Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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! '
Aubrey. the 15-year old soa ot E.
I). 9fff from near Gallco, 1b short
th ed ot two of the fingers and
,th thumb of 1i!b left hand because
4f bwrfag Monkeyed wltk the deadly
dyifttewite cap. He found ono ot the
Mfswitn a piece ot fuse attached,
aW;amAtck did tho reet. QraaU
II'AM Courier.
Screen doors at Med ford Lumber
, Xi C. Hall ot Grants Tans was a
bwlMas Tlsltor in tho city for a tow
3be"rs "Wedaesday afternoon.
" ArD.' Sheldon of Aberdeen, Wash,
Is' among the out 'of town visitors" in
the city this week.
kodak finishing the best, at TTcs
tea's Gamers Shop. Opposite Book
WY n. Craig and wlfa. of Nobles
vllle,' Indiana, are In tho city for n
few days visiting with tho family of
0. E. Gates.
MIm Clladys Jackson ot this city
left this morning for Portland to
visit with friends and relatives.
J. O. Qerklag. the oest all around
photographer la southern Oregoa.
Always reliable; Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 22 S
Mala St. Phone 320-J.
Sirs. Anna Dcnhoft leaves today
for tho tnlddlo west, where sho will
spend tho next four months visiting
wHa friends and relatives.
a. ti. Heiily arid wlfoot Sioux City.
Iowa, are In the city this week In
specting local conditions.
Have your laws mower sharpened
by J. W. Mitchell, p&obo 8S0-J. tt
J. Carson ot Dutto Falls spent
Wednesday la Medford and Jackson
ville attending to business matters.
W. A. Woodford and wlfo of Port
laad are spending a few days la the
city visiting frieads and relatives.
Dr. M. C. Barber, Palm block.
Hours 9 to 4. Phene: Office 1'iO;
Home 110J3.
The city has somewhat of a desert
ed 'appearance today, most of tho bus
iness men Journeying to the annual
Valley Prldo picnic on the Applegate.
Between 40 and CO autos from this
city made the trip. Governor Withy
combe, who will deliver tho princi
pal address, will reach Mcdford about
4 o'clock this aftcraoon, leaving for
Salem on tho evening train. Promi
nent republicans of tho city and coun
ty are holding councils with him to
day. The Medford band is one ot
the attractions at tho picnic
Ask for Grandma Cookies.
Bids for the clearing of the right
of way of the Grants Pass-Crescent
City railroad from Wlldervllle to
Hays Hill have been called for by
Twohy Brothers, and the same must
be la the hands ot tho contractors
by next ifonday. Tho survey is com
pleted to Hayrf Hill.
Pop corn Crtapettes at Do Voe's.
Bert Anderson, chairman of the
republican county central committee
spent Wednesday in Grants Pass ar
ranging for the coming of Governor
Wltbycombe to that city this morn
ing. HelmaaV white sulphur swimming
pools and baths at Ashland, Ore.,
open for the season Saturday, May
1st. 57
Mrs. Frederick Pelouso of Eagle
Point Is in Grants Pass at the bed
side of her sister who is ill.
Leslie Osborne left today for Port
land. Pan Dandy Bread at De Voe's.
Frank Innes ot Eugene Is spend
lag a few day in the city and valley.
R. L. Wilson motored to tho city
today from Central Point to attend
to business matters.
The regular dally drunk appeared
before the pollco court this morning
and was fined $5 and costs.
Lunch goods at Do Voe's.
The threat of the city council td
attach a flno to property holders for
allowing unsightly weeds and grasd
to grow on vacant lots Is yielding
fruit, most ot the weeds In tho busi
ness district receiving an application1
of the scythe. Tho resident district
is under tho samo treatment.
Ask for Grandma Cookies.
Merle Kellogg is in Gold Hill re
ceiving medical treatment due to a
broken shouldor blado sustained
whllo scuffling with a friend last Sat
urday. Kellogg slipped and fell to
tho sidewalk, and his friend fell with
ail his weight upon his shoulder.
Kodak finishing and supplies at
Weston's Camera Rbop, Opposite1
Book Store.
Knox McCoy lias returned to his
wlflltig claims In tin Middle Fork dls
;trtet after spending u fow days In
thU elty attending to justness mat
ters. Samuel Young of Hill. Cal.. Is
among tho out of town visitors In
t,h 61 ty this week.
