Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 15, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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medford rarxin tribune, medford oRrccioyr, Saturday, way i, i.015
..-I f .
Til" (lienler Moitfonl Club muni
ml, with Mri. Klrhy Mlllor ho'tcrni,
wan linlil .Monilny iifttirnonn, May 10,
nt tin Htttr llientr'. Tin ntnKewnii
lirofiim-ly decorated wllli row,
which tumUlmr wlili the pretty rn
tunic, uv(i Hint nrtlMIc ettlnn ho
helpful to in iimK-In n n. , jjood lrci
widliitcit ot mimic loveu tilled tho
Tin duct, 'Oil, That Wo Two Worn
.Mll)lllK," llll olll fl VtM lit', WHN plettH
liicly niitiK l' Mm. Hurl Tliclroff nml
ilr. rredejlck Lunge.
Tlm t lr nolo, "My Alrl Talk," In
n Imllml of exceptional pnthoii, and
iim well riltirt1 by Mr. I'orter J.
Nff, who ioi'hm'h n villi" of fine
tenor iiinllt)'.
Tim ptaun nolo, "A Pay In Von
Iff," Include; llirett part, "Tim flon
iloln," "Tim l.oy Komk" nml "(looil
Miilit." Tim poetic nml dreamy
character of tlm cnuiiolllon won
well lirouwlil nut liy Mli Venlta
Hamilton, who played In her muni
fliil.heil tylt.
Mr. Tlielroff nang a noprano nolo,
"If I Were a Hone," n linllntl rotjulr
Iiik n nynipatlintlc (iinliy of lone.
Thin Is n well known chararlnrUlle
hIiikIiik wan lututially Reed.
Tint violin nolo, "Prayer From tint
Jewel of llui .Madonna," n colo noted
for It beauty, wnn Riven hy Mm.
Zela Whll" Paley, a violin plaer
writ known for her fine, mcrutlon,
Mm. Frederick Lunge, n rcnldcnl
of .Medford and formerly of I.0111I011,
1,'iiKlaiul, nng In n well trained con
trnllo volro tint dcftcrlptlvn ballad,
"An Old Harden." In rcuin to
nn encorn who wnn no kind ai to
ulnt: another ballad.
Mm. I'ality dullRhtcd tlm audi
into with niinllmr lolln nolo, whlrh
hu tlm elonlnjt number.
Tlm appreciation of tlm audlcnco
.wan khown by Ihn Imnrly aplaur
of ovi'ry number.
Mm. Klmer Chlldcr wnn vrry
pleasantly mirprlned nt their orchard
homo. North Phoenix, Thurtday, by
tlm Klvo llundri'd Club or Central
I'olnt. I.unch bclnji dorviul from tlm
well filled banket prepared by tlm
rluli, tint remainder of t ho dny wnn
lnt with flvn huiidrd, fancy work
nml coneratlon Tliono present
wit" McmlnmcN W)nn leevcr, Ken
iiclh llrbi, (Icoi-rc rank")', Jaimm
t'orniitl. Hhlpley Itoiw, Mm. II. Kami
imon of Tnromn, Wniib., n Burnt of
the club, tlm Mln.c I'rarl Hon nml
Frnnclnc McXnmnr. .
Mm. Alnn Hrarkcnrcod, who hni
been In tlm Harrml lloarf liospltnl
Hlucn tlm flmt of tlm month, In re-rovi-rliiR
nlowly but ttatlnfiiclorlly
from tlm ctffrrtn of un oporatlon.
Him will rriniiln In tho bonpllal
nbout ten day loiiRor.
Tlm I'orKol'.Mp'Not club wnn en
i'ilulin'"l by Mm. ('. I'lcklo nl lnr
homiT, 34 CotlnKit ntrrut, Thumduy
nflornoon. At i o'clock n ibilnty two
rournc luncicou wim nurvud, Klnnlly
nil tlopurtod, thunkliiK tlm IiokIimr for
n dollRbtful nftcrnoon,
Tho mooting ot tlm l,ArontTA,cli
urn' Clrclo of tho WnshliiRton nchool
will bo hold noxt W'odnondny after
noon, May intli, at tho nchool bulliN
Iiik. A larRC nttndnncn In dcnlreil
nn officer will bo eluctnd for tho on
niilnii )oar.
