Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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m; Mtn. ? Pre 41,
rorty.flflh Yur.
Dnlly ivnlli Y'r.
NO. 49s
fliipturc Boiween Civil Head nml
Lords of Admiralty Success of
Allies on West Line Balanced by
Russian Reverses In Galacla Rus
sinus Capture Czrrnowltz.
LONDON, May 18. Persistent ru
mors wero In cli dilution in (liu limine
iff commons Unit n rontltluu govern
ment WIIH libutlt It) ljO folllltMl.
Unionist lenders held oniiforcnce-
with 1'rcmler Ahii1(Ii nml it Is slated
Hint (Im (pinhllou of it coalition was
Accnidlug Id these teporls I li alio
cation of office Iiiih not been finally
determined. It Is rumored (lint A. J
Knlfour, former premier, will succeed
Winston Btcni'cr Ohiiiehlll iik rlrsl
lord of Ihc admiralty, thu latter tak
ing huiiio oilier office.
i.w.miu.n, .Mny ib. YYlinl swiim
liko a cabinet crisis suddenly has been
Mining on Orent Hritnin. There; Iiiih
in Noil what appears do he a ruptute
between tlm civil lirail of the admiral-
ty, Winston HKnrrr riiurchlll ami tin
lords of lli) iidmlrnllv, but particular
ly Iinl lishor, ailmlral of tho fleet.
As a result tin possibility of uinteriitl
changes (a tho cnhiilcl Id tiring dis
cussed. Tor tin moment (ho situation
holds the political fiel.I. All kinds of
humors am eurrriit, hut Iho ministers
nro not letting tho real facts out of
tho government officer; they nro he-
Ing held secreted in Downing street.
CnotM Cnurtil
Ajar reaching victory In Hukawiun,
Hie Austrian crown land on enstrro
extremity of thu Russian front. In
claimed In nu official iiimiiuccmciit
from I'ctrogrud. According to this
statement Hie ItiiH-lutm havo swept
through lliiknwiun, taking back iniieli
of ilia territory which thev held ear)
ier In tho war until they were driwn
out by tho Austrian. Their successes
nro rcsoribed hm of Mich importance
that iliev initio than offset tho An-
tro.Oortuan victory In western Onliein
in the drivo from Crnrow. It U re-
ported tho Itiissiaus have taken
fxerunwitx, capital of ullkowiuii, hnv
lag lirokeu down Austrian rriitiuiro
over n (HI. mile, front and cuptutcd
JO.OOd prisoners.
Tho liitssinn war offieo concedes n
further iclrcat in Itiisslnn Poland he
tweon tho Piliea and Vistula river on
part of Iho long front over which they
hao been 'OiuKlled by the, Auslrn
(Icriimn armies to fall line);.
In tho nnnlnncllow
Tho Turkish general staff at tho
Dardanelles, iemiU lliatt ho allied on
Saturday uiiido several iiltaekH on the
Turkish right wing. H i said they
wero jcpulsed with tho loss of 1 .()()
num. Thu Iiritish pre rcprosculu
live at llio Dardanelles tolopgrnphs
(hat thu allies havn now advaueed
about five. miles up tho (lallipoli pen
Tho success of tho offensive of tho
allies around I, a Itashen is, in tlm
oiinlou of (ho llritisb observers, bal
anced by thu Ititsslnu reverses in tho
eastern iireun of tho war, a reverse,
which it is argued in London, may
show u different aspect when tho
ItiiHsian counter stroke in eastern
(laliciii mid Hiikawina is fought out.