Mereftant's 'lunch 25c at Shasta.
A, ehlekea wandered up tho Main
street Wednesday afternoon, and was
based by a bey and long legged
rwWWed mu i(e.Hrow' pool hall.
Tjw m4 nxtlred word Wed
aWiir lliat a sew w )mm (Ihk
mm fUvr N4 o teittk Cwdral
The Parents-Teachers association
ot tho high school will hold tho an-
tilinl' olnMInn at nttinrsra nt thn rnv.
,1a MnnlM4 MfcMllnk . tti. 1.&1. 1J
..,. Hiv.iuiv ncvuug pu iivivi c in-
day atteraeoi. u
Sea Plertie the florist, tor bedding
pHats ot all Kinds.
At tho regular meeting and ban
quet of tho Jackson County Merch
ants' association hold In the basement
ot the Methodist church, It was de
cided to close tho stores of tho city
Decoration Day am! .Monday, July B
tor the Fourth of July celebration
Av banquet was served-' by tho ounrf
ladies of the Jtinlor c)a. of the high
school, under the direction of Miss
Graco Mitchell. A vote ot thanks
was given tho young ladles. Tho
Applogatd picnic being held today
was approved.
Flolschmann'a yeast al Do Voo's.
Dave Harrotl of Copper, Cal., ono
ot tho best known prospectors ot tho
Bluo Ledge district Is spending a few
days In the, city attending to bus
iness matters.
Sco Davo Wood about that tire In
aurance policy. Office Mall Tribune
County Superintendent Percy J.
Wells spent Wednesday afternoon In
Mcdford attending to business mat
ters. Velvet Ico Cream at Do Voe's,
Tho Parent-Teachers' association
of the Koosevelt school will meet
Friday at 3 p. m. Election of offi
cers will bo held and a full attend
ance Is desired.
Anyone desiring boy or girl to
work for board during tho summer,
notify Medford Commercial College.
Tho Warren Construction company
has completed repairs to tho south
sldo of Main street between Front
and Central avenues. Tho cduncll
refused to approve" their bill until
this work was done Tho pavement
rotted through water seepage, which
collected owing to a low spot, and
formed an excellent breading place
for flics.
General Freight Agent Hlnshaw of
the Southern Pacific was a visitor In
Medford Thursday.
Pierce, the florist, has a fine lot
ot pansy plants.
Samuel Hill, good roads advocate.
and Major H. L. Bowlby, former stato
highway engineer, arrived In Med
ford Wednesday afternoon, having
made the trip by auto from San Fran
cisco over tfio Pacific highway. They
report ono section of the road near
Bedding lmpassablo and construction
work held up by lack of co-operation
by county officials. It will bo July
1 before tho highway is In good con
dition for automobiles. Four autos
wero shipped by train from Redding
to Medford.
James Kershaw, Jr., and Ed White
of thd Climax district, wero Medford
visitors Thursday.
W. R. Falrraan, aged 7G years,
was found dead on tho porch ot his
home In tho 1200 block on East Ninth
street Wednesday night by Steve
Gardner. Death Is presumed to have
occurred about six o'clock, and' the
cause to have been heart failure. It
Is thought Fatrman was stricken
when in tho act of unlocking the
door, and seated himself upon tho
porch. When found he was sitting
erect, resting against a chair. Cor
oner John Ai Perl took charge of the
body, and determined that death was
due to natural causes, and that aq
Inquest was unnecessary.
DIED At her homo, 320 floutH
Holly street, Wednesday night. May"
19, 1915, Mrs. Lydla M. Amy, wife
of Councilman Frank M. Amy, aged
46 years, 9 months and 2 days. Thd
funeral services will bo held rron'
tho family residence Friday after
noon at t o'clock, tho Rev. Harry Ej
Tucker officiating. Interment will
be In Jacksonville cemetery. Mrs,
Amy's death was sudden, being
stricken with paralysis. She wad
born In Indiana, but had lived for
many years '1 soitficrhyOrerfoB,.
- ii ". i
, (Continued, from Page 1.) .
restored Premier Salandri exclaim
ed: 'Wo have confidence in our aug
ust chief- who Is proparing' to lead
tho 'army toward a glorious future.
Let us gather round this well be
loved sovereign.'
"It was obsorved that 'the social
ists took no part in the applause".
"Premier Salandrd thin proposed
that a committoe of 18 deputlos
should etamino a bill composed ot a
slnglo article, which ho presented.
