tH. tit . V 3 p Br- M fW h H AGE FOTm iwM DJLML TRIBUNE Ml NT NRWAPKKf' MJ KKT AFTRKN WHAT BV T11H HINTINU TO. -Otta MnII TrlbMM Hiill.Mnr. IMtMl MwiM Fir irt tlphm 76. Th Dsmiwrstto TIwim, Tly Mali, TIM Mttltortl Trlbutw, Tl m OrMilnti, The Ashlana Trt Mtdferd M BottUi- Trtbuae. fJUMOMIVlllOW SATMI ...u. t.t, M-l. .5.00 moHili, by wftll tor WBHth. rtallvprwl by errler la w Mfetforti, I'honlx, JMfeMartlM Hd ontrai rami .SO 1.00 J.0 tturhir By. r mU, yr yr wrisil rrr et ths citr ef ftfaMord Official rsjwjr of Jsokson County. . Hntotwd it mowuI-cIam mat tar at Medrarl, Oregon, unter tbe act of. March . JS7. gwfirn Olreultton fori14, XSSI. ririt Jaasel Kirs AMOotated fresn dl- iufeMribeni falllag to recelva 4 rtrt promptly, phono Circa- lattea Mauser at 2 5 Oil. 4 Josh Wi&r SAYS It's never a safo lot to tell a man to mind his own business! mi ii LAUGHS New Talent "Of course, I shrieked when I thought there was a burglar in tho house1," Mid young Mrs. Torklns. "What did your husfeand do?" "Charley looked at wo with deep reproach and asked why I couldn't holler that way once In a while when the home team seeded a boost." Washington Star. Hopefulness Fred My dear Dora, let this thought consolo yon for your lover's death, llemcrnbcr that other and better men than he hare gone the same way. Bereaved One They haven't all robc, have they? Itoglnncrx Mrs. Matchem So you attended the young folks' wedding. How did It come oft? ' Mrs. Muchwcdde Oh,, they, did very well for amateurs. Doston Transcript. A Itoproof Orocer (who has lately Joined the territorials, -pratlslng In shop) Right, left, right. left, four paces to the rear, inarch! (Tails down trap door Into the 'cellar.) Grocer's Wifo (anxiously) Oh,' Jim, are you hurt? Oroccr (savagely, but with digni ty) Go 'way, woman. What do you know about war? Tit Hits. V Ik-lonjj There A customer, after walling several minutes for an oxtnll soup, called tho waiter to hltu, and asked tho reason It was behind. Tho waller, who was Irish, gently answered: "Oxtails aro always behind, sir." a a WojiImI Knowledge He speaks a dozen languages Willi grace and fluency; He Is a court of last resort On etymology. Vet when It Is his fato to miss A simple llttlo putt, Tho only words that ho can speak Aro "Kiddle!" or "Tut tut!" Peoria Journal. m ' ConM-lonlloin "(ieraldlno says you djo your hair. Do ou?" "Of courso not. I dycit, but It Isn't my hair." , A Prompt rtiiiiuuuiri "Sonera), ahull wo chargo tho bat tery?" "Yea. If (hero Is on electrician among jou, do so at, once!" MEDF0RD CO-ED AT 0. A. C. WINS IN 3 A. M. MEET NB09AR at 11H11W lM 9tmnKMiM lit.Hriilu mV WIvHrT hu UM I" M ! il 2 HHUFDRU V CO!iyAJJ,lfi, Oro.,yMay lO.Tho anVljco-qd track meet, hold each - urltffratthoAOrecon Agrlcultqral 1 'colleeKtoek placo at :j o'clock-yesler- A'day morning In tho eoliego armory. rhe Plrange hour was chosen as tho i eae 'wIwh men spectators could bo evaded. Abou(. 40 men students, liowever were on hand. Miss Qeno- vleve Fraster, of Salem: Mlsa Gcr- 'trmla Thompson, or Portland, and t Miss lr Smith of Medford, were ttotjilgh point winners for Waldo Mall, the winning; team. , , alias Smith is the daughter of Mr. f4 Mrs, 8. 