In southern Poland thu Russians t'm
loss to having lieen forced to retreat
to a now lino between (ho Piliea liver
ami llm upper Vistula. Consequently
(Continued on Page Four)
LONDON, May 18. Announcement
yenterdny that King Ooorgo wus about
to dlscoiitltiuo racing In uald toduy
to huvo been erroneous,
Thu king scratched two of his can
didates for tho derby, Friar nml Mar
out), and this news was given out yes
terday, Front It tho assumption was
iiiiide Hint bis majesty wrh lo stop
tuclfig and other horso ownurs b'o
Kn to follow his example, Today It
developed that the king has Sam
Hinroo WtH h Uih dnrby,
Jono Chayas, President, Shot and
Probably Fatally Wounded by Sen
ator Freltas, Who Is Himself Killed
by Soldier Order Reported Re
established. LIHIlDN, via Paris, May JR. Bon-
ator Frelluii, who hnt nml danger
oimly wounded Jono CIihkim, pronl
ilont of thu now cabinet, wni ulnln nt
tho Hntroeamonto railway Hlatlon by
a soldier who wltnciiicd tho attack
on Honor Cliaicn. Ily lili action tho
oldlcr forcotnllcd an atnault on Fret
ln by civilian who wero clamoring
for lila life. Tho aaln' body
still la lying ou tho ntntlon platform
awnltlng the arrival of members of
Ida family.
II was Kroltas who led tlm attack
on I ho sennto agalnit Alfonio Coita's
party In tho parliamentary conflict
last jear. II Is believed In aomo
quartora that tho bullcta which struck
Chagas wero Intended for Costa, who
arrived In Lisbon early In tho day.
Xrv Cabinet rormel
A nuw Portuguoso cabinet was dof
Inltely formed today. It Is composed
as follews:
MlnUtor of Interior and President
of tho council during tho lllnoss of
I'oao Chapas, Joso Castro; minister
of flimnro, Ilarros Quelrox; minister
of Justice. Paulo Falco; minister or
foreign affairs, Telxelra Qiielre:
minister of colonies, Jorgo Uorelra;
minister of publlo works, Manuel
Montelre: minister of marine, Fer
nandas Costa; minister of public in
struction,' Magalhas Lima.
MADItll), May IS. A dispatch
from Lisbon filed lata last night,
says that oriler has been reestab
lished there. Scnor ChaRas, nlthoiigh
seriously wounded, has Improved
somewhat and was nlilo to talk with
political associates.
HpoUli (ViiImth Arrlvo
Tho Spanish cruisers Itlo do La
1'latn and Kxtrcmadcurn and tho
Spanish gunboat Itocaldo have arrived
at Lisbon, Tho Portugueso govern
ment has Issued a manifesto explain
ing that their prosenro wan merely
for tho protection of Spanish sub
jects. Tho Spanish legation Is guard
ed by sixty marines.
Tho report direct from Lisbon that
tho condition of Honor Chagan la Im
proved Is In conflict with an earlier
dispatch from Madrid sent by way of
Paris, saying reports had been re
ceived In tho Spanish capital that
Chagas had died of his wounds.
, NI3W YOItK, May 18. Tho Can
ard lino stoamor Ordunn sailed today
for Llvurpool with 225 passengers,
nono of thum Americans. It wus ro
ported that tho Orduna had on board
n largo cargo of supplied for tho Urlt
Ish govurnment.
Captain Taylor snld ho was not
worrying about submarines.
WASHINGTON', Mny 18. 'Opening
arguments against thu dismissal ot
tho temporary Injunction obtained by
tho Klgga National luink against Sec
retary McAdoo, Comptrollor Wil
liams and Troasuror llurke, wero con
aldorod today by Frank J. Ilogan,
ot coiiusol for thu bunk, -which
charges tho ftrat two officers con
spired to wreck It, louls D. Hran
dels nnd Samuel Untormyor, ropru
Houtlng tho offlulala will next argue
In Riipport of tho motion to dismiss,
and Former Senator llalloy will then
concludo tho argument for thu bank
opposing tho motion,
"Whoio do you find a conspiracy
liorcT" asked Justlco McCoy,
"The record shows," said Mr, Hog.
an, "flint, the niions of this man WIN
f f i-f-f-ff-f-f-f
dispatch In the Telegrnaf from
Dei l!n Hiiyn the impreMsloii re
ceived by a majoiity of the
persons who heard the speech
of Dr. Von Hcthiiiauu-IIollweg
tho Herman uhancellor ut tho
oHning of tho rciclotag today
was that war with Italy was
PKTItOmiAD, May 18. Kfforta
of tho Oermans to force crossing
of thu river San, In rontral tiallcla,
aro being concentrated north of
Prtemyal where a battle for the for
tifications along tho river slopes Is
now developing. According to latest
reports, tho Hermans havo been un-
ablo na yet to reach within striking
distance of Jaroslau and tho other
forlrcsMMi which constitute ono of tho
strongest Hus-lan ilofonslvo lines.
