Hil..rtW, j, tlMiMiiWtiniWMtfl'lWlWW"W'llWl'1rtWlllitlhrtilMiiirfri ..Huh W iil, . W fc('MfW ww n 4?. ) .1 '- f "PAGE EIGHT M"RT)F0ni MATT, TWRPNR MEDFOUO. OKRCION, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1015 Hf-.iMMMTriOWWWHt,;i. , , W - n .if in. i nn ni.t j .i ! 41' i in HI: to L it 'f ." i.' t f U ft i .y- a-? m CREAMERY amis FARMERS HOME make An Important move toward keeping money l homo ha been under wny fur some lime, Imt 1 now nt on He firnt publicity. The Jni'knon County creamery, which replnec the Wolu liard Ilccr ard Icu depot in Mrdiord, lias nccurcd tlio sen ices of I. 1. Ilnl frerww, nn c.Tcrt Ituttcr maker, who is now installing jho mnchincry Tor tm nliHututi'ly up-to-dnln Imllcr fne lory. Their output will ho of tin beat ipinlily and to inmirc thin they will only ptirclinic cream nt "hullpr fat" prions, and must iiwKt on it IukIi urnde article. Btcwdy Market Ass-iiml The nRPurnncc of n atenrtv market for cream should, ami doubtless will, encourage tho local fanners to dc'- vclop n fine grade of dairy cows and In uso llio neceiary ram in handling their output, partirularlv in keeping tludr cream nn in cold water mid kecpinjr it properly agitated to pre vent deterioration. The creamery, brine located in a building wilh cold tdoraso facilities, will bo enabled to keep the rnw ma ierial, n well as the finished prod net, in the bent possible condition, and so insure n most excellent output. VtMer Weleomo Jtr.,lloljcrson will at nil times af ter Iho plant is completed be glad to hhnw to visitors whether they nrc cream producer or not, the entire plant exhibiting the late-t ideas in machinery, hygiene and sanitary equipment, and will gladly advise nnd assist dairymen in the. care of their tawmaterial. For the benefit of those iho defile It, HCKiratc eow tests will bo nmdo and record kept, so that the former will be able to keep a check mi bin stock Hud lenni what Htrainx s:e the bet results. Thin feature nn im jMiriant one, as it will rrauH in tlio dr-M-lnmiral of n higher ymde of comh for dairy purines. The valley is to be congratulated on Mowing Ibis plant, which comes un solicited, askh no subsidy nor hack ing, but onlv desircN our farmery lo fnniih Hufficicnt cream of the right quality. FIRS? SPIKE DRIVEN ON GOVERNMENT RAILROAD- IN ALASKA PRESIDENT VISITS BBBBBB V v BLLsiiBiV sssmbbLiiihbISBibbP JBBIV-w,W''P MlN JHAKujsS Aft jj. m f g BssBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBiBSBSlMkak. BBBBBBBBk '1s " I WFjrjBmJBBLBFrJhZ .TTff i. il TT Si rB N' y. B RTHPLACES OF LEE ND WASHINGTON Vlcirs In the new land of opprutunitjr at loft, MLhs "IIIk" Wide lrhlng rir( plke for lUU.iMio, IMIO Rtn eminent mlli-oait in Alntka; above, n "Jsiiinlougli" ramp at Srlp Civek, now Anchorage; Lx-bm, lay ing Uic terminal track at Anchorage bcitrli. LIFE SENTENCE IN POST OFFICE CASE ASHLAND, irny 20. Telegrams from Portland jehtcrday indicate that L. D. McKcc, former deputy postmas ter here, got off with a light sen tence, hixty days in tho Multnomah comity jail. This is about the mini wiim peRlty and indicates that Ale Kw probably plead guilty arid threw bimhelf hkiii the mercy of the court, tntw ecHHng a penitentiary sentence. The remdt U viewed complacently here, inasmuch as it was exacted clemency would bo extended in bit. behalf, and to this end representn nous were matio tnrniign various cbanneU nnd forwarded to Portland. Ho bnd bewi indieted by the fedcrul 'grand jury for certain irreguluritiei, in the local otoffice. BRITISH REQUN United States' $31,000,000 Line to Tap Rkh Gold Fields Begun Great Rush to Scene of New Development, But Opportunity for Employment Limited. (Hy K. O. fiawyer, Jr.) Special Correspond en co. A.NCHORAGK. Alaska, May 1. Tho first sntke ha been driven for the ?31 000,000 government railroad for Alaska. Tho first ties are down and tho first rails arc laid. Already the track stretches down to the water's