PAGE TWO MMDX)UD MALL TRlHUNJti. MEDFOKl). OKKGON, .VftlDAY, MAY 21, 1MB SB .f n Ko- : if. -: v t v. 1 4 f v B i A ' sK' Mf . p ai iuval nxw i L PERSONAL Jofcn M. Kot has returned from week's vlejt At Saa Francisco, lie reperta Ibat while the construction ot tbe Orftnts Pass railroad for forty mftsi'li assured,' tkere re bo signs otfarther-extenBlok to the coast, as tat breecent City Interests bare not been consulted. t ( meteefiiiann'a yeast 'at De Voo's. JL.D. MoVCee, former neelstant post MteteV at Ashland, as seateaeed to sixty days Imprisonment In tho Mult nomah county Jail for cmbecilemont. p. M. 0. Embroidery threads, nil kinds. Handicraft Shop. Dr. C. R. Ray has returned from a business trip to San Francisco. w. I. vawtor left Thursday on a business trip to San Francisco. Screen doors at Medford Lumber .Co. Representatives of Smith, Emery Co., Seattle contractors, aro looking over the valley. F. V. Uartlatt, in chargo ot tho Jackson County sportsmen's exhibit at the exposition, reports that the ox hlblt Is making la hit and attracts mere attention than anything In tho Oregon building. So great is Its suc cess that he is planning another ex hibit en similar lines In the horti cultural building. Kodak flatahhHC the best, at Wee ten's Camera Shop. Opposite Book tore. Although less than a tenth of an Inch ot rain fell la Medford Thurs day evening, heavy downpours aro reported from outlying sections. Dur- ,lng the past week heavy rains aro reported from Antelope, Butte Falls, Prospect, Rogue River, tho Apple- gate and in tho Sisklyous, Kith a cloudburst of rain and ball in the upper stretches of the Little Butte. Heavy rains continue in California. In fact all surrounding regions re port a good coaklng. Rogue river Is chocolate colored and there "will bo no fishing for a week or so. Experienced salesman wanted. Men's Dept., F. K. Deuel and Co, apply back door. B2 Mrs, M. M. Searaon of Rogue Riv er has been In Medford tho past week visiting her daughters, Mrs. C. Duf flcld and Mrs. Marlon Lance. Judge W. S. Crowell leaves today for a few weeks vacation In Port land. llelmans' white sulphur swimming pools aad hatha at Ashland, Ore., eee for the season Saturday, May - 1st. , 67 aSBBSBMBESBSBS-SSSSai III BSBHBBBgS Figures compiled by tho county treasurer's office shows that $368, 833,43 Was collected In tales' forrttie first period.' fchlsh but M'Sor cent ef the total assessment. It was eV Mutated that fe5 per cent would, bo paid. Tho light receipts nro due to tholr being juo penalty attached. Tho total number ot tax slips sent out was 0800. Tho collection blanks for tho last period will bo turned over to tho sheriffs offico tomorrow, Tho final day for payment is September 30. When thinking of your Sunday din ner drop in tho Independent Market, 0 South Central. in response to ninny Inquiries ns to tho date of tho production ot tho movies" which A. 'C. Allen and Hoi brook Wlthlngton aro inking for tho Jackson county exhibit at tho Panama Paciric fair, the producers announce that If they hnev fnvornblo weather they will be through taking pictures In about n week, as they already havo about four reels. They cannot fix tho date when the film will bo shown here, as they are at the mercy ot weather conditions hut the dato will bo announced as soon as possible In these columns. At tho public market In booth 4, May 22nd, Saturday, a fine tat veal and 20 fat hens. Pctrle. 