Tim Austrian official report of May
1R said tho Germans had occupied
Farther south atonK the San In
tho neighborhood of Llsko and Sanok
Gorman activity la reported but tho
operations (hero evidently are less
Important, being moro In tho nature
of cavalry reconalssanccs.
Kollrcmcnt of tho Ilustlan forces
from positions In the Carpathians
resulted In a compact and effective
massing of their troops from the Ban
to Uukowlna. Husslan successes la
tho latter region, giving them ontlro
control of tho rivers Pruth and Dnols-
tor aro regarded hero as offsetting
tho success of tho Auatro-Gcrinan
forces In west Gallclo.
PAUIS, May 18. Germany's reply
to tho American nolo ou tho sinking
of tho Lusttanla will bo sent Thurs
day, according to tho Matin's Amster
dam' correspondent, who says ho Is
informed it will dofend Its attack on
the Stoamor on tho ground that tho
submarine comandor has affirmed In
his report that only ono torpedo was
fired, which convinces htm that tho
second explosion was duo to tho fact
thai tho ship carried munitions ot
war.;,. Tho report Is said to state that
the torpodo was tired In such a way
thai tho Lusltnnla would not havo
nik It eho had not bad explosives
Tho Matin's correspondent says U
la roportod In Amsterdam that Ger
many will throw tho responsibility
for tho disaster on Kngland and on
Amerlean authorities who permitted
passeugers to embark on a ship car
rying explosives. U Is bolloved in
Holland, ho asserts, that Germany
will decllno to modify Its methods
of submarine warfare.
IfnniR against tho bank wqro done
not 'only wltli tho approval, but by the
advice and consort of tho secretary.
Tjio constantly consulted about the
matter and worked ogothor alt down
the lino."
"After what waa almost a person
al affair when officers of tho bank
wero hailed before his majesty, sec
retary ofiko treasury, and thcer con
fronted by the prosecuUng attorney,
the comptroller of the currency, who
called one of them a liar," he said,
"these1 two officials started out on
that nefarious course of conduct
which let) up to this litigation. That
Is tho conspiracy that we allege."
"J ,,.?P' y signs of a cog
Piracy ,hprp, wha'tevnn" said JustUe
Five Miles ef Uncle Sam's Warships
Steam t Sea Saluting President
Aboard Mayflower Off Statue of
Liberty C to Participate In Man
euvers Off Newport.
NBW YORK, Mny 18. Tim big
fleet of warships which has been nt
anchor in tbeMliuIsun river for ten
ilaya steamed out lo sen at 11 o'clock
today with President Wilhoti review
ing Hie fivo-milo line as it passed the
Mayflower off Hie studio Liberty.
Headed by tfae stiperdrcadiiHiicht
Wyoming, Admiral Fletcher! flng
sliip, sixteen battleships and tho train
of lesser t'rnft, sfenmed pHst the prcs
IdentV yacht ut a speed of fourteen
knots, eacii ship with its sailors nnd
marines standing at the mil nt at
tention. Ah each craft ncared the
Mayflower, her. six jKjundcru fore mid
lift, let looa while puffs of smoke
nnd oxer the harbor there roared the
thunder of a presidential saluto of 21
TIiohmmxJm Line lUnk
Tens of thousands of jwrsons view
ed Hie great marine tiroccssion. Alowg
the water front qn both sides of tSe
Hudson the piers wcru lilaek witii
sH'etntors, the windows of downtown
skyscminTH went fall nnd llnttery
Park, southurmost tip of Manbattati,
was thronged.
Trafflo on the Hudfon was sus
pended between the Manhattan and
New Jersey hhoros half an hour be
fore the fleet sailed. Fcrrj boats, ex
cursion steamers, iijk and other craft
lay ut dock wilh.jiiiiny thoiihnnds of
jsjrsoiis who kudetne to watch the
Tho sky was overi'iist, but tliroiigh
tho clouds tho miii idiotic ut intervals.