edge and Is being rapidly pushed Inland. Lieut Fred erick Mean, recommended bv Col. Coethals for the Job of building tho road, has ruslied work night and day. In fact, the first work on tho new road which stretches from tho coast to tho Yukon, was started Just be fore midnight ono day. Chairman Kdcs of the railroad commission will make his headquar ters at Seward. Commissioner Illggs will be located at tho Tanana side. The old lino of tho Alaska Northern will bo reopened. Surveyors aro now out along this and other parts of tho project. Today Ship Creek became Anchor age, that name being awarded It In a bulletin Issued by tho postofdeo department. It Is tho present plan of the rail road commission to use this as the summer terminal for tho lino from hero to tho Matanuska coat field. Tho winter terminal for tho coal fields an well as tho terminal for through transportation from the Yu kon and Tanana district will be Sew ard. Tho sooncrs aro still -coming In by the- boatloads. The Alaskan "nour- , doughs' bavo sped hero by dog sledge land launch. There Is hardly placo j to sleep. Itcstaurants, log cabin ho tels, pool halls, barber shops, every thing but saloons, have suddenly sprung up. Many of tho more exuberant ones thinking they wero landed on prlzo territory have discovered that they aro on tho slto selected for tho ter minal switch yards. Tholr buildings will haev to come down or bo moved. Tho stampedors aro having a lot of trouble getting ashoro with their supplies nnd tools. Kvcry small craft In sight Is being tincd as a lighter and It's almost Impossible to get ashoro from tho liners without get tiiiK wet. Hut this Is a hardy band which Is hero to build this railroad. There are now about 700 men and SO women In Anchorage and nioro com ing dally. The first splko on the new road was driven by Miss "llabo" White, tho first wlilto child born at Ship Creek. Sho has' been "Uabo" to all tho ploncara of this part so long that WASIIINUTON, Mwv ii. Tiro yneht Mnytlowei' letuiiiiiiK from Now Vmk wilh Piosidenl Wilson nnd his party, dunked nl llic nnvy yard vw lut 11:110 n. m, tuility. The prvMdcut (Inter inotoied to the white house for jhtviikfmd. I The president mid his party slop. ped on their wnv up the river to go nslinni ut Wuko field, Vn., mid nt Stmt ford, Vn., to Mt the birthplace of Ociirgc- Washington nnd Hubeit K. I I.ee, Tho Iiiiiimi in which l.ee wiim bum Mill MinuK but only ti monu ment murks the birthplace of Wiisli iugluii. Polk ill that H'cludcd xcctinn of Virginia were umueil mid over joji'd nt the iit of the picsideiitiul putty. The president with Mihs Margaret WiNon, Oipluin liuekett mid M'leml others went ashore in n fin I bout be. eiui.u the launches of the Mayflower were unable to make the landing. The iniitu to. the l.ee homestead led for more than a mile through n dense wood out n narrow path. The party ltitil Itiitsljt.il tittiilLt-jti'tijiil nml ikit ttit. (fill . ,( llllf'll r-v M llil lr fill ties wen eneoiinlcird until finally the presidential party emerged into a clearing where nestled the one-story KnglMi brick houxu in which Hubert K. l.ee was born. It U now occupied by Dr. mid Mrs. Stewart nhd (heir Min, Mrs, Stewart greeted tho presi dent nnd his party wnrmly. "My husband's car itched this morning mid I knew soiucthiug was going to huplH'ii," blip said. "Now the president of tho United States bus come." The president , (sited the room where Oeiieral l.ee was born nnd in- t . spjBBBBBBP4PVSisjL aBMlW Tn "1 1JQflBflBBBBlflfH BVI. J' 1 ?"'P'ssssst'M,V ASwSCwHsiissssssssssssB .rnPEiwian iirna Lmm s'jii,sssssssr r . ' -- -, - WV isssssl'sZnii'lsW j. - .-"'- ' i f 'I t.l y) ArAlwv I CiimlUUrmnl . 