated nt $.)0,000 wnn done by n iIMfd which wept thw lown lute yesterday, . followirijc a eloiplhuM in the inountnin. A wnll of water five feet high rolled into the town from a canyon, flooding scores of ilwelliaps and fillin? the ba-ement of many business liquid. Belligerents Reach Terms HOTTKWUM, Mny 20, via Lon don, 0:3." a. m. The Cotiratit pub li-dicd a telegram from Merlin stating thut Oermnny ami Italy have nyrcci) neither io interne civilians nor seize their property. . ... i. ii niinnMfmSStt L-J Only S PLUS for the Best"Non-Skkr PRACTICALLY ri Non4fcM Tire that mal aeriotw eWma io non-akiil efficiency coit y 10 to 30 more tlrtri' P?ln TYt4 Tires of tame brand anil rHrtefW. Goodrich Safety Trea4 Tk c you only 5 more Hum sw pfotn (read tire. Here' a how and Whyl F)RTY-FI VE yer of Rubber HvriiHg (in wlc h now the World's larptt Rubber Fac tory) ha taught us a few Kiaks wid Short-cuts that are WK mnnw to the Tnde. One of these now comes to the help of your Pocket-book. Through the simple procen el Thinking Hard (and belt CattdU with ourselves) we Iwve found a Short cut to make the httt Safety Trod ever put on a Tire cort in only abpwt 5 more than k costs to make the Plaifi Tread of similar quality. GMeb itr TraaJ TirM mIm emir S mora Ihait mtr tvn or aaf Hn pi toa4 Mtm. Nt f awtM hU tiiimniin wriem oa rwn-vkM brva. Cwlw44TiA.",,a T tfltlt OTHER MAtCSa Si- XX -A" I nsr I c ".. Mx Ut Uiljj Ml4 Ml4!f STiS St.4S 12.30 14.0 M.3V aa.7 iio.Bc'tio.oau ie-Miia.M IM I.3 31.7 23 me acat 1S.49 4CJM 23 aa 32.M 23 m ai.ts 33- at.ia ai.em 41 41 avae 4i.ai4. By testing oit these Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires on a kte number of Taxicabs (where they cotdd, be competitively observed and carefully checked up at the end of each daa use) and by comparing ikekattmifer ftrmentt wkh that of w own, ad other Plaia-Treade, of much hawr price, we have had this fact forced upon wt Vfet , " ThattWek SUlPKISINOLraww Miteagt, in Ge4rkh Safiv TrtJ TTm, itakerews(eray Awr, BMke el Iffmm Tread TifM. So MUCH mere Mttvgr, feroaly S mere Cut leeked to gJ to w that we Je ddtd to girc Car Owmh tae benefit. Here' nkat vie bow oUttj! The heet Horn Skim SefeifTrfi Wer put on tle market, m4 k eet yew Af SJt eaere thaa oar bt pkto tteed tare. The B. F. Goodrich Commmmy AKHOM. OHM PowerPwd Why have IruUIor trouble z - Whea you eaa kave a geaulaa BOSCH HIGH TENSION MAGNETO Inatalled oa your Peril For $48.00 CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. Official Boech Magneto Jlepalr Supply Statloa lU lA XMrvihUur'l HOTEL MANX PaweU St. OtanM S AN FHNCISCO Headquarten ieeCalifof- nUnenkllevWtlag tkeExpo tltien, ' ' Our commodloaa IoUht. fine Mfvlce, Bad fcemeWaa reitturMtnlHaffeai yaw. N EaiM'hs atalai.' . Sl.MPeelVCt l """ mWm&WBH ClwterW, BTaVBTMB 1 W f Mv ? $M4 JmwtUT 'Tl M ' 11 "U i 1 n