Tho Indln of tlm Catholic church
gnvu nnothnr of tlmlr populur duncoa
In tlm Miimll hull of tho Natatorlum
I'rldny ovoiiIiir,
An iMiJoynblo ovonliiR wiih ipont by
all proHont, Tho iiiubIo wan fur
iiImIhkI by llnxtdrlHR'n orchontrn,
Tho Colony Club wan ontortulnon
nt bildKo at tho homo of Mm, l''rod
orlck N, UopkltiR at her ranch homo,
tlm Snowy Hutto orchard, Thumdny
Tlm Nnllo HrldKo Club win) ontor
tnlimd at tlm homo or Mm. G. A.
KiiIrIU at hir homo on Kant Main
tttrrot Thurnday afternoon..
Mr. and Mm, Corning Knnly nnd
chlldron nrrlvod Friday anrt havo
(ulion tho Stanton (Irtffla buiiRatow
for tho Biimmor,
Mr. and Mm. H, F. Oiillu-Io enter
tnlnod at dlnnor Tluimday and Fri
day nluhtu at their ranch homo near
Mm, U, 0, LuniBdon ontortntnod
tho Friday nrldxo Club at her linma
on Mouth Holly utreet 'Fililuy after
On Timmlny flvcnlim tlm Mlnnnn
Miuy ami Kdua (loni ontorlitlnod with
n lliit'ii nhowcr for Minn Mnrnarot
JnckK. Tlm Kui'titn wnr nmt at tlm
door by l.aura York, iIUkuIimiiI an
lilniih." I.nltr "Dinah" roiulurlod
lint uni'tttn Into another room, and
kIvIiik MIhk Jnckn a daintily trlmnmd
do thru basket, nuked Iht tq tnkn
down tlm wnnhlntr. Many dnlnty nnd
iiwftil Rift wnrn n-cnlvitd. Tlm
Kiii'ntn witr nnkrd to draw tlm plnnn
for tlm bnppy rotipln' futuro bourn.
Mnny nmiiHlns nrrniiRitumntn wpro
drawn, l.lttl" r'd cupbU, cleverly
coucfnlod In a bin rod heart, nnkml
qimMlnna which nimln miirh merri
ment wlmn nnnwird by tho rrowd.
A dainty nupper wan ftrvcd hy tlm
hONtfuncn, TIiohk prcneiit wore.
MInk MnrKan-t .Inckii, nnd tlm Mlfl
Dora Hmonk, Mnry , (lore, I .mint
TrHrhlrr, Cnrollta Jnck. (Irnrn Mlt
chull, Htnlla Krlbn. Oeiicvlev" Wort
ninn, ISniiiin Ditiw, Kttlier llnrrUou,
Mnry A. (lore nnd Kdnn (lore.
Tlm nirctlnrc of the Womnn'n Home
.Mlmlonary noclmy nt tlm M. K.
church 011 Ilnrtlelt trol Friday af
ternoon wan made onti of umuunl In
terent nnd (ho program whlrh wan
Klvcn following tlm biiMiiMm nennlon
by the llttlo ono who nrn enrolled
In tho Mother-.' Jewel cln.
llrliiRlnK In tlm 8heaoii, an an
openlne onic by all prenent.
Iterltatlon. Nellie Ola-cork.
Hour, Jeweln, Kleanor VanNeim.
Iterltatlon, HMher I'almur.
DlnliiKiie, nx boyn.
Jewel JliiRlen, ten llttlo r.lrln.
Koiik ami recitation, Gertrude
Mm. J. K. llnwklnn cave an In
terentlnit talk of the work being
done for the detltute and homelri
children by the Home Mlmtonary no
Mm, John Carkln gavo tho talk
lug mite box after which all ad
journed to tlm batetnent where two
long tnblen had been beautifully dec
orated with rotea nnd arranged to
neat nil tlm children prenent and then
nerved with Ice crenm nnd rake.
Kven though the weather wan not
all miniblne, tlm afternoon wan one
of Interest and itleaiure to tbono In
attendance at IliU meeting.
Monday evening, May 10, tho V.
It. C Indlen held a nodal In tlm lied
mnii hall, the occasion being the pro
actuation of a flag to the Bonn or
Major Andru called tlm meeting
to order and Introduced Attorney Mc
C'nbn, who In behalf of Mayor Kiner
Irk. prenented the flag to the Bonn
or Veteran. Prof. A. J. Ilanby In
well chonen word, mndo the accep
tation npeech.
Itev. I W. Camtenn of the nap
tint rhiirch gave the principal nil
drcM telling of the heroic deeds of
the boyn.