8. Smith of .this city and NtyWft) me, younger circle, PLAIN VPOLC iOOISTS for (ho wanton destruction of tho Lusit- nnia lmvo declared that rying war munitions, tho sinking was justifiable. Herman Winter of. tho Cunard lino states regarding contraband carried:" Tho only munitions of war on board tho t.usltmila voro 2400 cases of Itcmlngton small rltlo cartridges and n shipment of unloaded shrapnel shells. Tho cartridges wcro pacKul In eoparato motnl cases and could not have Injured tho vessel by exploding. They certainly do not como under the classification of ammunition. Tho United States nmhorltlcti would not permit us to carry ammunition classified ns such, on a passenger liner. .International law governing civilized warfare provides that a belligerent may seix.o an enemy merchant ship on tho seas, regardless of wliefher her cargo is contraband or not. The shij) may bo destroyed, but not the non-combatant crow or passengers. If tho latter are destroyed, tho act is piracy murder on the high seas. The presence or absence of contraband does not change tho status of the act of de stroying non-combatants which is still piracy. Tho presence of guns on the deck of a merchantman does not change the nature of the law. The United States and all nations lmvo long recognized the right of a mer chant ship to carry guns for self-dofenso and protection. but not for aggression, as the the vessel into a warship. Not only the sinking of tion of over a thousand neutrals and non-combatants was an act of piracy, but the destruction of the Win, V. Frye and of tho Oul flight were also acts of piracy, because the ships wore neutral and flying the American flag. The crow of the Frye were taken aboard the destroying war ship and kept thereon for months another violation of in ternational law, which provides for the landing of crows of sunken merchantmen in the first neutral port. The Gulflight, consigned to a neutral port in Holland, was tor pedoed and two of her ercw and her captain killed. If the laws of nations arc to be observed by belliger ents, passengers on merchant no risk, though the vessel be If tho laws of nations are to bo observed, ships of neu tral nations bound for neutral ports are in no way endan gered. If the laws of nations are and piracy and murder to rule the high seas, wo might os well be back in the days of liag ot a heuisli barbarism. INCREASING WE are indebted to "Facts About Sugar" for tho chart below, which shows clearer than words, the effect of sugar beet culture on crop yields. The figures arc taken from the United States Department of Agriculture bulle tins and arc authentic. They show the beneficial influence of sugar beet culture upon other crops grown in rotation, and the stimulation of diversified agriculture caused by the beet sugar industry. Sugar beet culture is admittedlv the main factor in the wonderful, agricultural development of Germany during the past generation, winch has resulted in doubling the yicJds of the principal staple comes from the beet growing Denmark and other European countries. In the chart, the first of each pair of columns shows the average yields obtained before sugar beets began to be cul tivated, while the second shows the average vields secured from the same fields after they had been planted to sugar beets. The increase following rotation with sugar lJects vanes from 52 per cent in the m the case ol corn, the average increase being J1.07 per vj 1 nl BM nl ffj m mtM M - 73 xl 3 9 T3 xl 9 sua . ? i - y WHEAT COPj OAT6 LTFKT or SUGAR BEET rmnt in in - r4v '" nsyAt-HuT Sugar beet culture is of great benefit to the soil, loosen ing and enriching it, especially when tho tojw are used as a fertilizer. It pays an excellent direct profit. The bi products (ptilp and tops) furnish- excellent cheap stock food. It increases the yields of other crops when rotated, and as a result of improved soil and crop conditions, in creases land values. A beet sugar factory is one of the greatest needs of the valley and it is hoped that the committee in charge of the matter, will omit no effort to keep tho project alive, for no