4fll 104,000 Men now, grown to womanhood, sho Is Hclcd uiiuiy pieces of colonial furu still known by not other name. At iturc. this writing the first quarter nillo of J Iwiler the pivsident lisitrd the the road tins been laid. Tho work I monument marking the birthplace of had to bo done at night whllo tho ' Washington. tide was out as the track extends In tlio juntflc.'i mid uoIiIh, in our (nclorics, do, 104,000 men nro employed to meet the demand for Goodycnr tires. No oilier tiro commands m hero nonr Bitch Invor, thrco ments. conHpicuouii improve-' nnywhero Soma Goodyear luprcmn cios enn bo ticcii nt n glance Compnro size nnd thickness with tho nvernflo lire. Com And this ttprinif Iiiih hIiowii, in pnro number o( fabrio plies. ' Boles to (lenlcrn. nn increnso of 52 per cent. PriCCi Down Goodycnr hoamsdo in about 1 two veers threo ifrcat nrice i Tlio rKncnn In un forlllv i . . . . i, . ap "" - - rniiuetionn. loin inr to ner our tires. We give the best . TUn . . WM ct Extra Value is, wo fortify givo tho best cent. that others give, plus five ex Ul Our matchless out- Ciusivo icnuirca. .u.ii.y , n.i. .- - v. im wuBu no rlKht down to the sea and nt tho terminal Is really under water at high tide. Work on tho tunnels nnd cuts along Turnagaln arm will be started this summer and completed within two years, Beware of Ointments or Catarrh That Contain Mercury Rirtnrr will nrrl illfxr lk fit nt cnrll ! rvmrWiil Orir ll. whulr txlrut hrn mlrrla It thrviutl lb iaufu, nittrr. Culi tllrlr U-U Mtr I uml Cpl , rrxilv I iifiiit inn rrs,itDi invtiriaii,, s in upft lh-r will iW U tm fuU io Km tmot Iimi run ! small rlri't of liarei anil . 'I"' Vflt rruua tbf. Iltlla ('tinti l"m, i biiiuii lien oi uarKca inu .-,..,, , r , n.,. . c,. tuj- h.. flat-liottomed steamers aro hero tol wuis w mm-nfr iixi f. ta ittiiT. riiac airrriij npon in di.ii , morou r rrr ( IU iiMtB. In bf Ut 1111 I'altnU Car hr nn n il Ik rinl. II I, tikr Intrmallr is mail In Telxln, otK t I'. 1, Kit J k Co, TrttimpUI frv. SI4 br Pmil,l. I"llf. TJ. ft IxSllf. Ttu tuii'i riBiir rnu t countkn. convey supplleatlong tho arm to tho various tunnel 'camps. Actual con struction work"bn the main lino Is scheduled to begin Juno 1. ways, employed by no one else, wo cembnl: Rim-CuU Insecurity Blowouts Punctures Loose Treads Studding And wo never skimp. Dc spile nil prico roductions, Goodycnrs nrcbcltcrlhan ever. Lnlcly wchnvendded Goodyear Fortified Tires N-RUC-I TI-"0 Al," CJ Will, AII.WMKrTfMrSiMa other maker can duplicate. Goodyears mean less trou 1 blo.lcssupkccp. Thatis proved by our cxclusivo features, our dominant place, and tho swell intf Uoouycar tide. We urgo you to join this army. Any dealer will supply you. Goodyear Service Stations -Tires In Stock" MEDFORD ASHLAND Crater Lake Motor Cur Co. Ashcraft Bros. F. L. Camp ZHZhZZHZllZHl1$ NEW YOUR", May 20. It was nn liMiiuccd at the Cunard lino offices to i'ny Hint thu Anchor lino hteauixhip Trunsylvania, which arrived in Glas row from New York on Sunday last, had been requisitioned by tho Uritish government. Her biiilingn have ac cordingly been cancelled. She wit a duo to leave (Jlufgow next Saturday for New York. Tho withdrawal of, the Transyl vmiia leavw in thu trmis-Atlautio jmwifnger ocrvieu of the Cunard nnd Anchor lines only the htcuuihhiiis Or df'na nnd Tiihcauia. MEDFORD FLOWERS SEN! 10 EXPOSITION The OrMKiH fouiHiWiuii ttiws n ie vUlm hv4 ball lo the ullirur of llio UUmb QHtHi on Friday after mttp hmJ ttyMiiiKf 'l oxMliiU to be iwi.iiis) It? Uw K"'l' In wpoiit U a Imymt fam II, 0. 1'ruimvU fur VintsiM for Uh mvnmH, tku 4ik msiiwwnI sjisVi kW k.H ul tm $tm mmimi &! ty if t 4 k rV Bftjkw Wr y w- TEUTONIC ALLIES E BE I PRZEMYS L HKKM.V. May 20. -Tho corres pondent of iho Loknl Anzlcger nt Austrian field headquarters has sent in a dispatch reading: "The Austrlans have assembled re inforcements behind tho river San and have made preparations for a stand. Wo must tbereforo anticipate a big battle In tho near future Tho Teutonic allies already have gained sevral strong footholds on tho Rus sian side of tho nivcr San and tho ring around Przemys! steadily Is growing smaller." A correspondent of tho