Mm. Nancy WlUon prenented a
birthday rake decorated with tiny
flag to the Bona of Veteran.
The vUltora wero then Invited to
the banquet hall where Ico cream nnd
cako were nerved by the W. Jt. C.
ladle. Tlm hall and table were
beautifully decorated suitable for tho
At the apodal builnenn meeting of
tho Amoiua clnnn Friday evening tho
following officer wero elected for
tlm eniiiliig nix menths: MUa
Thcono Carkln, prenldent; Mlsa
KlUabvth lllnckford, secretary ami
troanureri Ml Norn Dalley, nodal
president, and Mia MlWred Corey,
A vote of thank wan taken for tho
retiring prenldcnt Minn draco Drat
ney, In appreciation of hor npoclal
work In Uie eland. Mr. 11 J.
Ilolmott will tench tho lesson this
l'lunn for the summer wore din
cussed and roiortn from tlm differ
ent committees wn-c- road, Ten
mombcm were present.
Tho I'nrent-Toachor clrolo of tho
IiIkIi nchool will moot In tho high
school building Friday, Mny 21 at 3
p, m. A short business hohsIor for
tho election of offlcom for tho com.
lug year will bo followed by a nodal
Thin In tho tlmo for tho annual ex
hibit or the manual training nml do
most lo Hclenro departments of tho
high school, All patrons or the
high school nnd citizens riro Invltod
to attend,
MIsh Nydah Nell, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mm. Frank Null, bus recently
returned from a winter spout In Port
land, whuro Alio ntudled tho cello with
Ferdinand Kourad, Mlsa Nell ulso
hud practice with tho Portland Am
ateur Orchestral society,
Mm, 0. A. Knight van hostess to
tho Thursday iirldgo dub nt hor homo
on Kant Main atreet Thurmluy afternoon,
Mr. and Mm. nonar, residents of
238 South Holly street, entertained
Informally In honor of Mr. ami Mm.
Gray. Tho latter .a a sister or Mrs.
Charles llonsolman. Mr. nnd Mm.
Gray will shortly return to their
homo in Montnnn, Carda and music
furnished tho evening's entertain
ment. Refreshments were nerved and
at u lato hour the company departed,
voting Mr. and Mm. llounr royal en
tertainers, About forty members of, Ollvu He
bokah lodge or Medford responded to
tho Invitation of tho Ashland Hebok
ah lodge, to bo present at their Initi
ation nml banquet Tuesday evening
ami assist In tho degrco toum work.
The Medford degrco team Initiated
two candidates Into tho Ashland lodge
after inltlittlon. A abort program
was given, after which dnnclug was
enjoyed. A banquet wna served at
tho close of tho evening,
" ' ' I
Mm. (Porcy 'ood cntortalnod a
few of her frienda at hor homo on
North Uartlett Friday evening, A
dainty luncheon wan served. Tho
evening wna spent hi playing cards.
Tho gucstH wore the Misses Juno Wil
son, Uertha. J.oftus, Ethel Curry and
Holon Yockey.
The Girls' Thursday Hrldgo dub
was entertained nt tho homo ot Mrs,
Ira 1), Dodge Thumduy afternoon.
Tlm people or tho Griffin Creek
district had a Irani times nodal Hat
urduy night In the Itosednle school
house, Ihn firul noclul of tho kind held
In that district. There was n large
irowd nnd everyone seemed to havoj
u Jolly tlmo. Tlm program ronslitcd(
of Instruments) solos, romlc song
and recitations. Professor Wells or
Jacksonville gave a nhort talk on
having a community center and tbi
valtm of getting together. Tho ladloa
nerved supper of baked beans, aand
wlrlms, pickles, cake and coffee, af
ter which tho young folk played
gaums. Among the vlnltora present
wero Mr. nnd Mm. Percy 'Wells or
Jacksonville. Mr. and Mr. J. D. Skin
ner, Mr. WhUcnant, John Whlse
nant. Minn Delia Whlsenant and MIm
iletl Clirrord of Medford; C. L.
Hmlth nnd family or Phoenix, and
Mr nnd Mrs. Raymond Hinltb or tho
llurrell orchard.
Mm. Ulchard Pfdffer, Master
lllchard and l.lttl Dorrls, went
south last Wednesday to Join Mr.
Pfdffer. Their many friends wish
them bon voyaxo.