oiie thing will so stimulate the diversified development of the valley and create such an abiding prosperity. BULGAR RESERVES CALLED TO COLORS LONDON, May 19. All reserve officers In the Bulgarian army havo been called to colors for n month's HEDITORD MAIL TRIBUNE, K?W PIRACY inasnnieli as tho linor was car latter changes the status of the Lusitania and tho destruc ships from a neutral port run seized or destroved. to be defied by belligerents Captain Kidd, flying the black CROP YIELDS. crops. Similar testimony districts of Austria. France. case of barley to 27.G per cent iJAHtty KjiAioe MAy HL-Afiil.. CULTURE oh CROP YIELDS i.u hjumwaaa tuttaWta nrntc . training, nays a Times dispatch from Sofia. Tho Turks aro hurrying troops, provisions and munitions from Lulo Burgas and Keshan to tho Oalllpoll ponlnsula. All slego guns and mod ern artillery havo boon removed from Adrianople and sent to tho Aegean coast. Keshan and Malgara aro be ing hastily fortified. With Medford Trade l Medfcrd Mudpi MEDFORD, OREGON, LITTLE PRINCE WOULD MAKE I.ittlo Prince Carl of Sweden, who sn.vim that lie liennl nil the xoMiotw in liiiropo were killinj; eneli oilier, nnil nml would his "Iiiipennl IIiIuichs jilcnie tell them to ti." The KmiM-nir wrote tho littlo jiearemnker Hint lie couldn't ntop tho wnr, hut ho went htm n wooden model of l.nlmuu, tlu I-.miieror fuwmtj Daelihuiul. CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT OF SCHOOL WORK MOST MERITORIOUS Ono of tho beat exhibits of art, manual training and Bowing ever given by our local schools was on display Friday in tho rooms ot tho different teachers. There woro many fcaturca deserv ing special mention, among thorn be ing tho basket weaving and land- scape work Jni tbp, upiwr'grades and tho frco hand (1 rawing of birds, flow ers and fruits In the lower grados. In most of tho rooms, specimens of tho Palmer sjstcin of writing wero exhibited, showing how well, pupils can handlo tho pen. Great credit Is duo tho children for tho manner In which they handled all lines of work. That thcro Is no llttlo amount of latent talent In a great many of tho pupils can not bo denied. Tho teachers deservo commenda tions for tho artistic arrangement of tho exhibits and tho many original Ideas carried out. Much praise 1.1 duo Miss Coffin, tho supervisor, for her untiring efforts to sccuro tho best results and for tho hckpful suggestions alio has given both teachers and pupils to mako tho work a success, and to Miss Menrs, Miss Mitchell and Mr. Hull for their supervision of tho special work. "TILLIE" MAKES HIT ON STAR THEATER BILL Mario Dressier, Charlie Chaplin, and Mabel Norman, in a big six reel production called "Tllllo'n Punctured Ilomanco," Is without any doubt tho funniest plcturo over thrown on tho screen nnd at tho Star last night was greeted by a well filled house, and whllo the advertising states that any ono that don't laugh can get their money back, no ono called at tho box offlco but ocry ono seemed to enjoy tho performance vcr much. Tho comedy is clean and not of tho slap stick kind and tho situations aro now and full of startling incidents. Tho plcturo has been shown at twenty flvo cents but tho prlco for tho en gagement at tho S(nr has been cut to ten cents for everybody, and there will bo a matlneo and night perfor mance tod,t end If you want to un load a grouch or a caso of tho Muea don't fall to go and sco T!lh. .Vow Vvralon Sing a song o' six penco, England's going dry, King and all tlio royally Culling out tho ryo, Tommy's on tho war path, Hear tlioblaekblrds sing Country's on?h'o 'wagon, Sitting with tho king. Detroit