Off fop Newport Maneuvers
('loop by the Mayflower lay the Do!
phin, the Isis nnd the Yankton, with
government officials, members of tho
citizens committee', viiewHpiornien
and invited guests uhotird. .Standing
at anchor, the little reviewing squad
ron tossed out streams of tcnnnnts
and bunting.
Ah each battle-hip passed the May
flower with tho crew lining mils nnd
turrets with a fringe of blue, the
ship's baud played tho national an
them. Lenving New York the fleet mnde
for NewHrt, tho rendezvous from
which will bo directed maneuvers in
tho war game aloug tho Atlantic
const, Tho president nnd mot of his
party had nrranged to return to
Washington aboard the Mayflower,
tho notable exception to the program
being Secretary Tumulty who was to
go back to the capital by train.
LONDON, May 18. Tho trial of
Anton Kuepferlo, who claims to bo a
naturalised American citizens, resid
ing at ono time In Brooklyn, charged
with spying, oKned In Old Da I Icy
police court today before Lord Head
ing, Lord Chief Justice, and Justices
Avery and Lush. Tho authorities de
cided at the last moment on a publlo
trial and tho court room was crowd
ed. Th.o charga alleges that tho pris
oner, with tho Intention ot assisting
tho enemy of Groat Drltaln, felonious
ly attepipted to communlcatoMnfor
niatlon rosinictlng warships and mil
itary forces and material calculated
to be useful to the enemy. Kuepferlo
pleaded, ot guilty, In opening the
case the attarnoy 'general remarked
that tho prisoner had claimed to be
an American, but the prosecution
contendod ho Isa German.
Na Intimation of torman Reply.
WASHINGTON, May 18. Ambas
sador Gerard has transmitted no In
dication from the German foreign
office as to when a reply to the Am
erican note may be expected. Sec
retary rtryan said today nothing "of
Importance" had been received from
the ambassador and that the state
department was without advices as
t wln tho reply, wouli be tyj)t,
t" ? .
8YK AtTKK, N. Y May 18.
' .-Tll, lilttl if Hln t'tilitli,f In
William Barnes suit for libel
against Theodore Hooscvelt
was presented in the supreme
court late today. Counsel will
sum up their respective
cases tomorrow.
prohibition npiinst payment of divi-
Icnds and an order that j?1,0o0,000
be exK-nded in three years for im
proved service, were contained in the
final report on tho finances of Hie
United Itnilwuys mode today by the
California railroad commission.
A deficit of $4,000,00 instead of n
surplus was stated to cxit nnd the
exact amount "unaccounted for" of
the 41,000,000 withdrawn by former
President Patrick Calhoun, wus de
termined to be $!07,588.
The commissionV report also stat
ed the "books of tho company were
not kept in a manner to indicate" the
tnio condition of affairs at the time
Calhoun's ocrntions were made
known in Jtay, 1014.
The orders to the company today
were mandator. They were to the
effect tho company r.hall- jsxpend
$.V0,000 annually for three years to
improve service. Of this sum $J,"0,-
000 may be disbursed ncocrdin to the
company's judgment but $1100,000
annually must be spent under the sup
ervision of the commission for better
Because of the financial condition ot
the corporation it was ordered not to
pay dividends, "in the absence of any
plan for restitution of the $1,()!)0,000
withdrawn from tho company' treas
ury by Calhoun.
LONDON, May 38. In tho bouso
of lords this afternoon, Secretary of
War Kitchuer said ho wanted 300,
PQ0 more recruits to form new unuici.
Ho expressed his confidence that in
tho very near future tho 'country
Would be in n satisfactory position
with regard to the bupply of uiumuta
(ion. The news from Gnllipoli peninsula,
in other words tho Daiduuellss, was
thoroughly satisfactory, Karl 'Kitch
ener declared.