JUll Is Prest-iitW
"The bill reads?
" 'Tho government Is authorized
In case of war and during tho du
ration of war to nwko decisions with
duo authority of law, in every res.
pect required for thd defense ot tho
state, tho guarantee ot public or
der and urgent economic necessities.
Tho provisions contained In articles
243 to 2Q1 of the military code con
tinue in force, Thtf govirriffleat Is
authorixed also (u have recourse un
til Docomhor ii, t9W, to monthly
rrerMoHs) spprftpristioHs tor bl
aHdxg the budget, TWi f should
mmn fnfff torn thu day It J tr-
Dorothy Dean, 4 years old, who in n Pnvlowa' in miniature, performing
difficult dancer with sprightly graco nnd remarkable talent. Dorothy
lives in Los Angeles, Cni.. where she recently won prnitto for her Krfor
mancd at tho annual children's day given by tho Elks' club. Sho began
dancing as soon as nho could toddle. Her improvisations nro dcclnrcd re
mqrkabloffor their intricacy
Gcorno Hamlin, accused of a statu
tory offense against a ten year old
girl, was bound ovor to tho next term
of tho grand Jury by Justice of tho
Peace Glenn Taylor upon S3000
bonds. This Is one the heaviest bonds'
ever Imposed upon a man charged
with a crime In tho annals of Jack
son county courts. Tho court said
tho bond might seem execsstvo to
some, but that In view of tho hcln
ousness of tho offonso tho ball de
mand was light.
Attorney Porter J. Neff represent
ing Hamlin, asked for a light bond,
and was strenuously opposed by Pros
ecutor Kelly, who classified tho tes
timony of Hamlin's alleged victim as
"the most damnablo ho had ever
'heard.'' The defenso also took ex
ception to thd prosecutor's Inference
''that In somo communities men had
been lynched for similar crimes."
The mother of tho Ilttlo girl wept
throughout tho entire proceedings.
Hamlin i tt pioneer o( this ecctlori,
and has a family. Ho was arrested
about 18 months ago for cutting a
fellow socialist with a knife- during
an argument In a Front street na'oon
and acquitted.
(Corittlntied from Page 1.)
ion ot pence', of any agreement mndo
by Au'htris. Bign6r Sonnino rigrecd
to rrBtiirie negotiation) on the condi
tion that Vienna would mnke concrete
Seven days iutcr Ilnron liiirinu
nskrd Italy to jiv formal agreement
trf tho' foiMaing einnKc'H:
Auntriaa Itomaniit
Firhi, (lie maintenance of benevo
lent political and economic iiriilriilify
throughout the wnr; HceomJ, AtiKtri.i
fp liavo a free hand in ilio linlknnri
third, tho renunciation on (lie part of
Italy of any further rornpenKntinn;
and, fourth, the maintenance of tint
cxirttinc; Itafrt-Austrian accord con
cerning Albania. April 2, Baron
Hiiriun added that in pxchiuigo fot
tliene plcdgcx AiiKtriu would giv to
Jtnly (l (Iihtricfs of Hnveredu, llivn
and TrerituiQ, an well uh a few vii
Signer fionnino refdied lie eoiihid-
FOR BALE Dining table and chairs,
library table, baby cab, foungo,
beds', dressers, spring cot, sanitary
lounge, kitchen table, linoleum,
r-ewing machine, range, heati-r, car
pet sweeper, blcyclos, fruit Jars,
tdbs, Wringers, tc- fid7 K, Jack.
lmT-IMlf tM watch l(twtu
fHur thwtfr an4i)ruuir,iirn't in
ercd tlico demand)! contemptible
novertlieiesfJ, they were Hrtnittcd td
wtand. Rumors of n separate Austro
itusxian jM?nco )critting, Home ntked
Vienna for n definite answer. In re
ply Vienna added n small zono in the
province of Trent to tho Italian com
pensation. Denounced Allknca
April 2 tho Duke of Avunin report
ed that tlio Austrian u'ovornnifiit did
not think Italy cstr would make wnr
and that contcqucntly Vienna regard
cd a continuance of tho diHotisMon u
On receipt of this reiwrt, Siuiior
homiuio, considering any accord im
M)Hsibie, denounced tlie iiliinneo uith
AuRtria-Hungnr'. lie onid that lant
summer Austriatlungnry wltliont
renchiiig an ngreem6nt with Italy and
without giving Italy another notice
whatever, again diMduiuing the ndwee
of Italy that moderation bo oltcrved
had sent to henna, July 'J.'(, an ulti
matum which wub the cntue f tho
present conflagration. Tin Austria".
