9mmmmBimmF'nKmimmmmm $jffit&yytfr -& r$ p-. ft ' -W(pw-w - - V MgMU'iWMVl TWtV a KU T 7 11 PAGE TWO Mtabfroltb maU. TtttitUfrK. mkdkoud, okkoon, tukrhay, may 25, toir ' k J-"4UlraW.Mr, Jd ' j m vn.ivin V'.V i-7' IOCALANO f PERSONAL 1 J. Xtaer, "who pleaded guilty to at tempt at larceny of a dwelling, was sentesoed Tuesday by Judge Calkins to from six months to three and a half years In tho state penitentiary. Hie attempted to rob tho Craig resi dence, Medford. This concludes tho shortest and moat economical crim inal term on record all tho accused having pleaded guilty and jury trials being unnecessary. Parasols for graduation gifts. Spe cially priced. Ahrens, 55 Mr. and Jra. Fred Kelly leave next week for Alaska whore thoy will Inveattgato conditions and op portunities. The rreabyterlaa Ladles Aid pic nic has been postponed from Wednes day until further notice owing to tho inclemency of the weather. Tho deal pending for tho sale of the Opp mine has been called off. Everything In stock at cost or less. Home Millinery. 1101 West N'lnth. C5 Frank H, Madden and 'nlfo leave Monday for Seattle via automobile. Crcpo gowns special OSc and $1.19, fibre silk hoso 45c. Ahrens. 65 Tom Howard was given the con tract Tuesday by tho county court for now concrete plera under tho An telope bridgo this side of Eaclo Point for $G7G. The Home Coming of tho Ladles Aid of tho Methodist church will bo held at the church Wednesday after noon. A good program has been ar ranged by tho Queca Esther Circle and a large attendance Is greatly de sired. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Opposite Book Store. The county court at Its Tuesday special meeting appointed Bert An derson to secure rights of way for tho Pacific highway at Blackwell hill. Crisp, fresh, clean merchandise very much underprlced. Ahrens. C5 Tho city council of Ashland has appropriated $200 to relmburso auto owners who take tourists on sight seeing trips. Under the system car owners will receive cash for tho oil and gasoline used In boosting. Lunch goods at De Voe's. Thieves with a peculiar bent havo operated In tho city tho last two days. Monday night tho barber pole ef the Cottage barber shop on South Ceatral avenuo was unscrewed from Its moorings. A printing shop sign across the street was also taken. Sat' urday a sneak thief entered the pri vate office of Ed O. Brown and stole 500 buslneas envelopes Bee Dave Wood about that fir 1b smraaee policy. Office Mail TrlbaM BMk. The Medford baseball team is plan ning on securing either tho Hilt or Uorabrook team for a game In this city next Sunday. Tho local aggro ation is fast roundln Into shape. Choice any hat in tho shop $3.95. Home Millinery, 1101 West Ninth. 55 Tho Jackson School Circle will meet Wednesday afternoon. May 26, at 2:30 to have an election of officers. See Pierce the florist, for bedding plants of all kinds. Allen Palno of Montcgue, Califor nia, Is spending a few days In tho cltv on business. Pan Dandy Bread at De Voe's. The Joint convention of the mining men of aouthorn Oregon and northern California will be held at Una Mills, July 2-4. All tailored suits, !r'twn, skirts, waists, llncgrlo dresses greatly under priced at tho stock reducing Bale. Ahrens. 55 The rainfall total for tho month to date Is 1.1 inches. Tho precipitation has been welcomed by orchafdlsta .and gardeners but has hampered somewhat tho ork of t-utlng hay. Miners also rojolco as It gives them additional water for mining purposes. Snow has fallen tho last week on tho higher hills. Merchant's lunch 25c at Shasta. A special train of Swedish-Ameri cana from Chicago and other middle west points will pans through Med ford June 2G oil route to the San Kranoiseo (air, Ask for Grandma Cookies. The Liberty Bell on Its Jorney to tlie s& wancisco fair will pass through Portland tho morning pt July IS, arriving at C In tho morning and JkavJag for the south at noon. It will reach