Times, John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant 28 8, nAItTMCTT Phones SI. 47 and 47-J3 Ambiilancf ScrvM Coroner WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, M-'jM'urws PEACE BUT KAISER WON'T HELP wrote to the Kmiwror of (lominiiy IT OF POLICE MATRON by I'losmtlor V.. I). Kelly ax NHiki'Miinn, it tlelegnlion of women iiiieiili'il to the city council at the regulnr meeting Ttiemlny night for thii appointment of a police matron. No definite action wan Inkro, it lieinc the oouticil'rf opinion Hint the acceptance or jc.ti.m of the plan hIioiiM bo left to (ho voter, nnd it will probably be placed upon the ballot nt the next regular city election. In tho mean time the matter will rent. A flurry ruffled llio mrclinjj when ono of the viMting women mucin (he allegation "that profanity wan ho thick in I ho neighborhood of Thief Ilittson'ri homo that Hccrul fainilicH had been forced lo inoxe." The alio gntioii w'.ih sipieli'lied. Juilso Kelly I'linrni'leriril llio iirensntion n nlmiiler." .Mayor Kmeriek said Hint ho had known Chief llittson for yean nnd never heard him swear, nnd all member of the council said that though at timcH Hie htruxn was great, Ihey hud never heard an unprintable word imsx (he ehmf's low. Councilman Mcd.wihki expressed HiirpriM) Hint n police matron won ueresHiiry, nnd laid Hie blnmu iiniu parcnlrt nnd churches. The uppoinlment of a police matron ih full of pitfnllH, legal and financial, according io Mayor Kmorick. 1 lor xalary would be .70 per month. This would mean war rants drawn on the Milking fund. In vcMiiij,' in a woman police ikiwith, Hie city head hcci 10- gnl actions for islander, etc., etc. City Attorney MeCabo win in structed to draw ui ordinances retj- muling tho cutting of weeds on va cant IhIm and Hie iihc of water during Hut summiir moulli. Hold ordinances will bo approved nt tho next mecliug of thu eity council. A number of mailers of routine de tails wero ilispoied of by Hie council. With Medford Trace Is Medford Made THE PAGE Mcdford's Leading Theater WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Photo Play Mnstorploco in Six Acts The Seats of the Mighty ily Sir ailbort Parker With LIONKL I1AUIIYMOUK nnd other famous stars Hearst-Selig Weekly Arthur Prlnglo In Popular Bongs O-IO-lfJo ' WOMEN EK APPOIIW HOT5 Wf "TV WITHOUT NOTICE Oovernor Wilhycoinlm Iihh (trnnteil a piutloit to.Attorney W, J, Ciuilon of Medford, iMinviuteit of a orituu ugaliiHt iiiiluro, vIhmi nppertl lujllo mipreniit eomi was reeenlly IdmI, The governor' acllon wiv most (oirpritdng lo llio officer of (lie cir cuit court, in which the eonvielloti was ohlaiued. Neither Judge Calkiiw nor District Altorucy Kelly Jind inado any rccnmmcudiitinn to tho pivernor or pardon honnl, mid the Ongou law icouitv tlio L'overuor to first uroi euro Ihe Htalemeut of tlio trial1 jililgo or proseoulinir attorney heforo issu lug n pardon. Iloth llinso olTicerH deny the service of nay notice to tho effect that an application lor a par don had been filed or vn under con sideration, Tho Nlnlute governing pardon rend ns follews: "Section 1710 -When npplicalion I mitilo to tho governor for a par don, before grnntlnir tho nnmn ho must require the judgn of tho court in which coin lotion wn hail, or tho district nttorney by whom tlio notion wo proHccutcd, to furnish him, villi- oul delay, with n statement of the fuels proved on Hie (rial, and of any other fart hnvintr reference to the propriety of grunting or refusing tho pa i don. "Section 17-Jl-At least twenty dny before llio application for a par don or remission is made (o the gov ernor, written notice of tho intention to applv therefor, signed by Hie