newspaper at Cicrnowlti wires that fighting there Is continuous and that shrap nel Is being used largely at the Ger man and Austrian positions around this city. FLEET FAVORABLY IMPRESSES WILSON KILLS HUSBAND AND SELF TO END FEUD OF LOVE KUOE.NK. ilay 20. Walter Jay yesterday shot and killed Ira Drown following a feud In which a woman's namo has been linked, lie then fled five miles up the mouotalnsldo where ho killed himself with a rifle. Tho tragedy occurred in the coast range mountains, 30 miles northwest of Kugene, and Lake creek, In the same mountains where Walter Jay'a brother, Allen Jay, desporudo, was hunted by a sheriff's deputy some months ago. Shw Foot Deep In Nebraska KJ.MWOKTII, Mb,, Way 20. Tb snowstorm Hut bKn yesterday has fnlnufc uHMlmt4 wild a Mlh ttf m fwtt uh (be urnuM u4 no MlvH lit ubulltULMli. 'i'liu uturlil In tui WASHINGTON', May 20. Presi dent Wilson's Impression of tho At lantic fleet, which bo reviewed at Now York this week, wero set forth In tho following statement Issued at tho white house today upon tho pres ident's return: , "I was greatly struck by tho ap pearance of the fleet and tho quiet efficiency shown by tho officers and men, as I am sure every ono must have been who had tho pleasure of seeing it assembled at New York. There could havo been no more- In teresting verification of Admiral Dewey's statement that tho navy was never In a better or more efficient condition nnd that tho country not only has every reason to bo proud of it, but every reason to wish to go forward In its policy of steadily adding to Its strength and equipment." BMTISrTTRAWLER SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE I'KTBKIlt'Al), Scotland, Slav 'JO, Tho ilritlsh trawler Chrysolite was spnk by a Geimun submarine ut u point thirty miles off KimiHinlV Mead, in the North sen. wnferdnv. CORTLAND A netf f X t T t t T t T t t T t t T. t J T T t t T T t J ? ? ? T i. DOUBLE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS ON ALL SHOE PURCHASES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Get the $&C Green Stamp Habit It Pays. ?iKal S M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS fF frt Irfi Wfi , mMMi MtMmjarm ('-m W TvM M IKMM NAWWl WiWI OK't i eQ r h 4 fmk A W mm t X i ri GREAT SHIRTiWAIST SALE 5$c Ut'hniing Friday morning w plare on wilo 50 dozen Siunnicr Shirt WiiihIh, eonsiHtiiiK of HKHorted'HtylcH and patterns which have sold in regular stock at $2.00 , $2,50, $.'5,00 and $3.50. Never in history havo yon seen hiich bargains. This price will close out every waist in the lot in the next few days. Sizes 32 to li, high neck and low neck, long and short sleeves, fancy and plain. See windows and bargain table, main floor. SILKS 70c lingular $1 Silks, 27-inch, navy, green, brown, fancy, to close. S. & II. Green Stamps. SHKBTS, 39c Full sized Sheets, 72x81, regular 05c and 70c values, S. & If. Orcen Stamps. FANCY SILK MULLS 25c These are picked from regular stock of Mr mulls and semi'Silks, S. &lf. Orcen Stamps, LADIEf COATS SALE Kvcry coat reduced one-fourth, includes i xlilpiiif.'nl JiihI, received. H, JJ, (Ircen Stamps, FREE for IbsH 10 S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS To every customer who brings this coupon to our store Friday and Saturday, May 21-22, and makes a purchase of One Hol la)' or more we will give 10 ox Ira stamps, This coupon will not be redeemed by drivers, but must be presenteil at thu store when purchase is made, Not applied on calico Hheetintrs or shoes, " ' '. J LADIES' FANCY NECK WEAR 10c Putting an end to several old lots on bargain table. S. & If. CJreon Stamps, LACES 5c New shipment of extra fine Val enciennes Laces, regular 10c and 15c values. S, & If. Oreen Stamps. STRAPPED PUMPM $2,75 Patent and gun metal, eoinmoii hciiso heels, plain toes, regular $0,50 values, H, & II. On-cii Hfainjw ' V k Cbflar iM. ut $ c 7sW, iit, k, i Imimi kHw m tor Hip jmjiiIIi f I r 'tjfc N.