Tho secretary for war also said
that tho llritisb and French govern
ments fplt that the allied troops must
bo adequately protected against poi
sonous gases by tho employment of
similar methods. Tlioo would re
move tho enormous nnd unjustifiable
advantage which must otherwise ex
ist. TO ML: CASH
' WASHINGTON. May 17, Tho de
partment ot Justlco today filed in the
Bupremo court a petition for a writ
of certiorari to bring' the criminal
anti-trust caso against Ua officers
of tho National Cash Register com
pany of Dayton, O., before that tri
bunal. John II, Patterson and other of
ficers ot tho company were convict
ed ot conspiracy to violate the anti
trust laws In tho district court for
the southern district ot Ohio, but
the convictions were reversed by the
federal circuit court ot appeals.
"This," says the government in a
brief filed with potlUon, "la the moat
Important case ever brought under
the anfl-trust laws. The Indictment
charged that by the Use 61 practicab
ly all known, means of unfair com
Humanity WHI Soon Try to Decter
Criminals Instead of Abusing and
Mlsjudftr Them, Asserts Lator
Attorney Ns Final Remedy fw
Unrest Except the Crave.
WASHINGTON", May IS.-Clnr-encc
S. Darrow told the industrial re
lations commission today he believed
the day not far distant when jails
and prisons would be abolished and
hospitals would take- their places.
"I don't mean that mom; people
won't be confined," he said, "bHt they
will be treated for their social ilia and
not punished. Punishment is barbar
ism and the people generally are be
mining to realize it. borne day we
will try to wipe out the cause of
crime and doctor criminals instead of
abusing nnd misjudging them."
"I believe Rockefeller and Stand
ard Oil hnte a most evil social in flu
ence but Mr. Rockefeller thinks he is
a innoccnf as any one, and justifies
himself unto himself. Everybody
thinks himself innocent.
Hesistancc of military and other
constituted authority, if that antltor-
jty was abusive, Darrow urged was
justifiable, arguing that liberty al
ways had been maintained by blood
shed. As one of the first steps to
ward an ideal social community, he
urged public ownership of land,
mines, forests and railroads.
''There is no final remedy for tin
rest, e.ept the grave," declared 'Dar
Discussing the bovcott, Darrow de
clared it a natural weapon men had
used from the beginning,
"It comes from the philosophy of
life," he said, "luu and I boycott
some one every' day. You can't help
hoycottinsr and it it idle to try to pre
vent it. Dut the boycott often works
grent injustice."
''Do ou regard public opinion as of
nny value to organized labor!" asked
Commissioner Wcinstock.
"It is the greatest force there is,
but it is necessary to win pablio re
sect. All that is necessary is to
capture the public's imagination."
Hut for standing behind the right
ns ngninst tho wrong, Darrow de
clared the "American people aro the
poorest excuses in the world."
Havo No Nationality
"We have no nationality," bo con
tinued, "you can't tell what an Amor
ienn will do. Ono day ItoosevcU is
tho idol of the American people. The
next day people are trying ft see who
can throw tho most stones at him,
Admiral Dewey captured the admira
tion of the American people because
bo battered to pieces a few old tubs
in Manila Bay. The public went
wild; it got up a donation for bim,
and envo him a Ivouso and, lot. Ho
deeded it to his wife, and the people
all went hack on him in a minute.
Discussing tho ability of tho poor to
defend themselves in the courts, Cora,
missioner Wcinstook asked Darrow
how much ho was paid for defending
tho McNamaras. Darrow replied that
money wns raicd fro mthu defense
and that he was paid $18,000 for six
months' work "nnd theu spent u year
and n half nnd all tho money defend-
mi? myself."
petition the defendants have ruined
and forced out of business a number
of competing cash register companies
and acquired 95 per cent or the cash
register trade, of the United States."
Tho, reversal of the coavictlon, the
brief says, has been taken by many
to indicate that the criminal provis
ions ot toh anti-trust laws are uncn
forclble and that general acceptance
ot this view, even If mistaken, will
to the greatest eoasequences,
The government holds that the cir-
ttt court's decision was based upon
a fundamental misconstruction ot the
anti-trust laws, mistaken views ot
"monopolisation," a conspiracy la
restraint ot trade, in applying the
statute of llmllatlaa and to the re-
hulrements Indictments under the
antMrtist law,
ITALY Sllf ?