per son applying, nnd staling briefly th ground of the application, must be sotted upon the district nttorney . . . nnd proof bv affiibnit of (he service must be presented lo Ihe gov ernor." DOCTORS SAID HE HAD DROPSY Soma time ago I had an attack of grlppu which finally settled In my kidneys and bladder, I doctored with (ho doctors and they claimed I had dropsy. I tried other remedies nnd got no relief from any of them. My condition was such that I was un able to work for about two months and tho annoying symptoms caused mo a great deal of troublo and pain. was hardly nbto to turn over In bed. Seeing and of our Almanacs, I decided logho Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Hoot a trial and after taking several bottles was abto to rvsumo my work ngaln. I cannot say loo much in prnlso of )our Swamp-Hoot ns thu re. suits in my case worn truly wonder ful. Yours very truly, HOIIKItT liAI.LAUD. Mansflold, Pa. Sworn and subscribed Injforo mo, this 7th day of May. 1912. HAY C. I.ONOIIOTIIUM, Notary Public. I.cttor to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Illnghamplon, N. Y. Prove What Kwiunp.lloot Will Do IW Von Sond ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co, Illnghampton, N. Y for a sample slto bottle. It will convince anyone. You will nlso receive a booklet of valuable Information, (oiling about tho kidneys and bladder. When writ ing, bo suro nnd mention tho Med ford livening Tribune. Hegular fifty cent and ono dollar slxo bottles for sale at all drug stores. Paid Adr, STAR Mcdford's Most Popular Playhouse TONK1IIT laHT TIMIJ Tillie's Punctured Romance TIIIIIHIIAY AND FltlDAY i'Au.uiou.T pidruiti: "The Bargain" WITH William S. Hart As tho Two Gun Man KIVB PA UTS Pathe Weekly News 1'IVB AND TI5N OHNT8 COMINO Next Tuosday and Wed nesday, "THIS HPOIMJUB," CANTON PARDONED TO COURT OFFICIALS wjiiyMi w Had lunu W tiu: H ' ."I Hil'l-'vsW.itliLlltl .' iitfl'Y.U , in r r . . tt. is Tim ninny, ici'iivnilim lirmiaht unit liv llclmiiiii'n Allnfiillvit inn nliniit liy )imui) AlH;riilli inn nMIHUIIIIIl Wllltf it hull t Una I'lixnN nttriiutlnit wlilo Attvntlnn, llnil aa H St., K )". W, Vk, llriillrtiirni I i Inkrn lrK In Niitciiitirr, imiK. I nf-iv Mlrmlllr mtrar. HmMtTii riitmiillnlliiiin. 'lli rrillol thf lfrr liml nltci'tril IH)' ItlMK tHll OlNt MIX I'NKV n femirlrvai ttiilf Mnx mr too imiiillm (i ll r. My iihfNlrlnit hml trlfil niixil nil k I lulu n r Irrnliiiriit mill iiunr illil Mi nnr mimmI, hi- nahril m' hu linnil If hr ulijrolril Id III m (r Ittat H iriiirlrlnr' mnlli'liir. I lii-unii jimr .llrrntltr, I Mnn hi lifil from Niitriiilirr ao, IIMIN, tut II IVIiriinrr S.1, limn, nml tna lliiiuulil iIiIhk rrilt llnifa. Tmlnr sin hfallhlrr nml MlrniiNrr Ihnn tsrr." (Alilirr- ''"TsiinrilVMHS. ift jf, llHh'ilV. I.Vhinnii'M Allurntlv lit nmnt lltrit. rnu ,iu bcenrhlnl eaturrli'liiiil in vtr llirent anil limit nnocllniia nml lli-liUII(lltiw llif Hloni, ,1'oiitiiliia mi liriii(iil or lmtii.riH-iiilllicMlnii(i., Accrit no milialluitDi .Hninll "Ims Hi ri'Hiilnr alia, .11. Hulil by lml IhK ilriiMtflnla. AVrlla for hmililnt of rri'iivnrlKH Kvlfinan I.Mlmrnitrj! t'SIUilrleliU 1'rico $1 nnd $2 II bottle. TT Theatre ti'i:sday-wi:dni:hday nkiiit Changed Lives (lol.l Seal Universal, 3 Paris A Vivid Itomnnco of l,ovu n,nd War King Baggot, In One Night IMP The Fox Trot Craze Sterling Comedy rr i wist C AND 100 HA 1.L Is bound lo hurt son some on this summer. Will it bo you? "'' "' OLMES will protect you by Insur ing you in tho H ART FORD at a small cost,' 'Vflto, phono or 'fall.' NOW. STOP! Is Your Car Insured? IF NOT, SEE' R H. McCURDY BiKUFoiir). onwfjojr mM H BaBalWaftlaaa. : -