A lingo number of III'1 piirdiU,
Irm.'lii ih nml rriiiidH nl Hie J.incoli
Mlioui lielit a very iiU'iimiiil iitu' prof-
!ll.l.l If.... -I ,1... ...I I l...!,"" iiM-ri. .. ... ,...., I........B.dun.t SUnmn Mnlon
.nin..-nn.i. ....... rns, nddri. Itev
wnieii tiiiu neeu tipen to tue piionr
during flie r.'ij, minle it olinimlitu die
onitlon fur llio ritiini", while tlm niati
linl I nulling mid Miwitig exliilut
lirouglit forth miiiiy pli-itT.l nml ui
iri"i't n'liiuiks frtnn the i-ltii.
.Mm, lllHiimx, Hie iiresiilent of the
I'iiienl-TeiielieiV circle, hiijtxvnte.l
til" liiriiuilioii of n "IiiIIicik' elub,"
wliieh nIhuiIiI lirjntt the fntliiTH mine
uellvely in touch with ill" children,
expccliilly tlm ho.vw. Mr. Ilnnh.v
holc Init'lly, In voiiil lite plan Iroi'i
tlm ti'iiolieis' Htmiilpoiiit, lieemiHe, lie
hiihI, Ihn i;ieillrht need of the m'IiooIk
in n eloer ((.opcriitlon between the
(unentH mid Iciich'.T. Judge ICelly
licnttily itpprovnl nueh nn orgnitUn
tlmi nml Hpoke of tin impiovcmeiit Wi
the icliool-r nltico tlm organization of
llie I rrut -Tciifjior circles. He nnld
that ho believed (lint n father.' club
would ho of jirent service In the juve
nile uoiiit. MVmt of the .leliniueiit
ililltlieii, he nffiniied, ennlil ciisiiv be
tlaeitl to homes where theie was ti
lack of iuti'ii'it In the eliiltlren. With
flic li 11 elub o whom the eliiMtru
roiihl Im p.i ruled inniiv of the ilelnu
qtieut linen might he rreliiimed to
iiM'fut nnd hoiiornhli citizenship. Dr.
IticLrrt fxprcwt-ril hii nppmviil of the
plan niul hoped Hint through nn or
gnnixntioii the mIiooI liuildliigH might
he nH'iied not only to tbee ini'itingi,
hut also for tlm In1" dNeiiKsion of nil
sulijeclH which have to do with the
publie welfnre. After fuvonihle re
mark hy othci geiitlcuieii, .Mr. Ilanby
hii appointed to nnine it committee
in the near future who xhotild tonnu
late plans nml tall a meeting to mt
feet hiieh an orgnnintimi. Jt U
pliimicil to have similar elub1 organ
ized in the different sections of the
city which shnll work together for
the iielteniient of the children, eeo
cililly the bon.
MIh 1'lorencc Triuvhride then
Ming n very p!t' nolo. Mm
HnwkiiH ndlcd to tlm pleasure hy
rendliiR "TluJiuer.."
The principal speaker of the even
ing whm Dr. Kiekert, who sjioke upon
"the cure of the eyen nnd when
gliifMW hhoulil he worn." Hit miM
that brain truiniiic nml eve Mtviitg
went together, niul that much nwk
wnnluesH iiml ilullncsi niiion ehil
dreil we iiu to defeetive ight, un
known tv pnrentit nml teaehem. Thai
UiIh would eniisr neteii sfntin on
other pint of the body beeittine, the
ehilil expended two or three times the
amount of ncivotis force to leant his
IcHium that he would need to if hit
vision were uomiiil.
After it very direful and instruc
tive explanation of the slriictuinl de
fect k of the eyo hy meniiK of diu-
grnmu, he showed how the Icnsei
used would overcome the trouble. He
said Hint glasses should he woni
whenever lliere ia ft lack of nciile vN.
ion nml brought foieihly before us
that eye utriiin used much nervous
force which nhouhl go to other work.
raining di'.ect in remote pints of
(he body. If Hih stntin U removed,
then nnltiro of her own accord will
heal the body. This entertaining and
instructive evening wits hrought lo u
close hy a violin solo hktllfully played
hy Miss Aileen IVrl.