Hungary had disturbed the HtntiiH (pio
in the Balkans, creating a situation
which wan of advantage (o herself
Neutrality ImpoMlofo
Sucii a course of ToIcnco nindu
benevolent neutrality in1poHrfilili for
the reason that AuHtria-IIungnry wan
fightirig to nttain nn object diamet
rically opposed to thd vital intcrestx
of Itnly, her ally.
Nevertheless, for several month
Italy endeavored to bring about a nit
nation fuvorable to the ni-ctitnblmh-ment
of friendly relation between thp
two eonntricH, but thVs5 negotintionn
brought no practical rcrfults. C'onsc
fluently tho alliiince wrf denounced 6n
May 4 liv tho duke of Avnnm. Tho
duko t.nid Italy wan confidefit of her
rights mid he affirmed to the Auxtro.
Hiingnnnn government "that from
this moment Italy veAnmcn cnfir6 lib
erty of action, declaring fhrft lier
treaty with Austria-Hungary iH hcrC
by annulled and wjthout effect."
With Medford Trade Is Medfcrd.Mado
Squabs! Squabs!
They are Tondo tiad Detlclods
Considering nutritive valuo thoy
4re the cheapest raefct 6 tbej ninjk
et.' phone for special" spring drlcis.
Phono 2df-R4
HiiiESkSr VKysTW
Fornu-rly owned by thh C'rowder
will stand Hitnflttyi and Monday at
Crowder's ranch, Utinwf Tiwid'ays
YVdHKdBy and fitatwrdays' at Vn
CJHt'x Usrn, Mtltor4i 'ru4rt4yi oud
Fridays at Kle vmU
H6fVk6 IO, fo) gMrNtHl,
10 ftlE
A commilteo eompoxed !' lltU'eliiM
Mulkcy, Seelev and Mi. Ooro wiih up
pointed nt nu ndjoium'd meeting nf
tho Hchnol litmrd lawt 'l'initav night
to iuvestipite llm cot ol finWiItig llu
llooxevelt selimd mo uh lo lU'coiiiiim
duto the nuventh grnde. The imiiu
inilteo uitH hihhul'U'd (it lopoit tit the
next 'lucetirtg.
The HovM. Shields and tliikniH of
the Ministerial iiMHoeiatiou nppiaied
before the board and ikrd tluit the
Bible ho rend dtiily in (lie m IhmiI- ot
the eti.. Xo aeliou ih taken, the
hoard directing the vieik to determine
how miieli it would cost to furitl'.lt n
copy of llolv Writ to eaeli pupil.
Mj Thorn Smith was elected ns
Knglinli teacher to lake the place ot
Mihh Lucille Mitrdinll, iTsigunl. Mins
flertrudo Booth wil named lo fill tho
vneaiiey enured hv tlio tesigmilion of
Miis Mn hoi I. Mear as domesth
science traelier. The suhirv of both
wnn fied nt .00 per month for nine
month". Tho unlnrv of Mihh Coffin
wiih ruined to .-80 tho month.
SiiHriiitendeut II. S. t'ollins wan
gixen tho contrnet to repair liluek
hoanirt with hyprolilo nt 'J cciiIh per
Htiuaro foot.
The hoard voted $!l." inward paiiug
the exjionses of tiiii yenrV grndiintiiig
A resolution tegrettiiigtlie resiunu
tloiii of ProfcHsor C. It. Bow man nnd
tho MinicH Lucille Mnrxhnll nnd Ma
bel I. Meant to ncc-cnt H-itioitH in
Klnmntli riill wrm piinsed,
(Continued from page ono
"WhCn ehurgm nro niftdo against n
man, if they nro true that is nuffio-
ient defense. Anyone hart n rigid to
puhliyh nnything about any other man
if it in true. The whole law concern
ing libel in woven around the que-
tioti of whether the chnrgu mado iV
true or not."
Juttiee Andrews then CTplnined I In
points of libel inw in detail. In lhi
connection ho Maid;
"Tlio burden of proof i on tho de
fendant. He niriitt nhnw by a itrepon-
deniuee of evidence luit tlie charge,
made i true. He may justify his
ehnrge in whole or in pn-t '
"Ah for tho article comnluincd of,
Attention Workmen!