Itoseburg at 8 In the even ing. The cherished relic upon this Mkftdule will reach this city on tho jBoralag of July 1C, remaining 30 mJaut. The national heirloom will Mak its trty ea a flat car, and the gratt owe Is xrclAd to present ay eJ4t. It hm Journed Uko from PWIaiWphls, onee to Cs'ow Or kMi m4 Ut tk world's fair in Chi cane in 1892. Yns4 lee pream at Do Voe's. T1 pUUt &t Utt Ladles' Aid So islsif U JHrw4tftfIaH ewurch fteiwdtuW avsxt Wednesday has imm wpn4, MHHly, e o mutt ml M pmiHtmy f wnfaver- Kcnncth Williams of Grants Pnns, well known In tho'Roguo rher valley M a hall player, has garnered new honors' with Spokano In the North west league. Ho is lending the league, in hitting, bnso stealing and hotuernns. IIo is also showing form as a coachcr. Williams is being touted as big league timber, nud Spo kane papers predict that ho vtlll bo drafted to tho majors In mid-sen-eon, If ho keeps up his present form Panamas $.1.88 nnd $2.19. Ahrens. Bud Anderson, one time pride of Medford, Is defending a suit for dam ages to tho amount of JUR.S7 in Judgo Morrow's court at Portland, al leged to havo Incurred, when hi a nuto driven by himself, collided with an other machine In tho streets of the Itoso city. Anderson's machlno at teh time bare In big white letters on tho hood his name, for ho was In the heyday of his glory. Tho suit was filed at tho time, but It took two years to reach It on tho civil docket. Magazines and newspapers. Phone ua your w ants. Wo deliver by bicycla messenger. Medford Cigar Store. Phono Sfc5. Tho commUteo appointed by tho Farmers nnd Fruitgrowers lenguu last Fohrunry to Investigate tho feas ibility of irrigation projects in tho Uoguo rhor vnlloy hns called a meet ing to bo held next Saturday after noon at two o'clock In tho publlo library, when tho committee will innko Its report. It Is understood they will favor tho project of taking water from Ulg Hutto. Tho meeting promiscn to bo tho lnrg! attended Irrigation dlsqusstnn In tho history of tho vnlloy, as weather conditions so far this year hao left a lasting impression upon many who hereto fore regarded Irrigation as a fad. Tho It theater will bo clocd for a tlmo whllu tho manager Is out of town. E rjgjrfe Mr, M, IX r. JJW Week. Carl Tcngwald mado a business trip to Ashland Monday evening. .Pierce, the florist, has a fine lot of pansy plants. ' Mrs. William Seoysmith, Mrs. -V. Conro Flero and F(eteher Fia pre sented Barrio's "Bosallnd" 'at the Vlnlng theatre, Ashland, Monday night under the auspices of tho loaal drama league. Tho play was well re ceived. Gerald Sooy-Stuitb, H, W. BlnghanT and A. Conro Fiero wero among the, Medford people who at tended tho performance. All trimmed hats reduced 20 to 50 per cent. Stock reducing sale. Ahrens. 5ft, B. H. Johnson of Marshfleld is spending a few days In the city at tending to business matters. Pop corn Crispettes at De Voe's, Tho forestry service has assigned lookouts fer the season, most of the old men being retained. Ask for Grandma Cookies. J. F. Brown of Eagle Point Is at tending to business matters In J he city and Jacksonville today. Have your lawa mower sharpened by J. W. Mitchell, ptOBe 3S9-J. tf William Miller spent Sunday and Monday in Grants Pass, making tho trip by motorcycle. J. O. Gerktng. the best all around photographer In southern, Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any. "here, tins or place. Studio 328 Main St. Phone 3 10-J. Attorney Gus Nowbury attended to legal matters In Jacksonville today, Helmans white sulphur swimming pools and baths at Ashland, Ore., open for the season Saturday, May 1st. I 57 Tho machinery for tho Hoko Can- operative cannery is expected to ar rive this week, nnd tho work of in stallation will begin at once. Tho cannery will begin operations for tho season about the middle of June, ac cording to present jilans. Kodak finishing the best, at Wes ton's Camera Shop. Opposite Book