The next mectlnj of (ho Lincoln
Parent-Teachers' club will he n luisi.
noftH meeting nt .1:15 p. in., Thursday,
lo eleel officerH for tho coming year.
f Wednesday evening ft reception. enpup FnflM "nnRP (1FTHP naNP.Hri'' STAR. fltlNnAV. MDMnAV
wnn nlven llov und, .Mrs. F. W. Cam
tens and family by tlm membern ami
friend of tho lliiptlnt cliiinb- At
n 30 n biinquut was served lo about
Titt jiitrsons In the hasemont of tlm
M, III cliiiich, after which they ad
Jotirned to tho Jlaptlst church, which
wiin tastefully decorated In red and
green, where a most enjoynblo pro
gram wan given, Doxology, congre
gation Invocation, H I,. Dennett: ad
dress of welcome, II ('. OnrmUt, ad-
dress, Itev. V. I Hhlelds, plnno.
ami Hutchln-I
son; address Jlev it. j;. Tucker,,
I solo, Miss Florence Ifazelrlgg; nd-l
drenx, llov, J, IC Hawkins; quartet, I
M HiuelrlxR ami lllnman, Mesxr
IMiueadcn ami Dennett; address, ('
O. Pewer: reading. Miss Grace.
Ilrown; address, Hon, W. I. Vawter;,
solo. Forest iMmeades; resicnses,
Itev unci Mm. Carslenn; "Illest lie
tlm Tie That Dlnds," congregation.
inula:; Wi'.m hihiiiim
i1lnm' LU'-Hd' annnV .V rmSE H
nnnnnnnW tBmv KBmmUXBf'mr ll aHg
JnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW siTtiVnBBK 'i'-tMf ., tnf!allV
pBnsssssssssssssssv BnsssssssssssBnWflBnBCt BnssT vvvisssssssw. t .nsssssssssss.'
J.ilsilHVIi9n9kiV' 'iPiiB
lnHif .aJbS InnnnnlEf Jm nv r'JliW
aHiMVLKl) I sfuaaA'B't-"-1
HiKJBlrMT 1 mmZ- i 'IlBS'1
BlV ' I iHntSit-TtRKflnnV
IRIK lininnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnninnHr v -H
i!!" v:!nSng-ininnnnnnnmJf -$VWJ
'snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlt i "' (Mflk&lHMnjsntMiaP'l
PPPPPPPPPPPPPAl 0in7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7n7inB1cr SnTnTnTnTnTnsTflK 4
'vinsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnV HtnssMnssssssnHssssVsinsssslMftninBBinVBr I
TanssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHB.Ininssst InsssssssssssinsssssssssisssssssinsitU
filnsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssllk" J ;ilnsssssnisssssssssssssss1
Mm. Charles Palm entertained a
few friends nt a dinner party Sunday
evening at her homo on Holly
street. The gticntn were- Mr. and
Mm. II. I', l.umsden. Mr. and Mrs.
Jap Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. C. I.
Mr. nnl! Mrs. W. A. llulcl ot Ann
Arbor. Me., ure guests or Medford
friends for a few days.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georga II. Carpenter
returned this week from a short trip
I to San Francisco.
Mm. George D. Canode, assisted by
Mm. Porter J. rcir, entertained a
number of friends at tea thin after
noon nt tho homo of the former on
Dakota avenue In honor of Mm.
Canodo's mother. Mm. Ncff nnd Mm.
Sargent, who leave next week for the
Wednesday afternoon the Catholic
I-ndles of tho Altar society gave their
weekly tea at tho parish hall. Mm,
N J. Garrett and Mm. harles L.
Schleffclln were hostesse.
Mr, t. M. Tinnt -- '---- &.
TltiiMltltV f.llltMtluA Attjlt ki I 1 AlllL.' t'
on Went Main street Tuwiday afWf
Mrs. W. It, dy entertalawT
dlnnor Friday evening for the Mt
June and May Barhart.
The Verdict
convincingly and overwhelmingly for Goodrich.
This company alone through the daily press of January 31st fv to th con
suming public the most sweeping reduction ever made in tire prices. This
established the only genuine Fair-List in existence on non-skid tires today.
Goodrich prices were dated February 1st in ordinary course. Other tires were
reduced in prices a few days later and the reduction dated back to February 1 st.
f i
Every real price-reduction on tires has fol
lowed the lead of Goodrich.
As always, Goodrich policy and Goodrich
methods first gave the tire user the benefit of
reduced prices.
We lowered tire cost for
Viy tire user when we did
Wc went more than con
tent to await the verdict
And that verdict is over
whelmingly and convincingly
in favor of Goodrich Tires and
of Goodrich Fair-List prices.