52 A brisk shower fell over tho val ley and city Thursday night, tho rain lasting about an hour, and was ot immense benefit to orchard and gar den. 3, O. Gerklng, the beet all around photographer la southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives made any. where, time or place. Studio IIS Main St. Phone 3I0-J. Something of an ultimatum was re ceived this morning from Gold Hill. setting forth that unless tho Cold Hill band was one ot tho attractions at the contemplated celebration 6t tho Fourth of July in this city. Gold Hill would make tho eagle squeal upon Its own accord. The decree was received by John "Wilkinson of tho Medford National bank from the cash ier of the Gold Hill bank. Tho noto was tHraed over to John Sheridan, and an exchange ot notes on the sit uation will be the next step in tbo relations. Have your lawn naower sharpened by J. W. Mitchell, phase 3X0-J. tf Henry Fielddlng of San Jose, Cat., Is spending a few days in the city aad valley attending to business matters. Poultry, hares, veal, and In fact everything good in the meat line at the Independent Market. Miss Helen Bowers ot Ashland spent Thursday In Medford visiting friends aud relatives. Lawrence. F. Mrown, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John' ttrow'n of Central Point, 'Is ah aviator' wllh tho Caf! rafyn forces' In Mexico, according to tvord received by1 trlomls. Brown began hi career a n htrdmnn at Vera Cnu two years ago, and is rat ed ns one ot tho most daring nmntour aviators In tho country. Dr. M, U, Harbor, Tnlm block, Hours 0 to t. Phone: Offico lid; Home llOJi. Tim Paronl8Tpachera' nsioctnttons ot tho lloosevclt, Lincoln, Jackson. Washington, nnd tho high school wlU hold tholr Annual elections of officers at 'the regular' nwnthty meetings tq bo' hold IhV Wttbrnooh. ' If lis from'the Independent Mnrkct Its' always tho freshest nnd best. Phono' 27'. The Country blub tl hold a dance and dinner at the cluhhoueo next Sat urday cVcnVui?. AVk tor Grandma Cookie's. The nRhuaf'pxiilbifoi'tho gear's work" of the manual graining and 'do. mestic" 'fccVcnce 'department of' tho high school Is being held this after noon, ' 1)6 It agnln Sunday. Rat your din nor at' tho Na's'lf Cafeteria. Chicken, roast $e8t"sj Yeictablcsrpastries, etc, of all Kinds'." ftXsk thoso who have tried tWse 'AjSUt, ' "" James fccrths'w, t.l of the Climax district pcnt Thursday in Medford attending 'to tousWss matters. Pop'corn CrlspcUes at De 'Voe's Tommy ' Tracer j&f Portland, onq time 'lightweight ''champion 'contend er, Is iti the city an'd valley tor a few dnys "inspecting local, pugilistic con dltlons.. ' ' " ' floe let Pierce. 'thV'flortst. has a ' i ......Y. ' jt.w . ui imuf (Jrauia. Milton Sohuhnrd loft Thursday livening for KugonV nnd'CorvnlHs, where ho will spon'd thd next two weeltu visiting collego frleiids'. Pan Dandy' Dread Kt DU Voo's. A number df Medford people left Thursday for Grants Pas's lo attend tho annual campmcetlng of the Ad tonttst church for tho southern Oro gon district. ' ' " 8vo l)nt Wood aoout tiint fire ln Wnnco policy, Office Mail Trlhuno nidg. ' From present ludlenllnus tho Lib erty Hull en roulo to Sni. l-'mnclsco will reach Medford about noon, Frl- dny, July Ml. Tho bell will stop nt Kukoiip, Snloni, (ltosetiurg, Grnnts Pass nnd Ashland, outsldo ot Port land In thin state. t.uneh goods at Do Voo's. Glenn Conwell of the California Oregon Power company tells of the tragic finish of a cat. who for ninny weeks has frequented tho alley be tween Holly nnd Grape streets lit the rear ot tho St. Mark's building. The Conwcll's have n garbaRo cau up on tho top fire escape, and hero the felines camo to feed o'nlghts. Last Monday night ono of tho nncturn nnl prowlers' rammed his head Into n tin can after a dainty, and could not extricate his head thereafter. In his efforts for freedom, the cnt back ed off the flro escape, and nil Its nlno Uvea departed when he hit the pave ment three stories below, and omit ted ono mournful wall. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Opposlio Book Store. The petit Jury for the May term of court will bealn at .Jacksonville next Monday. Hut one criminal case Is on tho docket, that of Jack Rein- marriage llronso was granted clerk's of- Kltotftfari, Thursday by tho flco'to lVd tiSYhUn a nil both ot Ashldlid.'nnd tjuth Kb yean) of age. Mr. Whit Is n veteran' of tho Cjvjl war and well knnwri throughout the Hoguo river valley, Sco Plnrcu tho florist, tor bedding plants of nit kinds, Among tho laws passed by (ho Inst legislature and effecltvo ImtUnnlug tomorrow', Mny'22,'aro (lioso nlmllkh Ing tho use of tiri(llji slnmpH, mid grunting to old soldiers nnd snllnra ot the nrm ynnd navy, fishing nnd hunting privileges without licensee. Mnrk liininnrd left Thursdny ntler- noon for Fresno, Cnl., whero ho ex pects to remain for several months. William Vnwlor, tho young linrlt lone soloist ot tho University glee club, will glvo n recital in Vlllnrd hall tomorrow night. Mr. Vnwlor Is a freshman nt the university this year, but hns nlrendy made n big plneo for himself with his voice, mak ing tho gleo club nnd tho coveted honor of soloist In his first year, Ho hns a powerful volco ot wide rango Mr. Vnwter Is tho son of Mr, nnd Mrs. W. I. Vuwier of this city, nnd n graduute of tho local high school. jumi'ji( Kirem, muiMiiny mp Tloiun nnd !t liionlliu, nl' t'tdniiioii lli old ugV TIo i'lib Frank Ford of Cottage Grove spent cry charged with burglary. Tho other Thursday in this city and Jackson vllol on business. Magazines and newspapers. Phono us your wants. Wo deliver by bicycle messenger. Medford Cigar Store. Phone SSB. Walton Skipworth of Grants Pass takes exception to Judfio W. M. Col vig's statometn that General Grant never saw Grants Pass. Mr. Skip worth says that Bishop Newman ot three men held in tho county Jail on criminal charges plead guilty. Geo Hamlin, bound over to the grand Jury Thursday by Justice Taylor on a statutory chnrgo will wait until the September term of court. Dave Harrell of Copper. Cal., has returned to his homo after spending several days In this city on business. Dr. E, R. Seelcy of this city won the fat man's race at the Valley Pride tho Methodist church told him that picnic Thursday. Ills competitor was ho rodo through Grants Pass with General Grant on a stage In tho early days, en routo to California. Velvet Ice Cream at De Voe's. W. R. Coloman left Thursday for Waldo, whero ho is contemplating the taking over of some mining prop erty for tho season. Ask for Grandma Cookies. One sleeper was interned In tho city jail Thursday night, tho first lodger In ten days. Merchant's lunch 25c at Shasta. Bandmaster Corns R. R. Ebcl of San Francisco, for merly of this city, auditor of tho California-Oregon Power company, Is In the city on business and greeting old friends. Mr. Kbcl whllo en roulo to this city on tbe train saw a spec tacularcruptlon of Mt. Lassen, In which mud, fire, rocks, steam and smoke woro thrown high Into tho air. Tho eruption was the most vio lent yet staged by the peak, and s still In progress DIED MKTZ -Henry Metx, one of Iho lietJt-kiiown members of I lie loeul fl A. H. I'oit, nml n hero of tho civil wnr, tiled nl liln rosltU'iit'i '115 Noilh lliullet(Hratli TliMH'Iny- nlj-lif, iipml mimi'iiiM lllMllI Hill - ittiiH will Im hclil MiiiuMy, Mny U!l. nl 12 o'clock, frtin Hid rmully rcrflileiii'o, tho ltov. IliiWklim irficlitiiiir. The (J. A 11. will Imve elintgo nl' tlio nt vIooh nt (lio grnvi1, llu wim llie fnlher nl! rlittitti Metx. Mr. Mi-U wan net Ive in (1, A. II, elroleM for .vi'iiih, nml lint i l)ee6)uliiiil iliiy lielil In tli'lrt oily In yent'H hut u lie lielped pluii. 