Store. ,By virtue of a resolution adopted at the last meeting of tho Merchants Association, the stores of the city will close next Monday, Memorial Day. The exercises of tho day will be under the directloc of tho G. A. R. poet. Screen doors at Medford Lumber Co. Dr. H. G. Carter, formerly a dent ist of this city, is now located at Kn terprise. Oregon. Flelschmann's yeast at Do Voe's. Gcorgo J. Carpenter reports that he Is pumping between 1 2,000 and 14,000 gallons a day from a well on his property to irrigate his land. About fifty wanderers passed through Medford Monday aftornoon and night en route to Grants Pass whoro they havo been attracted by the news that construction work on tho Grants Pans-Crescent City rail road will begin soon. Frank Byboe of Jacksonville spent Monday afternoon In Medford attend ing to business matters. Ralph Hanley of Rogue River spent Monday in Medford attending to busi ness matters. Carl Herman of Ituch spent Mon day in this city attending to business. Joo M. Ilader of Phoenix was a business vUltor in tbo city Monday. W. V. Ussher of Ashland transact ed business matters in this city Mon day afternoon. Dr E. II. Seely who has been shoot ting nt local tryouts will represent tbo Medford Itod and Gun club at the stato shoot ut I'ortlapd early In June. H. C. F, Astbury has returned from a two months' vUlt at San Fran cisco, where he suffered a severe at tack of tho grippo. A Ford automobile, said to havo been driven by a Mr, Ferguson of Medford, In turning off tho Central Point bridgo Monduy evening, collid ed with a horo and buggy driven by Frank Upton. In swerving from tho buggy, tho Ford .struck a tele phone polo, cutting it off clean. "So serious damage, except to the local phouH stein is reported, Psslfki Package outfits with D, M, O, KwUiolilvry threads, Handicraft , ... - t. .- i.l , dtp IfflE WITHIN A m Engineer KittmlgQ m charge of work on the Pacific lifyliwny over the fjUki. I'll.", wusj a Mtnlfortl iitjr TiscnIuv mill xtnteti Hint, if no ruin tui incnnwliile, Die Orvpui portion of; tie grailc- will ho fit for trnxel lij tlo on.l of tho week. In the past thxeo week, thro lm been only three day without min. All the tidei have been removed nnd teams nro drajTsu'ir tho roadway. T)io Cnlifnrnin portion bus not jet bocH touched nud if imiuissnMc on Recount of Midcs nud tbo collude of a ruble wall, To hapten operation. Jlr, Kittredfcp, met Engineer Uedfonl at yrcUn Saturday. wi prpmKod that work, wojiM begin in the noxt week. The rublo wall will bo replaced by a concrete w nil. So far tho South ern Pacific Jms done nathiug toward const ructing tho uubway under tho liighwny, nnd a tent)ornry rond around ha bceti constructed. It in n year wnce the nuhway was ngreed upon, hut tho railroad iuMstcd.ii do ing it thcmelvcH. ! Engineer lkdfonl ntntert that the new highway in Shiirdn nnd Sikiyoti counties, Culifoniin, climiiiatiw ,18 rnilrond prnde croing, Home ut the expense of if"',0(10, and there i but one grade rroMtinj rontemplated in the two cotiittieH. TKAXCK Mi:IVM, 1WUMIHT AM) 'lAIHVoNT, HAS AltltlVKh IX MKDFOttn AXII SKCUItKI) PAItl.Olt AT Till: PALM KOIKMlXti HOl'SIl WO MAIN Htiuid Alone In Her MitgiiUlivut Power of Itcmllug tho Futiuv of lluiiiiuiklud. Ponce de Leon Failed; Ills Prize Is Pound Strangely fmtrlnnttng nro thu words that enuio from tho culllxntod llpn of thh most Interqstlng oung lad) whosp Journuy In llfo hns already tuk. en her through all the lenuwiied liMi'tilc i-chools of i:pt, ludlu nud Uuropo. It svvma, Indeed nu It her kuowlcdgu must come from that ms terloua world of which wo all would know, yet longing, cannot kuow. Sho looks Jar away Into tho dim, myster ious future- tho great beyoiid-iveros tho dark chasm which noporatcs the human body from tho fleeting soul nnd that which Ik to ho told. Tho aeporateit nro brought together; foes nro mado friends; lost property Is re covered, tho mist is brtmhed away frpm