Your eyes tnko enfo of youwhy
not tako car 6 of (horn?
tt you have poor eyesight hoc
-fidlto l-'J Over IfoxiuVn
When In Need
Of a Cleaner
or Dyer
Bcsf of WorknatiRliip
tH Mi SjMlHVAj &J fH
BH I iH Hi H
I Imvo held II to IIIioIouh porno In I wo
ri'guidH it elinrgoH ii rdriiipt jlolll
hull unimieo livlwot'ii Mr. IhifuoH and
Mr. iMmph In ivgitrd io tlio goMn
tftmil of Ino itlale, HiVomlfy, II
oluilgert thnl Mr, Unriicn liart worked
For every brightening
and cleaning purpose
Gold Dust Is tifiod nt toast three times n day In millionii
of homoa.
Yet thefo nro ninny Ihousflndu of hotinowivofl who think
Gold Dust is only for a fow UHon
fajrsM work"
A surcoaHful teacher of piano for over lltteon yonrs.
Kporlnllnt In tho correct principle" of Touch and Tvchulc ns np
piled lo modern plnno da) lug for children, all Ixjclnnorii and nd
vnuced puplU. Tho Instruction Is ctpiat to that offered by tho heat
tenchum In tho larger cities whllo tho coat la much It. Hummer
llootii IOI flnrnett-Corvy llitllillug I'hmio 71)
How Frequently
It happens that great damago lit done by tiro nnd much
Iota occurs through burglary.
I'tit oiir rnlunblo.1 In our Flro and Ilurglnr I'root
Vault wheru )oii can rent n Sato liepoult llox for
f2 00 and up per car,
Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
DiHlrilmloi'H for SouIIum'ii Oregon
.10-18 K. ITir Hfrech Aredfonl, Oi-pkoii
The gicafest ceonpmy of Ford enrH Ik not tu tho
low puce, hut In I lie low nTler cod of opeiiitiou
icH than two ceutx it mile in city mid (ountn,
They (tie dnnigned and liuilt to muhi nnd Nino, to
bring Ilio luxury of plenum ro and tlio Htiirdinouri in
busiiuiHti work --Ui in it wliy Ih'iro nro moin thnn
700,0110 now in iiko thirf i wlinl Iiiih iiiihIii ilio Fold
tho universal cur Uicko mo tho merlin wo piuKtmt
why you should buy n I'oril.
Iluynrs of thirf car will hIiiimi in prol'lln if wo wll
nt i ft ii II 1100,000 iiutr I'ord cilrrt ludworii Auguxt,
101 1, and AngiiHt, 1015.
Kiiuahoiit i 1 10; Touring Cur 100; Town Cm JUDO;
pnipeiet t70()i HciJoii faffii, fully ciilpped, t, n. b.
On dlMpluy nnd Aula ut
tliiouuh u t'owupt nlllnm'0 holweou
cloaked IiiihIiii'mh and oiookeil ml
itUw. Nutliinir )li In Hi" mtl"l'
"Tlio tmlv iiiit'Nllon yon luiM' In
coiiKiilei' , 'Aio tlio oliniue Iiiiof
Gold Dust should bo used for donning
Gold Dust fruly wdrhn for you.
It in most economical; it U most nntls-
fnctory itnd it is most aunitury.
It emmot tcralch or harm any turltcn, n J It will
illnolvo and ttmovc all dirt and toi-.
Till" active principle 61 Gold Dint U to rrnurli
ably tliotougli llial you rin.a away ino uin nnu
rrat, Icavlnd a newoei", a cltaiitisia and a
CrUlitnen which dllshlt.
5c ami larger packajti sold cvcryvrlicra
If You Have a Bad Wheel
a loom! body or spokos on your ear
rl'U'.n or nitln send It lo tin to bo put
Into "hftpo. Thern's nothing about
vehicle repairing wo rnmint do nnd
do well. Don't rhargo nearly as much
for our nervlcoiuiia thoy nro worth
so coie ltdl ii. Try us nnd set?.
Ollllitas' Wngon, Cnrrlnnc nnd Auto
wronnywwMwimn nil n
i mil
MsWsbalU'j iHNtk tH at mt,
f If fmtlf
tamg f innMHnwnm-w