1 In ulWiiyH lieuiled Hie Meiiioriul lu.v nule. ' , , ,, T "THE BARGAIN," 'At ' THE STAR THEATER Thcro hns nrilvud nt Inst it photo play (lint Is very inticli ot u surprise) lo the mnuy patrons of this class ot nmusemont In this city, Tho surprise Is Tho Ilnrgnln, nt tho Stnr theater. This picture wns never produced by some of tho mnny directors that hnvo been turning out won torn dramns from Newark, N. J. ns there In too much of (ho genuine western nlr lit the production. Most of tho socnlled western dramas nro n joke to tho mnii nnd woman that knows tho west, but Tho llnrgiilu enn bo seriously called a western ilrnnm. The star of tho pro duction In William 8, Hart, a pinn of. tho range, and tho picture wns iimdti In Arloniii with nil tho boun ties, of dm drniiil Unnyon, ns n stngii. Tho story Jh good nml rofrouhliiK nnd In truly western. Tho Ilnrgnln Is ono of tho very best Paramount pictures, (lint lins huen shown horn nnd will ho nt I ho Utnr tlientor this nfleinonn nnd oven-llllt. Pnrllnnil Livestock Hnikcl VOHThAND, Oh, Mnv 'J).-0(tH', Hteuily. ItocelptA ll.'lll, IIim. ITiii iinutr. IfecnlplH HIV'. I'liuie lljjlit, 47.7ri("i7.tirt elioli'ii mil tlluiu, 7.r0(Ti7.7rn ,Ic.h, 7,'( lough, ifii.tinfjitiri. Sheep -IterviptH H.ITi IiiiiiIim Titi lower. I'liuiee Hlienrlliign, i7('i 7,', With Medford Undo In Mt'dforil innilo. rrrr- ia An' ufnumn RROW COLLAR . qutTT'ltAJLKwnw-iNO'.t.iairai H)N(43H3H$H$H$H$M$e3M$M4$l JmJm5mJm'JmJ r V S 'f 'f ' W 'rVr V WWV V VVvVVVVvVVtVVVVVT ALL MEDFORD AND VICINITY IS COMING TO OUR Stupendous Stock Reducing Sale Great Reductions Throughout the Store . . The first week of this tale was a winMr and we are even going to make tke second week greater than the first, as we have added many new bargains. Offcj(ef?, Seasonable, , Djirable ItferchandispJnGrpt Quantities wjthNew Lots Constantly Coming Forward That Have Been on Order for Some Time. Tlire is swek a profusion of bargains, thousands of them, that it is rather out of the question to enumerate all of them. iR 1 TpEMJCED gATBEDUCED 20 TOjOO, , , MEN Watch Your Feet Tomorrow Morning We Will Sell $2.25 Boys' Low Shoos 70$ 92.&O Boys JuOw onoes . a....m. Use. $3.00 Boys' Shoes 1 ..'. . SJJ1.3JI $3.50 Boys' Heavy Shoes ."51.79 $4.00 Boys' High Top Lace $2.30 $i5 and iM0 ITailorMl Suits now $29.50 $35 Tailored Suite uoy ,$22.05 $24.50 nnd $22.50 Tailored Splits now..... '....15.00 One lot of Tailored Suits and Spring Coats, .actual values io $30.00 ....$5.95 $25.00 Nowcst Spring Coats 18.05' $15 nnd $10.50 Spring Coats .'. $llf05? , $12.50 and $14.50 Spring Coats '. $8.95 $1.25,11 Grceque Corsets now- ,..,..,.96 $2 La Grceque Corsots now t $1.49 One lot pf ICalio $2 Corsets now $149 $1.25 Now Crepe Gowns , 98 $1.50 ew Crepe Gowns ..f.t $1.19 One lot of Wash Dresses, values up to $2.50, now 98' Om lot of WurIj JDrcMWH, values up to $5, now $1.98 $5.00 find $6.00, jf3.45 One lot of Trimmed Hats, values & T-T- -rWv? t One lot of Trimmed Ifats, values $7.50, $8.50 and $9.50, pow , r $4.95 Others at $5.45, $5.96, $6.45, $8.95, up. C'lu'ldren'stfah Kali Hats now.,., 294 aud 49 Panamas, six slmpes to, choose from v,.,...,$1.98 Parasols, beautiful styles, at, One-Half Off AU-Wool Challie Dresses, Sjlk Dresses. Chiffon Dresses at a great saving in price. A Lingerie Dresses at reduced prices. Jack Tar Middicjf specially priced. , , ut, ; , , Dungalow Aprons of standard. gingham mu licjiyy )crealo,-Kpecial , ,.,,...49 Giugbani Bib Aprons, special ,..,.'Mf ,. JtlLIAJUC NEBOHAlfDISE OMLY TH DAYMaHT STORE $2.00 Men's Slippers ,... G9 $3.50 Men's Shoes for dress $1.89 $5.00 Men's Shoos for dress w. $2.29 $6.00 Men's Shoes for dress $2.59- $4.00 Men's Heavy Work Shoes.........w... $1.98 $5.00 Mon's Heavy Work Shoos $2.89 $6.50 Men's High Tops $3.09 $8.50 Mon's High Tops i....-.J $3.98 $3.50 Knee Length Rubber Boots ,. 98d .$7.00 Hip Rubber Boots $1.98 .... ' . ... Every pair of Shoes in the store is placed on tables all marked you can wait on yourselves. 1 Jk &tr9rrv t T ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 5: Come and take your pick whilo they lost tomorrow nt 10 a. m. The Meit's tfebikiehi of the nt Going Out of Business For ul particulars SJw Pagwt 4 axd 5, XXPERICKOKD MIL? WAKTKD, i JkJhHMd j