buslneas o(iturc, and tho hand Jo guided that failures aro averted, tho earth's surface Is explored. Its treaturcn laid lmro to her mysterious prccoptho mind, nnd whllo alio gives uatnes, dates, facts and figures, her PARENT-TEACHERS FAREWELL RECEPTION Tiie joint Pnrent-Ti'nehers' nsso ciation of Medford will give u fare well reception tot the teacher Thurs day evcninn at 8 o'clock nt the high Hciiool when the following progrniii will he rendered: Piano holo, Iim Drew; vocal miIii Mim Jacks; reading, "The Quaker und tho Hobbcr," Mm. (Irnce T. Tnr bcl; voeul solo, Miss Ilinman; violin solo, II wij Flynn; furewell uddrerts to tho teaehern hy U. F. Mulkey, mem ber of the hoard of education; vocal nolo, Miss Urynn. Light refreshments will he nerved nnd all teachers and members of the Pnrcnt-Tenehers' associations ore cordially invited. ITALIAN RESERVISTS ORDERED TO RETURN LONDON, May 2V-liwtruliiiiH were received nt the Italian embus from Itomn today that nil Italian re- HcrviatH in tho United Kitigilom hhould ho notified to return nt once. TOO LATH lO CLAHfltFT. FOIt SALK Good Columbia blcyclo, new tires, mudguards, $12, Phono 108. 55 LOST Bunch of koyH with pants j;uard, iiame on same. Penn Gar ment Co. Hot urn to Mail Tribune. 57 Thi Rtal Sttff rafit Thought of Wmnm KotbcrboodlsUio thoogbt uppermost lu woman's mind. Aad with it, of course, comes iuo quwiioo or comfort, of belpful aids and Isioeseea. Auoonr tbe bett of tlio u a well knowa external tttatdr. "Mother- Prlsnd." It U sent applied to tin ssrfAea Muclei. These are IsiirlcaUit, toeJ, aiiulo pliable so tUy ttretcti si nature requlrm without tbo train ami pain on cord and VgamtnU. tLroucfa the myriad of una to deeper ur. faces, thu Iptcroat organs. And tbua a period of repose mart reflect lUelf not only in the tolod of tho leather, but upea Ut bale to eeme, YourMT Utrs wkp bars u4 "Hsthe-r4 yrlwul" hare written to iy how rtlolead tbey wsnt at the uUeneo of isorsln kleknaat, HbwH snrewMMr, asd ether tilAittMi of which they had heard and feared. 0t a KMlt ef "Montr's r-1wl" at say dru Mara. fKuftf twV U orer the lAmimk khw 4m sad net saurel et berfeet ntntf and mmfon Ar sad ulsU. Write U hraMitii ; tuir, h uw awsc. Aiiaws, ua., tw biuitvmv m4 Irw41 lwt aW K visitor sts dumbfounded at tho revel ations, she makes to them. The Future fan He Foretold Locked in tha't mysterious sleep. when tho soul shakes off Its mortal shackles, Mmo Klsomoru, tho living breathing, proof of tho mur'vol- ous powers of Clairvoyance, reads tho future of Individuals nud predicts tho outcome of their dally uff.Urs. Not a mind rUr or a fortuno teljur, but ono whosenoul 4renks ls cnrthly shackles and waudors Into I Ho labyr inth of nico and time, and meets thero tho skeletons of tho pant, the realities of your future and returns to this potontlal aphero to warn and advise you. Sho is not a clairvoyant front chotco but because fatu Ids so decreed ft; So matter what your proacnt trouble may be, or what your just experience has been you will snvn tlmw und avoid dlbappolntment by nt onco consulting her. Sho gives dates, ndvlco farts and Information on nil matters of In forest. In bunlnrts transactions, law suits, contests, wills mortgages clsluin collections, speculations, adventures, stocks iand financial difficulties, lo cates buried treasures. If you care to know what luminous you should follow to bo successful, tirhcro you you shall go and whom to advold, If you Intend to inako cny changes or start a huglneis, buy or soil pro perty, or. In fact, tnkn any Important stop. Jvo, courtship, marriage, If affairs of tho heart or emotions of lovo interest you, tho glvos tho exact nnd truthful rovclattou of all lovo af fairs. Hottlca lovers' quarrels, on ah If a you to win tho cstcam and af fection of unyono jou deslro, causes speody and happy mnrrlagos, restoros Jost affections, puuco nud confidence to lovors and discordant famlles given