Alarmist Rumors Cfrcnlatotf ParM.
merit te Be Askod TNtrMkiy If 0H-
MaMAJPU aVaMlAll aftflflt AAUdatflMaUMfji
IfJT riVfflny rvWVTt Wfl WTHrifrllm
TrHHHM Bt(rM "tte.Bk Is
Cast, Trltfe Mm
rtf h
ROME, May IS. The atrtemsMles
ot every awnifceref (he easiest WHh
the ewpWtrwfiistr, g4a4raw
were coiu'lsiaiiiWfsi'- tesky by ftM '
array autthMtMee.; r
ROM33$.i. The Italls if? '
llament will btf ak4 Tattfftlay t
vote only wa.MH ssnaliHe,a (ton-
gie clause ytvuttnt smsmt stw-
.... '-
ers oa the treverameat, aeHlag ta
the Oleraale d'ltalta. riaal aettM
regarding war Is net expected ttatlt;
after that time, uattl Austria sake,
the first were, whteh t soaslilered
unlikely la view et the paettle spsseh
made la the Hungarian (Het.c
Alarmist rurnera ef alt klada are
being circulated la Rome and the
situation Is m tease there are mmy
who believe them all. Oae report
today was that Prlaee voa Baetew,
the German ambasader, already had
left the city secretly. I twaa un
founded although a speelal trala wm
kept In readlaeea te earry him te St.
Gothard if a hreak eemee, as he hi
uadersteod te haTe expreeeed a with ,
to return to Berlla by way ef 8wlts
erlaad. Aaether speelal stand with.
steam up ready te speed for the Aus
trian feratler by way ei Verea at
Breaaer wHh Bare re Maeshle, '"
Auatrlaa ambassador aad hi sttt.
GieMttt Nets
Fereigm Mtalsfr-g ! esaatef
red at leagth this afters wttk
British amhaader aid the Rubmw-
iaa minister.
Former Fremler Glelltti, whe
dramatic appearance la Kerne preetp-
lated a ministerial crisis heeaUM eC
his avowals for peaee, started t4y
for his heme la the village et Ca
vour, acompanled oaly by hw son-in-law.
Deputy Chwravlglle. Before
leaving he expreeeed to friend the
hope that he seen would be able t
explain hew greatly he ha been mis
understood and how ardently he de
sires the 8ueeessful malntenanee ef
the honor ot the fatherland to whkh
the remainder of hk life's efforts will
be devoted.
The cabinet eeunell today was
of the longest en reeerd. At IlJaN
brief communteatlen was Issued
stating that the ministers dlseiMeed
the statement to be mnde before par-
King Victor Kmmanuel spent th
entire day in granting audleaee ta
government offleiats and in the con
sideration of military aad. polltletl
Feverish Activity Prevail
The general ataft eeatlaued with
feverish aettvlty Its preparations fer
There were further demenstrattena
ot rejoicing throughout Italy at' the
solution ot the ministerial crisis. Ik ,
Rome a great crowd climbed the Cap
Itoltne Hill to listen te a fiery ad-
dress ot GabrMe d'Annuaztc, who
was carried on the shoulders ef the
people. He declared war was, sacred,
purifying and exalting. The enthus
iasm was increased by an addres by
Prince Coloana, mayor ofltome, In
which lie emphasized the necessity
for Italy to participate ta the war. ""
a an article aummarlxlatMhe sit
uation the Tribuna says "the die 1
.cast, tho Rubicon Is crossed and the
triple alliance has been deMMaeed.
in mimm
KL PASO, Tex., May IS. A5tcl
Villa, a brother of Ueaecal yrancJsesj
Villa, died late yeeiarday 5 trap
wounds reeelved Un a.Vrawrat OSO
huhau City, aeeerrflng to advtea Mr
ceived today at Jaarsp. ' Keveral 4av
Atl tL'OIA Iplltikjl JJ" MlAuMilAil
ivi Miiffu sapBMB rwajjKm
The fight are, it wa'taWtt4
fielally, wImw VUla, an etleer Ja Mi t
brother's army; attempt! to ausjhaV :
seme iatuxleated aoldwMat Um ImII
ring la the OMa)ttwi aUt
'The iitetdeat vai awM to havo
I Mlltloal sUnlfteaaa. "