We knew that the tire
user was buying mileage
service he was buying what
the tires would do for him,
rather than so much bulk
rubber and fabric
We knew what our long
years of rubber manufacture
and tire-making had taught
We knew we were mak
ing tires which had exactly
the right amount of rubber
and the right quantity of
fabric to deliver exactly the
right kind of service
We knew that too much
rubber and too much fabric
would be as detrimental' to
the service of the tires as
too little,
The tire user knows that
Goodrich led in putting tire
prices on their just and
proper level.
Only 5 PLUS for
the Best Non-Skid
i u c
it the
Safety Trtad
Noto the following table of comparative prices on
non.WSd tire. Column headed "A." "B," "C" ami "D"
repreient four highly advcrtlicd tiro and be lure to
note Goodrich Safety Tread cott from S to 48 JJ lea
than other hown belew:
SUe SfctT . .
Ttc.a "A" "B" "C" t-
30x3 9.45 '10.55 '10.95 '16.35 'lt.lf
30x3 12.20 13.35 14.20 21.70 23.W
32x3 14.00 15.40 16.30 22.05 25.30
34x4 20.35 22.30 23.00 31.15 33.55
36x4 20.70 32.15 33.00 41.05 41.40
37x5 133.901 39.001 41.001 49.05 52.05
You pay money for your tires. You want
miles from your tires.
Goodrich Tires arc built to deliver mileage
at the least cost per mile, and to deliver it with, jj
the greatest ease, the greatest y
comfort and the greateet
Every ounce of enerff,
every bit of intelligence, every-.
flash of genius, every atom
of efficiency in the wheJe
Goodrich organisation has
been concentrated on this
proposition of making tires
which will merely give the
greatest mileage at the least
The Goodrich tire user
know that right now, today
with all the stampede te
meet Goodrich prices, Coed
rich quality is not met and that
his dollar buys more tire
service in Goodrich tires.
"As good as Goodrich"
is today the plea.
Let us say to you, in all
good faith and with every
confidence in the fair-minded
judgment of the tire user..
that no other tire made has
in it and of it the experi
ence, the know-Aour and the
know-why which govern the
selection and the combina
tion of the exact Quality
quantity of rubber and fab
ric which constitute Good
rich Tiros. st
but Si
sronv kar
t-nuolA tnaJi
.Miii'li ititliuii'fNim J Iiw'h), yit
tounrtln the tyiwwritinK rtfmtHi lo h
liclil Kritlny, tha S8lli. Vretirnltmy
cmitrAti ure beinjc hclil regularly iW
mjr the niftlit KesnionK.
MiMn Hn-ol Putney onrollcil thW
we Tor tho leiiHipra' Htewigrftlilti
Wnltor Ifaxi Ihm xrr-urrtl nn office
position with tlii .Mnlfiml Fruit ctim
pnny nnd vill pnlr upon hH ilutie-i
Srttiinlny. -
Mnrrtin Vcrtift win thr first nh
drnt to receive one of the $2.f0 pffjt-l
piece riToittly offered nn n priro by
ihd fnnilty. An .f'JJSO gold picre ra
not in circulation they hnd to hcli c
cuicd frm Ihi mini, and rtni Worth
slihtfy more thnir fitco VBlne.
I). I. Vnn Gilder made if fAittinmi
trip to Aihlitnd Htrtlny, V -
Theodore Kohlo ih rweiitly fil
tered nijtHt tjohool. tnkinif iyptmf
Vemon O'llrien took a pfettmtpi
,v'i work tent in office , pra
Kiiday nrepHratorv to the VitJ
tost which will Ik Riven Ht-xt wc.
Vernon exjRctH to t-raduftt! with'lHM
ora hooh. "
A. X. l'fllraer, nutlior of PaWiwr
jwnman.thip, nwarded iloan VhnjjplA
a certificate lust vtA;.
Tbcsc certificate.-: nrtj haril lo se)w
mid nre much diwircd. -
Ono hundred jxrr cent speler in
Friday' test: Ue Korb, 'MarctM
Vertln. Uuth ifauumif, Annw Bate
man. ThU rseana they ej)41cd "sawa
SlfCclM9en re licinjr secured in
writing, nnd t.vpinj: hiidgcU art lieK
made up prepArator- for our ia'jpce
lion day.
"Goodrich First" is the verdict of the motoring public, which
knows that Goodrich first gave it the great benefit of Fair
List prices and which demands increasing thousands of
Goodrich m
Tires , 1
-" --- --tm-Mir $8
'. '
i'r,' V
'W " . H
" ?i ,M
mmm- .w I i.i i f-- r' t ' mm .-vwftw-71