you tho full scent of how to control fasclnato and charm thu ono you lovo. How to make dlmaiit onus think of you, even though miles apart. Mow to overcome nl Influences, Office hours 10 a. in. to 8:30 p. m. Madame Klucmoro is an ordained spiritual medium. (Adr.) With Medford trade Is Medford mado, I .l-Jr- l r .....JIU-lTi l,. . kWiir 'IkWr boM ll'vTSSVal 'si EYE STRAIN nervousness and causes headaches, poor sight, I spccluIUe In strain, corroding oyo- DR. RICKERT Hullo l-, ur lH'g Ponco do Lono, tho daring explor er, nonrohed among tho awampH ot Flordln for thu Fountain ot Youth, which the Indians mild would renloio power and mnku p.'oplo young. Ho did not find II. Tliotitfiuiils of rluonlo lutesllnnl, bowel and stomach nufferors have written to (loo. II. Mnyr, K.I Whiting St., Chicago, In ijuest of health They havo found It. Ills remedy, composed of hcnlliig vcKctnhlu oils from Franco has Indeed gtven thorn back tho health of youth. Why mitf-tr from Indigestion, gnsoa on tho stomuch, fainting stndls, tor pid liver, coiiMtlpllon and nil tho evils of u dWnrdorod stoiuncli when thero It perinnnunt rollot hero? Mnyr's Wonderful Itemedy Is sutd by leading druggists ovory where with tho puni tive understanding that your money will bo refunded without question or quibble If ONi: bottle falls to give you absolute satisfaction -Adv, When lit Need of a Gleaner or Dyer PHONE 244 Best of Workmanship . 1 1 1 )l "JW, W aassssHaM M sssV sm Hi a im nl tsss sai SUPERIOR IN QUALITY AND FLAVOR v tiwy liucA tof'Sfttishi) AT YOUR GROCER FRED ALTON HAIGHT TISACIIEU OF PIANO A successful toucher of piano for over fifteen yours, tipcelitllsl lu tho correct principles of Tiiunlt and Techulo us ap plied to modern plaitu playing for children, nil beittiinnrti and ad vanced puplli". The liiHtructlnu Is equal lu that otfored hy thu bent touchers lu tho larger cities whllo tho cent Is much !, Hummer term. HAIGHT .MI'HIU HTt'DIOH Itoiini 101 (hirnett.Coiey lliilldlng Phono 715 Bo sure tuul nsk your gropor DAIRY BUTTER TODAY It's Hindi from cnrofnllv hc- Icctctl crcain, mid every pound guaranteed. Mado by The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. 32 S. Central. Phone -J8J aaaw iliV'Tt aaal V.JKV W mw m jy s .S. $75 m FREE for tho Best , Pelican Molucca U Dot 4 zz &. TcnGnrdenRccipo . Ten Onrdnn Is tlio most 4,. wholesome of purest syrup &, for all cooking mirnosea. It is aunerior to glucose syrups for candy and irostinyrH. Try Toa Ciimlcn pad cmf as & M li z& votir rccipo for tho dainty yon lilto tho lycat we'll pay s?7f) for tho host rccipo snbniittcd and O 101" 1110 80COIKI ueni. A; TeaGardenSyrup ror the Children . Toa Garden Syrap is a "? rul KVI'lllt niui iu IMIMll for tho children- can' t hurt thrlr .: sO firm h mWm itor-ixwr-' ifattmivmt iincyVuaViiimiiif ra m VXl dices 1 1 on j XV try it. rorllitml, OroKun. FV S5-S? Kf. aD c V OS .T. V. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ? W' L XXV. .H X X bbbbbbH p -3 .S? ? Un Pelican Molasses iiiiIirior " Motor Carrie . r J.5 Tho Chalmers Motor fjk, ' ' Company plant cover v t5! 30 acres; employs 4000 ft Jt&!''? trained, skilled workmen .jy ''' &0ttwfc isPfelL IBaWPPaWaBVtH'hiftrintM.-r haAssioafiiiit vftriA5. t WvWmw jii II &m,(mi$s!'( v-rpOM tin3arzmttt?jmtm&ww aRLnanaOgfiffi aaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaWaaaWataiaT--JaWj"aaT iM WaV laall III al aaaaaal lit ' I II I I I i I II I II I Hja.JS af JIS7..TiV.U1tr. BBBBBBBBBBn iiiymi i hi ii II hii n hi ' fi H Ontliillock-QpaUly-Imean 0 HI to build my Business gUf H liuh Chalmers Iev: 22 1907 H HI Cltalrnwrs Models f?i& Ualflf . HtwSt40atf!,40O PglitSix.48 at $1,030 MukrSbeM at $2,400 uJmM K8? h , 5 Pi; EWBBLaWfflLMLMWM BBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBsVilClaWQETiUilfiKASiCBK -mmawunrxMnxiivwwmftL'irJKnsfi .TK.vrj;:?' '. .v.rtiTr,' 'r, i wzjtjxLr t PERRY ASHCRAFT Jr., Agent "it 1 'X. - , f- I '4 ?1 4 a X IMh w,